Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Attack: Rep. Coffman Wants To Sue Obama; Also Says Obama Not Born In America
Attack: Congressman Mike Coffman Wants
To Sue Obama; Also Says Obama Not An American
The DemocRat smear machine is full speed ahead gunning for Rep. Mike Coffman for daring to go against the Obama regime. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) published the following:
Birther Congressman Mike Coffman is doubling down on Tea Party rhetoric, telling Colorado radio stations that he wants to sue President Obama personally for ending the deportations of DREAM Act children. Coffman said that President Obama was “waving the so-called magic wand of this prosecutorial discretion” – the same excuse he used in voting with Congressman Steve King this year to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and deport hundreds of thousands of DREAMers.
Congressman Mike Coffman is trying to dog whistle to his Tea Party allies that he’s standing in the way of President Obama’s deferred action program that protects hundreds of thousands of young people from deportation,” said Brandon Lorenz of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “Congressman Coffman’s staff can try to remove the Tea Party references from his website, but birther Mike Coffman’s decision to sue the president makes clear that no matter how hard his handlers try, they won’t be able to disguise Congressman Coffman’s Tea Party roots.”
Last Week: Congressman Coffman Criticized the President’s use of “Prosecutorial Discretion.” In November 2013 Congressman Coffman said, “I think this country is in a constitutional crisis, because of this President’s ability or abuse of waving the so-called magic wand of this prosecutorial discretion and basically creating law by not enforcing existing law.” [KHOW, 11/26/13]
Congressman Coffman Said President Obama is “Not an American.” According to 9News, “Coffman had steadfastly refused to speak on camera regarding his May 12th comment at a fundraiser in Elbert County. The comments, recorded and posted online by a Coffman supporter, were first aired by 9NEWS. ‘I don't know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States of America. I don't know that,’ Coffman told donors. ‘But I do know this, that in his heart, he's not an American. He's just not an American.’ [9News, 5/22/12; Denver Post, 5/16/12]
[...] More @ DCCC DemocRats 2014.
Congressman Coffman can be encouraged at:
Update: Obama's Illegal-Alien Uncle Allowed To Stay; Supreme Court Orders Obama
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WCVB reports: Obama's Kenyan-born uncle allowed to remain in United States
President Barack Obama's Kenyan-born uncle, who ignored a deportation order more than two decades ago, was granted permission to stay in the U.S. on Tuesday.
Judge Leonard Shapiro made the decision after Onyango Obama, 69, testified that he had lived in the U.S. for 50 years, been a hard worker, paid income tax and been arrested only once.
Asked about his family in the U.S. on Tuesday, he said, "I do have a nephew." Asked to name the nephew, he said, "Barack Obama, he's the president of the United States."
Onyango Obama, the half brother of the president's late father, has lived in the U.S. since the 1960s. He was ordered to leave the country in 1992, but remained.
Shapiro cited a law that entitles immigrants who are "out of status" to become permanent residents if they arrived in the U.S. before 1972, maintained continuous residence and are of good moral character. [...] - Continued WCVB.
U.S. Supreme Court Orders Obama
Admin To Respond To Deportation Case
Excerpt via Christian Post:
The U.S. Supreme Court has ordered the Obama administration to respond to a petition by the Home School Legal Defense Association to hear an appeal in the Romeikes deportation case.
The Obama administration has sought to deport the Romeikes, a German family that fled from to the United States to protect their right to homeschool. If they had stayed in Germany, they risked fines or having their children taken from them, as recently happened with another homeschooling family in Germany.
An appeals court agreed with the administration, which argued that the freedom to determine the education of one's children is not a fundamental right. The administration also agreed with a German court's argument that banning homeschooling teaches tolerance of diverse views. HSLDA petitioned the Supreme Court to review that appeals court decision.
The fact that the Supreme Court wants the administration to weigh in on the petition increases the likelihood that it will hear the case, but it is no guarantee. [...] - Continued at Christian Post.
Obama's drunk driving uncle says that Barack
stayed with him for three weeks during law school...
but the White House denies they have ever met
U.K.'s Daily Mail
- Onyango Obama, 69, has been an illegal resident of the U.S. since his student visa ran out in 1970
- Judge ruled that he is now allowed to apply to be a legal resident
- Citizenship came into question after he was arrested for drunken driving in 2011
- At the police station, he told officers to call 'his nephew at the White House'
- President has denied ever meeting his uncle but in court today Onyango Obama claimed Barack stayed with him for three weeks while at law school
President Obama's uncle has testified at his deportation hearing that he housed his famous relative for a few weeks when he was student at Harvard Law School.
This statement contradicts earlier claims by the White House, which says that Barack Obama has never met his controversial uncle Onyango Obama.
The 69-year-old half-brother of the president's late father will be allowed to remain in the United States after a hearing at a Massachusetts Immigration Court on Tuesday afternoon. [..] Continued @ Daily Mail.
Fox News Reports
Doc Dump: Skip-Tracer Releases Database Pulls On Obama-Family Social Security Number - 4/21/2013 by ObamaRelease YourRecords
Belgium: 130 cars crash in fog; at least 1 dead
Crashed cars sit on top of a shoulder on the A19 highway in Zonnebeke, western Belgium, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013.
Medical workers struggled to free injured passengers from the twisted metal of their vehicles for hours after the crash, troubled by continuing fog.
BRUSSELS — More than 130 vehicles were involved in three pileups at a highway in western Belgium in a dense morning fog Tuesday, leaving at least one dead and 76 injured.
Medical workers struggled to free injured passengers from the twisted metal of their vehicles for hours after the crash, troubled by continuing fog, which made emergency rescue by helicopter impossible.
The provincial governor, Carl Decaluwe, said one person had died, and that among the injured, five were in life-threatening condition while 11 sustained serious injuries.
The highway in Zonnebeke, linking the regional industrial hub of Kortrijk to nearby Ieper, was strewn with debris in three locations close to one another. The damp and cold conditions in early December often create fog, but drivers said it felt like a white wall of fog suddenly appeared, and immediately decreased virtually all visibility.
Medics carry equipment to a crash scene on the A19 highway in Zonnebeke, western Belgium, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013.
As the fog slowly lifted, the harrowing scene showed dozens of wrecked cars, some overturned and others forming a trail of destruction along a mid-road shoulder.
A truck slammed against the side of the road while one threw its cargo of animal feed over the road. Another spilled its manure, slumping next to several cars crumpled together like paper balls.
Read Full Article Source here
By Raf Casert of Associated Press
Amazon's delivery drones: An idea that may not fly
The so-called Prime Air unmanned aircraft project that Amazon is working on in its research and development labs. Amazon says it will take years to advance the technology and for the Federal Aviation Administration to create the necessary rules and regulations.
While flight technology makes delivery drones feasible, U.S. law and society's attitude toward drones haven't caught up with CEO Jeff Bezos' vision.
NEW YORK — Jeff Bezos' idea to let self-guided drones deliver packages may be too futuristic for Washington to handle.
The Amazon CEO is working on a way to use the small aircraft to get parcels to customers in 30 minutes or less. While flight technology makes it feasible, U.S. law and society's attitude toward drones haven't caught up with Bezos' vision. Inc. says it's working on the so-called Prime Air unmanned aircraft project but it will take years to advance the technology and for the Federal Aviation Administration to create the necessary rules and regulations.
The project was first reported by CBS' "60 Minutes" Sunday night, hours before millions of shoppers turned to their computers to hunt Cyber Monday bargains.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said in the interview that while his octocopters look like something out of science fiction, there's no reason they can't be used as delivery vehicles.
Bezos said the drones can carry packages that weigh up to five pounds, which covers about 86 percent of the items Amazon delivers. The drones the company is testing have a range of about 10 miles, which Bezos noted could cover a significant portion of the population in urban areas.
Bezos told "60 Minutes" the project could become a working service in four or five years.
Unlike the drones used by the military, Bezos' proposed flying machines won't need humans to control them remotely. Amazon's drones would receive a set of GPS coordinates and automatically fly to them, presumably avoiding buildings, power lines and other obstacles.
Delivery drones raise a host of concerns, from air traffic safety to homeland security and privacy. There are technological and legal obstacles, too —similar to Google's experimental driverless car. How do you design a machine that safely navigates the roads or skies without hitting anything? And, if an accident occurs, who's legally liable?
Delivering packages by drone might be impossible in a city like Washington D.C. which has many no-fly zones.
But technology entrepreneur and futurist Ray Kurzweil notes that "technology has always been a double edged sword."
"Fire kept us warm and cooked our food but also was used to burn down our villages," says Kurzweil.
"It's fascinating as an idea and probably very hard to execute," says Tim Bajarin, an analyst with Creative Strategies who sees Bezos as an unconventional thinker. "If he could really deliver something you order within 30 minutes, he would rewrite the rules of online retail."
Amazon has already done that once. In 1995, with investments from family and friends, Bezos began operating Amazon as an online bookseller out of a Seattle garage. Over nearly two decades, Amazon grew to become the world's largest online retailer, selling everything from shoes to groceries to diapers and power tools.
Amazon spends heavily on growing its business, improving order fulfillment and expanding into new areas. Those investments have come at the expense of consistent profitability, but investors have been largely forgiving, focusing on the company's long-term promise and double-digit revenue growth.
The company spent almost $2.9 billion in shipping last year, accounting for 4.7 percent of its net sales.
There is no prohibition on flying drones for recreational use, but since 2007, the Federal Aviation Administration has said they can't be used for commercial purposes.
"The technology has moved forward faster than the law has kept pace," says Brendan Schulman, special counsel at the law firm Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP.
Schulman is currently challenging that regulation before a federal administrative law judge on behalf of a client who was using a radio-controlled aircraft to shoot video for an advertising agency. Autonomous flights like Amazon is proposing, without somebody at the controls, are also prohibited.
Read Full Article Source here
By Scott Mayerowitz of Associated Press
The best selling item at Walmart on Black Friday was towels
Shoppers make their way past an endcap that once held discounted pillows at a Walmart Store in Chicago, November 23, 2012.
The big seller at Walmart on Black Friday wasn't a gadget, or even something that's fun for the kids. The retailer reports customers were fighting to buy discounted towels this year.
Walmart shoppers upped their towel consumption by one million cotton squares this year,fighting each other for bargain bath towels and washcloths starting at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving day, when the mega retailer began its Black Friday sale.
Overall, 2.8 million towels were purchased, making the towel this year's top-selling item across all their stores. According to Walmart, the towels, priced at $1.74 per bath towel or pack of six washcloths, were sold at far greater numbers than electronics and other traditional gifts. This year the retailer sold 2 million televisions, 1.9 million dolls, 1.4 million tablets and 300,000 bicycles.
According to Marketwatch, consumers' recent obsession with cheap towels is a sign that more people are seeing Black Friday as an opportunity to do their personal shopping, rather than pick up presents:
Another reason the towels sold so well was that Black Friday weekend has increasingly become a holiday where shoppers are out shopping for themselves, says Meghan Heffernan, the director of public relations for — towels tend not to be popular gifts. According to a survey for DealNews. 44% of consumers planned to buy loot for themselves on Black Friday; among consumers ages 18 - 35 that number swells to 57%.
And, ahem, because five years after the start of the great recession, a lot people are still poor. According the Associated Press's Black Friday follow up, this year's salesfell by 2.9 percent from last year, even though more people — 3 million more than last year's 89 million — were out shopping.
If you were wondering what Walmart's top seller is on non-Black Fridays ... it's bananas.
Read Full Article Source here
By Sara Morrison of The Atlantic
Andrew Sullivan responds to Rush Lumbaugh's assertion that Pope Francis is preaching "pure Marxism." Unsurprisingly he doesn't agree.
Courtesy of The Dish:
Sorry, Rush, but if you think this critique of capitalism is something dreamed up by the current Pope alone, you know nothing about Catholicism, nothing about John Paul II, and nothing about Christianity. But I guess we knew that already, even though the ditto-heads still believe, like that particularly dim bulb Paul Ryan, that Ayn Rand and Jesus Christ are somehow compatible, when they are, in fact, diametrically opposed in every single respect.
Notice, however, as I noted yesterday, that the Church in no way disputes the fact that market capitalism is by far the least worst means of raising standards of living and ending poverty and generating wealth that can be used to cure disease, feed the hungry, and protect the vulnerable. What the Church is disputing is that, beyond our daily bread, material well-being is a proper criterion for judging human morality or happiness. On a personal level, the Church teaches, as Jesus unambiguously did, that material goods beyond a certain point are actually pernicious and destructive of human flourishing. I hesitate to think, for example, what Limbaugh would have made of Saint Francis, the Pope’s namesake. Francis, after all, spurned the inheritance of his father’s flourishing business to wash the bodies of lepers, sleep in ditches, refuse all money for labor, and use begging as the only morally acceptable form of receiving any money at all. In the Church of Limbaugh, there is no greater heretic than Saint Francis. Francis even believed in the sanctity of the natural world, regarding animals as reflecting the pied beauty of a mysterious divinity. Sarah Palin, in contrast, sees them solely as dinner.
Oooh bringing Palin into it, nice touch.
Then Sullivan goes on:
Limbaugh’s only recourse when faced with actual Christianity is to conspiracy theories about translations of the Pope’s words. Perhaps it’s the commies who have perpetrated a massive lie through their control of the media. That was Sarah Palin’s response to, when confronted with, you know, Christianity for apparently the first time. But you sense that even Rush is beginning to realize there is something more to this, something that could be very destructive to his sealed, cocooned, materialist ideology of one. Hang on a minute, you almost hear him saying to himself …
Yes, Rush, hang on a minute. Christianity is one of the most powerful critiques of radical market triumphalism. And it’s now coming – more plainly and unmistakably in our lifetimes – to a church near you.
I don't think I can adequately express the glee I feel watching these conservatives and Evangelicals tripping all over themselves trying to reinterpret what the Pope is saying, or suggesting that it must be the work of Commie translators, or even claiming that the Pope does not understand economics, the Bible, or Jesus Christ.
And look I am very appreciative of the new tone put forth by this Pope, but I am still quite aware that he is not actually going to be able to change church doctrine or have any lasting impact on the future of the church.
I mean I wish that the Catholic church and the fundamentalists would start to truly embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ en masse instead of using them as excuses for misogyny and gay bashing, but I have little confidence that anything of the sort is in the offing.
And of course there is this.
Just something to keep in mind while we are all celebrating the infighting among the Right Wing and religious zealots.
Sarah Palin's next two stops on her Grift-a-palooza will be at a university founded by a dead televangelist and to visit the library of one just barely clinging to life.
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Photo of the Heath family's holiday mountain of death mentioned in Sarah Palin's book. |
Honored to be participating in the final Convocation of 2013 this Wednesday at Liberty University. Look forward to discussing “Good Tidings and Great Joy” and how together we can protect the heart of Christmas.
Liberty University, for those who do not know, was founded by gay basher extraordinaire Jerry Falwell, who built the school in response to new civil rights laws that were forcing regular universities to allow black folk to sleep in the same dorms as their white betters.
This will take place tomorrow, on Wednesday, after that Palin is off to one of the few libraries on the planet that would allow her sad little book to be placed on its shelves.
We will be in Charlotte, NC, this Friday, December 6th at the Billy Graham Library signing copies of "Good Tidings and Great Joy." Look forward to visiting with volunteers as well as supporting Operation Christmas Child. Todd, Bristol, and I visited Haiti with Franklin Graham and were able to hand out some of the generous shoeboxes these volunteers process and package with care -- glad to have the opportunity to thank them and highlight the great work they do.
So Palin is now essentially working the tent revival circuit, trying to find folks who are not known for exercising their critical thinking skills, in the hopes that she will be able to unload a few more of these future toilet paper dispensers.
After all who better to buy a book full of fabrications and poorly written family mythology, than people raised to accept that the Bible was a historically accurate document written by the hand of God?
Of course that is assuming that these Bible thumpers were not paying attention when this happened.
Sarah Palin's "War on Christmas" book currently resides in 666th place on the Amazon bestseller list [pic]:
— Path2Enlightenment (@Path2Enlighten) December 3, 2013
But hey, if you think about it, "Santa" is just "Satan" with the letters rearranged. After all who ELSE knows whether you're naughty or nice?Source
"Hey children of Wisconsin, why selfishly demand toys from your parents this Christmas when instead you could use that money to support Scott Walker's reelection campaign?"
Courtesy of Think Progress:
Last week, Walker’s campaign sent an email encouraging supporters not to buy gifts for their children and to use that money instead to support his reelection effort.
“Instead of electronics or toys that will undoubtedly be outdated, broken, or lost by the next Holiday Season, help give your children the gift of a Wisconsin that we can all be proud of,” the email read.
Here is the email in full:
Wow! And here I thought I had seen just about everything!
"Hey kids, this Christmas instead of those silly toys you get to help support the corrupt Teabagger Governor who crushed the unions and helped destroyed your daddy's chance at employment."
Have these people ever heard of the term "patricide?"
Woman suffers unnecessarily for three days due to dangerous complications with her pregnancy, after being sent home by Catholic hospital.
Courtesy of ACLU:
Tamesha was only 18 weeks pregnant when her water broke prematurely. She rushed to Mercy Health—the only hospital within half an hour of where she lived. The hospital did not tell her then that she had little chance of a successful pregnancy, that she was at risk if she tried to continue the pregnancy, and that the safest course of care in her case was to end it. The hospital simply sent her home.
She came back the next day, bleeding and in pain, and again was turned away. Again, she was not told of the risks of trying to continue the pregnancy, or what her treatment options were. Tamesha returned yet a third time—by now suffering a significant infection. The hospital was prepared to send her away once more, when she started to deliver.
Tamesha's baby died within hours of being born—at 18 weeks, it never had a chance.
How could something like this happen? Because Mercy Health is Catholic-sponsored, it is required to adhere to the "Ethical and Religious Directives," a set of rules created by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to govern the provision of medical care at Catholic-run hospitals. At hospitals like Mercy Health, the Directives are put above medical standards of care.
The Directives prohibit Catholic-sponsored facilities from providing vital health services and the information patients need to make informed decisions about their health care, and from honoring patients' wishes when they conflict with Catholic directives. This is true even if as in Tamesha's case, compliance with the Directives pose a direct threat to patient health.
Because of the Directives, Tamesha was never told the truth about her situation—that her fetus had little chance of surviving, that by attempting to continue the pregnancy she risked her own health, and that completing the miscarriage and ending the pregnancy was the safest approach for a woman in her condition. All that information was withheld from her. Nor was she told that because of the Directives, the hospital would refuse to provide her the safest course of care—even to protect her health. Tamesha never had the chance to direct the course of her care or make a real decision.
I am sorry but when your faith endangers the life of a fellow human being then your faith needs to take a back door to ethical and moral medical considerations.
In this case the baby was not going to live no matter what happened, yet they sent a woman home to suffer and potentially die during childbirth rather than go against church doctrine.
We need to get away from this religious definition of life, and go back to the scientific one, that suggests that life only truly viable once a fetus is capable of surviving outside of the mother, and that does not happen until around the 23rd to 26th week of life. If THAT were the accepted standard then all of this BS about the morning after pill and hospitals refusing to offer life saving abortions would be a non-issue.
I guess being an immoral Atheist I will never understand why there is more importance placed on the survival of a bundle of cells over the life of actual living, breathing human beings in this country.
There are people in this country who would literally allow children to have their mother die in excruciating agony rather than risk the potential life of their unborn sibling. That is a type of "morality" that I will never understand.