Saturday, October 12, 2013
Groom forgets bride at gas station, somehow lives to tell the tale
A German bride might be reconsidering her decision to say 'I do' after her brand new husband forgot her at a gas station on the side of the highway. The newlyweds were on their way home from their honeymoon when they stopped for fuel, and the unnamed man didn't notice she'd gotten out of their van to hit the restroom. (We're not defending him, but she HAD been asleep in the back seat when he pulled over.) He'd been on the road for 2 1/2 hours before he noticed that she was missing and turned around to pick her up. She was "patiently waiting" for him, according to the Associated Press because she's apparently the most forgiving person in the world. Hang on to her, buddy! [Source]
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Even American animals are getting fatter
Norm Lopez cleans himself in front of his Sacramento home in August. Lopez has a fervent, almost cult-like following in the community. Do the same factors that influence human weight gain influence pet weight gain?
Increasingly, scientists are turning their attention toward factors that humans and animals that live around them have in common with relation to weight gain.
Everyone knows Americans are fat and getting fatter, and everyone thinks they know why: more eating and less moving.
But the "big two" factors may not be the whole story. Consider this: Animals have been getting fatter too. The National Pet Obesity Survey recently reported that more than 50 percent of cats and dogs—that's more than 80 million pets—are overweight or obese. Pets have gotten so plump that there's now a National Pet Obesity Awareness Day. (It was Wednesday.) Lap dogs and comatose cats aren't alone in the fat animal kingdom. Animals in strictly controlled research laboratories that have enforced the same diet and lifestyle for decades are also ballooning.
In 2010, an international team of scientists published findings that two dozen animal populations—all cared for by or living near humans—had been rapidly fattening in recent decades. "Canaries in the Coal Mine," they titled the paper, and the "canaries" most closely genetically related to humans—chimps—showed the most troubling trend. Between 1985 and 2005, the male and female chimps studied experienced 33.2 and 37.2 percent weight gains, respectively. Their odds of obesity increased more than 10-fold.
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By The Atlantic Wire
Report: Son, 2, of NFLer dies after suspected abuse
Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings warms up prior to an NFL game on September 22, 2013 in Minneapolis.
Sioux Falls police spokesman Sam Clemens said Adrian Peterson's son died after he suffered injuries doctors believe were caused by child abuse.
The 2-year-old son of National Football League Most Valuable Player Adrian Peterson died Friday in Sioux Falls, S.D., after an apparent assault, according to police in South Dakota and media reports.
Sioux Falls police spokesman Sam Clemens said the boy died after suffering head injuries Wednesday, adding that doctors at the hospital where the child was taken said they believed the injuries were caused by child abuse.
South Dakota officials said earlier on Friday that a 27-year-old man had been charged with aggravated battery and aggravated assault on accusations of abusing a 2-year-old boy, who was not identified at the time.
Clemens said the man, Joseph Patterson, will face additional charges. Patterson is being held on a $750,000 cash bond, according to police.
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By Brendan O'Brien of Reuters
Obama meets with Pakistani teen shot by Taliban
President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and their daughter, Malia, left, meet with Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani girl shot in the head by the Taliban, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on Friday, Oct. 11.
Malala Yousafzai, a 16-year-old advocate for girls' education and target of a Taliban assassination attempt, met with President Obama in the White House.
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama met Friday with 16-year-old Malala Yousafzai, an advocate for girls' education and the target of a Taliban assassination attempt who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Obama met with Malala on the same day the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The Pakistani teen had been considered a front-runner for the prize and was in Washington to speak at two events.
The teen said in a statement after the meeting that she was honored to meet with the president, who is a Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
"I thanked President Obama for the United States' work in supporting education in Pakistan and Afghanistan and for Syrian refugees. I also expressed my concerns that drone attacksare fueling terrorism. Innocent victims are killed in these acts, and they lead to resentment among the Pakistani people. If we refocus efforts on education it will make a big impact," she said.
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By Jessica Gresko of Associated Press
The polls for the Republicans just keep getting worse. This might be the worst one yet.
Here Ezra Klein of the Washington Post provides the highlights. (Or is that "low" lights?):
The latest NBC/WSJ poll is just a disaster for the GOP. The highlights:
- By a 22-point margin, the public thinks the Republican Party is more to blame for the shutdown than President Obama. NBC's Mark Murray notes that that's "a wider margin of blame for the GOP than the party received during the poll during the last shutdown in 1995-96."
- Like Gallup, this poll shows the Republican Party at record levels of unpopularity. Only 24 percent have a favorable opinion of the GOP, and only 21 percent have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party. Both are "all-time lows in the history of the poll."
- Last month, voters preferred a Democratic Congress to a Republican Congress by three points. This month, it's up to eight points.
- Obama's approval rating has nudged up by two percent. This is a similar finding to the Washington Post/ABC News poll, which found Obama's numbers slightly improved even as the GOP plummeted.
- Despite the awful launch, Obamacare is becoming more popular. Last month, 31 percent said it was a good idea and 44 percent said it was a bad idea. This month, 38 percent think it's a good idea and 43 percent think it's a bad idea.
- Most people don't know enough about Sen. Ted Cruz to register an opinion. But among those who do, Cruz fares poorly: 28 percent have as negative opinion and only 14 percent have a positive opinion.
So to sum up the Republican strategy thus far has made THEM more unpopular than ever before, improved the President's popularity, and even helped improve the poll numbers for Obamacare.
Damn talk about the gang that couldn't shoot straight!
If they keep this up much longer Obama will see his poll numbers go through the roof, EVERYBODY will be clamoring for Obamacare, and the Republicans will be considered such damaged goods that they couldn't even get elected hall monitor.
In fact at least one of the President's supporters was so thrilled with this new poll that he sent Ted Cruz a fancy gift basket:
Buoyed by a new poll showing that the current federal shutdown has whacked the Republicans and lifted support for Obamacare, one of the president's closest allies decided to thank the architect of the GOP strategy with a fancy gift basket.
“Dear Ted,” said the card to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on the fruit and snack basket from 1-800-FLOWERS sent by Brad Woodhouse, president of Americans United for Change and the former Democratic Party communications director. “A Texas sized thank you!! Thanks to you, Obamacare is more popular and the GOP is less so. Keep up the Good Work!! Yours, Americans United for Change.”
He added, “it's the best $90 we've spent.” The gag gift, which cost $91.98 including the service charge, is called “Fruit Gathering,” and meant for “your closest friends,” according to the website.
Hey maybe we should all start doing that. I wonder what will happen to Cruz's support among the Tea Party if his office starts filling up with thank you gift baskets from Democrats?
Could be fun to find out.
Team Arpaio: Another Congressman Engaging; Obots Knocked Down
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- Image Credit: Moonbattery - |
Today Mike Zullo appeared on Carl Gallups Freedom Friday radio show to give an update...
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$1M 'bionic man' walks, breathes with artificial parts
Bertolt Meyer, a social psychologist for the University of Zurich, is the face of the the Bionic Man and is featured in the Smithsonian Channel original documentary, "The Incredible Bionic Man."
A team of engineers has assembled a robot using artificial organs, limbs and other body parts that comes tantalizingly close to a true 'bionic man.'
NEW YORK — Gentlemen, we can rebuild him, after all. We have the technology.
The term "bionic man" was the stuff of science fiction in the 1970s, when a popular TV show called "The Six Million Dollar Man" chronicled the adventures of Steve Austin, a former astronaut whose body was rebuilt using artificial parts after he nearly died.
Now, a team of engineers have assembled a robot using artificial organs, limbs and other body parts that comes tantalizingly close to a true "bionic man." For real, this time.
The artificial "man" is the subject of a Smithsonian Channel documentary that airs Sunday, Oct. 20 at 9 p.m. Called "The Incredible Bionic Man," it chronicles engineers' attempt to assemble a functioning body using artificial parts that range from a working kidney and circulation system to cochlear and retina implants.
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By Barbara Ortutay of Associated Press
Former F1 test driver De Villota found dead
Maria de Villota, a former F1 test driver who lost an eye and fractured her skull in an accident in England last year, was found dead in a hotel in Spain.
MADRID — Former Spanish Formula One test driver Maria de Villota, one of the few women to come close to the top of the sport, has been found dead in a hotel in the southern Spanish city of Seville, a police spokeswoman said on Friday.
De Villota, who lost her right eye and fractured her skull in a horrific accident at a test at Duxford airfield in England in July last year, had likely died of "natural" causes, the spokeswoman said, adding that an investigation was ongoing.
Although the 33-year-old recovered from the life-threatening injuries sustained in the crash, she no longer competed and had instead become an inspirational figure for aspiring female drivers. The news of her sudden passing stunned Spain and the motor racing world.
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By Rodrigo De Miguel of Reuters
Another Teabagger protest ends with a whimper and not a bang.
This courtesy of USA Today:30 Truckers turned up in DC today to call for Pres. Obama's impeachment. This is, um, how many Fox said would appear:
— (@TheObamaDiary) October 11, 2013
Traffic on the Capital Beltway around Washington was slow on Friday, but the culprits were largely steady rain and a heavy volume of weekday commuters, not a purported 3-day rolling protest by independent truckers.
Video cams occasionally showed three trucks rolling side by side, clogging up cars and other trucks behind them, but the Beltway otherwise keep truckin'.
At one point, according to the Virginia State Police, four commercial vehicles slowed traffic to 15 mph after the drivers rode side-by-side across all four northbound lanes of I-495 in Virginia. Police pulled the drivers over and warned them not to impede traffic.
"No summons/ticket was issued," police said in a statement. "The tractor-trailers were then allowed to proceed on their way," officials said in a news release, WUSA-TV reports.
Although organizers of the "Ride for the Constitution" said thousands -- perhaps as many as 10,000 -- trucks would take part, at mid-morning, only about 30 or so tractor-trailers were spotted on the Inner Loop of the Beltway that circles Washington through Maryland and Virginia, according to Corinne N. Geller, spokesperson for the Virginia Department of Transportation.
Okay I am laughing too hard right now to write anything.
I will leave it up to all of you to mock these morons, while I hold my aching stomach and wipe tears of laughter from my eyes.
Mark your calendar kids! Tomorrow is the big day where Sarah Palin replaces the "Jersey Shore" reality series as the most embarrassing thing in the state. Well they DID survive Hurricane Sandy.
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Both Lonegan and Levin look like creepers just waiting for Palin's jacket to lose a button or for her to bend over to pick something up. Gross.
Currently Lonegan is 14 points behind Corey Booker and if he really thinks that some radical Right Wing talk radio guy and a disgraced political albatross are going to help him move up, then he is even more ignorant than his critics believe him to be.
Speaking of the disgraced albatross she has also had her ghostwriter put up this bizarre Facebook post:
Friends, please see the article linked below. Consider this school teacher's assignment which mandates that kids undertake the task of deciding the fate of characters in an exercise that can obviously be considered a numbing lesson in “death panels.” Unbelievable.
We’ll be in NJ this Saturday to rally for Steve Lonegan for the U.S. Senate to thank his supporters for pushing back against Obamacare and to halt D.C.-inspired nonsense like this.
We should hope that influential adults could teach the next generation that it is never ethical, it is never right, for our government to take steps towards the destruction of the sanctity of innocent life. And the way to do that is for our culture to condemn and reject the insensitive callus that grows in a society by this kind of thinking. The teacher could hopefully explain how Orwellian and wrong this thinking is. And she'd go on to declare our right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit if happiness, upon which American exceptionalism was built. I challenge her to do so.
Wait, the school is supposedly teaching the children a lesson that "obviously" numbs them to the idea of non-existent "death panels?" WTF?
She links to an article by Fox News radio host Todd Starnes, in which he takes a high school social studies exercise, examining ethics, and turns it into some kind of Machiavellian manipulation.
Here is what the exercise entails.
The lesson involves 10 people who are in desperate need of kidney dialysis. For Fox News Only For Fox News Only “Unless they receive this procedure, they will die,” the lesson states.
But there’s a problem. The local hospital only has enough machines to support six patients.
“That means four people are not going to live,” the assignment states. “You must decide from the information below which six will survive.”
The choices for who, would, or who would not receive the dialysis included a doctor, lawyer, housewife, teacher, cop, Lutheran minister, ex-convict, a prostitute, college student and a disabled person.
The worksheet also included their ethnicity, their marital status, their age, and whether or not they had any children.
I don't know about all of you but I engaged in similar exercises while in high school and in college. They were a part of my philosophy classes, and they were the impetus for some rather interesting conversations among the students, who were also asked to explain and discuss their decisions. And by the way this was back in the late seventies and early eighties, way, WAY before there was any talk of "death panels" and back when Sarah Palin was still a frumpy high school kid with bad hair and low self esteem.
Now the Todd Starnes article links to another Right Wing rag which contacted the principal of St. Joseph Ogden High School in St. Joseph, IL and received this in response:
“The assignment you are referring to is not a “Death Panel” assignment. The assignment is one in the sociology unit of our Introduction To Social Studies class. The purpose of the assignment is to educate students about social values and how people in our society unfortunately create biases based off of professions, race, gender, etc. The teacher’s goal is to educate students in the fact that these social value biases exist, and that hopefully students will see things from a different perspective after the activity is completed. The teacher’s purpose in the element of the assignment you are referring to is to get students emotionally involved to participate in the classroom discussion, and to open their minds to the fact that they themselves have their own social biases. The assignment has nothing to do with a “Death Panel.”
We encourage parents to contact their son/daughter’s teachers if they have any concerns about an assignment in the classroom. That line of communication typically clears up any potential misunderstanding.”
However apparently that very reasonable and measured response was not good enough for the Whack-a-Doodle from Wasilla, who simply could NOT let an opportunity to talk about "death panels" slip by without vomiting forth some response.
Oh yeah, I think she is going to do wonders for Steve Lonegan's chances in New Jersey. Just like that iceberg helped the Titanic quickly make it to its destination.
House Democrats could have averted the government shutdown, but Republicans used legislative trickery to thwart their attempt. #EricCantorsucks.
Courtesy of Think Progress:
Less than two hours before shutting down the government, House Republicans created a special rule to prevent Democrats from reopening the government. The House’s normal rules provide that “[w]hen the stage of disagreement has been reached on a bill or resolution with House or Senate amendments, a motion to dispose of any amendment shall be privileged” — a provision that House Democrats believe would have enabled any member of the House to force a vote on a bill to fund the government that had already passed the Senate. Yet, as Dylan Scott reports, the Republican caucus thwarted the maneuver by enacting a special rule preventing this vote from taking place.
Under this special rule, such an attempt to fund the government “may be offered only by the majority Leader or his designee.” Thus, with a shutdown looming, the power to allow a vote that would likely have prevented the government from closing was left in Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-VA) hands. Cantor, of course, chose not to exercise that power.
You know just when you thought you had reached a baseline for your disgust with the Republican party.
And you know the ironic thing is that if the House Democrats HAD managed to stop this they would have rescued the Republicans from themselves, and they might NOT be facing their lowest poll numbers in the history of Gallup.
Eric Cantor and his keystone Kops have damaged the integrity of our country, virtually destroyed their reputation among voters, and are in the process of possibly handing the House over to the Democrats in 2014.
Great job.
There is a new voice coming out of Arizona pleading with the Republicans NOT to shut down Obamacare. Oh, you are not going to believe this one!
Hey, what can I say? The damn thing works. |
Gov. Jan Brewer said Wednesday that she does not want U.S. House Republicans to succeed in their bid to shut down the Affordable Care Act, saying it would “devastate” the state budget.
Brewer said she has never been a fan of “Obamacare.’’ And she pointed out she was among several governors who sued — unsuccessfully — to have it declared unconstitutional.
But the governor said once it was clear the law would take effect, she sought ways to have Arizona take advantage of a key provision rewarding states that expand their Medicaid programs. In this state, that is the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, which she described as the “gold standard” of Medicaid programs.
And she said that made it worthwhile to fight with members of her own Republican Party, to the point of forming an alliance with legislative Democrats, to push the plan through.
“The bottom line is we need that money in our economy to save rural hospitals and jobs in the rural areas,” the governor said, as well as making sure hospitals in metropolitan areas, where most AHCCCS patients are seen, get paid. “It’s all about jobs and getting back federal dollars that our taxpayers have paid to the federal government, to bring them home.”
Brewer estimates the Affordable Care Act will produce $1.6 billion in payments a year to the state’s Medicaid program. And she said there is no direct cost to Arizona taxpayers, with the state’s share being paid by a tax on hospitals.
That concern is causing the normally partisan governor to lash out at congressional Republicans as much as she criticizes the president for the shutdown in Washington over the issue of repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Jan Brewer?
Jan "There are headless corpses in the desert" Brewer?
You know even though I, and many others, predicted that once the ACA started to pay dividends for those states whose legislators allowed the law to be fully implemented, that there would be a lot of Republicans who would embrace it fully, and lawmakers in other states who would feel pressure to follow suit, I have to admit that this is still pretty amazing to witness.
After all Brewer is besties with the most vicious anti-Obamacare crusader of all.
It's just gonna make things awkward the next time they get together to burn a cross on some Arizona immigrants front lawn. That's all I'm saying.
Is it wrong that I am enjoying all of this so much?
Video: Truckers Shutdown DC Highways and Demand Obama Leaves Office
Truckers Shutdown DC Highways & Demand Obama Leaves Office...
( Video via RT America. )
Monster cyclone nears Indian coast, sends 440,000 fleeing
As one of the largest cyclones in India’s history reaches its eastern coast, prompting a national red alert and sending some 440,000 people scurrying for shelter, the first deaths have been reported.
Three people were killed in Odisha when trees uprooted by wind gusts fell on them, local media cited police officials as saying.
Cyclone Phailin is likely to be the strongest to hit India since 1999, when a deadly Orissa cyclone killed 10,000 people and caused $4.5 billion worth of damage. This cyclone may surpass that one, as it gathers strength over the warm water of the Bay of Bengal on its way toward land.
Heavy rain and strong winds of up to 220 kilometers per hour were already lashing the country’s eastern coast on Saturday morning as the cyclone approached. Television footage showed gusts of wind snapping branches from trees and residents of coastal villages flocking to shelters.
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Mortar shells hit near inspectors' hotel in Syria
Firefighters extinguish a burning vehicle after two mortar rounds struck the Abu Roumaneh area in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday.
An 8-year-old girl was killed and 11 people were hurt in the blasts near the Four Seasons Hotel in an upscale area of Damascus.
BEIRUT — Two mortar shells hit Syria's capital Saturday near a hotel where international chemical inspectors and United Nations staff are staying, state media and a hotel guest said.
An 8-year-old girl was killed and 11 people were hurt in the blasts in the upscale Abu Roumaneh area of Damascus, the SANA news agency said. One shell fell near a school and the other on the roof of a building.
The girl was in her family car near the school when she was killed, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based activist group monitoring the fighting.
The blasts damaged several cars and shattered nearby windows. One resident was seen sweeping debris on a sidewalk, near where twisted metal pieces from the wreckage had been heaped in a small pile.
The blasts struck some 1,000 feet away from the Four Seasons Hotel where the chemical inspectors and U.N. staff are staying. A U.N. employee staying there said it did not appear that the hotel was affected by the twin explosions. The hotel remained open after the blasts, he said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.
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By Karin Laub of Associated Press
Djokovic beats Tsonga to reach Shanghai final
Shanghai (AFP) - Defending champion Novak Djokovic swept aside Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 6-2, 7-5 on Saturday, as a mouthwatering Shanghai Masters title showdown loomed against world number one Rafael Nadal.
Djokovic beats Tsonga to reach Shanghai final
The powerful Tsonga came into the semi-final at the Qizhong Tennis Center with a miserable run of eight consecutive defeats against the top seed, but had not dropped a set all week.
However, he landed just 46 percent of first serves in an ultimately one-sided first set, and despite a better performance in the second he cracked in the 12th game as Djokovic completed a straight-sets win.
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The Sarah Palin curse continues as the night before she shows up to support Steve Lonegan he is forced to fire his top adviser.
Courtesy of New
Rick Shaftan, a top adviser to Steve Lonegan, may not be known to many outside New Jersey and New York political circles, but he went viral today — and it cost him his job.
Shaftan gave a lengthy, profanity-laced interview with political news site Talking Points Memo, ridiculing Democratic Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Lonegan's opponent in Wednesday's special U.S. Senate election.
Shaftan, a fixture on many state and local conservative campaigns in the metropolitan area, said Booker's online interaction last month with Portland stripper Lynsie Lee was "weird" and suggested the mayor's somewhat vanilla exchange suggested he was gay.
"It was just weird. I mean, to me, you know, hey, if he said, 'Hey, you got really hot breasts, man. ... But, like, he didn't say that," Shaftan said in the interview. "It was like kind of like, I don't know, it was like what a gay guy would say to a stripper."
Hours later, Lonegan fired Shaftan, saying the comments “are not reflective of my views or that of my campaign.
“His comments are distasteful and offensive, and his contract as a vendor for my campaign will be terminated immediately,” Lonegan said.
Damn, I swear her powers of political poison are getting stronger by the day.
This guy, Shaftan, had a long career in local politics but now he will have a very hard time finding work with another political hopeful after this embarrassing incident.
And her plane had not even landed yet.
You know I was thinking the other day about perhaps the most famous of her endorsement that did NOT result in a loss for the endorsee. And that was Ted Cruz.
But in that case he became a carrier of her disease and the poison has now spread through the Republican party.
I can hardly wait to find out how much more damage she will do to Lonegan today at the Teabagger party.
Rachel Maddow reports on Russia's new policy of removing children from the home of their gay parents and the Americans who support and applaud their anti-gay stance.
I am not one to support the boycotting of the Olympic games (I still remember Kurt Thomas) but I certainly would not fault any athletes or spectators who did not feel comfortable attending the games in such an overtly homophobic environment.
The American arms race, sponsored by our old friends the NRA.
Courtesy of Versus News:
The NRA and its gun-absolutist cohorts have set up a domestic arms race: They promote laws that make it easy for criminals to get guns and then use the threat of armed criminals to persuade law-abiding citizens into buying guns for self-defense—to complete the cycle, these groups then use law-abiding citizens’ fear of not being able to defend themselves in order to convince them to support the very deregulation which made the problem in the first place.
This constantly escalating domestic arms race leads to huge profits for the people who make the guns but results in the USA being flooded with dangerous weapons. The gun manufacturers make money regardless of whether the person buying a gun is an offense-minded criminal or a defense-minded law-abiding citizen. In fact, the economic interests of gun manufacturers lie with both types of people purchasing their product and adding to their profits.
By creating increased demand for their goods on both sides of the law and blocking any attempts to prevent criminals from buying weapons—the NRA even fights to let accused terrorists buy guns—the gun industry ensures that there is always somebody looking to buy a gun.
If one is to disregard morality and simple human decency in pursuit of profits, this business strategy is extremely effective and well-designed—they have maximized the number of people who are buying guns without having to admit to the fact that they are promoting the problem which people are all afraid of.
This situation is analogous to an arms manufacturer selling weapons to both a peaceful democracy and an autocracy with a history of aggression (ex. South and North Korea, respectively). In order to increase their business, this arms manufacturer could sell weapons to the autocracy under the table, then go to the democracy and point out that their violent neighbor is getting enough weapons to be a threat. Because of this threat, the democracy would be compelled to buy weapons in order to balance the threat of their law-less neighbor.
This is precisely what the NRA is doing. Precisely!
They absolutely LOVE IT when there is a mass shooting. It scares people, and the NRA is right there to tell them that in order to feel safe all they need is a warm gun. (The only thing that stops a bad man with a gun, is a good guy with bigger gun.)
This of course encourages MORE gun purchases, and eventually more guns in the hands of criminals and crazy people. So of course it is not long before another horrific shooting takes place, and the cycle continues.
I am not sure if we are going to see any movement on the gun control front any time soon. But I still hold out hope that as the country moves further and further away from the conservative mindset that the support for the NRA will also dry up, and perhaps then we can do something permanent about reducing the number of guns on the street and the ease with which people who have no business owning one gain access to them.
Eat These and You May Live Longer, New Study Says
A group of international scientists has located a possible fountain of youth, and it's in our kitchens. A new study in the Journal of Nutrition reports that older adults who consume higher amounts of polyphenols have a 30 percent chance of living longer. Polyphenols are micronutrients found mainly in fruits,vegetables, legumes, nuts, grains, coffee, and tea. Evidence suggests polyphenols have a role in preventing cancer,cardiovascular disease, inflammation, osteoporosis, and other degenerative diseases.
The 12-year study, which involved more than 800 participants, is the first to use a specific biomarker (in this case, urine analysis) to measure polyphenol levels, instead of relying on questionnaires. "The results corroborate scientific evidence suggesting that people consuming diets rich in fruit and vegetables are at lower risk of several chronic diseases and overall mortality," lead author Raúl Zamora Ros, PhD, of the University of Barcelona, said in a statement. "This methodology makes a more reliable and accurate evaluation of the association between food intake and mortality or disease risk," added colleague Cristina Andrés Lacueva, PhD.
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Author: By Sarah B. Weir, Shine Senior Writer
Miss Universe in police case over Taj Mahal photos
Agra (India) (AFP) - Indian police said Thursday they had filed a case against Miss Universe for conducting an unauthorised footwear fashion shoot at the Taj Mahal which was slammed as an "insult" by the monument's caretaker.
Twenty-one-year-old American Olivia Culpo, wearing a long peach-coloured dress, visited the world-famous "monument to love" in Agra on Sunday during a 10-day tour of India.
"We have registered a case against Ms Culpo and her team members after receiving a complaint," Sushant Gaur told AFP from the tourism police station in Agra, 180 kilometres (112 miles) south of New Delhi.
"We have booked her under various sections... of India's Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act," he added.
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Facebook no longer lets users hide from search
The removal of a search privacy setting will prevent Facebook users from controlling who is able to search them on the site.
NEW YORK — Facebook is getting rid of a privacy feature that let users limit who can find them on the social network.
Facebook Inc. said Thursday that it is removing a setting that controls whether users could be found when people type their name into the website's search bar.
Facebook says only a single-digit percentage of the nearly 1.2 billion people on its network were using the setting.
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By Associated Press
‘Glee’s’ awkward but moving farewell to Cory Monteith, the sensitive, singing quarterback
Fox’s musical high-school comedy, “Glee,” said goodbye Thursday night to Finn Hudson, the sensitive star quarterback-turned-pop song crooner played by the late actor Cory Monteith, in a one-hour tribute episode that brought out some of what’s still good about the show and a lot of what’s become stale about it.
It’s no secret that “Glee’s” better days are increasingly behind it. In expressing their mournfulness about losing Monteith, who died in July from a heroin and alcohol overdose at age 31, the actors playing the characters demonstrated far less confidence and “Glee”-fullness than they did when the show debuted five seasons ago, in 2009. Sorrow is the last reason any of them signed up or stuck around for this gig.
The episode was written by “Glee” creators Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan, and it was disappointing to see them set aside one of “Glee’s” lasting attributes — cold honesty — as it awkwardly and even sanguinely avoided revealing how Monteith’s character died. Did Finn, like the actor who played him, have a drug problem? Was it a car crash? Did he kill himself? Aneurysm, heart attack, infection, old football injury, what?
“That doesn’t matter,” said Kurt (Chris Colfer) in the episode’s opening.
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