Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Now THAT'S a coincidence.
It kind of reminds me of L. Ron Hubbard quote, "You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."
I mean it is almost as if these two were charlatans who recognized how easily manipulated people were by noticing the sway that previously established religions had over their actions, and purse strings.
But nah, that's just crazy talk.
Breaking News: “We the People TV” Launched At Obama's Fake ID
Breaking News: “We the People TV”
launched at ObamasFakeID.com
Hat tip CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Does Evidence Matter?
Press Release January 13, 2014
“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.” Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
But I think evidence matters. You don’t seriously investigate accusations that are baseless and you don’t charge someone with a crime unless you have some compelling evidence. And we do. So here’s the charge.
Barack Obama used fake ID to gain access to the ballot and in turn the White House. And that’s more than just forgery and fraud, its treason.
The Maricopa County Sheriff Department concluded, after a 12 month long investigation, that the birth certificate Obama posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 is an abject forgery. So is his Selective Service Registration.
Now, if normal was still normal, what would happen next? Formal charges would be filed, search warrants executed, witnesses and suspects questioned and then a Prosecutor would present the case and the evidence to a Judge and Jury.
I created We The People T.V. at obamasfakeid.com to help ensure that happens. If you think evidence matters and you’ve been convinced by that evidence then say something. Post your video on We The People T.V. Tell Barack Obama that you know what he did. He used fake ID to fake his way into the White House and he’s not going to get away with it.
Press Contact: Linda Jordan “d.lizzy@comcast.net” “obamaforgeries@yahoo.com”
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Obama the Enigma: Click on the image to learn more about Obama he does not want you to know. |
Marxist/Communists are trained to lie. It’s their modus operandi. Obama is not just a pathological liar, he’s an ideological liar: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/12/obama_is_not_a_pathological_liar_he_is_an_ideological_liar.html
CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
P.S. Also read this essay regarding the legal term of art “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: http://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2012/06/20/of-natural-born-citizens-and-citizens-at-birth-and-basic-logic-trees-are-plants-but-not-all-plants-are-trees-natural-born-citizens-nbc-are-citizens-at-birth-cab-but-not-all-cab/ … AND … http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html
Press Release;
Failed E-Verify Letter to Barack Obama From Linda Jordan - Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number by ObamaRelease YourRecords
The Republican talking points on Bridge-gate revealed. Update!
This video is dead on, and if you watched the Sunday shows yesterday I certainly don't have to tell you that.
From Reince Prebus on Meet the Press, to various other GOP mouthpieces, the name of the game was to exalt Christie for manning up and giving that 107 minute press conference, suggesting that President Obama had worse scandals, and attempt to change the narrative from Bridge-ghazi back to Benghazi.
I wonder if they realize that having so many operatives, spouting the exact same talking points, makes it child's play to see how terrified they are that this scandal will stick and take their golden boy out of the running in 2016?
Cause it kinda does.
Update: Newly revealed documents seem to indicate that Christie's inner circle were WELL aware of bridge-gate before, during, and after:
Thousands of pages of documents released this week by a legislative panel investigating the lane closures at the George Washington Bridge show members of Gov. Chris Christie's inner circle were well-informed about the apparently politically motivated traffic jams the governor said took him by surprise.
When an executive at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey angrily asserted the lane closures were a threat to public safety - and possibly illegal - the email ended up in the hands of a close Christie adviser that he had planned to promote.
When a reporter demanded answers about the huge traffic jams, a high-ranking port authority official appointed by Christie didn't refer it to his agency's media relations staff. He ordered it sent to the governor's press secretary.
And when the lanes were reopened at last, another authority staffer emailed the governor's now-fired deputy chief of staff to say Christie's hand-picked agency chairman was helping to "retaliate" against the official who stopped the closures.
The revelations about how much Christie's close aides knew about the closures could undermine the governor's attempts to distance himself from the scandal that threatens to overshadow his inauguration later this month and upend his possible candidacy for president in 2016.
And if that were not enough, now Christie is being investigated concerning how he spent that Sandy relief money:
CNN has learned that federal officials are investigating whether Christie improperly used those relief funds to produce tourism ads that starred him and his family.
If the Sandy inquiry finds any wrongdoing, it could prove even more damaging to Christie's national ambitions. His performance during and after the superstorm has been widely praised and is a fundamental part of his straight-shooting political brand.
Damn, I wonder how much longer it will be before buzzards start circling Christie's political career?
Gee why did the Republicans stop talking about Obamacare again?
Big #Obamacare news: pic.twitter.com/TSr7POJSjC
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) January 13, 2014
Oh that's right, because it's working.Well they still have the IRS scandal, Benghazi, and Fast and Furious.
Oh wait.
P.S. By the way 1/4 of that 2.2 million is made up of young people.
Man gets six months in jail for being too good of a father. This is some bullshit!
Courtesy of Sott.net:
A father will spend half of 2014 behind bars for doing too much for his son. After overpaying child support and seeing his son too often - breaking terms that were secretly modified without his knowledge - a judge sentenced him to a lengthy jail sentence.
Clifford Hall has been doing his best to give care to his 11-year-old son, who lives with his ex-wife. He pays his child support and visits regularly. "I'm his father it's my responsibility to take care of him," Hall said.
Last November, his child support payments were paid in full. Sometime between then and now, the child support agreement between Hall and his wife was modified without his knowledge.
Hall wound up overpaying by $3,000, a fact that Harris County District Court Judge Lisa Millard found contemptible.
Another term that was modified without his knowledge was his visitation schedule. Subsequently, Hall was found to have over-visited his son.
Judge Millard ended up finding Hall in contempt of court.
When she said I remand you to the Harris County Jail for 180 days my mouth just dropped," Hall told FOX 26 Houston.
In addition to the six month jail sentence, Judge Millard is forcing Hall to pay his ex-wife's attorney fees. "I can't be there for my son in jail," Hall said.
"I can't pay child support in jail. This is not in the best interest of the child."
I don't address this very often on the blog but the treatment of fathers by the courts is one of my pet peeves. Things like this happen WAY too often, and the end result is fathers running from their responsibilities rather than risk being mistreated by the courts.
I had some problems with child support enforcement up here in Alaska, and I was absolutely doing everything I could to meet my obligations.
In fact my brother ended up paying over a hundred thousand dollars in child support for a child that DNA tests proved was not even his.
There are plenty of loving fathers out there trying to do the very best for their kids, but when this kind of thing happens......
My favorite moment from last night's Golden Globes.
I laughed way too long and hard at this.
In my defense the audience that was there did the same.
(P.S. Here is the opening.)
Gee, I wonder how this guy votes?
Either he doesn't understand the definition of "Evolution," or he doesn't understand the definition for "Fairy Tales."
Somebody might also want to let him know that they sell a thing called bumper stickers.
I'm just saying.
Pope compares abortion to throwing away uneaten food. Yeah, because THAT makes sense.
Courtesy of ABC News:
Pope Francis on Monday criticized abortion as evidence of a "throwaway culture" that wastes people as well as food, saying such a mentality is a threat to world peace.
Saying hunger is a threat to world peace, he noted that not only food but human beings themselves are often discarded as unnecessary.
"We cannot be indifferent to those suffering from hunger, especially children, when we think of how much food is wasted every day in many parts of the world immersed in what I have often termed 'the throwaway culture,'" Francis said.
That culture, he said, also affects the unborn child.
"For example, it is frightful even to think that there are children, victims of abortion, who will never see the light of day," he said. Francis has generally limited his exhortations about abortion, saying church teaching is well known and that he prefers to speak less about the church's moralizing rules and more about its positive, welcoming message.
The idea that a woman deciding to terminate a pregnancy, especially in its early stages, is tantamount to throwing away a child is ludicrous enough, but comparing it to uneaten food that somebody else would take, which I take to mean they could be adopted, is intellectually dishonest.
The fact is that there are over a half million American children in this country waiting to be adopted, and millions more around the world, most who will most likely never find a home to take them in.
The idea that there is a home for every child born on this planet is a fantasy, and one that is constantly pushed by the anti-abortion zealots to guilt young women into carrying their pregnancy to term.
The statistics claim that there are 125,000 fetuses aborted each day, or 44,500,000 each year.
And according to the Pope each and every one of those children deserve to be born. That is 44,5000,000 new human beings each year, born onto a planet already bursting at the seams with 7 billion people.
7 billion people eating the available food, using the limited resources, and adding to the pollution which threatens to turn our planet into charcoal briquette in the not too distant future.
Of course the population could also be controlled through family planning methods, that used birth control to give women the choice of how many children they want to bear, and at what time they feel prepared to bear them.
But as we know the Catholic church, and the Pope, are adamantly against that as well.
Which is why the Pope's words ring so hollow.
Simply put he cannot express frustration over the number of people starving to death in the world while also demanding that every sexual act should have the option of resulting in a fertilized egg, and that each fertilized egg should result in a new life on this planet.
If the Pope really believes that the food wasted by the wealthy is enough to meet the needs of forty four and half million new lives each year, it is time for him to put down the Bible and pick up a science book.
Bullying women seems to be Bill O'Reilly's thing.
Courtesy of Gawker:
Women might want to think twice before working for Bill O’Reilly. According to Gabriel Sherman’s new book, The Loudest Voice in the Room, the top Fox News anchor grew so enraged at a female producer after a botched segment in 2003 that, in order to defuse the situation, “a senior Fox executive” intervened and escorted the crying producer out of News Corp’s Midtown headquarters.“
After one taping, he stormed toward his staff’s cubicles and tore into a young female producer, whom he blamed for botching a segment,” Sherman writes in Loudest Voice, which until today had been under a strict press embargo. “Staffers watched in shock as O’Reilly, easily a foot taller than the woman, started yelling and slamming his fist down on a shelf.”
“He got really close and in her face,” an onlooker told Sherman; “She was scared he was going to hit her,” said another. (The name of the producer is not revealed.)
Eventually O’Reilly vanished, after which “a senior Fox executive was called in and escorted the woman, in tears, out of the building to calm her down.” The famously vindictive anchor never apologized.
You may remember that O'Reilly has a history of losing his temper, and producer Andrea Mackris accused him of sexual harassment (the now famous falafel incident) he threatened to have Roger Ailes destroy her.
I don't think that it comes as any surprise that O'Reilly is a bully, and on a cable network that habitually presents women as blonde bimbos, and hires the likes of Sarah Palin, it should come as no surprise that nobody protected this woman from this kind of abuse.
After all as CNN's Jeff Zucker recently pointed out, Fox News is just a front for the Republican party ,and we all know how THEY feel about women.
Mark Begich says he is not worried about a challenge from Sarah Palin for his Alaska Senate seat, and again expresses doubts that she is even a resident.
Courtesy of TPM:
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) is not a serious threat to Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) in the 2014 senate race because she is so "disconnected" from the state, the incumbent told the Huffington Post in an interview published Monday.
"She would be a formidable opponent in the Republican [primary], but I have no worry or fear of her," Begich told the Huffington Post. "I think she is so disconnected from Alaska now that I'm not sure she even knows what's going on."
Begich isn't positive Palin is a resident of Alaska anymore.
"I'm not even sure if she still lives in the state," he said.
I think Mark is well aware that the Caribou Barbie of Alaska has now been replaced by the Scorpion Sarah of Arizona. And as for her understanding of Alaska polities, well it really was not all that good to start with, and there is little doubt it has degraded since then.
By the way I chose that picture of Mark because Dennis sent it to me, and becasue it made Begich look aggressive, and "usually he is always smiling."
I think I would be smiling too if people thought my biggest challenge in 2014 was Sarah "I quit" Palin.
Wendy Davis wants to bring major changes to education in Texas. For that reason alone she deserves a ton of support.
Courtesy of Click 2 Houston:
State Sen. Wendy Davis announced several education proposals Thursday aimed at recruiting new public school teachers in Texas, including guaranteeing admission to state universities for top students who want to teach, raising teacher pay and offering student loan forgiveness.
The Democratic front-runner for governor didn't say how much her ideas would cost. She said she intended to use "existing state resources" and would not seek a tax increase.
"I do believe that education must be the No. 1 priority that we address as a state," Davis said at a round table at the University of Texas at Arlington.
Davis said high school students in the top 20 percent of their classes should be guaranteed admission to the University of Texas at Austin or other state institutions and a job teaching in a state school after graduation.
She said the state should forgive one year of student loan debt for every teacher who works two years in a qualifying school, and that loan forgiveness should be available to potential teachers in all fields of study.
Davis said Texas teachers were underpaid and decried stories of some teachers working a second or third job to make ends meet, saying they "simply aren't earning enough." According to the National Education Association, the national teachers' union, starting Texas teachers were paid about $1,000 less than the national average during the 2011-12 academic year.
She also wants to boost the number of teacher's aides and school counselors in the state.
If you had asked me even a year ago if it were possible for there to be a candidate so amazing that I would actually want to move to Texas to vote for them, I would have laughed in your face.
Wendy Davis is one such candidate.
If you are reading this while living in Texas I implore you to do everything you can to help this woman get elected as governor.
I think it will do wonders for the children of your state, for the women in your state, and for the Democratic party in your state.
New book reveals that Fox News head Roger Ailes "tried to get to get a Republican elected President in 2012." I'm sorry was there some doubt about that?
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Fox News already ruled the ratings and boasts annual earnings of around $1 billion. Most network chiefs would be ecstatic. But Ailes isn’t like most –- or really, any -– other top cable news executives. A visionary in the world of political messaging on television, Ailes had advised three past Republican presidents on how to use the medium to their advantage. And now he planned to use his talents for the party once more.
With the exception of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Ailes had privately knocked the 2008 Republican field as the “seven dwarves" and wasn't impressed with the crop of 2012 contenders. He unsuccessfully tried twice to convince Christie to run in 2012 and sent an emissary to Afghanistan with hopes that Gen. David Petraeus would enter the race.
During a meeting at Fox, Ailes told candidate Jon Huntsman, who had a solid conservative record as Utah governor, he was “not of our orthodoxy” because of his views on climate change. He grew frustrated with Fox News contributor Sarah Palin, who ended up sitting out the 2012 race, and had misgivings about the party's eventual nominee, Mitt Romney. Ailes once privately told a Fox host that Romney is "like Chinese food -- 20 minutes after you eat it, you can't remember what you had."
How Ailes tried to get a Republican president elected in 2012 is revealed in The Loudest Voice In The Room, author Gabriel Sherman's sweeping biography of the television luminary, from his humble Warren, Ohio, roots to becoming the “most powerful opposition figure in the country.” The book will be on sale Tuesday.
Those revelations are not exactly shocking, but it is good that they are being presented to the public again to remind them that Fox News has NOTHING to do with journalism and everything to do with partisan politics and the naked attempt to control the narrative.
However there are more than a few tidbits that I found very interesting.
Roger Ailes is just as paranoid and crazed as Glenn Beck:
Fox News dialed up the anti-Obama rhetoric as soon as Obama took office, with Glenn Beck’s 5 p.m. show launching in Jan. 2009. Beck, who turned the network’s afternoon “black hole” into a ratings bonanza, ignited controversy months later by claiming Obama harbored a “deep-seated hatred for white people.” Sherman wrote that Ailes privately told executives he agreed with Beck’s remark.
Ailes, who is prone to fits of rage and appears in the book as increasingly paranoid, holds a number of theories about Obama and the Democrats. Sherman wrote how Ailes “told his advisers that if Obama were reelected, he could be prosecuted and jailed, like a political prisoner.” And a Murdoch family intimate told Sherman that Ailes believed the Democratic National Committee "had targeted him [Ailes] for assassination."
Allowing Palin and Beck to spout their nonsense confused Karl Rove: Ailes' TV instincts proved correct as the anti-Obama right tuned in and ratings shot up. But some establishment Republicans worried about Ailes' political acumen as polarizing figures on Fox News, such as Palin and Beck, began to define the party.
“Why are you letting Palin have the profile?” veteran Republican operative Karl Rove asked Ailes in a meeting, according to the book. “Why are you letting her go on your network and say the things she’s saying? And Glenn Beck? These are alternative people who will never be elected and they’ll kill us.”
Hate to agree with Rove about anything, but he was clearly correct.
Ailes also provided help to Paul Ryan:During the final months of the 2012 campaign:
Ailes helped prep vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan and recommended an adviser to help with his television performance, according to the book.
And was behind an Obama hit piece that aired the day after the first Presidential debate, and served as a huge embarrassment for Fox News, which claimed they were not responsible for its creation.
So I don't know about the rest of you but come Tuesday I will be doing some serious reading. This book looks like just the thing to remind me as to why I hate Fox News so much.
Not that I require much to remind me of course.
President Obama to announce changes to the NSA on January 17.
Courtesy of the Washington Post:
President Obama will deliver his highly anticipated speech on reforms to the National Security Agency on Jan. 17, White House press secretary Jay Carney said Friday.
Carney did not elaborate on what the president will say when he outlines his vision for changes to the NSA’s vast surveillance activities. The address comes in the wake of disclosures from documents stolen by former government contractor Edward Snowden.
Obama and his aides have been focused behind the scenes this week on finishing a review of the spy programs and preparing for the president’s address to the nation. Privacy and civil liberties activists, along with top executives of technology company, are calling on the president to adopt sweeping reforms to curb the NSA’s collection of phone call metadata and personal information of online users.
These reforms are based on the 46 recommendations of the review group that was appointed by the President back in 2013. How many of the recommendations he will implement is still an open question.
I have said it before, but it bears repeating, the President HAS to do something significant on this issue or risk having his Presidency defined as an administration that had no respect for the privacy of the citizens of this country.
I think that it actually an unfair assertion, however there is no doubt that it has become a popular meme among a segment of the liberal demographic.
If President Obama wants to redefine his legacy he needs to do something that earns back at least some of that confidence in his respect for our rights.
Sarah Palin talks new show, suggests that Todd would be a great candidate for DWTS, and proclaims that her beauty tips consist of paying her daughter's tuition to "hair school." Update!
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Click collagen injected lips to play video |
For example those wondering if Todd actually accompanied Palin to this press junket, she does gesture off camera to him at the 1:32 mark suggesting that he would be a better choice to go on "Dancing with the Stars" than she would. (As if her family has not embarrassed themselves enough in the public eye.)
She also mentions that her whole family is going to make appearances on her show, which indicates that this might be more of a reality show than we have been led to believe.
Palin also delivers her usual busted out phrases, such as "live vibrantly," "bust through an open door," "freedom in America," you get the drift. However she also tries to reinvigorate her Palinisms with a misquoted reference to Plato, which as a philosophy nerd really burned my ass.
At one point the interviewer asks Palin how she "looks so awesome." Especially since she spends so much "time in the wild." (Oh gag me!)
Rather than be honest, and talk about her numerous plastic surgery procedures and wig makers, Palin instead states that her tips for "getting the glam" is to "offer to pay one of your daughter's tuition to hair school, which we did. Willow is now a hairdresser."
Palin also admits that Bristol is the one who helps her to pick out her hooker shoes and is now attending beauty school as well, however instead of hair she is focusing on skin. (So apparently, using the Palin vernacular, she is attending "skin school.")
Interesting to me that Palin has worked it so that all of her hair and makeup is now kept within the family, which insulates her from embarrassing stories getting out about the fact she is going bald or receiving plastic surgery enhancements.
Just in case you were wondering if this family could look anymore like a cult. Sure can.
So it appears that we can look forward to the Palin clan making appearances on the Sportsman channel, and selling their tired old family mythology, only it will now be sold on a channel that many of us, myself included, do not even have access to.
After this I understand that Palin will be making appearances on local public access stations until even they realize that she is driving away the half dozen viewers that tune in each each day.
Update: In another interview with Extra's Mario Lopez Palin cannot help but twist the knife concerning the cancellation of Katie Couric's talk show:
Lopez introduced a question about Katie Couric, who helped torpedo Palin’s 2008 vice presidential bid by asking her what newspapers and magazines she read, by asking Palin if she believed in karma.
“I certainly believe that what goes around comes around,” Palin said, smiling.
She told Lopez that she couldn’t remember where she was when she heard Couric’s talk show had been canceled, but she heard from several friends about it.
“I remember getting a couple of texts that said things like, ‘Oh, sorry that it didn’t work out there at CBS or ABC,’” Palin said, adding that she wasn’t surprised Couric had stepped down as anchor of CBS News.
“The ratings were going in the tank with her as one of the head honchos there in the newsroom at CBS and then it didn’t surprise me, her other move,” Palin said. “Things weren’t going real well there, either.”
Yep, that's the Sarah Palin we know and loathe, bitter and nasty to til the end.
Update 2: Here is part two of the Access Hollywood interview. (Beware, LOT'S of baby talk.)
The Sportsman Channel is making move to expand its brand, attract new advertisers, and using Sarah Palin to help facilitate that. Good luck with that.
After posting yesterday about Palin's rare press outing, and the aggressive pimping of her new soon to be cancelled show "Amazing America," I started to receive numerous links that suggest the Sportsman channel is really hoping to hit the big time using Palin to attract media attention.
First there is this from a PR Newswire story in May:
InterMedia Outdoors, Inc. (IMO), the industry leader and largest provider of Outdoors content, and parent company of The Sportsman Channel (TSC), today announced that it chose not to renew its programming agreements with The Outdoor Channel (TOC), in order to shift its highly-rated and award-winning television shows to The Sportsman Channel. IMO will also increase its commitment of resources to TSC, integrating new and upgraded programming and content from IMO's vast market-leading properties, which extend across print, television, radio and online mediums.
"We are going to build The Sportsman Channel into the leading outdoor network, both in distribution and ratings, and shifting all of our programming to TSC is a major first step in that direction. We have led in every Outdoors category we have entered-magazine, internet, and television production-and now we will lead in networks," says InterMedia Outdoors CEO Jeff Paro. "No other channel in the Outdoors category has ever had this kind of promotional strength behind it. We will actively and aggressively program TSC with hunting, shooting and fishing content, with a focus on high-quality original programming, production of our own shows, and partnerships with producers. TSC will be a better network for the consumer and a better value for the distributor."
So that was the plan about seven or eight months ago, and then this weekend those plans seem to have come to a head. A head with a giant ugly wig sitting on it.
Back in March they also decided to aggressively pursue more mainstream advertisers:
Effective Monday, the Sportsman Channel aims for advertisers beyond its roots — “hook and bullet advertisers” — to larger and more mainstream companies that covet the audience for shows like Steven Rinella’s “MeatEater” and Patrick Flanigan’s “Shell Shocked!”
And who have they been able to sign up with this new focus thus far? Well they hooked this big fish for one:
Cheaper than Dirt!, America’s Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, has signed three significant advertising deals with Sportsman Channel for 2014.
Cheaper than Dirt will be airing commercials spots on Sportsman through the following platforms: renowned series “Meet the McMillans,” the “Armed Citizen File” on NRANEWS Cam & Co., and a full-year of various advertising on the network throughout 2014.
Who Nelly! Now THAT'S impressive!
But did Palin bring anything new to the table?
Well possibly,
Courtesy of ABC News:
The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race will again have a presence on national television after race organizers signed a deal with the Sportsman Channel.
The agreement, announced Wednesday, makes the Sportsman Channel the official network of the nearly 1,000-mile race from Anchorage to Nome. The race, billed as the world's longest, hasn't had a network deal since 2009.
No definitive proof that Palin helped to broker this deal, but if not it would be an awfully big coincidence. And who is it again that does not believe in coincidences?
All I can say is that if the Sportsman channel thinks having Palin on board is the key to long term success they might have done themselves a favor by checking with John McCain and the Tea Party first.
Speaking of Palin she might want to watch herself as hosts of the Sportsman channels programs sometimes meet a violent end.
Stay low Sarah. What am I saying, there are very few people lower than Sarah Palin.
The Telegraph tries to explain why men love porn star Lisa Ann, and gets it completely wrong. Update!
Courtesy of the Telegraph:
If you thought the older woman/younger man trend died a death post-Sex and the City and Cougar Town, think again. The recent coverage of PornHub's UK statistics showed that throughout the UK, porn star Lisa Ann is extremely popular: she's the top search term in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and second most popular in England, scoring top-5 status in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, and Bristol.
To some this will come as no surprise, but plenty of people are probably scratching their heads and wondering… who on earth is Lisa Ann?
The actress, who has been in films on and off since the mid-90s, hardly fits the stereotype of the skinny, young, bleached-blonde chick that seems to dominate popular imagination of what porn stars look like.
She's busty, sure, but also filled out everywhere else. And at 42, she is perhaps best-known for playing a Sarah Palin-alike, complete with Hockey Mom glasses, gubernatorial power suit, and semi-automatic rifle in (ahem) seminal Who's Nailin' Paylin.
While the controversial politician and pundit may not be many people's idea of a great date, one thing is for certain - well-groomed, approachable older women are considered enormously attractive across the board. The idea of the shelf life of sexual attractiveness topping out at 30 is going the way of the dodo, if PornHub is any indication.
Here's the rest of the top five searches.
While MILF is also a top search, so is British, lesbian, and Indian. None of which describe older woman per se.
What I really think is behind the UK focus on Lisa Ann has little to do with her age or figure, and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that her most famous role was to depict Sarah Palin being degraded and used by a variety of different men.
I think this obsession with Palin is driven by a deep and abiding dislike for the woman.
The British newspapers have been universally mocking and derisive toward Palin since she first stepped on the national stage, and rarely miss an opportunity to point out something stupid she has said or ridicule her for her attempts to gain fame through various reality shows. I believe this also reflects opinion of Palin throughout much of the UK.
In fact this desire to view Lisa Ann channeling Sarah Palin may be no more complicated then the visceral thrill they get by seeing something shoved in her mouth that finally gets her to stop talking. That may sound misogynist, but I kind of think it applies to both genders.
You know now that I think about it, that DOES sound satisfying.
Update: I thought I would further clarify my point by pointing out that this objectification of Sarah Palin is something that she encourages up to a point through her artificially inflated breasts, hooker shoes, and overall demeanor.
What Lisa Ann does is take that fantasy to its logical conclusion, and the Brits may not want to watch that because they are aroused by the idea of an older woman or Sarah Palin specifically, but because in more sadistic manner they want to see some version of her receiving what they believe she deserves.
Why gun accidents in America are so very, very common.
Courtesy of Dallas News:
Bullets found in "unloaded guns" at The Dallas Gun and Knife Show at Dallas Market Hall in Dallas, Texas on Sunday, January 5, 2014. All guns are checked at the door an ammo found in guns are put in this water jug.
"Don't worry, its' not loaded" may be the most common last words heard by those who are about to die in this country.
Sarah Palin pimps her new show that nobody will bother to watch, and jokes about shooting Wolf Blitzer from a helicopter.
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I think this might be the Grizzled Mama with Bristol, but don't hold me to that. |
Todd and I had a great time in Pasadena with Sportsman Channel working on "Amazing America with Sarah Palin" and dedicating the network to "Red, Wild & Blue America!" The show premieres in April. I can't wait to show you the inspiring people, places, and things that make this country truly amazing! As I told members of the Television Critics Association yesterday, I'm especially encouraged to have opportunities to empower young women to get outdoors, be self-sufficient, and work extremely hard so they can live life vibrantly. (There's that "live vibrantly" phrase again. I swear she never retires these stupid catchphrases no matter how tired and overused they become. Which is why years from now we will still hear her talking about fundamentally restoring the country, cooking moose chili, and the lamestream media until we want to beat our heads against the wall.) See, I'm convinced the world will be a better place when we have more girls holding fish in pictures and fewer holding selfie cameras in front of the bathroom mirror.
In response to that last remark Palin posted this picture of Piper supposedly playfully mocking her "girls holding fish" comment.
Yeah no reason to think that's a setup or anything.
In that same post Palin, or her ghostwriter, also attempted to make a rather ugly joke at the expense of CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour breakfast yesterday. And, no, friends, upon spotting CNN's Wolf Blitzer at a TCA event, no one was tempted to re-engage any Department of Fish and Game Predator Control Program to scamper away troublesome wolves! I had a nice chat with him instead. (Plus, I adore his mother.)
Obviously this is a reference to the controversial Alaska predator control program we have up here, which essentially means that she is making a joke about shooting Blitzer from a helicopter like his lupine namesakes.
Of course I guess it's not so funny if you happen to be a wolf.
Or know Palin's reputation for helping to target people who are then shot by crazy people.
Chris Christie's cover story is blown.
This courtesy of the Daily Beast:
The thousands of documents released Friday show that Port Authority official David Wildstein went to great lengths to create a cover story.
Wildstein and the top aide to Gov. Chris Christie who set him in motion might actually have been able to pass it all off as a traffic study rather than unconscionable political payback.
Wildstein gave the supposed test the official sounding name “TL24.” He even put together a PowerPoint presentation complete with photos and charts. The title page read:
“Reallocation of Toll Lanes at the GWB.
An EARLY Assessment of the Benefits of the Trials.
September 12, 2013.”
The results were summarized as:
Meaning “to be determined,” which is a pretty good description of how it will play out with regard to Christie’s political future.
The latest documents make the four days of closings seem all the more reckless and reprehensible. Various emails from three days before the closings show that Port Authority supervisors were surprised and alarmed by the plan to close two of the three toll booths that service the Fort Lee entrance.
“A single toll lane operation invites potential disaster,” wrote Jerry Quealch of Port Authority planning and operations. “It seems like we will be punishing all for the sake of a few.”
He added at the bottom, “Very confused.”
In another email, a puzzled Port Authority supervisor named Daniel Jacobs asked, “What is driving this?”
A Port Authority Police email indicates that Wildstein was personally on hand to witness the effect when the toll booths in question were closed on Sept. 9, not by accident the first day of school. He was undeterred by reports that the resulting traffic was impeding the Fort Lee police and paramedics from responding to emergencies.
The closings continued for three more days until the executive director, Patrick Foye, stepped in to reopen them.
Of course NONE of this cover story makes any sense, in that even a complete moron could recognize that closing several lanes of traffic on the busiest bridge in the world would cause huge problems.
However Wildstein pushed forward with that excuse, and even reached out for help in constructing the story.
Emails show that Wildstein sought and received the counsel of Christie’s press secretary, Michael Drewniak.
“Need to talk to you soon, in person,” Wildstein wrote on Dec. 3.
The two met the following evening.
“Thanks again for all your sound advice last night,” Wildstein emailed him on Dec. 5.
“Thanks for a great dinner,” Drewniak replied.
Drewniak can insist, as does his boss the governor, that at that point he still believed the closing was part of a traffic study.
However to do so would be almost an admission of guilt as that story was already coming apart at the seams after this e-mail exchange was made public.
“Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” Kelly wrote on Aug. 13.
“Got it,” Wildstein replied just a minute later.
Openly identifying it as causing "traffic problems" and demonstrating the kind of shorthand that indicates that they had worked together on the planning stages, makes it impossible for this to be seen as anything legitimate.
And the possibility that these two cooked this up without direction from the Governor, who is accused of running his organization like a "paramilitary operation," is simply too ridiculous to take seriously.
By the way it is also worth noting that apparently the Port Authority police officers were apparently directed to blame the bridge closing on the Mayor of Fort Lee:
In a letter to a Port Authority executive on Sept. 12, Fort Lee, N.J. Mayor Mark Sokolich complained that the agency's police officers were telling commuters that the George Washington Bridge lane closings were his fault.
"[M]any members of the public have indicated to me that the Port Authority Police Officers are advising commuters in response to their complaints that this recent traffic debacle is the result of a decision that I, as the Mayor, recently made," Sokolich wrote to Bill Baroni, who was the deputy executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey until he resigned last month.
Are we really to believe that they came up with that all by themselves?
No, I think that we all need to brace ourselves for the seismic shock that is about to occur after Chris Chirstie's political career finally falls from the skies and crashes down to earth. It's going to be a BIG one.
When your minister does not realize that calling his congregates "sheep" is purely metaphorical.
Courtesy of the Daily Mail:
A South African preacher made his congregation eat grass to 'be closer to God' before stamping on them.
Under the instruction of Pastor Lesego Daniel of Rabboni Centre Ministries dozens of followers dropped to the floor to eat the grass at his ministry in Garankuwa, north of Pretoria after being told it will 'bring them closer to God.'
His controversial methods have drawn criticism from thousands of people although members of his congregation swear by his methods - he is said to have claimed that humans can eat anything to feed their bodies and survive on whatever they choose to eat.
'Yes, we eat grass and we're proud of it because it demonstrates that, with God's power, we can do anything,' Rosemary Phetha told South Africa's Times Live.
The 21-year-old law student says she had been battling a sore throat for more than a year, but it was healed after she ate the grass.
Doreen Kgatle, 27, of Ga-rankuwa, suffered a stroke two years ago.
'I could not walk but soon after eating the grass, as the pastor had ordered, I started gaining strength and an hour later I could walk again,' said Kgatle.
Photos on the Rabboni Centre Ministries Facebook page show the followers eating the grass as well as Mr Daniel walking across them as they spread out on the floor.
Photos that follow show dozens of people getting sick in the toilets - an image of the bathrooms show women clutching their stomach, while the men are vomiting in the sink.
The pastor's actions during the service prompted a series of online complaints.
Steven Weinberg once said, “With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”
The same holds true for getting seemingly intelligent people to do truly ridiculous, or harmful things to themselves.
Desperately sick and need a doctor? Not if you have faith.
Suicidally depressed and need counseling as well as medication? Not if you have faith.
Confused about scientific information, and what it tells us about our planet and solar system? Not if you have faith.
Through faith we can be convinced to suspend our rational minds and buy into any religiously camouflaged BS imaginable.
Even to the point of absurdity.
Sarah Palin dresses for success. Perhaps that should read "dresses in the dark." Update!
Courtesy of Elmer Dud's Facebook page:
Shooting promo shots for my new show “Amazing America” on the Sportsman Channel. Here’s a behind the scenes look. Can't wait for April 3 premiere!
Oh the fun we could have with Sarah Palin standing in front of a green screen.
I read the handful of news reports that came out yesterday about Palin's appearance at the press breakfast and from most accounts the Sportsman channel was just as ill prepared to do this show as Palin obviously is.
In other words it is the blind leading the ignorant, and with shows like Meat Eater, Pigman, and Quack Shack Duck Show, I think she has finally found a home.
Somebody asked me the other day when I was going to finally put an end to Palin's career and make her insignificant forever?
What do they call this?
Update: Based on a few of the responses to this post I thought I would once again elaborate on the information that I which may or may not "drive a silver stake" through Sarah Palin's career.
Yes there are a few nuggets that, if they reached the media at large, were verified on the record by the people who know them and who have access to methods of proving them, would very likely make Palin skitter off the grid and disappear forever.
However at this time I have no way of presenting that evidence in a way that would achieve that outcome.
I used to think that if I could just get these witnesses to come forward it would be enough, but since Bailey, McGinniss, and Dunn's books have all come out, I have recognized how high the bar is set for proving anything that would obliterate her reputation or drive her supporters away in droves.
I mean each of those books contained very damaging information, that any good reporter could have expanded on if they so chose to do so, but besides covering the more prurient portions there was never a deep dive by investigative reporters, who, to be honest, seem bored with Sarah Palin.
So for me to present my evidence, which really is nothing more than interviews I have conducted with people who have told me things off the record, on this blog would be to do virtually nothing to move the ball forward.
Besides if I volunteered my sources it is a given that they would NEVER go on record with any other journalist, and more importantly I would have broken my word to them. Which is something that I would NEVER do.
However do not think I am sitting on my laurels and not continuing to conduct interviews. or dig for information, because nothing could be further from the truth.
Trust me that I will have more for you in the coming months. However whether that "drives a silver stake" through Palin's heart, is a question that I cannot honestly answer at this time. (And yes Palin-bots that last part is metaphorical, we still do not want to cause Palin physical harm.)
Kentucky state representative accidentally fires semi-automatic handgun. "I am a gun owner. It happens." Hey, that's MY point!
Courtesy of TPM:
Kentucky State Rep. Leslie Combs (D) accidentally fired her semi-automatic handgun in the state capitol building Tuesday night just before Gov. Steve Beshear (D) gave his state of the state address, WHAS11 reported.
Combs was unloading her gun in the Capitol annex office when it went off. The bullet hit the floor and ricocheted toward a bookshelf, according to WHAS11.
Rep. Jeff Greer (D) was in the room at the time, but Combs said she was following safety procedure and that nobody was in harm's way, WHAS11 reported. Nobody was injured.
"I thought it was totally clear," Combs told WHAS11 Wednesday. "I am a gun owner. It happens."
Remember kids guns don't kill people, but they do accidentally fire sometimes because "I am a gun owner. It happens."
Here is my question, who needs to carry a semi-automatic weapon to their job as a Kentucky State Representative? I mean if this woman worked as a security guard, or was carrying large amounts of cash, I might understand it, but she is a lawmaker who is supposed to create legislation and engage in debates.
I guess in a gun culture nobody has to explain why they are packing heat. You know unless you accidentally shoot somebody of course.
And in Kentucky, maybe not even then.
Utah may be in quandary over same sex marriage, but the federal government recognizes as legitimate those that have already taken place.
Courtesy of New York Times:
The Obama administration on Friday said that it would recognize as lawful the marriages of 1,300 same-sex couples in Utah, even though the state government is refusing to do so.
Wading into the fast-moving legal battle over same-sex marriage rights in one of America’s most socially conservative states, the administration posted a video on the Justice Department’s website making the announcement. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said that the federal government would grant federal marriage benefits to the same-sex couples who rushed to obtain marriage licenses after a federal judge last month unexpectedly struck down Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage.
“I am confirming today that, for purposes of federal law, these marriages will be recognized as lawful and considered eligible for all relevant federal benefits on the same terms as other same-sex marriages,” Mr. Holder said in the video. “These families should not be asked to endure uncertainty regarding their status as the litigation unfolds.”
Well that is good news for those who were concerned that their marriages may be in legal limbo until Utah gets its act together.
And once again let me say that Utah may be in the throes of some kind of inner turmoil, but ultimately we all know that they will, like every other state at some point in time, allow marriage equality in their state.
Progress may get interrupted, but ultimately it arrives, whether people are ready to accept it or not.
Chris Christie's career continues to crumble beneath the weight of his arrogance.
Courtesy of the New York Daily News:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s one-hour-and-forty-seven-minute self-serving, self-pitying display of contrition on Thursday was a climactic act in a brazen cover-up that threatens to further unravel his political career.
Ever so thoroughly the governor scoured the thesaurus for words of apology, regret and painless self-flagellation while nervily playing the victim and mercilessly destroying the aide who played only a supporting role for the George Washington Bridge political revenge plot.
Christie needed blood to express his outrage to the public, so he drew it from deputy chief of staff Bridget Kelly for the sin, the governor said, of lying to him. Perhaps, Kelly did lie, although it seems incredible that anyone would flat-out attempt to deceive an intense, emergency inquiry.
Regardless, Christie made roadkill of Kelly and his former campaign manager while wholly exempting the close pals who were central to the lane-closure conspiracy that caused four days of gridlock and dangerously slowed emergency response in Fort Lee. Pathetic.
As if that were not enough of a shit sandwich for Christie to choke down there are many, many more servings headed his way.
One such serving is coming in the form of newly released documents which show that Governor Christie met with the Port Authority one week before the lane closures.
This was the statement by the New Jersey lawmaker leading the investigation:
“As with so much else we’ve discovered during this investigation, these documents raise many more questions. It’s obvious that senior members of the governor’s staff were involved in spin control once this story broke.
“Given everything we’ve seen and heard, there are two glaring questions that exist right now.
“How much of the full picture was the governor’s senior staff given regarding the development of this lane closure project? With the tight control this administration maintains, it doesn’t stretch the imagination that they were given more information than they let on. When they were preparing spin control, how could they not have been given the whole story?
“Secondly, the documents submitted by David Wildstein and his attorney are documents they deemed specifically related to the lane closures at the George Washington Bridge as per our subpoena request. Included in these documents is a reference to what appears to be a meeting between Port Authority Chairman David Samson and the governor one week before Bridget Kelly issued the order to cause ‘traffic problems’ in Fort Lee. By submitting these documents, Mr. Wildstein is telling us they are related to the lane closures in some way. The question that demands answering is how?
“These are just two of the many answers we will be seeking in the days and weeks ahead.”
O, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
Then there are the lawsuits heading his way due to the closures themselves:
Six New Jersey residents have filed a federal lawsuit against Gov. Chris Christie, the state of New Jersey, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and others over traffic jams in September.
The suit filed in federal court Thursday appears to be the first civil claim over traffic that appear to have been caused as political punishment for the Fort Lee mayor.
The plaintiffs want it certified as a class action.
I have a feeling that these lawsuits are only the beginning, and that soon Christie will find his administration buried under legal paperwork and lawyer's fees.
But remember, he's not a bully.
Except, of course, he is.
I know that Fox News and many on the Right want this whole thing to blow over so they continue with their plans to slim Christie down, beef up his credentials, and polish his rough edges enough to run him against Hillary in 2016.
But I'm sorry, when it talks like a duck, waddles like a duck, and looks like it ate a whole flock of ducks, that is NOT somebody who is going to stand much of a chance on the national stage.
I mean how careless can the GOP be when it comes to choosing their Republican saviors? I mean the only thing dumber than choosing this arrogant bullying bag of wind, would be to send a team into the frozen backwoods of an isolated state, pluck the most ignorant, least educated female they could find, and then stick her on the national ticket without first vetting her enough to uncover a fake pregnancy and a husband who was into human trafficking.
Number of Americans who identify themselves as liberal reaches new high according to Gallup.
Courtesy of Gallup:
Americans continue to be more likely to identify as conservatives (38%) than as liberals (23%). But the conservative advantage is down to 15 percentage points as liberal identification edged up to its highest level since Gallup began regularly measuring ideology in the current format in 1992.
The figures are based on combined data from 13 separate Gallup polls, including interviews with more than 18,000 Americans, conducted in 2013.
When Gallup began asking about ideological identification in all its polls in 1992, an average 17% of Americans said they were liberal. That dipped to 16% in 1995 and 1996, but has gradually increased, exceeding 20% each year since 2005.
The rise in liberal identification has been accompanied by a decline in moderate identification. At 34% in 2013, it is the lowest Gallup has measured, and down nine points since 1992. Moderates had been the largest ideological group throughout the 1990s, and competed with conservatives for the top spot during the 2000s. Since 2009, conservatives have consistently been the largest U.S. ideological group.
The shift toward greater liberal self-identification has been led by Democrats. Currently, 43% of Democrats say they are liberal, a nearly 50% increase from 29% in 2000. Over the same period, the percentage of Democrats identifying as moderate is down to 36% from 44%, and conservative identification is down to 19% from 25%. Republicans have become more likely to describe their political views as conservative over the past 13 years, from 62% in 2000 to 70% in 2013.
The percentage of Republicans saying their political views are moderate has dropped by an equivalent amount, from 31% to 23%. To some degree that may be a function of declining Republican Party identification in the U.S., now at a 25-year low of 25%. The smaller group of present Republican identifiers is likely more ideologically homogeneous than the larger group of Republican identifiers from a decade ago.
I have to admit that I am still puzzled by the size of the number of Americans who call themselves conservatives, but I really believe that these numbers are shifting faster than may be evident right now, and that if Gallup were to alter their methods of poll taking they would find a larger liberal segment of the population that simply does not respond to polls using the conventional methods.
If Gallup sent out a mass text to cellphone users for instance, with a simple yes or no option, I bet this number would change dramatically.
However it is the trend which is the story here, and the trend is definitely favoring those of us on the liberal side of the ideological divide.
Sarah Palin attends press breakfast where she declares that her new show about shooting animals in the face on the Sportsman channel will restore America, inspire women, and probably cure cancer if you believe the hype.
Courtesy of The Wrap:
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin can comfortably split her time between Fox News Channel and her new Sportsman Channel series because both aim to spread the pro-American message and restore the country’s global leadership, she told TheWrap.
“Fox really gets it, you know. They understand what it’s gonna take for American exceptionalism to be restored,” Palin said following her presentation for “Amazing America” at the Television Critics Association winter press tour on Friday.
At #TCA14 press b-fast with @SPORTSMANchnl to talk about our new show “Amazing America”. Can't wait until April 3 premiere!
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) January 10, 2014
“They understand that getting more people active and productive and living a real industrious type lifestyle – that our show will showcase – actually helps the cause of Fox too, so it’s mutually beneficial.” (I'm sorry how does walking through the woods shooting creatures who are minding their own business going to "restore exceptionalism" in America?)
The Sportsman Channel series will follow Palin – who returned to Fox News as a contributor last year – as she visits people and places around the country that “embrace, and encourage, and inspire more of that American spirit that we need more of.”
“What our show is gonna do is help fundamentally restore that, restore that Americana spirit, that built us, that laid the foundation for where we are today,” Palin said.
(Yep, nothing says AMERIKA like killing everything in sight and then showing in on television so that overweight couch potatoes can feel the the visceral thrill of hunting hand raised animals chased through an enclosed area where the outcome is really never in doubt. Remember my daughter works on reality shows, she knows how these things are rigged.)
“I want young women to be inspired by the show that we’re gonna put together,” she said. “One of the reasons is that I think this world would be better off having more young women holding a fish in a picture and fewer of ‘em holding their camera in front of the bathroom mirror doing a selfie.”
(And we certainly know what a WONDERFUL example Palin has set for the young women living in her home. Right?)
Palin told TheWrap that her contract with Fox News needed to allow for filming on the Sportsman Channel series, which she says is her “most favorite thing” that she’s done in recent years.
“I am so thankful for Roger Ailes allowing me to do the Sportsman Channel show,” Palin told TheWrap. “It was part of the negotiations to come back to work with Fox, was to be able to do this.”
(Please, Ailes could NOT care less what Little Annie Oakey-Dokey does in her off time from the handful of minutes that he pays her to make the rest of his guests look more intelligent by comparison. He is probably hoping that somebody will mistake her wig for a muskrat and end her contract early.)
“In fact I’m more excited about this project than I have been about many of the other projects and things that I have done in the past,” she said during the presentation.
But pressed on what those less enjoyable past projects were, Palin didn’t kiss and tell.
“Oh I’ve done some things that, um, I’ve kind of been roped into that haven’t been my most favorite things to do in the world,” she said. (Give me a break! We know she begged for all of those reality shows and cable news appearances. Maybe she means those few appearances at charity events, when she was trying to appear compassionate.) “But this is my most favorite thing, is being in the great outdoors and inviting other people to come live that lifestyle with us even if it’s just through the airwaves.”
Palin also brushed off a question about a new book claiming Ailes offered a Fox News employee a raise in exchange for sex.
(What? They asked her about that?)
“That he paid what?” she asked, apparently unaware of Gabriel Sherman’s upcoming biography of Ailes, “The Loudest Voice in the Room.” TheWrap told her about the claim.
“I think bogus rumors like that are really a waste of time especially when I want to talk about being red, wild and blue in America,” she said, quoting the Sportsman Channel’s slogan.
(Now does that sound like she is surprised Ailes made the offer, or surprised that he offered so much. Hmmm.)
“But ask me something about the great outdoors and I’ll be happy to answer ya. Come on, think of something!”
Here's one, "What do you read about hunting?" Oooh, that would certainly stump her.
Can you believe the hard sell she is giving this program?
As if a hunting program, on a channel nobody has even heard of, is going to do anything for anybody, except give her an even smaller audience than she has on Fox News and Facebook.
Let's face it the only thing this program will "fundamentally change" is that it will fundamentally signal the end of her fifteen minutes of fame.
P.S. And here is a little advice Ms. Palin, since those of us on the Left are looking out for you. If you talk Dick Cheney into making an appearance on your program, dress in the brightest orange vest you can find and stay well behind him. He has a history of shooting first and sorting out the wildlife from the hunting partners afterward.
Update: Mediaite has a little more concerning her take on Bridge-gate. Check out her hair.
Update: Oh God, the shoes!
You've seen the buzz now check out the Amazing American shoes @SarahPalinUSA wore during #TCA2014 today. pic.twitter.com/VppOg9OTXC
— Sportsman Channel (@SPORTSMANchnl) January 10, 2014