Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Final thought of the day. "You will never find scientists leading armies into battle."

6:50 PM By No comments

Final thought of the day. "You will never find scientists leading armies into battle."
Below is an excerpt from an interview that Neil de Grasse Tyson gave to Parade:

"You will never find scientists leading armies into battle. You just won’t. Especially not astrophysicists—we see the biggest picture there is. We understand how small we are in the cosmos. We understand how fragile and temporary our existence is here on Earth. We understand there are bigger problems we need to solve as a species than what God you pray to.

“Any time scientists disagree, it’s because we have insufficient data. Then we can agree on what kind of data to get; we get the data; and the data solves the problem. Either I’m right or you’re right or we’re both wrong. And we move on. That kind of conflict resolution does not exist in politics or religion. It does not exist in so much of what we do as human beings on this Earth that it’s almost tragic.

“I feared for the future of the world on witnessing [9/11]. I thought we had gotten past that, that the greatest atrocities the world had seen previously were over…. I was disappointed in us as a species.”

Just think about that for a moment. And then realize that the majority of the politicians in this country are lawyers, not scientists or teachers, but lawyers.

Lawyers are trained to win debates at all costs, usually through adversarial means. They focus on the win with no regard to the innocence or guilt of their client, and beyond that their focus is on making money.

These are exactly the wrong people to be making moral, educational, and optimistic plans for this country's future.

Personally I would be all in favor of having a Senator de Grasse Tyson from my state. And I think that if each state were to recruit educators and scientists and send them to Washington many of our most pressing problems might be cleared up in decade or less.



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