Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Worst advice for dealing with a gay child ever! Update!

1:58 PM By No comments

Courtesy of The Friendly Atheist:

His advice is broken up into two parts.

First, if the child is still a Christian, then you have to confront the child and get him to repent! If he doesn’t repent, bring a couple witnesses along. If he still doesn’t repent, tell the church! If he still doesn’t repent, kick him out of the church (and, presumably, out of the family):

If they profess to be a Christian, you have to alienate them. You have to separate them. You can’t condone that. It’s inconsistent with a profession of Christ. So you isolate them. You don’t have a meal with them. You separate yourself from them. You turn them over to Satan, as it were…

But if the child is no longer a Christian, then forget it. There’s just no hope.

My daughter went through something similar in the fundamentalist church that she attended with her mother in Georgia.

They kept telling her how much they loved her and wanted her to be happy with the Lord, while shaming her and telling her that she mush repress her love for those the church did not sanction.

My approach was somewhat different.

I told her I already knew because I had been paying attention to her life, and that on the day she was born I had promised to always love her, accept her, and support her, and that nothing had changed.

I have seen too many parents try to mold their children into idealized versions of themselves, only to drive them away and spend their later years in regret and frustration.

There is no worse fate for a child than to have their parents tell them to change who they are or leave, and there is not worse fate for a parent than when their child choose the latter.

Update: And let me just add that part of my support for my child was helping to elect a President who has done more for the LGBT community than any other President in history.



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