Saturday, April 26, 2014
Look who's finally home.
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Hopefully soon he won't have to worry about being dragged around everywhere his mother goes, or used as a bludgeon against his father, anymore.
Georgia GOP candidate takes using firearms in campaign commercials to a whole new level.
Pastor challenging Lindsey Graham for the GOP nomination in South Carolina says that divorce is caused by women loving their children too much. Wait, what?
Courtesy of Politico:
Det Bowers, a pastor challenging Lindsey Graham in the South Carolina GOP Senate primary, once blamed women for causing most divorces — even when husbands are unfaithful to their wives.
During a sermon on the Book of Peter delivered at the Christ Church of the Carolinas, Bowers said it was an “abominable idolatry” when wives love their children more than their husbands, arguing that’s what causes divorces most of the time. He added that in the “vast preponderance” of situations where men are adulterous, women are to blame because they have showered too much emotion on their children instead of their husbands.
“And yet, I find that in about 95 percent of broken marriages, though the husband’s the one that ran out on his wife, the wife loves her children more than she does her husband,” Bowers said in an audio recording obtained by POLITICO. “That is an abominable idolatry.”
Bowers added, his voice rising: “Do you hear me ladies? It is an abominable idolatry to love your children more than you love your husband, and it will ruin your marriage. And yet you blame it on him because he ran off with some other woman! He did run off with some other woman, and you packed his bags. All of his emotional bags, you packed for him. Is that true in every case? No, but it’s true in the vast preponderance of them.
“You just ran him off. You paid more attention to your children than you did to him,” he said. “‘Oh, he doesn’t need me?’ He needs you more than they do. He chose you, they didn’t. An abominable idolatry.”
So to be clear this guy think that even if a man cheats on his spouse, that it is STILL the woman's fault if the man feels that she loves their kids more than she loves him.
And remember, as a pastor this guy undoubtedly provided marriage counseling to members of his congregation.
You know I am just a Philistine and do not really understand religious people all that much, but in my mind there is no way to love your children too much.
And in my experience, of which I have more than my share, what makes marriages break up is a lack of love within the union, not too much love.
I expect mothers to love their children with every fiber of their being, and I don't think I would respect them if they did not. If a man cannot handle that it is on him, not her problem.
Det Bowers, a pastor challenging Lindsey Graham in the South Carolina GOP Senate primary, once blamed women for causing most divorces — even when husbands are unfaithful to their wives.
During a sermon on the Book of Peter delivered at the Christ Church of the Carolinas, Bowers said it was an “abominable idolatry” when wives love their children more than their husbands, arguing that’s what causes divorces most of the time. He added that in the “vast preponderance” of situations where men are adulterous, women are to blame because they have showered too much emotion on their children instead of their husbands.
“And yet, I find that in about 95 percent of broken marriages, though the husband’s the one that ran out on his wife, the wife loves her children more than she does her husband,” Bowers said in an audio recording obtained by POLITICO. “That is an abominable idolatry.”
Bowers added, his voice rising: “Do you hear me ladies? It is an abominable idolatry to love your children more than you love your husband, and it will ruin your marriage. And yet you blame it on him because he ran off with some other woman! He did run off with some other woman, and you packed his bags. All of his emotional bags, you packed for him. Is that true in every case? No, but it’s true in the vast preponderance of them.
“You just ran him off. You paid more attention to your children than you did to him,” he said. “‘Oh, he doesn’t need me?’ He needs you more than they do. He chose you, they didn’t. An abominable idolatry.”
So to be clear this guy think that even if a man cheats on his spouse, that it is STILL the woman's fault if the man feels that she loves their kids more than she loves him.
And remember, as a pastor this guy undoubtedly provided marriage counseling to members of his congregation.
You know I am just a Philistine and do not really understand religious people all that much, but in my mind there is no way to love your children too much.
And in my experience, of which I have more than my share, what makes marriages break up is a lack of love within the union, not too much love.
I expect mothers to love their children with every fiber of their being, and I don't think I would respect them if they did not. If a man cannot handle that it is on him, not her problem.
The candidate for Lt. Governor of South Carolina comes right out and says what most Republicans want for public education. To end it. After all it's not in the Bible.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
A Republican candidate for South Carolina lieutenant governor wants to replace public schooling with church-run schools, but he admits it would be a difficult process that could take years.
Ray Moore, a retired Army Reserves chaplain and president of Frontline Ministries, sketched out his plan for dismantling public education in the U.S. on Wednesday’s edition of The Janet Mefferd Show.
He has encouraged Christian families to withdraw their children from public schools and educate them at home or enroll them in religious schools, and he believes the tipping point would occur at about 25 percent to 35 percent of the total K-12 population.
“Then the states would then negotiate, perhaps taking out of their constitution platform, or the provision, that says the state had to provide education, and it would gradually be handed over to churches, families, and private associations,” Moore said. “That’s the way it was for the first 200 years of American history.”
You may remember this loon from an earlier post in which he suggested that Christians should remove their children from the Pharaoh's schools.
Moore is almost correct in that early American schools were organized by local parishes taught by clergy or church employees. However that meant that those in the north were significantly better educated than the citizens living in the South.
Only if they followed the correct religion of course, or had the proper heritage.
That also meant that African Americans remained uneducated, and women were discouraged from seeking higher education.
School reform came in the 1900's and that helped to create a more equitable public education for ALL Americans. Though of course poorer areas still suffer.
Clearly Moore simply wants to return to a time when the church controlled what is, and is not, taught and who is, and who is not, worthy of that education.
And that is really what is behind NCLB, standardized testing, school vouchers, and bills freeing up tax money for private schools.
These Republicans do NOT want to fix public education in America, they want to do away with it.
Usually they are smart enough not to say it out loud. But much like Cliven Bundy and racism, Ray Moore is simply saying in public what the majority of Republican politicians know to keep private.
A Republican candidate for South Carolina lieutenant governor wants to replace public schooling with church-run schools, but he admits it would be a difficult process that could take years.
Ray Moore, a retired Army Reserves chaplain and president of Frontline Ministries, sketched out his plan for dismantling public education in the U.S. on Wednesday’s edition of The Janet Mefferd Show.
He has encouraged Christian families to withdraw their children from public schools and educate them at home or enroll them in religious schools, and he believes the tipping point would occur at about 25 percent to 35 percent of the total K-12 population.
“Then the states would then negotiate, perhaps taking out of their constitution platform, or the provision, that says the state had to provide education, and it would gradually be handed over to churches, families, and private associations,” Moore said. “That’s the way it was for the first 200 years of American history.”
You may remember this loon from an earlier post in which he suggested that Christians should remove their children from the Pharaoh's schools.
Moore is almost correct in that early American schools were organized by local parishes taught by clergy or church employees. However that meant that those in the north were significantly better educated than the citizens living in the South.
Only if they followed the correct religion of course, or had the proper heritage.
That also meant that African Americans remained uneducated, and women were discouraged from seeking higher education.
School reform came in the 1900's and that helped to create a more equitable public education for ALL Americans. Though of course poorer areas still suffer.
Clearly Moore simply wants to return to a time when the church controlled what is, and is not, taught and who is, and who is not, worthy of that education.
And that is really what is behind NCLB, standardized testing, school vouchers, and bills freeing up tax money for private schools.
These Republicans do NOT want to fix public education in America, they want to do away with it.
Usually they are smart enough not to say it out loud. But much like Cliven Bundy and racism, Ray Moore is simply saying in public what the majority of Republican politicians know to keep private.
Cliven Bundy: "If I say 'negro' or 'black boy' or 'slave" and people are offended "then Martin Luther King hasn't got his job done yet."
Courtesy of Talking Points Memo:
Bundy was pressed by CNN's Chris Cuomo to acknowledge that he offended people when he mused about whether blacks were "better off as slaves, picking cotton" than "under government subsidy," which was first highlighted by the New York Times.
In response, Bundy said King wouldn't have wanted the media to demonize him over those remarks and invoked the example of Rosa Parks to show he supported civil rights.
"I thought about Rosa Park taking her seat at the front of the bus … What Reverend King wanted was that she could sit anywhere in the bus and nobody would say anything about it," Bundy said. "You and I can sit anywhere in the bus. That's what he wanted. That's what I want."
"That's what he was after, it's not a prejudice thing but make us equal," he added.
"I understand that Martin Luther King's message was one of peace and freedom," Cuomo said in a testy exchange. "When you suggest that you were wondering if blacks were better off as slaves, that's the opposite of freedom and very offensive to people. And I think you probably know that."
"Maybe I sinned and maybe I need to ask forgiveness … but you know when you talk about prejudice, we're talking about not being able to exercise what we think and are feeling," Bundy eventually conceded.
"If I say 'negro' or 'black boy' or 'slave,' I'm not -- if those people cannot take those kind of words and not be offensive then Martin Luther King hasn't got his job done yet," he added.
And yes those remarks were caught on tape.
So let's be clear, Martin Luther King Jr. has not done his job because racist comments are still condemned by society?
This asshole does realize that it was gun toting racists like him that stopped Martin Luther King Jr. from finishing "his job," right?
I have to imagine that right now there are Right Wing types slamming their heads against the wall in frustration and wishing that somebody would shut this son-of-a-bitch up before he says anything else that exposes the fact that behind closed doors they are all racists.
Look how angry he made poor addle brained Sean Hannity.
And Koch brother backed groups are trying to pretend they were not shaking their poms poms in support before he went all Archie Bunker on their ass.
Hey maybe they could convince George Zimmerman to come out of hiding and help explain what Bundy is really trying to say? At this point it probably couldn't hurt.
Bundy was pressed by CNN's Chris Cuomo to acknowledge that he offended people when he mused about whether blacks were "better off as slaves, picking cotton" than "under government subsidy," which was first highlighted by the New York Times.
In response, Bundy said King wouldn't have wanted the media to demonize him over those remarks and invoked the example of Rosa Parks to show he supported civil rights.
"I thought about Rosa Park taking her seat at the front of the bus … What Reverend King wanted was that she could sit anywhere in the bus and nobody would say anything about it," Bundy said. "You and I can sit anywhere in the bus. That's what he wanted. That's what I want."
"That's what he was after, it's not a prejudice thing but make us equal," he added.
"I understand that Martin Luther King's message was one of peace and freedom," Cuomo said in a testy exchange. "When you suggest that you were wondering if blacks were better off as slaves, that's the opposite of freedom and very offensive to people. And I think you probably know that."
"Maybe I sinned and maybe I need to ask forgiveness … but you know when you talk about prejudice, we're talking about not being able to exercise what we think and are feeling," Bundy eventually conceded.
"If I say 'negro' or 'black boy' or 'slave,' I'm not -- if those people cannot take those kind of words and not be offensive then Martin Luther King hasn't got his job done yet," he added.
And yes those remarks were caught on tape.
So let's be clear, Martin Luther King Jr. has not done his job because racist comments are still condemned by society?
This asshole does realize that it was gun toting racists like him that stopped Martin Luther King Jr. from finishing "his job," right?
I have to imagine that right now there are Right Wing types slamming their heads against the wall in frustration and wishing that somebody would shut this son-of-a-bitch up before he says anything else that exposes the fact that behind closed doors they are all racists.
Look how angry he made poor addle brained Sean Hannity.
And Koch brother backed groups are trying to pretend they were not shaking their poms poms in support before he went all Archie Bunker on their ass.
Hey maybe they could convince George Zimmerman to come out of hiding and help explain what Bundy is really trying to say? At this point it probably couldn't hurt.
The three stooges, Squeeky, Lumpy, and Dumpy stump for T.W. Shannon in Tulsa.
(You're going to want to cover the ears of your household pets starting at the 1:38 mark)
Courtesy of Fox23:
“We do it in our personal budgets, and we do it at the state level and we need to make sure we do it in Washington, D.C.,” Shannon said.
Palin said that she is fired up about helping put Shannon in the Senate.
“Look at this guy, T.W. Shannon. He is the man from Oklahoma. He is the thunder that needs to storm through Washington, D.C. to clean some things out, and clean it up and turn some things around,” Palin said.
I am really grateful that Fox News in Tulsa transcribed that for us, as every time I tried to listen to her high pitched caterwauling I saw white lights and lost my equilibrium. It was like being stunned by the sonar of a bat.
It is clear that this campaign is very important to the conservatives, however receiving the Palin endorsement, and having her show up at a rally, may not be the best idea for a man who really needs the African American vote to win in Oklahoma.
This from MSNBC:
While the conservative endorsement may play well in Republican circles, the likes of Cruz and Palin could alienate black and Democratic voters that had long supported Shannon despite his party affiliation.
Palin’s and Cruz’s conservative messages often comes with problematic baggage, a cache that Shannon has largely avoided as a respected member of the black community and member of Oklahoma’s six-member Legislative Black Caucus.
“We differ in policy, but as a man he is a commendable, respectable married man with high morals and high standards,” Oklahoma state Democratic Rep. Anastasia Pittman, chair of the black caucus and co-chair of the Native American caucus, told msnbc. Pittman said she thought that the Palin and Cruz endorsements in particular could be “polarizing.”
“Maybe they sat down and did the math, maybe they crunched the statistical values and said if you do this, you don’t really need the African American vote,” she said. “I think Palin is just looking for a kite to hang her wagon on. She’s got a load and a bunch of baggage and she wants to get on the first thing smoking.”
So in order to repair their image with black Americans Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz, decide to pimp the first black guy who doesn't make them want to clutch their handbags in fear.
Let's see if the Palin curse still has its sting. And if the black community of Oklahoma is willing to support a candidate that icons of the racist Tea Party would deign stand with on a stage.
Courtesy of Fox23:
“We do it in our personal budgets, and we do it at the state level and we need to make sure we do it in Washington, D.C.,” Shannon said.
Palin said that she is fired up about helping put Shannon in the Senate.
“Look at this guy, T.W. Shannon. He is the man from Oklahoma. He is the thunder that needs to storm through Washington, D.C. to clean some things out, and clean it up and turn some things around,” Palin said.
I am really grateful that Fox News in Tulsa transcribed that for us, as every time I tried to listen to her high pitched caterwauling I saw white lights and lost my equilibrium. It was like being stunned by the sonar of a bat.
It is clear that this campaign is very important to the conservatives, however receiving the Palin endorsement, and having her show up at a rally, may not be the best idea for a man who really needs the African American vote to win in Oklahoma.
This from MSNBC:
While the conservative endorsement may play well in Republican circles, the likes of Cruz and Palin could alienate black and Democratic voters that had long supported Shannon despite his party affiliation.
Palin’s and Cruz’s conservative messages often comes with problematic baggage, a cache that Shannon has largely avoided as a respected member of the black community and member of Oklahoma’s six-member Legislative Black Caucus.
“We differ in policy, but as a man he is a commendable, respectable married man with high morals and high standards,” Oklahoma state Democratic Rep. Anastasia Pittman, chair of the black caucus and co-chair of the Native American caucus, told msnbc. Pittman said she thought that the Palin and Cruz endorsements in particular could be “polarizing.”
“Maybe they sat down and did the math, maybe they crunched the statistical values and said if you do this, you don’t really need the African American vote,” she said. “I think Palin is just looking for a kite to hang her wagon on. She’s got a load and a bunch of baggage and she wants to get on the first thing smoking.”
So in order to repair their image with black Americans Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz, decide to pimp the first black guy who doesn't make them want to clutch their handbags in fear.
Let's see if the Palin curse still has its sting. And if the black community of Oklahoma is willing to support a candidate that icons of the racist Tea Party would deign stand with on a stage.
Hollywood actor Stellan Skarsgård brilliantly argues against spending government money on private schools and speaks out against religious influence.
I am a huge fan of Stellan Skarsgård, and he is in some of my favorite movies.
The video is from a Swedish talk show, where they clearly have very open and interesting conversations.
The video is from a Swedish talk show, where they clearly have very open and interesting conversations.