Friday, October 11, 2013
How the Republican Religious Right does not fear the consequences of a government shutdown or default, because you know Armageddon.
Courtesy of Alternet:
It’s hard for the Christian fundamentalists who run the Republican Party now to worry about the serious economic danger they’re putting the world in, because they are swept up in worrying that President Obama is an agent of the devil and that the world is on the verge of mayhem and apocalypse if they don’t “stop” him somehow, presumably be derailing the Affordable Care Act. Christian conservatives such as Ellis Washington are running around telling each other that the ACA will lead to “the systematic genocide of the weak, minorities, enfeebled, the elderly and political enemies of the God-state.” Twenty percent of Republicans believe Obama is the Antichrist.Washington Times columnist Jeffrey Kuhner argued that Obama is using his signature health care legislation to promote “the destruction of the family, Christian culture”, and demanded that Christians “need to engage in peaceful civil disobedience against President Obama’s signature health care law”.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops joined in, demanding that the Republicans shut down the government rather than let Obamacare go into effect. The excuse was their objection to the requirement that insurance make contraception available without a copayment, saying ending this requirement matters more than “serving their own employees or the neediest Americans.”
The Christian right media has been hammering home the message that Christians should oppose the Affordable Care Act. Pat Necerato of the Christian News Network accused the supporters of the law of committing idolatry and accused people who want health care of being covetous. The Christian Post approvingly reported various Christian leaders, including Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, saying things like the health care law is “a profound attack on our liberties” and lamented “Today is the day I will tell my grandchildren about when they ask me what happened to freedom in America.”
Some in the Christian right straight up believe Obamacare portends the end times. Rick Phillips, writing for, hinted that Obamacare might be predicted in Revelations, though he held back from saying that was certain. Others are less cautious. On the right wing fundamentalist email underground, a conspiracy theory has arisen claiming that Obamacare will require all citizens to have a microchip implanted. While it’s completely untrue, many Christians believe that this means the “mark of the beast” predicted in Revelations that portends the return of Christ and the end of the world.
In other words, the Christian right has worked itself into a frenzy of believing that if this health care law is implemented fully, then we are, in fact, facing down either the end of American Christianity itself or quite possibly the end times themselves. In comparison, it’s hard to be too scared by the worldwide financial collapse that they’re promising to unleash if the Democrats don’t just give up their power and let Republicans do what they want. Sure, crashing stock markets, soaring unemployment, and worldwide economic depression sounds bad, but for the Christian right, the alternative is fire and brimstone and God unleashing all sorts of hell on the world.
Damn am I tired of all of this ridiculous shit! You simply cannot reason with people who are this insane.
And people wonder why I spend so much time talking about religion on this blog. How can I not?
Fox News Video: Ticked Truckers Headed To DC; Man Cleans Ghettoized DC
Fox News: Truckers Headed To DC; Call For Egypt Moment; Man Cleans Ghettoized DC...
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- Ride For The Constitution - |
Shock Report: Team Obama To Close Down I-495 To Thwart Trucker Protest?
Report: Obama Regime to Close
Down I-495 for Trucker Protest
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
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Will the Obama regime close down I-495 to stop the truckers’ and other protests scheduled for this weekend? Have we reached tyranny yet? |
RedState cites “internal sources” at the DOT who have reportedly said that “the DOT proposal included the confident belief that the Capitol Beltway shutdown will successfully achieve the twin goals of thrwarting [sic] the trucker protest scheduled for a three day period starting on Friday, as well as deal another punishing blow to what they call ‘the crazy wing of the GOP’ which refuses to capitulate to their demands to approve a budget that includes Obamacare funding.”
Government shutdown information relating to the DOT was last updated on October 1, the first day of the partial closing of government departments.
I-495 is an interstate highway which circles Washington, DC through Maryland and Virginia. I-95 and Route 270 connect outgoing and incoming traffic to I-495.
At 11:26 a.m. EDT, The Post & Email called the DOT at 1 (202) 366-4000. After we asked for a media representative, the operator transferred us to an extension where a recorded greeting asked the caller to leave a message, which we did with our contact information.
Since the shutdown, The Obama regime has ordered national parks, open-air, unstaffed monuments and landmarks closed; threatened to arrest veterans who defy the closures; and held foreign visitors at gunpoint for attempting to visit Yellowstone National Park on the first day of the shutdown.
The Post & Email and other media outlets attempted to warn the nation in 2009 that Barack Hussein Obama was most likely not constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President of the United States. Prior to that, many private citizens, including this writer, wrote to members of the Electoral College and asked them to vet Obama before casting their votes for him. To date, no one has reported having received any response from any member of the Electoral College on Obama’s eligibility.
Obama was reportedly born to a father who was a citizen of Kenya and a U.S.-citizen mother. While he claims a birth in Hawaii, his short- and long-form birth certificates have been deemed fraudulent, and the hospital identified as Obama’s birthplace will not confirm the contention. A 25-month investigation has shown that Obama’s Selective Service registration form and long-form birth certificate are “computer-generated forgeries.”
Since taking office, Obama has chaired the United Nations Security Council, which no president has ever done; marginalized Christians while favoring Muslims; forced nationalized health care on the nation, and possibly used blackmail to coerce the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the flawed legislation. Numerous lawsuits challenging his eligibility were quashed by the courts. In 2011, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas said that the court was “evading the issue” of presidential eligibility as set forth in Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
Obama has said he refuses to negotiate on the issue of raising the debt ceiling and reopening closed government departments unless Republicans pass a “clean resolution” with no contingencies about Obamacare, his nationalized health care program which has cost thousands of Americans working hours and insurance plans in which they were enrolled.
As the shutdown continues, public figures are increasingly calling Obama a “Fuhrer,” referring to Adolf Hitler, and a “tyrant.”
We contacted Capt. Larry Bailey, who we interviewed on Wednesday as one of the organizers of the Veterans’ March scheduled for Sunday, October 13 to protest the closing of war memorials, about the I-495 report. When we asked Capt. Bailey what he would advise if I-495 were closed, he responded, “We would propose alternative entry to DC–US 1 and several other routes from MD and VA. Also, we would encourage using Metro and Amtrak.”
The Post & Email notified the media representative of a member of the House about the RedState report, who thanked us and said that he had not been aware of it. We separately sent him a link to the website of the Cold Case Posse, which conducted the investigation concluding that Obama’s documentation is fraudulent.
We received no response to the latter.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Update: The Red State article is satire.
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Obama Senior Adviser: Throw In Special Counsel To Investigate Obama Birthplace
Obama Senior Adviser: Maybe Throw In Special Counsel To Investigate Obama Birthplace...
"Maybe throw in a Special Counsel to investigate the President's birthplace and the House GOP will stop committing economic treason." - David Plouffe @ Twitter.
Maybe throw in a Special Counsel to investigate the President's birthplace and the House GOP will stop committing economic treason.
— David Plouffe (@davidplouffe) October 10, 2013
Sounds like a great idea... Hat tip Astratt7 via Daily Caller.
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- Under Their Skin - |
Drunk Dial Congress. Considering how they have broken our things and disappointed us in our relationship it seems the reasonable response.
Here are a few talking points for you drunk dial courtesy of Drunk Dial Congress:
If you can yell at a park ranger after forcing the government to shut down then I get to yell out at you!
You jerks are costing the country 12 million bucks per hour!
I can't watch the panda!
You guys aren't funding the police who are protecting you?
Why don't you make yourself useful and mow the lawn?
There are also some drink recipes to get you good and hammered before you start dialing.
Okay obviously this is a little tongue in cheek, but I always think humor helps when things get really stressful, and this certainly qualifies.
Besides I don't necessarily think Congress receiving a slew of barely coherent phone calls from a bunch of inebriated constituents is such a bad thing. Especially considering the fact that most of them will undoubtedly be three sheets to the wind as well.
Of course phone calls from stone cold sober folks is not a bad idea either.
Today's horrible parenting advice courtesy of Glenn Beck.
From the good folks at Salon:
Glenn Beck branched out on Wednesday from his usual political conspiracy crazy-making to dispense some terrible parenting advice. You see, Beck believes that parents should use verbal abuse and physical intimidation to teach their children that their rights “come from God” by getting “in their face” and making them cry.
“Well, they’re going to cry, it’ll hurt their feelings” yelled a visibly agitated Beck. “Push them! Because if you don’t do it now, it’s going to be much worse when they’re pushed and they’re shoved and they’re shot. Push them! Teach them! The need to know the truth and the need to be pushed up against the wall once in a while so they know they can defend themselves.”
Just so you know Beck has four children of his own. Four poor, clearly emotionally abused, children.
I work with emotionally and physically abused children and I am here to say that pushing your child up against a wall, and yelling at them, does NOT make them tougher. It makes them emotionally fragile, unable to form trusting relationships, and suffering from horrible lack of self esteem.
Oh, and they also often grow up to abuse their own children as well, so the cycle continues.
By the way exactly WHO is it that Glenn Beck believes will shoot children for believing their rights come from God? The people who may disagree with that are unlikely to resort to violence.
I occasionally hear a little Glenn Beck on the radio when I am out driving, not often but occasionally. And I am here to tell you that he is so much more crazy these days then he was on his final days at Fox that it is almost unbelievable. I have no idea how anybody takes him seriously, but if you meet somebody who does you should avoid that person at all cost.
Just a little advice courtesy of your Uncle Gryphen.
Steve Lonegan is running for the Senator of New Jersey and losing badly, but not badly enough. Sarah Palin is on the way to put the final nail in his coffin.
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I love New Jersey! Especially the "Jersey Shore." Reminds me of my kids. |
Tea Party celebrity and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is on her way to New Jersey to campaign for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Lonegan, his campaign said tonight.
Palin, the former Republican vice presidential candidate, will be at the New Egypt Speedway in Plumsted Township, Ocean County, for a Lonegan rally at 4 p.m. on Saturday.
"I am honored to have Governor Palin join us for the largest grass-roots campaign event in New Jersey history," Lonegan said in a statement.
"While Joe Biden uses the excuse of a government shutdown to avoid an embarrassing reception campaigning for Cory Booker, I am proud to have the opportunity to stand next to a great conservative leader who should have been the vice president as we go into the final hundred hours til victory on Wednesday, October 16th," he said.
Yes that is what you want when you are in a tight race with a very popular opponent, to bring in one of the most divisive, and superfluous characters in American politics.
By the way if Palin is flying to Jersey for this guy, you KNOW he is not running a "grass roots" campaign. Because SOMEBODY is footing her bill. Media whores don't turn tricks for free.
Usually I would think that having Palin fly into stand next to you, would be the dumbest thing that a candidate could do, but this Lonegan guy is essentially blowing the lid off stupid.
In their debate last night, during a disagreement over fracking, Lonegan said this:
“You may not be able to swim in that river, I think, probably because of all the bodies floating around from shootings in the city,” said Lonegan, provoking an audible reaction from the audience at Rowan University.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” said Booker. “This is what he thinks of our cities — that there are bodies floating in city. How insulting is that to the people of the city and others working together? This is insulting.”
Yeah, I am not sure he actually needs Palin's help to lose this one.
And I can tell you who she will NOT get the opportunity to endorse, or even meet, and that would be New Jersey Governor Chris Christie,. He is much too smart to EVER allow himself be photographed standing next to the Wasilla Wendigo.
But hey, at least she might get to meet her idol Snooki!
But then again, if Snooki has competent media people, maybe not.
Update: Here is a petition to thank Sarah Palin for helping Cory Booker win this election. I signed.
Ex-CIA: Marxist Muslim Obama Killed Breitbart and Clancy; Agencies Know Background
Ex-CIA Operative: Marxist-Muslim Obama Ordered Murder Of Andrew Breitbart And Tom Clancy; Says All Domestic And Foreign Intelligence Agencies Know About Obama's True Background... More below:
Excerpts: BOMBSHELL! Jim Garrow Reveals Career As Covert CIA Operative, Says Breitbart And Tom Clancy Murdered By Obama Administration [...]
As a long-time friend and guest on NTEB Radio, we know Dr. Garrow to be a previous Nobel Peace Prize nominee and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda Girls school and rescue outreach in China. But on our show tonight, Dr. Garrow made the amazing revelation that he had, in fact, right up until this past Wednesday night at midnight, spent 45 years as a covert CIA operative. Garrow said that as a result of his “litmus test” statement in January, he was outed from the agency by Obama, and forced to accept early retirement.
As a long-time friend and guest on NTEB Radio, we know Dr. Garrow to be a previous Nobel Peace Prize nominee and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda Girls school and rescue outreach in China. But on our show tonight, Dr. Garrow made the amazing revelation that he had, in fact, right up until this past Wednesday night at midnight, spent 45 years as a covert CIA operative. Garrow said that as a result of his “litmus test” statement in January, he was outed from the agency by Obama, and forced to accept early retirement.
But the revelations didn’t stop there.
In addition to revealing that Andrew Breitbart had been killed under orders from Obama administration officials, he also said that spy thriller novelist Tom Clancy had also be killed in much the same way, and for the same reasons. Garrow said that Clancy had been spoon fed inside information for years from covert operatives for his novels, and he knew too much. Interestingly, when asked about where he got his ideas for his novels, Clancy had said this before he died: [...]
Lastly, he revealed that Obama’s administration was made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Dr. Garrow said that it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals This is why, Garrow said, that all of Obama’s education records have been permanently sealed. [...] Continued @ NTEB. Also @ Clash Daily.
( Video via 68Truthseeker. )
More background on Dr. Garrow via Politichicks(2/14/2013): So just who is Jim Garrow?
James Garrow, PhD. is an educator, businessman and author. He has been a college president, a principal of a teachers college, has an earned doctorate degree as well as been given an honorary doctorate from North Carolina College of Theology. He is also the founder of the Bethune Institute, which operates hundreds of schools throughout China. The children of many of China’s top elite in the military and politics attend his schools.
As if that weren’t enough, three years ago Dr. Garrow was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work through a group called Pink Pagoda Girls. PPG combats female gendercide by rescuing baby girls that are slated for infanticide or abandoned due to the Chinese government’s one child policy. According to his website, Garrow and his group have personally helped to save the lives of nearly 50,000 baby girls!
It Started With A Magazine
What led Dr. Garrow to make such an ominous statement began a number a years ago when Dr. Garrow sat on the board of Crisis Magazine, a Catholic magazine based out of Washington DC. While there he became friends with some of the other board members including Bill Bennet, Secretary of Education under Reagan, Alexander Haig, Sec. of State under Reagan, Bill Simon, Sec. of the Treasury under Nixon and Ford, and others. It was through them that he became acquainted with a particular high ranking military officer and over time the two became good friends.
That is why when Dr. Garrow received a phone call from him saying that he had an important message that needed to get out to the American people in a safe way, Dr. Garrow took it to heart. This now-retired military general went on to say that he had been recently contacted by a close friend, who happened to be another high-ranking military officer who was currently still serving. He called the retired general to tell him that although it was unexpected, he, too, was now retiring and leaving the service. He went on to say that this was not his choice but that he was basically being “shown the door” because he was being asked a question, and depending on how he answered seemed to be the deciding factor as to whether he was to stay or leave.
“Here is the question we are being asked: ‘If in a scenario the military were called upon to go and confront people who were armed, American citizens, who would not relinquish their arms, in spite of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, would you follow the command to fire on American citizens?’”
The general told Dr. Garrow that this officer was completely flummoxed at the question and answered ‘No, I would not fire on American citizens.’ He was then forced to resign his commission immediately.
“It has nothing to do with right or wrong, Constitutional or unconstitutional any longer… They are looking for blind allegiance,” Garrow said. He said to watch the headlines for more like himself being replaced in “untimely exits”. He also said that some might choose to remain silent and try to stay in to see what they can do from the inside.
[...] - Politichicks.
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- Breitbart - |
Oh, Jesus! Vatican medal recalled for misspelling the Lord's name
We won't lie, we've all made embarrassing spelling mistakes in the past. Of course when it's a word you should be intimately familiar with, given your profession, it becomes a little bit harder to excuse. To commemorate Pope Francis' first year as pope, the Vatican issued a medal engraved with a Latin phrase that the pope says inspired him to become a priest. The problem? They misspelled Jesus. Somehow, Italy's state mint pressed 6,200 medals engraved with the name, "Lesus." How you mess that up, we have no idea. The medals briefly went on sale Tuesday, and four were actually sold before the Vatican noticed the mistake and recalled them. Wonder how much they'll go for now. — By Nick Mangione [Source]
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