Friday, February 21, 2014
New poll shows Hillary smoking all Republican competition in essential swing state Ohio.
New poll shows Hillary smoking all Republican competition in essential swing state Ohio.
Courtesy of Politico: Hillary Clinton buries Gov. Chris Christie and other potential Republican presidential candidates in the crucial swing state of Ohio, according to a new poll on Thursday.
The former secretary of state, who led Christie 42 percent to 41 percent in November, now tops the New Jersey governor 49 percent to 36 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll.
Of those polled, 55 percent said Clinton would make a good president, while 39 said she would not. Only 31 percent of voters said Christie would make a good president, plummeting from 44 percent in November.
Not only are Clinton’s numbers against Christie skyrocketing, but she bests the rest of the potential GOP field. She takes the biggest lead over Sen. Ted Cruz, 51 percent to 34 percent, and wins out over Rep. Paul Ryan 49 percent to 40 percent.
She leads Sen. Marco Rubio by 50 percent to 36 percent and Sen. Rand Paul 51 percent to 28 percent.
Damn, no wonder the Republicans keep trying to tie Hillary to Bill's sex scandals. She is essentially unstoppable.
And let's face it this current crop of GOP wannabes will not be able to lay a glove on her in the general.
Here is the first look at a promo for Sarah Palin's new hunting reality show and it has to be seen to be believed!
"Prepare to be amazed?"
Yeah the only thing amazing is how she managed to keep that wig on with the wind machine blowing in her face like that.
I see she brought the girls out of mothballs to help with the tired old three dollar hooker look as well.
As for those quotes that are used. Yeah, don't let those fool you into thinking that Palin has received positive press coverage.
The one from Politico "Every Sentence she uttered was news," comes from a March 2013 piece essentially saying that her fall from grace now makes her the equivalent of a Kardashian.
Here is the quote in context:
In January 2009, Sarah Palin had the world on a string. A potential Republican presidential field-clearer for the presidency, every sentence she uttered was news. A Fox News contract awaited her. So did book deals.
Four years later, Palin is without a clear option for elected office — or a clear sense she has an interest in any position of real public influence. She never took an active, leadership role in the tea party movement, beyond showing up at a scattered handful of events and talking it up on television. For many Americans, her name is now primarily a punchline and if she is envisioning a comeback, it may simply be too late.
And the Time magazine quote, "Poised, stirring, charming," was a description of her appearance in 2008 at the Republican convention. You know before anybody ever asked her a question, or heard her speak.
Nice try Sportsman Channel, but no matter how much Spackle you put on her crumbling visage, or air you blow at her faux follicles, or patriotic shoes you use to cover her gnarled feet, we already know that this is simply a repackaging of a crappy, poorly made product, that we did not want in the first place.
Update: It looks like somebody added more appropriate music.
Yeah the only thing amazing is how she managed to keep that wig on with the wind machine blowing in her face like that.
I see she brought the girls out of mothballs to help with the tired old three dollar hooker look as well.
As for those quotes that are used. Yeah, don't let those fool you into thinking that Palin has received positive press coverage.
The one from Politico "Every Sentence she uttered was news," comes from a March 2013 piece essentially saying that her fall from grace now makes her the equivalent of a Kardashian.
Here is the quote in context:
In January 2009, Sarah Palin had the world on a string. A potential Republican presidential field-clearer for the presidency, every sentence she uttered was news. A Fox News contract awaited her. So did book deals.
Four years later, Palin is without a clear option for elected office — or a clear sense she has an interest in any position of real public influence. She never took an active, leadership role in the tea party movement, beyond showing up at a scattered handful of events and talking it up on television. For many Americans, her name is now primarily a punchline and if she is envisioning a comeback, it may simply be too late.
And the Time magazine quote, "Poised, stirring, charming," was a description of her appearance in 2008 at the Republican convention. You know before anybody ever asked her a question, or heard her speak.
Nice try Sportsman Channel, but no matter how much Spackle you put on her crumbling visage, or air you blow at her faux follicles, or patriotic shoes you use to cover her gnarled feet, we already know that this is simply a repackaging of a crappy, poorly made product, that we did not want in the first place.
Update: It looks like somebody added more appropriate music.
Why it often does not pay to have conversations with Fundamentalists.
I think that this point was made incredibly obvious during that recent "debate" between Ken Ham and Bill Nye.
The smoke and mirrors that Ham threw up to obfuscate the weak points in his argument were stunning. And it served him well in throwing up an intellectually dishonest force field that repelled the logic of Bill Nye's rebuttals.
The smoke and mirrors that Ham threw up to obfuscate the weak points in his argument were stunning. And it served him well in throwing up an intellectually dishonest force field that repelled the logic of Bill Nye's rebuttals.
Latest attempt by Sarah Palin to attract a few pennies for her PAC.
Palin's hurting for dough these days, and is clearly pulling out all the stops in an attempt to once again portray herself as a maybe candidate, while also dabbling in a few poorly thought out endorsements.
Just look at that picture. Is it even possible that there are people out there so simple minded as to believe that Palin has any future in politics, muhc less the presidency?
Of course the answer to that is yes, I mean SOMEBODY is still supporting televangelists, watching Duck Dynasty, and believing that McDonald's serves actual food in their restaurants.
Besides don't all future Presidents host hunting shows on channels that nobody can find, write books that nobody reads, and provide political punditry on the same social network where people show pictures of their new kittens and talk about which family member just died.
Just look at that picture. Is it even possible that there are people out there so simple minded as to believe that Palin has any future in politics, muhc less the presidency?
Of course the answer to that is yes, I mean SOMEBODY is still supporting televangelists, watching Duck Dynasty, and believing that McDonald's serves actual food in their restaurants.
Besides don't all future Presidents host hunting shows on channels that nobody can find, write books that nobody reads, and provide political punditry on the same social network where people show pictures of their new kittens and talk about which family member just died.
Bristol Palin is embarrassed that her generation are not as hard working as she is. Yeah, she actually said that.
Bristol Palin is embarrassed that her generation are not as hard working as she is. Yeah, she actually said that.
Courtesy of Brancy's blog: “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Proverbs 10:4
I came across this Scripture and wanted to pass it along. I love it because it reminds me of my parents and the work ethic they instilled in all of us kids. If you want something, you go out and work for it.
No one owes you anything, and I’m embarrassed to be in a generation that doesn’t have that mindset.
Honest, hard work, is the only way to do it right. Don’t rely on anyone to provide for you.
The world doesn’t owe you anything!
You know if I were a millennial I might be inspired to slap the shit out of Bristol Palin for posting something like this. (No, I am not advocating violence, but urges are urges.)
What a lying, hypocritical bitch!
Literally EVERYTHING this idiot has was handed to her on a silver platter.
Her reality show, her book deal, her speaking engagements, her high school diploma, EVERYTHING was given to her because she has a famous parent, and she did next to nothing to deserve any of it!
Hard working Bristol Palin trying to remember how to work a car. |
Remember this is a girl who took credit for a ghostwritten book, has somebody else write posts for her blog, and has failed miserably to even raise her young son correctly.
And is there anybody left on this planet who actually still believes this loser has that job at the dermatologist? And believe me, when she did have it that was all due to her mother's influence as well.
The very LAST person on earth who should be giving advice on hard work, is Bristol Palin.
"You've killed two of your children. ... Not God. Not your church. Not religious devotion. You." Said by judge during sentencing of couple whose second child died due to belief in faith healing over medical treatment.
Courtesy of The Press News:
Herbert and Catherine Schaible defied a court order to get medical care for their children after their 2-year-old son, Kent, died in 2009. Instead, they tried to comfort and pray over 8-month-old Brandon last year as he, too, died of treatable pneumonia.
"My religious beliefs are that you should pray, and not have to use medicine. But because it is against the law, then whatever sentence you give me, I will accept," Catherine Schaible, 44, told the judge. She added that her beliefs have since changed.
The Schaibles are third-generation members of an insular Pentecostal community, the First Century Gospel Church in northeast Philadelphia, where they also taught at the church school. They have seven surviving children.
Judge Benjamin Lerner rejected defense claims that their religious beliefs "clashed" with the 2011 court order to get annual checkups and call a doctor if a child became ill. The order came after a jury convicted them of involuntary manslaughter in Kent's death, and they were sentenced to 10 years of probation.
"April of 2013 wasn't Brandon's time to die," Lerner said, noting the violence committed throughout human history in the name of religion. "You've killed two of your children. ... Not God. Not your church. Not religious devotion. You."
Experts say about a dozen U.S. children die in faith-healing cases each year.
The Schaibles are the rare couple to lose a second child that way. Their pastor, Nelson Clark, blamed Kent's death on a "spiritual lack" in the parents' lives, and insisted they would never seek medical care, even if another child was dying.
"It was so foreseeable to me that this was going to happen," said Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore, who prosecuted both cases. "Everybody in the system failed these children."
After the first death, she and public defender Mythri Jayaraman agreed that the couple's beliefs were so ingrained that their children remained at risk. They asked the earlier judge to have the family supervised by a Department of Human Services caseworker. Instead, the judge assigned them to probation officers, who are not trained to monitor children's welfare.
Pescatore has called Brandon's symptoms "eerily similar" to Kent's. They included labored breathing and a refusal to eat.
In his police statement last year, Herbert Schaible, 45, said, "We believe in divine healing, that Jesus shed blood for our healing and that he died on the cross to break the devil's power."
When people ask me what harm can faith do, this is the kind of thing that I think should be brought up time and time again. The idea that illness is the result of demonic power, and that the only way to cure it is through faith, is an archaic superstition which should not have purchase in this modern age.
And yet here it is.
However what is almost as big of a travesty is that the judge only gave this couple a sentence of three and a half to seven years, even though the third degree murder charge they were convicted on could have resulted in 40 years behind bars.
Now they will simply be out someday to usher in the death of a third child, whose only sin will to have been born to a pair of simple minded parents, whose superstitious beliefs are so fundamental to their personalities that they will blame his death on an imaginary devil rather than accept any responsibility.
Herbert and Catherine Schaible defied a court order to get medical care for their children after their 2-year-old son, Kent, died in 2009. Instead, they tried to comfort and pray over 8-month-old Brandon last year as he, too, died of treatable pneumonia.
"My religious beliefs are that you should pray, and not have to use medicine. But because it is against the law, then whatever sentence you give me, I will accept," Catherine Schaible, 44, told the judge. She added that her beliefs have since changed.
The Schaibles are third-generation members of an insular Pentecostal community, the First Century Gospel Church in northeast Philadelphia, where they also taught at the church school. They have seven surviving children.
Judge Benjamin Lerner rejected defense claims that their religious beliefs "clashed" with the 2011 court order to get annual checkups and call a doctor if a child became ill. The order came after a jury convicted them of involuntary manslaughter in Kent's death, and they were sentenced to 10 years of probation.
"April of 2013 wasn't Brandon's time to die," Lerner said, noting the violence committed throughout human history in the name of religion. "You've killed two of your children. ... Not God. Not your church. Not religious devotion. You."
Experts say about a dozen U.S. children die in faith-healing cases each year.
The Schaibles are the rare couple to lose a second child that way. Their pastor, Nelson Clark, blamed Kent's death on a "spiritual lack" in the parents' lives, and insisted they would never seek medical care, even if another child was dying.
"It was so foreseeable to me that this was going to happen," said Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore, who prosecuted both cases. "Everybody in the system failed these children."
After the first death, she and public defender Mythri Jayaraman agreed that the couple's beliefs were so ingrained that their children remained at risk. They asked the earlier judge to have the family supervised by a Department of Human Services caseworker. Instead, the judge assigned them to probation officers, who are not trained to monitor children's welfare.
Pescatore has called Brandon's symptoms "eerily similar" to Kent's. They included labored breathing and a refusal to eat.
In his police statement last year, Herbert Schaible, 45, said, "We believe in divine healing, that Jesus shed blood for our healing and that he died on the cross to break the devil's power."
When people ask me what harm can faith do, this is the kind of thing that I think should be brought up time and time again. The idea that illness is the result of demonic power, and that the only way to cure it is through faith, is an archaic superstition which should not have purchase in this modern age.
And yet here it is.
However what is almost as big of a travesty is that the judge only gave this couple a sentence of three and a half to seven years, even though the third degree murder charge they were convicted on could have resulted in 40 years behind bars.
Now they will simply be out someday to usher in the death of a third child, whose only sin will to have been born to a pair of simple minded parents, whose superstitious beliefs are so fundamental to their personalities that they will blame his death on an imaginary devil rather than accept any responsibility.
CNN's Wolf Blitzer calls out Ted Nugent for using Nazi buzzwords to insult President Obama. Later, true to form, Nugent chickens out of interview on CNN. Update!
Courtesy of Politicususa:
“That’s what the Nazis called Jews to justify the genocide of the Jewish community,” Blitzer said in a Feb. 18, 2014, interview. “They called them untermenschen, subhuman mongrels. If you read some of the literature that the Nazis put out there, there is a long history of that specific phrase he used involving the president of the United States.”
The above exchange is in response to news that Greg Abbott brought Nugent onto the campaign trail to help bolster his credibility with the 2nd Amendment crowd and escaped mental patients.
In response Nugent took to Twitter to essentially say "I know you are but what am I?"
In fact Nugent even tweeted about it.
Courtesy of Media Matters:
Ted Nugent canceled a planned interview on CNN's Erin Burnett OutFront after comparing the network to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels and lashing out at host Wolf Blitzer for condemning Nugent's inflammatory rhetoric, including attacking President Obama as a "subhuman mongrel."
On her CNN show, Burnett revealed that Nugent had canceled the interview two hours before it was scheduled to air, citing illness.
What, he only used the old "I'm too sick" excuse?
I would have thought for something this scary he might have been willing to crap his pants again.
And this, this is the guy that Greg Abbott thought would bolster his tough guy reputation with Texans?
The Wendy Davis campaign should send Nugent a fruit basket or something for all of his invaluable help.
Update: Wendy Davis weighs in with an e-mail to her supporters:
When I read what Ted Nugent has said about women, I was outraged.
Greg Abbott feels differently. His values allow him to embrace an admitted predator who takes advantage of young girls, calls successful women vulgar and disgusting names, and demeans and degrades not just the women of Texas, but anyone who disagrees with his narrow-minded, disrespectful point of view.
If this is Greg Abbott’s idea of good Texas values, it’s simply repulsive.
Greg Abbott calls Ted Nugent a “fighter for freedom.” Ted Nugent calls Greg Abbott his “blood brother.” I call their alliance repulsive. This is an issue for every father, every mother, and every family in Texas.
We will not allow the women of Texas to be treated like this. Help me fight back. Contribute $5 right now to show Greg Abbott and Ted Nugent that their values aren’t Texas values.
I won’t mince words -- I find Ted Nugent disgusting. And I find it disgusting that Greg Abbott is sharing a stage with him.
But this isn’t just about my feelings. Every Texan should be offended by Greg Abbott’s decision to make a predator the new face of his campaign.
Campaigning with a vile character like Ted Nugent is a window into Greg Abbott’s character. And we need to show him that we won’t tolerate it.
You know I think that Ted Nugent just handed the race to the first female Governor of Texas since the 1990's.
“That’s what the Nazis called Jews to justify the genocide of the Jewish community,” Blitzer said in a Feb. 18, 2014, interview. “They called them untermenschen, subhuman mongrels. If you read some of the literature that the Nazis put out there, there is a long history of that specific phrase he used involving the president of the United States.”
The above exchange is in response to news that Greg Abbott brought Nugent onto the campaign trail to help bolster his credibility with the 2nd Amendment crowd and escaped mental patients.
In response Nugent took to Twitter to essentially say "I know you are but what am I?"
CNN Joseph Goebbells Saul Alinsky propaganda ministry mongrels
— Ted Nugent (@TedNugent) February 19, 2014
CNN's Erin Burnett set up an interview with the Motorcity Madman in order to give him a chance to respond to what Blitzer and others were saying.In fact Nugent even tweeted about it.
UltraNugeTruthLogicFun @ErinBurnett @OutFrontCNN tonite 7ET
— Ted Nugent (@TedNugent) February 19, 2014
However apparently that was before Nugent realized that he's a coward.Courtesy of Media Matters:
Ted Nugent canceled a planned interview on CNN's Erin Burnett OutFront after comparing the network to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels and lashing out at host Wolf Blitzer for condemning Nugent's inflammatory rhetoric, including attacking President Obama as a "subhuman mongrel."
On her CNN show, Burnett revealed that Nugent had canceled the interview two hours before it was scheduled to air, citing illness.
What, he only used the old "I'm too sick" excuse?
I would have thought for something this scary he might have been willing to crap his pants again.
And this, this is the guy that Greg Abbott thought would bolster his tough guy reputation with Texans?
The Wendy Davis campaign should send Nugent a fruit basket or something for all of his invaluable help.
Update: Wendy Davis weighs in with an e-mail to her supporters:
When I read what Ted Nugent has said about women, I was outraged.
Greg Abbott feels differently. His values allow him to embrace an admitted predator who takes advantage of young girls, calls successful women vulgar and disgusting names, and demeans and degrades not just the women of Texas, but anyone who disagrees with his narrow-minded, disrespectful point of view.
If this is Greg Abbott’s idea of good Texas values, it’s simply repulsive.
Greg Abbott calls Ted Nugent a “fighter for freedom.” Ted Nugent calls Greg Abbott his “blood brother.” I call their alliance repulsive. This is an issue for every father, every mother, and every family in Texas.
We will not allow the women of Texas to be treated like this. Help me fight back. Contribute $5 right now to show Greg Abbott and Ted Nugent that their values aren’t Texas values.
I won’t mince words -- I find Ted Nugent disgusting. And I find it disgusting that Greg Abbott is sharing a stage with him.
But this isn’t just about my feelings. Every Texan should be offended by Greg Abbott’s decision to make a predator the new face of his campaign.
Campaigning with a vile character like Ted Nugent is a window into Greg Abbott’s character. And we need to show him that we won’t tolerate it.
You know I think that Ted Nugent just handed the race to the first female Governor of Texas since the 1990's.
Wendy Davis already reaping the benefits of her opponent's choice to bring Ted Nugent onto the campaign trail.
Wendy Davis already reaping the benefits of her opponent's choice to bring Ted Nugent onto the campaign trail.
Wendy Davis already reaping the benefits of her opponent's choice to bring Ted Nugent onto the campaign trail.
Courtesy of Politico: Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott might be making waves with his Ted Nugent tour this week, but his opponent Wendy Davis is making money.
Specifically, her campaign is seeking to harness the controversial rocker’s presence on the trail to attract donors who disagree with his statements about women.
In an email with the subject line “outrageous,” Davis says Abbott had embraced “an admitted predator who takes advantage of young girls, and calls successful women vulgar and disgusting names.”
“Ted Nugent calls Greg Abbott his ‘blood brother.’ I call their alliance repulsive,” Davis says in the email. “I find Ted Nugent disgusting, and I find it disgusting that Greg Abbott is sharing a stage with him.
Like I said yesterday, Nugent represents the opportunity for a financial windfall.
Not for the politician ignorant enough to have him show up at his rally of course, but for the person running against him it is like Christmas all over again.
Kansas state representative wants to allow teachers to spank children for up to ten swats. Or until the bruises become noticeable. Update!
Courtesy of Politico:
A Kansas state representative has introduced a bill that would allow teachers and caregivers to spank children up to 10 times, hard enough to cause redness and bruising, according to a report.
House member Gail Finney, a Democrat from Wichita, said the bill aims to restore parental rights, according to KCTV5.
It takes current law a step further, allowing parents or anyone given parental permission to spank children hard enough to leave a mark. Spanking is now allowed as long as it doesn’t leave marks.
“This bill basically defines a spanking along with necessary reasonable physical restraint that goes with discipline, all of which has always been legal,” said Britt Colle, a deputy county attorney in Macpherson County, who gave Finney the idea for the bill, KCTV5 said.
The bill rules out hitting children with fists, a belt or a switch, or hitting them on the head or the body other than the buttocks, the report said.
Oh gee you can't use your fists, well then I guess it must be all right.
What the hell is wrong with these people.
The research is clear that hitting children simply reinforces aggressive behaviors, interferes with the child/parent bond, and can lead to terrible abuse directed at the child.
Trust me on this point, I work with some of the most difficult children in the state, and modify behaviors using redirection, positive reinforcement, and reasonable, non-violent consequences, every single day. I have seen incredible progress made by even the most disruptive and angry children you can imagine.
Children should respect their teachers, not fear them. They will learn far better if they are dealt with in a patient and understanding manner rather than bullied into compliance.
But let me make one thing clear, if I were a parent in Kansas whose child came home with a teacher inflicted bruise, I would be all in favor of corporeal punishment. And trust me, there WOULD be closed fists involved.
Update: Good news, the bill is dead.
A Kansas state representative has introduced a bill that would allow teachers and caregivers to spank children up to 10 times, hard enough to cause redness and bruising, according to a report.
House member Gail Finney, a Democrat from Wichita, said the bill aims to restore parental rights, according to KCTV5.
It takes current law a step further, allowing parents or anyone given parental permission to spank children hard enough to leave a mark. Spanking is now allowed as long as it doesn’t leave marks.
“This bill basically defines a spanking along with necessary reasonable physical restraint that goes with discipline, all of which has always been legal,” said Britt Colle, a deputy county attorney in Macpherson County, who gave Finney the idea for the bill, KCTV5 said.
The bill rules out hitting children with fists, a belt or a switch, or hitting them on the head or the body other than the buttocks, the report said.
Oh gee you can't use your fists, well then I guess it must be all right.
What the hell is wrong with these people.
The research is clear that hitting children simply reinforces aggressive behaviors, interferes with the child/parent bond, and can lead to terrible abuse directed at the child.
Trust me on this point, I work with some of the most difficult children in the state, and modify behaviors using redirection, positive reinforcement, and reasonable, non-violent consequences, every single day. I have seen incredible progress made by even the most disruptive and angry children you can imagine.
Children should respect their teachers, not fear them. They will learn far better if they are dealt with in a patient and understanding manner rather than bullied into compliance.
But let me make one thing clear, if I were a parent in Kansas whose child came home with a teacher inflicted bruise, I would be all in favor of corporeal punishment. And trust me, there WOULD be closed fists involved.
Update: Good news, the bill is dead.