Friday, December 13, 2013
Background: Obama Birth Certificate Gatekeeper Sole Victim In Plane Crash
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- Fuddy Paid In Full? - |
Director Dies in Plane Crash
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Dec. 12, 2013) — The UK Daily Mail and other news sources have reported that Hawaii Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy has died in a small plane crash on a return trip from a remote Hawaiian island on Wednesday.
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Loretta Fuddy served as Hawaii Health Department Director since March 2011 and Interim Director from January to March 2011 |
On April 27, an image was posted on the White House website purported to be Obama’s long-form birth certificate acquired by special request from Obama to Fuddy and also through Corley. It was reported that on April 25, “Director Fuddy personally witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the authenticity of the two copies.”
It has been speculated that Perkins Coie and Fuddy could have been involved in the cover-up surrounding the birth certificate, which has been declared by a law enforcement investigation to be a “computer-generated forgery.” Whether or not the image posted online emanates from the documents provided to Corley is unknown at this time.
On Monday, a video was produced stating that “prosecutions are coming” and that witnesses would be testifying in regard to the birth certificate forgery and cover-up.
Fuddy had replaced Dr. Neal Palafox, who was nominated by Abercrombie but after three weeks withdrew his name from consideration. At the same time, Abercrombie had publicly resolved to locate Obama’s elusive long-form birth certificate. After a few days, however, Abercrombie said that he was unable to find it but affirmed that there was a notation of Obama’s birth in the “archives.” That reference could have been to the 1961-64 Birth Index, which a researcher sponsored by The Post & Email and a private citizen viewed during the summer of 2010.
Abercrombie reportedly told CNN that he was “there when he [Obama] was born [in Hawaii],” but the criminal investigation carried out by the Cold Case Posse revealed that there is no record of Obama having been present in the state before the age of five.
In January 2011, Abercrombie had said that “theories” that Obama was “not a U.S. citizen” could be put to rest by producing the original long-form certificate. Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution requires the president to be a “natural born Citizen,” not simply “a citizen,” as is required of representatives, senators and governors.
On April 22 of that year, Corley reportedly traveled to Honolulu to obtain the two certified copies from the Hawaii Department of Health, on which Fuddy had released an official statement. On April 27, an image was posted on the White House website which was declared fraudulent in a public press conference by the Cold Case Posse on March 1, 2012.
Cold Case Posse lead investigator has reported that his sources say that regarding Obama, “there never was a birth in Hawaii.”
In December 2011, Fuddy was named as a defendant in a lawsuit compelling the Health Department to release Obama’s official records. She was also named as the defendant in the case of Duncan Sunahara, who sought a certified copy of his deceased sister’s long-form birth certificate. Investigators suspect Ms. Sunahara’s birth certificate could have been utilized to provide Obama with an approximate birth certificate number for the time in which he claims he was born.
A Notice of Commission of felonies has been filed with the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington in Seattle and appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals by petitioner Douglas Vogt. Included in the filing is a sealed affidavit containing the names of those Vogt believes created the forgery and assisted in perpetrating the conspiracy to purposely mislead the public about Obama’s birthplace.
The number on Obama’s birth certificate is out of sequence for his alleged birth on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu. Virginia Sunahara was born on the same day and lived less than 24 hours due to breathing complications.
Fuddy was reportedly the only casualty out of a total of nine people on the plane. The crash reportedly occurred near the Kalaupapa Peninsula. The Health Department Director is also mayor of Kalaupapa by state statute.
In 2011, The Post & Email had attempted to obtain a copy of Fuddy’s professional schedule through a UIPA request but was denied on the basis that Fuddy’s personal and professional schedules were combined and shared only with her private secretary. The public schedule of her predecessor, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, had been provided by the Health Department after Founder John Charlton had requested it through a previous UIPA submission.
The Coast Guard engaged in a rescue operation after the plane was spotted by a pilot flying another plane on a similar return flight to Honolulu.
Fuddy was 65. The Health Department does not appear to have posted a notice on her passing as of press time.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
More Background on Loretta Fuddy:
Hawaii Department Of Health Director Loretta Fuddy Killed In Plane Crash
Hawaii Department Of Health
Director Loretta Fuddy Killed In Plane Crash
Via Orly Taitz: Press Release:
Within hours after Attorney Orly Taitz published a press release of Johanna Ah'Nee-Randolf's "control" birth certificate showing the same evidence of forgery and back dating as Obama's alleged birth certificate, certified as genuine by director of Health of HI Loretta Fuddy, it was announced that Loretta Fuddy was the only passenger to die in a small plane accident. Attorney Taitz calls on 8 courts and judges who received her cases to rule expeditiously on the merits and review the evidence of forgery and theft in Obama's IDs before more people die in strange accidents. [...] Orly Taitz.
Via KITV: 1 dead in plane crash off Molokai
HONOLULU —One person is dead and eight others are alive after a plane crashed in waters off Kalaupapa on Molokai Wednesday afternoon, according to Maui County fire officials.
The person who died was identified by Maui police as Hawaii Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy. [...] Continued here. Video here.
UPDATE: Background: Obama Birth Certificate Gatekeeper Sole Victim In Plane Crash - DETAILS HERE.
VIDEO VIA 68Truthseeker:
Image Credit: Catherine Cluett/The Molokai Dispatch
Megyn Kelly tells America's children that both Santa and Jesus are historical figures, and are both white. So stop writing letters to our Santa and praying to our Jesus you brown people!
Courtesy of Cajun Boy:
And by the way, for all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white. But this person is maybe just arguing that we should also have a black Santa. But, you know, Santa is what he is, and just so you know, we’re just debating this because someone wrote about it, kids…Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean it has to change. You know, I mean, Jesus was a white man too. He was a historical figure; that’s a verifiable fact—as is Santa, I want you kids watching to know that.
Yes sorry all you black kids who watch Fox News (Has to be at least one or two, right?) but Santa is a white dude. And so is Jesus because this is America and in America everybody worth looking up to is white.
(THAT'S why Fox News cannot say anything positive about President. He is only half white.)
And even though Santa Claus is based on this guy.
A skinny, very stern looking St. Nicholas. |
Americans actually know that he looks like this.
Because that is the way that Coca Cola had him drawn for their advertisements, and Americans only know what to like and trust due to advertising firms.
As for Jesus well anthropologists and historians want you to believe that Jesus most likely looked like the image below.
Seriously? That face would send today's Christians scrambling for the church exit.
No, REAL American Christians know that Jesus looked like this.
Now you're talking.
See, now THAT'S the image of Jesus that puts asses in seats and fills the collection plate to overflowing.
So don't worry white kids whose parents force them to watch Fox News, Jesus looks just like you.
Besides if Santa and Jesus were really black wouldn't Sarah Palin be trying to get into their pants?
Now Sarah Palin's mad at ESPN because (Buy my book!) they did not accept a hospital advertisement (Buy my book dammit!) that mentioned God and Jesus (Seriously I have truckloads of these stupid things!) and if anybody thinks she has an ulterior motive they are probably just an angry atheist.
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Photo of Sarah Palin's old house before she moved to Arizona. |
ESPN, you've come a long way, baby... from your known wholesome, bold Americana "persona" to now being afraid to support freedom and not being bold enough to allow acknowledgement of the "Reason for the Season." So disappointing. Well, I hope you guys catch and enjoy the Christmas spirit anyway!
Palin then links to an article over at Breitbart where, as we know, journalistic ethics goes to die, discussing the terrible transgression by ESPN:
The commercial mentions that thousands of people in the community send "messages of hope to sick and injured children who may not be able to come home for the holidays."
"At... Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center, we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the season of giving, bringing hope to the many children, parents, and families that we serve," an announcer says in the ad before mentioning that the hospital's patients are "filled with hope" because they receive daily messages from the "treasure chest" beneath its "tree of hope."
The ad concludes by asking viewers to "help us reveal God's healing presence this Christmas. Send your message of hope at"
ESPN reportedly found "we celebrate the birth of Jesus" and "help us reveal God's healing presence this Christmas" to be "problematic."
So once again a business decision made in recognition of the fact that there is a growing number of their viewers who are NOT Christians and who may find such a commercial objectionable, or even insulting to their belief system or lack thereof, has been twisted as an "attack on Christmas and Christianity."
By the way how is it that Palin does not recognize that "freedom" also entails the freedom to pick and choose the advertisements you want broadcast on your network without some anorexic bitch trying to lay a guilt trip on you about it?
But I guess when you have unsellable merchandise you really only care about your own freedom to drum up business by attacking everybody in your line of sight.
You know, just like Jesus would do.
Republicans final tactic to punish Democrats is to throw a 30 hour long tantrum at the tax payers expense.
Courtesy of The Hill:
Senate Republicans made plans Wednesday to stage a more than 30-hour talkathon on the chamber floor to protest Democrats’ triggering of the “nuclear option” last month.
The GOP protest, which could extend into the weekend, will throw a wrench in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) hopes of wrapping up legislative business for 2013 as soon as possible.
The Republicans aimed to push a final vote on Nina Pillard, one of President Obama’s picks for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, until the wee hours of the morning.
Senate Republicans planned to hold the floor throughout the night, speaking out against Reid’s use of the nuclear option. Reid invoked the controversial tactic before Thanksgiving to strip the minority party’s power to filibuster judicial and executive branch nominees. The change did not affect Supreme Court picks.
“When you blow up the Senate rules, there has to be a consequence,” one Republican senator said.
“We’ll stretch this into the weekend if need be,” the lawmaker added.
A GOP source said that so far 36 senators had signed up for hourlong speaking slots on the floor, which would tie up business until early Friday morning.
So a bunch of old guys are going to stay up way past there bedtimes, while spending taxpayer money to keep the lights on in the Senate, so that they can stamp their feet and bitch about the fact that Harry Reid and the Democrats took away their right to sabotage the government?
They did this to themselves by being obstructionists, refused to accept the possibility that the Democrats would reach their limit with GOP shenanigans, and now are acting like three year olds ins response to the fact that they lost their leverage.
And all this does is to illustrate the point that the Democrats and the President were making that these assholes are unreasonable and irresponsible when it comes to doing their jobs.
Okay is there anybody who has ANY respect for these idiots anymore?
In attempt to insult HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Republican Congressman gets his Korea's mixed up.
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) insulted either Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius or a U.S. ally Wednesday in a testy back-and-forth over Obamacare, in which he compared her answers to something he'd hear from the "Republic of Korea."
Shimkus was attempting to get Sebelius to admit that the cost of providing preventive services under the Affordable Care Act will raise insurance premiums. But she was not buying it, arguing instead that preventive services lower costs.
"You cannot say these preventive services are, quote unquote, free of charge, can you?" said a heated Shimkus.
"They are free to the consumer, yes, sir," answered Sebelius, provoking apparent disbelief from the Illinois congressman.
"There is no free lunch, Madam Secretary," Shimkus said as she tried to point out actuarial estimates of the benefits of preventive care.
"All right, all right. I got it," Shimkus said before Sebelius was finished. "We're going to have to agree to disagree," he added before groping for a suitable, unflattering comparison.
"It's like talking to -- the Republic of Korea or something," he said.
The Republic of Korea is an American ally, generally known as South Korea. It does not have a reputation for being difficult to talk to. North Korea, which is notoriously difficult to deal with, is known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
You may remember Shimkus as the dipstick who denies the existence of man made global warming because only God can destroy what he created:
Speaking before a House Energy Subcommittee on Energy and Environment hearing in March, 2009, Shimkus quoted Chapter 8, Verse 22 of the Book of Genesis.
He said: 'As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease.'
The Illinois Republican continued: 'I believe that is the infallible word of God, and that's the way it is going to be for his creation.
'The earth will end only when God declares its time to be over. Man will not destroy this earth. This earth will not be destroyed by a flood."
I'm sorry serious public officials, who couch their arguments in science and facts should NOT have to suffer the indignity of being questioned and then shouted at by imbeciles like this.
Oh and by the way, Sebelius is right.
Satanists and Hindus apply to build monuments in Oklahoma. Oklahoma not happy.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
Oklahoma lawmakers are appalled that Satanists would try to erect a monument in their state capitol, but their decision to include a monument to the Ten Commandments of the Christian Bible’s Old Testament may have placed the state on shaky legal ground.
Before any new monument can go into production, it has to be approved by the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Society. Duane Mass, the architect who designed the capitol building and serves on the preservation board, rejected the idea outright.
“That’s Oklahoma’s house. It’s not the Satanic club of New York’s house,” Mass said. Lawmakers expressed similar sentiments.
“I think it is a joke,” said Senate Pro Tem Brian Bingman (R-Sapulpa) to the Tulsa World.
“This is a faith-based nation and a faith-based state,” grumbled Rep. Earl Sears (R-Bartlesville) to the World, perhaps forgetting that Satanism is also a faith. “I think it is very offensive they would contemplate or even have this kind of conversation.”
Yeah how dare they demand religious tolerance from a state demanding the tolerance to allow them to erect religious monuments in their state capitol.
The nerve!
Okay so if this is a "faith based nation" and the 1st Amendment protects the rights of those of faith, then perhaps the Hindus would have a better shot. After all they have been around for like several thousand years longer than the Jews and Christians.
Also courtesy of Raw Story:
That’s where the Hindus come in.
The fourth-largest faith group in the U.S. – and third-largest in the world – said it would like to join the religious displays to honor Oklahoma’s Hindus and raise awareness about their faith.
The Hindu group said their planned statue of Lord Hanuman would be “big and weather-proof.”
Hemant Mehta, who writes for the Friendly Atheist blog, said the Hindus’ request would likely put Oklahoma lawmakers in a legal and political bind.
“If the Commission votes yes on the proposal, conservatives will flip out,” Mehta wrote. “If they vote no, they’re just inviting a lawsuit. This is beautiful.”
I don't know about everybody else but the Hindus had me at "big and weatherproof."
Personally I think it would be all kinds of awesome to have a state capitol that was filled with different statues representing various religious faiths. Just think of the educational opportunities!
School field trips to the capitol would be far more instructive in that they would include explanations concerning the various religious faiths that are able to worship freely in America, and how we as a nation do not favor one over another.
Don't you think that would be awesome? Oklahoma?