Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just a reminder to the Right Wing concerning exactly WHO signed the agreement to withdrawal troops from Iraq. Hint: It was not President Obama.

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Just a reminder to the Right Wing concerning exactly WHO signed the agreement to withdrawal troops from Iraq. Hint: It was not President Obama.
Courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:

Republicans don’t seem to have the same sort of memory that most of us have. Theirs seems to be much more selective and malleable. In other words, if the real memory doesn’t support their current position it can morph into an entirely different one. Such seems to be the case as they assess the crisis in Iraq in which the Shiite dominated government seems poised to fall to a Sunni insurgency led by an al Qaeda offshoot called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The right rallied quickly to condemn President Obama, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the President’s entire National Security team for “allowing” this to happen. It is all his fault, they say, made possible when he pulled all of our troops out of the country in December of 2011. Had he left a stabilizing force in place, they say, this would not have happened.

This is a case of a complete memory morph since the withdrawal of our forces in 2011 honored an agreement between the U.S. and the Iraqi government which required that all of our troops be out of the country by December 31, 2011. That agreement was drawn up in October of 2008, during George W. Bush’s term, and ratified by the Iraqi government one month later — before President Obama took office.

And hey not to nitpick but Bush was also the one who ignored advice from the military not to invade Iraq, used faulty information to convince the American people it was necessary, did not provide our troops with the equipment and armored vehicles they needed to survive over there, declared victory before the fighting really even got started, and was never able to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden which was the originally stated goal for us sending any troops overseas in the first place.

But hey, at least he was white. Right conservatives?



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