Saturday, November 9, 2013
Car Dealer Goes Birther: That Kenyan Is Not My President
Video: Car Dealer Goes Birther: That Kenyan Is Not My President...
KOIN reports:
There is nothing illegal about a message posted Thursday on a sign at a Vancouver used car dealership. But the sign was seen as racist and offensive.
"That Kenyan is not my President" was the message in the bottom left corner of the business sign for Austin's Affordable Autos.
President Obama's father was born in Kenya.
The message, since taken down, was on private property for about four days. and the owner's freedom of speech is protected by the US Constitution. But that doesn't mean it didn't upset many people. [...] - KOIN.
Secret Service Agent: Obama Deceived America; Using Government As Weapon
Obama's Former Secret Service Agent: Obama Deceived America; Using Government As Weapon...
( Video via The Kelly File @ Fox News. )
Fmr. SS Agent Dan Bongino: Obama Scandals Worse Than People Think; America Lost In Scandals...
( Video via Glenn Beck. )
Dan Bongino's Website:
Blizzard announces new World of Warcraft expansion and more at BlizzCon 2013
After a year's hiatus, Blizzard Entertainment returned to the Anaheim Convention Center this week to host the 7th BlizzCon fan event.
“From everyone at Blizzard, thank you for being here. Welcome home," said Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime as he took the stage on Friday to kick off the BlizzCon keynote address.
"I love you!" screamed a man in the crowd.
BlizzCon is first and foremost a show for the fans, but there's always a decent smorgasbord of news about Blizzard's games sandwiched between the festivities. This year's keynote was no different, as Blizzard's finest took the stage to announce a new World of Warcraft expansion, new platforms and details about Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and more.
Blizzard apologizes for the Diablo III auction house
Blizzard didn’t really talk much about its new Diablo III expansion, Reaper of Souls. No bombastic, inspirational video. No fireworks. No giant demon bursting through the wall of the Anaheim Convention Center, murdering the crowd and feasting on souls.
All we got was an apology. “Two months ago we announced we were getting rid of the auction house,” said President of Blizzard Michael Morhaime. The entire crowd erupted. My eardrums are still bleeding.
The auction house was a much-lambasted Diablo III feature where people could sell their rare loot for real-world money. It ruined both the process and the thrill of finding loot, and was largely responsible for the game’s controversial “always-online” status.
Blizzard had already said they were nixing the feature and improving loot drops in the upcoming expansion, but today we got a real apology. A chastened Michael Morhaime looked the crowd in its collective eyes and said, “We’re going to make it right, and we’re not going to stop there.”
Thanks, Mike.
Heroes of the Storm tries to make "hero brawler" a thing
And then we were off! Real announcement time! Trailers galore! People flipping over chairs!
Blizzard DOTA/Blizzard All-Stars/Heroes of the Storm is Blizzard’s long-in-production MOBA that’s supposed to compete with games like Valve’s DOTA 2 and Riot’s League of Legends. Blizzard’s claim to the genre is that the original DOTA started life as a Warcraft III user mod, so clearly Blizzard is the correct company to make a new version.
“When we had the chance to make one of these games our own, we just couldn’t resist,” said game director Dustin Browder. Of course, Blizzard foolishly let the rights to DOTA slip over to Valve in the first place. He also referred to it as the “hero brawler” genre. Sorry, Browder. Not going to happen.
They’re fighting an uphill battle; DOTA 2 and League of Legends are fairly entrenched. However, Blizzard does have a few perks in its corner.
Since DOTA was originally a mod, Heroes of the Storm is the only game that can officiallyuse the same models for each champion as the original Warcraft III version (though let’s be honest: MOBAs are in large part thinly-skinned versions of Warcraft III).
Blizzard is banking on the inclusion of its lengthy lore. BlizzCon attendees couldn’t stop cheering during the cinematic trailer, which showed off popular characters from Blizzard’s past: Arthas from Warcraft III, Nova from StarCraft: Ghost and StarCraft II, and a host of others.
“This game wouldn’t be here without BlizzCon,” said Browder. “When we came to BlizzCon we were inspired by the art hanging on the walls, by the banners showing all these characters together.”
In other words, Heroes of the Storm is the Super Smash Bros. of MOBA games.
The game is also going to feature more than one map, which is a change for the genre. Traditionally, MOBAs only play out on one specific map. Blizzard is taking the same basic map shape, but theming it differently in what they call “Battlegrounds.”
For instance, there is a pirate-themed map that takes place on Blackheart Bay. “On Blackheart Bay you’re going to collect cursed treasure and deliver it to a pirate lord,” said Browder. If you succeed, the pirate lord will turn his cannons on your enemies.
It’s an interesting twist, but we’ll see whether it’s enough to dethrone Valve and Riot in the MOBA space.
Read Full Article Source here
Sarah Palin's new book is not just a defense of Christmas and Christian fan fiction, it is also a full frontal attack on Atheists. Can't say I'm surprised.
Courtesy of New York Magazine:
For religious conservatives, howling over the so-called "war on Christmas" has become an annual holiday tradition almost as enjoyable as Christmas itself. On Tuesday, Sarah Palin seeks to capitalize on the phenomenon with the release of her newest book, Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas. Daily Intelligencer purchased the Palin-narrated audiobook from a local bookstore, where it was on sale early, and listened to all four-and-a-half hours, which is technically not a violation of the Geneva Convention if you're getting paid to do it, New York's legal team insists.
The book is part tribute to the joys of Christmas, part how-to guide for oppressed Christians looking for ways to fight back against whiny and litigious secularists, and part manifesto on the general superiority of Christianity over atheism. Palin, throughout, appears incapable of fathoming why a business catering to people from all walks of life may prefer to use inclusive holiday-season language in promotional items, or why a non-Christian may not appreciate a government institution expressing a preference for Christianity over other religions. To hear her tell it, such attitudes imperil America's dedication to religious freedom itself.
Yeah leave it to Palin to push for partisanship not only on the political arena but also the religious one.
Forget the fact that Christmas was originally a pagan holiday, or that early American Christians rejected the holiday and in fact once made it illegal in Boston. No let's make it a holiday that ONLY Christians are allowed to celebrate, because that would certainly be a reflection of the teachings of Jesus Christ now wouldn't it?
On the New York website there is a few snippets of audio from the book. Here are what they say:
"An angry Atheist with a lawyer is one of the powerful person in America."
I quite literally do not even know what that is supposed to mean. From my perspective Atheists, with a lawyer or without, are still the most marginalized group in the country.
"Atheism's track record makes the Spanish Inquisition seem like Disneyland by comparison."
This is one of the most overused and least factual arguments thrown out by Christian apologists. But do you know what DOES make the Inquisition look like Disneyland? The Crusades.
And if she means Joseph Stalin (And they always mean Joseph Stalin) he was trained to be a Catholic priest, and though he attacked religions in an attempt to gain power, he also used religion to cement that power.
I don't what is more pathetic, Palin using a fake war on Christmas to sell books, or the fact that she does not even understand the holiday that she is promoting, or the group of people she is attacking.
By the way, speaking of things that Palin does not clearly understand here she is trying to give a competent speech, at Billy Graham's birthday the other day.
Nope, failed again.
Audio: Team Arpaio Obtained Hard Document Evidence; Bigger Than Birth Certificate
Audio: Team Arpaio Obtained Hard Document Obama Fraud Evidence; Beyond Birth Certificate...
As reported here Carl Gallups of Freedom Friday gave an update in the investigation into Obama's forged birth certificate and forged selective service registration. Gallups just gave another update on his radio show reiterating the investigation has not gone silent or stopped. He says it has gotten deeper and darker than ever imagined saying it is now much bigger than the birth certificate. He says the implications are astounding and could be history changing.
Carl Gallups further reports that Team Arpaio obtained a handful of new evidence and hard document evidence.
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Egypt: Obama Charged With Crimes Against Humanity; Muslim Brotherhood Accessory
Report: Obama Accused of
“Crimes Against Humanity”
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Nov. 8, 2013) — Middle East expert Raymond Ibrahim has reported that “Barrack Hussein Obama” has been accused of “crimes against humanity,” including “murder, extermination,” and “enslavement…apartheid”…and “other inhumane acts” associated with his alleged association with The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
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Does Barack Hussein Obama support The Muslim Brotherhood, a declared enemy of the United States? Is Obama a traitor to the U.S.? |
On October 31, Walid Shoebat reported that Egyptian officials were able to “confirm” that Obama has a relationship with The Brotherhood that “is not innocent and it is not only political.”
In a link at the bottom of the article, Obama is called out for his stated support of human rights while allegedly having committed “to support more Islamic terrorists who are committing even worse crimes against humanity.”
The complaint names U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson; Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain; and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as exemplifying Obama’s “firm support” of The Muslim Brotherhood. During protests aimed at ousting Morsi last summer, many Egyptians carried signs which claimed that “Obama supports terrorism.”
Patterson was reported to have attempted to convince Egyptians “not to protest against the Muslim Brotherhood” in a planned demonstration for June 30, just days before Morsi was removed from power.
On August 6, McCain and Graham visited Egypt and petitioned the head of the military, which had taken temporary control of the country, to “release political prisoners, including Morsi.” The Huffington Post reported that the two Republican senators went at the behest of Obama. McCain was reported to have said that he had “credibility with everybody there.”
The two senators were reportedly sent to convey Obama’s message that “jailing the opposition is more and more like a coup.”
According to Ibrahim, Patterson is closely aligned with Khairat al-Shater, who is the second-in-command of The Brotherhood in Egypt. He quoted a member of the Egyptian Parliament as having said that Patterson “is a member of the sleeper cells of the Brotherhood.”
The Obama regime is reportedly “infiltrated” with members of The Muslim Brotherhood.
In recent months, Shoebat has reported that Obama’s his half-brother Malik holds the position of “Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), which is run by a country designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism.”
Malik Obama received approval within 30 days of tax-exempt status for his “charity,” the Barack H. Obama Foundation, which claims to assist poor communities in Kenya.
The IDO seeks to “spread Wahhabist Islam across the African continent.”
Many have described Obama as a Muslim, and Obama described himself that way in 2008 in an interview with ABC News before taking reporter George Stephanopoulos’s cue to correct his statement to “my Christian faith.”
Attacks on Coptic Christians rose under President Mohamed Morsi, who was deposed on July 3 and remains jailed on charges of “inciting murder” and “espionage.” His trial is scheduled to begin on Monday.
As Egypt rewrites its constitution during the time of an interim government, Coptic Christians continue to be targeted. Christian persecution occurs around the world, including in some forms in the United States under Obama, who falsely insists that Islam has “always been a part of America’s history.”
Some Middle Eastern analysts have cited evidence of Morsi having participated in, masterminded, and/or funded the attack in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 which killed four Americans. The Obama regime has not said why military forces were not sent to Benghazi immediately upon hearing of the attack.
The Muslim Brotherhood has declared the United States an enemy and seeks to establish Sharia law from within the country. Obama has met with some of its members at the White House. Radio show host Mark Levin said in February that Obama was “arming the Muslim Brotherhood” and the “Islamonazi regime in Cairo while he’s hollowing out the greatest military force on the face of the earth under his direct command, the United States military.”
Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution contains a provision for treason against the United States, which “shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.”
Obama was first accused of treason by CDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III (Ret.) on March 17, 2009, after which he was persecuted by local and federal government entities. The treason complaint has gone unanswered for nearly five years. As a retired member of the U.S. military, Fitzpatrick could have been imprisoned for mutiny had the Obama regime chosen to defend itself against the charge.
Throughout history, the penalty for treason has ranged from “a long jail sentence” to “the death penalty.” In 1790, Congress issued a declaration on the penalty for treason against the United States:
If any person or persons, owing allegiance to the United States of America, shall levy war against them, or shall adhere to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States, or elsewhere, and shall be thereof convicted on confession in open Court, or on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act of the treason whereof he or they shall stand indicted, such person or persons shall be adjudged guilty of treason against the United States, and SHALL SUFFER DEATH; and that if any person or persons, having knowledge of the commission of any of the treasons aforesaid, shall conceal, and not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President of the United States, or some one of the Judges thereof, or to the President or Governor of a particular State, or some one of the Judges or Justices thereof, such person or persons, on conviction, shall be adjudged guilty of misprision of treason, and shall be imprisoned not exceeding seven years, and fined not exceeding one thousand dollars.
Egypt claimed as early as last December that Obama supported The Muslim Brotherhood by allowing Islamics into influential government positions. Some have reportedly been employed by the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, the National Security Council and the National Security Agency, the U.S.’s spy agency.
Article II of the Constitution requires that the president and commander-in-chief be a “natural born Citizen” in order to avoid foreign allegiances. - Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Obama Constitutional Eligibility: The First Volley In The Final Battle is Fired
The First Volley in the
Final Battle is Fired
Amos Probos: Montgomery Blair Sibley
My numerous attempts to have a judicial branch determination of the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama, II, to be President have met with a unanimous refusal by the Courts to address the merits of that significant and reasonable question. Instead in my cases – as in every other case filed nationwide – the Courts have stated that I don’t have “standing” to raise that question. Of course, by saying so, the Courts are holding that yes, Mr. Obama may not be eligible, but you are only a Citizen and thus have no basis to demand that the Government be administered according to law. Only the government’s officials can raise that issue. Absurd.
Yet I am not deterred. There is one last venue that retains the Constitutional authority to investigate and lay before the public its determination of Obama’s eligibility through Indictment or – secured by the Fifth Amendment – Presentment. I speak of course of the Grand Jury which in 1895, Supreme Court Justice Brewer in Frisbie v. United States described: “[I]n this country the common practice is for the Grand Jury to investigate any alleged crime, no matter how or by whom suggested to them, and after determining that the evidence is sufficient to justify putting the party suspected on trial, to direct the preparation of the formal charge or indictment.”
So it is to the Grand Jury to which I wish to repair and “suggest” that they consider the two Certificates of Live Birth that Obama has foisted on the public to quell any questions about his legitimacy. Yet I am blocked from making such a “suggesion” for to do so is a felony under 18 U.S.C.§1504. Obviously, asking Obama’s Department of Justice to present the matter to the Grand Jury is not an option: I, and others, have tried without getting the courtesy of a response.
Thus there remains only 625 people – the judges of the federal district courts – that have the authority to call a Grand Jury to hear the allegations of Obama’s ineligibility. The first to receive that plea or – poetically, volley – in this, the last legal battle to be waged over Obama’s eligibility is Judge James L. Robart of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.
What he received was two affidavits – one 95 page public and one 75 page sealed – from Douglas Vogt who, pursuant to his duty under the misprision of felony and misprision of treason statutes, duly reported the crimes his expert forensic analysis of the two Certificates of Live Birth (COLBs) that Obama has presented to the public to establish that he is eligible to be President are dispositively proved to be forgeries.
I challenge anyone to read the public affidavit and not come away convinced that the COLBs are forgeries. If you could read the sealed affidavit, you would know who the forger was and see the direct line to Obama and his April 27, 2011, Press Conference when he made the following statement about his COLB: “As many of you have been briefed, we provided additional information today about the site of my birth . . .” [...] Cont. @ Amos Probos.
Doug Vogt Identitfies Obama Birth Certificate Forger - Misprision of Felony Notice - 10/18/2013 by ObamaRelease YourRecords
Team Arpaio: Monumental Breakthrough In Birth Certificate Case; New Twist
BREAKTHROUGH in Birth Certificate Case!
By PPSimmons News, ©2013 @ The Post & Email
(Nov. 8, 2013) — Carl Gallups (founder of PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Network and host of Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups on 1330 WEBY – Gulf Coast Talk Radio) has just released the following statement concerning the White House birth certificate investigation and the ongoing investigation by the Cold Case Posse.
“Many of you have been asking by email, telephone, FB, YT, tweets, and blog posts – “What’s going on with the birth certificate investigation? Whey have you gone silent? Is it over? Did you hit a roadblock?”
While I am not an official spokesperson for Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio – here is what I can tell you at this point: The investigation has never gone silent and it has never stopped. Mike Zullo and I have been telling you (for months) that this investigation took a deeper turn some time back. Well – it not only took a deeper turn – but it has now become much, much deeper! Deeper than you could ever imagine!
Mike has been traveling around the country the last two weeks as a result of this new branch of investigation. The implications of what has been uncovered (with hard documentation and evidence) are absolutely astounding – it is beyond monumental. As a result – the investigation work has increased 100-fold in intensity. This is why Mike Zullo has made no recent comments. The necessity for absolute 100% confidentiality is too important. I would not expect a detailed comment from Mike Zullo or Sheriff Arpaio for a while. This is simply too big to let even a hint out about what they now know.
I can also tell you that – based upon what I know – the birth certificate issue has been 100% settled. I cannot tell you how we know, but we now know without any argument or shade of doubt – the birth certificate posted on the White House website is a 100% fabrication.
All the talk about the Xerox machine and reproducing certain anomalies found on the White House birth certificate has now been completely, forensically, and in 100% evidentiary fashion – debunked! The entire Obot minutia portfolio has been completely eviscerated. To all of those who have had deep concerns about the matter of the authenticity of the birth certificate – you have been vindicated. You were right! This will eventually come to light. Be patient.
Again – this entire affair is now much bigger than the birth certificate. As soon as I am at liberty to say more I will. Until then America will simply have to be patient, pray, and trust.
Sheriff Arpaio, Mike Zullo, have not lied to you or misled you in the past. They will not in the future, either. They are working tirelessly as I speak. You will see the results one day in the future – and then you will know.
Let me add – this is the first time that Mike Zullo hasn’t told me everything that he knows. I know enough to tell you with confidence what I have just told you. Trust me – this is huge… it is so monumentally huge.”
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
So Far, So Good for Twitter
Traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange called out orders for shares ofTwitter for the first time Thursday morning as one of Wall Street’s traditional rituals thrust the young company into the public markets.
On its inaugural day of trading, Twitter managed to avoid the missteps that marredFacebook’s initial public offering last year, though Twitter’s lofty stock market valuation added pressure on the company to turn a profit soon.
After being priced conservatively at $26 a share on Wednesday night, Twitter’s stock eventually began trading at $45.10 about 10:30 a.m. In its first hours on the market, the stock — trading under the ticker TWTR — rose as high as $50.09 a share before settling around $46 by midafternoon. Twitter’s shares closed at $44.90, 73 percent above its I.P.O. price but slightly below the opening figure.
Despite a smooth start to trading, Twitter is sure to face continued scrutiny as it works to justify a valuation of $31.7 billion to investors sensitive to the nuances of quarterly earnings reports.
“This is a giant poker game,” said Lawrence E. Leibowitz, chief operating officer of NYSE Euronext, as traders and bankers set the opening price in the minutes before Twitter’s stock began trading. “It will be a bit volatile, but it’s a very exciting deal.”
Twitter executives entered the New York Stock Exchange building in Lower Manhattan on Thursday morning as a light rain fell, and the usual mix of tourists and financial workers mingled outside, some snapping photos of the giant Twitter banner draped over the neo-Classical-style building’s facade.
Inside, the floor of the exchange was unusually busy. An hour and a half before the opening bell, traders had staked out positions and a gaggle of reporters had assembled under the bell podium. Twitter’s bird logo was emblazoned on screens and posters throughout the exchange, and even plastered on the hardwood floors.
Read Full Article Source here
CMA Awards 2013: The hottest red carpet looks
The women of country music rocked the red carpet Wednesday night at theCountry Music Association Awards at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville.
Styles ranged from prints and bright colors to sheer accents and even a cropped-top look.
Taylor Swift had one of the best looks of the night, donning a stunning embroidered Elie Saab red gown.
Wearing designer Naeem Khan, Jennifer Nettles walked the red carpet with a crystal and beaded number, while Kellie Pickler went for a sexy look in her Georges Chakra Couture strapless long black dress.
Co-host Carrie Underwood changed her look many times throughout the night, but her red carpet Ralph & Russo Couture gown definitely turned some heads. The dusky-pink long-sleeved sheer gown featured some floral and beaded embellishments.
Miranda Lambert, meanwhile, stepped out in a blue low-cut gown with beaded embellishments. Lambert's husband, Blake Shelton, apparently liked her look,tweeting Wednesday night: "My wife is so hot it's ridiculous..."
Read Full Article Source here
Author: By CMA Awards 2013: The hottest red carpet looks
Justin Bieber's Brazil adventures: Truth or idol gossip?
Los Angeles (CNN) -- Either Justin Bieber is having a wild time on his South American tour or media reports of the 19-year-old singer's antics are off the mark.
Many reports barely rise above the gossip threshold, but they echo throughout the tabloids and mainstream media.
What you should believe -- and why you should care -- is a raging debate online with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and beyond.
"My truth is in the music," Bieber said in a message to his 46 million Twitter followers this week. It was posted the same day his newest single, "Bad Day," released.
Journalists know very little about what goes on in Bieber's private life. He is constantly surrounded by bodyguards and his representatives consistently refuse to confirm, deny or comment on any reports that surface.
But that does not limit speculation, much of it based on paparazzi photos and video of the teen's comings and goings.
The New York Post's "Page Six" column published several photos last weekend that the newspaper said implied the singer was enjoying the services of Brazil's legal prostitutes while on his South America tour.
One photo showed a man walking out of a Rio de Janerio brothel under a blanket and surrounded by bodyguards. No face is visible, but the Post says Bieber could be identified by "his gray wraparound wrist tattoo, which is visible in some photos, and his signature sneakers."
Another photo shows two women in a vehicle that the newspaper said took them from the brothel to the hotel where Bieber was staying.
'Star Wars: Episode VII' gets a release date
Stormtroopers line the Red Carpet at the Premiere Of Warner Bros. "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" on August 10, 2008 at the Grauman's Egyptian Theatre in Los Angeles, California.
Walt Disney Studios announced Thursday that "Star Wars: Episode VII" will open in theaters on Dec. 18, 2015.
NEW YORK — For the first time in the franchise's history, a "Star Wars" film won't be released in the summer.
Walt Disney Studios announced Thursday that "Star Wars: Episode VII" will open in theaters on Dec. 18, 2015. The original 1977 film helped set the precedent of the summer blockbuster. But this latest installation in George Lucas' space opera will be a holiday season affair.
The project recently shuffled screenwriters, worrying much of the "Star Wars" fan universe. Screenwriter Michael Arndt exited, with director J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan taking over the script.
Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn said the December date will "ensure our extraordinary team has the time needed to deliver a sensational picture."
"Star Wars VII" is set to begin shooting in the spring at Pinewood Studios.
Read Full Article Source here
By Associated Press
Evangelical Christian preaches that there are no Christian liars, fornicators, homosexuals, or thieves. Gee, who does that leave?
Courtesy of Raw Story:
The outspoken evangelical Christian uploaded video of himself preaching to attendees of a Pearl Jam concert in Charlotte, North Carolina last week.
“If you claim to be a Christian, you better check your life,” he shouted. “There is no such thing as a Christian liar, there is no such thing as a Christian thief, there is no such thing as a Christian fornicator, there is no such thing as a Christian pro-choicer, there is no such thing as a Christian homosexual.”
“There is no such thing as a Christian gossipy-mouthed woman,” he continued, as a woman confronted him. “There is no such thing as a Christian foul-mouthed, immodestly dressed woman.”
“Come on over, we are offering free judgment,” Fisher added as the woman stormed off.
Uh hang on just a minute.
There are NO fornicators, liars, or thieves who can call themselves "Christians?"
Has anybody told this lady yet?
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"Don't care, still writing the book." |
SarahPAC receives notification from FEC about missing money from the NRA. Uh oh!
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"What? We got a letter?" |
SarahPAC receives notification from FEC about missing money from the NRA. Uh oh!
Courtesy of the FEC:Dear Treasurer:
Response Due Date 12/12/2013 This letter is prompted by the Commission's preliminary review of the report referenced above. This notice requests information essential to full public disclosure of your federal election campaign finances. Failure to adequately respond by the response date noted above could result in an audit or enforcement action. Additional information is needed for the following 1 item(s):
- Schedule A supporting Line 15 of your report discloses an offset to an operating expenditure(s) totaling $11,169.86 from "National Rifle Association"; however, your report(s) does not appear to disclose a disbursement to this entity. Please provide clarifying information regarding this activity and amend your report(s) if necessary. (11 CFR § 104.3(a) & (b))
Please note, you will not receive an additional notice from the Commission on this matter. Adequate responses must be received by the Commission on or before the due date noted above to be taken into consideration in determining whether audit action will be initiated. Failure to comply with the provisions of the Act may also result in an enforcement action against the committee. Any response submitted by your committee will be placed on the public record and will be considered by the Commission prior to taking enforcement action. Requests for extensions of time in which to respond will not be considered.
What the FEC is referring to appears to be a refund for travel expenses claimed by SarahPAC from the NRA, which can be found here. I have to imagine that this is connected to Palin's speech at the NRA convention on May 3rd, which would indicate that at least some of her travel expenses were paid for by the NRA.
Now I am not an expert on PAC's but is that legal? It must not be since the FEC is asking for information as to when SarahPAC directly sent $11,169.86 to the NRA itself.
The FEC must know about the speech, and be able to put two and two together, so it is highly doubtful they have not figured out the connection.
Things that make you go "Hmmm."
This could a very big deal and if the treasurer Timothy Crawford cannot come up with a reasonable explanation this may be the end of Sarah Palin's free ride on the backs of the dumbest people on the planet.
Sarah Palin insinuates herself into the Billy Graham 95th birthday celebration in the hopes of absorbing a little of that evangelical reflected glory. Book sales, yo!
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"So again, and I hate to keep bringing this up, have you thought about who would take over your ministry once you are dead?" |
The elder Graham was flanked by real estate mogul Donald Trump and former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Franklin Graham said prior to the event that former President Bill Clinton, who had been listed as one of the guests, couldn’t attend.
“Billy Graham, we need you around another 95 years,” Palin said. “We need Billy Graham’s message to be heard, I think, today more than ever.”
She does realize that Graham can barely move around or talk right?
And I think I know EXACTLY why Bill Clinton couldn't attend. After all what would it do for Hillary's political future if he allowed himself to be photographed with Sarah Palin and Donald Trump?
Palin is really hitting all of the evangelical hotspots in preparation for her upcoming book tour.
This was perhaps my favorite gif from the event.
"Hey, you and me in 2016. Deal?"
Oh even I can't get that lucky. Right?
Levi Johnston is asking for 50/50 custody of his child with Bristol Palin.
Courtesy of TMZ:
Bristol Palin's baby daddy Levi Johnston is tired of getting squeezed out of their son's life -- TMZ has learned, he just filed court docs to obtain 50/50 custody of 4-year-old Tripp Palin.
In the docs, Levi says he wants Tripp to be in his life as much as Bristol's because it's in their son's best interest. Bristol currently has full custody of the child, but now Levi wants Tripp on alternating weeks. (They both live in Alaska.)
Meanwhile, Bristol's attorney is insinuating it's simply a move to reduce Levi's child support payments, saying Levi owed roughly $66,000 in back child support as of October -- and now he wants to pay less.
In the docs, Levi says he's willing to pay whatever child support amount he's ordered to, but urges the court to be fair "as I have a wife and daughter to support." It's unclear what Levi is currently required to pay Bristol.
I disagree with TMZ that both parents are currently living in Alaska, I think Bristol has had Tripp in Arizona with her for quite some time, as the pictures below seem to support.
Recent pictures of Tripp with Bristol clearly show them living in Arizona. |
Forgot to mention that I've managed to keep this beautiful mama married to me for a year now:) and I do miss my son very much. I Love you both.
Which I think is the real reason that I think Levi is going back to court.
Let's face it Bristol is ALWAYS going to keep Levi from seeing his son, and mess with his visitation, unitil the courts tell her can't do that anymore.
After all, like mother like daughter.
(Tripp photos courtesy of Bristol's blog.)
Another Atheist comes out of the closet. This one was a Christian university student body president.
Courtesy of The Register Guard:
Eric Fromm has received a lot of hugs on campus lately — at least once a day since he “came out” as an atheist last week in an article in his Christian university’s online newspaper.
And while the Northwest Christian University student body president doesn’t quite know what to do with all the new attention he’s receiving, he says it’s a welcome change from the isolation, verbal attacks and accusing questions that he’d grown to expect as rumors about his nonbelief circulated.
“I don’t have to hide anymore,” said Fromm, 21. “I know that people accept me for who I am.”
Though his active campus involvement was enough to win him the student government presidential election, Fromm said he’s felt judged by some of his peers throughout college because, as he wrote in the article that appeared in the school’s Beacon Bolt newspaper last week, “I couldn’t force myself to believe in God.”
It was his peers’ criticism, rather than his own doubts, that Fromm said ultimately compelled him to reject his faith.
While initially drawn to his peers’ faith and sense of community, Fromm said some students responded with shock, shame or fear when he divulged his doubts and lack of faith. Some avoided bringing up the Bible around him, some stopped talking to him for fear of losing their own faith, and others poked fun at him for his views, he said.
“The more I got shunned, the more cold shoulders and verbal attacks, I realized, ‘OK, I’m part of the ‘out’ group,’ ” he said.
It is unfortunate that Eric had to be subjected to that kind of rejection, but at least now he can take comfort in the fact that he is now free. And he will soon find a community of like minded folks who will welcome him with open arms, and who will be far less likely to judge him.
A community by the way which is growing by leaps and bounds on a daily basis
On that same topic there is a recent report that a very popular Bible app is being used by non-theists to help state their case when discussing their point of view with their religious friends and families.
I have always said that the single best way to turn a Christian into an Atheist is to get them to read the Bible. To REALLY read the Bible that is.
I cannot tell you how many atheists I have talked to that said the Bible led them to reject Christianity, or any faith for that matter.
(H/T to Reddit for the image.)