Monday, December 2, 2013
Beast: Obama Talks Books; Had Photo Session With Sheep-Violating Pornographer!?
Obama took a break from violating the sheeple of America and stopped by a bookstore with his family in an attempt to try and fluff up his plummeting approval and trust numbers. The problem for Obama is he is corrupt to the core. You can slap cake icing on sheep dung but at the end of the day it is still sheep dung. - Warning; NSFW.
WH Silent on Obama’s Photo
Session With Pornographer
By Barbara Boland @ CNSNews
( – The White House is not commenting on then-Sen. Barack Obama’s 2007 ‘portrait session’ in his Capitol Hill office with Terry Richardson, a photographer who was already known at that time the man who “took 1970s porn esthetic and made it fashion chic.”
Ben LeBolt, who served as Obama’s Senate press secretary at the time of the 2007 photo session, and later served as a spokesman for Obama’s 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns, is also not responding to questions about it.
For a week, from Nov. 18 through Nov. 25, placed repeated calls and sent repeated emails to the White House press office asking White House Press Secretary Jay Carney whether Obama’s Senate or presidential campaign staff was aware of Richardson’s reputation when he visited Obama’s office for the 2007 photo shoot and whether the president regretted extending that opportunity to Richardson. [...] Continued @ CNSNews. More here.
"Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself"
Obama a.k.a. Soetoro
India's Mars mission outpaces space rival China
India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, carrying the Mars orbiter, lifts off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota
India's first mission to Mars left Earth's orbit Sunday. Its success would carry India into a small club of nations whose probes have orbited or landed on Mars.
NEW DELHI — India's first mission to Mars left Earth's orbit in the early hours of Sunday, clearing a critical hurdle in its journey to the red planet and overtaking the recent efforts of rival Asian giant China.
The success of the spacecraft, scheduled to orbit Mars by next September, would carry India into a small club of nations including the United States, Europe, and Russia, whose probes have orbited or landed on Mars.
India's venture, called Mangalyaan, faces further more hurdles on its journey to Mars. Fewer than half of missions to the planet are successful.
"While Mangalyaan takes 1.2 billion dreams to Mars, we wish you sweet dreams!" India's space agency said in a tweet soon after the event, referring to the citizens of the world's second-most populous country.
China, a keen competitor in the space race, has considered the possibility of putting a man on the moon sometime after 2020 and aims to land its first probe on the moon on Monday.
It will deploy a buggy called the "Jade Rabbit" to explore the lunar surface in a mission that will also test its deep space communication technologies.
China's Mars probe rode piggyback on a Russian spacecraft that failed to leave Earth's orbit in November 2011. The spacecraft crumbled in the atmosphere and its fragments fell into the Pacific Ocean.
India's mission showcases the country's cheap technology, encouraging hopes it could capture more of the $304-billion global space market, which includes launching satellites for other countries, analysts say.
"Given its cost-effective technology, India is attractive," said Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, an expert on space security at the Observer Research Foundation think-tank in Delhi.
India's low-cost Mars mission has a price tag of 4.5 billion rupees ($73 million), just over a tenth of the cost of NASA's latest mission there, which launched on November 18.
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By Shyamantha Asokan of Reuters
Howard Dean responds to Rick Santorum's attack on President Obama's competence, "I lose my patience with this nonsense."
Courtesy of Mediaite:
“This really feeds into the president’s competence,” Santorum said of the ACA’s malfunctioning website. “Obamacare is certainly front and center, what’s going on in the Middle East is another area. There’s a whole group of issues now that people are questioning.”
“That’s right-wing talking points against this president,” Dean replied. “From day one, they’ve tried to undermine him as a human being.”
“I fail to see how this has anything to do with the president’s competence, other than the procurement process, which has been screwed up for many years, long before this president came into office,” Dean continued. “I lose my patience with this nonsense. I do believe that the fact are going to be determined by what happens on the ground. Three months from now, a lot more people are going to have health insurance, and a lot more people are going to be happy with all this.”
Dean, who has not always been the biggest fan of the Affordable Care Act, did an excellent job in pushing back against the GOP talking points.
By the way personally I think that Rick "Frothy" Santorum is a preexisting condition and I hope that Obamacare does something about him as well. Such as making him no longer a political viable candidate for ANYTHING.
Paul Crouch, the king of prosperity theology, finally gets his chance to meet God.
Courtesy of Politico:
Paul Crouch, the televangelist who built what's been called the world's largest Christian broadcasting network, has died. He was 79.
Crouch died at his home in Orange, Calif., on Saturday after a decade-long fight with degenerative heart disease, his grandson Brandon Crouch told The Associated Press.
"He was an incredible businessman, entrepreneur, visionary; he built something that impacted the world," he said.
Crouch began his broadcasting career while studying theology at Central Bible Institute and Seminary in his native Missouri by helping build the campus' radio station. He moved to California in the early 1960s to manage the movie and television unit of the Assemblies of God before founding Trinity Broadcast Network in 1973 with his wife, Jan.
They grew the network into an international Christian empire that beams prosperity gospel programming to every continent but Antarctica around the clock. The programming promises that if the faithful sacrifice for their belief, God will reward them with material wealth.
Based in Costa Mesa, the network says it has 84 satellite channels and more than 18,000 television and cable affiliates as well as a Christian amusement park in Orlando.
The Crouches faced criticism for what critics say was their extravagant lifestyle. Ministry watchdogs have long questioned how TBN spends the hundreds of millions of tax-exempt donations they receive from viewers.
Last year, their granddaughter and her husband's uncle filed lawsuits alleging $50 million in financial improprieties at the network and detailed opulent spending on private jets and 13 mansions and homes around the U.S. for the Crouch family's use.
Janice Bethany Crouch. Could she be Sarah Palin's fashion role model? |
Oh I was not a believer in those days, but I WAS fascinated with how these people, who were clearly charlatans, managed to manipulate so many millions of people into believing they had access to God and to send them their money.
My favorite ones in those days were Jim and Tammy Bakker, Falwell, and Jimmy Swaggert.
I saw Paul Crouch on the PTL Club with Jim And Tammy Faye all of the time, and used to think he was more than likely out of his damn mind. But then I thought that about a number of those old time gospel grifters.
I watched with immense glee as the scandals destroyed first the Bakkers and then Jimmy Swaggert, and much later Ted Haggard. In my mind their public humiliation should have helped people see the folly of sending these snake oil salesmen their hard earned money.
And yet still there are still people out there sending their life savings to Jack Van Impe, Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson, John Hagee, Joel Olsteen, and numerous others, in the belief that they are buying their way into heaven.
Makes me sad to think that there are so many people who spend their lives focused on the afterlife, and do not take the time to really appreciate the here and now.
Megalomania: The Schizophrenia Of Barack Obama; 20th Century Despot
Megalomania: The Schizophrenia Of
Barack Obama; 20th Century Despot
Steve McCann published a spot on piece at American Thinker titled: The Schizophrenia of Barack Obama
Seventy-two months ago Barack Obama officially declared his candidacy for President. Only now are a few within the mainstream media and ruling elites in America slowly awakening from their self-induced infatuation and beginning to understand who he is. It has become difficult to totally ignore the lawlessness, overt intimidation, demagoguery and outright lies spewed forth by Obama relative to the passage and implementation of ObamaCare.
However, this pattern has been repeated consistently over the past five years in his dealing with the American people as Barack Obama has followed in the footsteps of those 20th century despots resolved to accumulate power.
1. Obama has been determined to keep the populace in a constant state of turmoil. He has endorsed the escalation of vitriol aimed at inciting retaliation against the tea party movement, Republicans and conservatives. In an effort to promote class strife, the demonization of the wealthy has never been so sustained and blatant. The incendiary charge of racism has become the default accusation directed at anyone disagreeing with Barack Obama. As a result, racial animosity is approaching levels not seen since the 1960's.
2. He has created a de facto secret police through the use of the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA and other government agencies to intimidate and harass his political enemies and to browbeat the American citizens into acquiescing to his edicts and demands.
3. He has actively bypassed Congress governing by presidential fiat whether in the case of illegal immigration, the environment, labor statutes, and presidential appointments or by simply ignoring whatever laws he chooses.
4. He is a firm believer that no lie, in the advancement of his agenda, is too egregious to tell, no strategy to destroy one's political enemies is out of bounds, and the creation of false crises and faux enemies is not only legitimate but essential for the implementation of his plan to transform and denigrate America.
5. [...] - Continued @ American Thinker.
Images Via: The Last Refuge
Moon gardens: NASA to sow 1st seeds of future habitat
NASA is bravely venturing into new scientific territory with a plan to start growing plants on the moon no later than 2015. The experiment is designed to yield important knowledge about life’s long-term chances in space – including for us.
The initiative comes courtesy of the Lunar Plant Growth Habitat team – a small group of scientists, students, volunteers and contractors – who plan to install specially-designed containers about the size of a coffee can, in which the plants will be encased, complete with sensors, cameras and other devices that will be relaying information down to Earth.
This is to be the first life sciences project conducted on another world and is ambitious about exploring opportunities for future human life support, apart from the obvious benefits of learning more about growing life in extreme temperatures.
The dream is to be able to freely live on the moon for decades on end – instead of hours. Follow-up experiments are already in the making.
The idea, according to the space scientists, is “to develop a very simple sealed growth chamber that can support germination over a five-10 day period in a spacecraft on the moon,” with filter paper used to feed dissolved nutrients to the plant.
NASA wants to start off with basil, turnips and Arabidopsis. The latter has been described by scientists as the ‘lab rat’ of plant biology.
The habitats will have to regulate their own water consumption, temperature and power supply.
“Upon landing on the moon a trigger would release a small reservoir of water wetting the filter paper and initiating germination of the seeds. The air in the sealed container would be adequate for more than five days of growth. No additional air supply or air processing would be necessary. The seedlings would be photographed at intervals with sufficient resolution to compare with growth in Earth controls. We would use the natural sunlight on the moon as the source of illumination for plant germination as a first ISRU (in situ resource utilization) demonstration,” the scientists reported on the space agency’s website.
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Right Wing shock jock Rush Limbaugh helped Sarah Palin pimp her book on his radio show, so, using the creepiest photo ever, she returns the favor.
Courtesy of the Christmas candy cane polisher's Facebook page:
It was an honor meeting Rush Limbaugh during the first leg of the “Good Tidings and Great Joy” book tour and getting a copy of his great book “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims.” As the daughter of a schoolteacher, I received cherished books for Christmas from my parents growing up. Such books bring us back to simpler, sweeter times; many of them are now passed along to kids and grandkids and still appreciated today. “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims” reminds me of those cherished books of my childhood. Our books make great stocking stuffers!
Oh yes let's all buy Limbaugh's book about his time traveling fantasies, an invisible talking horse, and his twisted revisionist history. Sounds like just the thing to give to that special somebody you want to never talk to you again.
I think the only thing Rush knows less about than history would be successful dieting tips and women.
Perhaps the creepiest part of this co-pimping by Sarah Palin and Limbaugh is the fact she let him paw her young daughters.
Eww! I won't even let my daughter listen to this asshole's radio show muhc less let him touch her.
Besides it does not seem to have done any good for Palin to prostitute her children to Rush, since her book is now rated 605 on the Amazon book ratings.
I swear I have seen comets plummet to the earth with less velocity.
Creationist ken Hamm upset that Atheists are reading the Bible and using something called "reading comprehension."
Courtesy of Answers in Genesis:
It seems like atheists will go to pretty extreme lengths to combat the words of a God they don’t even believe exists. A recent article from the Religion News Service reports, “Atheists use a popular Bible app to evangelize about unbelief.” The article contains interviews with a number of young atheists who have chosen to use YouVersion, one of the most popular apps around, as a way of trying to shake the faith of Christians.
Now, YouVersion offers over 700 translations of the Bible for free in its app, in an effort to encourage biblical literacy worldwide. The article states, “But Lauren, a 22-year-old chemistry major from Colorado, is not interested in the app’s mission to deepen faith and biblical literacy. A newly minted atheist, she uses her YouVersion Bible app to try to persuade people away from the Christianity she grew up in.”
And, unsurprisingly, these atheists are focusing on supposed contradictions in the Bible to make their points. Lauren, the atheist quoted above, states, “Reading the full story with all its contradictions and violence and sexism, it should make you think, ‘Is this really what I believe in?’”
Sadly, atheists like Lauren haven’t approached Scripture with the desire to have these problems resolved by believers who are equipped to answer such claims. No, instead they have come with a bias against God and His Word, and they desire to damage the faith that others have in God. These skeptics are intentionally searching for supposed problems in Scripture—so they can spread more disbelief. (So to be clear, what Hamm is saying is that Lauren is simply not intelligent enough to understand the complexities of a book that was written to spread the word of God to a less educated population over two thousand years ago.)
For example, Lauren explains that marriage is a “pet issue,” so she intentionally targets people who post on social media sites that marriage is between one man and one woman. Lauren attempts to use instances of polygamy in the Bible to somehow prove that the Bible is contradictory on the issue of marriage. But she can only do this by taking Scripture out of context. (And in this case "taking it out of context" means "reading the words" instead of having them explained to her by a priest or minister.)
Other atheists try to use the many translations on YouVersion to show that there are supposedly many variations of the biblical text: “The biggest thing for me is seeing how much the version will change the meaning of passage [sic]. It can make a pretty big difference in how you interpret it.” While it’s true that there are many different translations of the Bible, there’s a big difference between a literal translation and a paraphrase of Scripture. A literal translation provides the same meaning today that people would have understood when the Bible was written, whereas a paraphrase is someone else’s rewording of Scripture into everyday English. Bible scholars typically look for literal translations, not paraphrases.
But are these atheists interested in the answers to their objections? I would submit that many of them aren’t. One well-known atheist was quoted as saying that one of the “beautiful side effects” of free Bible apps is that “nothing makes you an atheist faster than reading the Bible.” (That "well know Atheist," by the way is Hemant Mehta,the "Friendly Atheist.")
So let me get this straight the problem that Hamm has with this comparative analysis of Bible translations is that there are some translations which do not line up with the version that HE thinks we should be reading?
And that they are "paraphrased" rather than "literal" translations.
So using that logic then the oldest known Bible on earth would be the one that ALL Christians should look to for guidance, right?
Well that version of the Bible is known as the Sanai Bible. And this is what IT says about the life of Jesus Christ:
Hand-written on animal skins in a dead Greek language, the Sinai Bible was purchased by the British Museum from the Soviet Government in 1933 and is now displayed in the British Library in London. Sometime after its purchase, English-language translations were published (Manuscript No. 43725 in the British Library) and extraordinary new information about the earliest story of Jesus Christ became available to the world. The great comparative value of the Sinai Bible as the world’s oldest available Bible is today universally accepted, and its discovery provided great embarrassment for the Church’s modern-day presentation of Jesus Christ, for it revealed that newer Gospels are the depositories of large amounts of fabricated narratives and intentional perversions of the truth.
The Vatican concedes that Mark was the first Gospel written (‘Catholic Encyclopedia’, Farley Ed., Vol. vi, p. 657), and that it later became the prototype of the gospels of Matthew and Luke. In the Sinai Bible’s version of the Gospel of Mark, we see dramatic variations from its modern-day counterpart with an extraordinary omission that later became the central doctrine of the Christian faith … the resurrection appearances of the Gospel Jesus Christ and his subsequent ascension into heaven.
The Sinai Bible’s version of the Gospel of Mark starts its story of Jesus Christ when he was ‘at about the age of thirty’. No reference is made to Mary, a virgin birth, Joseph of Arimathea, a Star of Bethlehem, or the 51 now-called Old Testament ‘messianic prophecies’. Words describing Christ as ‘the son of God’ do not appear in the opening narrative of the Gospel of Mark (Mark 1:1) as they do in today’s Bibles, and the modern-day family tree tracing a ‘messianic bloodline’ back to King David is non-existent in the Sinai Bible.
The Sinai Bible’s version of the Gospel of Mark ends its story with Mary Magdalene arriving at the tomb and finding it empty. Yet, in modern-day versions of the Gospel of Mark, resurrection narratives now appear (16: 9-20), and the Vatican universally acknowledges that they are forgeries;
‘The conclusion of Mark is admittedly not genuine … almost the entire section is a later compilation’. (‘Catholic Encyclopedia’, Vol., iii, p. 274, published under the Imprimatur of Archbishop Farley; also, ‘Encyclopedia Biblica’, ii, 1880; 1767, n. 3; 1781, and n. 1, on ‘The Evidence of its Spuriousness’)
The Vatican claims that ‘the resurrection is the fundamental argument for our Christian belief’ (‘Catholic Encyclopedia’, Farley Ed., Vol., xii, p. 792), adding that a resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ is the ‘sine qua non’ of Christianity, ‘without which, nothing’ (‘Catholic Encyclopedia’, Farley Ed., Vol., xii, p. 792). St. Paul agreed, saying; ‘If Christ has not been raised, your faith is in vain’ (1 Cor. 15:17). Yet no appearance of a resurrected Jesus Christ is recorded in the oldest Gospel in the oldest Bible in the world. Nor are there resurrection narratives in any other old Bibles, for a comparison shows they are non-existent in the Alexandrian Bible, the Vatican Bible, the Bezae Bible and an ancient Latin manuscript of Mark code-named ‘K’ by analysts.
Well alrighty then, I guess that these earliest versions of the "Word of God" are the ones that we can all put our faith in. Right?
Besides how can we really take any argument put forth by a Creationist seriously?
How come religious people have such trouble understanding this?
I feel the same way when we are accused of "hating god." How can you hate something that you have found no proof even exists?
Now religious people themselves? Well that is a different story.
By the way G.W. Foote was a secularist who founded "The Freethinker" in 1881. And it is still being published today.