Thursday, October 17, 2013
Psychiatrist Says Obama Victim-in-Chief: Rush Says Obama Not Vetted
Rush Limbaugh: Obama Not Vetted; Psychiatrist Dr. Ablow: Obama Victim-in-Chief; Abandoned
Rush: Obama got away with not being vetted. People have no idea who they elected.
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- Freaking News - |
Full Video: House Stenographer Goes Off On House Floor; Dragged Out
Now for something very disturbing, and kind of great. Ted Cruz: Wrecking Ball. Update!
Did you see Palin? Not often that she is among the least disturbing parts of a video.
Apparently the singer is King the Kid. (Who I have never heard of before.)
Update: The House just passed the Senate budget 285 to 143. The government is now open for business.
This is win the President and a loss for Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and the forces of darkness.
Update 2: President Obama has signed the bill.
And that takes care of that. Until the beginning of next year that is.
Made up of radicalized ex-military members, the Oath Keepers have decided to train their own "Special Forces" in response to the upcoming "Apocalypse." Do I even need to mention that they hate Obama?
Courtesy of Mother Jones:
Up until now, Oath Keepers has mainly been a bunch of pissed-off white dudes talking tough and holding meetings and rallies and so forth, but now the group is setting out to train Special Forces-esque "civilian preservation teams" to contend with the apocalyptic future they see coming to America. "We are flat running out of time and we need to get as prepared as possible as fast as possible," the group's founder, a lawyer named Stuart Rhodes, wrote to the group's members. The Daily Beast's Caitlin Dickson has the update:
"We think this is what Americans should do anyway, but now we see that we're seriously in a vulnerable position because most Americans don't," Rhodes told The Daily Beast. "After Hurricane Katrina and Sandy, we saw Americans dependent on FEMA, on a government that can't do anything. People have been desperate, vulnerable to crime and vulnerable to dying" in such emergency situations, he said.
But it's not a natural disaster that Rhodes thinks will catapult the country into chaos. In his email announcing the launch of the plan, Rhodes lays out the course of action he predicts "the enemy"—the government—is preparing to follow, including "intentionally triggering a catastrophic economic collapse" as a means of creating disorder that they will then use as an excuse to impose martial law, destroy the constitution and use the billions of dollars in ammunition, armored vehicles and weapons he claims the Department of Homeland Security and local police have been stockpiling "to control and contain us."
Rhodes, who has been somewhat measured in the past, is now straying into serious wack-job territory. The group's rhetoric is also pretty disingenuous, given Oath Keepers' tight relationship with the tea party movement, whose faction in Congress is the one holding a gun to America's head and threatening to put the economy at serious risk. (It's perhaps also worth noting that American civilians already pack far more heat than the government does.)
A glimpse at the Oath Keepers' website will tell you what this is really all about: A large graphic bearing the president's face reads: "Snowden Honored His Oath...Honor Yours! Stop Big Brother!" And the site's "featured" posts include: "Mr. Obama, Tear Down Those Walls! Veterans, Oath Keepers, and Friends Tear Down 'Barrycades' In D.C.," which faults the White House for the closure of the WWII Veterans Memorial in DC while featuring a photo of tea party leader Ted Cruz—one of the federal shutdown's primary architects—speaking to the protesters as though he were some kind of hero.
They vilify the President, whole deifying Ted Cruz, and they are heavily armed and military trained. And the sign for action that they are looking for as an excuse to take up arms against the government, "intentionally triggering a catastrophic economic collapse," is an action actively being pursued by the Tea Party faction of the Republican party.
Does anybody want to disagree with me about my Bill Maher post from yesterday now?
Believe me that just because we finally got a deal to reopen the government, and avoid default, these assholes are not going to suddenly be placated.
Their hatred for this President is deeply ingrained, and it will only take one or two more instances, that the Right Wing can unfairly or not lay at the President's door, for one of these wackos to break off from the pack and make a serious attempt on his life.
In my opinion this group, which openly attempts to convince military and law enforcement personnel to disregard their orders if they come from the President, are a domestic terrorist organization and they need to be treated as such. Because they ARE dangerous, and they ARE advocating a violent response to the government.
In Alaska we had our own "Oath Keeper" and we did what was needed to render him impotent. I think it behooves the Federal government to take a similar approach in dealing with this group of terrorists.
Robin Leach: American People Can't See Obama Leading America To Communism
Hillary Clinton busted by London cops (and doesn't get out of it)
If anyone saw Hillary Clinton hitting a London ATM on Friday, this could be the reason. The former secretary of state was slapped with a $130 parking ticket when London traffic wardens realized that the silver Mercedes she was using had been parked for 45 minutes without paying. According to eyewitnesses, her security staffers tried to argue with the warden but — as anyone who's ever gotten a parking ticket knows — that usually works exactly 0 percent of the time. "I'm sure she will understand that we have to be fair to everyone, regardless of their status on the world stage," Westminster City Council member Daniel Astaire told the BBC. Clinton was in London to receive an award for international diplomacy. [Source]
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Giant chunk of Russian meteor raised from lake
A Russian policeman works near an ice hole, said by the Interior Ministry department for Chelyabinsk region to be the point of impact of a meteorite seen earlier in the Urals region, at lake Chebarkul some 50 miles west of Chelyabinsk Feb. 15, 2013.
Scientists on Wednesday recovered what could be the largest part of a meteor that crashed into a Russian lake earlier this year.
MOSCOW — Russian scientists have recovered a giant chunk of the Chelyabinsk meteor from the bottom of the lake it crashed into.
A meteor that blazed across southern Urals in February was the largest recorded meteor strike in more than a century. More than 1,600 people were injured by the shock wave from the explosion, estimated to be as strong as 20 Hiroshima atomic bombs, as it landed near the city of Chelyabinsk.
Scientists on Wednesday recovered what could be the largest part of this meteor from Chebarkul Lake outside the city. They weighed it using a giant steelyard balance, which displayed 570 kilograms (1,256 pounds) before it broke.
Sergei Zamozdra, an associate professor at Chelyabinsk State University, told Russian television that the excavated fragment was definitely a chunk of the meteor.
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Author: By Associated Press
BREAKING NEWS: Deal reached to avoid default and open government
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) arrives at the U.S. Capitol in Washington Oct. 16, 2013.
The deal would reopen the government through Jan. 15 and increase the nation's borrowing authority through Feb. 7.
WASHINGTON — Senate leaders announced last-minute agreement Wednesday to avert a threatened Treasury default and reopen the government after a partial, 16-day shutdown. Congress raced to pass the measure by day's end.
The Dow Jones industrial average soared on the news that the threat of default was fading, flirting with a 200-point gain in morning trading.
"This is a time for reconciliation," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of the agreement he had forged with the GOP leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
McConnell said that with the accord, Republicans had sealed a deal to have spending in one area of the budget decline for two years in a row, adding, "we're not going back."
One prominent tea party lawmaker, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, said he would oppose the plan, but not seek to delay its passage.
That was a key concession that signaled a strong possibility that both houses could act by day's end. That, in turn, would allow President Barack Obama to sign the bill into law ahead of the Thursday deadline that Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew had set for action to raise the $16.7 trillion debt limit.
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By Alan Fram of Associated Press
18-foot sea creature found off California coast
More than 15 helpers were needed to drag the 18-foot-long carcass of a giant sea creature to shore off the Southern California coast.
LOS ANGELES — A marine science instructor snorkeling off the Southern California coast spotted something out of a fantasy novel: the silvery carcass of an 18-foot-long, serpent-like oarfish.
Jasmine Santana of the Catalina Island Marine Institute needed more than 15 helpers to drag the giant sea creature to shore on Sunday.
Staffers at the institute are calling it the discovery of a lifetime.
"We've never seen a fish this big," said Mark Waddington, senior captain of the Tole Mour, CIMI's sail training ship. "The last oarfish we saw was three feet long."
Because oarfish dive more than 3,000 feet deep, sightings of the creatures are rare and they are largely unstudied, according to CIMI.
The obscure fish apparently died of natural causes. Tissue samples and video footage were sent to be studied by biologists at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Santana spotted something shimmering about 30 feet deep while snorkeling during a staff trip in Toyon Bay at Santa Catalina Island.
"She said, 'I have to drag this thing out of here or nobody will believe me,'" Waddington said.
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By Christopher Weber of Associated Press
Character actor Ed Lauter dies
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Veteran character actor Ed Lauter, whose long, angular face and stern bearing made him an instantly recognizable figure in scores of movies and TV shows during a career that stretched across five decades, died Wednesday. He was 74.
Lauter died of mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer most commonly caused by asbestos exposure, said his publicist, Edward Lozzi.
Whether he was an irascible authority figure, a brutal thug or a conniving con man, Lauter's presence made him all but impossible to miss in any film he was in. That was so even on those occasions when he was playing a character more bumbling than menacing, although menacing was clearly his forte.
He was the brutal prison guard who was Burt Reynolds' nemesis in the 1974 comedy-drama The Longest Yard and the sleazy gas station attendant in Alfred Hitchcock's last film,The Family Plot.
30 million people are slaves, half in India
Lalee Kolhi, center, a freed bonded laborer turned activist, sits with her family members at her home on the outskirts of the city of Hyderabad in Pakistan's Sindh province on Feb. 4. Kolhi worked for more than 20 years for a landlord in slave-like conditions before she was freed. She has since worked as an activist to lobby the courts and police to rescue other bonded laborers.
Almost half of the people enslaved worldwide are in India, where slavery ranges from bonded labor to commercial sex exploitation, a new survey shows.
LONDON — Some 30 million people are enslaved worldwide, trafficked into brothels, forced into manual labor, victims of debt bondage or even born into servitude, a global index on modern slavery showed on Thursday.
Almost half are in India, where slavery ranges from bonded labor in quarries and kilns to commercial sex exploitation, although the scourge exists in all 162 countries surveyed by Walk Free, an Australian-based rights group.
Its estimate of 29.8 million slaves worldwide is higher than other attempts to quantify modern slavery. The International Labor Organisation estimates that almost 21 million people are victims of forced labor.
"Today some people are still being born into hereditary slavery, a staggering but harsh reality, particularly in parts of West Africa and South Asia," the report said. "Other victims are captured or kidnapped before being sold or kept for exploitation, whether through 'marriage', unpaid labor on fishing boats, or as domestic workers.
Others are tricked and lured into situations they cannot escape, with false promises of a good job or an education."
The Global Slavery Index 2013 defines slavery as the possession or control of people to deny freedom and exploit them for profit or sex, usually through violence, coercion or deception.
The definition includes indentured servitude, forced marriage and the abduction of children to serve in wars. According to the index, 10 countries alone account for three quarters of the world's slaves.
After India, China has the most with 2.9 million, followed by Pakistan (2.1 million), Nigeria (701,000), Ethiopia (651,000), Russia (516,000), Thailand (473,000), Democratic Republic of Congo (462,000), Myanmar (384,000) and Bangladesh (343,000).
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By Timothy Large of Reuters
Microsoft releases Windows 8.1, a year in making
A pre-release version of Windows 8.1 on a tablet in Los Angeles. Microsoft is planning to launch its long-awaited Windows 8.1 upgrade as a free download on Thursday.
Microsoft has released Windows 8.1, its long-awaited upgrade, that addresses some of the gripes people have had with Windows 8.
LOS ANGELES — Microsoft is releasing its long-awaited Windows 8.1 upgrade as a free download starting Thursday. It addresses some of the gripes people have had with Windows 8, the dramatically different operating system that attempts to bridge the divide between tablets and PCs. (Disclosure: Microsoft publishes MSN News.)
Windows 8.1 still features the dual worlds that Windows 8 created when it came out last October. On one hand, it features a touch-enabled tile interface resembling what's found in tablet computers. On the other, there's the old desktop mode where the keyboard and mouse still reign. The update adds some new finger- and gesture-friendly shortcuts for touch-based apps, while restoring some aspects of the desktop mode that a billion PC users have become accustomed to.
The release comes as sales of traditional desktop and laptop computers continue to decline because consumers are spending money instead on the latest smartphones and tablets. It also comes at a time of transition for Microsoft as the Redmond, Wash., company focuses on devices and services, not just software. Earlier this month, Microsoft struck a deal to acquire Nokia's phone business and patent rights for more than $7 billion. Microsoft is also searching for a new CEO to replace Steven A. Ballmer, who announced last month that he plans to retire within the next year.
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By Ryan Nakashima of Associated Press
Efficiently enjoy 75 years of 'Superman' in just 2 minutes
It's been 75 years since Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster introduced the world to Superman in 1938. Since then, the Man of Steel has been through a lot. He's fought wars, met a bizarre duplicate of himself and survived multiple TV, movie and video game adaptations. He even died and come back to life at one point. To celebrate Superman's 75th birthday, DC Comics released this animated short created by Zach Snyder, director of "Man of Steel," and Bruce Timm, one of the creators of "Superman: The Animated Series." Starting with "Action Comics #1," this video takes you through the character's entire history in just two minutes, accompanied, of course, by John Williams' epic score. — By Nick Mangione
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Gov't reopens after Congress ends 16-day shutdown
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., speaks with reporters, accompanied by Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., chair of the Senate Budget Committee, and Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
Passage of the bill late Wednesday in the House and Senate ended a Washington-created crisis that closed much of government for 16 days.
WASHINGTON — The government reopened its doors Thursday after a battle-weary Congress approved a bipartisan measure to end a 16-day partial shutdown and avert the possibility of an economy-jarring default on U.S. obligations.
Early Thursday, President Barack Obama signed the measure, which the House and Senate passed late Wednesday, ending a brawl with Republicans who tried to use the must-pass legislation to mount a last-ditch effort to derail the president's landmark health care law and demand concessions on the budget.
The White House directed all agencies to reopen promptly and in an orderly fashion. Furloughed federal employees across the country are expected to return to work Thursday.
The impasse had shuttered national parks and monuments, and mostly closed down NASA, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Interior Department. Critical functions of government went on as usual and most federal employees won't see their paychecks delayed, but the closure and potential default weighed on the economy and spooked the financial markets.
There were signs early Thursday that the federal government was slowly coming back to life. "We're back from the #shutdown!" the Smithsonian Institution crowed on Twitter, announcing that museums would reopen Thursday and the National Zoo in Washington on Friday.
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By Andrew Taylor of Associated Press
As vote is tallied to keep the government open, House stenographer loses it and starts yelling about Freemasons and God.
Courtesy of ABC News:
A House stenographer was pulled out of the House chamber while shouting into the microphone during Wednesday’s vote on a compromise bill to end the government shutdown and raise the debt limit.
The woman was Dianne Reidy, an official reporter with the Office of the Clerk, two sources told ABC News. She was heard shouting “the House is divided,” according to one source.
She was pulled off the rostrum by chamber security staff.
“He will not be mocked,” the woman said, according to an audio recording of the incident posted online by Public Radio International reporter Todd Zwillich. “This is not one nation under God. It never was.”
“The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under god! It never was. Had it been, it would not have been! The Constitution would not have been written by Freemasons!” she added.
The incident caused a moment of chaos in the chamber as the presiding member, Rep. Ileana Ros Lehtinen, R-Fla., repeatedly banged the gavel, trying to restore order.
Now you might think that this was a clearly unhinged woman who simply snapped under the incredible pressure that was present last night. But according to Fox and Friends, you would be wrong. Pagan!
“That is Diane Reidy,” Brian Kilmeade reported, “who went to the Speaker’s chair, as you saw and saying praise to God, Jesus Christ.”
“She went on to say something in reference to Freemasons, and also seemed to say something about a house being divided,” he continued.
“This minister just emailed,” Steve Doocy interrupted.
“It was not a mental episode,” he said, reading from the email. “What she was doing was known as an exercise of the gifts of the spirit where she was — she had brought a warning and a message from God regarding the activity, he felt, there in the House.”
“Amazingly, this religious and obviously a sweet lady gets fed up and speaks her mind, something we all have tried to do,” Doocy added while reading from another email. “She brings up our dear lord and she gets a mental evaluation? I think it should be the other way around.”
“Who knows?” Elisabeth Hasselbeck asked. “Maybe she just saw something that didn’t seem right and mounting frustrations and tensions brought it out of her.”
That's right folks. the woman was simply relaying a message from God, and what did they do in response? Have her evaluated for a mental illness.
You know that's what's wrong in this country, crazy people are being treated like crazy people instead of prophets or seers.
It is all down hill from here.
P.S. Boy that Hasselbeck is certainly fitting in well over there at Fox, don't you think? Really found her niche.
Video: Cornerstone Plaza Sign Calls For Obama Impeachment; Portrays As Hitler
Video: Cornerstone Plaza Sign Calls For Obama Impeachment; Portrays Obama As Hitler...
According to Daily Mail the sign has ruffled some feathers. The sign is located in Kendallville, Indiana.
Rep. McClintock: Calls For Americans To Rise Up; Un-Constitutional Usurpations
Rep. Tom McClintock: Ruthless Obama Willfully Acting To Destroy; Obama's Un-Constitutional Usurpations; Calls For Americans To Rise Up; Mark Levin Says If This Is Not A Coup What Is;
( Video. Hat tip Mara Zebest. )
New poll shows that support for the Tea Party at record low. This low even lower than the LAST record low.
New poll shows that support for the Tea Party at record low. This low even lower than the LAST record low.
Courtesy of The Hill: Support for the Tea Party has reached its lowest point ever, as a growing number of Republicans now hold a negative view of the movement, according to a Pew survey released on Wednesday.
Forty-nine percent of the public have a negative view of the Tea Party, up from 37 percent in June and nearly double from where it stood in the early days of the movement, the poll found.
Only 30 percent said they have a favorable view of the Tea Party, down from 37 percent in June.
While the Tea Party has long been viewed unfavorably by Democrats and independents, the latest Pew survey found that Republicans have turned sharply against the group. Only 27 percent of centrist and liberal Republicans view the movement favorably, a 19-point drop from 46 percent in June.
In addition, non-Tea Party Republicans are increasingly likely to say that the Tea Party is not even associated with the GOP. While 41 percent of Tea Partyers say they identify as Republicans, only 27 percent of non-Tea Party Republicans say the movement is a part of the GOP.
"Only 27 percent of centrist and liberal Republicans view the movement favorably?" So much for Ted Cruz's chances of being the Republican candidate in 2016.
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Backtracks: Now Says Foreign-Born Persons Can Be President
Video: Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Backtracks: Now Says Foreign-Born Persons Can Be President...
I wonder if Bill researched this like he researched Obama's Connecticut social security number?
areyoukiddingme opines, Maybe his next book will be "Killing the Constitution"
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In arrogant breach of protocol Ted Cruz "video bombs" Mitch McConnell's big speech.
Courtesy of AmericaBlog:
In what is roundly being taken as a significant breach of protocol, and downright rude, GOP Tea Party Senator, and father of the Republican government shutdown and imminent debt default, Ted Cruz, decided to hold a press conference at the same time that Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell was announcing, and commenting on, the deals of the just-announced budget deal.
The split screen was on CNN from the first second McConnell started speaking, and at the 8th second CNN dropped McConnell entirely and switched their cameras to Cruz.
Oh snap! Even in a town as jaded as Washington, this shocked the beltway veterans.
Oh I think that this is going to bite Cruz in the ass big time!
Even though McConnell is in for a big fight to retain his seat I cannot see him letting this slide.
God I love the sound of Republican on Republican eye gouging and hair pulling in the morning.
While the Tea Party turns themselves inside out trying to stop Obamacare, here is the untold story of why ALL of us should be fighting tooth and nail to stop them.
Courtesy of New York Times:
Unless you’ve been bamboozled by the frantic fictions of the right wing, you know that the Affordable Care Act, familiarly known as Obamacare, has begun to accomplish its first goal: enrolling millions of uninsured Americans, many of whom have been living one medical emergency away from the poorhouse. You realize those computer failures that have hampered sign-ups in the early days — to the smug delight of the critics — confirm that there is enormous popular demand. You have probably figured out that the real mission of the Republican extortionists and their big-money backers was to scuttle the law before most Americans recognized it as a godsend and rendered it politically untouchable.
What you may not know is that the Affordable Care Act is also beginning, with little fanfare, to accomplish its second great goal: to promote reforms to our overpriced, underperforming health care system. Irony of ironies, the people who ought to be most vigorously applauding this success story are Republicans, because it is being done not by government decree but almost entirely with market incentives.
Using mainly the marketplace clout of Medicare and some seed money, the new law has spurred innovation and efficiency. And while those new insurance exchanges that are now lurching into business will touch roughly 1 in 10 Americans (the rest of us are already covered by private employer plans or by government programs like Medicare), these systemic reforms potentially touch every patient, every taxpayer.
“This is the 90 percent of the story that doesn’t make the headlines,” said Sam Glick, who follows health care reform for the Oliver Wyman consulting firm.
Since the Affordable Care Act was signed three years ago, more than 370 innovative medical practices, called accountable care organizations, have sprung up across the country, with 150 more in the works. At these centers, Medicare or private insurers reward doctors financially when their patients require fewer hospital stays, emergency room visits and surgeries — exactly the opposite of what doctors have traditionally been paid to do. The more money the organization saves, the more money its participating providers share. And the best way to save costs (which is, happily, also the best way to keep patients alive) is to catch problems before they explode into emergencies.
Thus the accountable care organizations have become the Silicon Valley of preventive care, laboratories of invention driven by the entrepreneurial energy of start-ups.
The Republicans, and their Koch brothers and Heritage Foundation master, just failed to stop a law that is currently doing THIS for the American people.
Why they wanted to do so is for completely selfish, and indefensible reasons, and NOT to protect democracy or the rights of our citizens despite their transparent rhetoric.
So it seems beyond obvious to me that we as a nation should send a VERY strong message to these anarchists in the next few election cycles and purge their Representatives from both the House and the Senate. It is an endeavor that I believe will attract bipartisan support, and that ultimately the country will be very grateful for in the long run.
We tried the Palinization of America and we did NOT like it. Thanks for playing but now take your newly deflated ball and get the fuck out of here!
Freedom Outpost: Presidents Are Impeached; Dictators Are Overthrown
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Dictators are Overthrown
By Dean Garrison @ Freedom Outpost
There's a classic childhood tale of "leverage" known to all parents and kids alike as "The Three Little Pigs." Early in the battle the wolf has leverage and he successfully blows down a straw house and a house made of twigs. But in the end the pigs gain leverage by retreating to their brick house and the wolf can't touch them. The wolf is dejected and soon gives up. Think about that silly story as I talk to you today.
A few things I say might hit a nerve and you might be angry with me. Just please remember that in the end, I am on your side.
I've had enough. We all have. Less than 24 hours after a large group of peaceful protesters removed the barricades and neatly stacked them in front of the White House, they were put back by National Park Service workers. This is not how it works. Evidently at some point in time Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Barack Obama, has forgotten how this whole system is set up. He works for us.
Larry Klayman will be leading a group to D.C. on November 19th, and I am going to see if can figure out a way to go. I haven't been able to verify this officially, but I have heard some rumors that the truckers may be returning that same weekend. I admire Larry Klayman very much, in fact, he fired me up this weekend when he made the comment about Obama putting his Quran down and coming outside with his hands up.
That was classic. And I love what all of the vets and truckers did this weekend. It took some real guts to do what they did, but the American people need to have a serious talk.
Are we going to keep knocking down dominoes and making Obama's henchmen pick them up? Is that how this is going to work?
First things first...
Do you believe what Klayman said in the video? Do you believe that Obama answers to Islam and Allah? I do.
OK, well let me tell you something. Ghandi and Lek Walensa would have been dead if they pulled that peaceful revolution stuff on a group of jihadists. I can't believe for a minute that a President, who has been labeled as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, is going to respect that. Has anyone been paying attention to what is happening with Muslims worldwide? They don't respond to peaceful people. They kill them.
To be more specific, they cut their heads off. You do not negotiate peacefully with Islam. I'm sorry, but you don't. I have seen no evidence that it works, and I am not about holding hands and singing Kumbaya to try to gain what the American people want.
So, again, do you want to keep knocking down the dominoes and watch the government pick them back up?
There is another protest scheduled for today with a variety of military groups joining together at the World War II Memorial to protest the government shutdown. They are demanding that the government shutdown ends today.
Now, please do not take this rant the wrong way because I have much respect for my fellow Patriots and I will not ever attempt to disrespect a veteran. That is a line I do not cross. I believe their heart is in the right place, but let me put myself in Obama's shoes and play a little devil's advocate.
[...] Continued @ Freedom Outpost. Hat tip Falcon.
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Image Credit: Ben Swann |
It Begins: Team Obama Foment Nationwide Riots; Cut Off November Food Stamps
It Begins: Illegitimate Team Obama Foment Nationwide Riots; Cut Off November Food Stamps...
Via FOX-13 out of Utah: Utah families on food stamps could be cut off soon;
States across the country are being told to stop the supplemental nutrition assistance program for the month of November, pending further notice.
That’s according to a letter from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Fox 13 obtained a copy from the Crossroads Urban Center in downtown Salt Lake City. Crossroads says if Utah families don’t get food stamps, they’ll turn to the local food pantries, which are already strapped due to the government shutdown. Homeless people Fox 13 talked to, some who use SNAP, say losing food stamps would mean going hungry.
[...] Continued @ FOX-13. Hat tip Obama Exposer.
It Begins: Team Obama Foment Nationwide Riots; Cut Off November Food Stamps