Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Final photo of the day.
This just showed up today in my comments section without explanation.
I think we can all recognize at least three of the people in the photo, and Octane Raceway is a go-kart place in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Beyond that I know nothing.
Except that I have never seen Bristol and Willow looking more natural.
I think we can all recognize at least three of the people in the photo, and Octane Raceway is a go-kart place in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Beyond that I know nothing.
Except that I have never seen Bristol and Willow looking more natural.
Former conservative icon "Joe the Plumber" now working in a union shop just like any other pinko commie. Say it ain't so Joe!
Courtesy of Wurzelbacher's Right Wing blog Joe for America:
In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union, in this case UAW. There’s no choice – it’s a union shop – the employee’s voted to have it that way and in America that’s the way it is. I have lived in Toledo, Ohio off and on throughout my entire life and I have plenty of friends who are union members. Sometimes we agree politically and sometimes not, but it has never kept us from being friends. I wondered if this would be the case at my new job, so..
I had three days of orientation, and now I’m “on the job” over here at Chrysler and on Day 4, I’m outside on a break smoking a cigarette and right on cue – some guy calls me a “teabagger.”
Now, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Democrats and liberals, who are supposed to so tolerant and enlightened regarding homosexuals have for three or four years now, have been using a gay slur to describe people who they think are associated with the Tea Party. “Tea Bagger” has traditionally been a derogatory slur used to intimidate, put down, humiliate and otherwise taunt, smear, bully or just discriminate against gays – usually gay men – based on a sex act that gay men apparently made popular.
Decorum prevents me from describing it – they got this thing called “Google” now for that – but suffice it to say that the double-standard for what Democrats can say and what conservatives can say continues unabated, but still I thought to myself, did this guy think I’m gay, or was he making a statement of my political affiliation? I tried talking to him, but he went off about how he was a “journeyman” and started walking away.
Wurzelbacher's thin skin is kind of humorous considering the crap he said about the President.
However if he actually used this Google thing he is talking about, he might learn that the word "Teabagger" was NOT a disparaging label used to describe gay men.
In fact according to the Urban Dictionary it is either a person who dangles their testicles in another person's mouth (Described as a male on female activity) or:
A fascist right-wing conservative who opposes affordable healthcare by shouting at public gatherings.
In other words Joe Wurzelbacher. (There were a few other definitions, but they were pretty racy.)
Besides as The Week reported back in 2010, the term Teabagger was NOT originally chosen as a derogatory remark by the Liberals.
Here is how the term evolved:
Feb. 27, 2009
At the first anti-stimulus "New American Tea Party" rally in Washington D.C., a protestor carries a sign reading "Tea Bag the Liberal Dems before they Tea Bag You!!" The Washington Independent's David Weigel calls it "the best sign I saw."
March 2
Americans for Prosperity, an anti-tax group, is one of the first Tea Party organizations to advocate sending tea bags to elected officials to protest the stimulus package. Several other lobby groups follow suit.
April 1
Several Tea Party protest sites encourage readers to "Tea bag the fools in DC." Jay Nordlinger at National Review Online later admits: "Conservatives started [using the term]... but others ran and ran with it."
April 9
Rachel Maddow is the first to mock the Tea Party's use of the phrase on her left-leaning MSNBC show. "Even Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina is getting in on the hot tea-bagging action," she says, stifling laughter. (Watch Rachel Maddow joke about the "tea baggers")
So like all Teabaggers Wurzelbacher is just upset that his group was so ignorant that they chose an easily mocked sexual term to describe themselves that the Left Wing will not let them forget.
Oh well, deal with it!
However if Wurzelbacher wants to avoid being mocked in the future he might think about not posting articles with headlines like these:
The NAACP Is A Racists Bigoted Organization
The Republican Establishment wants the IRS harassing the Tea Parties more than the Democrats
Obama’s despotic rule: Montesquieu knew this would happen
If he wants to fit in with his new, and possibly more liberal, co-workers he might want to think about no longer carrying water for the conservatives, and start thinking of who it is that is working to help the middle class union members.
Here's a hint, it sure as hell is not the Republican party!
In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union, in this case UAW. There’s no choice – it’s a union shop – the employee’s voted to have it that way and in America that’s the way it is. I have lived in Toledo, Ohio off and on throughout my entire life and I have plenty of friends who are union members. Sometimes we agree politically and sometimes not, but it has never kept us from being friends. I wondered if this would be the case at my new job, so..
I had three days of orientation, and now I’m “on the job” over here at Chrysler and on Day 4, I’m outside on a break smoking a cigarette and right on cue – some guy calls me a “teabagger.”
Now, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Democrats and liberals, who are supposed to so tolerant and enlightened regarding homosexuals have for three or four years now, have been using a gay slur to describe people who they think are associated with the Tea Party. “Tea Bagger” has traditionally been a derogatory slur used to intimidate, put down, humiliate and otherwise taunt, smear, bully or just discriminate against gays – usually gay men – based on a sex act that gay men apparently made popular.
Decorum prevents me from describing it – they got this thing called “Google” now for that – but suffice it to say that the double-standard for what Democrats can say and what conservatives can say continues unabated, but still I thought to myself, did this guy think I’m gay, or was he making a statement of my political affiliation? I tried talking to him, but he went off about how he was a “journeyman” and started walking away.
Wurzelbacher's thin skin is kind of humorous considering the crap he said about the President.
However if he actually used this Google thing he is talking about, he might learn that the word "Teabagger" was NOT a disparaging label used to describe gay men.
In fact according to the Urban Dictionary it is either a person who dangles their testicles in another person's mouth (Described as a male on female activity) or:
A fascist right-wing conservative who opposes affordable healthcare by shouting at public gatherings.
In other words Joe Wurzelbacher. (There were a few other definitions, but they were pretty racy.)
Besides as The Week reported back in 2010, the term Teabagger was NOT originally chosen as a derogatory remark by the Liberals.
Here is how the term evolved:
Feb. 27, 2009
At the first anti-stimulus "New American Tea Party" rally in Washington D.C., a protestor carries a sign reading "Tea Bag the Liberal Dems before they Tea Bag You!!" The Washington Independent's David Weigel calls it "the best sign I saw."
March 2
Americans for Prosperity, an anti-tax group, is one of the first Tea Party organizations to advocate sending tea bags to elected officials to protest the stimulus package. Several other lobby groups follow suit.
April 1
Several Tea Party protest sites encourage readers to "Tea bag the fools in DC." Jay Nordlinger at National Review Online later admits: "Conservatives started [using the term]... but others ran and ran with it."
April 9
Rachel Maddow is the first to mock the Tea Party's use of the phrase on her left-leaning MSNBC show. "Even Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina is getting in on the hot tea-bagging action," she says, stifling laughter. (Watch Rachel Maddow joke about the "tea baggers")
So like all Teabaggers Wurzelbacher is just upset that his group was so ignorant that they chose an easily mocked sexual term to describe themselves that the Left Wing will not let them forget.
Oh well, deal with it!
However if Wurzelbacher wants to avoid being mocked in the future he might think about not posting articles with headlines like these:
The NAACP Is A Racists Bigoted Organization
The Republican Establishment wants the IRS harassing the Tea Parties more than the Democrats
Obama’s despotic rule: Montesquieu knew this would happen
Former conservative icon "Joe the Plumber" now working in a union shop just like any other pinko commie. Say it ain't so Joe!
Former conservative icon "Joe the Plumber" now working in a union shop just like any other pinko commie. Say it ain't so Joe!
Let's face it, much like Trig, Joe the Plumber was a tool of the Republican party, and once they are done with you they simply toss you aside.If he wants to fit in with his new, and possibly more liberal, co-workers he might want to think about no longer carrying water for the conservatives, and start thinking of who it is that is working to help the middle class union members.
Here's a hint, it sure as hell is not the Republican party!
Relaxed gun laws in Missouri have resulted in around 60 more deaths per year. Sure, like those two things are related.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
A new study has found that around 60 more people have been murdered each year since the state of Missouri made it easier to buy a handguns without going through a background check.
In the study which will be published in an issue of the Journal of Urban Health, a team of researchers led by Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research Director Daniel Webster found that between 55 to 63 more people were murdered each year after Missouri repealed its permit-to-purchase (PTP) handgun law in 2007.
“This study provides compelling confirmation that weaknesses in firearm laws lead to deaths from gun violence,” Webster said in a press release. “There is strong evidence to support the idea that the repeal of Missouri’s handgun purchaser licensing law contributed to dozens of additional murders in Missouri each year since the law was changed.”
After the law was repealed, unlicensed sellers were no longer required to perform background checks before selling their guns.
While murders in Missouri spiked between 2007 and 2012, bordering states experienced no significant increases. And the overall murder rate in the U.S. declined by 5 percent during that same period.
Gee, who could have predicted that more guns on the street, in the hands of individuals who may or may not have a criminal record, would result in more gun deaths?
After all everybody knows that more guns in the hands of our citizens results in fewer shootings and gun fatalities, right Wayne La Pierre?
A new study has found that around 60 more people have been murdered each year since the state of Missouri made it easier to buy a handguns without going through a background check.
In the study which will be published in an issue of the Journal of Urban Health, a team of researchers led by Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research Director Daniel Webster found that between 55 to 63 more people were murdered each year after Missouri repealed its permit-to-purchase (PTP) handgun law in 2007.
“This study provides compelling confirmation that weaknesses in firearm laws lead to deaths from gun violence,” Webster said in a press release. “There is strong evidence to support the idea that the repeal of Missouri’s handgun purchaser licensing law contributed to dozens of additional murders in Missouri each year since the law was changed.”
After the law was repealed, unlicensed sellers were no longer required to perform background checks before selling their guns.
While murders in Missouri spiked between 2007 and 2012, bordering states experienced no significant increases. And the overall murder rate in the U.S. declined by 5 percent during that same period.
Gee, who could have predicted that more guns on the street, in the hands of individuals who may or may not have a criminal record, would result in more gun deaths?
After all everybody knows that more guns in the hands of our citizens results in fewer shootings and gun fatalities, right Wayne La Pierre?
Research in Canada shows that schools with a Gay-Straight Alliance dramatically cut down on the suicide rate.
Courtesy of The Star:
In schools with GSAs (Gay-Straight Alliances) for at least three years, instances of homophobic discrimination and suicidal thoughts among lesbian, gay and bisexual students were cut by more than half. And heterosexual boys were half as likely to attempt suicide than straight boys in schools without gay-straight alliances.
When schools had anti-homophobic policies for at least three years, instances of suicidal thoughts and suicidal attempts by gay and bisexual boys were more than 70 per cent lower compared to gay and bisexual boys in schools without them. For lesbian and bisexual girls instances were two-thirds lower.
Gee who would have thought that providing a respectful atmosphere where young people are free to express themselves without fear of ridicule or aggression, would lower the number of teens who want to end their lives?
In schools with GSAs (Gay-Straight Alliances) for at least three years, instances of homophobic discrimination and suicidal thoughts among lesbian, gay and bisexual students were cut by more than half. And heterosexual boys were half as likely to attempt suicide than straight boys in schools without gay-straight alliances.
When schools had anti-homophobic policies for at least three years, instances of suicidal thoughts and suicidal attempts by gay and bisexual boys were more than 70 per cent lower compared to gay and bisexual boys in schools without them. For lesbian and bisexual girls instances were two-thirds lower.
Gee who would have thought that providing a respectful atmosphere where young people are free to express themselves without fear of ridicule or aggression, would lower the number of teens who want to end their lives?