Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Bristol Palin's ghostwriter blogs about the dangers of anorexia. Now what could have prompted that concern?

5:11 AM By No comments

Bristol Palin's ghostwriter blogs about the dangers of anorexia. Now what could have prompted that concern?
So on Brancy's blog there was a story about a young woman who was rescued from her debilitating eating disorder by a group of concerned fellow gym members:

This group of gym goers — called the “Nashville angels” — took Lauren to the hospital in just the nick of time. The doctors said she would’ve died — perhaps that day — had the strangers not intervened.

Now see that's very sweet. I just can't help wondering by Bristol/Nancy French would post about something that has nothing to do with abortion, Down syndrome, or attacking the President.

You know it seems like I would at least have a hint.

Hang on, it's on the tip of my brain. It'll come to me.



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