Saturday, October 19, 2013
Sarah blows a situation about a cemetary grave marker out of all proportion in order to pimp her book about Christmas. Wasn't it Jesus who said "There's a sucker born every minute?"
Courtesy of Granny Grifter's ghostwrite Facebook page:
Jesus Banned From Gravestones?
Outrageous development...*sigh*… c'mon, Colorado, you deserve much better! A public cemetery there refused to allow a grieving family to engrave on their mother's grave the name "Jesus" and the Jesus fish symbol. Bureaucrats said it would offend people!
Reports like this should shock us all. Heading towards Thanksgiving, I'm trying to imagine what the Pilgrims would think of this if they had known that a few centuries after they landed at Plymouth some of their descendants would prevent people from engraving the name of Jesus on a headstone! Much less, what our freedom-loving Founding Fathers would think.
Trying to take our Lord out of American life, much like trying to take Christ out of Christmas, is, to say the least, not a winning proposition. Rise up, America! Stand strong on our great nation's foundation and keep the faith to protect America's heritage and heart!
You know I am not saying that this family did not have the right to have their mother's tombstone reflect her religious beliefs, regardless of whether it might offend other dead people interred there or not, but I have to wonder if little Miss "Constitutional Rights" would have been quite so worked up if this were a Muslim family? Or a Jewish one? Or, dare I say it, an Atheist family who wanted that lack of belief clearly marked on a gravestone?
Some how I think not.
But then again that is NOT the audience that would likely rush out to by her new book all about the fake War on Christmas that she linked to at the end of her diatribe.
And see my new book covering issues exactly like this. It will be released on November 12, but you can pre-order it here:
"Oh that's right I totally have a book coming out all about Christmas and Christianity, and how the liberal elites don't want you to get presents this year, I almost forgot!"
Yeah I don't think that the God Sarah Palin worships is to be found anywhere in the Bible, or any other holy book for that matter. I think the God she worships is green, made of paper, and good for keeping her as far away from Alaska as possible.
Sean Hannity trots out examples of "average Americans" who are suffering due to Obamacare. Salon reporter smells a rat, follows up, and lo and behold finds rats aplenty.
Courtesy of Salon:
I happened to turn on the Hannity show on Fox News last Friday evening. “Average Americans are feeling the pain of Obamacare and the healthcare overhaul train wreck,” Hannity announced, “and six of them are here tonight to tell us their stories.” Three married couples were neatly arranged in his studio, the wives seated and the men standing behind them, like game show contestants.
As Hannity called on each of them, the guests recounted their “Obamacare” horror stories: canceled policies, premium hikes, restrictions on the freedom to see a doctor of their choice, financial burdens upon their small businesses and so on.
“These are the stories that the media refuses to cover,” Hannity interjected.
But none of it smelled right to me. Nothing these folks were saying jibed with the basic facts of the Affordable Care Act as I understand them. I understand them fairly well; I have worked as a senior adviser to a governor and helped him deal with the new federal rules.
I decided to hit the pavement. I tracked down Hannity’s guests, one by one, and did my own telephone interviews with them.
Salon reporter Eric Strern soon learns that the first "average American" suffering under the oak of Obamacare oppression, Paul Cox of Leicester, N.C., owns a business with only four employees, That is well below the 50 employees which would soon force it to provide company health insurance.
When asked to expalin just how the Affordable Care Act was affecting his business, he said he would get back to Stern.
He never did. (Oops!)
The second "average American" suffering greatly due to Obamacare, Allison Denijs, had never even tried to get on the exchange to see if they might offer her a better deal, claiming that she heard it was too hard to get on.
So Stern gets on the exchange on her behalf and finds that she would see a 60 percent reduction from what she is paying now. That does not exactly seem like something that would cause suffering to me.
The third example of "average Americans" who had their rights stripped away by the tyrannical President Obama, was Robbie and Tina Robison from Franklin, Tenn, who claimed their insurance agent had told them their rates would go up 50 to 75 percent.
They also had not visited the exchanges, and when Stern served as their surrogate, he found that instead of going up the coverage they qualified for was actually 63 percent less than they had been paying BEFORE the passage of the Affordable Care Act.
So here's the question. Does the Sean Hannity show simply have the laziest most inept producers and researchers on cable news? OR did Hannity simply want these stories to be true so much that he simply took them at their word and refused to do any actually journalism?
I think you know what I think.
Sarah Palin wishes her daughter Bristol a happy birthday and then pimps her blog. "Grifting, a game the whole family can play!"
Here is the Grizzled Mama's message to her untalented and unmotivated little cub:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRISTOL! October 18 is Bristol's birthday and is, coincidentally, also Alaska Day. So fitting because Bristol is an amazingly strong and independent Alaskan woman -- a true mama grizzly! Happy Birthday, Bristol! We’re so proud of you for -- doing all this at once -- working so hard, going to school, and single handedly raising your wonderful son in such a wonderful way. We love you!
So sad that not one word of that is actually true.
And is if to prove my point Palin then links of Bristol's ghostwritten blog, where this picture was on prominent display.
Yes, nothing says that you have single handedly raised a "wonderful son" in a "wonderful way" like taking a picture of your little bundle of joy covered in fake tattoos and throwing up gang signs, and then posting it to your blog for the world to see.
I guess next we will see him holding his piece in one hand and a wad of cash in the other while giving a shout out to his homies and bitches.
She does realize that she lives in just about the whitest place on the continent doesn't she?
Koch brother funded group uses free beer, Taco Bell, and gift cards to lure young people away from Obamacare.
Courtesy of the Miami Herald:
As the battle over the healthcare law grinds on — Republicans no closer to victory than when they forced the government shutdown — a different fight was rising on a recent Saturday from inside Sharkey’s, a bar near the campus of Virginia Tech, 260 miles away.
Lured by free beer, gift cards and the chance to win an iPad, 100 students heard a pitch from the young staffers of a group named Generation Opportunity: Obamacare is a bad deal, and you should opt out.
With enrollment in the insurance marketplaces under way, and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars being spent on a public-awareness campaign, critics are aiming a provocative counter-effort at a critical population: millennials, age 18 to 29, who may not feel the need or have the money for insurance.
Because if too few young, healthy people sign up, Obamacare will be denied the financial blood to support older, more needy participants. So the race is on for the attention of 2.7 million people deemed necessary to enroll in the first year for Obamacare to be successful.
Generation Opportunity, which formed in 2011 and gets funding in part from the conservative Koch brothers, is about to embark on a tour of 20 college towns nationally, including a Nov. 9 stop at the University of Miami. The pitch is that you shouldn’t feel compelled by the government to buy insurance, and that it may be cheaper outside the marketplaces.
A blueprint for an upcoming tailgate calls for games such as beer pong and cornhole, free Taco Bell and beer. Pictures of people signing petitions to opt out would be sent over Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
The group, and more recognizable conservative organizations such as Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks, show how the fight has shifted from Congress to the grassroots. Young people are among the law’s most ardent supporters, but at the same time many are unaware of the benefits, providing an opening for critics.
I knew this was coming.
The next best chance that the Republicans have to cripple the Affordable Care Act is to keep younger, healthier, participants from signing up. And with the deep pockets of some of these groups they could afford a hell of a lot of beer and Crunchwrap Supremes.
The Obama administration is going to have to really do some serious advertising, and possibly introduce some incentives of their own, to attract young participants.
Ultimately, much like very other desperate attempt, this petition thing will not do them much good. (After all what stops these kids from signing a petition, drinking their fill of beer, and then signing up for health insurance the next day?)
However I think it behooves all of us to keep a close watch on this kind of sneaky bullshit.
By the way the group responsible for this, "Generation Opportunity," are also the ones who brought us this ultra creep advertisement.
If ALL of their ideas are that bad perhaps the Obama administration won't have to try that hard to combat them after all.
The one you've been waiting for. Sarah Palin's interview with Megyn Kelly from last night. "The enemy of the enemy is my friend."
Kelly starts off introducing Palin as a Republican (Is she still sure about that?), the 2008 VP choice, and Fox News contributor. She then asks her what she thought about a remark made by the President from a clip that played previously,
Palin: “I think that remark is one of his more out of touch remarks that we’ve heard in in recent..uh..days, what embolden our enemies and what empowered competitors was his promise to fundamentally transform America from being a a solvent, free, exceptional country into something that we’re not going to recognize, also what has emboldened enemies is he, with doubling of our debt since he’s been elected, putting on a path towards bankruptcy, and then locking up pipelines and resources that will result in us being more reliant on foreign imports for energy, and then of course, he, having left behind, his administration left behind our brave men in Benghazi to be murdered, and then of course there’s Syria where he promised to bomb Syria because in that civil war, Syria was going to bomb Syria and then we never heard another word again about his threat to bomb in a foreign civil war and then of course, most recently Megyn, he, using our military, those who would fight against our enemies, our military our vets, shutting down their memorials and holding them hostage in terms of budget dills (sic), threatening to withhold paychecks from our brave men and women.”
At this point Megyn who looked more and more confused as that word salad vomited forth, tries valiantly to break in, but Palin is determined to finish her damn talking points.
Kelly: "Well let me ask..let me jump in.."
Palin: "As for for economic competitors. Corporate tax? Second highest in the industrialized world? No that empowers our competitors"
Kelly: "Let me get this in, cause you heard Ed Henry talking about the hit the Republicans took on the generic ballot. And there are a lot of people who watch and say 'Okay I stood with Ted Cruz, I stood with Governor Palin. I stood with those who took a principled stand on issues like debt and Obamacare. But I don't want to lose the House of Representatives.' Because it's the only body that the Republicans hold and these people, who see the way that you do, they don't want to lose that body. So your thoughts on how the generic ballot has been affected negatively for the Republicans according to what Ed just reported?"
Palin, who maintained a glassy stare and the facial expression of a blow up sex doll, during the questions, responded thusly:
"People who see the way that I, and Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee, and whole lot of other Americans see..uh..that we are taxed enough already. Of course that's an acronym for the Tea Party movement. We're taxed enough already and we believe that the Constitution, THAT'S the blueprint that leads us toward a more perfect union and we'll fight very strong for that. So if the GOP is standing strong on the planks and the platform that represent everything that I just mentioned. If we stand united well then we won't lose the House, and we could even win back the Senate. I tell ya fiscal conservatives are more energized than ever, after last night's dill (sic) where Americans came out as the losers because we're just going to incur more and more debt. This unsustainable spending spree that Barack Obama is on? No we're saying that enough is enough, and we are energized."
The moment when Megyn Kelly started to question her career path. |
Palin: "I've been saying for years that robust competitive primaries make for a better political system. It makes people work harder, and express more articulately what their record is, and what their intentions for our country is. So as for the individual races? I'm going too see who the opposition to the sitting, kind of status quo politicians are, and we'll go from there. But Megyn here's the dill (sic). The..what we're talking about right now, the enemy of America's economic freedom is this fundamental transformation of America. The enemy of the enemy is my friend. Is any common sense conservative's friend. So we do have to consider, a politicians record, truly what it is they intend to do to stop this fundamental transformation, and the stripping away of our economic freedom. And those who can't stand strong to defend our Republic, to defend our Constitution? Heck yeah they've got to be primaried, otherwise we're going d-o-w-n."
I wonder if Megyn and her fellow Fox News hosts get combat pay for having to sit though that blizzard of bullshit?
Essentially Palin said that she had learned nothing (I know, big surprise.) and that the blueprint for success was more of the same from the Right Wing movement until they had replaced every somewhat reasonable Republican with a TeaBorg replacement.
Palins still labors under the assumption that President Obama is NOT the President that REAL Americans wanted and that even though their numbers are falling that the small core of radical conservatives are the ONLY demographic who deserve representation in Washington.
However if the Republicans continue to allow this Right Wing collective to metastasize within their party they are doomed. And ultimately they will cease to be a voice within national American politics at all.
Actually it is Palin's plan that would fundamentally change America, by making it predominantly a one party system run by the most liberal faction of the country. Or a three party system, two of which would cancel each other out, and allow us to be run by it most liberal faction of the country.
Which is sort of funny since, I as an actual liberal, don't think that would be in the country's best interests at all.
Full Video: Attorney Larry Klayman Calls For Revolution
Full Video: Attorney Larry Klayman Calls For Revolution...
Below is attorney Klayman's full speech he gave at the Vets March this past week in DC... This is the blistering speech where he told Obama to put down the quran and come out with his hands up. He calls for the American people to stand up and wage a peaceful non-violent second American revolution. Calls for the American people to use civil disobedience... Attorney Klayman's site here:
Birther Chris Matthews: Bunch Of Americans Think Obama Is An Illegal Immigrant
Birther Chris Matthews Says Bunch Of Americans Think Obama Is An Illegal Immigrant...
Warning For The Nation: If I Were The Devil
Fox News Resurrects Broadcaster Paul Harvey: If I Were The Devil...
Aired last night on Sean Hannity's video of the day segment..