Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Goods guy with a gun, kills bad ex-wife and new boyfriend, in front of 100 good people who did nothing.

2:44 PM By No comments

Goods guy with a gun, kills bad ex-wife and new boyfriend, in front of 100 good people who did nothing.
Courtesy of Raw Story:

An Illinois man reportedly fatally shot his ex-wife and her new boyfriend at a high school reunion in East Peoria over the weekend before being killed by an off-duty FBI officer.

WEEK reported that 33-year-old Lori A. Moore and her boyfriend, 36-year-old Lance E. Griffel, (pictured, above) were at The Fifth Quarter Sports Bar and Pizzeria on Saturday, when 40-year-old Jason A. Moore walked in and shot them both in the head at pointblank range.

Lori Moore was there to attend her reunion for East Peoria Community High School Class of 1999. More than 100 attendees witnessed the shooting.

According to the New York Daily News, an off-duty FBI officer shot and killed Jason Moore.

“It’s very difficult to say. You can play the ‘what if’ game over and over again, but I think it’s pretty clear in his case the presence of this officer and his ability to take very quick and very decisive action prevented a further tragedy,” East Peoria Police Chief Ganschow explained.

Lori Moore and her boyfriend were pronounced dead at OSF St. Francis Hospital several hours after the shooting.

The NRA will tell you repeatedly that access to guns keeps us safe, but I think we all know that the VAST number of gun deaths are muhc like this one, the result of a crime of passion, or an accident, or simply somebody angry at the world who kills for no discernible reason.

Of course we can never make and absolute determination as to how many people are killed by guns, and for what reason, becasue the NRA has been actively blocking efforts by the CDC to gather that data.

Which is odd if in deed they were confident in their belief that guns keep us safe, don't you think?



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