Saturday, November 16, 2013
Dr. Vuoto: Obama Being Unmasked; Team Arpaio Say Real Unmasking Coming
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- Image Credit: Rare - |
Dr. Grace Vuoto: Obama Completely
Unmasked; Presidency Effectively Dead
Carl Gallups to Dr. Vuoto: the documentation Sheriff Arpaio and lead investigator Mike Zullo possess, and will soon come forward with, will be the real unmasking of Obama... and it isn't the birth certificate...
Meetings: Team Arpaio Put Congress On Obama ID Fraud Notice
Team Arpaio Put Congress
On Obama ID Fraud Notice
Freedom Friday host Carl Gallups interviews Mike Volin of Where's Obama's Birth Certificate... DC bound...
Update: Document Expert Reporting Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Allegations
Certificate Forgery Responds to U.S. District Court, Part 2
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Nov. 15, 2013) — The following is Part 2 of The Post & Email’s interview with Douglas Vogt, who on October 18 filed a Notice of Commission of federal crimes at the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.
public affidavit and a sealed affidavit accompanied by a Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Seal Document in which Vogt alleged that he had knowledge of two federal statutes having been violated.
Vogt stated that the image posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 purported to be Obama’s long-form birth certificate is a forgery and that he knows who committed the crime. Other document and graphics experts have also declared the image a forgery, including the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse, which has given two formal press conferences on its findings since March 2012.
The posse determined that the Selective Service registration form bearing Obama’s name and released to members of the public was also a “computer-generated forgery.”
On November 5, Judge James L. Robart replied to Vogt that his court did not have “subject matter jurisdiction” over a challenge to Obama’s constitutional eligibility, citing previous civil cases filed by Attys. Phil Berg, Orly Taitz and others. Robart also contended that Vogt did not have “standing” to bring the case. At that point, the filing was referred to as “Vogt v. Obama,” even though Vogt had submitted it as “Notice of Commission of (i) Felony Cognizable by a Court of the United States as required by…”
On November 12, Vogt responded to Robart by stating that he is not seeking for the court to settle a “case or controversy,” referring to the Article III of the U.S. Constitution regarding the federal courts. Rather, Vogt said, “Nonetheless, this Article III ‘inferior court’, bound by its duties imposed upon it by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, Congress and the common law, is now duty bound to take two actions: First, to formally recognize that Vogt has discharged his duty under the Misprision statutes. Second, due to the ‘public interest’ in the allegations contained in Vogt’s public affidavit and presently-sealed affidavit, superintend those affidavits to the Grand Jury for its consideration.”
The image was said to be a scan of a certified copy issued by the Hawaii Department of Health several days prior to its uploading to the White House server. The Cold Case Posse said at a press conference on March 1, 2012 that it knew from which computer the image was uploaded, but not the specific individual who performed the action. Vogt has provided his expertise to the posse and reached conclusions about who the forger and her co-conspirators were in producing the fraudulent document and committing other crimes such as spreading propaganda and launching ridicule campaigns against anyone questioning Obama’s birthplace, background or constitutional eligibility to serve as president.
On his website, Vogt describes the birth certificate forgery as “the worst crime in American history.” He and typesetting expert Paul Irey are in the process of finalizing a book about their findings entitled From Forgery to Treason.
THE POST & EMAIL: Could every citizen in this country use what you wrote and submit it to a federal court?
MR. VOGT: They’d have to have the experience of Paul and me, which is collectively 82 years. We were uniquely qualified to do this, to drag out the evidence necessary to prove that Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery, and a bad one, too. But a citizen will be able to submit evidence on another case. It could be the EPA stealing somebody’s land or anything else with a bureaucrat or politician. That’s why the politicians feared it so much…it’s what they used to call a “runaway grand jury,” which could put them in prison.
THE POST & EMAIL: Atty. Roger Roots wrote an excellent essay entitled, “If it’s Not a Runaway, It’s Not a Grand Jury” about how the grand jury as an institution has been eviscerated.
MR. VOGT: To summarize, Montgomery Blair Sibley said that my case is the perfect storm because it is certainly of public interest that you have a foreign agent as President of the United States. This affects everybody. The other side cannot argue that this is not of public interest. The next will be getting to a grand jury. they have to by their own court rules. They have to. Once it gets there, it’s a total game-changer. There will be people in the administration who will be packing their bags and leaving the country.
I didn’t just include the forgery: it’s treason. People deliberately wanted a foreign agent to become President of the United States, and by Title 18, 6 and 3592, severe risk to national security. This is the worst; there is nothing worse than this. And his own behavior…it’s sinking him. Even the Saudis are trying to get the United States out of the Middle East totally. The Russians are going to be going in and replacing us in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. He’s doing everything he can to destroy the United States: our credibility and our bank account. It is Cloward & Piven all over again. He’s a Marxist, a Muslim and he’s going to destroy the big Satan.
THE POST & EMAIL: It does appear that he harbors animosity for this country.
MR. VOGT: Yes, he does. That’s why I got involved. The other reason I got involved is that I knew he was an anti-Semite and wanted to destroy Israel. That isn’t going to happen. The Obama care bill is working perfectly, exactly the way it’s supposed to: to destroy free enterprise, the middle class, and the country.
THE POST & EMAIL: And here everyone is going back and forth about a website that doesn’t work…
MR. VOGT: Where in the Constitution does it say that the government has the right to tell someone to buy a product from a company, and if you don’t buy it, you’ll be taxed by the IRS? The tax will eventually be up to $3,000. The only qualification for buying it is that you’re alive. So if you don’t buy it, you can go to prison for non-payment of the fine, just because you’re alive. The majority of the American people have been so dumbed-down by academia; that’s where the blame is.
The main issue with the court case is that if I succeed, and I suspect I will because it’s so clear-cut; they can’t wiggle out of this one. You don’t have t o have standing to report a crime. The way we answered the response was that it’s a non-sequitur; this is not the same subject. Any court will be able to see this. If I succeed, then it will be a landmark case. This will go down in history. I’ll be the first one in history to maybe resurrect the grand jury and maybe stop these Marxists from destroying the country.
THE POST & EMAIL: The grand jury used to keep our government officials accountable.
MR. VOGT: Yes. The purpose of this whole thing was that I had to find a way of approaching the court with the evidence that Paul and I have accumulated over the last two and a half years to try to bring these criminals to justice, and not just Obama. Obama is nothing more than an empty suit, anointed because he’s the illegitimate son of Frank Marshall Davis. That’s why he got a silver spoon in his mouth with all of those expensive schools: it’s because Frank Marshall Davis of the Communist Party paid for it all, from high school to Occidental to Columbia – although he probably was never there. The Saudis have bribed us…$20,000,000 will get you a degree from Harvard. He never wrote an article for The Harvard Law Review? Crazy. This is the first time in history. This is what money does. Totally corruptible.
THE POST & EMAIL: So you believe he never had to actually fulfill the requirements at the schools?
MR. VOGT: Absolutely nothing. Being an accountant, I learned three important things: follow the money trail; he who pays the piper plays the tune; and don’t take anybody’s word for anything. Investigate it and test it yourself.
The media is controlled because of Operation Mockingbird. They’re controlled, period. They’re bribed, paid for, or threatened, which is why we get only one type of news. NBC ran that story by those two authors: “How Obama Beat the Birthers,” but this subject was dead in the media. Why did they resurrect it after my affidavit was filed? Because they saw that I also included the executives from NBC, GE and Savannah Guthrie (page 26). They know I connected the dots, and it led right to them.
I know why: $345 billion. That’s the reason why.
MR. VOGT: GE Capital was able to sell $345 billion in bad debt, home loans they did, to the FDIC. There was an article in The Washington Post back in 2008. They didn’t qualify for TARP or a bailout because they weren’t a bank, but the administration made a deal with them, and they changed the rules and let GE Capital unload $345 billion of bad debt and had to pay only $2.3 billion to the FDIC to do it for the insurance policy, retroactively.
It was NBC and MSNBC, and they became nothing more than Pravda and Isvestia, the propaganda wing of the left wing of the Democrat Party.
THE POST & EMAIL: Have you heard anything from anyone at NBC? Has anyone threatened to sue you?
MR. VOGT: No. Let me explain. When you report a crime, you’re exempt from slander and libel. The evidence is there. If they ever did, at the discovery stage, I’d have so much fun. I’m exempt because of that. I presented the evidence. There’s no doubt there was no embossed seal on that birth certificate that Savannah Guthrie photographed; staged, both on TV and on her Twitter page, and she felt it. It was not there, and we proved it. They would have to prove different, and they can’t. Nine or 12 days later, she was promoted to the co-host of the 9:00 hour of the “Today” show, and one year later, after they got rid of the older lady, Ann Curry, unsanctimoniously, they hired Guthrie to be the co-host of the “Today” show. My theory is that she did it to promote her career.
THE POST & EMAIL: Did Guthrie know she was lying about the raised seal, as you allege?
MR. VOGT: She said she felt it, but there’s no evidence it was ever on there. What ruined it for them was that the copies they made were from the day before Judith Corley brought them back from Hawaii. They took one of those, and they had to prepare a packet for all the newsmen the next morning. So they copied them on a black and white copier, and all evidence and image of the seal disappeared totally on the black and white. That means it was only part of the green background color. The reason the green dropped out was that most copiers use a green light for a light source. It’s called a “color dropout.” It just dropped out; it doesn’t exist.
The embossing becomes part of the paper; it puts holes in it in a pattern that you can read. I have six or seven examples in one of the exhibits. You can see for yourself. It’s just not there; it’s gone, vanished, disappeared.
THE POST & EMAIL: Have you heard from any of the Obots?
MR. VOGT: No, I think they want to stay far away from me. There was one who did, but he was really doing it for someone else who did the research. It was about the age of the purported father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. as stated on the birth certificate. The “father” was really 27, not 25, when Obama was born.
THE POST & EMAIL: I know there are two different dates that have been given.
MR. VOGT: I have the proof; I presented the proof; there’s no question about it. They’re trying to get that guy off the hook. It won’t work. There’s also this: The person who did the research and enabled this thing became a principal in a forgery case and a treason case. They cross over and are no longer an accessory just “helping out the cause;” they become a principal. The sentence for a principal on a treason case like this is either life in prison or the death sentence. That’s why they’re scared.
They know that if a grand jury finds that I’m correct, the birth certificate is a forgery and he’s not proven to be a U.S. citizen, that means they have to unravel a lot of things that this guy did. They have a constitutional crisis and then they have to prosecute a lot of people as principals in a treason case. They can’t label this as anything other than treason. A lot of people will hang or get life in prison. The ones who go first to a special prosecutor, whenever that happens, will not hang and get a reduced sentence. They will be the ones who will bring this whole thing down.
THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think someone will step forward and confess?
MR. VOGT: Yes, they’ll make a deal with the prosecutor and start to spill state’s evidence, then things will start unraveling. This is the only case that they’re really scared about. Chris Matthews, just a few days ago, was screaming about “the Birthers.” That’s a dead issue for them; why are they bringing up the birth certificate?
THE POST & EMAIL: You’re talking about fraud and forgery, not where Obama was born.
MR. VOGT: It’s the fact that I mentioned NBC and General Electric; that’s why they’re trying to defend it. That’s their problem; they have to deal with it.
If it does go to a grand jury, what I’m told is that the prosecutor would wind up sending letters saying something like, “You are the subject of a grand jury investigation.” And the first person you call is your lawyer. That’s when you know you’re in trouble. I pray for the day that that happens. Obviously, at that point, it would be out of my hands, and the grand jury’s work would be in secret. You wouldn’t even know they’re doing it until they send the letters out. Then you’d know there’s a grand jury on it. Then the attitude in Washington and in the White House is going to change dramatically because everybody has already read the 20 points of forgery I’ve listed in the public affidavit. They’re wondering what’s in the sealed one. But they have a good idea since I told them, “I know who the forger is.” So they’re nervous.
They know the penalties. I listed 11 of the crimes they committed in the complaint. There’s no arguing it. There’s the proof; it is a forgery; don’t laugh at it now. So the Obots are nervous, and the Birthers will have the last laugh.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
PART 1: 20 Points Of Forgery: Reporting Allegations Of Obama Birth Certificate Forgery - CLICK HERE.
RELATED: Document Expert Files Response To Order To Show Cause In Obama Fraud Notice;
Vogt v Obama - Response To Order To Show Cause - Obama ID Fraud Notice - 11/12/2013 by ObamaRelease YourRecords
Ouch: Senate Candidate Blasts King Obama; No Legal Authority To Change Law
Ouch: Senate Candidate Ben Sasse Blasts King Obama; No Legal Authority To Change Law...
Ben Sasse: President Obama's supposed "fix" is outrageous, illegal and unconstitutional.
( Video via Sasse for Nebraska. )
To find out more, visit Ben's website -
Sarah Palin's poodle, Governor Sean Parnell, has just made his mistress proud yet again.
Sarah Palin's poodle, Governor Sean Parnell, has just made his mistress proud yet again.
Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch: Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell on Thursday refused to expand Medicaid in Alaska under the federal health care law, a move that comes in opposition to leading business organizations that supported the expansion and studies showing substantial economic benefits of providing Medicaid for some 40,000 uninsured Alaskans.
The move puts Alaska alongside some 20 other states that refused to expand Medicaid eligibility, as Republican governors try to thwart Obama and a law they say will financially burden their states while expanding one of the country's largest entitlement programs.
Before the press conference began, state employees handed out copies of a previously secret state-commissioned report by the Lewin Group about expanding Medicaid. The report had been the target of public records requests from Alaska Dispatch and other media outlets, but it was kept under wraps during deliberations by Parnell administration officials.
Supporters of Medicaid expansion, including the Anchorage and state chambers of commerce, said an expansion would boost the economy because the federal government has said it would foot no less than 90 percent of the bill. Both chambers suggested the state re-evaluate its position if federal funding ever falls below 90 percent.
But Parnell said he fears the state will one day be left paying for much of the expansion. He said he could not commit the state to expanding the debacle that has been Obamacare -- with its oft-changing requirements and fumbled roll-out. The federal funds that would come with the expansion are enticing, he said, but the increased federal debt will come with huge costs for future generations that he could not accept. He called for the creation of a task force and further study so Alaska can assess the gaps in its health care system to ensure that the very poor have the access they need.
If Parnell had expanded eligibility, it would have covered tens of thousands of Alaskans who fell through the cracks of the health care law that initially required states, with significant federal funding, to expand Medicaid so that those earning up to 138 percent of the poverty level are included. However, the Supreme Court in 2012 ruled that states could opt out of the expansion.
Uninsured Alaskans making less than $19,803 or $40,627 for a family four would have been eligible. That includes single people and married people without children who weren't previously covered.
Fuck Parnell!
He does not care one little bit about what the expansion may cost someday, or the Alaskans it would cover today.
He only cares about pleasing his corporate masters. and making the woman who handed him his job on a silver platter happy.
Man kidnaps estranged wife and subjects her to exorcism.
Blanca Farias, looking quite calm for a woman possessed by 3 devils. |
A California woman says her estranged husband and son kidnapped her outside a Walmart, told her she was possessed by three devils, and took her to a church where a pastor performed an exorcism that made her physically sick.
Blanca Farias of Stockton, Calif., says she agreed on Sunday to meet her husband Jose Magana-Farias, 42, to discuss the fate of their marriage. They had separated in January.
Instead of going to a nearby coffee shop, however, Farias says Magana-Farias and their son Victor Farias, 20, threw her into a pickup truck and drove her to a church 47 miles away.
“They were saying I had three devils inside of me,” Blanca told ABC affiliate KXTV.
When they arrived at the church in Bay Point, Calif., Farias says she was restrained and a pastor covered her in oil, some of which she was forced to swallow.
“They started bathing me in oil,” Blanca said. “They made me swallow some of that oil. I was throwing up and this pastor was saying, ‘You’ve got the devil. Get off of her, get off of her,’ until I fainted.”
Blanca said she believes her husband was motivated to conduct the exorcism after he learned that she had been seeing another man since their separation.
Just before the exorcism, Blanca texted that boyfriend who in turn alerted police that the woman had been kidnapped. By the time Magana-Farias returned the woman to her home in Stockton, San Juan County deputies were waiting for them.
Magana-Farias and his son were arrested.
Both men were charged with felony kidnapping, conspiracy to kidnap and false imprisonment, according to a sheriff’s deputy at the San Joaquin County Jail.
Three devils? Damn that is a lot of devils!
You know I was pretty sure that at least one of my ex-wives was possessed by something evil as well, but I just divorced her and walked away.
Ya know, because I am NOT a superstitious moron.
So here is my question. How come the pastor was not arrested? Isn't he also complicit in the kidnapping of this woman and her abuse?
During tour to promote her book about Christmas, Christianity, and freedom, Palin has journalists herded into a locked room of a Wausau Wal-Mart. Apparenty the First Amendment is not covered in her book.
When Palin arrived she started right away to spread the freedom.
The press was then informed that they would soon get to access to Palin, sort of, and only for five minutes.
Then finally the moment of truth.
There was even a little video captured of the event.
Boy could Willow look any LESS please to be there?
As expected there was some backlash directed at Theresa Clift over her reporting of the event.
Here were a few follow up tweets in response to challenges and questions.
@jptstewart not physically locked, but the door was guarded and we were told we couldn't leave. #walmartjail
— Theresa Clift (@tClift) November 14, 2013
@Journorati @jptstewart if we wanted to go to the bathroom or leave the store, we had to be escorted, they said.
— Theresa Clift (@tClift) November 14, 2013
her agent says Wausau wasn't chosen because of the holiday concert controversy, yet Palin just posted this: I think that Clift should consider herself lucky that she was only temporarily held captive by Palin. Remember I am the guy that got kicked out of not one, but two different Palin book signings.
— Theresa Clift (@tClift) November 14, 2013
Apparently the ONLY part of the Constitution that Palin has ever read is the 2nd Amendment, and she skipped right over that whole freedom of speech and freedom of the press portion.
Let's face it, Palin is really only interested in having HER freedoms protected, and those who think just like her. For the rest of us, it is "Go to your little locked room until I call for you," or "Get the hell out of here."
(H/T to Mediaite.)
Texas school hires Christian motivational speaker whose misogyny is so egregious that he ends up getting mocked by the students.
Courtesy of WFAA:
His speech was supposed to be thought-provoking, but it has turned some parents and students to anger.
Justin Lookadoo was the guest at a student assembly at Richardson High School. But the Christian motivational speaker, hired by the PTA, instead faced harsh criticism from students after the event.
Students circled around the speaker and hurled questions about his philosophies.
"Why did you tell girls to get out of abusive relationships instead of telling guys not to be abusive in the first place?" one student asked.
"I've done about 4,000 programs. That's never happened," Lookadoo confessed.
Dr. Jaime Clark-Soles, mother of a RHS student and a professor at Southern Methodist University, said Lookadoo "lacks the qualifications to speak on the subject."
A quick check of this guy's website reveals that not only is he unqualified but that his advice to teens is from the 50's. The 1850's.
Here are his "Dateable Girl Rules."
- Accept your girly-ness. You’re a girl. Be proud of all that means. You are soft, you are gentle, you are a woman. Don’t try to be a guy. Guys like you because you are different from them. So let your girly-ness soar.
- Tell it like it is. Dateable girls don’t lie to themselves. They don’t say stuff like, “His girlfriend just isn’t good to him, that’s why he’s seeing me on the side.” Or “She started it so I’m going to get even.” The Dateable girl let’s God run the world, and tells herself the truth–that all she can control is herself. She doesn’t imagine things to be more than they are.
- The sexiest thing on a girl is happiness. Girls try so hard to add beauty and sexuality to themselves with clothes and make-up, but the truth is it’s your spirit that makes you hot. Your outlook on life, your happiness factor. Dateable girls aren’t downers, they love life.
- Girls don’t fight girls, ever. Revenge belongs to God. Dateable girls know that when they fight other girls they look stupid and catty, and guys don’t like it any more than God does. Believe in your beauty. Dateable girl learn how to overcome the sins of the past that have been perpetrated on them. They don’t let the enemy steal their beauty. God made them, so they know they are beautiful, even if they don’t feel like it sometimes.
- Be mysterious. Dateable girls know how to shut up. They don’t monopolize the conversation. They don’t tell everyone everything about themselves. They save some for later. They listen more than they gab.
- Act confident. Dateable girls know that confidence is hot. And the cool part is that no one knows if you are confident but you. Confidence isn’t how you feel, it’s how you act. Act confident and people will think you are.
- Look ‘em in the eye. Part of being a Dateable girl means you really see people. They matter, and if you don’t look them in the eye then you will never see them and they will never know they matter to you. Look ‘em in the eye. They are valuable.
- Let him lead. God made guys as leaders. Dateable girls get that and let him do guy things, get a door, open a ketchup bottle. They relax and let guys be guys. Which means they don’t ask him out!!!
- Need him. Dateable girls know that guys need to be needed. A Dateable girl isn’t Miss Independent. She knows we are made for community. Needing each other is part of faith. She allows him to be needed at times, knowing he was called to serve just as much as she was.
So essentially if you are a girl you need to resist the urge to think for yourself be completely obedient to your male betters, and keep your bitchy "ate the apple in the Garden of Eden" mouth shut.
And what are the "Dateable Boy Rules?" Glad you asked:
- Being a guy is good. Dateable guys know they aren’t as sensitive as girls and that’s okay. They know they are stronger, more dangerous, and more adventurous and that’s okay. Dateable guys are real men who aren’t afraid to be guys.
- Believe in yourself. Dateable guys know they are men even if someone has tried to bring them down or make them less than men. They know that the past doesn’t define the future.
- Control your mind. Dateable guys know that God demands self control. They learn ways to control their minds so they can control their bodies.
- Don’t just want a win, want an adventure. Dateable guys know life is about danger. You might not win, but that’s not the point, doing it is. Dateable guys risk failure to live the adventure of life.
- Face your Fears. Dateable guys will not be controlled by fear. Whatever controls you owns you. Fear is from the enemy and so the Dateable guy stands in the face of it and says, “ha!”
- Men of God are wild, not domesticated. Dateable guys aren’t tamed. They don’t live by the rules of the opposite sex. They fight battles, conquer lands, and stand up for the oppressed.
- Bring God into it. Dateable guys bring God into it. “What would He say if he was talking to me through this situation?” they ask.
- Be honest with girls. Dateable guys don’t use the truth to their advantage. They know that girls read into things so they don’t use that for their good. They are honest and not manipulative.
- Be a gentleman. Chivalry is not dead with the Dateable guy. Even if society thinks this is old fashioned he knows that it is God-fashioned. He keeps his gentleman side strong and considers all women important enough to care for.
- Keep it covered up. Dateable guys know that porn is bad for the spirit and the mind. They keep women covered up.
Thankfully it appears, that even in Texas, the youth of America, at least those attending public school, are just a little too sophisticated to fall for that woman suppressing bullshit anymore.
Good to know.
Sarah Palin apologizes concerning her remarks about the pope, blames the media. Update!
Here is what she said yesterday on her ghostwritten Facebook page:
Just to clarify my comment to Jake Tapper about Pope Francis, it was not my intention to be critical of Pope Francis. I was reminding viewers that we need to do our own homework on news subjects, and I hadn't done mine yet on the Pope's recent comments as reported by the media. Knowing full well how often the media mischaracterizes a person’s comments (especially a religious leader’s), I don’t trust them to get it right when it comes to reporting on the Vatican. I do, however, trust my many Catholic friends and family, including some excellent Catholic writers, who have since assured me that Pope Francis is as sincere and faithful a shepherd of his church as his two predecessors whom I admired. I apologize for not being clearer in my response, thus opening the door to critical media that does what it does best in ginning up controversy.
- Sarah Palin
So let me get this straight. Is it the media's fault for reporting what Pope Francis said, Palin's fault for not reading what the media reported, or the media's fault again for reporting accurately what SHE said to Tapper?
Well strike that middle one, because it is NEVER Palin's fault.
So let's see what the media reported about the Pope's remarks.
In September this is what the Pope said:
In remarkably blunt language, Francis sought to set a new tone for the church, saying it should be a “home for all” and not a “small chapel” focused on doctrine, orthodoxy and a limited agenda of moral teachings. “It is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time,” the pope told the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, a fellow Jesuit and editor in chief of La Civiltà Cattolica, the Italian Jesuit journal whose content is routinely approved by the Vatican. “The dogmatic and moral teachings of the church are not all equivalent. The church’s pastoral ministry cannot be obsessed with the transmission of a disjointed multitude of doctrines to be imposed insistently.
“We have to find a new balance,” the pope continued, “otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like a house of cards, losing the freshness and fragrance of the Gospel.”
Okay now the Catholic church did try to soften that language a little, and even reinterpreted it to some degree, but NOBODY claimed that the media lied or misrepresented his words to my knowledge.
Then in October, it was reported that the Pope said this:
“The faith passes, so to speak, through a distiller and becomes ideology,” he said, according to Radio Vatican. “And ideology does not beckon [people]. In ideologies there is not Jesus: in his tenderness, his love, his meekness. And ideologies are rigid, always. Of every sign: rigid.
“And when a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith: he is no longer a disciple of Jesus, he is a disciple of this attitude of thought… For this reason Jesus said to them: ‘You have taken away the key of knowledge.’ The knowledge of Jesus is transformed into an ideological and also moralistic knowledge, because these close the door with many requirements.”
“The faith becomes ideology and ideology frightens, ideology chases away the people, distances, distances the people and distances of the Church of the people,” Francis added. “But it is a serious illness, this of ideological Christians. It is an illness, but it is not new, eh?”
And again nobody claimed the media got the words wrong.
You know until Sarah Palin of course.
And this was what Palin said to Tapper that she now seems to believe was taken out of context:
"He's had some statements that to me sound kind of liberal, has taken me aback, has kind of surprised me," said Palin. But "unless I really dig deep into what his messaging is, and do my own homework, I’m not going to just trust what I hear in the media." (By the way the entire interview can be heard at the link, for the purposes of verification.)
You know, and I am sure this will shock all of you, it appears that when Palin suggests that the media has misrepresented something, what she actually means is that they reported it accurately.
Which means I assume that Jake Tapper, a man whose reporting she once singled out as accurate, now joins Katie Couric as a journalist who resorts to "gotcha questions."
How "lamestream" of him.
Update: By the way it should be noted that the reason that authors (In this case rich people who pay ghostwriters to write their books.) go on book tours and give interviews, is to stimulate book sales, but in Palin's case her book has been dropping like a stone, seeming to accelerate with every interview that she gives. When all of this first started I believe she was in the mid fifties of Amazon book sales. As of this post she is 135.
WA: Judge James Robart Dismisses Without Prejudice Obama ID Fraud Notice
Without Prejudice Obama ID Fraud Notice;
Doug Vogt v. Barack Obama
CASE NO. C13-1880JLR
Before the court is Plaintiff Douglas Vogt’s complaint in which he alleges that the certificates of live birth from the State of Hawaii that President Barack Obama has publicly released are forgeries. (See Compl. (Dkt. #1) at 1-2.) He also alleges that President Obama “was not born in Hawaii and [i]s not a US citizen,” and that a treasonous conspiracy exists among the various defendants “to take over a political party and install a Communist agent in [sic] as President of the United States so as to destroy the nation from within.” (Id. at 5.) Accordingly, he asks the court “to bring to the attention of the grand jury the evidence of criminal behavior sworn to herein.” (Id. at 9 (internal quotation marks omitted).)
On November 5, 2013, the court ordered Plaintiff Douglas Vogt to show cause why his complaint should not be dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. (OSC (Dkt. # 5).) On November 12, 2013, Mr. Vogt filed his response to the court’s order. (Resp. (Dkt. # 6).) The court now considers Mr. Vogt’s response and whether the court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action.
In his response, Mr. Vogt fails to provide a valid basis for this court’s exercise of subject matter jurisdiction over his action. He insists that the court “is asking the wrong question” (id. at 3), that the court “clearly” has subject matter jurisdiction (id.), and that he is simply seeking to “discharge his civic duty as required by 18 U.S.C. § 4 – Misprision of Felony and/or 18 U.S.C. § 2382 – Misprision of Treason” (id. at 2). He argues that 18 U.S.C. § 4 and 18 U.S.C. § 2382 provide the necessary basis for the court’s exercise of jurisdiction (Resp. at 2-3), and that the court is obligated to refer this matter to the grand jury (id. at 3-8).
Nevertheless, Mr. Vogt fails to address any of the case authority cited by the court in its order to show cause indicating that (1) there is no private right of action under either 18 U.S.C. § 4 or 18 U.S.C. § 2382, (2) private parties generally lack standing to institute a federal criminal prosecution, and (3) private citizens or voters, such as Mr. Vogt, lack standing to challenge President Obama’s qualifications to hold office through the use of misprision of felony or misprision of treason statutes, or otherwise, because they have suffered no particularized injury. (See generally OSC.) The court, therefore, concludes, consistent with the authorities cited in its prior order to show cause, that it lacks subject matter jurisdiction over Mr. Vogt’s action and DISMISSES this action in its entirety without prejudice. The court further DIRECTS the clerk to strike all pending motions from the calendar.
Dated this 14th day of November, 2013.
United States District Judge
BACKGROUND: 20 Points Of Forgery: Reporting Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Allegations - HERE.
iPhone 6 rumors ignite prematurely
It is hard to understand why iPhone 6 rumors have reignited this week, as we close in on the end of 2013 and start moving towards the next major Apple event within WWDC 2014. The fact is, consumers are looking for iPhone 6 news and rumors are appearing from so-called insiders many months before a possible release date.
From what we can see, one of the main reasons iPhone 6 interest increased is due to some credible news outlets reporting rumors on iPhone 6 from people they state are “familiar” with Apple’s plans. One such name is Bloomberg, and they delivered a number of rumors over the past week directed at the 8th generation iPhone display.
The latest iPhone 6 rumors detail what should be another two models in 2014, just like we saw with iPhone 5S and 5C in 2013, although next year the new phones should target different screen sizes, as we have heard from the rumor mill for at least the previous 12 months.
You can see an iPhone 6 concept with a curved display on this very page, but the latest rumors support this design and claim Apple is exploring “curved displays”. White some insiders know that Apple is looking at curved screens for a future design, we should point out that this doesn’t mean they will launch with the next-generation just because Apple is exploring this form factor.
The rumors point to two new iPhones that have bigger screens launching in fall 2014, so it would be interesting to see if Apple would finally create a phablet and if they realize users still want a phone-sized handset as well rather than just big options.
If rumors of two iPhone 6 models turn out to be real, then we can see these handsets release in the second half of 2014 and feature larger displays with glass curved at the edges. Other rumors point to sensors that understand the difference between heavy and light touches on the display, so this could be evident in iOS 8 source code once developers get hands-on with betas next year.
Another iPhone 6 concept
Demand for an iPhone 6 wrap-around display – Product Reviews previously highlighted the fact that the 5S design only supports the iPhone 6 receiving a completely new design, which is thanks to a pattern of Apple redesigning every 2 years after 4S and 5S releases.
This led a few people to ponder the idea of upgrading if a new design would arrive with iPhone 6, then why should they upgrade with refreshes between major iPhone launches?
There is mixed reactions to any such wrap-around design for iPhone 6 and some people feel, “A wrap-around screen looks like an Apple fanboy design”. While another iOS user felt, “Apple need to innovative and launching a revolutionary flexible display on iPhone 6, which is also useful with touch buttons on the side and can be customized would be amazing”.
Read Full Article Source here
Author: By Daniel Chubb
Seattle named smartest city in North America
Seattle is the continent’s smartest city, according to new rankings by the business magazine Fast Company. The Emerald City moved into the top spot from last year’s third-place showing.
The rankings, calculated with the help of a scoring rubric that Fast Company calls the “Smart Cities Wheel,” factor six main components of a city’s smartness: government, people, economy, mobility, and quality of life issues.
Seattle took top honors for its smart economy and smart government, and came in second behind Washington, D.C. in the smart people category. Seattle was also lauded for promoting sustainable development, fostering start-ups and attracting entrepreneurial talent.
Here is the complete list of top-10 cities:
1. Seattle
2. Boston (tie)
2. San Francisco (tie)
4. Washington D.C.
5. New York
6. Toronto
7. Vancouver
8. Portland
9. Chicago
10. Montreal
Read Full Article Source here
Author: Gene Balk
Greta Van Susteren interviews Mike Tyson, decides to take the opportunity to ask him about his "wombshifter" comments about Sarah Palin. Oh no she didn't!
Courtesy of Mediaite: “I know you,” Van Susteren said to her guest, “I’ve seen you with the pigeons, I’ve seen you with your family, but then recently — I didn’t understand this — you were on a radio show and you said something very hurtful about raping Governor Sarah Palin.”
“I never said that,” Tyson defended. “You must have misquoted something, I never said anything bad about Mrs. Palin being raped.”
He then explained what he meant by the “wombshifter” remark:
"I made a comment about her having sex with a black man; her being such a streak right-winger. Somebody was doing the research and she was having a love affair with a black basketball player. And I said, um, the gentleman that she had an affair with was a very kind, nice guy, very likable guy. And I said that wouldn’t make big news: a black guy and a white woman being involved. And I said she needed somebody more outrageous, maybe like Dennis Rodman or somebody, then that would be big news. But the gentleman she had a relationship with before was a very kind guy, and that wasn’t anything bizarre."
Van Susteren responded that the remarks came off as “derogatory towards women.” With that in mind, she asked, “Would you apologize for it?”
“I didn’t say anything derogatory,” Tyson said. “I didn’t find a reason to apologize.”
Let me first say that at one time I was a big fan of Mike Tyson. I used to watch boxing matches constantly and he dominated the sport in the late eighties and early nineties.
However my opinion of him took several hard hits after he started beating his wife, biting off chunks of his opponent's ear, and threatening to eat their children.
After that I sort of cooled off, and then later cooled off to boxing in general when I began to learn more about brain injury.
However I would always take Iron Mike's side over Palin's, because though he is a very damaged person, he is a very damaged person who admits to being very damaged. Sarah Palin is a very damaged person who does not.
And I will do so again here.
In fact Tyson did NOT say anything about raping Sarah Palin.
This is what he DID say in response to the news of her one night stand with Glen Rice:
“Glen Rice is a wonderful man,” Tyson said. “He’s a wonderful guy. You want her to be with somebody like [Dennis] Rodman getting up … in there. Pushing her guts up in the back of her head!”
Tyson went on to say that Rice was too “non-threatening.”
“Glen Rice is a nice, mellow, docile man, non-threatening guy,” he said. “You want someone like Rodman — yeah baby! Let’s get that donkey in here now. [laughter] Just imagine Palin with a big old black stallion ripping. Yeehaw!”
Tyson was asked if Palin earned his vote by allegedly being open to sex with black men. Tyson explained that, as a felon, he is unable to vote. But he offered his opinion about what the allegation means for Palin’s standing in the black community.
“She could always get boned out by a black person, a vote to bang her,” Tyson said. “Other than a vote to run office, the only thing she can do … she’s not a bad person because she likes black people at least in her.”
Later in the interview, Tyson had a name for what Palin “needed.”
“Sarah Palin … she met the ‘wombshifter.’”
See? No rape. Just a somewhat crude man exalting the fact that the face of Republican racism got her womb shifted by a black man.
Was it polite? No.
Was it politically correct? No.
Was it worthy of mocking? Oh hell yes!
However what I think is more interesting, is that Greta was willing to bring this whole thing back up.
Surely she must know that Sarah Palin's base of supporters are deeply, deeply racist, and that bringing this whole thing up again can only remind them that she once spread her legs for one of them darkies.
Why would Greta do that? Unless......
Christian private school in North Carolina refuses admission to children whose parents are gay. Because you know, WWJD?
What is the hell is wrong with these people? |
A private, Christian school in Wilmington has adopted a policy giving the school the right to refuse admission of an applicant whose home life includes "homosexual or bisexual activity."
In a letter we obtained that was sent to parents of Myrtle Grove Christian School Wednesday night, the head of the school, J. Stacey Miller, indicates the school will require all families of students enrolling or re-enrolling to sign a "Biblical Morality Policy."
The policy indicates that the school can refuse admission or expel a student who has a home life that is in opposition to a biblical lifestyle.
The exact language of the policy is as follows:
"An integral part of Myrtle Grove Christian School's mission is to foster spiritual development and a biblical world view in the lives of its students. This includes leading students to develop a biblical understanding of morality and to pursue a life that is governed by the biblical moral code. The school works in partnership with families to achieve these desired outcomes, which necessitates that both the school and home come under the authority of God for the benefit of the student.
For this reason, the school reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student if the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home or the activities of the student are counter to or are in opposition to the biblical lifestyle the school teaches. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, participating in, supporting, or affirming sexual immorality, homosexual activity, or bisexual activity; promoting such practices; or being unable to support the moral principles of the school."
So not only will the school reject any new students whose parents, siblings, or house pet is gay, but if they are already enrolled and somebody detects a little "contact gay" they are kicked to the curb.
Okay I have asked this before, but I am going to keep on asking until somebody explains to me HOW these people can call themselves Christians when EVERYTHING they do is in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus Christ?
If I were a straight parent whose children attended this school I would immediately withdraw them and send them to a learning environment that was more inclusive and accepting.
But then I'm an Atheist so my moral standards are somewhat higher.
George W. Bush postage stamp revealed.
Okay clearly that a parody, but still you have to admit it essentially sums up his presidency in one image.
Meanwhile, in Wasilla.
Meanwhile, in Wasilla.
Courtesy of ADN: Two Wasilla women remained jailed Wednesday on charges they sexually abused two children in their home during a 10-year period ending in 2003.
A now-adult victim described the situation as an extended family of adopted children living a "cult-like" existence in a sheltered Wasilla home.
Alaska State Troopers said they arrested 71-year-old Shawn M. O'Shea-Grantham and Mailea (Joan) L. O'Shea-Grantham, 40, on Friday on multiple counts of sexual abuse of a minor based on a grand jury indictment.
Charging documents say the women, separately and together, sexually abused the two children between 1993 and 2003. The abuse started when the children were 7 and 2.
Both women pleaded not guilty in Palmer Superior Court on Tuesday.
Sky Johnson, a 27-year-old Anchorage resident, said she's one of the victims.
Johnson said Wednesday she tried for years to get authorities to investigate claims of abuse in the home where Shawn O'Shea-Grantham was raising her and two other adopted children.
Johnson said the home was filthy and O'Shea-Grantham ran the family with threats and intimidation. She said the older woman beat her if she didn't clean the house and deprived her brother of food. She also encouraged her to have sex with men she selected, calling surrogate parenting "the clan way" to make a family, Johnson said.
The children were kept isolated, even from neighborhood kids, she said.
"We were not allowed to attend public school. We were not allowed to go to church consistently. Every single interaction with the community was extremely well-rehearsed," Johnson said. "We were told not to disclose any of the secrets that occurred at home."
I actually have a little inside information on this case.
The women are being held in Hiland Correctional facility, the same place that once housed Dian Palin.
I really don't wish to lump all of the people of Wasilla together, but it was the location for one of the most egregious cases of child abuse that has ever been documented up here by a foster family that horribly abused their children and kept them in cages for years.
All that plus the recent report that half of the women in the town have suffered abuse at the hands of their partners, cannot help but lead one to believe that there is definitely something fucked up about the people living in that area.
Is it any wonder really that they also produced the Palin family?
From what I hear the news is not reporting the extent of the atrocities committed by these tow women, which are so bad that at least one person who heard them threw up in response.