Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Rush Defines Birther: We Need An Explanation For Obama's Forged Birth Certificate
Rush Defines Birther:
Obama's Whole Life Story Is Made Up
Author and radio host Erik Rush appeared on the WOBC Blog Talk Radio show and weighed in on Obama's document fraud. Document expert Doug Vogt also details his research in to Obama's phony birth certificate...
Document Expert Doug Vogt:
Identity Of Forger Given To Sheriff Arpaio
Document Expert Doug Vogt Will Give Details About Obama's Forged Birth Certificate. I Will Be Asking Questions About The Original COLB Which Many Believe Is Forged.
Washington Times: Why Is Speaker John Boehner Protecting Obama's ID Fraud?
Washington Times Advertorial:
Speaker Boehner Ripped Over Obama ID Fraud
As the Speaker of all the People, it’s up to you to stop this uber-president’s “out-of-control” abuse of power which includes Obama’s broken promise of having the most transparent administration, when he uses executive power he does not possess to conceal every iota of his past, from his apparent non-Hawaiian birth, his fabricated White House PDF(birth certificate), his phony Social Security Card, and phony selective service card. John, this should have forewarned everyone as to the true nature of his questionable content of his character. Where are the committee hearings? You are the keeper of the keys in the House—the caretaker of the power of the People. Where is that power? Where are the subpoenas? Where are the impeachment hearings? Not just for the uber-president, but for his minions?
Washington Times: Why Is Speaker John Boehner Protecting Obama's ID Fraud?
Washington Times: Why Is Speaker John Boehner Protecting Obama's ID Fraud?
Call Boehner and tell him stop blocking investigations into Obama's document fraud; (202) 225-0600
FLASHBACK: Team Arpaio: Speaker Boehner Not Allowing Congress Investigate Obama - DETAILS HERE.
RELATED: Washington Times: Obama Selective Service Form Forged And Back Dated - DETAILS HERE.
Final image of the day.
This showed up on Palin's Facebook page about an hour and half ago with this caption:
My fun date with Tripp today at the bookstore - spotted his twin on "The Christmas Story" movie display!
Yes Tripp is a cute little guy. However what I get from this is that he is still out of the state, away from his dad, and being used by his grandmother to promote her crappy book.
Poor little prop.
Just in time for Christmas the Rafael "Ted" Cruz coloring book. For that little boy or girl who you simply cannot stand.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
The Missouri-based publisher, Really Big Coloring Books, describes its book as “a non-partisan, fact-driven view of how Texas Sen. Rafael Edward ‘Ted’ Cruz became a U.S. senator and details, through his quotes and public information his ideas for what he believes will help America grow.”
The book states that Cruz supports the Second Amendment, unlike Obama who has a “consistent disregard” for constitutional rights. It invites children to color-in the Ten Commandments on a page devoted to the United States national motto, “In God We Trust.”
The book also references Cruz’s 21-hour anti-Obamacare speech, saying that “millions of citizens believe Obama Care is worse than any war.”
“At least American soldiers have weapons with which to defend themselves,” the book adds.
I at first thought this has to be a parody, but nope, it's real.
Yes kids get your coloring book dedicated to a Senator in his first term who is famous for obstructionism, sabotaging government, and lying. You know, just like Abraham Lincoln!
Apparently this clearly Right Wing company has created a number of controversial coloring books over the years, including an Islamophobic one commemorating 9-11, an anti-Occupy Wall Street one, and one that promotes the Tea Party.
Personally I don't think these are coloring books tor children, I think they are pieces of propaganda designed so that he typical illiterate Right Wing idiot can understand them.
"Oh look Bristol, they have big pictures to color too!"
Historian: Why House Can't Impeach Obama; Criminally Charge and Prosecute Impostor
Historian Servando Gonzalez: Why House
Can't Impeach Impostor Obama; Prosecute
Excerpts via Devvy Kidd's News with Views: WHY THE HOUSE CAN'T IMPEACH OBAMA
By Servando Gonzalez
Obama's behavior indicates that, far from acting against his will, he has willingly accepted his role as a puppet under the control of the Council on Foreign Relations' puppeteers. Obama's real job consists in parroting the instructions coming from his CFR masters, and he is fully cognizant of it.
Further evidence that Obama is fully conscious of his treasonous role is that, in order to avoid future criminal charges, he has never lied about his place of birth and he did not take the Oath of Office in the manner required by the Constitution.
In the first place, not only did Obama himself mention that he was born in Kenya, but also his Kenyan grandmother confirmed it. Moreover, during a speech in Denver, Colorado, in 2008, Michelle Obama referred to Kenya as Obama's "home country." Also, a 2008 NPR report described then senator Barack Obama as "Kenyan born" and a "son of Africa." Furthermore, Obama has never publicly said that he was born in the U.S. Consequently, he would never be successfully impeached for lying about his country of origin. [...]
So, there is strong evidence pointing to the fact that this man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama is actually an impostor. Therefore, he could never be impeached, because impeachment is a fundamental constitutional power belonging to Congress for removing Presidents, judges, and other federal officers who commit "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." Given the fact, however, that Mr. Obama is not the legal President of the United States, he cannot be impeached. He can be, though, criminally charged and prosecuted.
Now, if he is an impostor, he can't be impeached but he can be prosecuted for willingly impersonating the highest official in this nation, can't he? Well, he can't, and this is why he was so careful in never legally taking the oath of office as specified in the Constitution.
The bottom line is that we cannot blame Obama for this dangerous travesty. He is a criminal and behaves accordingly. We can blame the Congress, the Supreme Court, the Department of Justice and the sycophantic mainstream press for having relinquished their obligations to uphold the Constitution and address the legitimacy of the man currently residing in the White House. The true guilty parties, however, are the ones controlling their puppet Obama from behind the curtains: Wall Street bankers, oil magnates and the corporations who control the U.S. government and the Press. [...] - Continued @ News with Views.
The world's leading technology companies band together to demand changes in the US surveillance laws.
The world's leading technology companies band together to demand changes in the US surveillance laws.
The world's leading technology companies band together to demand changes in the US surveillance laws.
The world's leading technology companies band together to demand changes in the US surveillance laws.
The world's leading technology companies band together to demand changes in the US surveillance laws.
Courtesy of the Guardian: The world's leading technology companies have united to demand sweeping changes to US surveillance laws, urging an international ban on bulk collection of data to help preserve the public's “trust in the internet”.
In their most concerted response yet to disclosures by the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Twitter and AOL have published an open letter to Barack Obama and Congress on Monday, throwing their weight behind radical reforms already proposed by Washington politicians.
“The balance in many countries has tipped too far in favour of the state and away from the rights of the individual – rights that are enshrined in our constitution,” urges the letter signed by the eight US-based internet giants. “This undermines the freedoms we all cherish. It’s time for change.”
Several of the companies claim the revelations have shaken public faith in the internet and blamed spy agencies for the resulting threat to their business interests. “People won’t use technology they don’t trust,” said Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel. “Governments have put this trust at risk, and governments need to help restore it.”
The chief executive of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, said: “Recent revelations about government surveillance activities have shaken the trust of our users, and it is time for the United States government to act to restore the confidence of citizens around the world."
Silicon Valley was initially sceptical of some allegations about NSA practices made by Snowden but as more documentary evidence has emerged in the Guardian and other newspapers detailing the extent of western surveillance capabilities, its eight leading players – collectively valued at $1.4tn – have been stung into action amid fears of commercial damage.
“We understand that governments have a duty to protect their citizens,” they say in the letter. “But this summer’s revelations highlighted the urgent need to reform government surveillance practices worldwide.”
A separate list of five “reform principles” signed by the normally fiercely competitive group echoes measures to rein in the NSA contained in bipartisan legislation proposed by the Democratic chair of the Senate judiciary committee, Patrick Leahy, and the Republican author of the Patriot Act, Representative Jim Sensenbrenner.
I think that it is well past time for us to start demanding accountability for what the NSA has been doing, and to stand up for our privacy.
There are not a lot of policies that I find myself as conflicted on as this one, but the more we learn the more I come to realize that we simply cannot excuse the fact that essentially EVERY communication we send out is subject to scrutiny by our government.
Part of me wants to demand greater transparency, though the other, more rational, part of me realizes that is a request that simply cannot be met by those seeking to gather intelligence on potentially dangerous individuals without alerting them to their efforts.
Still we need to do something to put the brakes on this whole thing, or at the very least get the government to narrow their field of surveillance.
I don't know about the rest of you but I simply have too much on my plate to be attempting to overthrow my government.
P.S. In other news the Guardian has voted Edward Snowden "Person of the Year for 2013."
I know, big surprise right?
Fox News' Greg Gutfeld Quips: Impeach Him; Obama Kenyan-Born Interloper
Fox News' Greg Gutfeld Quips: Impeach Him; Obama Kenyan-Born Interloper...
RELATED: Red Eye Panel Ridicules "Kenyan-Born Obama" For Killing America's Symbol - CLICK HERE.
A hunting we will pretend to go, a hunting we will pretend to go, heigh ho a new cable show, a pretend hunting we will go. Update!
Courtesy of the New York Times:
The Sportsman Channel said Monday it has hired Sarah Palin to be host of a weekly outdoors-oriented program that will celebrate the "red, wild and blue" lifestyle.
The program, "Amazing America," will debut next April. The Sportsman Channel is in some 32 million homes, less than one-third of American households with television, with programming geared to people interested in hunting, fishing and shooting. Palin's show will include a series of stories about personalities and activities in that vein.
"It's very important to have somebody of her stature as a personality on Sportsman because it validates the whole category for everybody," said Gavin Harvey, network CEO.
"Validates the category?" Sarah Palin?
A hunting we will pretend to go, a hunting we will pretend to go, heigh ho a new cable show, a pretend hunting we will go. Update!
THIS Sarah Palin?
The Sportsman Channel has ordered 12 episodes of the series to start. It's the first of a three-series deal between the network and the busy nonfiction production company Pilgrim Studios.
"The network showcases a lifestyle that I love and celebrate every day and it's great to be a part of their team," Palin said in a statement provided by the network.
Besides the upcoming Palin series, Sportsman airs a series with conservative activist and rock musician Ted Nugent. Sportsman also airs a TV version of the National Rifle Association-sponsored radio show, "NRA News, Cam & Co.," each weekday and "NRA Guns & Gold," a show about guns styled after "Antiques Roadshow."
Here is my favorite part.
Harvey said The Sportsman Channel has no interest in being politically polarizing. "It's not our intention at Sportsman to take any political position," he said.
"This lifestyle, coast to coast, crosses every type of political spectrum."
Yeah good luck with that! Now with both Palin and Nugent on their programs they might as well kiss any hope of attracting reasonable progressive viewers goodbye.
Might very well lose many of their conservative ones as well.
Especially conservatives who are ACTUAL hunters. Or did they forget how Field and Stream once eviscerated any notion that Palin has any hunting ability whatsoever?
Ms. Palin is an extremely inexperienced shooter.
An experienced shooter would not ask if a rifle kicks before using it in the heat of battle. That would not be uppermost in their mind; getting the animal down would be.
Why, before the fatal shot was fired, did the editor of the film superimpose a bogus crosshair on the poor dopey caribou? Why do we not see Ms. Palin firing the rifle? Is it because she did not do the shooting?
Finally, look at the way she carries the rifle as the party walks up to the late lamented ungulate. No experienced shooter carries a rifle like this.
And now every hunter in America gets the opportunity to mock Palin, and dismiss this show as pure camouflage wrapped fluff.
But do you know who will probably get the biggest laugh out of watching Palin struggle to act like she knows anything at all about hunting?
Because no matter what your feelings are about Levi, there is no doubt that at least HE is not a phony when it comes to hunting.
Update: Here is more from The Sportsman's Channel:
“Governor Palin is one of America’s most popular leaders, whose powerful love of country and passion for the great outdoors is inspiring to millions and millions of people,” said Gavin Harvey, CEO of Sportsman Channel. “As a sportswoman, humanitarian, and patriot who has visited every corner of the USA, there is no one more qualified to host Amazing America than Sarah Palin.”
Wow! It looks like somebody has been buying the Palin mooseshit by the barrel full.
NBC Correspondent: Obama Is The Son Of Africa; Our Son Of African Soil
NBC Correspondent:
Obama Is The Son Of Africa
[ video update below ]
[ video update below ]
NBC News Special Correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault says Obama is the son of Africa. Also, during the introduction for Obama at Communist Mandela's memorial they introduced Obama as 'our son of African soil.'
video update
( Video via Minute Men News. )
Excerpt via MSNBC's Richard Wolf:
Obama, who was introduced as “our very son of the African soil” traced the course of Mandela’s life: from his childhood herding cattle to the legal training that shaped a liberation struggle as great as that of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. He retold the story of Mandela’s trial in 1964, his decades in prison, and his astonishing presidency as the great reconciler of a country few believed could ever heal from the violence and injustice of apartheid. [...] - MSNBC.
It must be noted that during the same memorial Nelson Mandela also was referenced as the son of Africa.
FLASHBACK: Obama Speaking In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home - VIDEO HERE.
Sarah Palin finally gets a positive review of her new ghostwritten book. Now who do you think would do that?
So after many scathing, and sometimes simply confused, review of her book Palin finally found a media outlet with so little journalistic credibility that they are willing to fawn over the book.
Courtesy of (Where else?) Breitbart:
“If I’m for Christmas, it’s only because I’m for Christ,” writes Gov. Palin. “There is no ultimate peace apart from Christ, and it is Christ who empowers every act of ‘goodwill toward men’ in our otherwise fallen hearts.”
The book’s blending of personal experience with discussions of political efforts to morph Christmas into a homogenized celebration of the “holidays” makes for a brisk and enjoyable read. Even as we learn that Todd Palin gives the Governor what she considers the coolest of Christmas gifts—such as a .30-06 rifle, hockey skates, and a “beautiful red manual ice auger for ice fishing”—Palin packs powerful punches.
“There are few things that anger a secular liberal atheist more than a horizontal plank intersecting a vertical plank—a cross—on public land,” writes Palin. “Perhaps Christmas causes so much anger because the very name of the holiday broadcasts the Name above all Names.”
I have no idea why Palin believes that Christmas makes secular people angry, when it was the Christians who have historically been the most irritated by the holiday.
And does anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, believe that Palin only celebrates Christmas becasue it features the name of her heavenly heartthrob? Could you even imagine Palin turning down free stuff, simply because the holiday does not mention Jesus?
The much more accurate face of Jesus of Nazareth. |
This former A list politician/reality star could barely sit still at a recent book signing. So much twitching and that runny nose was out of control. What the world would love is a photo of her using coke. I dare say it would be worth millions.
Oh come on this could be anybody!
I mean surely there is another former A list politician/reality star who is currently on a book tour, right?
Umm, right?
And it is not like Sarah Palin has demonstrated any erratic thinking or weight loss, or has a documented history of coca.....ohhh.
Gee I can hardly wait for that fitness book of hers to come out, "Snorting your way to skinny, by Sarah Palin."
Atheists: The truly persecuted people of our planet.
Courtesy of Reuters:
In 13 countries around the world, all of them Muslim, people who openly espouse atheism or reject the official state religion of Islam face execution under the law, according to a detailed study issued on Tuesday.
And beyond the Islamic nations, even some of the West's apparently most democratic governments at best discriminate against citizens who have no belief in a god and at worst can jail them for offences dubbed blasphemy, it said.
The study, The Freethought Report 2013, was issued by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), a global body uniting atheists, agnostics and other religious skeptics, to mark United Nations' Human Rights Day on Tuesday.
"This report shows that the overwhelming majority of countries fail to respect the rights of atheists and freethinkers although they have signed U.N agreements to treat all citizens equally," said IHEU President Sonja Eggerickx.
The study covered all 192 member states in the world body and involved lawyers and human rights experts looking at statute books, court records and media accounts to establish the global situation.
A first survey of 60 countries last year showed just seven where death, often by public beheading, is the punishment for either blasphemy or apostasy - renouncing belief or switching to another religion which is also protected under U.N. accords.
But this year's more comprehensive study showed six more, bringing the full list to Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
In others, like India in a recent case involving a leading critic of religion, humanists say police are often reluctant or unwilling to investigate murders of atheists carried out by religious fundamentalists.
Across the world, the report said, "there are laws that deny atheists' right to exist, revoke their citizenship, restrict their right to marry, obstruct their access to public education, prevent them working for the state...."
You know whenever I hear the Christians bitching about being persecuted, or somebody (Like Bristol for instance.) getting all worked up because a fellow Christian who was proselytizing in a non-Christian country has been kicked out or thrown in jail, I always think "Yeah but are they still being rounded up and killed in the streets?" Because THAT is exactly what is happening to people who dare to have no faith whatsoever, or who speak out against the repressive regimes who use religious as a bludgeon against its people.
That is why on this blog I will always stand up for the non religious and stand in opposition to those who wish to push their religion, and the "morals" associated with it, down our throats.
Freedom, TRUE freedom, means to be released from the shackles of ignorance and superstition.
Hey do you remember that time that Fox News tried to launch a conservative version of The Daily Show? Don't worry neither does anybody else.
Jesus! Can you believe that somebody thought that was a good idea?
This short lived show was called the 1/2 News hour, and it was picked up by Roger Ailes and Fox News after the Fox Broadcasting Company. (Smart move Fox Broadcasting Network.)
I swear that canned laughter is left over from the fifties, which means they are only hearing laughter from mostly long dead people. Which is not that far off from their usual demographic over at Fox News.
Here is what Wikipedia says about the recurring bits from the show, which started in February 2007 and was mercifully pulled off the air in September of 2007:
- Conspiracy Corner - segments where a guest presents generally-accepted information about a topic, and that information is treated as far-fetched by the host, who holds stereotypical left-wing views.
- Guy White: Closet Conservative — a cartoon featuring a conservative man working in an office in which everyone else is a liberal caricature.
- Hollywood Helping Humanity — satirical public service announcements featuring actors endorsing dubious causes, such as recycling breast implants. Actors appearing in this sketch include Leyla Milani, Ken Davitian, Ian Ziering, and Lorenzo Lamas.
- I'm the ACLU — satirical advertisements "boasting" of controversial causes supported by the ACLU. Presidential Addresses — Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh had a recurring cameo role as the President, with conservative pundit Ann Coulter as his Vice President.
Seriously, WHO would find any of that entertaining?
You know they say that conservatives have no sense of humor, but apparently they felt the need to go out in prove just in case there was anybody who not positive it was true.
Under Obama households recover almost all of the wealth lost during the Bush administration caused recession.
Courtesy of the LA Times:
American households have regained almost all of the wealth lost during the Great Recession, thanks to surging stock prices and recovering home values.
Total household net worth — assets minus liabilities — expanded 2.6%, or $1.9 trillion, in the third quarter from the second quarter, according to a Federal Reserve report released Monday.
It was the eighth straight quarter of increases and brought the net worth for households and nonprofit organizations to $77.26 trillion at the end of September. In nominal dollars, households already recouped their lost wealth a year ago. But adjusting for inflation, Americans' net worth is still about 0.5% shy of the peak in the third quarter of 2007, just before the recession hit.
The biggest contributor to the latest quarterly gain in wealth was the booming stock market: Household assets in the form of corporate equities and mutual funds jumped by $917 billion, the Fed said. The value of residential real estate owned by households also helped to push up net worth with an increase of about $428 billion.
The big wealth gain was largely enjoyed by wealthy Americans who hold the bulk of stocks. But close to two-thirds of U.S. households own homes, and should housing prices continue to rise, as expected, more Americans should benefit.
Wait, how is this possible? I mean after all President Obama is such a socialist, right?
File this under "More news the Right Wing will never report accurately."
Never forget how we as a nation allowed this to happen.
Thania Sayne leans on the headstone marking the grave of her husband, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2011, at Arlington National Cemetery.
I saw this picture among a group of photos called the most powerful images of 2013.
When I saw it I was immediately angered.
All I could think was that right now the conservatives Republicans are talking about impeaching President Obama, for imaginary crimes that only exist in the Right Wing bubble.
However this young woman is grieving because George W. Bush lied to America in order to start two unnecessary wars that killed thousands of our fellow citizens and untold hundreds of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis.
All I can think is that this Christmas there will be children who will be missing a parent, fathers and mothers still grieving for their children, and wives and husbands sleeping in a half empty bed because when it was REALLY important to hold a President accountable and to interfere with his plans our politicians and our media were not up to the task.
Presdient Obama is a good, perhaps even great, President. But compared to George W. Bush he is a fucking saint.
Have you wondered why the Republicans are not talking about Obamacare enrollments anymore?
Notice how Republicans have stopped talking about #Obamacare enrollments? This graph shows why:
— Zach Green (@140elect) December 9, 2013
By the way don't think that the Republicans are in ANY WAY embarrassed about their obstructionism of the past or have a different plan for the future. Cause they don't!Courtesy of The Hill:
House Republicans say they’re proud of their 2013 campaign to stymie President Obama’s regulatory agenda, even as Congress comes under fire for one of its least productive years.
The bitterly divided Congress will pass fewer laws in 2013 than any year in modern history. As a result of the gridlock, President Obama has turned to his administration’s regulatory authority in pursuit of key policy goals, including efforts to tackle gun violence and climate change.
While House Republicans have pinned the blame for Congress’ anemic legislative output on Senate Democrats, they make no bones about their efforts to blunt Obama’s rulemaking power.
“We’re left with no choice,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). “The president can’t just go it alone, that’s not who we are as a country.”
In interviews with The Hill, several House Republicans claimed momentum in the messaging battle over federal regulations, which they’ve portrayed as too overbearing and expensive under the Obama administration.
Do you know what I want for Christmas? More Democrats in the House and Senate, that's what!
Palin continues to sell her Christmas time snake oil on the tent revival circuit. This time over at Pat Robertson's Alzheimer riddled network CBN.
Click the "she's a man baby" photo to play video. |
Palin told CBN News the book is a rallying cry for Christians to stand up against those who want keep faith out of the public square. "We were founded as written in our charters of liberty, in the documents that created America," Palin said. (No, actually no we were not.)
"We're founded on a Judeo-Christian faith that would allow forever the right to express or respect for faith in America."Palin warned those rights are under attack from atheists. She has a name for them in the book: "Joe McScrooge." (Really has fetish for the name "Joe" doesn't she?)
"Joe McScrooge armed with an attorney is quite dangerous," Palin proclaimed.
![]() |
"Joe McScrooge?" Did she get the Dickens and Disney characters mixed up? |
Palin said the situation has her concerned.
"The road that we are on today is too many of those angry atheists armed with attorneys would try to take away that freedom to express faith. It's going to end in ruin unless we do something about it," she warned. (Nobody wants to take away anybody's right to express their faith. We just want the right to not have to see it displayed in government facilities and on public property, so that our rights to worship, or believe, or not believe are preserved. Just like the Founding Fathers wanted.)
That's where the fight comes in. Palin, who knows a thing or two about adversity, (Well she should, she has been fighting against the truth getting out for quite a few years now.) is urging Christians not to be intimidated.
"I want this book to be a call to action, to take steps for school districts, for communities, for business owners, for families to understand they don't have to hide their faith. They don't have to be embarrassed by it," she said. (Since when are Christians embarrassed about their faith?)
Palin added this isn't just about fighting lawsuits.
"This war on Christmas is really the tip of the spear when it comes to a greater battle that's brewing," Palin told CBN News. "And that battle that's brewing is those who would want to take God out of our society, out of our culture, which will lead to ruin as history has proven." (Please don't try to teach us about history. That is like a legless guy giving dance lessons.)
Palin also sees big government as part of the problem and makes it clear that that includes the Obama administration. (Actually in Palin's reality there WAS no big governemtn problem before Obama. And remember, she wants to teach us about history.)
"To tell you the truth, I don't know what they're doing right," Palin told CBN News. (Ended two wars, saved the economy, got millions of Americans health care, killed Bin Laden, yep there are certainly NO examples of the administration doing anything right.)
In her book, she says without a faith in Christ, she wouldn't have been able to stand through those tough times when she ran for vice president. (I think she is confusing "faith in Christ" with "several lines of blow.")
"There is no way I would be standing if it weren't for that faith that I adopted as a kid, asking Christ into my life, putting my life in His hands, saying, 'God you're my Creator. I've got to believe that You know more about destiny than I do, so, heaven forbid I try to orchestrate it myself,'" she said. "'Lord, send me. I'll go.'"
If that last part were true she would have dropped off the face of the planet already. I mean how much more can a deity do after orchestrating a failed campaign, a failed reality show, a failed marriage, getting her kicked off of Fox News so she had to crawl back on her hands and knees for recurring guest spot at a fraction of her original pay, maker her hair fall out, make everybody in her home state despise her, and now slowly drain the nutrients out of her body until she looks like a bewigged version of the Crypt Keeper, before she gets the damn hint?
I don't know if any of your noticed but Palin seems to have orchestrated enough bulk sales of her book to bring back up the Amazon Best Seller's list. I mean it is still nothing to write home, or another book, about, but it is still definitely the result of somebody doing a little wheeling and dealing.
Hmm, now where would she have had to read to realize that she was being mocked for having her book so low on the the Amazon page?
Scientist and former White House Senior Policy Analyst gets to the heart of the debate over evolution.
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Religion is the only explanation for why evolution creates such a fuss in our society. We do not see people getting exercised about Quantum Mechanics, String Theory or the Theory of Relativity. But mention evolution and you invoke an immediate and visceral reaction. Local school boards are elected, rejected and then re-elected solely on this issue. No other scientific discovery is so deeply embedded into the fabric of American politics.
Evolution is one of the most successful, thoroughly documented scientific discoveries in human history. We can see evolution in a Petri dish. Evolution has been validated across multiple fields of anthropology, geology, genetics, embryology, bacteriology, virology, and biogeography. Evolution is a fact, an undeniable, proven fact, as certain as the existence of atoms. Only some of the details of the mechanisms of evolution remain to be elucidated. Cancer is a fact, though not all the mechanisms leading to malignancy are understood. Theory does not imply uncertainty; instead, theory means a grand idea, such as General Relativity or Evolution; well-established principles that encompass and explain a broad range of phenomena.
However, more than 75 years after the trial of State of Tennessee v John Scopes and despite incredible advances in biology, many public school boards strive to eliminate the teaching of evolution from the curriculum.
The debate about intelligent design in public schools is a uniquely American phenomenon, a quirk of our history and culture. Beyond the theocracies of the Middle East, religion permeates American politics in a way not found anywhere else in the world. No other developed country, east or west, is host to a serious political movement dedicated to the destruction of secularism, with evolution exhibit number one.
We have to go all the way back to Italy in 1614 to find another example of a powerful political machine dedicated to the suppression of a broad scientific truth with deep implications for human understanding. That is the year in which Galileo's observations of the earth orbiting the sun were first denounced as a threat to the established authority of the Catholic Church, which claimed Galileo's doctrine to be false and contrary to the divine and Holy Scripture. We have regressed four centuries. Intelligent design is nothing but a transparent fig leaf for creationism, a child of that dark era in the 1600s. Comparing creationism or intelligent design to evolution is no different than insisting that we teach today that the sun actually orbits the earth as an alternative theory to modern astronomy. Only in the United States are such discredited views taken seriously by a large portion of the citizenry. We can and should do better. Intelligent design has no place in a science classroom -- and it does not in any western country outside these United States.
Jeff Schweitzer also discusses the arguments used against climate change and vaccinations, and finds that the root cause is a faith based denial of evidence.
Here is how he sums up:
Steeped in this wasteland of scientific illiteracy we march ever further toward a theocracy; a secular society cannot stand without deference to fact. We are in danger of becoming the Iran of the West, or a bad copy of the former Soviet Union. Under the communist dictatorship children were taught that Stalin was a hero and that capitalism was a great evil, or that Russia invented the telephone and airplane, with no regard to the truth. We are about to make the same mistake in twisting history to indoctrinate our children with stories about god and gravity.
As religiosity has ascended in American life, policy debates have become faith-based rather than being anchored in logic. Support for a policy position becomes unmoved by contradictory facts because proponents simply "believe" the position to be correct even in the face of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. Just as there is no way to determine relative validity between religions, or to diminish faith with facts, as soon as logic is removed from policy debates, competing positions are no longer evaluated based on relative merit, but are supported as inherently right, immune to any reasonable counter arguments. This slide away from secular debate leads increasingly to polarization, greater animosity and a loss of civility because the only way to support a position is simply to assert supremacy as loudly as possible. We are reduced to childlike tantrums of "I'm right, you're wrong, I win." Without logic, there is no common basis for discussion, and no way to mediate disputes. The death of secularism is the death of civility, and nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the debate about teaching science in schools free from religion. Our international ranking suffers because we have not yet learned this lesson. Slovenia has.
Religion is relatively innocuous when it is kept within the walls of synagogues, temples, and church buildings. But when it is introduced into education, politics, and used to determine guidelines for women's health, it can be a destructive force in this country. Often with the religious cherry picking, and misunderstanding, portions of the Bible which are then used to discriminate against women, oppress gays, and to challenge science and public education.
I know that there are many who take great solace in their faith, but for the rest of us religion has become something which shackles this country in place and keeps it from moving forward to compete with the other countries of the world, and to maintain our place in the technological and scientific community that we once dominated.
Governor Rick Scott forced to okay 8 foot "Festivus" pole made out of Pabst Blue Ribbon cans. How's that whole religious displays on public property thing working out for you Florida?
I swear that video gave me a case of the giggles.
Here is more courtesy of Raw Story:
Gov. Rick Scott’s (R) office has approved the request of a self-proclaimed “militant atheist” to install an 8-foot-tall Festivus pole made of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer cans in the Florida State Capitol building.
According to Tamarac Talk, Deerfield Beach resident Chaz Stevens asked for permission to honor the holiday created by the television show Seinfield after learning that there was a Christian nativity manger and a Three Wise Men display.
“I figured one ridiculous act required another,” Stevens noted.
After the activist forced Deerfield Beach to allow him to erect his pole outside the main fire station last year, the city voted to ban all religious displays.
Stevens plans to install the pole at the Capitol building on Wednesday.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) was also forced to approve a Festivus pole for his state’s Capitol building this year.
Merry Festivus everybody!
Look, the Duck Dynasty guys got a scarecrow! Update!
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Photo courtesy of Facebook |
You know she might have actually written this herself. Baby steps Sarah, baby steps.
Here's Palin showing the Duck Dynasty guys the most precious member of her family.
Her phone.
Update: You know I don't really like reality television and think that most of the people who appear on it are fake opportunities taking advantage of the low IQ American viewers.
However I have to say that the Duck Dynasty guys seem a hell of a lot more genuine than Palin who is a phony from her crucifix belt buckle guarding the dusty museum that was once her ovaries, to her ever fluctuating chesticular region, right on up to her snap on hair piece.
During the memorial service for Nelson Mandela President Obama shakes the hand of Cuba's President Raul Castro. Uh oh!
Courtesy of Business Insider:
Barack Obama shook the hand of Cuban President Raul Castro on his way to speak at Nelson Mandela's memorial service.
The moment is special and unprecedented since the U.S. has held an economic embargo on Cuba since 1953, and Mandela was praised for his ability to unite enemies across political and racial divides.
During a powerful speech praising Mandela's life, Obama included a line that many thought was aimed at Castro, among others.
"There are too many leaders who claim solidarity with Madiba’s struggle for freedom, but do not tolerate dissent from their own people," Obama said.
Yeah but that little jab is not going to be enough to keep the Right Wing from losing their minds over the fact that Obama has shown civility to the brother of a man who Americans are supposed to hate. (And just like Mandela he is a "gasp" communist!)
Yep right now there are Tea Party conservatives stroking their hate inspired little erections getting ready to ejaculate vitriol and anger all over the Right Wing news sites.
P.S. You can watch the President's entire memorial speech here.
Update: Here is President Obama taking a selfie with other world leaders at the Mandela memorial.
During the memorial service for Nelson Mandela President Obama shakes the hand of Cuba's President Raul Castro. Uh oh!
3 year old dies after knocking handgun off counter. Remember guns don't kill, gravity kills.
Courtesy of RTV6:
A 3-year-old has died after being shot in the head Saturday evening at his family's home near Broad Ripple Park, IMPD officials confirmed. Investigators said they believe it was the result of an accident.
Police said the child was shot in the head with a handgun. The incident occurred on the 1800 block of East 68th Street, just a few blocks north of Broad Ripple Park.
IMPD Lt. Christopher Bailey said investigators believe the child shot himself after pulling the gun off a kitchen counter. Lt. Bailey said detectives are still investigating and once they're done, the Marion County Prosecutor's Office will review the case to see if criminal charges need to be filed.
Police said they were alerted of the incident just after 6 p.m. Saturday after a 911 caller stated a "gun went off and struck a child."
It seems that there is still some confusion as to whether the gun fired accidentally when it was pulled off the counter or if the child actually pulled the trigger.
Either way this is a tragic accident that was easily preventable, and one that SHOULD result in charges against the adults who demonstrated such fatal irresponsibility.
People need to be educated that guns are NOT a tool for self defense. Pepper spray, martial arts training, and even house alarms can be categorized as such, but not guns.
Guns are instruments designed to take a life.
THAT is their sole function. And THAT needs to be the consideration when bringing one into your home.
Especially when you have young children whose lives have suddenly become more dangerous, not less dangerous.
Oklahoma passes law allowing religious displays on public property. Satanists thrilled at opportunity to join in.
Courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:
In addition to performing the post-mortem homosexual transformation of Fred Phelps’s mom, the Satanic Temple has now offered to donate a monument on behalf of Oklahoma Satanists for display upon the statehouse grounds. The organization has moved forward to file papers to display a memorial next to the state’s display of the 10 Commandments and according to Oklahoma’s religious display legislation, signed into law in 2009, the Temple as every right to do so.
“By accepting our offer,” said the Temple’s spokesman, Lucien Greaves. “the good people of Oklahoma City will have the opportunity to show that they espouse the basic freedoms spelled out in the Constitution … Allowing us to donate a monument would show that the Oklahoma City Council does not discriminate, and both the religious and non-religious should be happy with such an outcome.”
It looks like the Conservatives have found themselves in a bit of a religious freedom pickle. Thanks to their argument for religious monuments on public display, it appears they now must accept the Satanic Temple and their memorial. But of course, if not accepted, we sincerely doubt that anyone would be surprised to find out that the legislation is completely hypocritical and specifically only focused on one religious view in direct violation of the US Constitution. Obviously, Oklahoma lawmakers did not take Satanists into consideration when passing such an open bill regarding religious freedom. I guess it is true what they say, “Be careful what you wish for.”
I envision something along the lines of this:
You know, something tasteful, that the whole family can enjoy.
I think that this is going to be very entertaining indeed.