Saturday, March 29, 2014

All of the media is now talking about Chris Christie again. And somebody is feeling left out.

7:12 AM By No comments

All of the media is now talking about Chris Christie again. And somebody is feeling left out.
Courtesy of the Attention Whore's Facebook page:

Good Lord, media - distract much? The Middle East isn't a tinderbox today? Our economy isn't in the tank today? Scandalous liberal politicians aren't getting busted in rapid succession today? Talk about ridiculous overkill. This Chris Christie press conference is the epitome of local politics, but you're taking this live and covering City Hall like it's Armageddon. Priorities, media... your priorities are so revealing. Christie is playing them like Eddie Van Halen on guitar.

“Look at me! Look at me! Look at me NOW! It is fun to have fun But you have to know how.”

Reminds me of the last book that Palin read and actually comprehended.

It's as if she does not realize that with several cable channels providing 24 hours of news each day, and thousands of blogs and websites doing the same, there is more than enough time to report on Chris Christie, the situation in the Ukraine, and her stupidity with time left over to visit inmates suffering in prison.

But she's wrong, in fact here is Politico reporting on this very post, and revealing that she spelled Christie's name wrong:

Palin, who in her original post spelled Christie’s name wrong, edited it in updates and added that Christie was “playing” the media.

See? And still plenty of time to talk about that missing plane in Malaysia. (Seriously if you are going to criticize the media for spending too much time on a story, THIS should be your jumping off point.)

The Hill even took time out of their very busy, busy day to critique Palin's habit of endorsing a candidate through Facebook and then wandering off to look at the next shiny object.

Her late endorsement of Missouri Senate candidate Sarah Steelman in 2012 helped boost Steelman as well, though she ultimately fell short in her race against Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.).

Palin’s most recent endorsement this cycle didn’t accomplish much, though. She backed Tea Party candidate Katrina Pierson against Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) but didn’t come in to campaign for her or help boost her past the initial endorsement.

“It didn't help much at all,” said a Tea Party-aligned Texas GOP strategist. “It shows you the limitations of what an endorsement from Palin can do.”

Republicans say her endorsement is still one of the most coveted out there in a competitive primary — it acts as a good housekeeping seal of approval for the anti-establishment base and can help generate buzz and excitement. But many sources echo that Palin rarely does much work past her initial endorsement, leaving it up to the candidates themselves to capitalize on that momentum.

“Most endorsements are a one-click deal, she endorses on Facebook and thinks that should be enough,” said Harber, who worked on Steelman race.

See there Granny Grifter, the media IS still able to report on the latest Chris Christie scandals, call you out on your bullshit as well.

Now are you happy that they are paying attention to you again?


Chris Christie's slut shaming of Bridget Kelly, and how that may lead to his eventual downfall.

6:28 AM By No comments

Chris Christie's slut shaming of Bridget Kelly, and how that may lead to his eventual downfall.
As I am sure all of you know by now the investigative report, commissioned by Chris Christie to absolve him of any blame for the George Washington bridge scandal, came out on Thursday.

This is how the Daily Beast reported on that "totally unforeseen" exoneration:

When the results of the internal Bridgegate investigation, commissioned by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie were released Thursday, it included a curious revelation. Bridget Anne Kelly, Christie’s former Deputy Chief of Staff whom he fired on January 9 after the release of her smoking gun “time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee” email, had been involved in an affair with Bill Stepien, Christie’s former campaign manager.

The report, which cost New Jersey taxpayers $1 million, states that “Kelly and Stepien became personally involved, although, by early August 2013, their personal relationship had cooled, apparently at Stepien’s choice, and they largely stopped speaking.”

State Senator Loretta Weinberg, one of two co-chairs of the joint legislative committee investigating Bridgegate, told The Daily Beast that she believes this was an attempt to assassinate the character of Kelly.

“Maybe that’s what’s making me so angry,” Weinberg said in a phone call Thursday. “They’re talking about ‘a personal relationship’ and they put in the report that Mr. Stepien was the one who ended it—how do they know that? How do they know that? And was that done to add to the credence that this was some crazy woman, some woman who is no longer in control of her emotions?”

Now Chris Christie had originally thrown Bridget Kelly under the bus during his January press conference on the bridge scandal.

At the time I remember thinking, "Man he must have her locked down, to treat her like that and not expect her to go public with what she knows." And at the time she didn't.

However former Christie Port Authority appointee, David Wildstein felt no such loyalty and publicly claimed that the Governor knew about the bridge closings, and that his administration had orchestrated them.

Further more Wildstein said he is willing to tell all to the investigators if they will grant him immunity.

Bridget Kelly on the other hand has remained quiet and has refused to cooperate.

And then this report was released.

This was the statement released yesterday by Bridget Kelly's lawyer:

Having reviewed the report of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP, as well as listened to the comments of Randy Mastro, Esq., we note that by Mr. Mastro’s own admission, he did not have access to all information. Of course, without reviewing all pertinent evidence, any conclusions that are to be drawn are by definition incomplete. The report’s venomous, gratuitous, and inappropriate sexist remarks concerning Ms. Kelly have no place in what is alleged to be a professional and independent report.

There appear to be two distinct versions of the George Washington Bridge lane closings. On the one hand, Mr. Wildstein, through his counsel, has taken one clear position. On the other hand, Mr. Mastro has staked a different view. Thus, Ms. Kelly’s evidence could be critical to verifying either of the two competing versions of events. A preemptive strike to isolate Ms. Kelly and impugn her credibility is not surprising. Despite Mr. Mastro’s editorialized comments to the contrary, Ms. Kelly is not a liar. She is a single mother of four children who was deeply devoted and committed to her job at the Office of the Governor. She worked tirelessly to pursue the goals of the Office during her tenure.

The only credible investigation into the lane closings is being conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. If Ms. Kelly were provided with the appropriate procedural safeguards, she will be fully cooperative and provide truthful and complete answers to any questions asked of her by the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Okay now here is where I am a little confused.

If Christie had thrown Kelly to the curb initially, and she had remained loyal and refused to help the investigators go after Christie, what in the world would make him slander her a second time, this time about her personal life?

I mean does he REALLY think she has nothing to offer the the U.S. Attorney's office that would help them prove that Christie knew about the bridge closings? Or is he such an arrogant prick that he thinks he can simply treat her like some one night stand doing the walk of shame at three o'clock in the morning and she will continue to cover for his fat ass?

Because I think that now he is well and truly FUBAR'D.

And it could not happen to a more deserving pile of shit.


Insider co-host likens Sarah Palin to Kim Kardashian. I'm pretty sure he owes me copyright money for that.

5:53 AM By No comments

Insider co-host likens Sarah Palin to Kim Kardashian. I'm pretty sure he owes me copyright money for that.
Courtesy of Al Arabiyah News:

The Insider’s co-host Kevin Frazier on the CBC network described Palin, the former governor of Alaska, as taking the opportunity to further her fame just like “The Kardashians,” who have been lambasted by some observers for seeking fame.

In a segment discussing her upcoming show, “Amazing America with Sarah Palin,” Frazier said:

“The one thing I kept thinking - I have met the political Kardashian,” right-wing U.S. website Breibart reported him as saying Thursday.

Bad news I just did a quick Google search and it turns out that just about EVERYBODY has been comparing Palin to the Kardashians for years. I KNEW I should have had Klondike Kardashian copyrighted!

I love this part of the article.

Frazier added: “She has made something out of nothing and people keep eating [it up].”

Well that may be about the truest things ever said about Sarah Palin.

Of course the one thing that separates Kim Kardashian from Palin is that HER reality shows were an actual success, and that success has now spread throughout her entire family.

Palin on the other hand has failed time and time again, and every attempt by her family to ride on her coattails ends in a complete disaster.

Personally I think we are seeing the final death throes of Palin's unnecessarily extended fifteen minutes of fame.

After this it is going to be sad little appearances on local talk radio shows, which of course she has already started doing, and old people porn that nobody will ever watch.


I knew she looked familiar!

5:02 AM By No comments

I knew she looked familiar!
Is there a rule that the GOP only welcomes women who are batshit crazy?

For those who may not remember.

The next evening guest host Ari Melber explained just how wrong Jennifer Stefano was during her insane rant.


Stephen Colbert humorously mocks the Redskins over racism on his show, predicts that certain "small minded" people will not get the joke. Michelle Malkin and the Right Wing go out of their way to prove him right.

4:12 AM By No comments

Stephen Colbert humorously mocks the Redskins over racism on his show, predicts that certain "small minded" people will not get the joke. Michelle Malkin and the Right Wing go out of their way to prove him right.
Courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:

Yesterday, Stephen Colbert masterfully made a point about Redskins owner Dan Snyder refusing to change the team’s name but starting a foundation to help Native Americans in his usual satirical way.

Colbert has, through the years, played his role well, often using offensive humor to highlight some of the darker aspects of our society. As a right-wing character, Colbert utilized Asian stereotypes in an effort to make the point that if the Redskins were employing any other racial stereotype, people would care.

Conservatives, of course, leapt on the opportunity to pretend they are not racist by jumping at one of their most hated enemies on Twitter, after Comedy Central quoted part of the segment out of context–making for the perfect opportunity for the right-wing to slam Colbert without actually watching the segment!

The above was a tweet from Comedy Central on behalf of the Colbert Report.

Of course it received some outrage from the suddenly ethnically sensitive Right Wing. Which prompted this response from Michell Malkin:

That's right she is calling for the Colbert Show to be cancelled because she does not understand parody.

And she was not finished yet.

Of course a few of Malkin's flying monkeys also jumped on the bandwagon.

This level of cognitive dissonance inspired Colbert to tweet this from his personal account:
The tweet contains the link to the bit that was referred to by the Comedy Central account, and once you watch it you kind of have to admire how deftly Colbert baited the hook in order to reel in the Right Wing's professional outrage machine.

I have every expectation that Colbert, and possibly other late night comedians, will have a field day with this in the coming days.

Sometimes it is like shooting fish in a barrel. Stupid, stupid, fish.


Anchorage school board candidate knows exactly what is wrong with our schools. Too many non-white students.

3:24 AM By No comments

Anchorage school board candidate knows exactly what is wrong with our schools. Too many non-white students.
Courtesy of ADN:

An Anchorage school board candidate says some of the problems at the cash-strapped Anchorage School District have been caused by a shift in the ethnic background of its students.

In an interview with Alaska Public Media broadcast and posted online this week, Don Smith, 75, compared the ethnic makeup of students in the district today to what he remembered from when he was in school.

"When I was in Anchorage High School, it was about 98 percent white students, and the balance were probably Native, and one or two black students," he told reporter Daysha Eaton. "Today, we're 48 percent white, 52 percent other, and that clearly is causing problems. I think our numbers are dropping because we're importing all these people that aren't up to the standards that we had set for the school."

Smith goes on to specifically blame the problem on what he sees as an influx of students from Africa and Indonesia.

For one thing he is right that when he went to school the population in Anchorage was almost exclusively Caucasian. They were also among the wealthiest of Alaska's residents, which is why they lived in Anchorage and had access to the best schools.

Schools in other parts of the state were not doing nearly as well, and in some rural communities the education was haphazard at best. That was not a problem with ethnicity, that was a problem with funding and access to well trained teachers.

Of course this was back before the Republicans launched their war on public education and started to strip away funding and undermine teachers. Don Smith is a Republican.

When I was a student in in the sixties and seventies Anchorage schools were among the best in the nation. That was not because they were filled with white faces, though in many parts of the city that was true, it was because teachers were respected, and supported by our local politicians.

The problem is not with the diversity among the Anchorage student body it is with the politicians who constantly attack public education and work to underfund our public schools.

And that is a problem perpetrated by the likes of Don Smith and other members of the Alaska Republican Party.

Only a racist unfit to sit on an Anchorage School Board would think to blame the result of their dirty work on the children of immigrants.


Guns and Ammo interviews Sarah Palin about her new huntin show. Let the barely coherent BS begin.

2:31 AM By No comments

Guns and Ammo interviews Sarah Palin about her new huntin show. Let the barely coherent BS begin.
Courtesy of Guns and Ammo:

Do you still get outdoors to hunt caribou or fish with the family?

Absolutely! The outdoors is where I thrive. Todd and I went fly-fishing in Montana last summer and caught some beautiful rainbow trout. We’re commercial fishermen in Bristol Bay, so we don’t normally play with our food. So, sport fishing on the Missouri was a blast. We also did mounted shooting while there, and Piper loved that. She was a regular Annie Oakley. And, of course, we did a lot of moose, caribou and bear hunting in Alaska this past fall to fill the freezer. My girls and I even spent a special snowy Mother’s Day target practicing and looking for bear at our cabin near Mt. McKinley.

Yes she wandered around that cabin on Safari lake, that she pays no taxes on, shooting off guns and looking for bears to kill.

Of course the cabins are near Denali park where hunting is not allowed unless for subsistence reasons, and no way does Palin qualify for that. Not to mention you have to have a registration, bear tags, and harvest tickets in order to hunt bear, and of course she has none of that either.

Just another BS story to placate the morons.

When asked about her family and hunting, this was the response:

When you’ve grown up in Alaska and raised your kids in the far North, that just comes with the territory. Dad had a bumper sticker: “Take your kids hunting so you’re not hunting for your kids.” His profound bumper art included another favorite that reads “Vegetarian is old Indian word for ‘poor shot.’” (Yeah, that joke NEVER gets old.) Mom and Dad moved our family to Alaska specifically to enjoy hunting and fishing and live a great outdoors lifestyle. It’s what we like to do.

I’m really blessed that all my kids love a rugged outdoor lifestyle. Recently, Piper jumped off a waterfall, which was a reward for babysitting her brother Trig. We also had a blast going through two seasons of “Dancing With the Stars” with Bristol. It was such the opposite of anything we had done. Bristol wanted to wear a sequined camo gown, but that didn’t fly with the producers. (Wow, when you are not even classy enough for Dancing with the Stars, that should really tell you something.) The kids have opportunities to live and work in metropolitan places like Los Angeles but my daughter Willow’s response to living elsewhere reflects all the kids’ thinking at this point in their lives: “Mom, I miss my truck!”

Yes, because as we know nobody drives a truck anywhere but Alaska.

Palin also claims that her dad gave the family firearm safety tips, which of course is why Levi had to show her how the gun under her bed worked, and why her father had to reload the rifle she used to shoot the tame, tied up caribou she murdered on her reality show.

They ask Palin what is her favorite caliber of weapon, which is apparently a question of interest for these people, and she answers that it is a .22 caliber, which of course has no kick and if she fired it at a bear it would only make it kill her faster.

The entire interview is made up of the same family mythology and tired talking points that Palin has been using for years now. The only notable feature is that she did not have the opportunity to slam the President or insult liberals, though she did sneak in a reference to Ronald Reagan.

Well somebody's getting sloppy now aren't they?
