Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Must See TV: Dana Loesch Smacks Down Race-Baiting Obot Over Birther Issue
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- Image Credit: The Dana Show - |
Must See TV: Dana Loesch Smacks
Down Race-Baiting Obot Over Birther Issue
Hottest radio host on the airwaves Dana Loesch went on Hannity's Fox News show to debate whether the Tea Party is racist with race-baiting Obot Dick Fowler. When Dick was unable to provide any proof that the Tea Party is racist he threw out the Birther Card saying people (Tea Party folks) are looking for Obama's birth certificate.
Loesch somewhat correctly pointed out the so-called "Birther" issue was started by Democrat Phil Berg.
Update: Alabama Supreme Court; Obama ID Fraud Case; Nine Months Later
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Dec. 16, 2013) — On Friday, The Post & Email contacted the Alabama Unified Judicial System to obtain the status on a case filed by Atty. Larry Klayman with the Alabama Supreme Court on Obama’s eligibility and documentation.
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A case claiming that presidential candidates were not properly vetted has been in front of the Alabama Supreme Court justices since March of this year |
Zullo’s affidavit states that Obama’s purported Selective Service registration form was also found to be fraudulent and that many details of his life are inconsistent or missing. Three different versions of Obama’s purported birth certificate have been submitted on the defendants’ side, one of which came from the Alabama Democratic Party.
Klayman contends that Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman failed to vet presidential candidates adequately prior to the 2012 election and that significant evidence exists to demonstrate that Barack Hussein Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” as required by Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution for the president and commander-in-chief. Klayman believes that Chapman can “de-certify” Obama or any other candidate if found to be ineligible even though the election already took place.
Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, who was ousted from his position a decade ago for refusing to remove a monument to The Ten Commandments from court premises, has appeared sympathetic to the questions surrounding Obama’s eligibility and authenticity. Whether or not Moore would be required to recuse himself is an open question.
The Post & Email left a message with a staff attorney who returned our call on Monday, stating that a power failure had prevented any messages from being received or responded to on Friday. The power outage explained why the Alabama Unified Judicial System’s website had also been difficult or impossible to access that day.
In an earlier inquiry, The Post & Email was informed that the justices will not hear oral argument in the case, but rather, make a decision based on documentation submitted.
The attorney stated that no decision was rendered by the justices as of Friday. Decisions are announced on Friday, but there is no indication of when one will be made in this or any other case.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Hilarious: Hannity Shocked Over Unvetted Obama Signer; Massive Security Breach
Chilling: Hannity Shocked Over Unvetted
Obama Signer; Massive Security Breach
- Cartoon Credit: Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle @ Denver Post -
Challenge Issued To Congress and Local Media Outlets Put On Obama ID Fraud Notice
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Distributed to Local Media Outlets
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Dec. 16, 2013) — On Monday evening, The Post & Email spoke with WheresObamasBirthCertificate.com founder Michael Volin, who told us that recipients of his Sheriff’s Kits are taking the DVDs to local media in order to share the Cold Case Posse investigation’s findings that the birth certificate image posted on the White House website is a “computer-generated forgery.”
The Post & Email asked Volin if he had received any indication that a media outlet had aired parts of the demonstration recorded on the DVDs, to which he said, “I haven’t gotten any response like that yet.”
Four weeks ago, Volin and several other concerned citizens traveled to Washington, DC to personally distribute the DVDs and meet with congressional staffers. Volin told The Post & Email at that time that approximately 200 kits were given to staffers, with another 100 distributed at a protest/rally held by Atty. Larry Klayman on November 19.
“Do you feel a lot has happened in the last month?” we asked Volin, to which he responded, “I feel that it’s no longer people bringing it to their politicians; it’s bringing it to their media, their family, their friends and newspapers. It’s grassroots now. Some people have said, ‘I’m giving them to everyone I know.’”
Volin said that the idea to create the Sheriff’s Kits was “completely between my wife and me” and is very pleased at how the distribution of his product has gone thus far. He said that he will need to begin sending out copies of the DVD in bulk for those who make multiple requests for the information, which is also available for download from his website at no cost.
“Every five minutes, someone downloads it from the website,” Volin told us. “It takes about 30 minutes. Also, when you get to the Dropbox folder, you can copy and paste the link and send it to others.”
The posse also declared Obama’s Selective Service registration form fraudulent. A full-page ad has run in The Washington Times paid for by CDR Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. (Ret.) on the last two Mondays informing the public that the form is “backdated and forged.”
Through his interview this evening with The Post & Email, Volin issued an official request to Congress compel the White House to release the original long-form birth certificate for examination by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO). “There is no longer a right to privacy on the birth certificate because it’s on the internet for everyone to see. I’m asking Congress: I want to see that birth certificate; I want to sit down, I want to examine it; I want to feel it, touch it; I want to rub my hands over the embossed seal that’s supposed to be on that paper.”
Researcher and typesetting experts Douglas Vogt and others have stated that the image does not contain a raised seal.
Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo recently announced that because of significant new information developed in the investigation, the MCSO has “allocated resources” to further it, whereas previously, by law the posse had to operate at arm’s length from the sheriff’s office so as to avoid incurring taxpayer expenses.
Volin said that the stamps he created bearing his website’s name have surged in popularity in recent weeks.
Volin told us that over time, he will be releasing all of the names of the congressmen who received kits when he was in Washington last month. He has published a partial list as of this writing.
On Tuesday, The Post & Email will publish a number of names of congressmen who received sheriff’s kits through a different channel.
Last Monday, a video was released which reported that “prosecutions are coming” in the case of the birth certificate forgery.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Rep. Pete Sessions: Obamacare Fraud At Its Very Finest; Unvetted Navigators
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Fraud At Its Very Finest; Unvetted Navigators
Rep. Pete Sessions and Rep. Darrell Issa appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox News show and ripped the Obama regime over Obamacare and the unvetted Obamacare navigators. Sessions reports testimony was given today that reveals no background checks were conducted on any of the navigators whom have access to Americans' personal and confidential information. Just like the unvetted fraud squatting in the White House none of the "community organizers" (a.k.a. navigators) were ever vetted. Imagine that!
Washington Times: Obama's Forged Selective Service Registration Form
Washington Times Full Page Ad – 2nd Week: Obama’s Selective Service Draft Registration Form Back Dated and Forged! Demand Speaker John Boehner Hold Hearings & Investigate This! – Wash Times National Weekly – Monday – 16Dec2013 issue – pg 5
By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Download Copy: HERE
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Click on image to read and/or download a copy. |
Click HERE for detailed evidence of the forgery and how it was done.
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When will Speaker of the House John Boehner live up to his Oath of Office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution. Click on image for more about what Obama is hiding. |
See this prior ad which was published in last Monday’s 09 Dec 2013 edition of the Washington Times National Weekly: Why Is Speaker John Boehner Protecting Obama’s ID Fraud?: http://www.birtherreport.com/2013/12/washington-times-speaker-boehner-ripped.html
Download a “Sheriff’s Kit” evidence of Obama document fraud at: http://www.wheresobamasbirthcertificate.com
Copy of AZ Chief Investigator Michael Zullo’s sworn affidavit attesting that Obama’s ID docs are forged: http://www.scribd.com/doc/141560833/Sworn-Affidavit-Provided-to-Alabama-Supreme-Court-by-AZ-CCP-Investigator-Michael-Zullo-Obama-ID-Docs-are-Forged
Copy of Evidence that Obama’s Selective Service (Draft) Registration Card is forged: http://www.scribd.com/doc/164956489/Obamas-Draft-Registration-Card-Forged-Per-AZ-Sheriff-Arpaio-Investigation-and-Retired-ICE-Agent-Stephen-Coffman
Maricopa County AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Investigative Reports into Obama’s Forged ID Docs: http://www.mcsoccp.org/joomla
[Sheriff Mack Says: Obama ID Documents Are Fake!]
[Sheriff Arpaio Says: Congress Must Act!]
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Obama the Enigma: Click on the image to learn more about Obama he does not want you to know. |
Marxist/Communists are trained to lie. It’s their modus operandi. Obama is not just a pathological liar, he’s an ideological liar: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/12/obama_is_not_a_pathological_liar_he_is_an_ideological_liar.html
CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
P.S. Also read this essay regarding the legal term of art “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: http://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2012/06/20/of-natural-born-citizens-and-citizens-at-birth-and-basic-logic-trees-are-plants-but-not-all-plants-are-trees-natural-born-citizens-nbc-are-citizens-at-birth-cab-but-not-all-cab/ … AND … http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html
Two education researchers find that when it comes to providing quality education, public schools still do it best.
Courtesy of the Boston Globe:
Like many in their field, Christopher and Sarah Lubienski, education professors at the University of Illinois, had long taken it as a given that private schools generally outperform public schools. Why would parents shell out thousands of dollars a year in tuition if they weren’t getting more for their money? Moreover, studies in the 1980s and ’90s had apparently settled the matter, showing that private schools produced higher test scores even when accounting for the demographic differences between public and private.
But more recently, when she was working on a study of math instruction, Sarah Lubienski came across a result she didn’t expect. When she divided the schools she was looking at into public and private categories and controlled for demographics, the schools stacked up quite differently. Public schools seemed to be producing better test scores than private. They were also doing better than charter schools.
“That,” says her husband and colleague Christopher Lubienski, “is when we started investigating this more intensively.”
They decided to take a new, in-depth look at nationwide standardized test data. Using results from the math portion of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, the Lubienskis compared scores from more than 13,000 public, private and charter schools. The private schools did have higher raw scores. But once they controlled for factors like family income, race, and location, they found that public schools were overall getting better results from their students.
The Lubienskis locate the reason in a surprising place: private-school autonomy. School reform advocates have long argued that more autonomy would allow public schools to innovate, and that letting families choose where to send their kids would force schools to improve their game. But the Lubienskis argue that independence and competition may actually be holding back achievement at private and charter schools. In a new book, “The Public School Advantage: Why Public Schools Outperform Private Schools,” they outline their findings and walk through the implications. The result may lead education reform advocates to rethink their policies—and parents to question one of their most important decisions.
I don't think it is any secret that I am a huge fan of public schools and have very little confidence in charter, private, or home schooling.
Part of that is because I am somebody who has great confidence in the fact that the public school system has the ability to offer a quality education for EVERYBODY, despite their ethnicity, their financial means, or their geographic location.
I realize of course that education can be impeded by a lack of funds in certain school districts, and that states run by Republicans especially can find their budgets stripped to the bone. But that is a failing not of the system, but of the local political climate.
The public school framework can be highly successful, and with more resources it can easily compete against the alternative schools that have the option of kicking out special needs students, rejecting poorer students, and recruiting the best and brightest in the areas that they serve.
Despite this they really do not do any better, and in fact, according to this study, often much worse.
I think the reason for this competitive edge was best explained by one of the researchers:
A lot of public schools have embraced more state-of-the art approaches that have been really influenced and shaped by experts in the field; for example, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has recommended certain curricular approaches that reflect what we know about how students learn. It’s really apparent when you look at the teaching and the curriculum in the different types of classrooms. The other thing is that public schools have to work under some [legal] requirements, and one of those is they have to hire certified teachers. Teacher certification does make a difference. It’s a good predictor of student achievement.
I do not think there are too many things that piss me off as much as hearing people rag on public school teachers, and that was the case even BEFORE I went to work for the district.
These are people who are dedicated to educating children. Period!
They did not get into the field to get rich, or to use as a springboard to a more lucrative position. They went into the field to make a difference, and the ONLY thing holding them back is the lack of support coming from their communities, the lack of funds, and the political attacks that come their way on an almost consistent basis these days.
These are people to be celebrated, to be supported, to be admired.
They shape our children's future, our country's progress, and our standing in the world.
Don't ever forget that.
December horror.
I know, it shocked you and you probably turned it off after the first ten seconds.
But for those of you who sucked it up and sat through the entire minute thirty five, you are chuckling to yourself at its inventiveness and quite possibly seeing Christmas trees through more sympathetic eyes.
Besides, I bet your wide awake now aren't you?
My daughter wanted this here.
My daughter would be the first to tell you that there are no excuses allowed.
If you do something stupid that is on you. You cannot blame it on peer pressure, alcohol, or temporary insanity. Those are excuses, not reasons.
If you hurt somebody, who was not trying to hurt you first, then YOU are the problem.
And that means hurting them emotionally as well.
I taught my daughter to be responsible for her actions, and then I taught her to help others be responsible as well. She is the designated driver EVERY TIME her friends go out, she is the voice of reason when others are not thinking clearly, and she is the one that will drop a guy like a wet sack of shit if he inappropriately touches one her friends.
I've seen her do it. In fact I taught her to do it.
And when I taught boys, I taught them to respect women, that no means "hell no," and that a child is a shared responsibility, not just a responsibility for the one with the ovaries.
It is not hard to teach boys to be men, but it helps if you understand that being a man means protecting those who cannot protect themselves, putting the needs of others before your own, and controlling the worst parts of your nature.
If more men approached their job as parent with this in mind there would be far fewer rapists in the world.
Christmas in Washington with the Obamas.
Courtesy of the Obama Diary:
President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and their daughters, Sasha and Malia, pose for photographs alongside children dressed as elves, who are or were patients at Children’s National Medical Center after they presented donated gifts to the Obamas to give to children at the hospital, as they attend a taping of TNT’s Christmas in Washington at the National Building Museum in Washington on December 15.
My favorite part of posting pictures of the President and his family, especially with a Christmas theme, is that I know it drives the Right Wing crazy.
It messes with every ridiculous meme they have going about the President, from the "He's a secret Muslim" meme, to the "He is trying to destroy Christianity" meme, to the "He and his wife are in a sham marriage" meme.
Clearly this is a loving family that enjoys the Christmas holiday, and who recognizes that the season is one of giving, and not one of divisiveness and selfishness.
Salvation Army bell ringer gets assaulted for saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."
Courtesy of WCPO Cincinnati:
Some might call it the “December Debate.” Do you greet people with “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays?" An Arizona woman, who’s also a bell ringer for the Salvation Army, says she was assaulted for choosing the wrong one.
Kristina Vindiola says a woman hit her outside a Phoenix Walmart after she said "Happy Holidays."
"The lady looked at me,” said Vindiola. “I thought she was going to put money in the kettle. She came up to me and said, 'Do you believe in God?' And she says, ‘You're supposed to say Merry Christmas,' and that's when she hit me."
Vindiola says the woman hit her in the arm and then went inside the store.
WTF? Since when did the Republican "War on Inclusive Christmas" turn physical?
And what kind of a self identified Christian thinks it is okay to strike another human being simply for demonstrating religious tolerance? Do these people have any understanding of Jesus whatsoever?
That lady should take legal action. And she is.
....the bell ringer who said she was assaulted now plans to take legal action.
"She should've just been happy I said 'Happy Holidays,' but I got hit because I didn't say 'Merry Christmas,'" Vindiola said.
Good for her!
Now if we can just find some way to make this Sarah Palin's fault.
With the Healthcare.gov website problems ironed out, Darrell Issa and his GOP thugs turn their attention to intimidating the Obamacare navigators.
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius is accusing Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who chairs the House oversight committee, of attempting to "stifle, intimidate and impugn the reputation" of Obamacare navigators, the individuals tasked with helping others sign up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
In an op-ed in the Dallas Morning News, Sebelius said a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the Affordable Care Act set to be held in Texas on Monday was "designed" to derail the work of the navigators.
"What opponents of the new law could not do legislatively, at the ballot box, or even by shutting down the federal government, they’re now trying to do through other means," Sebelius writes. "Case in point is Monday’s congressional hearing in Dallas, designed to stifle, intimidate and impugn the reputation of people who have been working hard to help their fellow Texans get covered."
She continues, "With so many Texans lacking affordable coverage, now is not the time to be putting up roadblocks. We should be helping navigators and other assisters in their important work, not demonizing, demoralizing or deterring them."
Monday's hearing will focus on "recent reports of fraudulent activity related to the ObamaCare navigators program," according to a press release issued by the committee last week.
Yeah, I think we all know that any "recent reports of fraudulent activity" were pulled right out of Darrell Issa's ass. This is such a blatant misuse of power that I cannot believe even Republican supporters do not see this as nothing more than a case of revenge against the administration for not caving into Republican pressure and more obstructionism going forward.
I can no longer even say Issa's name without spitting.
He is perhaps the most vile POS in the House and his strong arm tactics are just this side of Mafia-like intimidation techniques.
He is a joke who has launched so many bullshit investigations that even if he were to uncover evidence of wrongdoing by this administration, there are few who would take him seriously.
Well besides Fox News of course.
Proof that the Affordable Care website is vastly improved comes in the form of 500 million advertising dollars coming from insurance companies.
Courtesy of the Washington Post:
In all of 2012, health insurers spent $216 million advertising on local television stations. But that's nothing compared to what they're about to spend. According to trade association TVB, insurers will spend more than $500 million on local television ads in 2014. And that's to say nothing of cable television ads and social media campaigns.
Insurers look at these next few years as a gold rush. Tens of millions of people will be buying private insurance of the exchanges. It's a swarm of customers like nothing they've ever seen. And they plan to capture them — even if they need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to do so.
The Wall Street Journal reports that WellPoint has been holding off "on a planned campaign as problems with the website made it impossible for many consumers to sign up." But now that HealthCare.Gov is more or less working the insurance giant plans to spend $100 million by the end of the year.
These ads aren't just a boon to local television stations. They're a boon to the new health law which'll be promoted in a sustained ad campaign that rivals the presidential election in size and scale. The ads won't be specifically about Obamacare, of course — they're about brand building for WellPoint and Cigna and others insurers — but many of the ads will tell consumers where they can go to buy this wonderful product they've just heard such glowing things about. Many of the ads will capture the eye of someone who knows they need to buy insurance before tax time but hasn't quite gotten around to doing it. And then it will direct them to their local exchange, or at least to their insurer's Web site.
The fact that the insurers are launching their campaigns is also independent confirmation that HealthCare.Gov is rapidly improving. major insurers are virtually the only group aside from the federal government that has real visibility into the functioning of Obamacare's digital architecture. They know what the pace of enrollment looks like, and how many 834s are being correctly generated, and whether angry customers are calling their help lines. They know there are still problems even if the Obama administration is downplaying them. But if they think the system is sound enough to begin driving people to it that's good evidence that the improvements are real.
And another GOP attack strategy goes the way of the IRS scandal, Benghazi, and Fast and Furious.
And this dramatically changes the playing field in the upcoming 2014 elections.
The Republicans had convinced themselves that they could use Obamacare to beat up on the Democrats, but if the exchanges are working, and more and more Americans are seeing the benefits, that will leave them with nothing but their records of obstructionism and the misinformation they spread about how this would all fail to work out to overcome on the campaign trail.
Some sheriffs may refuse to enforce newly passed gun laws, because, you know, don't wanna.
Courtesy of the New York Times:
Colorado’s package of gun laws, enacted this year after mass shootings in Aurora, Colo., and Newtown, Conn., has been hailed as a victory by advocates of gun control. But if Sheriff Cooke and a majority of the other county sheriffs in Colorado offer any indication, the new laws — which mandate background checks for private gun transfers and outlaw magazines over 15 rounds — may prove nearly irrelevant across much of the state’s rural regions.
Some sheriffs, like Sheriff Cooke, are refusing to enforce the laws, saying that they are too vague and violate Second Amendment rights. Many more say that enforcement will be “a very low priority,” as several sheriffs put it. All but seven of the 62 elected sheriffs in Colorado signed on in May to a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the statutes.
The resistance of sheriffs in Colorado is playing out in other states, raising questions about whether tougher rules passed since Newtown will have a muted effect in parts of the American heartland, where gun ownership is common and grass-roots opposition to tighter restrictions is high.
In New York State, where Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed one of the toughest gun law packages in the nation last January, two sheriffs have said publicly they would not enforce the laws — inaction that Mr. Cuomo said would set “a dangerous and frightening precedent.” The sheriffs’ refusal is unlikely to have much effect in the state: According to the state’s Division of Criminal Justice Services, since 2010 sheriffs have filed less than 2 percent of the two most common felony gun charges. The vast majority of charges are filed by the state or local police.
In Liberty County, Fla., a jury in October acquitted a sheriff who had been suspended and charged with misconduct after he released a man arrested by a deputy on charges of carrying a concealed firearm. The sheriff, who was immediately reinstated by the governor, said he was protecting the man’s Second Amendment rights.
And in California, a delegation of sheriffs met with Gov. Jerry Brown this fall to try to persuade him to veto gun bills passed by the Legislature, including measures banning semiautomatic rifles with detachable magazines and lead ammunition for hunting (Mr. Brown signed the ammunition bill but vetoed the bill outlawing the rifles).
“Our way of life means nothing to these politicians, and our interests are not being promoted in the legislative halls of Sacramento or Washington, D.C.,” said Jon E. Lopey, the sheriff of Siskiyou County, Calif., one of those who met with Governor Brown. He said enforcing gun laws was not a priority for him, and he added that residents of his rural region near the Oregon border are equally frustrated by regulations imposed by the federal Forest Service and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Don't these assholes have to take a pledge to uphold the law or something?
Sheriff Cooke, for his part, said that he was entitled to use discretion in enforcement, especially when he believed the laws were wrong or unenforceable.
“In my oath it says I’ll uphold the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Colorado,” he said, as he posed for campaign photos in his office — he is running for the State Senate in 2014. “It doesn’t say I have to uphold every law passed by the Legislature.”
Well I guess this asshole doesn't see it that way. HIS oath has a workaround.
Who in the hell allows a law enforcement official to pick and choose which laws they want to enforce and which ones they don't? Seems to me that the citizens of these communities will have to decide whether they want law enforcement that cherry picks which laws to enforce, or if they want officials who simply follow the guidelines set by the community and state.
After all do these sheriffs work for their communities or do they work for the NRA?
Report: Inconsistencies Reported In Plane Crash Which Killed Hawaii Official
Crash Which Killed Hawaii Health Director
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Dec. 15, 2013) — An Associated Press report on a plane crash which reportedly resulted in the death of Hawaii Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy contains unexplained inconsistencies.
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Cessna Caravan, which is slightly smaller than the “Grand Caravan” which “crashed” on Wednesday, resulting in the reported death of Hawaii Health Department Director Loretta Fuddy |
According to NBC News, rescuers arrived “quickly.” The single-engine Cessna Grand Caravan was reportedly the only crash with an aircraft of its kind resulting in a fatality since 1992.
The AP report states that the survivor who reached the shore described the expert skills of the pilot, Clyde Kawasaki, as having made it possible to “avoid what could have been a catastrophic impact on the water.” However, later in the article, it is stated that “The Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the crash and probably won’t have the benefit of examining the plane. The location of the wreckage, combined with wind and wave conditions, likely means it won’t be recovered, NTSB spokesman Eric Weiss said.”
The same statement had been made in articles published after the initial reports on Thursday, when the same AP reporter stated that the airplane “crashed in the ocean off the island of Molokai.”
Coast Guard rescuers were quoted on Friday by the AP as having said that “There was nothing recognizable immediately as aircraft debris, just general debris in the water. I’m not sure at what point the main body of the aircraft submerged, but it was not present when we got there.”
Repeated portions of AP’s reportage stated that Fuddy was holding the hand of her deputy, Keith Yamamoto, while they floated in the water awaiting rescue. Yamamoto had reportedly helped Fuddy don a life jacket, perhaps during the time between when the plane’s engine failed and the impact, however hard or soft, occurred. Yamamoto reportedly tried to “help her relax” until help arrived.
Retired Air Force pilot Field McConnell and host of the Abel Danger radio show believes that “his sister Kristine Marcy has tried to prevent his exposure of her Obama birth-certificate fraud by turning the entire state of Hawaii into a SBA HUBZone surveillance center and equipping the Serco FAA Contract Towers at Molokaai with the Wi-Fi SATCOM devices which she allegedly used to coordinate the 11/12/13 murder of prospective OBC whistleblower, Loretta J. Fuddy, the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health.”
On Thursday, The Los Angeles Times quoted the Honolulu Fire Captain, Terry Seelig, as having stated after the accident that Fuddy, “remained in the fuselage of the plane” and that “It’s always a difficult situation when you’re not able to get everybody out,” which conflicts with the AP reports.
The Times reported in the same article that “Lt. William Juan with the Maui Police Department said that Fuddy’s body had been recovered from the wreckage and that an autopsy would be conducted,” which also contradicts the AP about Fuddy having floated in the water with Yamamoto until she inexplicably released his hand.
While one report said that an autopsy would be conducted on Thursday, others said that it would take place on Friday.
The Times contends that those questioning Obama’s birthplace as anywhere other than Hawaii are “wrong,” and does not include reports from the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse that its more than two-year criminal investigation has confirmed beyond any doubt that the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website is a “computer-generated forgery.”
Originally, the Obama regime had contended that only a “short-form” Certification of Live Birth without much detail was the only birth record available for its figurehead, Barack Hussein Obama, who has been reported to have been born in Hawaii, Indonesia, and Kenya.
Released on April 27, 2011 after public pressure was exerted, most notably from Donald Trump, experts immediately stated that the long-form birth certificate image was a forgery. Forbes, without supporting evidence, declared it “the genuine article” while acknowledging that “A few hardcore conspiracy theorists will probably now claim that the newly released document is a forgery.” The writer continued, “my guess is that instead of admitting they were wrong all along, many birthers will merely shift the attack to question the president’s motives in not requesting a waiver of Health Department policy sooner.”
Fuddy reportedly supervised the copying of the document which the Hawaii Department of Health held in its files bearing Obama’s name.
Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo has been pressing Congress to launch an investigation since last March, when he visited the CPAC convention to reveal his evidence to members of Congress and other “VIPs” in attendance. Zullo and another individual close to the posse’s investigation have stated that numerous people in Hawaii have participated in a cover-up relating to the forgery.
As of Friday, Zullo stated that the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office believes that Fuddy’s death was “a tragic accident” and nothing else.
After Obama allegedly requested the release of his long-form birth certificate in April 2011, Fuddy reportedly wrote a letter responding that state policy would be lifted in order to issue it to his attorney, Judith Corley.
Others have noticed the inconsistent reports of where Fuddy was found after the reported “crash.”
Fuddy was nominated after Dr. Neal Palafox’s nomination was inexplicably withdrawn from consideration, reportedly without his knowledge, during the same time frame in which Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie publicly announced that he would locate Obama’s birth certificate, which he stated just days later he was unable to do.
In May, The Post & Email reported on the outcome of a UIPA request which indicated that Fuddy’s activities performed on behalf of the public were not available for scrutiny.
Information on Fuddy’s autopsy is not available as of press time.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
It's newly discovered Sarah Palin picture time, with a newly discovered Sarah Palin picture.
So the other day somebody sent me the link below out of the blue, which also featured the picture up above that was taken on June 22, 2008 right here in Anchorage. Which for all of you calendar fans would have been about two months after Palin "gave birth" to little Trig, and around two months before McCain officially tapped her to be his albatross, I'm sorry VP.
Here what was posted by the guy who put the picture online at the time:
On the port's viewing deck, I introduced Sam to former Governor Bill Sheffield, who now runs the port. Our present governor, Sarah Palin, was there, too. She had brought her own clutch of kids to see the ships; I overheard her tell Sheffield that she wanted them to understand where things came from.
People love to be around Governor Palin. She has an 80 percent favorable rating in statewide polls, is a model of rectitude, and has been featured in national magazines; her only detractors seem to be the old-guard Republicans she displaced and who now comfort themselves around the AM radio cracker barrel.
And there she stood in the drizzle, holding her car keys and her infant son and engaging Sam about homeschool.
Yep everybody liked Sarah Palin, right up until they got to know who she was.
Now days if Palin shows up in Anchorage she makes sure to have security with her and avoids open areas.
I posted this picture partly because the fact that her face looks a little fuller was why so many people believed that she was honestly pregnant and thought that those of us questioning that fact were crazy
Sarah Palin's face in those days gained and lost weight fairly frequently, so all she had to do was stuff a pillow up her shirt, eat a few extra Crunchwrap Supremes and she was ready to fake everybody out.
Hell even the guy who took this picture up above on March 26, 2008 thought she was legitimately pregnant, and he worked out in the same gym that she did.
It was not until real scrutiny was finally applied that people saw through what turned out to be the sloppiest fake pregnancy ever. Sadly by that time it was already too late, and the damage to the country was already underway.
Do you know your Christian ABC's? No? You heathen!
From the You Tube site:
Children express their faith in God and learning from the Bible by singing the Christian ABCs
Hitler youth for Christ.
I find this kind of alternative religious teaching to be extremely troubling.
Not only that but it is teaching them to be stupid. I mean "X" is for "example?" Good luck passing a spelling test kids.