Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tomorrow Sarah Palin turns the big five oh. So to celebrate somebody made this video, which must be seen to be believed.

6:16 PM By No comments

This from Politico:

In the clip posted Sunday to Youtube by She-PAC, a political action committee focused on electing conservative women to office, Arizona Sen. John McCain, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), and other notable Republicans warmly wish Palin a happy birthday and thank her for her contributions to the conservative movement.

Highlights from the video:

Condoleezza Rice: “Congratulations on making it to 50, I’ve been there a long time. It’s really okay.”

Phil Robertson of the Reality TV show “Duck Dynasty”: “You don’t look a day over 40. Don’t let anybody kid you. God has been good to you, child.”

And his brother, Si: “Hi, Ms. Palin. Look here, happy birthday—29 and counting. Have a good one.”

Utah Sen. Mike Lee: “Enjoy some moose hunting or do whatever else that a mama grizzly does on an important birthday.”

Cruz: Your unwavering courage and commitment to America is inspiring. You are a warrior. And I couldn’t be more proud to stand beside you fighting alongside the American people to save this great nation.”

McCain: “I will treasure our memories and I will always be grateful to you”

Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch: “You have guts, you have ability.”

Gingrich: “Your courage, your clarity, your willingness to speak out is really important.”

Wow, can you believe they got McCain to participate in this crap?

The group that made it calls itself ShePAC and this is how it describes its mission statement:

Conservative women have proven to be amongst the most effective advocates for conservative principals and the most electable candidates in swing states and districts. The idea of a "conservative woman" flies in the face of liberal doctrine and poses a tremendous threat. As we’ve seen, the left will stop at nothing to seek and destroy that threat.

ShePAC exists to Support, Honor, and Elect these strong, conservative women who put their name on the line to fight for freedom and constitutional principals. Join with us today to stand against brutal liberal attacks and to positively promote emerging conservative women who will lead our country.

Oh yeah this is EXACTLY the kind of organization that would be willing to support an individual as incredibly flawed as the Wasilla Wendigo.

An organization that supports allowing men to control a woman's reproductive rights, supports allowing employers to continue paying women less than men, and apparently wants to keep letting health insurance companies count a uterus as a preexisting condition.

How very pro-woman of them.



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