Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rand Paul is still really hung up on Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

5:27 AM By No comments

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

During a taped interview set to run Sunday on C-SPAN's "Newsmakers" program, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul hit Bill Clinton for his sexual indiscretions. Again.

Here's the critical piece of what Paul told C-SPAN's Steve Scully:

"The Democrats can't say, 'We're the great defenders of women's rights in the workplace and we will defend you against some kind of abusive boss that uses their position of authority to take advantage of a young women' when the leader of their party, the leading fundraiser in the country, is Bill Clinton, who was a perpetrator of that kind of sexual harassment. Anybody who wants to take money from Bill Clinton or have a fundraiser has a lot of explaining to do."

Yeah, anybody really buying that Paul is all bent out of shape because Bill let Monica Lewinsky play the skin flute?

Yeah me either.

And while I cannot really defend Clinton's actions, he was not exactly taking advantage of an innocent school girl.

Monica knew exactly what she was doing, she flirted with him outrageously, did naughty things with his cigars, and even had the presence of mind to hang onto that blue dress. THOSE are not exactly the actions of a victim.

And the real problem here is that Rand Paul is conflating one man's sexual impropriety, with an entire political party's oppressive and insensitive anti-woman policies.

Hell, by all accounts Bill Clinton did not even screw that woman, but there is ample evidence that the Republican party has been screwing women in America for decades.



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