Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sarah Palin's somewhat belated Father's Day post.

8:55 AM By No comments

Sarah Palin's somewhat belated Father's Day post.
From the IM puppet's Facebook page:

Happy Father's Day, all you great hardworking American men who make this world a better place! The nation needs you. The nation loves you.

- Sarah Palin

Well thank you Sarah I love my nation too. Though to be fair I was unaware they had elected you as their spokesperson.

Palin also included a picture of Todd with Trig and one of Chuck Sr. putting his hand over his heart in front of the Statue of Liberty, which sports a SarahPAC logo in the corner so the old fart can help to earn his keep.

However I chose to borrow the picture above, with all credit to Palin's Facebook page, because we have not seen Track in uniform in many, many moons.

I have to imagine that this is in response to all of the criticism she receives for calling her son a "combat veteran" when he is no longer active in the military and never saw any combat.

Clearly this is a picture that she has had for some time since Kyla Grace was born in 2011 and has surely not taken until 2014 to learn to walk.

And we know that Track was discharged in 2010 after serving only 2 years.

So I am not sure why he is wearing his uniform in that picture. (Do soldiers get extra attention on airlines these days?)

He also did not see any combat while in Iraq as indicated by the fact that he did not receive a Combat Infantry Badge which is automatic once a soldier engages in a firefight.

But nonetheless, I am sure that the low hanging fruit will eat all of this up with a spoon.

You know sometimes Sarah you can simply love your family without feeling the need to make up mythologies to cover for your embarrassment at how they turned out.

They should not all have to be combat veterans, book authors, or reality show stars in order to earn their parent's love.

I'm just saying.



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