Monday, January 13, 2014
Judge Me: Obama DOJ Nominee Attorney For Cop-Killing Black Panther
Attorney For Cop-Killing Black Panther
“Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.” - Obama a.k.a. Soetoro.
The wife of the murdered police officer appeared on The Kelly File and ripped Obama over the nomination...
President Barack Obama has drawn harsh criticism from law enforcement representatives by nominating Debo Adegbile to head the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division as Assistant U.S. Attorney General.
The 330,000-member Fraternal Order of Police slammed the nomination, referring to Adegbile as a volunteer supporter and defender of convicted Black Panther and cop-killer Wesley Cook—better known as Mumia Abu-Jamal, the world’s most notorious unrepentant cop-killer.
Fraternal Order of Police President Chuck Canterbury penned a January 6, 2014 letter to the President that reads:
As word of this nomination spreads through the law enforcement community, reactions range from anger to incredulity. Under this nominee’s leadership, the Legal Defense Fund (LDF) of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People volunteered their services to represent Wesley Cook, better known to the world as Mumia Abu-Jamal — our country’s most notorious cop-killer. There is no disputing that Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner was murdered by this thug. His just sentence — death — was undone by your nominee and others like him who turned the justice system on its head with unfounded and unproven allegations of racism.
The Fraternal Order of Police did not stop there. Its scathing critique of President Obama’s nominee and its effort to defend the honor of slain police offer Daniel Faulkner continued: [...] - Continued @ Breitbart News.
FLASHBACK: Fmr. Black Panther: Obama Fraudulent; Bamboozler & Hoodwinker - DETAILS HERE.
- More Details -
Filmmaker: Sheriff Joe Obama ID Fraud Evidence; Great Deal Of Info Not Released
Evidence; Great Deal Of Information Not Released Yet
Director of the documentary, Dreams from My Real Father, Joel Gilbert, appeared on Peter Boyles show to discuss and take questions on a range of issues surrounding Obama's fraud of a background.
Boyles asked Gilbert if he had any advance knowledge of the new evidence that Sheriff Arpaio's lead investigator Mike Zullo possess. Gilbert said he isn't sure what their current issue is but he had shared some of his research with the MCSO Cold Case Posse and said a great deal of information has not been released yet.
Gilbert says Obama's birth certificate is clearly a poor forgery but believes the dilemma has been the fear in every institution to discuss the Obama fraud issue. He said in a normal world it would be the number one news story.
Listen to the full show...
Joel Gilbert Website:
Peter Boyles Website:
RELATED: Obama Investigator: Obama's Kenyan Trip; Great Literary Scandal Of Century - DETAILS HERE.
Hit Piece: Teen Arrested For Threatening To Chop Off Sheriff Arpaio's Genitals
Threatening To Chop Off Sheriff Arpaio's Genitals
A Canadian teen was arrested for threatening to kill Sheriff Joe Arpaio for a fourth time. CBS Las Vegas turns it into a hit piece against Sheriff Arpaio. Too cowardly to even mention the Obama ID Fraud investigation...
CBS-5 Phoenix excerpt: Canadian teen threatens Arpaio for 4th time
[...] The teen emailed the sheriff's website and said that he "will never stop until I am put away for good. I hate you so much that I will travel to Arizona to chop off your b**ls off with a meat cleaver and turn you into a woman."
The teen's first threat against Arpaio was made in July 2013 and directed at his wife, children and grandchildren. The teen said he would murder Arpaio and his family and bomb his house.
The second threat came in October when the teen promised to open fire on the sheriff and his wife and make sure the sheriff simply 'vanishes."
In the third threat, made in November, the suspect said he was planning to kill the sheriff with a Glock handgun.
[...] Continued @ CBS-5 Phoenix. Hit piece on Sheriff Joe @ CBS Las Vegas.
Man gets six months in jail for being to too good of a father. This is some bullshit!
Courtesy of
A father will spend half of 2014 behind bars for doing too much for his son. After overpaying child support and seeing his son too often - breaking terms that were secretly modified without his knowledge - a judge sentenced him to a lengthy jail sentence.
Clifford Hall has been doing his best to give care to his 11-year-old son, who lives with his ex-wife. He pays his child support and visits regularly. "I'm his father it's my responsibility to take care of him," Hall said.
Last November, his child support payments were paid in full. Sometime between then and now, the child support agreement between Hall and his wife was modified without his knowledge.
Hall wound up overpaying by $3,000, a fact that Harris County District Court Judge Lisa Millard found contemptible.
Another term that was modified without his knowledge was his visitation schedule. Subsequently, Hall was found to have over-visited his son.
Judge Millard ended up finding Hall in contempt of court.
When she said I remand you to the Harris County Jail for 180 days my mouth just dropped," Hall told FOX 26 Houston.
In addition to the six month jail sentence, Judge Millard is forcing Hall to pay his ex-wife's attorney fees. "I can't be there for my son in jail," Hall said.
"I can't pay child support in jail. This is not in the best interest of the child."
I don't address this very often on the blog but the treatment of fathers by the courts is one of my pet peeves. Things like this happen WAY too often, and the end result is fathers running from their responsibilities rather than risk being mistreated by the courts.
I had some problems with child support enforcement up here in Alaska, and I was absolutely doing everything I could to meet my obligations.
In fact my brother ended up paying over a hundred thousand dollars in child support for a child that DNA tests proved was not even his.
There are plenty of loving fathers out there trying to do the very best for their kids, but when this kind of thing happens......
7 Vs 1: Team Obama Attempt To Block Discovery In Klayman's Landmark Lawsuit
7 vs 1: Team Obama Attempt To Block
Discovery In Klayman's Landmark Lawsuit
Politico reports: Feds move to block discovery in NSA lawsuits
The Justice Department moved Wednesday night to block the plaintiffs in the most successful legal challenges to the National Security Agency's call-tracking program from obtaining more details about how the surveillance effort operates.
In a motion filed with U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon, government lawyers asked the judge to halt further proceedings before him while appeals go forward in a pair of lawsuits brought by conservative legal activist Larry Klayman. The suits led last month to Leon's landmark ruling that the NSA's call database, aimed at making it easier for the government to trace leads in potential terrorism cases, likely violated the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
"Even if the mere collection of information about Plaintiffs’ communications constitutes a Fourth Amendment search...conclusively resolving the reasonableness of that search ultimately could risk or require disclosure of exceptionally sensitive and classified intelligence information regarding the nature and scope of the international terrorist threat to the United States, and the role that the NSA’s intelligence-gathering activities have played in meeting that threat," the government motion states.
"Plaintiffs have made clear their intentions to seek discovery of this kind of still-classified information, concerning targets and subjects, participating providers, and other operational details of the challenged NSA intelligence programs," the motion (posted here) adds. "Contentious litigation over the availability of classified information to litigate these cases against the Government Defendants, and the significant risks to national security if such information were disclosed, could and should be avoided by allowing the Court of Appeals to rule first on the legal viability of Plaintiffs’ claims against the Government Defendants."
Klayman's past litigation has been known for being as impactful and sometimes more impactful in the discovery phase, where lawyers demand documents and conduct depositions, as in its ultimate outcome. So, the government's desire to head that process off for now, and perhaps entirely, is understandable.
Klayman didn't immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment for this item, but made clear in an interview last month that he was eager to start demanding information on the NSA's surveillance efforts.
[...] Continued @ Politico. You can read the full Motion filed by Obama's 7 Henchmen here.
How hypocritical! Obama rapes and pillages every American's private and personal information all while spending millions covering up his lies about his forged and phony credentials. Transparency for everyone but Obama.
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Gee, I wonder how this guy votes?
Either he doesn't understand the definition of "Evolution," or he doesn't understand the definition for "Fairy Tales."
Somebody might also want to let him know that they sell a thing called bumper stickers.
I'm just saying.
Save America Foundation: Are You A Birther; You Will Be After Reading This
Are you a Birther?
You Will Be After Reading This
By Fred Brownbill | Save America Foundation
Please click the link below and if you are not a Birther (I am), I believe you soon will be.
I hereby call upon Congress to act in bringing this travesty to an end. Barack Hussein Obama is a fraud. He is not a Natural Born US Citizen. He has no place being in the White House where he has done untold damage to our national defense, our military, our place in the world, our economy, our self respect, the middle class, our healthcare, the poor etc.
The man has played the largest fraud upon this country and the world and has done it with the aid and help of the alphabet agencies, the FBI, the CIA etc who did not vet him or many of his Administration prior to any of his or their political appointments, the main stream media, including Faux News, Glenn Beck who has openly mocked Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his posse from Maricopa County Sheriff Office, Congress and all judicial branches.
(Please take the time to read the previous article on this site by activist Geoff Ross on Hillary Clinton for further proof that the CIA etc is a huge part of this fraud.)
America, we, the Save America Foundation are backing and promoting the May 16th American Spring. If Congress will not act to remove this treasonous, murdering Chicago style thug from the White House, then maybe People Power will. It worked in Egypt and we can do it better and smarter. Please follow all information on this American Spring on the Save America Foundation Face Book pages and this web site which will be updated regularly.
[...] Continued @ Save America Foundation.
Update: Congress On Notice; Release The Birth Certificate For Inspection
Update: Congress On Notice; Release The Birth Certificate For Inspection
Paper Birth Certificate Faxed to Congress
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Jan. 7, 2014) — Mike Volin of told The Post & Email on Tuesday afternoon that his letter to Barack Hussein Obama asking to inspect his original paper birth certificate in the company of forensic investigators and media has been signed and mailed to the White House.
![]() | was launched in 2008 when questions over Obama’s birthplace and background arose |
It has also been faxed to all members of Congress other than a few who do not have fax numbers, such as Rep. John Mica.
The birth certificate image uploaded to the White House website almost three years ago was declared a forgery by experts almost immediately as well as in March 2012 by a criminal law enforcement investigation carried out by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse.
Lead investigator Mike Zullo has been urging Congress to launch its own investigation into the forgery, which has been confirmed by a document analyst used by the law firm Perkins Coie, which defended Obama against having to release identification documentation during his first term.
Several weeks ago, Zullo announced that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was actively involved in the investigation following the discovery of new information by the posse, which has worked unpaid for more than two years so as to avoid costs to taxpayers.
To date, members of Congress have denied the forgery or refused to acknowledge it, although a reliable source has told The Post & Email that “they all know Obama is a fraud.”
Volin discussed the letter and time frame for a response from the White House on his radio show on Monday evening.
In closing on Tuesday, Volin said that “Congress is on notice.”
Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Challenge To The White House,
Release The Birth Certificate For Inspection
Mike Volin issues a challenge to the White House to release the Birth Certificate Posted on the White House website for inspection by experts, and to include the Wheres Obamas Birth Certificate team members.
RELATED: Crisis: Written Challenge To Obama; Release Original Paper Birth Certificate - DETAILS HERE.
Col. Riley: Sheriff Arpaio Clearly Documented Obama ID Fraud; Rise Up Or Surrender
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Video: Colonel Harry Riley: Sheriff Arpaio Clearly
Documented Obama ID Fraud; Rise Up Or Surrender
( Video via Paul Simmons. )
The Reinforcement
for the Modern Alamo
By Col. Harry Riley (Ret.) | The Post & Email
(Jan. 6, 2014) — Just as the 1836 battle of the Alamo was a pivotal event in the Texas Revolution, so have been the one million truckers, the biker run and the veteran march on DC. Important but they were ignored, cast aside as little more than irritants by the White House and Congress. Disdain toward “we the people” must and will stop.
These patriotic initiatives were pivotal events that had, like the Alamo, the opposite effect desired by the corrupted government officials of the USA. After the Alamo slaughter, reinforcements came and turned around the war. Operation American Spring will do the same.
Like sheep dogs that protect the sheep from ravenous wolves, Operation American Spring will produce modern day sheep dogs taking up the struggle with the resolve of our Founding Fathers. The sheep dogs are gathering, we have the shepherds, our eagle claws are being sharpened, eyes focused, and we have the commitment to stand up and challenge government leaders in Washington, D.C. who are reflecting tyrannical, despotic behavior.
We are the Patriots who will begin the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America. “We the People” are picking this fight, not because we want it, we have no other choice. We will struggle with a determination that politicians are unfamiliar with…willingness to strive to the last full measure of our being for our country, rather than surrender to self-serving, betraying, corrupt elected officials.
We will no longer tolerate being ignored by those who were elected to be servants of “we the people”, but evolved into ravenous wolves seeking self-gratification, trying to tear America and our Constitution asunder to enslave us.
God willing, we will hasten our nation to Constitutional principles that were laid out by our Founding Fathers, the original sheep dogs. The sheep will once again graze on the plains of the American Dream in peace, liberty, and freedom. Wolves will be banished.
Operation American Spring will launch the first phase of the plan beginning on May 16, 2014 in Washington, DC. Visit for more details and learn how you can help make it happen.
Harry G. Riley, COL, USA, Ret.
Source link. © 2014, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
RELATED: Col. Riley: Obama Fraud; Silver Tongue Obama Defrauded American People - DETAILS HERE.
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Boehner Busted: Blocking Benghazi Select Committee; Obama Armed Al Qaeda
Boehner Busted: Blocking Benghazi
Select Committee; Obama Armed Al Qaeda
Benghazi victim family members and dozens of military officers blast Speaker Boehner over Benghazigate...
“To the living we owe respect. To the dead we owe the truth.” –Voltaire
The Honorable John Boehner
Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives
The Capitol, H-232
Washington, D.C., 20515 January 6, 2014
Dear Speaker Boehner,
We write to express our grave concern over the failure of your House of Representatives to extract the truth from the Obama administration concerning the attack on our diplomatic and intelligence facilities in Benghazi, Libya; and, the brutal deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stephens, U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, and security officers Ty Woods and Glen Doherty.
To date, five (5) different committees of the House have conducted separate hearings, uncovering information in a piecemeal fashion lacking professional investigators. The five committees’ efforts are disjointed and uncoordinated. The Obama administration has benefited from that dysfunctional process to hide the truth. Hardly any Obama administration witnesses have testified – publicly or privately. You have resisted repeated calls for the creation of a select investigative committee with subpoena authority. It appears that you are satisfied to allow that state of investigative incoherence and ambiguity to continue. The last public hearing by any of the five committees was held in September – four (4) months ago. The families of the dead who fought valiantly to protect the mission and their families, the survivors, and the American people deserve better from you and your Members of Congress. They deserve the absolute truth from their government. Your failure to get the truth and hold public officials accountable increases the possibility of other repeat attacks and additional failures to defend Americans abroad.
On Sunday, December 29, 2013, the New York Times published a story concerning the Benghazi attacks that directly contradicts the sworn testimony of witnesses who appeared before various committees. Besides the obvious New York Times editorial and political objectives of inoculating Hillary Clinton and her 2016 presidential campaign from further criticism of her failures as Secretary of State, the story contradicts objective truth and established facts in a way that confuses the public. Your inaction and failure to lead on the Benghazi investigation directly contributes to the repetition of lies; a lack of accountability from responsible government officials; and the political advancement of persons who seek to continue to “fundamentally transform” the Constitution and our country. The New York Times recent publication proves the Benghazi story is not “going away.”
Your oversight of the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation has been without any meaningful effect or result. Not a single terrorist in this well-planned and executed military attack by radical Islamists has been apprehended. Ahmed Abu Khattala, a ringleader of the attack, granted long interviews to reporters in Benghazi cafes, while the Obama administration – and you – have done nothing. Nearly 16 months after the terrorist attack, the American public has no accountability and no plan of action from House leadership. The public is subjected to undisputed disinformation from a White House who calls the terror attack a “phony scandal.” While the White House repeats false and misleading information, you continue to ignore claims, documented by Rep. Frank Wolf, of intelligence officers being intimidated with multiple, punitive polygraph examinations and harassing non-disclosure agreement demands. If Benghazi is “phony” why are intelligence officers being threatened not to speak and subjected to polygraph exams? Why do you stand by passively?
Some analysts believe your inaction and passivity towards getting to the truth concerning Benghazi is because you were briefed on the intelligence and special operations activities in Libya as a member of the “Super 8.” You may possess “guilty knowledge.” We recall how then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi developed a form of “amnesia” concerning a documented briefing she received on so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques” – later termed “torture” for political purposes. Are you in the same position as your predecessor? Are you dodging a legitimate, thorough, coordinated investigation of Benghazi because it will damage your political position as Speaker?
You should be embarrassed that members of Congress, and your own party, are forced to file Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with Obama administration agencies to get basic information about the Benghazi issue. What a sad and pathetic statement about the operations of House standing committees looking into this tragedy that FOIA has become the last resort of even Republican Members seeking the truth! Are you concerned that the scattershot and untimely efforts of the various committees may actually be doing more harm than good at documenting facts? These are all examples of Republican leadership failures. How are you accountable?
Rep. Mike Rogers and the Intelligence Committee seem to act as defense counsel for the Obama administration. A recent Intelligence Committee weekly update note stated as fact that no arms shipments were being run from Libya, and that no intelligence officers were being coerced not to speak. There is substantial evidence to the contrary on both counts. Why does Rep. Rogers parrot the discredited falsehoods of the so-called “Accountability Review Board” (ARB)? Conflicting accounts, testimony and evidence need to be investigated – not dismissed or ignored. Don’t those contradictions and questions compel you, on behalf of the American people, to take any action to resolve the matter and get to the truth?
Aren’t you concerned that General Carter Ham was suddenly and prematurely recalled from AFRICOM, and then made statements at the Aspen Institute that directly contradicted the Obama administration’s position on the nature of the attack in Benghazi? Why has General Ham not testified publicly before one of the House committees?
The New York Times story reports that the CIA was, in fact, collecting weapons in Benghazi. If true, why was the CIA running a separate, parallel weapons program from the State Department’s $40 million collection effort? Where did the CIA-purchased weapons go? Is the Obama administration arming al Qaeda affiliated jihadists in Syria?
If you wished, you could have publicly engaged Rep. Devin Nunes concerning his November 6, 2013 letter to you, addressing the nine unanswered questions about Benghazi. Instead, there was thundering silence from your office. You have an opportunity to show strong leadership and resolve a national disgrace perpetrated by specific public officials. You are failing.
Your reluctance to lead and resistance to create a Select Committee on Benghazi must end. More than 75% of all House Republicans – with the conspicuous absence of those in leadership or committee chairmen - have cosponsored Rep. Wolf’s Select Committee bill. Few bills in this Congress demonstrate such overwhelming support from Republicans. Additionally, the bill enjoys the support of national security advocacy groups, and the Wall Street Journal editorial board, among many others.
We urge you to bring the bill to the floor for a vote immediately to start effective oversight on this critical national security matter immediately. We have waited long enough. Your approach is not working.
Mr. Speaker, we call upon you to act now and create a Select Committee on Benghazi to investigate all aspects of the United States involvement in Libya, to include, but not be limited to the attacks of September 11, 2012. It must now also include the protracted cover-up the American people, the families of the fallen and those with loved ones serving overseas have endured. The new committee must have subpoena power, capable staff and Members from both parties who are committed to finding the truth, not playing politics. The Committee must be staffed with new, professional, qualified and experienced investigators. It must have resources to conduct a thorough, comprehensive investigation and issue an exhaustive report before this Congress adjourns.
The Undersigned:
(Titles for identification purposes only)
Charles Woods, Father of Ty Woods
Pat Smith, Mother of Sean Smith
Michael Ingmire, Musician/Writer, Uncle to Sean Smith
Adm. Jerome L. Johnson, USN Ret., former Vice Chief of Naval Operations
Lt. Gen. E.G. “Buck” Shuler, Jr., USAF, (Ret)
Lt. Gen. Richard D. Lawrence, USA (Ret)
LTG William G. Boykin, USA (Ret)
Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, USA Ret, Chairman, Stand Up America
Maj. Gen. Carroll D. Childers, USA (Ret), Ranger
Maj. Gen. Thomas F. Cole, USA (Ret)
Maj. Gen. Richard M. Cooke, USMC (Ret)
Amb. Henry F. Cooper, Former Director, Strategic Defense Initiative
LTC Allen B. West (US Army, Ret) former Congressman, FL
Capt Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62, USN (Ret), Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
Debra Burlingame, Co-founder, 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America
Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness
Dick Brauer, Col, USAF (Ret), Special Operation Speaks
Tom Fitton, President, Judicial Watch
Allen Roth, Secure America Now
Joel A. Arends, Veterans for a Strong America
Ginni Thomas, President, Liberty Consulting
Catherine Engelbrecht, President, True the Vote
Anita MonCrief, Black Voters Alliance
David Wallace, Restore America's Mission
Dr. James Pollock, Maj., USAF (Ret), OIF VETx2, SOCOM, Wounded Warrior Congressional Advocate
John J. Molloy, Chairman, National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition
James C. Harding, Col USAF (Ret) National Spokesman for Veteran Defenders of America
Diane M. Sendlenski, Veteran US Air Force, Special Operations Speaks Coordinator
John G. B. Howland, Publisher, USNA-At-Large
Katherine Cornell Gorka, Executive Director, The Westminster Institute
Paul Caprio, Executive Director, Family Pac Federal
William L. Walton, Chairman, Rappahannock Ventures LLC
Sandy Rios, Director of Governmental Affairs, American Family Association
David Horowitz, President, Freedom Center
Peter Thomas, Chairman, The Conservative Caucus
Rear Adm. Hugh P. Scott, MC, USN (Ret)
Rear Adm. Bill McDaniel, USN (Ret)
Rear Adm. John A. Moriarty, USN, (Ret)
Rear Adm. Robert B. McClinton, USN (Ret)
Rear Adm. Don G. Primeau, USN (Ret)
Brig. Gen. Michael Neil, USMCR (Ret)
Brig. Gen. Francis Hughes, USA (Ret)
Brig. Gen. John Zierdt, Jr., USA (Ret)
Brig. Gen. Michael T. Byrnes, USA (Ret)
Brig. Gen. William A. Bloomer, USMC (Ret)
Captain Kenneth Rauch, USN (Ret)
Captain Peter A. Hewett, JAGC, U.S. Navy (Ret)
Captain James Knight, USN (Ret)
Captain Roger W. Barnett, USN (Ret)
Captain Gregory Streeter, USN (Ret) USNA ’58
Col. G. Huntington Banister, USA (Ret), and former Acting Director, Selective Service System, 1994
Col. S. Badiner, USMC (Ret)
Col. Gregory G. Raths, USMC (Ret)
Col. Joseph V. Potter, USAF (Ret)
Col. Rob Maness, USAF (Ret), U.S. Senate Candidate 2014, R-Louisiana
Dan Bongino, 2012 Republican Nominee for US Senate, MD
Lt. Col. Ken Benway, USA (Ret)
Lt. Col. Dennis B. Haney, USAF (Ret)
CDR Randolph J. Horhutz, USNA '61, SC, USN (Ret)
Everett Woolum, CMSGT, USAF (Ret)
Gregory J. Rose, USNA '73
Thomas Corboy, USNA, ‘61
Anthony R. Papandrea, USNA ‘61
Raymond H. Clary, Jr., USNA ‘65
John W. Slagle, U.S. Navy Aviation veteran (Ret) Special Agent U.S.B.P. Anti-Smuggling Unit
Sarah Folger White, Former Presidential Commissioner
Dick and Patricia Schermerhorn, Appleton, WI
Lee Boyland, Author, former military officer, entrepreneur, nuclear engineer
Susan Creed Percy, Advocate for Military Families
Dave Hollenbeck, retired CA Highway Patrol
Paul F. Wirtz, Military family, OH resident
John Lillywhite, U.S. Citizen
Gene Andrews, U. S. Citizen
Mrs. Nancy Olbert, Supervisor Criminal Advocates, Daytona, FL State Attorney Office
Dr. Frank Ingels, Military Defense Consultant, MSIC/TETRA Office
Robert M. Trent, Senior Special Agent, USINS and former Marine and Vietnam combat veteran
Kelly Monroe Kullberg, Christians for a Sustainable Economy; OH resident
Sen. Ron Johnson Files Lawsuit: Obama Ignoring Oath and Laws Across The Board
Obama Ignoring Oath & Laws Across The Board
Senator Ron Johnson appeared on The Kelly File to discuss his lawsuit over the Obamacare subsidy for members of Congress. Kelly asked Sen. Johnson why he's suing in court instead of using his powers to deprive Obama of money or seek to have Obama impeached. Johnson says they've exhausted their legislative attempts to deal with it noting that Obama across the board ignores his oath of office and constitutional duty to execute laws.
FLASHBACK: Sen. Johnson: Obama's Phony Apology; Consumer Fraud To Get Elected - DETAILS HERE.
What'd you expect from the person that tops Judicial Watch's “Top Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” list!?
Warning: Obama Personal Law Firm Perkins Coie Fraudulent Court Appearance Email
Scam Warning: Obama Personal Law Firm
Perkins Coie Fraudulent Court Appearance Email
Perkins Coie reports:
Fraudulent Court Appearance Email
General News
There has been an email spoof attack that is impersonating the domain name of several large law firms, including Perkins Coie.
This spoof attack involves an email falsely purporting to be from Perkins Coie or another law firm and describing a fictitious court appearance. Please be aware that it did not originate from Perkins Coie. In addition, please be aware that the email may contain a link to a computer virus. You should not open the email, any attachments, nor respond to it in any way.
We want to emphasize that this spoofing attack is not the result of any compromise of the security systems at Perkins Coie. If you have any questions, please contact [.] Perkin Coie.
Scam Warners published one of the bogus emails:
From: Court attendance notification []
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 9:53 AM
Subject: #Hearing of your case in Court 90250
Pretrial notice,
Hereby we inform that you are obliged to come as a defendant to The Court of Louisiana in February 19, 2014 at 11:30 a.m. for the hearing of your case of illegal software use. If necessary you have a right to obtain a lawyer for your protection.
You are kindly asked to have an identity document with you. Personal appearance is compulsory.
Please find the plaint note with more detailed case information attached to this letter and study it thoroughly.
Court clerk,
Abigail Tailor
[...] Scam Warners. Hat tip Aloha Analytics.
FEC Report: Team Obama Paid Over $5 Million To Law Firm To Keep Records Sealed!? - DETAILS HERE.
Col. Riley: We Have A Fraud; Silver Tongue Obama Defrauded American People
Audio: Colonel Riley: We Have A Fraud;
Silver Tongue Obama Defrauded American People
Col. Harry Riley (ret) appeared on Rev. Manning's radio show to discuss Operation American Spring. Col. Riley says we have no idea who Obama really is and he defrauded the American people. He says current elected officials have become lawless and it's time to reverse this disaster and return to the Constitution.
- Washington, D.C. in the cross-hairs -
The Out-of-Control Government Leadership Must Be Stopped
(Please add the above title and some or all data from below to your FB, Twitter, Blog, Email list)
TO: Patriots (black, white, red, yellow, brown, male, female, civilian, military, truckers, bikers, militias, veterans, old, young, every American that loves freedom and liberty)
Mission: Restoration of Constitutional government, rule of law, freedom, liberty "of the people, for the people, by the people" from despotic and tyrannical federal leadership. [...]
Crisis: Written Challenge To Obama; Release Original Paper Birth Certificate
to Release His Original Paper Birth Certificate
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Jan. 6, 2014) — In an exclusive report to The Post & Email, (WOBC) founder Mike Volin has provided a copy of a letter which will be sent to Barack Obama at the White House requesting the release of his original paper birth certificate.
image of a purported long-form birth certificate allegedly released by the Hawaii Department of Health was uploaded to the White House website. However, within 24 hours, experts declared the image a forgery. In September of that year, a criminal investigation was launched into the image by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse.
Obama’s birthplace has been the subject of public controversy since 2008, when reports that he was born in Indonesia or Kenya cast doubt on his constitutional eligibility to serve as president and commander-in-chief. Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution requires that the president be a “natural born Citizen,” although the term is not clearly defined. An official biography released by his literary agent stated that he was born in Kenya until April 2007, when it was altered to say that he was born in Hawaii. Obama had announced his run for president two months prior.
Four historical Supreme Court cases suggest that the citizenship of the parents is equally important, if not more important, than the person’s birthplace, a fact which the Congressional Research Service (CRS) has attempted to occlude. Obama claims that his father was a British, then Kenyan, citizen, and that he himself was born a dual citizen of Great Britain and the United States, casting further doubt as to his “natural born” status.
In 2009, former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs had insisted that the short-form Certification of Live Birth released at The Daily KOS on June 12, 2008 was Obama’s official and only birth certificate. The image lacked a raised seal but later appeared to have been altered to show the suggestion of a raised seal.
On March 1, 2012, the Cold Case Posse officially declared the long-form image posted at a “computer-generated forgery,” along with Obama’s Selective Service registration form. The posse continued to investigate and has reportedly uncovered unassailable evidence over the last several months indicative of crime which Zullo has described as “universe-shattering.”
On December 9, 2013, Mark Gillar of the Tea Party Power Hour announced in a video that “prosecutions are coming” in the matter of Obama’s fraudulent documentation.
Hawaii Health Department Director Loretta Fuddy reportedly supervised the copying of the original long-form birth certificate at her offices in Honolulu before providing them to Obama’s personal attorney, Judith Corley of Perkins Coie, in April 2011. On December 11, 2013, Fuddy was declared deceased when the small plane in which she and eight others had been traveling lost engine power. The pilot effected a successful water landing and suffered a concussion after bumping his head, but expressed surprise and sorrow when he was told that Fuddy had died. The other passengers were successfully rescued with only minor injuries after one, a 70-year-old military veteran, swam to shore unassisted.
There has been no word on autopsy results for Fuddy.
In an interview last May, Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo told The Post & Email that the birth certificate image was posted on the White House website “with the intent to deceive.” The Cold Case Posse may release its newly-discovered information in March.
The letter reads:
Volin will discuss the letter on his radio show on Monday evening, which he told The Post & Email will be mailed “this week.” When we asked Volin if he has a specific time frame in mind for Obama to respond, he said, “We’re looking toward the end of March or first week in April.”
The Post & Email asked, “Are you seeking a response wherein Obama goes to a podium and holds up a paper document?” to which Volin responded, “That’s not good enough; we want to be there to look at it. That’s why I put all of my contact information there so he can either email me, call me or send me a letter.” He added, “I’m open; the door has never been closed. They have to come forward and say, ‘Here’s what we have; would you like to come see it?’”
When we asked, “Are there plans to take any other action if Obama or his representative does not respond within a certain period of time?” Volin replied:
We plan to return to Congress in large numbers. When we went last November to Congress to give presentations, we had decided that no one would go alone into an office. We kept it to groups of two or three to keep it more comfortable, relaxed, and to keep the focus on the presentation. It was a relaxed atmosphere when we were giving the presentation, but we are at a crisis stage right now and we are going to go in very large numbers. If it is five or ten people to an office to give a presentation, so be it; we want them to notice that we’re there and that we’re not taking “no” for an answer and we want an investigation.
“If Obama agreed to have you study his paper birth certificate at an agreed-upon place and time, how many do you foresee would accompany you?”
As many as it takes to verify it. There would have to be forensic investigators. Certainly, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) would be there; that would be one of my requests, and whoever they would deem a forensic investigator. We are also asking private investigator and gubernatorial candidate from Michigan for 2014, Mark McFarlin, to attend with us.
Has he agreed to do that?
I spoke to him last night; he’s 110% on our side. He’s looking forward to it, and he’ll be on the show tonight at 8:30.
[Editor's Note: McFarlin had been a guest on the WOBC radio show on December 6, 2013.]
In closing, Volin said:
We want to see the actual paper document that was placed into the scanner that was used to upload it to the White House website, the one that they’re using for identification purposes of Obama. We don’t want to see any other item such as a scanned copy or something downloaded from the internet. According to the White House, an attorney flew to Hawaii, got two copies, flew back, and that’s the one that was scanned and uploaded to the website. That’s the one we want to see.
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Bullying women seems to be Bill O'Reilly's thing.
Courtesy of Gawker:
Women might want to think twice before working for Bill O’Reilly. According to Gabriel Sherman’s new book, The Loudest Voice in the Room, the top Fox News anchor grew so enraged at a female producer after a botched segment in 2003 that, in order to defuse the situation, “a senior Fox executive” intervened and escorted the crying producer out of News Corp’s Midtown headquarters.“
After one taping, he stormed toward his staff’s cubicles and tore into a young female producer, whom he blamed for botching a segment,” Sherman writes in Loudest Voice, which until today had been under a strict press embargo. “Staffers watched in shock as O’Reilly, easily a foot taller than the woman, started yelling and slamming his fist down on a shelf.”
“He got really close and in her face,” an onlooker told Sherman; “She was scared he was going to hit her,” said another. (The name of the producer is not revealed.)
Eventually O’Reilly vanished, after which “a senior Fox executive was called in and escorted the woman, in tears, out of the building to calm her down.” The famously vindictive anchor never apologized.
You may remember that O'Reilly has a history of losing his temper, and producer Andrea Mackris accused him of sexual harassment (the now famous falafel incident) he threatened to have Roger Ailes destroy her.
I don't think that it comes as any surprise that O'Reilly is a bully, and on a cable network that habitually presents women as blonde bimbos, and hires the likes of Sarah Palin, it should come as no surprise that nobody protected this woman from this kind of abuse.
After all as CNN's Jeff Zucker recently pointed out, Fox News is just a front for the Republican party ,and we all know how THEY feel about women.