Thursday, November 21, 2013
Atty Klayman At White House: Two Class-Action Suits; Obama Hiding Under Desk
Attorney Larry Klayman At White House: Two Class-Action Suits; Obama Hiding Under Desk...
This speech excerpted from the live stream video of the Reclaim America Now Coalition protest posted here.
Philippine Catholic Bishops are sending Bibles and rosary beads to communities devastated by typhoon Yolanda. Yeah who needs food and shelter when you have Jesus?
Courtesy of Inquirer News:
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) is sending several copies of the Bible and rosaries to Tacloban and nearby provinces to fill the spiritual necessities of those affected by supertyphoon “Yolanda” (international name Haiyan).
According to the CBCP, the Episcopal Commission for the Biblical Apostolate (ECBA) will be sending 1,000 copies of the Bible to help strengthen the faith of the typhoon victims.
On the other hand, the prayer support network of the pro-life movement Rosary for Life donated to the CBCP an initial 3,000 rosaries for Tacloban to help uplift the spiritual morale of the devastated people in the city.
“We know that through prayers somehow we will survive as a people and persevere in life. The primacy of the spiritual dimension in our lives must be emphasized to our people. We, of course know that the physical necessities of life are important but also important is the spiritual side of the people in this recent calamity. We are making these rosaries available to people to help them pray in this time of trial and tragedy,” said William Lorenzo, the communication officer of Rosaries for Life, in a statement.
Lorenzo said they would visit the affected areas to help rehabilitate the Catholic spirituality of the people of Tacloban.
He added that rosaries would also be sent to Samar, another province badly affected by the supertyphoon.
Meanwhile, Dr. Natividad Pagadut, ECBA’s executive secretary, believes that the distribution of the Bible should be coupled with formation and counseling of the people in order to guide them on how to use it.
“We hope that the Bible would help the victims recover from the tragedy, strengthen their faith, and improve as persons,” she said.
“It is best to couple it with formation, counseling and to guide them on what to read in the Bible during this time. With this, they will be consoled, challenged, they will gain hope to move on, and get up from this terrible experience,” Pagadut said.
The biblical apostolate also gave 100 copies of children’s Bible for kids to read to help them get up from the devastating experience.
WTF? These people have lost EVERYTHING and with all of the money at their disposal the Catholic church sends them Bibles and beads?
They don't care about the well being of these people, they are just worried that they will lose members of the flock who might be questioning the wisdom of worshiping a God who either sent this typhoon on purpose who was unable or unwilling to prevent it.
These people need physical help, not more proselytizing.
I may be nothing more than a heathen but I have sent two different donations already.
Cash donations.
And I did it not to earn my way into heaven, or to buy my way out of hell, but simply because it is the right, the human, thing to do.
Obama Omits "Under God" From President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Obama Omits "Under God" From
President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
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Resident Soetoro recited President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address... with "under God" omitted...
As Gateway Pundit points out: It’s not the first time Obama omitted God or Creator from a speech.
Here's President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address:
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863
As first reported on WMAL's Chris Plante Show Tuesday, the Commander-in-Chief joined a cast of 61 other noted lawmakers, politicians, news anchors and celebrities, including every living President, in reciting the Gettysburg Address, which President Abraham Lincoln delivered on November 19, 1863.
The dignitaries all delivered the address as Lincoln had written it, including the phrase, "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom." (Click to listen). Curiously, however, in his version of the address, President Obama omitted the words "under God." [...] - WMAL.
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Sarah Palin kicking it with one of the few people even crazier than she is, Rafael Cruz, Ted Cruz's father.
Courtesy of
A big Texas thanks to Rafael Cruz, Senator Ted Cruz’s father, for hosting us last night with other SarahPAC supporters. It’s inspiring to hear Rafael’s full-throated defense of American exceptionalism. As an American of Cuban descent, Rafael has witnessed first hand what it means to live without freedom, and that has made him an eloquent and motivated American patriot. God bless him and all the SarahPAC supporters we met yesterday. Together we're working to restore our exceptional nation!
Holy crap! Can you just imagine how much crazy would be packed into that room with Sarah Palin, her Palin-bots, AND Rafael Cruz? I swear it boggles the mind.
You may remember the elder Cruz as the the man who wants to send President Obama back to Kenya, who says black people are uninformed, and that his son Ted Cruz is the "Anointed one."
So clearly he is one of Palin's kind of people. Perhaps even crazier than the usual suspects even.
Speaking of crazy, you should see how crazy the Palin-bots got over this tweet from Cher:
Go to dictionary,& look up The “C"Word, 2 the’ll see a Pic of Sarah PALIN ! NO...WAIT ...SHES UNDER DUMB C WORD👻
— Cher (@cher) November 15, 2013
It was tweeted back on November 15, but apparently it took almost three days for the Right Wing to get sufficiently pissed off about it.Anyhow apparently it really hurt widdle Sarah's feelings so she sicced her big brother on her:
Dear Cher,
I was sorry to hear that you tweeted out such vile comments about my little sister yesterday. It's sad because Sarah has never had a harsh word to say about you. In fact, our grandmother was one of your biggest fans.
Have a good night,
Oh God can you just imagine how torn up Cher is to learn that the Palin's no longer want to be besties with her?
Personally I don't think Cher owes them anything, after all she did already write a song all about them. What more do they want?
And if that were not enough outrage for one day it is now being reported that Palin has just cancelled her sit down with Matt Lauer over the remarks by Martin Bashir.
This courtesy of Fox News:
The former Alaska governor and Fox News contributor was scheduled to sit down with Matt Lauer for a Christmas season interview. That's now toast.
Palin has now canceled Lauer's scheduled trip to Wasilla, a source close to her tells me. It's not because Palin is upset with Lauer or the "Today" show, but as a protest against NBC for not taking action against Bashir. In fact, Palin once sat in as a "Today"co-host.
Uh huh. Okay does anybody else think that this might just be a convenient excuse to get out of an interview that she is now dreading because her book sales have dropped off so precipitously? (Which are now down to 275 at the time of this post.)
Because I kind of do.
Live Stream Video: Reclaim America Now Coalition Protest At White House
Here is some video from the start of the Reclaim America Now Coalition protest across from White House...
This was posted on Levi Johnston's Facebook page late last night.
0verwhelm: NYP; Census Faked 2012 Election Jobs Report; Sound Familiar?
0verwhelm: NYP; Census Faked 2012
Election Jobs Report; Sound Familiar?
A new scandal pops up every week with this lawless regime... Talk about overwhelming the system!?
NY Post reports: Census ‘faked’ 2012 election jobs report - excerpt;
Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy.
And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.
“He’s not the only one,” said the source, who asked to remain anonymous for now but is willing to talk with the Labor Department and Congress if asked.
The Census employee caught faking the results is Julius Buckmon, according to confidential Census documents obtained by The Post. Buckmon told me in an interview this past weekend that he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census. [...] Continued @ NY Post.
Check out one of the comments left at NYP:
Rachel Maddow debunks the newest Right Wing outrage over the "fact" that President Obama omitted God from the Gettysburg Address. He didn't.
This courtesy of Raw Story:
According to Media Matters, Burns specifically asked the president to read from the “Nicolay Version,” which was written before the phrase “under God” was added:
“It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that, from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
The phrase, however, was changed slightly by the time the speech was delivered by Lincoln: “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.”
By Tuesday morning, the news had become one of the top stories on conservative websites like the Drudge Report, The Daily Caller, the National Review Online and WMAL. The Daily Caller did eventually correct their report to note that Burns had requested the “Nicolay Version” of the speech.
This story was ALL OVER the Right Wing blogosphere yesterday. I knew when I first heard it that it was nothing.
I swear that these idiots spend all day, every day simply waiting for something that they can feel outraged over.
Reagan Vs Obama: Sen. Cruz Talks Lawless Obama Impeachment; Revolution
Obama Is No Reagan: Senator Ted Cruz Talks Lawless Obama Impeachment...
Senator Ted Cruz appeared on the Steve Malzberg show and was ask if Obama should be impeached for his many unconstitutional acts and selectively enforcing laws... Malzberg then suggested the same...
Contrast President Reagan...
with... Resident Obama AKA Soetoro
Sad little group of Teabaggers, numbering less than 100, hold rally in Washington to give President Obama "one last chance to obey the will of the people." Squeak, said the mouse.
Courtesy of Time Swampland:
Less than 100 Tea Party-affiliated protesters gathered in Lafayette Square on Tuesday to call for Obama’s impeachment, just steps from the White House where President Obama was meeting with members of the Senate Foreign Relations committee. “We have been disserved by the so-called leaders of our country for generations,” said Larry Klayman, the chairman of Freedom Watch and leader of the Reclaim America Now Coalition. ““We are giving [Obama] one last chance to obey the will of the American people.”
The Reclaim America Now is a coalition of about 30 conservative groups, including Gun Owners of America, Accuracy in Media and Tea Party Patriots, who stand behind the idea that President Obama and many of our elected leaders are tyrannical and do not govern with their best interests at heart. Outraged over Benghazi, the allegations that the IRS targeted conservative groups, the NSA, and especially Obamacare, ralliers agreed: Obama must go. ”I know a scoundrel when I see one,” said former US congressman Bob Barr, who helped lead the impeachment effort against Bill Clinton in 1998. “We have a scoundrel living in that house right here and we need to get him out.”
Barr, who will run for Congress in Georgia in 2014, also read a revised version of his 1997 inquiry of impeachment with President Obama’s infractions replacing former President Clinton’s. He later told TIME that the purpose of the event was to remind American people that they have the power to stand up to government.
Klayman described the rally as the first day of the second American Revolution. At the event, a George Washington impersonator presented the grievances of the coalition in the form of a repurposed Declaration of Independence. The demands included seeing President Obama’s birth certificate, not George Washington said, the “photocopied version,” repealing the Affordable Care Act, and allowing witnesses from Benghazi to give their accounts. Klayman said that if President Obama does not adhere to their demands by Black Friday, Nov. 29, the day that traditionally marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season, the protestors would have no choice but to attempt to force him out of office.
I think this almost exactly meets the dictionary's definition of "insignificant."
Benghazi, Obama's birth certificate, and the so-called IRS targeting of teabaggers? Are these idiots trapped in a time warp or something?
I wonder what it must be like to become increasingly irrelevant as each day comes to a close?
Maybe we should ask Sarah Palin?
Video: Bill O'Reilly Finally Admits His Part In Obama ID Fraud Coverup
Video: Bill O'Reilly Finally Admits His Part In Obama ID Fraud Coverup
Video: O'Reilly Finally Admits His
Part In Obama ID Fraud Coverup
Phony journalist Bill O'Reilly had former Black Panther editor, Obama friend, Professor Charles Ogletree on to discuss Oprah Winfrey's recent comments where she accuses Americans of being racist for opposing Obama.
The interview quickly veered into the Birther issue.
ID fraud is a crime issue not a race issue!
He should've been tarred and feathered when he lied about Obama's CT Social Security Number...
Costco labels Bible as fiction. Cue the Christian outrage!
Courtesy of Fox News:
What do the Bible, "The Hunger Games" and "Fifty Shades of Grey" have in common? All three are works of fiction, according to the booksellers at Costco.
Pastor Caleb Kaltenbach made that shocking discovery last Friday as he was shopping for a present for his wife at a Costco in Simi Valley, Calif.
“All the Bibles were labeled as fiction,” the pastor told me. “It seemed bizarre to me.”
Kaltenbach is the lead pastor at Discovery Church, a non-denominational Christian congregation in southern California.
He thought there must be some sort of mistake so he scoured the shelf for other Bibles. Every copy was plastered with a sticker that read, “$14.99 Fiction.”
Uh oh somebody needs to tell Sarah Palin about this. If she can get out a ghostwritten Facebook post on this in a hurry, she might be able to knock her book perhaps ten more slots down in the Amazon rating system before the end of the day.
Personally I have to really question the intelligence of anybody who reads the Bible and believes that it is literally a factual account of events that took place in the past.
Of course it's fiction, the only question remaining should be is is good fiction or bad?
I vote for the latter.
Forward: Is Obama A Criminal; Lies, Surveillance, Fraud and Forgery
Is Obama a Criminal?
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Nov. 17, 2013) — In 2008, the man known as “Barack Hussein Obama” campaigned on a platform of “hope and change,” followed by “Forward!” in 2012.
First Amendment to be a watchdog, not a cheerleader, for government. Again in 2012, the mainstream media failed to report on the many questions which had never been answered about Obama’s childhood, college years, and birthplace. It did not report that the long-form birth certificate posted on the White House website was the subject of a criminal investigation which concluded that the image was fraudulent, along with Obama’s purported Selective Service registration form.
Statements made in several overseas newspapers, by the Kenyan Parliament, Obama’s biographer and by the U.S. ambassador to Kenya that Obama was born in that country contradict public statements that he was born in Honolulu, HI on August 4, 1961 at Kapiolani Medical Center, although previously Queens Hospital was also identified as his birthplace.
Michelle Obama has called Kenya her husband’s “home country.”
The short-form Certification of Live Birth posted by an unknown source on June 12, 2008 at The Daily KOS has been declared a forgery, although former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs vouched for it in 2009 while ridiculing the reporter who inquired about it.
Since at least 2008, anyone asking about Obama’s origins has been the object of derision, ridicule, defamation, website and email breaches, death threats, and insults. Some believe that the threats originate from a group of operatives paid by the Obama regime to spread disinformation and discourage any investigation.
Congress failed to properly vet Obama during either of his campaigns, or knew of his deception and did nothing. Petitions from constituents asking that his credentials be reviewed went unheeded.
Obama has been called a usurper for failing to meet the U.S. Constitution’s Article II, Section 1, clause 5 eligibility standard of a “natural born Citizen.” His claimed birth in Hawaii to a foreign-citizen father would historically not have qualified him or anyone else for the presidency, a fact the Congressional Research Service (CRS) has attempted to obfuscate in Obama’s favor.
In 2009, the Obama regime inexplicably asked that indictments against a known domestic terrorist be dismissed, and a magistrate judge agreed but would not state a reason. It was later discovered that shortly before the judge’s decision was rendered, her son received preferential treatment relating to his incarceration on drug charges. The subject of those indictments, Elizabeth Ann Duke, was known to have consorted with former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who launched Obama’s political career in 1995 in Chicago.
Obama lied about the effects of his “signature” health care bill known as Obamacare, which has caused millions of insurance policies to be canceled since October 1. Insurance companies are now in chaos as Obama attempts to unconstitutionally alter the individual mandate of the law he signed on March 23, 2010.
Portions of the law have been changed by Obama’s White House without congressional action, violating Article I of the U.S. Constitution, which states that only Congress can make or amend law.
At least one member of Congress has publicly admitted that Republicans became aware that their movements on the internet were being tracked during the 2012 campaign cycle. Journalists have been surveilled without their knowledge, with one named an “unindicted co-conspirator” for writing a story about North Korea using a source from the State Department.
When the U.S. Supreme Court upheld part of the health care law in June 2012, CBS News reported that Chief Justice John Roberts had originally intended to deem it unconstitutional. Roberts’ vote was the determining one in allowing the law to be implemented, resulting in the current situation in which seriously ill people will soon be without any insurance at all.
It has been suggested that Roberts could have been intimidated by information gleaned from surveillance conducted by the Obama regime.
Obama has authorized the waste of approximately $1 billion to preferred, no-bid contractors for a dysfunctional website for which no one appears to be accountable.
Egyptian officials have charged Obama with “crimes against humanity” at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, claiming that he conspired with members of The Muslim Brotherhood to kill Coptic Christians following the ouster of former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. The Muslim Brotherhood is a declared enemy of the United States and has as its purpose the toppling of Western society in deference to Islam and Sharia law.
Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services has hired “navigators” with criminal and troubled backgrounds to “assist” people to enroll in Obamacare, including at least one illegal alien. Some have been videotaped encouraging applicants to break the law.
Obama has circumvented Congress to issue changes to immigration law, environmental policies and firearms laws. Such policies have resulted in layoffs, plant closings, and the awarding of millions of dollars to “green” energy companies which soon went bankrupt.
Obama has appointed many of his former campaign bundlers to the ambassadorships of foreign countries, only to have them disgraced by allegations of gross misconduct.
In 2009, the “Common Core” educational curriculum was foisted on the states in exchange for money from the Stimulus Bill, with governors and educators now becoming aware of its lower academic standards and expectations.
The Obama regime lied about the catalyst for a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012 during which four Americans were killed, and then attempted to cover up its lies with more dishonesty.
Without admitting it, the Obama regime has spied on foreign leaders considered to be U.S. allies and authorized routine spying on United States citizens who are not suspected of being involved in terrorism.
By overseeing the alteration of the Rules of Engagement, there have been more than four times the number of deaths in Afghanistan on Obama’s watch in five years than under President George W. Bush’s in seven years, according to a source close to Billy and Karen Vaughan, authors of “Betrayed,” a father’s account of the Extortion 17 helicopter crash. Under Obama, terms such as “radical Islam” and “jihad” have been purged from FBI and military training manuals.
Obama has been accused of waging a “war on men” in the military. “Careers have been ruined and lives devastated” by accusations of sexual assault which may be unfounded resulting in courts-martial.
At the funeral service for the Extortion 17 victims, an Islamic imam recited an Arabic prayer which condemned the “infidels” to “eternal hell.”
Obama’s regime incarcerated an Army medical doctor for five months for asking for proof that he was constitutionally eligible. Multiple complaints of treason against Obama have been ignored rather than answered.
Instead of equipping the military with necessary training, Obama has socially engineered it such that courts-martial are being threatened against people of a particular faith. The military has insulted and chastised members for being Christian while showing special deference to Islam. Catholic priests have been barred from holding mass and threatened with arrest.
Pundits who have previously been cautiously critical of Obama are now stating that if he were employed in a private business, he would be “prosecuted” for “serial fraud.” Former Justice Department prosecutor Andrew McCarthy stated that “I don’t think there’d be any problem proving high crimes and misdemeanors” committed by Obama, citing “systematic dishonesty.”
Investigators have called Obama “a fraud” with the promise of stunning information to be released in the near future.
According to a former Secret Service agent who guarded Obama’s life, Obama has used the powers of the federal government against the citizens it is constitutionally meant to protect.
Law-abiding citizens exercising their First Amendment right to petition the government for redress of grievances have been jailed, defamed, robbed, and labeled the pejorative “Sovereign Citizens,” a campaign in which the regime engaged the sycophantic mainstream press. Returning military veterans were deemed “potential domestic terrorists.”
One mainstream outlet, NBC News, has been accused of participating in the scheme to dupe the American people into believing that the long-form birth certificate image was an authentic representation of whatever the Hawaii Department of Health retains in its files.
In 2008, the same website now calling out Obama for “serial fraud” reported that Obama’s Certification of Live Birth appeared authentic. In what could be a prophetic statement, writer Jim Geraghty said at the time, “Barring some vast conspiracy within the Hawaii State Department of Health…”
Given the myriad incidents of deceit over the last five years, is the forgery of Obama’s “birth certificate” still difficult to believe?
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Allen West: Obama Should Resign; Coalition To Mass In Front Of White House
Reclaim America protestors to mass in front of White House
on November 19, 2013, and demand Obama’s resignation
Reclaim America Now Coalition
Date: November 19, 2013
Time: 10:00 am – 6:30 pm
Place: Lafayette Park
(Washington D.C., November 18, 2013). As the Declaration of Independence requires of all Americans, it has now become necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that have connected them with another. It is critical for us to rise up and confront the political establishment that has willfully and maliciously bound our hands and voices. We must invoke our unalienable right to liberty. Our government has become so destructive that, as our Founding Fathers expressed, it is our right and duty to alter or abolish it, while “instituting” a new government that truly represents We the People.
With the growing scandals of the Obama administration such as its utter indifference to the brutal murders in Benghazi, the willful targeting of conservative groups and others by the Internal Revenue Service, the unconstitutional, massive spying program instituted by Obama’s National Security Agency, and its blatant lies to the America people regarding ObamaCare in its egregious and dangerous attempt to socialize the United States of America, Reclaim America Now Coalition seeks to, in effect, “call out” the administration for its unprecedented failure to represent We the People, to shine light upon what Barack Obama calls “phony scandals,” and to allow people with legitimate grievances to finally be heard.
Reclaim America Now will host several prominent speakers such as former U.S. Attorney and Congressman Bob Barr, former U.S. Senator Gordon J. Humphrey, CEO of Joseph Farah and has the support of prominent coalition members such as the Tea Parties, Special Operations Speaks, Western Center for Journalism, Declaration Alliance, Gun Owners of America, John Ratzenberger, Carl Paladino, Pat Boone, Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, Political Media Inc., Renew America, and other major individuals and groups.
Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, former U.S. Justice Department prosecutor and an organizer of Reclaim America Now, said this: “The Second American Revolution begins November 19, 2013. Our country is headed into a potentially fatal downward spiral, under the tyrannical control of a hostile government that no longer represents We the People. I call upon all patriots – Democrats, Republicans and others – to peacefully descend on Washington D.C. on the 19th en masse, and reclaim our freedoms promised to us in our Constitution, the same Constitution that the Obama administration so frequently violates. We the People do not know where this road will lead us precisely, but we know that it is necessary to begin the process of having Americans stand up for their rights and not look to our compromised and corrupted executive, legislative and judicial branches of government to do what is our God-given duty; to restore freedom to the United States of America.”
All interested persons and media are welcome to contact Freedom Watch at or (424) 274-2579. See for an updated list of speakers and coalition members.
Allen West: Obama Should Resign
Flush: Obama Fails Stool Test; Natural Born Citizens Need No Act Of Man
The Three Legged Stool Test & Analogy for Natural born
Citizenship of the United States to Constitutional Standards
By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret),
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Click on image for more information about the legal term of art — natural born Citizen of the United States |
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Click image for more information on the constitutional legal term of art “natural born Citizen” |
CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
P.S. Also read this essay regarding the legal term of art “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: … AND …
Bombshell: Fox Contributor: Actor Harry Lennix Trained Obama To Act Educated
Bombshell: Fox News Contributor & Radio Host:
Actor Harry Lennix Trained Obama To Act Educated
Fox News contributor and nationally syndicated radio host Eric "Mancow" Muller dropped a bomb on Alex Jones' show claiming actor Harry Lennix personally told him he trained Obama how to act starting in the 1990's.
( Video via Alex Jones Channel. )
Excerpt via Info Wars:
Muller, who knew Obama in Chicago before he became president, said Lennix told him that, “He was the actor hired to teach Obama to be Harry Lennix – watch The Blacklist and you can see Obama – this is an actor that we hired in our president.”
“He’s leaving our studio and sees a cut-out of Obama and says ‘he’s a rat bastard’ – oh because I’m black I have to like Obama,” said Muller.
“He says, Mancow do I remind you of him?….Barack Obama is me, you’ve seen me on TV, you’ve seen me on movies, he is me.”
Mancow says Lennix told him, “He mimicked me, he followed me for years, and they wanted me to train him and teach him how to act….like a an educated south side African-American,” adding that Lennix thought Obama was “very stupid” and had “been taught to act like this.”
Mancow’s producer, who also witnessed the conversation, confirmed its veracity and added that Lennix said the only person who knows Obama better than him is Michelle Obama. [...] - Info Wars.
( Video via Alex Jones Channel. )
Attacks... in... 3. 2. 1...
Sen. Johnson Addresses Nation: Obama's Phony Apology; Consumer Fraud To Get Elected
Sen. Johnson Addresses Nation: Obama's Phony Apology; Consumer Fraud To Get Elected...
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson ripped Obama and Democrats over Obamacare in the GOP's Weekly Address accusing them of consumer fraud for their calculated and deceptive
Sen. Johnson Excerpt:
"Those assurances weren't slight exaggerations or innocent shadings of the truth. They were statements that were fully vetted, coldly calculated, and carefully crafted to deceptively sell your health care plan to a trusting public. It was a political fraud echoed relentlessly by House and Senate Democrats who should be held accountable for the disastrous consequences of their grand deception.
Consumer fraud this massive in the private sector could – and should – bear serious legal ramifications. For President Obama, however, it helped secure enough votes to pass Obamacare, and win reelection." [...]
Here's the full transcript:
“Hi, I'm Senator Ron Johnson from the great State of Wisconsin.
“President Obama said he wants to fundamentally transform America. So far, his attempt to transform our health care system has not been pretty – with Obamacare, he did far more than just fumble the ball.
“Contrary to his repeated promise, that ‘if you like your health care plan, you can keep it,’ millions of Americans are not only losing their insurance coverage, they are losing access to the doctors and treatments that have kept them alive.
“President Obama's so-called apology, was as phony as his fraudulent marketing of Obamacare. He seemed to be saying he was sorry Americans actually believed him, but took no responsibility for their plight. It was like telling someone you're sorry their dog died, but refusing to acknowledge you ran over the dog.
“Sorry Mr. President, it didn't work. Millions of Americans are coming to realize that those are your tire tracks on their cancelled policies. It is also obvious that you didn't inadvertently misspeak when you promised Americans they can keep their doctors and health plans - and do it all at a lower cost.
“Those assurances weren't slight exaggerations or innocent shadings of the truth. They were statements that were fully vetted, coldly calculated, and carefully crafted to deceptively sell your health care plan to a trusting public. It was a political fraud echoed relentlessly by House and Senate Democrats who should be held accountable for the disastrous consequences of their grand deception.
“Consumer fraud this massive in the private sector could – and should – bear serious legal ramifications. For President Obama, however, it helped secure enough votes to pass Obamacare, and win reelection.
“Now America must face the truth, and Congress must work to limit the damage that Obamacare will inflict on our health care system and people's lives. The systemic failure of the website and cancelled policies are only the tip of this destructive iceberg.
“Because if you think only those that buy individual policies will lose their coverage, think again. Obamacare creates huge incentives for businesses to stop providing health care as a benefit. As a result, millions more will lose their tax-exempt employer-sponsored health plan and be forced to try buying insurance with after-tax dollars on the exchanges.
“Hopefully, Americans who were deceived will question the credibility of those who made so many false promises. Does anyone actually believe Obamacare is bending the cost curve down, that working Americans won't be forced to pick up the tab, that the quality of care won't suffer, rationing won't occur, or that much needed medical innovation won't be diminished?
“Does anyone really believe their personal information in the hands of federal bureaucrats will remain private and won't be abused, or that Obamacare will actually reduce federal debt and deficits?
“I’m asking every American to believe what their eyes and ears are telling them. The federal government is dysfunctional. It is broken, ineffective, and inefficient. Do you really want Washington taking over a greater share of our health care system – getting more involved in your health care decisions? Americans are finding out that is a prescription for disaster.
“Obamacare will not fix an imperfect health care system. It will cause more damage for far more people than any problems it will ever solve. Now is the time to start reversing that damage – before it’s too late.
“A good place to start would be supporting the bill I introduced in the Senate called ‘If you like your health plan, you can keep it Act,’ or a similar measure just passed in the House. Unfortunately, the implementation of Obamacare has progressed to a point where millions of cancelled plans cannot be reinstated. But the freedom of millions of Americans to keep doctors, treatments, and health plans they do value can still be preserved if Congress acts swiftly and decisively.
“I also plan to introduce a new bill titled ‘Preserve Freedom and Choice in Health Care,’ which will attempt to protect liberty and the rights of individuals to make their own health care decisions. We need long-term solutions to the Obamacare debacle, not short-term political fixes like those recently proposed by the President and Senate Democrats that simply will not work.
“Throughout the health care debate, Republicans have proposed dozens of solutions designed to help control costs and improve quality – without surrendering control of your personal health care decisions to nameless bureaucrats in Washington. Now is the time to enact those common sense ideas.
“But none of this will occur unless the American people hold those who supported Obamacare accountable – and do so with a very loud voice. Democrat Senators must help Republicans pass legislation to limit the damage of Obamacare. If not, those who choose to ignore the plight of millions of Americans should be replaced next November by those who will act.
“Thank you”
Abraham Lincoln's 'Gettysburg Address' on the 150th Anniversary
Of the five known copies of the "Gettysburg Address" in Abraham Lincoln's handwriting (all a little different), this version named after Col. Alexander Bliss has been the most often produced in the 150 years since Lincoln signed and dated it, according to
Here is the full text:
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
-- Abraham Lincoln
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