Sunday, December 15, 2013
"Festivus for the rest of us!"
Here is Megyn Kelly last night whitewashing, if you will excuse the pun, her ridiculous remarks about Santa and Jesus being Caucasian.
"In kicking off the lighthearted segment I offered a tongue in cheek message for any kids watching, saying that Santa, who I joked is a real person whose race is identifiable, is white.."
"Tongue in cheek?"
Here is the originally broadcast exchange from Wednesday. Does any of THAT seem "lighthearted" or "tongue in cheek" to any of you?
But wait, there's more.
"Well this would be funny if it were not so telling about our society, In particular the knee jerk instinct by so many to race bait, and to assume the worst in people. Especially people employed by the very powerful Fox News channel."
And then there's this:
"By the way I also did say that Jesus was white. As I have learned in the past two days, that is far from settled. (Actually it IS settled. Scholars agree that, if he did indeed live, he was most certainly NOT white!) For me the fact that an off hand jest I made during a segment about whether Santa should be replaced by a penguin, has now become a national firestorm, says two things. Race is still an incredibly volatile issue in this country. (Which those who don't watch Fox News, and keep hearing that racism is over, would already know.) And Fox News, and yours truly, are big targets for many people."
Yes Fox News is a BIG target for many people, because they were the catalyst for the dumbing down of journalism, and remain a place brimming over with bottomless troughs of misinformation, partisan attacks on their political enemies, and bloviating morons who speak authoritatively about subjects that they clearly do not understand.
You know, like the ethnicity of certain religious and historic figures.
Face it "Little Miss I Can't Spell Meghan," you said something incredibly stupid and you got mocked for it.
You work at Fox News, you were hired to say ignorant and factually wrong things. Surely that is written into your contract somewhere!
You have just been given a little leeway by the media because you're pretty, and compared to the usual knuckle dragging morons you seemed relatively reasonable.
However now that America realizes that they gave you too much credit, you can expect more mocking in the future.
On the plus side now you have something to commiserate with Sarah Palin over.
WCJ: How To Remove Ineligible Obama From Office; Yes We Can!?
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How To Remove
Obama From Office
By Rick Badman @ WCJ
The best way to prevent a person from becoming a dictator is to not put him into a position in which he could become one. Our Founding Fathers put this requirement in the Constitution: Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 states: “No Person except a natural-born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of the President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
According to the Constitution and our Founding Fathers, because Barack Obama’s father was a Kenyan citizen and not an American citizen at the time of Barack’s birth, Barack is not eligible to be President. Supposedly, Obama was an expert on the Constitution. Yet he ran for President anyways. He knew that he had one big advantage over Chester A. Arthur, our other ineligible person to be declared the President; and it was his skin color. Who was going to attack the first black President for being ineligible for the Presidency? Screams of racism would fill the land. That would mean if I accused a person of committing a federal crime like dodging the draft (which Clinton did), or any other federal crime, I would be a racist. Al Capone committed the federal crime of tax evasion. Would I be considered a racist to support his imprisonment at Alcatraz? Of course not. The same should apply to Obama’s illegal act of considering himself eligible to be President. Not all blacks are federal criminals like all those accusing me of being a racist must think. Now that would be true racism.
The Constitution and Obama’s ineligibility to be President, according to that document, is a clear reason to remove him from the White House. Surprisingly, even Conservatives don’t use that as a reason to do so. There are many other ways to remove Obama from office. Impeachment is a popular and potentially effective way to remove him from office. It requires timing. If Obama is hated more in 2014 prior to the election in November, the impeachment hearings could be held in September or October, when Democrats are eyeing their defeat, and we might have a better chance of throwing him out of office. With the accusation that Obama was illegally declared President, Democrats may be desperate to remain in office and dump Obama. But since they have supported Obama before he was illegally elected, they should be thrown out too. [...] Continued @ Western Center for Journalism.
Icelanders Overthrow Government and Rewrite
Constitution After Banking Fraud-No Word From US Media
Via George Miller @ VCTP
It CAN be done. Iceland, Czechs, Poles, Romanians, Albanians, S Africans all did it.- G.M.
Can you imagine participating in a protest outside the White House and forcing the entire U.S. government to resign? Can you imagine a group of randomly chosen private citizens rewriting the U.S. constitution to include measures banning corporate fraud? It seems incomprehensible in the U.S., but Icelanders did just that. Icelanders forced their entire government to resign after a banking fraud scandal, overthrowing the ruling party and creating a citizen’s group tasked with writing a new constitution that offered a solution to prevent corporate greed from destroying the country. The constitution of Iceland was scrapped and is being rewritten by private citizens; using a crowd-sourcing technique via social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. These events have been going on since 2008, yet there’s been no word from the U.S. mainstream media about any of them. In fact, all of the events that unfolded were recorded by international journalists, overseas news bureaus, citizen journalists and bloggers. This has created current accusations of an intentional cover up of the story by mainstream U.S. news sources. [...] Continued at Ventura County Tea Party.
Sarah Palin's supporters seem to be celebrating her path toward future hospitalization.
Hot News Pic: @SarahPalinUSA at 55th Annual Wrangler National Finals Rodeo #US4Palin
— Barracuda Brigade (@ArcticFox2016) December 14, 2013
Okay so the above was posted by the Barricuda Brigade, which is ostensibly a twitter group that supports Sarah Palin. Yet they seem oblivious to what this picture is demonstrating, and that is that Palin is wasting away before their very eyes. How they can see the above image and find it pleasing to the eye, rather than shocking is beyond me.
Sarah Palin's supporters seem to be celebrating her path toward future hospitalization.
This is how Palin appeared just a few years ago, and while not exactly plump she certainly did not appear to have one foot in the grave as she does today.I am not usually totally convinced by rumors that crop up about Palin, but the gossip surrounding a possible cocaine or methamphetamine habit are getting harder to ignore.
Something is causing her to waste away, and I can tell you right now that it is NOT an exercise regime.
Each and every one of the Republican candidates for the position of Lt. Governor in Texas support teaching Creationism in public schools. Good job Texas.
Courtesy of the Dallas News:
All four Republican lieutenant governor hopefuls have embraced the teaching of creationism in public schools.
Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, Sen. Dan Patrick, Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson and Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples said in the first televised debate of the campaign Thursday night that they favor teaching that there are flaws in the theory that humans evolved from lower life forms.
Late last month, state Board of Education members adopted new high school science books that include full coverage of evolution without the disclaimers sought by social conservatives and other critics of Charles Darwin’s theory.
While none of the lieutenant governor candidates mentioned the board’s decision, three — Patrick, Patterson and Staples — blasted teaching only evolution as a form of “political correctness.” They linked it to what they described as a broader moral decline.
“The breakup of the family in this country has started when we took God out of the classroom,” said Patrick, a radio talk show host.
“As a Christian, certainly creationism should be taught,” said Staples, a former state legislator.
Dewhurst, who is seeking a fourth term, agreed.
“It’s a fair discussion to expose students to both sides and let them make the decision with the advice and counsel of their parents,” he said.
Patterson said the country has gone too far in deleting religious instruction from government institutions such as schools. A 1987 U.S. Supreme Court ruling banned teaching of creationism in science classes.
“We need to go back to those things that made this country great,” he said.
So to be clear each one of these idiots supports the idea of teaching superstitious children's stories alongside science in a school classroom.
There is NO evidence to support Creationism, and NO reputable scientist who would advocate that it be taught, and yet because of the ignorance of their constituents, one of these anti-intellectual dipshits will be nominated for the position of Lt. Governor while espousing this nonsense.
Now do you see why Wendy Davis needs to be the next governor of Texas?
America is essentially done with the Tea Party. Gee, really?
Courtesy of MSNBC:
A pair of polls show Americans are largely unhappy with both the GOP and the tea party wing of the party.
Tea party favorability has fallen to an all-time low according a Gallup poll released Wednesday, which found a slight majority (51%) of Americans have an unfavorable view of the tea party. The poll finds 30% of Americans feel positively about the tea party, down from a high of 39% in 2011. Republicans are most likely to support the movement, with 58% seeing it favorably, and unsurprisingly Democrats overwhelmingly dislike the tea party – 74% to 10%.
Moderates aren’t too keen on the movement either. While the split is not as stark as with Democrats, moderates are more likely than even the general public to say they don’t favor the tea party (54%) and only 23% say they do favor it.
It turns out moderates tend to prefer the Democratic Party to the Republican Party as well. A second Gallup poll released Wednesday finds Democrats maintain a 10-point lead over Republicans in terms of favorability with the American public. While moderates are currently evenly split on the Democratic Party, with 47% viewing it positively and another 47% viewing it negatively, only 27% of moderates have positive views of the Republican Party right now.
Even the Republican base is not as strong as it is for the Democrats. Self-described liberals favor the Democratic Party 71% to 25% in the poll, but conservatives just barely break in favor of the GOP. Just 47% of conservatives say they favor the Republican Party compared to 46% who don’t.
This should be good news for the establishment Republicans as they fight for control of the party, and of course great news for the American people. However as with anything the final death throes can still cause a great deal of harm before the creature breathes its last.
I simply cannot visualize the Teabaggers fading away peacefully. Nor can I imagine the Republican party, as it exists today, moving forward without its most Right Wing supporters.
I guess it is still possible that the Tea Party really will split off into a third party and drain the Right Wing support from the Grand Old Party.
If that happens all I can say is "Welcome to the United States of the Democrats."
That awkward moment when the reviewer, who was specifically invited to review the book by co-author Nancy French, trashes Sarah Palin's newest book.
So the story is that Nancy French reached out to Jason Mankey, a fellow blogger on Patheos and a self described Pagan, to review "Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas."
Jason is a very kindly fellow, and I think he really tried to approach the task with an open mind.
Did not last long.
Here is a smattering of his observations:
After a quick one and a half page history of Christmas Governor Palin writes:
” . . So fast forward a few years and jump over to a different continent. ‘Christmas’ became an American federal holiday in 1870 when President Ulysses S. Grant signed a bill the House and Senate had already overwhelmingly passed. In this country, our federal holiday does not honor the agricultural gods of Rome or the pagan rituals of the winter solstice. Here in America, Christmas marks Christ’s birth, a moment of unquestioned historical, cultural, and religious significance. (This is revealed in the actual name of the holiday: Christmas.)”
There are several problems here, and the biggest is a complete lack of context detailing why Christmas became a national holiday in 1870. As a holiday, Christmas slowly grew in importance throughout the 19th Century, and its growth had nothing to do with Jesus. Christmas exploded in popularity due to secular influences. One of those influences was literary. The popularity of both Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and Clement Moore’s A Visit From St. Nicholas played a large role in spreading the holiday, but neither work makes a mention of Jesus’s birthday. The impulse to “sell stuff” also played a huge role in creating our Modern Christmas. If Christmas had always been this hugely important thing about Jesus, wouldn’t it have been a holiday long before 1870? Don’t tell me that my boozy great-great-great-great-uncle was the first Christian with the willpower to proclaim Christmas a national holiday.
Jason is also stunned to find that not only does Palin attack gay marriage, she also attacks anyone who does not agree with her viewpoints.
” . . .This is frequently where liberals and conservatives part ways . . . . Liberals tend to believe people are good, and institutions like the church or the traditional family are actually oppressive . . . By contrast, conservatives tend to believe that people aren’t that great to start with. And without faith and family to guide us and reinforce values that often go against our selfish desires, we’ll drift towards our own destruction.”
I have never met a liberal who argued that families are “oppressive.” Some of the people I know most dedicated to family are politically liberal. There’s also the innuendo that liberals can’t be Christian.
All in all the book serves as a crash course in Palin's venomous character, that Jason apparently had not been completely aware of before reading the book.
In another section of the book Palin makes the assertion that “there’s a relationship between Christianity and a healthy civilization” that almost resulted in me spitting coffee all over myself. Was civilization “healthy” when the majority of Europeans worked as serfs? How about Christian Europe before the Renaissance when science and reason were dirty words? (Come to think of it, we seem to be headed back to that era.) How about when people were being burnt at the stake for witchcraft in the name of Christ? Slavery was healthy? All of that happened in an era when nearly everyone in Europe was a Christian. I’m not going to blame all of those problems on Christianity, but if those are healthy societies I’d like to see the sick ones!
Palin’s scorn for atheists almost feels like blood-boiling rage on occasion, and the idea that a person might do good just for the sake of doing good seems alien to her. At one point she states that “”The logical result of atheism is severe moral decay,” an assertion not supported by anything I’ve ever read or come across. I’m confused as to what she thinks these atheists are going to do to society.
Confusion and bewilderment plagued me throughout Good Tidings, especially during the bits about “The War on Christmas.” There is no war on Christmas, and the only wars on Christmas have generally involved Christians going after Christians. Christmas is bigger than ever, it’s practically inescapable, and if someone says “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” they aren’t secretly honoring Satan under their breath. Christmas is one of the “Holidays” being referred to, I don’t think anyone believes it’s being left out. Perhaps the Palin family doesn’t celebrate the New Year?
At this point Jason is fairly seething, and in the end he does a really good job of summarizing just how Palin gets the entire point of Christmas wrong.
I’ve always liked to believe that The Holidays are a time to celebrate our commonalities instead of our differences. This is where Mrs. Palin and I disagree most on the subject of Christmas. For her it can only be a celebration about the birth of Jesus, and anything else diminishes the holiday. What Palin fails to understand is that the “reason for the season” varies from person to person. If Christmas is just about Jesus for you, that’s fine, and I think that’s beautiful. But I don’t understand why anyone needs what’s in their hearts to be affirmed by Target or Wal-Mart. Aren’t those the last places a Christian wants to see Jesus? Did I miss something in the Beatitudes about Jesus endorsing cheap plastic junk from China? It seems as if Palin wants society to fill some sort of role as religious teacher. If she truly cared about the family and the home, wouldn’t she want those institutions to teach those values?
Of course for all of us here at IM none of this comes as any surprise. After all we know the darkness and hatred that hides in the heart of Sarah Palin.
However it is interesting that the book she is currently marketing to soften her image with anecdotes and family recipes, is in fact serving to inform previously uninformed people as to just how hateful and divisive of a person she really is.
Only Sarah Palin could write a book about Christmas that makes people want to protect the holiday....from her.
To read more of Jason Mankey's review just click here.
Why Christian home school kids should avoid pop quizzes.
"I'm so far right I don't even believe in birth control."
I think that just about sums up the problem.
Not smart enough to trust public education, not smart enough to practice family planning, and certainly not smart enough to teach your children good math skills.
"We've studied Genesis to Joshua that's as far as we've...Not so hard on the math class. We're on..uh..we're on Bible."
Seriously how is that NOT considered child abuse in the 21st Century?
CCP Lead Investigator: New Information IronClad And Can Never Be Refuted
IronClad And Can Never Be Refuted
Maricopa County Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo appeared on Carl Gallups radio show and gave an update on the Obama forgery investigation. Zullo says the new information is ironclad and can never be refuted.
Zullo also denounced Doug Vogt's assertions regarding the purported Obama birth certificate forger reported here.
The death of Hawaii Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy was also discussed...
Live Stream: Erik Rush To Host WOBC Tonight; "They Are All Guilty"
Erik Rush to Host
WheresObamasBirthCertificate Show on Friday Evening
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Dec. 12, 2013) — Commentator, radio show host, author and columnist Erik Rush will guest-host the WheresObamasBirthCertificate (WOBC) radio show on Friday evening from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. EST.
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WheresObamasBirthCertificate was founded by Michael Volin in 2008 and seeks the truth about Obama’s authentic birth certificate and the perpetrators of the forgery |
The image was quickly declared a forgery by experts. A law enforcement investigation was launched by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse after approximately 250 county residents expressed concern that their upcoming votes in the 2012 presidential election would be compromised if the birth certificate was not authentic and Obama ineligible to hold office.
On November 18 and 19, founder Michael Volin visited Congress to distribute his Sheriff’s Kits, which contain information compiled by the Cold Case Posse. While in Washington, Volin and his team met with aides, chiefs of staff, and several congressmen, to whom they showed the contents of the kits containing the criminal evidence of forgery and fraud in Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service registration form.
In a press release on Thursday, Rush stated that “Mike Volin, who along with volunteers have assembled materials disputing the eligibility of President Obama to hold the office of President of the United States, will report via internet radio Friday the status of Congressional receipt of his ‘Sheriff’s Kits.’”
The issue of Obama’s constitutional eligibility was first raised in 2007 when progressive commentator Chris Matthews stated that Obama was “born in Indonesia,” as did reporter Will Hoover in writing for the Hawaii Advertiser in early 2008. The U.S. Constitution requires that the president and commander-in-chief of the U.S. military be a “natural born Citizen.”
Birthplace is not the sole consideration in determining “natural born” status. Historically, the citizenship of the parents was equally, if not more, important in determining a child’s citizenship. However, beginning in 2009, Congressional Research Service attorney Jack Maskell obfuscated that fact in four CRS memos in which he contended that a simple birth on U.S. soil equates to the status of “natural born Citizen.” Additionally, in the memos written for Congress, Maskell truncated U.S. Supreme Court decisions which cited the citizenship of the parents as having been significant in each case, substituting the words with a deceptive ellipsis.
Volin’s WOBC radio show has featured such guests as Michigan gubernatorial candidate Mark McFarlin, researcher Martha Trowbridge, former attorney and citizen investigator Montgomery Blair Sibley, and Douglas Vogt, who submitted evidence from his own two-year investigation to at least one federal court on the Obama birth certificate forgery and the individuals he believes were involved.
After public pressure began to mount in 2008 through the presidential primaries and campaign, an image appeared at The Daily KOS purported to be Obama’s birth certificate. The document, entitled “Certification of Live Birth,” did not contain the name of the hospital, attending physician, or any signatures of officials having knowledge of the alleged birth on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu. No other documentation was released, including Obama’s passport records, college transcripts, medical information, or a more detailed birth certificate with those missing elements, until April 2011.
Former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs had attempted to laugh off requests for Obama’s detailed birth certificate by stating, “I’m the guy who said, ‘Let’s post it on the internet’” in reference to the Certification of Live Birth. At the time, members of the mainstream press pool laughed along with Gibbs, although they are not laughing now. Mocking WND reporter Lester Kinsolving, who asked the question, Gibbs said that officials in Hawaii had concluded “…that the president was indeed born in…Say it with me, Lester: the state of Hawaii.”
In early 2011, business magnate Donald Trump publicized Obama’s lack of documentation and challenged him to release his “long-form” birth certificate.
On April 27, 2011, an image was uploaded to the White House website alleged to be a certified copy of Obama’s long-form birth certificate reportedly obtained from the Hawaii Department of Health while its director, Loretta Fuddy, supervised its copying for Obama’s personal attorney, Judith Corley.
In a shocking turn of events on Wednesday, Fuddy was pronounced deceased after a small plane in which she was reportedly traveling on a return trip to Honolulu crashed into the water off the coast of Kalaupapa Peninsula.
After six months of investigation, the Cold Case Posse declared the long-form image a “computer-generated forgery” at a formal press conference on March 1, 2012. This past summer, lead investigator Michael Zullo submitted a lengthy affidavit in a civil court case which is pending at the Alabama Supreme Court detailing the findings of forgery and fraud in both of Obama’s “birth certificates” as well as his Selective Service registration form.
On Thursday, The Weekly Standard reported that a group of 30 Republican members of Congress are exploring the option to “bring legal action against the Executive Branch and challenge recent actions, inactions, and policies,” which includes Obama specifically. The congressmen claim that Obama has violated Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution by failing to “faithfully execute” laws which have been enacted, but the group does not challenge Obama’s possible violation of Article II, Section 1, clause 5, the “natural born” requirement.
To date, no one in Congress to date has spoken out on the birth certificate forgery other than in brief passing or in a jocose manner. While Zullo has been urging Congress to investigate since March, when he visited CPAC and spoke with several congressmen and other “VIPs,” no one has announced that such a probe has been launched.
However, on Monday, it was stated by an individual close to the posse’s investigation that “the wait is almost over” and “prosecutions are coming” relating to the birth certificate forgery.
A very reliable source has told The Post & Email that every member of Congress “knows that Obama is a fraud.” Zullo has said publicly that “There never was a birth in Hawaii” for Obama. On December 6, a citizen investigator and radio show host also close to the Cold Case Posse’s work stated, “Obama has no Hawaiian birth certificate.”
After his visit to Washington, DC, Volin reported distributing approximately 300 kits, 200 of which went to members of Congress. Volin told The Post & Email that he will be releasing the names of the recipients at some point in the near future.
Erik Rush writes a regular column for WorldNetDaily which is also posted on his own website. He is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity’s show on the Fox News Channel. An author of several books, Rush broke the news of Obama’s relationship with the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ, where Black Liberation Theology is preached.
An article published on Thursday at NewswithViews which refers to the Cold Case Posse investigation and Volin’s work states, “Every member of congress, every member of the cabinet, every member of the Secret Service, every member of the military and every member of the Justice Department took the same oath. They are all guilty of ignoring their duty to uphold the Constitution. Their oath is meaningless…Call your elected officials and demand his [Obama's] arrest. Not his impeachment…his arrest. Forward the links in this article to everyone on your email list and ask them to do the same. The evidence is there…but those who can do something about it are hiding under the rug…”
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Prison: CCP Researcher Hints At Major Break In Obama ID Fraud Investigation
Video: CCP Volunteer Researcher Hints At
Major Break In Obama ID Fraud Investigation
Mark Gillar, an Internet radio host with strong ties to Sheriff Arpaio's Cold Case Posse continues to drop hints that a major break in the Obama document fraud case has occurred. When asked if it had anything to do with the 1960 Vital Statistics Coding Manual that proves Obama Sr. shouldn't have been listed as African on his son's birth certificate, Gillar laughed and responded that, "anyone who came away with that impression after listening to the audio of my call to Mark McFarlin is either brain dead or engaging in very wishful thinking. I made it clear that I was limited in what I could say about the reason for the upswing in morale within the Posse. I certainly wouldn't have blurted out anything confidential. The 1960 manual stuff is not new. I began talking about it shortly after Arpaio's second press conference. A certain Obot wanted to be able to say I promised something new, but brought out something old. He obviously doesn't read over things very carefully. I doubt he even listened to the archived show before shooting his mouth off. He didn't even seem to get that the article was written by BR about my call to McFarlin. He apparently thought the piece was written by me. That's what happens when you rush to the keyboard in anger without paying attention to the facts."
An updated version of Gillars most recent video seems indicative of someone very confident his side will win. Gillar almost seems to be toying with the conspirators involved in the Obama forgery coverup.
( Video via Tea Party Power Hour. )
RELATED: TPPH Drops Obama Fraud Bomb; Smoking Guns Found; Prosecution - DETAILS HERE.
RELATED: Doc Dump: CCP Researcher Unloads; Multiple Counts Of Document Fraud - DETAILS HERE.
O'Reilly Demands Answers From Secret Service Over Fraud At Mandela Memorial
Breaking: Investigator Mike Zullo Speaks Out On Loretta Fuddy Death
Zullo Speaks Out on Fuddy Death!
By PPSimmons News, ©2013 @ The Post | Email
(Dec. 13, 2013) — Mike Zullo spoke today with Carl Gallups, founder of PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Network, about the tragic death of Loretta Fuddy. Zullo is the lead investigator of the Sheriff Arpaio CCP Obama fraud investigation.
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Loretta Fuddy – at microphone |
Investigator Mike Zullo related to Gallups, “Sheriff Arpaio and I first want to express our deepest condolences to Ms. Fuddy’s family, and her friends, and to the people of Hawaii. We are aware that there are numerous Internet speculations of possible foul play in this situation. It appears to us, at this time, that the plane crash was simply a tragic and unfortunate accident.”
Zullo went on to emphasize, “I can tell you this, though; our investigation into the Obama fraud case does not hinge on Ms. Fuddy. While her death certainly is a tragedy, it in no way hampers our investigation in this matter. If people truly believe that her untimely demise was somehow related to an attempt to silence her for ‘what she may or may not know,’ then there are several more people in Hawaii who should be very, very concerned. Again, I want to emphasize, Sheriff Arpaio and I do not, at this time, believe her death was connected to any nefarious circumstances.”
Health Department Director Loretta Fuddy died in the plane crash off Molokai Wednesday, December 11.
The plane is reported to have crashed about ten minutes after takeoff from Kalaupapa to Honolulu. There were a total of nine people, including the pilot, aboard the aircraft. Eight of those on board were rescued alive.
Fuddy was appointed by Gov. Neil Abercrombie in March of 2011 to the DOH Director position. She was raised in Kaimuki and she was a graduate of Sacred Hearts Academy.
Fuddy was on KITV on Tuesday talking about Hawaii’s designation as the healthiest state in the nation. She was 65 years old.
Fuddy was the Director of Hawaii’s Dept. of Health who certified as “genuine” the Obama birth certificate that Sheriff Joe Arpaio and CCP lead investigator Mike Zullo now claim is a 100% unmitigated forgery and fabrication.
Investigator Zullo has recently reported on PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Network and on Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups that the birth certificate issue is now completely and forensically settled, but that the investigation has taken a much deeper and criminal turn due to leads developed while investigating the forged birth certificate. Zullo claims that the information they now have, as hard-copy evidence, is “universe shattering.”
See video here.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
RELATED: Background: Obama Birth Certificate Gatekeeper Sole Victim In Plane Crash - DETAILS HERE.
Just in time for Saturnalia. The Sarah Palin gold medallion.
Courtesy of Alaska Mint:
This Bronze medallion honors Alaska's Sarah Palin. As Alaska's first woman Governor, she had a reputation of being against "business as usual". She was thrust into the national spotlight when she was chosen to be John McCain's vice presidential running mate. A donation from the sale of these medallions will be made to Wounded Warrior Project, helping seriously injured service members. (You know, after Palin gets her cut that is.)
This item goes for $24.99 and is one of many to choose from. Including the 2012 version.
I take it this was from back when Palin was still teasing the ignorant that she might run against Obama in 2012. Which the more intelligent among us knew was mooseshit right at the start.
There are some in the collection that are more expensive like this one for a cool $134.00.
How anybody can justify blowing over a hundred dollars on Sarah Palin medallion/coin is beyond me. Especially considering the fact that if history is any indication it will rapidly go down in value, or prestige, right along with everything else with which her name has been associated.
Right John McCain?
P.S. You know they keep referring to this as a "medallion" because it is not legal tender and was not officially minted by the United States, so it cannot be called a coin. Though it does resemble one.
If it WERE a coin it might be the first one in which you could not win a coin toss. Because, as with everything having to do with Sarah Palin, heads you lose, and tails you lose.
Jon Stewart's response to Megyn Kelly's assertion that Santa Claus is white, and it's a fact, must not be missed. Update!
Jon Stewart's response to Megyn Kelly's assertion that Santa Claus is white, and it's a fact, must not be missed. Update!
"Santa is just white! And who are you actually talking to? Children who are sophisticated enough to be watching a news channel at ten o'clock at night, yet innocent enough to still believe Santa Claus is real, yet racist enough to be freaked out if he isn't white."So true.
By the way apparently somebody decided to change Megyn Kelly's Wikipedia page today to reflect her new claim to fame.
I understand that Kelly is planning to address her bizarre assertion (Which by the way is completely false.) on her show tonight. I might just provide an update to this post based on what she has to say.
Update: Okay so I just saw the opening of Kelly's show and her explanation for the controversy is that she was joking, and liberals have no sense of humor.
Oh she also said that she and Fox News were big targets in this country. (Oh yeah, THAT'S the reason you are being mocked.)
I invite you to play the video at the top of this post again and tell me if you can discern if the slightest hint of humor coming from Megyn Kelly as she states emphatically that Santa, and of course Jesus, are white.