Monday, December 9, 2013
Washington Times: Obama Selective Service Form Forged And Back Dated
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- image credit: Lysander Spooner Law School - |
Washington Times Full Page Ad: Obama’s Selective Service Draft Registration Form Back Dated and Forged! — Washington Times National Weekly — Monday – 09 Dec 2013 issue – pg 5
Download Copy: - CLICK HERE.
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Obama Selective Service Draft Registration Form Back Dated and Forged! Click on image for evidence of forgery and how it was done. |
Click HERE for detailed evidence of the forgery and how it was done.
To House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner: Are you living up to your oath to support and defend the Constitution from domestic enemies? Are you doing your job as the leader of the People’s House and protecting We the People from a fraud in the White House? It is time for you to launch congressional investigations into Obama’s forged ID documents or at least get out of the way and stopping blocking those in Congress who wish to do that. You’ve office was been given a Sheriff’s Kit by Mike Volin and his team during their visit to Washington DC last week which presents the evidence compiled from a two year investigation by the Sheriff’s Department of Maricopa County AZ (which includes Phoenix). The evidence proves federal felony document crimes have been committed! Speaker Boehner, are you living up to your solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution from domestic enemies? Are you the leader of the People’s House and protecting We the People from a national fraud being perpetrated on the nation? It is time for you to do your duty and launch a Select Committee to publicly in open hearing in Congress investigate the ongoing fraud and the crimes being perpetrated by Barack Obama. If you will not do that, then step down and get out of the way. We the People demand it!
# # # #
Download a “Sheriff’s Kit” evidence of Obama document fraud at:
Copy of AZ Chief Investigator Michael Zullo’s sworn affidavit attesting that Obama’s ID docs are forged:
Copy of Evidence that Obama’s Selective Service (Draft) Registration Card is forged:
Maricopa County AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Investigative Reports into Obama’s Forged ID Docs:
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Obama the Enigma: Click on the image to learn more about Obama he does not want you to know. |
CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
P.S. Also read this essay regarding the legal term of art “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: … AND …
Breaking: TPPH Drops Obama Fraud Bomb; Smoking Guns Found; Prosecution
Breaking: TPPH Drops Obama Fraud Bomb; Smoking Guns Found; Prosecution
TPPH Drops Obama Fraud Bomb
Text via the video:
The wait is almost over...
People will be prosecuted...
The smoking guns have been found...
Witnesses will testify...
Shocking new evidence confirms...
Document fraud has been committed...
We know who!
We know how!
We know why!
And we know when!
Mark Gillar is the host of Tea Party Power Hour and is the voice-over in the Cold Case Posse's Obama fraud video presentations... Gillars Website is here. Youtube Channel is here.
BACKGROUND: CCP Researcher Unloads: Multiple Counts Of Document Fraud - CLICK HERE.
BACKGROUND: CCP Researcher Unloads: Multiple Counts Of Document Fraud - CLICK HERE.
Have you wondered why the Republicans are not talking about Obamacare enrollments anymore?
Notice how Republicans have stopped talking about #Obamacare enrollments? This graph shows why:
— Zach Green (@140elect) December 9, 2013
By the way don't think that the Republicans are in ANY WAY embarrassed about their obstructionism of the past or have a different plan for the future. Cause they don't!Courtesy of The Hill:
House Republicans say they’re proud of their 2013 campaign to stymie President Obama’s regulatory agenda, even as Congress comes under fire for one of its least productive years.
The bitterly divided Congress will pass fewer laws in 2013 than any year in modern history. As a result of the gridlock, President Obama has turned to his administration’s regulatory authority in pursuit of key policy goals, including efforts to tackle gun violence and climate change.
While House Republicans have pinned the blame for Congress’ anemic legislative output on Senate Democrats, they make no bones about their efforts to blunt Obama’s rulemaking power.
“We’re left with no choice,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). “The president can’t just go it alone, that’s not who we are as a country.”
In interviews with The Hill, several House Republicans claimed momentum in the messaging battle over federal regulations, which they’ve portrayed as too overbearing and expensive under the Obama administration.
Do you know what I want for Christmas? More Democrats in the House and Senate, that's what!
Scientist and former White House Senior Policy Analyst gets to the heart of the debate over evolution.
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Religion is the only explanation for why evolution creates such a fuss in our society. We do not see people getting exercised about Quantum Mechanics, String Theory or the Theory of Relativity. But mention evolution and you invoke an immediate and visceral reaction. Local school boards are elected, rejected and then re-elected solely on this issue. No other scientific discovery is so deeply embedded into the fabric of American politics.
Evolution is one of the most successful, thoroughly documented scientific discoveries in human history. We can see evolution in a Petri dish. Evolution has been validated across multiple fields of anthropology, geology, genetics, embryology, bacteriology, virology, and biogeography. Evolution is a fact, an undeniable, proven fact, as certain as the existence of atoms. Only some of the details of the mechanisms of evolution remain to be elucidated. Cancer is a fact, though not all the mechanisms leading to malignancy are understood. Theory does not imply uncertainty; instead, theory means a grand idea, such as General Relativity or Evolution; well-established principles that encompass and explain a broad range of phenomena.
However, more than 75 years after the trial of State of Tennessee v John Scopes and despite incredible advances in biology, many public school boards strive to eliminate the teaching of evolution from the curriculum.
The debate about intelligent design in public schools is a uniquely American phenomenon, a quirk of our history and culture. Beyond the theocracies of the Middle East, religion permeates American politics in a way not found anywhere else in the world. No other developed country, east or west, is host to a serious political movement dedicated to the destruction of secularism, with evolution exhibit number one.
We have to go all the way back to Italy in 1614 to find another example of a powerful political machine dedicated to the suppression of a broad scientific truth with deep implications for human understanding. That is the year in which Galileo's observations of the earth orbiting the sun were first denounced as a threat to the established authority of the Catholic Church, which claimed Galileo's doctrine to be false and contrary to the divine and Holy Scripture. We have regressed four centuries. Intelligent design is nothing but a transparent fig leaf for creationism, a child of that dark era in the 1600s. Comparing creationism or intelligent design to evolution is no different than insisting that we teach today that the sun actually orbits the earth as an alternative theory to modern astronomy. Only in the United States are such discredited views taken seriously by a large portion of the citizenry. We can and should do better. Intelligent design has no place in a science classroom -- and it does not in any western country outside these United States.
Jeff Schweitzer also discusses the arguments used against climate change and vaccinations, and finds that the root cause is a faith based denial of evidence.
Here is how he sums up:
Steeped in this wasteland of scientific illiteracy we march ever further toward a theocracy; a secular society cannot stand without deference to fact. We are in danger of becoming the Iran of the West, or a bad copy of the former Soviet Union. Under the communist dictatorship children were taught that Stalin was a hero and that capitalism was a great evil, or that Russia invented the telephone and airplane, with no regard to the truth. We are about to make the same mistake in twisting history to indoctrinate our children with stories about god and gravity.
As religiosity has ascended in American life, policy debates have become faith-based rather than being anchored in logic. Support for a policy position becomes unmoved by contradictory facts because proponents simply "believe" the position to be correct even in the face of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. Just as there is no way to determine relative validity between religions, or to diminish faith with facts, as soon as logic is removed from policy debates, competing positions are no longer evaluated based on relative merit, but are supported as inherently right, immune to any reasonable counter arguments. This slide away from secular debate leads increasingly to polarization, greater animosity and a loss of civility because the only way to support a position is simply to assert supremacy as loudly as possible. We are reduced to childlike tantrums of "I'm right, you're wrong, I win." Without logic, there is no common basis for discussion, and no way to mediate disputes. The death of secularism is the death of civility, and nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the debate about teaching science in schools free from religion. Our international ranking suffers because we have not yet learned this lesson. Slovenia has.
Religion is relatively innocuous when it is kept within the walls of synagogues, temples, and church buildings. But when it is introduced into education, politics, and used to determine guidelines for women's health, it can be a destructive force in this country. Often with the religious cherry picking, and misunderstanding, portions of the Bible which are then used to discriminate against women, oppress gays, and to challenge science and public education.
I know that there are many who take great solace in their faith, but for the rest of us religion has become something which shackles this country in place and keeps it from moving forward to compete with the other countries of the world, and to maintain our place in the technological and scientific community that we once dominated.
Fox: Red Eye Panel Ridicules "Kenyan-Born Obama" For Killing America's Symbol
Breitbart News
The Obama administration is about to approve a rule that will ensure the death of golden and bald eagles for the next 30 more years.
Hundreds of thousands of birds die each year flying into the deadly turbine blades atop the soaring towers that compose wind farms. The rule will give wind farms thirty year permits for the “non purposeful take of eagles-that is where the take is associated with but not the purpose of, the activity.’’ The take of eagles is also a euphemism for the slaughter of them. [...] - Continued @ Breitbart News. More here, here, here, and here.
Look, the Duck Dynasty guys got a scarecrow! Update!
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Photo courtesy of Facebook |
You know she might have actually written this herself. Baby steps Sarah, baby steps.
Here's Palin showing the Duck Dynasty guys the most precious member of her family.
Her phone.
Update: You know I don't really like reality television and think that most of the people who appear on it are fake opportunities taking advantage of the low IQ American viewers.
However I have to say that the Duck Dynasty guys seem a hell of a lot more genuine than Palin who is a phony from her crucifix belt buckle guarding the dusty museum that was once her ovaries, to her ever fluctuating chesticular region, right on up to her snap on hair piece.
3 year old dies after knocking handgun off counter. Remember guns don't kill, gravity kills.
Courtesy of RTV6:
A 3-year-old has died after being shot in the head Saturday evening at his family's home near Broad Ripple Park, IMPD officials confirmed. Investigators said they believe it was the result of an accident.
Police said the child was shot in the head with a handgun. The incident occurred on the 1800 block of East 68th Street, just a few blocks north of Broad Ripple Park.
IMPD Lt. Christopher Bailey said investigators believe the child shot himself after pulling the gun off a kitchen counter. Lt. Bailey said detectives are still investigating and once they're done, the Marion County Prosecutor's Office will review the case to see if criminal charges need to be filed.
Police said they were alerted of the incident just after 6 p.m. Saturday after a 911 caller stated a "gun went off and struck a child."
It seems that there is still some confusion as to whether the gun fired accidentally when it was pulled off the counter or if the child actually pulled the trigger.
Either way this is a tragic accident that was easily preventable, and one that SHOULD result in charges against the adults who demonstrated such fatal irresponsibility.
People need to be educated that guns are NOT a tool for self defense. Pepper spray, martial arts training, and even house alarms can be categorized as such, but not guns.
Guns are instruments designed to take a life.
THAT is their sole function. And THAT needs to be the consideration when bringing one into your home.
Especially when you have young children whose lives have suddenly become more dangerous, not less dangerous.
Oklahoma passes law allowing religious displays on public property. Satanists thrilled at opportunity to join in.
Courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:
In addition to performing the post-mortem homosexual transformation of Fred Phelps’s mom, the Satanic Temple has now offered to donate a monument on behalf of Oklahoma Satanists for display upon the statehouse grounds. The organization has moved forward to file papers to display a memorial next to the state’s display of the 10 Commandments and according to Oklahoma’s religious display legislation, signed into law in 2009, the Temple as every right to do so.
“By accepting our offer,” said the Temple’s spokesman, Lucien Greaves. “the good people of Oklahoma City will have the opportunity to show that they espouse the basic freedoms spelled out in the Constitution … Allowing us to donate a monument would show that the Oklahoma City Council does not discriminate, and both the religious and non-religious should be happy with such an outcome.”
It looks like the Conservatives have found themselves in a bit of a religious freedom pickle. Thanks to their argument for religious monuments on public display, it appears they now must accept the Satanic Temple and their memorial. But of course, if not accepted, we sincerely doubt that anyone would be surprised to find out that the legislation is completely hypocritical and specifically only focused on one religious view in direct violation of the US Constitution. Obviously, Oklahoma lawmakers did not take Satanists into consideration when passing such an open bill regarding religious freedom. I guess it is true what they say, “Be careful what you wish for.”
I envision something along the lines of this:
You know, something tasteful, that the whole family can enjoy.
I think that this is going to be very entertaining indeed.
Sometimes cats are just dicks.
I had a cat once that was a holy terror.
He waited in the hallways for us kids and scratched at our feet as we walked by. Such an asshole.
However our little terrier was taking none of that from a cat and she chased that cat, who was much bigger, all over the house.
But the best deterrent we had against a takeover by the nine cats that my mother had in those days was my dog Kino.
Kino was a 120 pound part husky, part German shepherd, part wolf hybrid and he did not suffer crap from the animals lower on the food chain in any way.
I remember once watching a cat sneak over to his food bowl in the corner while he slept on the floor by the door. It took the cat about ten minutes to finally, slowly work his way over to that bowl.
Once the cat was positive that Kino was too deeply asleep to catch him he started to eat.
But Kino was not asleep. His eye opened and he very slowly rose to his feet, walked up behind the cat, and let go one baritone bark that sent that cat right into the wall behind the bowl.
At first I thought maybe the cat had broken its neck, but it quickly scrambled to its feet and ran up the wall and onto a nearby cabinet, and from there across every surface up off the ground until he had made it down the hallway and away from the terrifying beast.
Kino then sniffed his food and walked over to his former spot to continue his nap.
Holiday greeting flow chart.
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Courtesy of Time Magazine:
The front lines of the War on Christmas were originally manned by none other than the Puritans — and not on the side many conservative news anchors might think. Objecting to the yuletide festivities on the grounds that they didn't square with the Bible's teachings, in 1659 the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony banned the holiday; it wasn't reinstated until 1681. For a war often blamed on secular terrorists, these are some pious roots.
Since then, the perpetrators of the struggle against Santa have taken on many forms; just about every major bugbear on the radical left has at one point or another been blamed. In the beginning, of course, there were the Jews. "The whole record of the Jewish opposition to Christmas...shows the venom and directness of [their] attack," wrote automaker and notorious anti-Semite Henry Ford in 1921, citing efforts around the country to silence Christmas carolers and suppress demonstrations of religion in schools. By the 1950s, blame had shifted to the Communists. "One of the techniques now being applied by the Reds to weaken the pillar of religion in our country is the drive to take Christ out of Christmas," screamed a 1959 pamphlet (the overpunctuated title: "There Goes Christmas?!") issued by the newly-formed John Birch Society. The society also assailed United Nations "fanatics" who were trying to "poison the 1959 Christmas season with their high-pressure propaganda."
Before it became part of mainstream conservative punditry, the leading proponent of the War on Christmas was a former magazine writer and editor named Peter Brimelow. A virulent anti-immigration crusader whose views were considered extreme by mainstream conservative journals like National Review, Brimelow founded a website called that soon was at the forefront of the fight to sanctify Christmas cheer. Beginning in 1999, Brimelow ran a competition to spotlight offenders in the War on Christmas. The inaugural villain was the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which earned the dubious honor for hosting a holiday party dubbed "A Celebration of Holiday Traditions." The following year, became a target of Brimelow's wrath for subjecting consumers to the nondenominational greeting "Happy Holidays!" (In 2003, VDare was classified as a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center for providing a platform for white nationalist viewpoints.)
Outrage over alleged restrictions against Christmas emblems imposed by stores like Wal-Mart and Sears led conservative mouthpieces like Sean Hannity and O'Reilly to take up the cause in earnest. "I think it's all part of the secular progressive get Christianity and spirituality out of the public square," O'Reilly said on Nov. 18, 2005. "Because if you look at what happened in Western Europe and Canada, if you can get religion out, then you can pass secular progressive programs like legalization of narcotics, euthanasia, abortion at will, gay marriage." In an interview with National Review, Gibson lay blame for the phenomenon at the feet of the American Civil Liberties Union: "Generally there is an ACLU component to the Christmas controversy."
So there you have it: the war on Christmas is a godless plot cooked up by a cabal of latte-sipping liberals, greedy retail tycoons, bearded ACLU communists and Ban Ki-moon acolytes who secretly gather in Bay Area synagogues to smoke pot, deface Bibles and perform abortions.
This was a ridiculous controversy in 1659, and it remains a ridiculous controversy today.
It is used by manipulative conservatives to enrage the low information Christians into believing that they are being persecuted. Only those raised to believe that they are martyrs would fall for it, but churches are overflowing with those who believe that very thing.
Prepare and fertilize the soil when they are young, and you can plant whatever seeds you want to as they grow older, and the paranoia and sense of persecution will grow right along with them.
A hunting we will pretend to go, a hunting we will pretend to go, heigh ho a new cable show, a hunting we will go. Update!
Courtesy of the New York Times:
The Sportsman Channel said Monday it has hired Sarah Palin to be host of a weekly outdoors-oriented program that will celebrate the "red, wild and blue" lifestyle.
The program, "Amazing America," will debut next April. The Sportsman Channel is in some 32 million homes, less than one-third of American households with television, with programming geared to people interested in hunting, fishing and shooting. Palin's show will include a series of stories about personalities and activities in that vein.
"It's very important to have somebody of her stature as a personality on Sportsman because it validates the whole category for everybody," said Gavin Harvey, network CEO.
"Validates the category?" Sarah Palin?
THIS Sarah Palin?
The Sportsman Channel has ordered 12 episodes of the series to start. It's the first of a three-series deal between the network and the busy nonfiction production company Pilgrim Studios.
"The network showcases a lifestyle that I love and celebrate every day and it's great to be a part of their team," Palin said in a statement provided by the network.
Besides the upcoming Palin series, Sportsman airs a series with conservative activist and rock musician Ted Nugent. Sportsman also airs a TV version of the National Rifle Association-sponsored radio show, "NRA News, Cam & Co.," each weekday and "NRA Guns & Gold," a show about guns styled after "Antiques Roadshow."
Here is my favorite part.
Harvey said The Sportsman Channel has no interest in being politically polarizing. "It's not our intention at Sportsman to take any political position," he said.
"This lifestyle, coast to coast, crosses every type of political spectrum."
Yeah good luck with that! Now with both Palin and Nugent on their programs they might as well kiss any hope of attracting reasonable progressive viewers goodbye.
Might very well lose many of their conservative ones as well.
Especially conservatives who are ACTUAL hunters. Or did they forget how Field and Stream once eviscerated any notion that Palin has any hunting ability whatsoever?
Ms. Palin is an extremely inexperienced shooter.
An experienced shooter would not ask if a rifle kicks before using it in the heat of battle. That would not be uppermost in their mind; getting the animal down would be.
Why, before the fatal shot was fired, did the editor of the film superimpose a bogus crosshair on the poor dopey caribou? Why do we not see Ms. Palin firing the rifle? Is it because she did not do the shooting?
Finally, look at the way she carries the rifle as the party walks up to the late lamented ungulate. No experienced shooter carries a rifle like this.
And now every hunter in America gets the opportunity to mock Palin, and dismiss this show as pure camouflage wrapped fluff.
But do you know who will probably get the biggest laugh out of watching Palin struggle to act like she knows anything at all about hunting?
Because no matter what your feelings are about Levi, there is no doubt that at least HE is not a phony when it comes to hunting.
Update: Here is more from The Sportsman's Channel:
“Governor Palin is one of America’s most popular leaders, whose powerful love of country and passion for the great outdoors is inspiring to millions and millions of people,” said Gavin Harvey, CEO of Sportsman Channel. “As a sportswoman, humanitarian, and patriot who has visited every corner of the USA, there is no one more qualified to host Amazing America than Sarah Palin.”
Wow! It looks like somebody has been buying the Palin mooseshit by the barrel full.
Sarah Palin finally gets a positive review of her new ghostwritten book. Now who do you think would do that?
So after many scathing, and sometimes simply confused, review of her book Palin finally found a media outlet with so little journalistic credibility that they are willing to fawn over the book.
Courtesy of (Where else?) Breitbart:
“If I’m for Christmas, it’s only because I’m for Christ,” writes Gov. Palin. “There is no ultimate peace apart from Christ, and it is Christ who empowers every act of ‘goodwill toward men’ in our otherwise fallen hearts.”
The book’s blending of personal experience with discussions of political efforts to morph Christmas into a homogenized celebration of the “holidays” makes for a brisk and enjoyable read. Even as we learn that Todd Palin gives the Governor what she considers the coolest of Christmas gifts—such as a .30-06 rifle, hockey skates, and a “beautiful red manual ice auger for ice fishing”—Palin packs powerful punches.
“There are few things that anger a secular liberal atheist more than a horizontal plank intersecting a vertical plank—a cross—on public land,” writes Palin. “Perhaps Christmas causes so much anger because the very name of the holiday broadcasts the Name above all Names.”
I have no idea why Palin believes that Christmas makes secular people angry, when it was the Christians who have historically been the most irritated by the holiday.
And does anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, believe that Palin only celebrates Christmas becasue it features the name of her heavenly heartthrob? Could you even imagine Palin turning down free stuff, simply because the holiday does not mention Jesus?
The the muhc more accurate fact of Jesus of Nazareth. |
This former A list politician/reality star could barely sit still at a recent book signing. So much twitching and that runny nose was out of control. What the world would love is a photo of her using coke. I dare say it would be worth millions.
Oh come on this could be anybody!
I mean surely there is another former A list politician/reality star who is currently on a book tour, right?
Umm, right?
And it is not like Sarah Palin has demonstrated any erratic thinking or weight loss, or has a documented history of coca.....ohhh.
Gee I can hardly wait for that fitness book of hers to come out, "Snorting your way to skinny, by Sarah Palin."
Hey do you remember that time that Fox News tried to launch a conservative version of The Daily Show? Don't worry neither does anybody else.
Jesus! Can you believe that somebody thought that was a good idea?
This short lived show was called the 1/2 News hour, and it was picked up by Roger Ailes and Fox News after the Fox Broadcasting Company. (Smart move Fox Broadcasting Network.)
I swear that canned laughter is left over from the fifties, which means they are only hearing laughter from mostly long dead people. Which is not that far off from their usual demographic over at Fox News.
Here is what Wikipedia says about the recurring bits from the show, which started in February 2007 and was mercifully pulled off the air in September of 2007:
- Conspiracy Corner - segments where a guest presents generally-accepted information about a topic, and that information is treated as far-fetched by the host, who holds stereotypical left-wing views.
- Guy White: Closet Conservative — a cartoon featuring a conservative man working in an office in which everyone else is a liberal caricature.
- Hollywood Helping Humanity — satirical public service announcements featuring actors endorsing dubious causes, such as recycling breast implants. Actors appearing in this sketch include Leyla Milani, Ken Davitian, Ian Ziering, and Lorenzo Lamas.
- I'm the ACLU — satirical advertisements "boasting" of controversial causes supported by the ACLU. Presidential Addresses — Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh had a recurring cameo role as the President, with conservative pundit Ann Coulter as his Vice President.
Seriously, WHO would find any of that entertaining?
You know they say that conservatives have no sense of humor, but apparently they felt the need to go out in prove just in case there was anybody who not positive it was true.
Never forget how we as a nation allowed this to happen.
Thania Sayne leans on the headstone marking the grave of her husband, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2011, at Arlington National Cemetery.
I saw this picture among a group of photos called the most powerful images of 2013.
When I saw it I was immediately angered.
All I could think was that right now the conservatives Republicans are talking about impeaching President Obama, for imaginary crimes that only exist in the Right Wing bubble.
However this young woman is grieving because George W. Bush lied to America in order to start two unnecessary wars that killed thousands of our fellow citizens and untold hundreds of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis.
All I can think is that this Christmas there will be children who will be missing a parent, fathers and mothers still grieving for their children, and wives and husbands sleeping in a half empty bed because when it was REALLY important to hold a President accountable and to interfere with his plans our politicians and our media were not up to the task.
Presdient Obama is a good, perhaps even great, President. But compared to George W. Bush he is a fucking saint.