Saturday, December 28, 2013
Every once in while it's important to remind everybody of these facts.
Remember the conservatives can make up whatever they want but the history of this country has been written down. You just have to take the time to look it up and refute the BS.
True Colors: See Congressmen Who Continue To Deny Obama Birth Certificate Forgery
Exclusive: Congressmen Continue to
Deny Issue of Obama Birth Certificate Forgery
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Dec. 27, 2013) — On Friday, Mike Volin of (WOBC) contacted The Post & Email to report that Rep. Paul Ryan issued a letter representing that the forgery of Obama’s long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website is authentic after having been provided a Sheriff’s Kit in one of his district offices last month.
Volin produced the Sheriff’s Kits in order to widely distribute a presentation given by Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse lead investigator Michael Zullo during which Zullo explains that the birth certificate image uploaded on April 27, 2011 is a “computer-generated forgery.”
The posse held two press conferences last year during which the announcement and details of its conclusions were released,including that Obama’s Selective Service registration form is also fraudulent.
The mainstream media has misrepresented the findings of the posse or failed to report on it altogether.
In May of this year, Zullo told The Post & Email in an interview that the forgery was published “with the intent to deceive.”
On November 18 and 19, Volin and several colleagues traveled to Washington, DC to present Sheriff’s Kits and hold briefings with members of Congress. Some meetings were scheduled in advance, while others were conducted spontaneously while the team walked from office to office.
Since that time, Volin has released some of the names of those in Congress who have received kits. On December 17, a member of Volin’s team told The Post & Email that he had separately mailed Sheriff’s Kits to nine members of Congress, including Speaker of the House John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor.
Wisconsin resident and Ryan constituent Pamela Fisher told The Post & Email on Friday that she had planned to meet Volin in Washington, DC to distribute Sheriff’s Kits to members of Congress on November 18 and 19 but was prevented from traveling because of the severe tornado which affected much of the Midwest, particularly Washington, IL.
Instead, Fisher delivered a kit to Ryan’s Janesville, WI office, obtaining the signature of a staffer with a pledge that it would be given directly to Ryan, then did the same at the local office of Sen. Ron Johnson.
Ryan’s letter reads as follows:
Ms. Pamela Fisher
Dear Pamela:
Thank you for contacting me regarding your thoughts about President Barack Obama’s citizenship. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know your views on this important issue.
Since President Obama was elected, many individuals have expressed concerns regarding his citizenship and eligibility to serve as the President of the United States given the requirements delineated in the Constitution. On April 27, 2011, in response to these criticisms, President Obama released the long form of his birth certificate, which was issued by the Hawaii State Department of Health.
For your review, I have also included an electronic copy of the long form of the President’s birth certificate. I certainly understand the importance of this issue, and I hope you find the information useful.
If you wish to share additional information with me concerning this issue, please feel free to contact me by calling, emailing, writing, or faxing me. Please be advised that mail sent to my Washington office is subject to an additional two-week delay due to increased mail security.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me regarding this issue. If I can be of further assistance to you regarding this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always happy to respond and be of service to you.
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Paul Ryan Serving Wisconsin’s 1st District |
Ryan’s contact information and district offices appeared below his signature, followed by the referenced attachment of the long-form birth certificate image:
True Colors: See Congressmen Who Continue To Deny Obama Birth Certificate Forgery
Volin reported a similar experience with Rep. Charlie Dent in which Dent referenced Obama’s citizenship but not the forgery in a response letter. Volin and his team have not referenced Obama’s citizenship in their presentations, but, like Zullo, have focused on the forgeries.
Fisher believes that any congressman who will not investigate the forgery is failing to uphold his oath to the Constitution. “It’s not what you think; you have a responsibility, and we want you to do your job,” Fisher said, addressing members of Congress who have been informed of the crime.
The Post & Email asked Fisher what her opinion of Ryan had been prior to receiving the letter, to which she responded, “Every time I have an issue and I ask him, I do get a response.” We asked her what her opinion is now, to which said replied, “I think he’s skirting the issue; I don’t understand why he doesn’t think this is a national security matter.”
To date, no member of Congress has taken overt action to determine who created the forgery of Obama’s purported documentation, or why.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Fox News Panel: Obamacare Website Can't Verify Obama's Identity; Rough Legacy
Fox News Panel: Obamacare Website
Can't Verify Obama's Identity; Rough Legacy
Last night Fox News covered Obama's snafu signing up for Obamacare. Failed to report Obama's real problem.
Bombshell in attempt to sign up president for insurance plan
"What information was so sensitive for Obama that it had to be excluded from government databases?
Clearly, the information was not his Social Security Number or his birth records, because the White House has claimed to have made public both." - Jerome Corsi @ WND. Corsi compiled Obama's ID problem here.
FLASHBACK: Obama Info Not Accessible On Databases Used For ID Verification - DETAILS HERE.
King Of The Hill: Rep. Steve King Makes #2 In Birther Smear Segment; Satan?
King Of The Hill: Rep. Steve King
Makes Chris Matthews' Birther Smear Segment
The following clip aired on Christmas Eve. For something that's supposed to be a non-issue they sure can't drop it...
Sun-Sentinel: Birthers Have Reason To Doubt President; Obama Hiding Something
Birthers have reason
to doubt president
Richard Zeitler @ Sun-Sentinel
What's a "birther" to think? Now that the person who confirmed the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate has, to many, suspiciously and conveniently died in a plane crash, it will never be known why the birth certificate that contained so many errors and corrections was authenticated.
Birthers won't go away until Obama makes all the documents, records and papers presently held under lock and key public. One can only conclude that Obama is hiding something. [...] Continued at Sun-Sentinel.
Surprised they published that letter to the editor....
Report this Sun-Sentinel:
The RNC decides to wish everybody a Happy Kwanzaa. Excrement, meet fan.
Courtesy of Forward Progressives:
On December 26th, the following was posted on Facebook by the Republican National Committee:
“From December 26th through January 1st, many families will take time to celebrate African culture and history. Kwanzaa is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to honor the importance of family and community, and it reminds us of the great diversity in America. Happy Kwanzaa!”
Now if you’ve been paying attention to the new Republican base, you can imagine how well this statement went over.
But rather than force you to use your imagination, please allow me to present The Rabid Hordes. In their own words:
From Art Robinson comes “This is America, not Africa, either you are American or not, if not, leave the USA!”
Terry Crowder is super upset because fake war on Christmas and ‘MERIKUH and “You can’t celebrate Christmas even using the “C” word is wrong and offencive [sic] to other cultures but you can promote Kwanzaa? America is truly going down the tubes when when not everyone is treated equally. Where is the “DIVERSITY” when you omit Christmas” (The "C" word? Boy have I been saying THAT wrong!)
Of course, Dennis L. House jumped into the mix with “An FBI directed commie made up holiday? Really?”
There were quiet a few right-wing white people who were very butthurt by the lack of diversity for…well…white people.
White people like Brian McTamaney who added his two cents by pouting “How is celebrating one race of people good for diversity in America? WTF is with this post?”
Given that other than Black History Month, every freaking day is White People Day. I’m not really sure why Brian’s panties are so bunched up. Maybe his hood was too tight.
Moving on to a few of my personal favorites, we have Stan Garver. Stan seems to be lacking in so many things; empathy, basic intellect, a soul. He writes “If Kwanzaa is an African-American celebration of family and community, not many of them must observe it. Instead they have broken families and trash their communities.”
And of course there were many, many more. If you do not believe me just click the link.
But remember, and this is very important, the Republican party is not, repeat NOT full of a bunch of racists.
Just ask them, that's what they'll tell you.
Petition to get Phil Roberston back on Duck Dynasty receives 250,000 signatures. Update!
Courtesy of Politico:
A petition calling for the reinstatement of Phil Robertson on “Duck Dynasty” on Friday surpassed its goal of a quarter-million signatures.
The “I Stand with Phil” petition, which met its target of 250,000 signatures by more than 1,600 as of Friday morning, calls for A&E to immediately reinstate Robertson on the popular television program after he was suspended indefinitely following the recent publication of an interview with GQ in which he made controversial remarks regarding homosexuality and African-Americans.
“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” Robertson told GQ when asked what was sinful.
The letter included with the petition accuses A&E of “intolerant, discriminatory, and punitive treatment” of Robertson and says his views are “simply reflective of a Biblical view of sexuality, marriage, and family.” It also calls for A&E to formally apologize to Robertson, his family and viewers of the program.
All I can think after reading this is that there are a LOT of idiots in the world today. At least a quarter of a million of them according to this.
So to be clear these idiots are defending Robertson's remarks because this is a free country and he was simply repeating a Biblical worldview, and nobody is allowed to be offended by that, and angry at A&E because though this is a free country, they are not allowed to exercise their right to suspend an employee that negatively impacts their image or may cost them revenue.
Update: As others have noted A&E has lifted the suspension:
As a global media content company, A+E Networks' core values are centered around creativity, inclusion and mutual respect. We believe it is a privilege for our brands to be invited into people's home and we operate with a strong sense of integrity and deep commitment to these principals.
That is why we reacted so quickly and strongly to a recent interview with Phil Robertson. While Phil's comments made in the interview reflect his personal views based on his own beliefs, and his own personal journey, he and his family have publicly stated they regret the "coarse language" he used and the mis-interpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article. He also made it clear he would "never incite or encourage hate." We at A+E Networks expressed our disappointment with his statements in the article, and reiterate that they are not views we hold.
But "Duck Dynasty" is not a show about one man's views. It resonates with a large audience because it is a show about family… a family that America has come to love. As you might have seen in many episodes, they come together to reflect and pray for unity, tolerance and forgiveness. These are three values that we at A+E Networks also feel strongly about.
So after discussions with the Robertson family, as well as consulting with numerous advocacy groups, A&E has decided to resume filming "Duck Dynasty" later this spring with the entire Robertson family.
We will also use this moment to launch a national public service campaign (PSA) promoting unity, tolerance and acceptance among all people, a message that supports our core values as a company, and the values found in "Duck Dynasty." These PSAs will air across our entire portfolio.
In other words they really don't care about how offensive this guy is, all they want is for those all capital letter, misspelled e-mails to stop clogging up their inboxes.
Before everybody goes too gaga over the new Pope, keep this in mind.
Courtesy of the Catholic Herald from September of 2013:
An Australian priest who supports the ordination of women has been excommunicated by Pope Francis.
In the first such excommunication since the new pontiff took office Fr Greg Reynolds was dismissed in a letter from the Archbishop of Melbourne Denis Hart, which stated that “the decision by Pope Francis to dismiss Fr Reynolds from the clerical state and to declare his automatic excommunication has been made because of his public teaching on the ordination of women contrary to the teaching of the Church and his public celebration of the Eucharist when he did not hold faculties to act publicly as a priest.”
Archbishop Hart also told other priests in the archdiocese by letter that Fr Reynolds’s excommunication was “because of his public teaching on the ordination of women”, which are grounds for automatic excommunication.
Fr Reynolds is also a supporter of same-sex marriage and has attended rallies in favour of changing the definition of marriage. He has even reportedly presided at same-sex ceremonies.
He told National Catholic Reporter: “I am very surprised that this order has come under his watch; it seems so inconsistent with everything else he has said and done.”
The Pope says all the right things it seems, and has breathed new life into the Catholic church, but don't forget that when it comes to women he is no less misogynistic than his predecessors, and has done NOTHING to positively impact existing church doctrine.
And the church in the US is still operating just the way it did before Pope Francis put on the pointy Pope hat and played with the golden Pope scepter.
This from the BBC:
Roman Catholic Church official William Lynn has had his conviction for child endangerment reversed by a court in the US city of Philadelphia.
Monsignor Lynn was the first US Church official to be convicted in a criminal court for covering up sex abuse claims.
He was sentenced in 2012 to three to six years in prison but could now be released as early as Thursday.
The court said it had not been proven Mr Lynn had acted with the "intent of promoting or facilitating the crime".
Yep Popes may come, Popes may go, but the Catholic Church will always be the Catholic Church, and with their monetary resources and access to power ultimately nothing changes.
Two U.S. Senators Request Obama Identity Document Fraud Evidence
Exclusive: Sheriff’s Kits
Requested by Two U.S. Senators
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Dec. 26. 2013) — On Thursday, The Post & Email learned that two U.S. Senators, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Orrin Hatch of Utah, requested Sheriff’s Kits produced by Michael Volin of (WOBC) with the purpose of informing the public and elected officials of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted since April 27, 2011 on the White House website.
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David Small delivering a Sheriff’s Kit on December 4, 2013 to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Robert Goodlatte |
Sheriff’s Kits can be downloaded for electronic distribution or ordered in DVD format.
On December 16, Volin issued a challenge to Congress and the White House to release the “original Obama birth certificate for inspection” by the Cold Case Posse and the American people.
Volin contacted The Post & Email early on Thursday to provide the latest update.
On March 1, 2012, Zullo and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio gave a joint press conference during which they revealed that the posse’s then-six-month-old investigation had found that the long-form birth certificate image purported to be Obama’s is a “computer-generated forgery.”
The posse also investigated the Selective Service registration form which has been sent by the Selective Service System (SSS) to members of the public who have requested it and found it to be fraudulent.
On November 18 and 19, 2013, Volin and a group of team members visited numerous congressional offices in Washington, DC to distribute the kits and discuss the findings of the posse. Following the trip, Volin informed The Post & Email that approximately 200 kits were distributed to members of Congress, with another 100 given out at a rally held by Atty. Larry Klayman on November 19 to protest Obama’s policies, perceived overreach of power, and questionable constitutional eligibility.
Volin told us that after the two senators’ offices made the requests for the kits, he “decided to make it a personal delivery service.” Volin said that Mr. David Small agreed to make a return trip to Washington, having been part of the original trip in November. “David personally delivered them,” Volin said.
Neither McConnell nor Hatch had previously received a kit. Both are running for re-election in 2014.
Small returned to Washington with a traveling companion on December 4 and spent the afternoon delivering the kits, including two additional, unplanned stops which he detailed to The Post & Email.
A friend and I went to Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell’s offices. Neither of them was in. I wasn’t able to speak to staffers other than receptionists in those two offices and I simply dropped off the kits with the receptionists. I attempted to relate a little bit of the information in the kit to the receptionists. The receptionist in Mitch McConnell’s office couldn’t have cared less. The receptionist in Orrin Hatch’s office, however, was very attentive, and I have a very good feeling that he would have at least given it to a staffer with some information about what was enclosed.
Then we went to Rep. Bob Goodlatte‘s office, to which, for some reason, I had forgotten to give a kit and to whom Sen. Hatch’s office immediately directed me. I was given the room number and went straight there. Upon our arrival, I was greeted by two receptionists/staffers, a male and a female. The male seemed very knowledgeable about the issue and was very attentive. He instantly told me, “This needs to go to our Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security.”
Trey Gowdy is a member of that subcommittee.
I spoke to the receptionist and showed her the packet. She asked me to sit down and wait for a few minutes so that she could get someone to come and speak with us. She did. The individual who came and spoke to us was Caroline G. Lynch, Chief Counsel of the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security.
I explained to Ms. Lynch that we were here dropping off information related to the investigation done by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Cold Case Posse. She pretty quickly told me that they were going to have nothing to do in her office with “eligibility.” I told her, “This isn’t about eligibility at all; it’s about the birth certificate and a crime around that.” She very quickly stopped me again and said, “If you want to report a crime, we don’t investigate crimes in this office; that needs to be done through the FBI.” It was all very, very quick and plain to me that she was indicating that her office was not going to do anything around this issue, no matter what.
I told her that I was sure the FBI has been contacted multiple times regarding the matter. I told her that we were meeting with people who directed us to Mr. Goodlatte’s office, which then directed us to her, and that we had information that we would like to run by her committee, and “Can I give you this packet?” Again, we went round and round several times about “eligibility” and reporting a crime, and she made it clear that “This office does not investigate crimes.” I made it clear that we were there with the blessing of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and that we really wanted to deliver the packet to her. Finally, she agreed to take the information, walked away with it, and we parted company.
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David Small outside of the office of the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security |
She wouldn’t allow any pictures to be taken in the office, but I have a picture of myself right outside the door of the office.
Q: Did you get the idea that Ms. Lynch was familiar with the eligibility issue?
A: Yes, absolutely from her responses, she was indicating that she was aware that there was a question around eligibility and that her office would have nothing to do with it. I can’t read her mind, but I would be surprised if she didn’t know a certain amount about the issue. She was very steadfast that her office was going to have nothing to do with it, no matter what.
Q: Do you think she had heard about the forgery?
A: I can’t answer that; she did not indicate that she was aware of it at all.
Q: Have you planned any type of follow-up?
A: There is nothing firm planned yet, although I definitely want to do some follow-up around this. I think it would be great to contact Rep. Goodlatte and Rep. Trey Gowdy, as I dropped off a packet at the Judiciary Committee as well.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Memphis rape victim sues over backlog of 15,000 untested rape kits. Including her own.
Courtesy of Buzzfeed:
An anonymous Memphis woman has filed a class-action lawsuit against her city for failing to test an estimated backlog of 15,000 rape kits — including her own kit from 2001.
According to the complaint filed on Dec. 20, over the past several decades, thousands of Memphis women have reported their sexual assaults and received rape kits — or “had body fluid samples removed from their bodies and placed within sexual assault evidence kits.” But scores of those kits were sent to the Memphis Police Department and left untested, allegedly resulting in “spoliation.”
The lawsuit was filed by a single mother who was raped multiple times in the early hours of March 30, 2001, when an intruder broke through her window and bound her arms and feet.
The woman says she was treated at Shelby County’s Rape Crisis Center, where her samples were put into a Memphis Police Department Sexual Assault Evidence Kit. But the kit was never submitted for testing, according to the lawsuit, and the intruder was never arrested.
Memphis has previously acknowledged its enormous backlog of rape kits, with Police Director Toney Armstrong saying in November that the department will have 12,000 unprocessed rape kits “even after an initial round of 2,226 kits is tested,” according to Memphis’ Commercial Appeal. (The department received $500,000 in September to test the kits and $1 million to build a facility to house them.)
In an interview with the Commercial Appeal, Deputy Memphis Police Chief Jim Harvey attributed the backlog to several factors, including advances in DNA-testing technology — which meant re-testing old kits that only tested blood types — and outdated procedures, such as police using staplers to bound envelopes of evidence together, or not testing kits when the victim knew his or her attacker. He also blamed the department’s lack of record-keeping abilities on an employee who was responsible for transporting rape kits into storage. That employee has since died.
“[There] may have been some kind of document that Hyun Kim was storing this information in, but we don’t know, because he died,” Harvey said. “And when he died, everything he knew went with him.”
And law enforcement wonders why women are so hesitant to report a rape.
Even in today's so-called "enlightened" era you will find both men and women often jumping to the assumption that "she made the whole thing up,' or "she was asking for it," or "she sent him mixed signals."
Add this to the callousness of police officers, the shaming in the courtroom, and the isolation it often causes among friends and family members, and the real surprise it that ANY woman reports their assault.
Removal: Stop Pretending Foreign-Backed Marxist Obama Is Our President
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- image credit: freedom outpost - |
Exclusive: Erik Rush warns that havoc
wreaked on America has been deliberate
Erik Rush | WND
When are we going to stop pretending that the individual representing himself as Barack Hussein Obama and currently holding the office of president of the United States is anything other than a foreign-backed, Marxist operative and Islamist whose objectives include the effective destruction of America as we know it?
As I advised my streaming show audience this week, I – or anyone else, for that matter – could crack the façade concerning our president’s motives in seconds on any one of the national television news shows on which I’ve appeared by asking one simple question:
“Why is it that everything – everything – Obama has done has had a detrimental effect on America?” Enumerating them and clarifying said motives would, of course, be child’s play.
Nobody is that stupid, save for those shuffling around in institutions or under lock and key in the care of loved ones. Nor do I believe anyone is as incompetent or unlucky as one would have to be to have consistently botched everything from America’s economy to national security. In light of the developments of the last few months, the evidence of Barack Obama’s sabotage and treason has not only become agonizingly clear, but it convicts both those in the press who still consider themselves journalists, as well as anyone who has taken an oath to uphold our Constitution.
The elephant in the room – which even conservative pundits seem to be skirting – is that it has all been done deliberately.
Last week, congressional Reps. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn, Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and Steve King, R-Iowa, carried out a “secret” trip to the Middle East. As reported by the Washington Post and the Washington Times, the three took commercial flights, thus placing themselves in harm’s way, while visiting Beirut, Cairo and Tripoli, and conducting closed-door meetings with top-level officials in these places.
The actions of Obama toward arming rebels fighting the Assad regime in Syria (many of these being al-Qaida and other Islamist affiliates) were plainly treasonable offenses. The ongoing investigation into the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi indicates that the administration’s deportment was rife with criminality. Overall, the blatantly unconstitutional and potentially criminal actions of this president, both domestically and on the international stage, are legion.
Two weeks ago, the Turkish press reported that Naglaa Mahmoud, wife of Egypt’s ousted President Mohamed Morsi, stated in an interview that Bill and Hillary Clinton had been involved with the Muslim Brotherhood since the 1980s. Mahmoud has been tied to operations dedicated to returning her husband to power, according to the Egyptian government. As the reader may be aware, Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff when she was secretary of state was Huma Abedin (wife of disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner). Her family members are heavy hitters in the Muslim Brotherhood.
Following this, there have been unconfirmed reports that the Egyptian government has named Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in criminal complaints, claiming that they conspired with the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow the interim government and return Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood to power. [...] - Continued @ WND.
And oldie but a goodie. Sarah Palin walking briskly through Juneau, on icy streets no less, in February 2008. Update!
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Click clearly non-pregnant belly to start video. |
Oh yeah, SO convincing.
And yet it was enough to fool thousands. In fact many of them remain fooled to this day.
Update: Here is some interesting conversation about the footage from back in 2010.
Here is my favorite portion:
Here's what Kevin the cameraman had to say:
"Regarding her pregnancy, all I can say is that it was not obvious to the three of us who were there during the filming"
"Sarah did not drink much of the caramel latte we brought her, which if I recall was decaffeinated"
"As for me and for the rest of us who visited Sarah back in February - I’m fairly certain we can say that we had no idea she was pregnant"
(H/T to Kajo.)
President Obama highlights commonalities with Pope Francis. Oh, the Right Wing Catholics are going to LOVE that!
Courtesy of the LA Times:
When a White House speechwriter turned in a draft of a major speech on economic policy this month, President Obama sent it back with an unusual instruction: Add a reference to the pope.
The final version of the speech quoted directly from Pope Francis' recent letter to the faithful: "How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses 2 points?" he said.
The citation marked a notable development in Obama's complex and sometimes confrontational relationship with the Roman Catholic Church: After several years of high-profile clashes with U.S. bishops, Obama is seizing the chance to highlight common ground with the bishop of Rome.
Quoting the pope isn't likely to yield direct electoral dividends for Obama's party — the once-vaunted "Catholic vote" largely disappeared long ago. But in a string of effusive praise, the president has made clear he sees the pope as a like-minded thinker and potentially useful ally in a crucial battle of ideas, particularly on the importance of shrinking the gulf between rich and poor, a subject Obama has pushed repeatedly but with limited success.
I tell you Pope Francis could be the best thing to happen to the progressives in this country in a long time.
Or he could be a two faced backstabbing pontiff just waiting to drop the bomb on the liberals the minute we drop our guard. I'm still dealing with some trust issues.
However it goes without saying that right now he is truly screwing with the heads of the Religious Right in this country, who now have a powerful representative of their faith peeing all over their version of Christianity.
Gotta love that!
ID Fraud: A Lump Of Coal For Obama’s Christmas Stocking Via Washington Times
A Lump of Coal for Obama’s
Christmas Stocking via Wash Times!
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
A Lump of Coal and Truth for Obama’s Christmas Stocking via the Washington Times: Obama’s Selective Service Draft Registration Form is a Back Dated Forgery! The Invalid U.S. Postal Stamp, DLN Number, and Other Discrepancies Prove Back Dating/Forgery! Read Full Report via Link in the Ad. Demand Speaker John Boehner Hold Hearings & Investigate This. Stop Blocking Truth About Obama’s Forged Docs! – Washington Times National Weekly – Monday – 23 Dec 2013 issue – pg 5
Download Copy: CLICK HERE.
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Click on image to read and/or download a copy. |
Download a copy: Print this ad and send it (and/or send the link) to your friends, associates, email lists, and elected officials.
Click HERE for detailed evidence of the forgery and how it was done.
To House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner – We the People Have Been Repeatedly Asked You To Act: Are you living up to your oath to support and defend the Constitution from domestic enemies? Are you doing your job as the leader of the People’s House and protecting We the People from a fraud in the White House? It is time for you to launch congressional investigations into Obama’s forged ID documents or at least get out of the way and stopping blocking those in Congress who wish to do that. You’ve office was been given a Sheriff’s Kit by Mike Volin and his team during their visit to Washington DC last week which presents the evidence compiled from a two year investigation by the Sheriff’s Department of Maricopa County AZ (which includes Phoenix). The evidence proves federal felony document crimes have been committed! Speaker Boehner, again, are you living up to your solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution from domestic enemies? Are you the leader of the People’s House and protecting We the People from a national fraud being perpetrated on the nation? It is time for you to do your duty and launch a Select Committee to publicly in open hearing in Congress investigate the ongoing fraud and the crimes being perpetrated by Barack Obama. If you will not do that, then step down and get out of the way. We the People demand it! — CDR Kerchner (Ret)
# # # #
See this prior ad which was published in last Monday’s 09 Dec 2013 edition of the Washington Times National Weekly: Why Is Speaker John Boehner Protecting Obama’s ID Fraud?:
# # # #
Download a “Sheriff’s Kit” evidence of Obama document fraud at:
Copy of AZ Chief Investigator Michael Zullo’s sworn affidavit attesting that Obama’s ID docs are forged:
Copy of Evidence that Obama’s Selective Service (Draft) Registration Card is forged:
Maricopa County AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Investigative Reports into Obama’s Forged ID Docs:
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Obama the Enigma: Click on image to learn more about Obama he does not want you to know. |
Marxist/Communists are trained to lie. It’s their modus operandi. Obama is not just a pathological liar, he’s an ideological liar:
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Greatest political fraud in U.S. history. Click on image for evidence about the fraud Obama – The Big Lie! |
Lehigh Valley PA USA
P.S. Also read this essay regarding the legal term of art “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: … AND …
ID Fraud: A Lump Of Coal For Obama’s Christmas Stocking Via Washington Times
The Yin and Yang of the search for truth.
I used to be a HUGE philosophy geek.
Plato, Nietzsche, Spinoza, DeCartes, I read them all. Also Lao Tsu, Sun Tzu, and Confucius in Eastern philosophy.
In the end I felt that though philosophy never really provided any answers, it was great for helping to define the questions.
Crazy guy who may, or may not, be a member of Phil Robertson's church is suing AandE and President Obama know...America.
Courtesy of TMZ:
A self-proclaimed member of Phil Robertson's church is literally making a federal case over Phil's suspension ... he's suing A&E and others because he feels the network is chilling his right to hate homosexuals.
Chris Sevier, who claims to be a lawyer, has previously sued pretty much everyone under the sun, including Bill O'Reilly, CBS, Facebook and Apple.
This time around, Sevier has put together 91 pages of law and religious propaganda, quoting scriptures about the evils of homosexuality. Sevier claims the fact that A&E has indefinitely suspended Phil is going to have a chilling effect on other churchgoers -- himself included -- when it comes to preaching what he believes is the word of God.
As for what that word is ... Sevier thinks it's rooted in sin. He says, if gay marriage is allowed, "citizens in that state should be able to marry their pets" -- he sees no difference.
In addition to suing A&E ... Sevier is suing President Obama, claiming the Prez is in cahoots with A&E to further the pro-gay agenda.
I think the chances of this actually making it to trial are about the same as Phil Robertson getting gay married to a black person.
Wonkette has more on this Sevier guy:
And just in case Sevier weren’t creepy enough, Sevier has been charged with stalking country musician John Rich and in a separate incident, with stalking a 17-year-old girl. In the latter case, he followed the girl from a coffee shop to the ice cream store where she worked, and creeped her out by telling her details of a private conversation she’d had at the coffee shop months earlier, according to the arrest warrant.
He seems nice.
Boy I have to say that I am leaning an awful lot about the kinds of people who watch Duck Dynasty.
And what I have learned makes me want to avoid them at all cost.
Ohio teacher tells ambitious African-American student that the country "does not need another black president."
Yeah, can't have any more inspirational and competent leaders like this. Now can we? |
A teacher in Ohio was suspended this week for allegedly telling an ambitious young African-American student that the country does “not need another black president.”
According to The Cincinnati Enquirer, Gil Voigt was suspended without pay from Fairfield Freshman School on Monday, the first step necessary for termination. The teacher has 10 days to ask to for a hearing before the school board or a referee.
Superintendent Paul Otten told the Journal-News that the incident occurred while Voigt was speaking to an African-American student who had presidential aspirations.
“We do not need another black president,” Voigt reportedly said.
“He was talking to some students and said some things that were racially insensitive,” Fairfield City Schools Board President Dan Murray explained. “We take diversity in our school district very seriously with tolerance of people who are different. We just felt this teacher had crossed the line.”
Voigt has also received four other reprimands in recent years, including one for an “inappropriate racial comment” in 2008.
But hey remember, these Right Wing douchebags do not hate the President becasue of his ethnicity, they hate him for his policies. Isn't that what they are always telling us?
I love it when we get to see the face behind the white hood.
A final look back on the Palin style Christmas. Kinda reminds me of a funeral.
I remember when MY mother wore her hooker boots for Christmas. Wait no I don't, my mother is a lady.
By the way did you know that a lot of people mistakenly think that December 25th is the date that Jesus was born? Well they do, see!
Here's Tripp back from Arizona for a short time so that he can be featured in the Alaska family pictures. (Gotta maintain the facade don't you know.)
Of course one of the great things that most of us got for Christmas this year is the end of Palin's book tour. After all nobody buys a Christmas book after Christmas. (However if you are interested there is one more really great review you might enjoy.)
Of course sadly that does NOT mean that Palin will fade from the national spotlight as muhc as we might have all hoped that she would.
Next April will be the debut of her new show "Sarah Palin poses in camouflage clothing and pretends she knows the first thing about hunting."
Then of course there will be the 2014 primaries, where we can measure the desperation level of the conservatives by watching to see if they crawl to Sarah Palin for an endorsement, and then measure the intelligence of the candidates in the general by how much distance they put between her and them as they campaign against their Democratic rivals.
And sadly for the country her voice will be heard. Fox will interview her occasionally, just to break up the monotony of interviewing with people who know what they are talking about or who can string a sentence together that makes sense.
She will undoubtedly have an article of two ghostwritten for her over at Breitbart,
And of course there will be her often bizarre and self serving tweets and Facebook posts.
However I really believe that if the progressives do well this next elections cycle, and really run the board on the Republicans, we could SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the number of times we have to hear from, or about, Sarah Palin in 2015.
In fact I think THAT could be a campaign slogan for the Democrats.
That would certainly get MY vote.
(Pictures courtesy of Chuck jr's Facebook page.)
McDonald's employee resource site gives advice against eating their food. Awkward!
Courtesy of CNN:
It seems that McDonald's has finally realized how tone-deaf its internal employee resource website was. It has shut it down.
The final straw? A tip on the site to employees to avoid McDonald's fare.
A graphic on the site shows a meal with a cheeseburger, fries and drink under the caption "Unhealthy choice." Next to it is a picture of a sub, a salad and water under the caption "Healthier choice."
The fast food giant found itself again having to deflect unwanted attention from its internal site this week after CNBC reported that McResource ostensibly advises McDonald's employees to not eat at McDonald's.
"Fast foods are quick, reasonably priced, and readily available alternatives to home cooking. While convenient and economical for a busy lifestyle, fast foods are typically high in calories, fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt and may put people at risk for becoming overweight."
Visitors to McResource Line on Wednesday were greeted with this statement: "We are temporarily performing some maintenance in order to provide you with the best experience possible. Please excuse us while these upgrades are being made."
McDonald's confirmed the site had been taken down in a statement posted on its website. "A combination of factors has led us to re-evaluate and we've directed the vendor to take down the website. Between links to irrelevant or outdated information, along with outside groups taking elements out of context, this created unwarranted scrutiny and inappropriate commentary. None of this helps our McDonald's team members."
You know I am not actually a believer in karma per se, but you have to admit that this is pretty awesome.
You may also remember that in the recent past McDonald's gave employees economic advice that suggested they get a second job in order to make ends meet, or return purchases.
Conservatives and the Bible.
Courtesy of AlterNet:
Conservatives have not read the Bible.
The Right has successfully rebranded the brown-skinned liberal Jew, who gave away free healthcare and was pro-redistributing wealth, into a white-skinned, trickledown, union-busting conservative, for the very fact that an overwhelming number of Americans are astonishingly illiterate when it comes to understanding the Bible. On hot-button social issues, from same-sex marriage to abortion, biblical passages are invoked without any real understanding of the context or true meaning. It’s surprising how little Christians know of what is still the most popular book to ever grace the American continent.
More than 95 percent of U.S. households own at least one copy of the Bible. So how much do Americans know of the book that one-third of the country believes to be literally true? Apparently, very little, according to data from the Barna Research group. Surveys show that 60 percent can’t name more than five of the Ten Commandments; 12 percent of adults think Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife; and nearly 50 percent of high school seniors think Sodom and Gomorrah were a married couple. A Gallup poll shows 50 percent of Americans can’t name the first book of the Bible, while roughly 82 percent believe “God helps those who help themselves” is a biblical verse.
So, if Americans get an F in the basic fundamentals of the Bible, what hope do they have in knowing what Jesus would say about labor unions, taxes on the rich, universal healthcare, and food stamps? It becomes easy to spread a lie when no one knows what the truth is.
The truth, whether Republicans like it or not, is not only that Jesus a meek and mild liberal Jew who spoke softly in parables and metaphors, but conservatives were the ones who had him killed. American conservatives, however, have morphed Jesus into a muscular masculine warrior, in much the same way the Nazis did, as a means of combating what they see as the modernization of society.
The problem with all of this is that the only people who can wrestle Christianity out of the hands of the conservatives are those more liberal folks who actually live their lives as they believe Jesus had intended for them to.
The problem with that is that, as far as I can tell, the more reasonable members of Christianity are kind of a pansies when it comes to confrontation or fighting for what they believe.
Hell if this were my religion that was being poisoned like this I would be standing on a pile of conservative bodies looking to assholes to add to it. But then again I have anger issues.
Actually right now the more liberal, more Christian if you will, Christians have a rather powerful ally on their side.
In fact with the Pope on their side THIS might be the best time ever for those who actually understand and embrace the teachings of Jesus to take back their religion and kick the science denying, under privileged abusing, conservatives out of THEIR religion.
Let them find their own religion. I hear Scientology is always recruiting.
"Be a man." Perhaps one of the hardest to follow directions we ever hear.
As I think most of you know I was raised by a single mother and did not have a father figure around for most of my formative years.
My male role models were Mannix, Little Joe Cartwright, and Captain James T. Kirk.
I learned that men did not show emotion, treated women like something temporary to be used and then cast aside, and that violence was the solution to just about everything.
On the other hand my mother's instruction was to not grow up to be like her most recent boyfriend who broke her heart or turned out to be an asshole.
That did not give me much to work with in the real world.
I did the best I could, but boy did I screw up a lot. Especially in high school.
However, after many missteps and wrong turns, I eventually grew up to be a more or less sensitive guy, who likes movies, working with kids, and talking about religion and politics.
I do not hurt women, I do not drink to excess, and I do not carry a gun (Or a phaser) to make myself feel masculine.
In the end my mom turned out to be my best role model simply by demonstrating that strong women should not threaten the egos of strong men, that raising children is not something that only woman can do well, and that our self worth should not be measured by what we have, but rather by what we give to others.
No way am I perfect, but I am far better than anybody ever thought I would turn out to be when I was a young boy. And today when I teach young boys what it is to be a man, there is no talk of competition or violence, but rather of responsibility and respect toward others.
Small "typo" costs one teacher their job and others their bonuses.
Courtesy of Politico:
A single missing suffix among thousands of lines of programming code led a public school teacher in Washington, D.C., to be erroneously fired for incompetence, three teachers to miss out on $15,000 bonuses and 40 others to receive inaccurate job evaluations.
The miscalculation has raised alarms about the increasing reliance nationwide on complex “value-added” formulas that use student test scores to attempt to quantify precisely how much value teachers have added to their students’ academic performance. Those value-added metrics often carry high stakes: Teachers’ employment, pay and even their professional licenses can depend on them.
The Obama administration has used financial and policy levers, including Race to the Top grants and No Child Left Behind waivers, to nudge more states to rate teachers in part based on value-added formulas or other measures of student achievement. Education Secretary Arne Duncan has credited D.C.’s strong recent gains on national standardized tests in part to the district’s tough teacher evaluation policy, which was launched by former Chancellor Michelle Rhee. But teachers have complained that the results fluctuate wildly from year to year — and can be affected by human error, like the missing suffix in the programming code for D.C. schools.
“You can’t simply take a bunch of data, apply an algorithm and use whatever pops out of a black box to judge teachers, students and our schools,” Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said this week. The AFT and its affiliates have signed off on contracts that use value-added measures as a significant portion of teacher evaluations — including in D.C. — but Weingarten called the trend “very troubling” nonetheless.
The problem in D.C. stemmed from “a very small typo” inserted into complex programming code during an upgrade earlier this year, said Barbara Devaney, chief operating officer of Mathematica Policy Research, the private firm that holds the contract to calculate value-added scores for the district.
God I am SO tired of this teacher evaluation crap!
The conservatives have been trying to break the public school system for decades and it seems that they have almost achieved their goal.
Public education is the backbone of our democracy and our progress as a nation, and as Americans we should be defending it at every opportunity.
Oh an by the way that Michelle Rhee woman is a fraud, just read what research professor on education Diane Ravitch had to say about her and her methods.