Thursday, October 10, 2013
Rep. Bachmann: Obama Committed Impeachable Offenses; Talks Civil Disobedience
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- Image Credit: Christy Robinson - |
Rep. Bachmann also rips the so-called news media calling their actions treason...
The tele-townhall was hosted yesterday by radio broadcaster Rusty Humphries via
( Video via Tea Party News Network. )
Alaska's not so secret shame, and how it is happening at an alarming rate right in Sarah Palin's backyard.
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Sarah Palin, helping to destroy women's progress in this country with every appearance. |
An ongoing study by the University of Alaska Justice Center has once again shown us what for years no one wanted to talk about openly: that violence visited upon women in Alaska far more often than we may realize or want to accept.
The latest results from the Alaska Victimization Survey show that one in two women living in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence, or both. In the last year alone, 2,687 women in this populous region north of Anchorage experienced it. Of the some 30,000 women that live there, 16,033 have been subjected to it in their lifetime. The numbers show that more than six women per day in the Mat-Su experience intimate partner violence, while more than two per day experience sexual violence, according to the survey.
“Just one victim is one too many. As a community we are concerned,” Mat-Su Borough Manager John Moosey said. “We want a liveable, safe community, especially for women.”
The statistics, released Tuesday by the Justice Center, are an interesting contrast to a different study measuring people's perception about the Mat-Su. Each year, the Justice Center and the Mat-Su Borough conduct a community survey, and awareness about sexual assaults and rape is one of the questions. For 2011, of the 1,159 people that participated in the survey, less than two percent replied that a rape or sexual assault had taken place in their neighborhood in the last six months.
But this difficult task – reconciling perceptions with personal experiences – may cause Alaskans to confront an uncomfortable reality. For the 1,159 people in the Mat-Su who were generally unaware of sexual violence in their neighborhood, another 1,190 – the number polled for the victimization survey – revealed a different story.
“There is a tremendous amount of stigma associated with disclosing domestic and sexual violence. As a result, few people disclose, even to their closest friends and family members. As a result, few people are aware of how common these forms of violence are,” explained Dr. Andre Rosay, Director of the Justice Center at the University of Alaska-Anchorage, the group that conducted the survey. “While people don't perceive that domestic and sexual violence are severe problems in our communities, our survey results show that many women have experienced these forms of violence and many are suffering in silence.”
You know every once in awhile I get into pensive mood and I take a moment to reflect on the the Governor Sarah Palin who could have been.
As the very first female Governor in the state's history she could have been an incredibly powerful and inspiring voice against sexual and physical assault. She could have brought women together from all over the state, and they would finally have felt they had a powerful champion to stand up for them and a person who they could trust to understand their pain and shame.
Instead they got a self serving, overly ambitious social climber who could no more relate to the suffering of other women in her state, than she could to the suffering of any other group who she felt could not help her career.
There was an amazing opportunity for a real female leader in Alaska. An opportunity and a challenge that still remains to this day.
But until we find somebody willing to tackle this incredibly tough issue in an honest and aggressive manner, I fear the number of women hiding black eyes behind their sunglasses or bruises under their clothing will remain unchanged.
The Daily Show's Jason Jones tries valiantly to reason with yet another Right Wing nutjob. Gotta admire his perseverance.
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You know if this really WERE a disaster the Republicans would be sitting back with a large tub of buttered popcorn just waiting for it to crater so they could ride in with their "I told you so's" blazing all ready to sop up all of that sweet sweet political credibility.
I loved the hostage negotiation metaphor.,
Last Straw: Veterans Plan Rally; Obama Behaving Like Vicious Tyrant
Special Operations Speaks
Vet March
Why March?
I want you to circle the date of Sunday, October 13, 2013.
And then I want you to help “circle the wagons” on that day to help protect and defend our brave veterans who risked their lives for our freedom – and now are being barred from visiting the memorials erected to honor their deeds.
In a mean-spirited fit of selfish anger, Barack Obama has shut down our nation’s war memorials. And he has declared open war on our honored veterans!
The World War II memorial … the Vietnam Veterans Memorial … the Korean War Veterans Memorial – Obama has shut them all down to force his will on the House of Representatives and frankly, to get revenge on the American people who oppose Obamacare and his other naked power grabs.
Let’s put it plainly: Barack Obama is behaving like a vicious tyrant. And if he succeeds in this assault on the democratic system, the Republic we love is at mortal risk. It’s just that simple.
That’s why I am asking you now to take two decisive moves to show Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi – and all of their oppressive ilk in Washington – that “We the People” are still in charge. And we won’t rest until we take back our memorials and monuments!
1. First, I would like you to Sign the Petition to sign our petition to re-open the war memorials.
Once your name is on that important petition, it will be delivered to every member of the Senate and the House and we will even put it on the White House website!
2. Block out the date of October 13, 2013 9:00 am – and then join with the million other patriotic Americans who are determined to unblock our nation’s war memorials.
I’ll be there –along with veterans who are determined to once again fight for freedom – this time on our own Mall! - Vet March.
If you can't make it to DC, click here to check out our other rally locations around our nation.
(Congressman Steve Stockman will be speaking at the event). More details at [...]
The following Glenn Beck video is from his broadcast the other day where he discussed this very topic and more...
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- Drudge Report - |
Team Arpaio: More Obama ID Fraud Info Will Be Released; Hawaii Exposed
Team Arpaio: More Obama ID Fraud Info Will Be Released; Hawaii Exposed...
Mike Zullo of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse talks with Floyd Brown about the ongoing investigation into Obama's birth certificate and how the State of Hawaii's laws make it easy to obtain a birth certificate with little or no documentation.
Mike Zullo talks with Floyd Brown about Obama's birth certificate. This is a unique investigation involving the highest office in the U.S. and a fraudulent document. Sheriff Joe Arpaio wants Congress to look into this issue.
Parts 1 & 2: Felony On White House Website; Columbia Altered Computer Program - CLICK HERE.
Pre-Emptive Strike: MSNBC; Rep. Ted Yoho Carefully Riding Birther Wave
Pre-Emptive Strike: MSNBC; Congressman Ted Yoho Carefully Riding Birther Wave...
@MSNBC: Team Arpaio: More Obama ID Fraud Info Will Be Released; Hawaii Exposed - DETAILS HERE.
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- Chris Matthews - |
Team Arpaio: Felony On WH Website; Columbia Altered Computer Program
Mike Zullo: Obama ID Fraud Not Conspiracy Theory It's A Conspiracy; Intent To Deceive;
Mike Zullo of Sheriff Joe Arapaio's Cold Case Posse has been investigating the birth certificate of Barack Obama for 25 months. In part 1 of this interview with Floyd Brown of Western Center for Journalism, Investigator Zullo talks about the events that lead up to the Posse beginning their investigation.
MIke Zullo continues his interview with Floyd Brown about investigating Obama's birth certificate. The PDF released by the White House was created by fraudulent means intent on deceiving the public.
UPDATE: Parts 3 & 4: More Obama ID Fraud Info Will Be Released; Hawaii Exposed - CLICK HERE.
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- Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie - |
Report: Look Who Is An Obamacare Navigator; Obama ID Fraud Defender
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Look Who is Working as an Obamacare Navigator
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Oct. 7, 2013) — Before enrollment for individuals began on October 1 for the health care law known as “Obamacare,” the Department of Health & Human Services announced that it would be performing minimal background checks without fingerprinting on “navigators” hired to assist applicants through the process.
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William L. Bryan, aka “PJ Foggy,” wearing hat with sickle and hammer on it, the symbol of the former communist Soviet Union |
A “data hub” has been established to verify Obamacare applicants’ personal information with various government departments including the Social Security Administration, Internal Revenue Service, Planned Parenthood, and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which many fear could lead to identity theft, as deadlines for security testing had been consistently missed during the preparation period.
According to John Fund of National Review, navigators will have “access to reams of personal information compiled by federal agencies ranging from the IRS to the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration.” Quoting from an article in USA Today, Fund reported that “The federal government is planning to quietly enact what could be the largest consolidation of personal data in the history of the republic.”
Lifesite News reported that “HHS will not require background checks or fingerprinting of employees, and a previous criminal conviction – including one for identity theft – does not necessarily disqualify an employee from becoming a navigator.”
Investigative journalist Ben Swann reported that navigators will “have access to just about every piece of personal information on millions of Americans…they are not even required to pass a background check.” He described navigators’ training as “just an online course” consisting of “20-30 hours.”
Swann had hosted a prime-time television show on WXIX in Cincinnati, OH entitled “Reality Check” and worked in mainstream news media for 14 years. “There’s more to the role of the navigators than just signing Americans up for the health care exchange. Navigators will also be responsible for registering Americans to vote,” Swann reported. He raised the question of whether or not the data hub could be breached by “those inside the departments” with a corrupt agenda.
After the 20 hours of training, navigators are expected to “provide fair, impartial and accurate information that assists consumers with submitting the eligibility application, clarifying distinctions among [qualified health plans] and helping qualified individuals make informed decisions during the health plan selection process.”
On October 1, “RC” of the Reality Check Online radio show announced that William L. Bryan, aka “PJ Foggy,” has been hired to work as an Obamacare navigator (5:39). The show attempts to discredit, disparage, insult, defame and disseminate false information about anyone researching the background, identity and birthplace of Barack Hussein Obama using the label “birthers.”
Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution requires that the president and commander-in-chief be a “natural born Citizen.” Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the presidency was first questioned in 2008 when African newspapers were found to have reported that Obama had been born in Kenya, while at least one American media outlet reported that he was born in Indonesia. Obama’s claim of a British-citizen father raised additional questions, as historically, citizenship was passed from father to son. Obama himself claimed dual citizenship at birth on his now-defunct “Fight the Smears” website.
Progressive commentator and once-ardent Obama supporter Chris Matthews has stated on his show in late 2007 that Obama was born in Indonesia.
In 1991, Obama’s own literary agent had published a biography of Obama stating that he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii and Indonesia. In April 2007, the bio was changed to read that Obama was born in Hawaii only two months after Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency and attributed to a “fact-checking error.”
Bryan (Foggy) is a former California attorney who resigned “with charges pending” from the State Bar of California in 2001 after two suspensions and a notation of “manic depressive illness.” Early in Obama’s first term, Foggy launched a website called “Politijab” which eventually melded into “The Fogbow,” whose purpose is to “debunk birthers.” In its forum, The Fogbow boasts a “Birther Gallery” with “mugshots” and claims that anyone opposing Obama is a “racist xenophobe.”
At 5:53 in the October 1 broadcast, RC states that he “agrees with Foggy” that “birthers” are “terrorists because they want to destroy the United States…”
RC referred to a September 24 broadcast which Bryan hosted during which he announced that he had been hired as a navigator for Obamacare (10:29). “My wife and I are going to be enrolling people in Obamacare and it’s been a struggle trying to get ready for that. In fact, I spent most of the day studying to be certified so that I could use the federal marketplace that they established here in North Carolina,” Bryan told the audience. Bryan said that as navigators, “We’re going to be extremely aggressive in marketing (Obamacare)” and that he was “looking forward to it.”
Federal marketplaces have been established in the majority of states which declined to operate their own health care exchanges under Obamacare.
In recent months “RC” and his cohorts have particularly targeted the ongoing investigation of the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse, which announced in March 2012 that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.” Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo has been seeking a congressional investigation into the conclusions which is reported by radio show host Carl Gallups to be under consideration. Gallups also said that several “Obots” had become persons of interest in the ongoing criminal investigation into the forgery of Obama’s documents.
Lord Moncton of Brenchley has written that all members of Congress are aware that the long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website since April 27, 2011 is a forgery.
An acquaintance of RC’s, retired Capt. Charles Tuttle, reportedly runs a Facebook page entitled “The Many Lies of Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups” in an attempt to discredit their work. However, Gallups accompanied Zullo to the CPAC conference in March, where the two met with congressmen and others to reveal the posse’s evidence of the forgery of Obama’s documents. Since that time, many more such meetings have taken place.
Several minutes into a June 18, 2013 broadcast at America’s Web Radio, Bryan identifies himself to the host as “a retired attorney.” The interview, hosted by Immigration attorney Charles Kuck, focused on the “natural born Citizen” clause of the U.S. Constitution, although it shifted to “statutes in force at the time” which determined “citizenship” and “citizenship at birth” rather than the higher standard of “natural born Citizen.” However, Atty. Kuck properly identified the topic of the show as “citizenship at birth.”
Bryan claimed to Kuck that those who have expressed doubt about the constitutional eligibility of Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. Bobby Jindal are motivated by racial bias because the potential candidates’ “skin” is darker than his. On its website, members of The Fogbow decries “affluent white males.”
According to an acquaintance identified by RC as “Dr. Conspiracy,” Bryan sent a fake birth certificate image bearing Obama’s name to private investigator Neil Sankey and Atty. Orly Taitz “as a prank,” hoping that they would believe it to be authentic. As Dr. Conspiracy appears to affirm that “Obots” cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
RC claims to have replicated many of the anomalies identified by the Cold Case Posse in the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website, but he reportedly will not send his personal identification to Zullo along with his research. Zullo has said that RC’s research is “irrelevant” to the Cold Case Posse’s investigation and conclusions.
Bryan claimed responsibility for summoning between 100 and 200 law enforcement officers from the local, county state and federal levels prior to an April 20, 2010 court hearing for CDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III in Madisonville, TN. Members of The Fogbow, perhaps including Bryan, admitted in their “forum” to planting false reports that Fitzpatrick and another man, Darren Huff, had planned to “take over the courthouse” that day. Fitzpatrick has reported Bryan to the FBI and other “law enforcers,” but no report of an arrest has ever been issued.
As a result of a false FBI affidavit which claimed that Huff had intended violence against the Madisonville courthouse that day, Huff is serving a four-year prison sentence for a crime he did not commit. The local prosecutor in the case, R. Steven Bebb, has recently had several ethics complaints filed against him by members of the Tennessee General Assembly, and a joint panel is seeking his removal from office.
Long before the Obama IRS, NSA, DOJ and EPA corruption scandals were exposed, Fitzpatrick, who had filed a complaint for treason against Obama on March 17, 2009, had contended that the effort to frame Huff and him “goes right into the White House.” An RC radio broadcast from September 10, 2010 boasts a “White House attorney” as its guest host that evening.
A member of the The Fogbow is an attorney working for the IRS. In February 2012, Fitzpatrick discovered that his military pension had been reduced by two-thirds without an explanation. When he contacted his financial institution, he was told verbally that the IRS had ordered a levy of that amount for the next two years. Fitzpatrick received no letter, notification that taxes might be due, or a hearing before his pay was garnished.
The IRS has targeted dozens and possibly hundreds of applicants for tax-exempt status based on their perceived political positions or opposition to Barack Obama.
Bryan also took credit for quashing an investigation begun by Officer Ronald Dischler in Beaumont, TX into Obama’s background and eligibility in 2009.
It is unknown how many Obots are working as navigators or behind the scenes for the Obama regime.
During the 2012 presidential campaign, chief Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett had promised that, “…the ones who helped us will be rewarded…” and that their opponents would be objects of “payback time.”
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
3,000+ Truckers Descend On D.C To Demand Arrest and Impeachment
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- Image: Ride For The Constitution - |
3,000 Outraged Truckers To Descend
On D.C., Demand Obama Impeachment
3,000 truckers plan to descend on Washington, D.C.
Despite the near mainstream media blackout of the truckers' plan, it could shut down the entire city. - Rise TV.
'Truckers for the Constitution' Plan
to Slow D.C. Beltway, Arrest Congressmen
Police must detain 'accessories' to 'treason' or truckers will, organizer says
By Steven Nelson | US News & World Report
Tractor-trailer drivers will intentionally clog the inner loop of the Washington, D.C., beltway beginning on the morning of Oct. 11, according to a coordinator of the upcoming "Truckers Ride for the Constitution" rally.
Organizers of the three-day ride want to call attention to a litany of trucker frustrations and express their disapproval of national political leaders.
Earl Conlon, a Georgia trucker who is handling logistics for the protest, told U.S. News tractor-trailer drivers will circle the beltway "three lanes deep" as he rides with other participants to Congress to seek the arrest of congressmen for allegedly disregarding the Constitution.
[EARLIER: Truckers Say Their D.C. Shutdown Is Full-Speed Ahead]
The truckers circling I-495 will keep the left lane open for emergency vehicles, Conlon said, but "everybody that doesn't have a supporter sticker on their window, good luck: Nobody in, nobody out." The trucks will be going the 55 mile-per-hour speed limit.
D.C. commuters who wish to be allowed past the convoy must have "T2SDA" – an acronym for the event's original name, "Truckers to Shut Down America" – written on their vehicle, he said.
"It's going to be real fun for anyone who is not a supporter," Conlon said, "[and] if cops decide to give us a hard time, we're going to lock the brakes up, we're going to stop right there, we're going to be a three lane roadblock."
Zeeda Andrews, a former country music singer helping promote the protest, said last week participants would present demands to congressmen – including the impeachment of President Barack Obama – and give the congressmen an opportunity to agree to the demands in exchange for canceling the ride. [...] More @ U.S. News.
Australia criminal Mark 'Chopper' Read dies
Mark "Chopper" Read spent almost half his life behind bars
One of Australia's most notorious criminals, Mark "Chopper" Read, who later became a novelist, has died of liver cancer, his manager says.
Read spent 23 years in jail for kidnapping and malicious wounding but was never charged with murder, despite once claiming he had killed 19 people.
He became a best-selling crime author and successful artist after his release.
He was the inspiration for 2000 film Chopper, which starred Eric Bana.
The 58-year-old died on Wednesday at Royal Melbourne Hospital, his manager said. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2012.
Read grew up in Melbourne, and was a ward of the state by the time he was a teenager.
Read Full Article Source here
Audio: The Blaze: Obama Classmate Explains Foreign Student Obama
Blaze Radio: Obama Classmate Wayne Allyn Root Explains Obama's Destruction Of America;
Wayne Allyn Root appeared on the Chris Salcedo Show on the Blaze Radio Network and briefly touched on Root's latest article at Glenn Beck's The Blaze titled; OBAMA IS 100% RED, WHITE & BLUE AMERICAN BORN
Much more was discussed. Love how BRN host Chris Salcedo titles Obama when he references him...
( Audio via Chris Salcedo Show. Full interview below. )
Excerpt via Wayne Allyn Root @ The Blaze:
Many Americans suspect Obama was foreign born. They are wrong. Boy do I have a story to tell you.
I believe Obama is a fraud. But it has nothing to do with his birth. Obama’s critics have it all backwards. They are looking in the wrong place. He isn't a foreigner portraying himself as an American. He’s an American who fraudulently portrayed himself as a foreigner.
Months ago MSNBC television host Rachel Maddow spent 15 minutes on her national show calling me a "birther." I scratched my head. Because I’m not. Never have been, not for one minute. A “birther” believes Obama is a foreigner, not legally qualified to be president. I have never believed that.
I've always believed that Obama is 100 percent American. There I've said it loudly. I’m a leading critic of the President, but I've always believed him to be American born. He is as American as P.T. Barnum. And he lies and exaggerates like P.T. Barnum too. While Obama is not a foreigner, he is a fraud. Let me tell you the REAL Obama story.
In hundreds of media interviews, I’ve stated that even though Obama was my college classmate at Columbia University, Class of 1983, and we shared the same majors (Political Science and Pre-Law), I never saw, met, or heard of him. But the media has this story wrong too – I’ve never said that my conclusion is Obama did not go to Columbia. On the contrary, I believe Obama graduated Columbia and we are classmates.
Where was he hiding for those Columbia years? My educated guess is he was smoking pot and attending communist meetings, plotting the downfall of America and capitalism. Don’t laugh, it worked!
While that was just an educated guess, Obama’s own autobiography backs me up – he personally admitted often attending Socialist Party meetings at Cooper Union in downtown Manhattan. With Obama, even your wildest guesses are often proven true.
But forget why he wasn't seen at Columbia, the real mystery is how he ever got into Columbia. Stay with me – because this ties into the whole “foreign born” story.
I've believe I've pieced together what happened at Columbia and here it is. I believe that Obama, an American citizen, committed fraud by portraying himself as a foreigner, in order to gain almost impossible admittance to prestigious Columbia University (and probably Occidental and Harvard Law School as well). He lied and used fraud (misrepresentation) to weasel his way in. Is that really a crime? Ask convicted criminal Frank Abagnale, the real-life star of the hit movie and best-selling book, “Catch Me if You Can.” Portraying someone you’re not is called fraud, and punishable by years in prison. [...]
No, I’m not a birther. I believe Obama is 100 percent American born. While never questioning his birth, I've been in the media nonstop for five years questioning his allegiance to America, American exceptionalism, and Judeo-Christian values. And I've exposed his plan (created by husband-wife professors Cloward and Piven at Columbia) to destroy capitalism by overwhelming the system with spending, debt, and entitlements. That purposeful plan is proven by facts – please see record spending, record debt, and record entitlements under Obama. This is all about a plan to destroy America carried out by an American posing as a foreigner.
No, Obama isn't a foreigner. But we have a fraud in the White House.[...] Continued at The Blaze. Hat tip Guest.
( Audio via Chris Salcedo. )
Hayden Panettiere Is Engaged!
"Nasvhille" star Hayden Panettiere is engaged to boxer Wladimir Klitschko, she announced Wednesday on "Live With Kelly & Michael."
As Panettiere held a snake, co-host Kelly Ripa remarked, "I'm sort of distracted, not just by the snake, but there's a very large diamond ring on your ring finger. ... I'm not sure if you want to announce anything. ... Does that signify anything, is that a promise of something? Panettiere responded, "It might be. ... I mean, I think it speaks for itself." Then, when Ripa asked directly, "Are you engaged?" and Panettiere said, "I am," and later added that she hadn't picked a date, given her schedule.
Read Full Article Source here
What About Obama Legitimacy: Obamacare Facebook Hears From PandE
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Obamacare Facebook Page
Hears from The Post & Email
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Oct. 6, 2013) — The Facebook page for Obamacare has some new comments on Sunday morning.
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On September 20, the House of Representatives attempted to defund Obamacare, which has caused numerous large and small employers to lay off employees, reduce their hours, or eliminate coverage for spouses and families as a result of the cost given the new “law.”
The following Friday, the Senate rejected the measure and stripped it from its version of an appropriations bill. The House and Senate could not agree on a final bill, and a partial government shutdown of approximately 17% of federal departments commenced at midnight on September 30.
However, the launch of Obama’s health care law which he signed on March 23, 2010 occurred on schedule, also on Tuesday, October 1, although thousands of people have reported an inability to buy insurance either because of technical problems with the federal or state websites or what they see as exorbitant costs. Some areas reported no enrollees at all last week.
Over the weekend, the website was “down for repairs.”
The health care bill is colloquially called the “Affordable Care Act,” although in the spirit of “compromise” and common ground, a contributing writer to The Post & Email coined a new proposed name.
On Sunday, The Post & Email left the following new comments:
Since the shutdown, Speaker of the House John Boehner has sent several funding bills to the Senate, but Majority Leader Harry Reid has said they are “dead on arrival.“ Obama has also said he refuses to negotiate on any bills which alter or defund his “signature” health care bill as well as individual appropriations bills which the House has proposed since October 1.
While refusing to consider compromise, Obama scolded Republicans for their “attitude.”
A criminal investigation conducted by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse has shown that Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration form are forgeries. For the last six months or more, the posse has been working to engage Congress in launching its own investigation into the fraudulent documents, with Rep. Steve Stockman reportedly promoting the effort.
A former and current presidential candidate told The Post & Email that a highly-placed government source has confirmed that Congress is looking at Obama’s eligibility, which could be affected by his presentation of fraudulent documentation.
The White House has not explained why it first said that the only birth certificate Obama possessed was a “short-form” which does not contain details such as birth hospital, attending physician, address of parents and “Date accepted by Registrar.”
Directly after the long-form was posted on April 27, 2011, it was declared a forgery by many experts and analysts. On March 1, 2012, the Cold Case Posse held the first of two formal press conferences declaring its findings of forgery.
Obama has never released school, college or medical records to the public and has given several versions of his life story to the public.
The Post & Email asks why, in the midst of a government shutdown which the Obama regime is admittedly exploiting to inflict the maximum “pain” on Americans, Boehner does not simply call for a vote on an investigation into the forgeries which could remove Obama from office immediately, once proven and made public. We have asked before why the Republicans and others continue to battle with Obama’s policies when it is his legitimacy that is the real issue.
Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo has stated that Boehner has been an obstruction to a congressional investigation into the forgeries.
Using false identification is a federal offense. In regard to candidates for federal office and the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), Title 26 of the U.S. Code, Chapter 96, Section 9012 states:
(d) False statements, etc.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly and willfully—
(A) to furnish any false, fictitious, or fraudulent evidence, books, or information to the Commission under this subtitle, or to include in any evidence, books, or information so furnished any misrepresentation of a material fact, or to falsify or conceal any evidence, books, or information relevant to a certification by the Commission or an examination and audit by the Commission under this chapter; or…
At least one constitutional attorney believes that if Obama is himself illegitimate, everything he has signed and ordered would become null and void.
Update: As of 1:00 p.m. EDT, the following response to our comments was submitted to the Facebook page:
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Get ready to adapt: Climate goes off the charts by 2047
Scientists have figured out when temperatures could really go off the charts from global warming. And for dozens of cities, it's only about a generation away.
OSLO — Billions of people could be living in regions where temperatures are hotter than their historical ranges by mid-century, creating a "new normal" that could force profound changes on nature and society, scientists said on Wednesday.
Temperatures in an average year would be hotter by 2047, give or take 14 years, than those in the warmest year from 1860-2005 if the greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, with the tropics the first affected area, a new index indicated.
"The results shocked us. Regardless of the scenario, changes will be coming soon," lead author Camilo Mora of the University of Hawaii said. "Within my generation whatever climate we were used to will be a thing of the past."
Read Full Article Source here
Must Read: Pay Back For Ignoring Obama's Ineligibility: Fraud Playing POTUS
By: Devvy
October 6, 2013
This past week most of us have probably seen some, if not a great deal of the games played by Harry Reid and his Comrades. Name calling, hissy fits and political strategy: force the Republicans to partially shut down the government.
Not that the Republicans are any better. Both parties know the September 30 deadline date on the calendar. Instead of conducting the affairs of our nation and seriously pursuing smaller government by eliminating unconstitutional cabinets (EPA, Federal Department of Education and many others), Comrade Pelosi and her brassiere brigade insist the cupboard is bare, no place more to cut spending. And, she said it with a straight face. The cupboard is bare?
• Obama Gives $737 Million to Solar Firm Linked to the Pelosi Clan
• $1M NIH Grant To Reduce HIV, Domestic Violence in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
• $1B to Be Spent to Promote Obamacare in 'Normandy Invasion' of Health System
• U.S. Paying $25K to Make Park Benches from Garbage for Tijuana
• Labor Department to Spend $1 Million to Increase Gender Equality in Work – in Morocco
• State Dep't Spending $10M to Prevent 'Gender-Based Violence' in War Zones
• Feds Dig Up $98,000 to Study ‘3rd Millennium BC Mortuary Traditions’ in Oman
• Obama Spends $20 M Helping Indonesian Kids Get College Degrees
• Gov’t Spends $379K Texting Kids to Take a Walk
• DOT to Spend $1.8 Million to Encourage Kids to Walk, Bike to School
• Gov't Spends $495-K For False Killer Whale Team to Meet
• $2M NIH Grant to Study Effect of Cultural Stigma on Chinese Homosexual Men
• Feds Give Smithsonian $443,010 to Study Tree Biodiversity – in China
Those illegitimate senators make over $14,500 a month and they can't afford to pay for their own hair cut while Americans struggle as they live in their cars or working parents eating one meal a day at the end of the month so their children can have two?
$5.25 Million For Senate Hair Care And 21 Other Ways Politicians Are Living The High Life At Your Expense
Almost $2 BILLION stolen from us. All borrowed debt to fund more debt with the interest slapped on us, our children and grand children. Say, how's your incumbent working out for you voting for budgets packed with unconstitutional, wasteful spending? The U.S. House of Representatives controls the people's purse. The American people continue to reelect the same thieves every two years who go right back to Washington, DC; campaign promises mean nothing. Like the Democratic/Communist Party USA, the Republicans avoid limited government like the black plague.
Next comes yet another round of bickering, fighting and name calling to raise the debt ceiling so they can continue raping us into poverty. Look to the impostor in the White House to push for more debt. Barry Soetoro aka Obama is a serial liar and malignant narcissist. He lies about everything and it doesn't bother him for a minute. Lying is a way of life for Barry:
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.” – Sen. Barack Hussein Obama, March 16, 2006
"Nobody likes to be tagged as having increased the debt limit for the United States by a trillion dollars. As president, you start realizing, you know what, we can't play around with this stuff. . . . (Raising the limit is) important for the country." -- President Barack Obama, April 15, 2011
Obama: 'Raising the Debt Ceiling Does Not Increase Our Debt,' Though It Has 'Over 100 Times' - September 18, 2013
"All it does is it says you got to pay the bills that you've already racked up, Congress. It's a basic function of making sure that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved." And, he said it with a straight face.
Long before the pretend 2008 presidential election, countless numbers of the Outlaw Congress knew there was a serious problem with Barry's eligibility. He was born with dual citizenship and nothing can change that. Not his mother being a U.S. citizen or the fact that his skin is black. To this day, despite every member of the gutless Congress being given irrefutable proof Barry's birth certificate is a lousy forgery, his Selective Service Registration card is a lousy forgery and he's been using someone else's SSN which did not pass the E-Verify, they have done nothing. That means Barry can't work for the federal government in any capacity. The Selective Service card forgery is a felony which also prohibits him from holding government employment - including the executive branch.
Despite the known problems with Barry's ineligibility, the gutless cowards in the Outlaw Congress accepted the electoral college vote in January 2009 and one of the biggest cover ups and fraud against the American people was a done deal. Because Barry's skin is black. Despite the massive pressure put on every one of the gutless cowards in the Outlaw Congress, the impostor was once again sworn in, January 2013, usurping the office of president. Again.
Months ago, Congressman Steve Stockman [R-TX] received a full briefing with all the evidence from Sheriff Arpaio's Cold Case Posse lead investigator, Mike Zullo. None of us are privy to what's going on behind the scenes, but allegedly, Stockman is working the evidence with other members of Congress. I suppose it's too much to hope for he and any others would come out in a press conference and lay it all out including a bill to investigate Barry for his crimes. I guess time will tell, but we don't have the luxury of time as long as the effeminate usurper squats in the White House.
There is zero evidence Barry Soetoro was ever in Hawaii until age 5. No one knows who he really is or even where he was born. We do know he was groomed and nurtured by a known communist in Hawaii before moving on to his communist handlers in Chicago. We know he has used five different alias. When was the last time these united States of America had a president who uses aliases? To my knowledge of all the research done, there is no paperwork filed with any court in this country to change his name from Barry Soetoro (which he used at Occidental College and everyone knew him by) to Barack Hussein Obama.
The fraud in the White House is a major national security threat; his priority for five years has been protecting radical Muslims. There's no question in my mind Barry would never be able to pass an FBI background check as I had to do in order to get secret clearance when I worked for DoD. The fact is there is no verification whatsoever Barry was ever checked out by the FBI. A fake, a fraud playing Commander-in-Chief while the gutless bandits in the U.S. Congress turn a blind eye. [...] Continued at News With Views. Previous reports here.
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- Saul Alinsky - |