Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Agenda: Attorney Klayman Plans To Camp Out Across From White House
10:00am in LaFayette Park Across From White House
Freedom Watch and I call upon all Tea Party, conservative, libertarian, and other groups and all persons, indeed to all patriotic citizens, to converge on Washington D.C., en masse, on November 19, 2013, and demand the resignations of President Barack Hussein Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and House Speaker John Boehner. We want all concerned activist groups to partner with us in our fight to restore the integrity of our nation and our Constitution.
I. INTRODUCTION by Larry Klayman
A. Knowledgeable and concerned Americans know that the United States is in great danger. Barack Hussein Obama has driven the country into the ground and the political opposition has allowed this to happen. The nation is on the verge of economic, social, and strategic collapse, as the people’s grievances are being continually ignored.
B. Short of violent revolution which we hope to avoid, civil disobedience in the style of Mahatma Gandhi in India and South Africa, Lech Walesa in Poland, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and most recently, democracy-minded Egyptians in Tahir Square, must be employed urgently before the nation goes under for the count.
II. SPEAKERS Who Have Been Persecuted by Obama’s Regime
We propose bringing some of the victims of President Obama’s administration and have them give their testimony about how they have been harmed by him and his enablers. Such victims will include by not be limited to the widows and parents of those who died at Benghazi, other military families whose sons or daughters have been sacrificed based on Obama’s Muslim outreach which favors protecting the Islamic enemy over our own troops, those who have been audited and harassed by the IRS, spied upon by the NSA, victimized by illegal immigration, persecuted by ObamaCare, and those who feel that the U.S. Constitution is being trampled on as a matter of course and that their freedoms are being subverted and destroyed.
A. Benghazi-gate Victim
B. Navy SEAL-gate Victim
C. Fast and Furious Victim
D. IRS Victim
E. NSA Victim
F. ObamaCare Victim
G. Illegal Immigration Victim
H. Other Speakers
III. CAMP OUT Until We Get Results
We must have the means to literally camp in Washington D.C. and not leave until we get results.
In conjunction with the masses gathered in LaFayette Park, we encourage millions to occupy parks, sidewalks, public areas, etc., consistent with the law. This has never been done before, but as Thomas Paine said, “these are the times that try men’s souls.”
Contact Freedom Watch at daj142182@gmail.com or (424) 274-2579. www.reclaimamericanow.net
* Renamed from “Occupy Washington” PDF: http://www.reclaimamericanow.net/pdf/agenda.pdf
Legal Adviser For Federal Birth Certificate Forgery Notice Speaks
Legal Adviser for Federal Birth Certificate
Forgery Notice Speaks with The Post & Email
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Oct. 28, 2013) — On Monday, The Post & Email interviewed a former attorney who played a part in the filing of a Notice in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington relating to probable cause of the forgery of the birth certificates of Barack Hussein Obama.
Montgomery Blair Sibley has himself been seeking a court to rule on whether or not Obama should be permitted to serve as President of the United States based on his questionable constitutional eligibility. Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution requires the president and commander-in-chief to be a “natural born Citizen.” Sibley has also sought redress for the crime he alleges was committed by Magistrate Judge Deborah A. Robinson, who misrepresented herself as an Article III judge when she signed a dismissal of indictments against formerly-accused domestic terrorist Elizabeth Ann Duke in June 2009.
Just as concerning was the dismissal of the indictments for which Robinson has not provided elucidation in response to Sibley’s FOIA requests.
The filer of the Notice, Douglas Vogt, has a background in typesetting and scanning and asserts “20 points of forgery” of the long-form birth certificate image as well as charges of conspiracy, fraud and other crimes on the part of several “John Does” and “Jane Does.”
The Notice is 106 pages, and an accompanying memorandum is six pages.
Notice Doug Vogt 10-18-13
Memo Doug Vogt 10-18-13
The memo asserts that “the public interest” requires the court to summon one or more grand juries to investigate Vogt’s claims, citing historical instances wherein grand juries conducted their own investigations independent of a judge, attorney or prosecutor and issued presentments for prosecution. The Fifth Amendment is the only place in America’s founding documents where the grand jury and its role are invoked.
Two years ago, a state grand jury’s findings were termed a “presentment” rather than an indictment, which is issued by a grand jury after a prosecutor presents evidence to it for review.
As recently as October 13, a county grand jury’s conclusions that adequate evidence existed to charge two township supervisors with crimes were called “a presentment.”
In some cases, grand juries are used but are operated illegally or are unduly pressured by county prosecutors.
In 1989, an “ambushed grand jury” was investigating government corruption but was threatened into silence. Over the last four years, CDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III (Ret.) has attempted to present evidence of his allegations against Obama for treason and fraud to a county, state or federal grand jury but has been met with denials by prosecutors and judges as well as an illegally-serving county grand jury foreman. “Grand juries are what make us a republic,” Fitzpatrick has said.
The Post & Email has asked members of Congress to convene a special grand jury to analyze the evidence of forgery, fraud, government corruption, and conspiracy which may have been involved in the ascension to the presidency by Barack Hussein Obama.
The Post & Email has reported extensively on the erosion of the grand jury once used in the colonies and after the American Revolution to the point where today, grand juries are just a shadow of their original powerful presence. While some states have legislated away grand juries, others have stopped empaneling them, substituting the supplying of “information” to a prosecutor.
However, in New York State and across the country, Common Law Grand Juries are forming and demanding that judges follow the U.S. Constitution and respective state constitutions by allowing the people to make decisions about guilt, innocence, restitution, and punishment.
We asked Mr. Sibley if he wrote the Notice, to which he responded, “I’m not the author, but let’s say I provided some material assistance to Doug to get it into the system.”
THE POST & EMAIL: When did the idea to file the document in a federal court and ask for a federal grand jury review of the evidence arise?
MR. SIBLEY: For me, it came up about six months ago when the Supreme Court refused to review a DC Circuit Court opinion in a lawsuit I filed in which I asked the court to enforce my statutory right to contact the grand jury with evidence of criminal behavior. I sued, saying that I had asked Eric Holder to present evidence of criminal behavior to a grand jury under a specific federal statute. He was refusing to do it; I asked the court to force him to do it the way other courts have forced U.S. attorneys to present evidence to grand juries. The DC court said, “No, we’re not going to enforce the statute, and, by the way, we don’t think the statute is constitutional, so you have no right to get your evidence to the grand jury.
So that said, I had to find another way to get to the grand jury, and that’s when my path crossed with Doug Vogt.
THE POST & EMAIL: It used to be that grand juries ran themselves without prosecutors acting as gatekeepers.
MR. SIBLEY: There’s been a concentration of power in this country into fewer and fewer hands, starting in the 1890s to the 1920. In the 1940s, they got rid of the idea that you could even have a presentment, which is a constitutional right in the Fifth Amendment.
THE POST & EMAIL: Walter Fitzpatrick has asked numerous times to present evidence to a grand jury and has been ignored or told “no.”
To your knowledge, has Mr. Vogt received a response to the Notice?
MR. SIBLEY: I checked PACER on Friday and the court hasn’t ruled yet. I don’t expect the court to rule any time soon, quite frankly.
THE POST & EMAIL: It shouldn’t be up to the court, should it?
MR. SIBLEY: Apparently, the people no longer can get to the grand jury. The only people who can get to the grand jury are the U.S. attorney, who has an obvious conflict in presenting evidence of his own criminal behavior to a grand jury, and our 625 federal judges. By statute, a federal judge can convene and present evidence to a grand jury, and in fact, under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, they’re obligated to present that evidence when it’s in the “public interest.” So the actual question is, “Is there evidence of a forged birth certificate of the president of the United States in the public interest to explore?” I don’t know how you can come up with any other evidence than that there is and that the grand jury must have the opportunity to investigate that.
THE POST & EMAIL: Some might say that there is no more compelling reason to present something to a grand jury than that someone has produced forged documentation for the de facto President of the United States who may not even be a U.S. citizen.
MR. SIBLEY: That’s the concern. With the quality of Doug Vogt’s analytical, forensic, expert opinion, I think you’re at the grand jury. Could Doug be 100% wrong? Let’s entertain that possibility, but that’s not the question. The question is, “Is there probable cause to believe he may be right?” I don’t know how you can read the public affidavit and think otherwise. The judge has seen the sealed affidavit now, and that is more than icing on the cake to show that lock, stock and barrel, you’ve got a real problem that only a grand jury can resolve.
THE POST & EMAIL: Did Mr. Vogt present evidence he gathered himself, or did he work with someone?
MR. SIBLEY: I know he and Paul Irey consulted on this, but Doug came up with his own conclusions that you saw. The evidence he presented is really forensic evidence. It isn’t “I saw somebody do something;” it’s “Look at this document; look at that document,” and there’s only one conclusion you can draw from the evidence he objectively presents.
THE POST & EMAIL: Why do you think the court will not act swiftly?
MR. SIBLEY: The way courts work generally, and the implications of this…and if they’ve already referred it to the grand jury, no one is going to know about it because they’re not going to publicize that fact. So we may not know anything one way or the other.
Doug asked the court to give him release of liability under the misprision statute that he cited saying, “You’ve discharged your duties, so you can’t be charged. Whether the judge will give him that courtesy or not, I don’t know. There are two federal statutes that say if you have knowledge of a felony, you have to tell a federal judge or law enforcement officer. That’s called “misprision,” and there’s misprision of felony and misprision of treason. Under that statute, Doug went in and said, “I have knowledge of a felony, and it’s the felony of the forgery of the president’s birth certificate and the other crimes associated with that. Therefore, I’m discharging my legal obligation to give the hue and cry from common law, which is the misprision statute, and say, “Here’s the felony. Now I’ve discharged my obligation; please acknowledge that you’ve received this so that I’ve proved that I’ve done so.”
When we call 911, it’s proven that we called because it’s recorded.
When we file with the clerk, we don’t know whether or not the federal judge has seen it or not, so there’s an obligation with the judge to acknowledge that he’s seen it. The next step would be John Does and Jane Does and other people getting target letters from a federal grand jury, and then we’ll know what the judge has done.
THE POST & EMAIL: Please explain what “target letters” are.
MR. SIBLEY: Briefly, if I’m a federal prosecutor and I have proof against someone to present to a federal grand jury, I’m obligated to send a letter to the person so that he has the right to come in and give his side of the story to the grand jury, but he is now a target of the investigation. So the nest step is really going to be whether or not people start receiving target letters from a grand jury and whether the court appoints a special prosecutor to pursue it.
THE POST & EMAIL: Would Mr. Vogt receive a letter asking him to appear before the grand jury to present the evidence if all the way you would hope it would?
MR. SIBLEY: Yes, he’ll be contacted by the special prosecutor; he would be issued a subpoena to come in and testify, to tell what he knows, and to explain the affidavit in more detail.
THE POST & EMAIL: Do you think the grand jury would be given the freedom that they used to have, before prosecutors directed them? Could it be made to understand that they have a lot more power than they think?
MR. SIBLEY: I have a wonderful little pamphlet I’ve written about “Your Rights as a Grand Juror” which I’m certain will find a way to get to the grand jury when the time is appropriate.
THE POST & EMAIL: Many people are unaware of the function of a grand jury and the fact that they used to hold public officials to account.
MR. SIBLEY: The greatest fear of elected officials is a grand jury because they have no control over it. Once that door closes and those 23 citizens start doing what they want to do and issuing subpoenas and obligating you to testify whether you want to or not… Remember, there is no Fifth Amendment privilege in the grand jury. That is why the scope of the grand jury has become so circumscribed. Mr. Vogt gave that quote: instead of a bulwark against tyranny, it’s now a tool of the Executive Branch.
THE POST & EMAIL: Is there anything you’d like to add in closing?
MR. SIBLEY: Only that this isn’t the last effort. There’s another round that’s coming in a week or ten days.
The Post & Email interviewed Sibley and researcher Martha Trowbridge last week on the WheresObamasBirthCertificate radio show founded and hosted by Michael Volin.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Doug Vogt Identitfies Obama Birth Certificate Forger - Misprision of Felony Notice - 10/18/2013 by ObamaRelease YourRecords
Obama Cousin: Obama Doesn't Understand America; He's Destroying America
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- Image Credit: Daily Caller - |
Milton Wolf for U.S. Senate website: www.miltonwolf.com
Fox News: Team Obama Raid Reporter's Home; Exposed Confidential Sources
Fox News: Team Obama Raid Reporter's Home; Exposed Confidential Sources...
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- Image Credit: Secrets of the Fed - |
Federal judge rules that soon to be implemented Texas abortion restrictions are unconstitutional.
Courtesy of the ABC News:
A federal judge has ruled that new abortion restrictions passed by the Texas Legislature are unconstitutional and should not take effect as planned on Tuesday.
District Judge Lee Yeakel issued his decision Monday following a three-day trial over whether the state can restrict when, where and how women obtain abortions in Texas.
Lawyers for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers argued that the regulations did not protect women and would shut down a third of the abortion clinics in Texas.
The Texas attorney general's office argued that the law protects women and the life of the fetus. State officials are expected to file an emergency appeal of Yeakel's order to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.
The proposed restrictions were among the toughest in the nation.
These, of course, are the same restrictions, that Wendy Davis courageously filibustered 11 hours to stop.
Not at all surprising to have them found unconstitutional.
But if women of Texas really wants to protest their reproductive rights, they know what they need to do.
Sometimes you just have to laugh. SNL's take on the Affordable Care website is not to be missed.
I am ashamed to admit that I fell asleep early on Saturday night and missed this entire show.
But don't blame me, sometimes all of that
I just wish they would hurry up and iron out all of the kinks. I really want to get me some of that health care insurance people are always talking about. Sounds awesome.
Hawaii may be next state to embrace gay marriage. Am I the only one who thought they already had?
Courtesy of NPR:
The next state to legalize same-sex marriage may be Hawaii, where the state's Legislature will begin a special session on the issue Monday. The governor called the session so that lawmakers could consider the Marriage Equality Act, which would allow same-sex couples to wed.
NPR's Nathan Rott reports for our Newscast unit:
"The gay marriage debate is nothing new to Hawaii. In 1990, gay couples who applied for a marriage license there helped start the national debate that resulted in the Defense of Marriage Act, the law that was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year.
"Proponents for same-sex marriage, including Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, are trying to ride national momentum, pushing for legislation that would make Hawaii the 15th state to legalize gay marriage. They argue that the bill extends the state's Aloha spirit of equality and would spur tourism.
"Opponents of the bill have organized protests, saying that Hawaiian voters should decide the issue, not the state's lawmakers."
Gay marriage was in a legal gray area in Hawaii after 1993, when the state's supreme court ruled in favor of the unions. But a constitutional amendment that was adopted five years later took jurisdiction from the courts and gave it to the Legislature, which then banned same-sex marriages.
In Honolulu, this weekend has been marked by rallies organized by groups on both sides of the issue, Hawaii News Now reports. More rallies will take place Monday.
I swear Hawaii has GOT to be the most gay state in the US. And I mean that as a compliment.
The entire place smells like flowers, everybody wears brightly colored shirts, and it was there that a 20 year old man-child from Alaska first learned about Mahus. (Believe me my introduction was not nearly as unsettling as my roommate from Ohio, who received his culture shock only after his date dropped "her" skirt in the hotel room he had rented.)
Like I said I am only surprised that Hawaii was NOT the first state to openly accept gay marriage.
(I guess this is where the Right Wing starts wagging their fingers and exclaiming that "they knew the President was gay, and somehow this proves it.")
P.S. And yes, before anybody starts trying to lecture me, I DO realize that not all transvestites are gay. It just so happened that the few Mahu's I met in Hawaii were.
While the Republicans do everything they can to sabotage the rollout of Obamacare, Vermont is quietly constructing the nation's first government funded universal health care system.
Courtesy of the Providence Journal:
As states open insurance marketplaces amid uncertainty about whether they are a solution for health care, Vermont is eyeing a bigger goal, one that more fully embraces a government-funded model.
The state has a planned 2017 launch of the nation’s first universal health care system, a sort of modified Medicare-for-all that has long been a dream for many liberals.
The plan is especially ambitious in the current atmosphere surrounding health care in the United States. Republicans in Congress balk at the federal health overhaul years after it was signed into law. States are still negotiating their terms for implementing it. And some major employers have begun to drastically limit their offerings of employee health insurance, raising questions about the future of the industry altogether.
In such a setting, Vermont’s plan looks more and more like an anomaly. It combines universal coverage with new cost controls in an effort to move away from a system in which the more procedures doctors and hospitals perform, the more they get paid, to one in which providers have a set budget to care for a set number of patients.
The result will be health care that’s “a right and not a privilege,” Gov. Peter Shumlin said.
I truly think that this is the future of health care in this country, and once Vermont demonstrates how workable and superior the model is there will be vast pressure placed on other states, and the federal government, to follow suit.
Man this is definitely going to make some Right Wing heads explode!
American Family Association may sue military for daring to call them a hate group.
Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:
American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer said that his group may file a lawsuit against the US military because the AFA was included on a list of domestic hate groups in an army training. Fischer said that Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) is “demanding answers” from the Pentagon about the list and why the military is “even spending time focusing on groups that are made up of American citizens.”
“We are considering legal action, we think this is defamatory, it’s outrageous, it’s libelous,” Fischer said. “It’s not beyond the possibility that we would resort to some kind of legal action.”
Fischer added that he found it “particularly offensive” that the military compared the AFA to the Westboro Baptist Church since “you’re not going to find a stronger supporter of the American military than the American Family Association.”
Of course the reason that the SPLC has deemed AFA a hate group is NOT because of their stance on the military, but rather because of their incredibly venomous attacks on the gay community in this country. Many of who proudly serve this country, and who now do so openly, which is something that AFA has spoken out against numerous times.
Perosonally I think it would be a good thing if AFA sued the US Military.
Just imagine all of the hateful garbage that would be revealed in discovery and broadcast into the mainstream media during the trial.
No, organizations like the AFA survive because they are mostly paid attention to only by like minded bigots. Once the world had a chance to be disgusted by their hateful rhetoric they would find themselves marginalized even further.
I doubt there will be any lawsuit.
Full Affidavit: Request For Grand Jury Review Of Obama Forgery Evidence
Request for Grand Jury Review of Evidence of Obama
Birth Certificate Forgery Filed in Washington State
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
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Has the forger of both the long-form birth certificate and short-form Certification of Live Birth been found? |
The Post & Email has interviewed Vogt on two occasions wherein he mentioned the “plausible deniability” he believed Obama would invoke regarding the forgery of his purported long-form birth certificate and subsequent posting of the image on the White House website on April 27, 2011. In his filing, Vogt states that both the short-form and long-form birth certificates appearing on the internet at different times are “indisputable forgeries” (page 2).
The Daily KOS, where the short-form Certification of Live Birth was first made public, has called the filing a “wingnut lawsuit.”
Vogt claims that the birth certificates were created because Barack Hussein Obama is “a communist agent” placed into the presidency “to destroy the nation from within.” He also states that Obama is not a U.S. citizen.
The filing identifies a female (Jane Doe) as having created the forgery of both birth certificates and others as having promulgated propaganda. It claims that a perpetrator provided money to carry out a plan “to place a foreign alien/agent in as President of the United States,” and identifies media executives as having arranged for a reporter to claim that she had seen and touched the raised seal on the long-form birth certificate the day it was posted. Vogt claims that there was no raised seal on the document.
The U.S. Constitution requires the president to be a “natural born Citizen,” but anyone questioning Obama’s origins, background and allegiance has been ridiculed, defamed, marginalized, hacked, and surveilled.
Vogt included a sealed affidavit with the filing which contains the name of the person he believes created the forgery of the long-form birth certificate. At the conclusion of the document, Vogt states that the Department of Justice and FBI, which reports to Justice, have been “prevented” from launching an investigation into the forgeries, hence the need for a grand jury review.
The Fifth Amendment in the Bill of Rights states that “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury…”
The Post & Email has reported extensively on the erosion of the grand jury as a buffer between citizens and the government as well as an independent body which historically operated villages and directed its own investigations without input from a lawyer, prosecutor or judge.
The Post & Email has received a copy of Vogt’s filing directly from a highly reliable source along with another document and will be issuing another report on Monday.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
RELATED: Under Seal: Document Expert Identifies Obama BC Forger; Media Complicit - DETAILS HERE.
Doug Vogt Identitfies Obama Birth Certificate Forger - Misprision of Felony Notice - 10/18/2013 by ObamaRelease YourRecords
Navy CDR: Obama’s Life Narrative Changed At Will; Unfit For Command
Navy CDR: Obama’s Life Narrative Changed At Will; Unfit For Command
Obama’s Life Narrative (Lie) is Changed at Will and as
Needed. Obama is the Liar-in-Chief. He is Unfit for Command!
By CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
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Click on image to learn the many faces and lies of Obama and what Obama’s Perception Management Team aided by the major media does not want you to Know |
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Updated Version — You Can Still Trust the Communists to Be Communists — and lie to further their “campaigns” |
Suggestion for additions — please post them in the comments for this blog post. Thank you.
CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
P.S. Also read this essay regarding the legal term of art “natural born Citizen” and basic logic, i.e., trees are plants but not all plants are trees. Natural born Citizens are a subset of “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” but not all “born Citizens (citizens at birth)” are “natural born Citizens”: http://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2012/06/20/of-natural-born-citizens-and-citizens-at-birth-and-basic-logic-trees-are-plants-but-not-all-plants-are-trees-natural-born-citizens-nbc-are-citizens-at-birth-cab-but-not-all-cab … AND … http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html
Obama Then Compared to Obama Now - Obama Life Narrative Changes - Liar in Chief - See What He Said Before H... by protectourliberty
Video: CBS News Drop Benghazi Bomb On Obama
Video: CBS News Drop Benghazi Bomb On Obama
Video: CBS News Drop Benghazi Bomb On Team Obama...
CBS News reports: Benghazi was a planned, sophisticated attack by al Qaeda against a barely protected American outpost. Lara Logan reports. Video below. Full transcript here.
Contrary to early WH statements, Benghazi was a planned, sophisticated attack by Al Qaeda against the barely protected American compound
— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) October 27, 2013
Video: CBS News Drop Benghazi Bomb On Obama
Professor William Jacobson reports: 60 Minutes confirms Benghazi is a real scandal, and you've been lied to. 60 Minutes had an absolutely devastating report on the Obama administration’s failure to protect Ambassador Chris Stevens and other Americans in Benghazi. [...] but the heart of the report is that there were clear and unequivocal warnings which were ignored, and the Obama administration lied about these warnings after the attack. Hillary and Obama blamed a video and stood by the caskets perpetuating that lie.
[...] - Much more at Legal Insurrection. Hat tip Smack.
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- Screen Shot via Legal Insurrection - |
Under Seal: Document Expert Identifies Obama BC Forger; Media Complicit
Under Seal: Document Expert Identifies Obama Birth
Certificate Forger; Says Media Executives Involved
Notice of Commission of (i) a Felony Cognizable by a Court of the United States as required by 18 U.S.C. 4 - Misprision of Felony and (ii) Treason against the United States as required by 18 U.S.C. 2382 - Misprision of Treason and Motion to Seal Document
COMES NOW Douglas Vogt: (i) pursuant to the obligations placed upon him by 18 U.S.C. 4 and 2382, upon both his Public and Sealed Affidavits attached hereto, and gives the requisite notice of the commission of felonies and/or treason by the following described persons cognizable by a Court of the United States and (ii) pursuant to Local Rule 5(g), moves the Court for an order sealing his attached envelope containing his Sealed Affidavit marked with the case caption and the phrase "FILED UNDER SEAL", and states as follows:
I. Misprision of Felony
In sum, the attached Publicly Affidavit of Douglas Vogt demonstrates that forensic evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that the two Certificates of Live Birth ("hereinafter COLBs) which Barack Hussein Obama, II has publicly released to establish his Constitutional-eligibility to be President of these United States are indisputable forgeries.
Moreover, upon the accompanying Sealed Affidavit of Douglas Vogt, the identity of the person who actually forged the COLBs and of the identities of those who assisted in the perpetuation of the most significant fraud upon the People of the United States, is clearly detailed and warrants the immediate referral of this matter to a specially-impaneled federal grand jury assisted by an independent in-every-sense-of-the-word prosecutor to investigate the allegations as only a Federal Grand Jury can. [...]
III. Persons Involved
Upon the Public and Sealed Affidavits, it appears the following persons are involved in perpetrating the forgeries of Obama's COLBs:
Barack Hussein Obama, former WH Counsel Robert Bauer, WH Director of Communications Daniel Pfeiffer, Private Counsel Judith Corley, former Hawaii DOH Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii DOH Director Loretta Fuddy, John Doe #1 in the Hawaii DOH's Registrar Office, NBC News' Savannah Guthrie, John Doe #2 #3 #4 are top executives at General Electric, National Broadcasting Company, and the Executive Producer of the Today Show who arranged for Savannah Guthrie to "see" the Obama COLB and have her certify that a nonexistent Health Department Seal was on it. John Does #5 and NBC Executive who arranged Savannah Guthrie's promotion to the Today Show nine days after the April 27, 2011 White House News Conference. [...]
V. Motion to Seal
Attached hereto in a sealed envelope marked with the case caption and the phrase “FILED UNDER SEAL” is my signed affidavit which identifies the forger of the long form birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama II (and that person’s connection to Mr. Obama). If this person’s identity is made public prior to an investigation by a grand jury and/or executing of search warrants to secure easily destroyed computer evidence, proof beyond a reasonable doubt of the forger’s complicity in perpetrating the worst fraud on the electorate of these United States may well be lost. The other reason is that the main principles in this forgery case may have this person murdered as well as the spouse. The reason I conclude this is because the main principles throughout this crime have used plausible deniability to shield themselves from culpability. Discovering who the forger actually is eliminates plausible deniability.
WHEREFORE, Douglas Vogt respectfully request an Order sealing the attached envelope. Alternatively, pursuant LCR 5(g)(6), if this motion to seal is denied, Douglas Vogt request that the court withdraw the sealed document from the record rather than unseal it.
VI. Request to Present Evidence to Grand Jury
Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3332(a), Douglas Vogt requests that the court bring “to the attention of the grand jury” the evidence of criminal behavior sworn to herein. I had already notified the FBI in Hawaii and the FBI Director in Washington D.C. three times with some of the earlier evidence I developed but with no action or response from them. I also notified the U.S. Attorney in Hawaii but again with no action or response from them. Both the FBI and the Justice Department is controlled by the Executive branch of government they have been prevented from performing an investigation. For these reasons I respectfully request the court to submit our evidence to a Grand Jury and assign a Special Prosecutor to properly investigate the evidence I have developed.
[...] Continued in Full Notice embedded below or here. Hat tip to the admitted troll Bill Bryan.
UPDATE: Full Affidavit: Request For Grand Jury Review Of Obama Forgery Evidence - CLICK HERE.
Background reports on Douglas Vogt here: http://www.birtherreport.com/search?q=Doug+Vogt
Doug Vogt Identitfies Obama Birth Certificate Forger - Misprision of Felony Notice - 10/18/2013 by ObamaRelease YourRecords
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- Image Credit: Overpasses for Obama Impeachment Protest, Simi Valley, 10/26/2013, more via Jeff - |
13 year old boy shot to death by California police while carrying a toy pellet gun that resembled an AK-47.
13 year old boy shot to death by California police while carrying a toy pellet gun that resembled an AK-47.
Courtesy of the Christian Science Monitor: On Tuesday afternoon, Andy Lopez was walking home from his friend’s house, toy gun in hand, when a sheriff’s deputy spotted him – and the AK-47 look-alike – from behind.
From there, everything unfolded in a matter of seconds.
The deputy and his partner, who were out on regular patrol duty, pulled over their car and took cover behind the vehicle’s doors, according to the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office.
The patrol car’s overhead light and siren were activated, and law enforcement twice ordered Andy, who was about 20 to 30 feet away, to drop the gun, one witness said, according to an Associated Press report.
Andy began to turn around in the direction of the deputies, barrel of the rifle rising up, one officer said.
Seven bullets struck the young teenager. Sixteen seconds later, the officers called for medial attention, according to Reuters.
Andy died at the scene, and what was thought to be an assault weapon turned out to be a plastic replica, officers discovered.
The trademark orange tip that federal law requires toy-gun manufacturers to place on the ends of fake guns was missing from the pellet gun, law enforcement reported. Also, a toy handgun was found in Andy’s waistband, but it had the orange tip.
Police officers have to make snap decisions about a potentially dangerous situation, and this is certainly NOT the first toy gun toting child who has been shot to death by law enforcement, and sadly it will probably not be the last.
I really feel for these police officers who must be torn up over such a terrible incident, and while I also feel badly for his parents I am equally angry that they allowed him to take these realistic looking guns out into the streets.
In my home the children were NEVER allowed to play with guns that resembled real guns in any way. I would allow brightly painted squirt guns, and Nerf guns, but that was the extent of it, and it was for this very reason.
Part me almost wishes that the victim of this shooting were somebody more deserving.
Because you have to believe that the number of these assholes roaming the streets in order to bait the cops, and then post the video of the confrontation up on YouTube to impress their 2nd Amendment buddies, has put many in the law enforcement community on edge.
Another anti-Obamacare myth bites the dust.
Courtesy of Forbes:
For those committed to destroying the Affordable Care act by any means possible, who can blame them for seeking to misdirect based on using only a small part of the data as it pertains to employment when telling the full story blows up the entire meme? Such a claim is, after all, ear candy for an audience looking for any reason to hate the law, even if they don’t quite know why they so are so displeased.
The problem, however, is that this popular line of attack comes with a rather significant flaw—the claim is provably false.
A more careful review of the latest BLS jobs report out last week—a review in which the anti-Obamacare forces do not want you to engage in—reveals that while we do, indeed, currently have 27 million part-time workers in the economy, only 8 million of these people are working part-time because they cannot find a full-time job.
That means that 19 million Americans are working part-time because that is all the work they desire to have.
What’s more, not only does the September jobs report reveal that the number of part-timers wishing for full-time work showed no increase when compared to the previous month’s numbers, the report provides a piece of data far more important—
In September of 2012, the number of part-timers seeking full-time work comprised 6 percent of the workforce. One year later, the September jobs report reveals that the number has shrunk to 5.5 percent.
This idea that the Affordable Care Act is inspiring employers to hire part time workers over full time workers is one of the major talking points. So recognizing that it is based on a misrepresentation of the facts is something that EVERY mainstream journalist should do but doesn't.
These GOP "facts" require darkness and loads of bullshit to grow, the best way to fight them is to shine a light on them and watch them wither away.
The Indian Prime Minister Is Spy-Proof, Has no Email or Cell Phone
Recent reports said that the U.S. National Security Agency has spied on over 35 unnamed world leaders, but Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is sure he's not one of them — as he doesn't have a phone or an email address to hack.
"The prime minister doesn't use a mobile phone, and he doesn't have an email account," a spokesperson for Singh told Agence France-Presse. "His office uses email, but he has no personal email."
"We have no information and no cause for concern," he added.
Singh's office may be unconcerned, but they're in a clear minority. The latest NSA spying revelations come just days after German newsmagazine Der Spiegel discovered that U.S. agencies may have tapped German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cellphone.
Merkel then led the European Union to sign a statement expressing "deep concern" over U.S. spying practices. She said she believes nations must draw up new agreements to keep spy agencies in check.
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Rock legend Lou Reed dies at 71
(CNN) -- Lou Reed, who took rock 'n' roll into dark corners as a songwriter, vocalist and guitarist for the Velvet Underground and as a solo artist, died Sunday, his publicist said. He was 71.
The publicist, Peter Noble, confirmed Reed's death but released no details. Reed had undergone a liver transplant in May, his wife, the musician/performance artist Laurie Anderson, disclosed over the summer.
Reed was a rock pioneer who went from record label songwriter to a member of the short-lived but innovative and influential Velvet Underground. The band and Reed's solo work tackled taboo topics like drug addiction, paranoia and sexual deviancy in songs that were largely spare, muscular and often saturated in feedback.
"Lou Reed's influence is one that there are really only a tiny handful of other figures who you can compare to him," said Simon Vozick-Levinson, a senior editor at Rolling Stone.
"He spoke incredibly frankly about the realities of being an artist, being a person who lived life on one's own terms. He didn't prettify things. He didn't sugarcoat things. He showed life as it really is and that's something that made him a true original, and one of our great all-time artists," he said.
Reed, violist/keyboard player John Cale, guitarist Sterling Morrison and drummer Maureen Tucker played their first show as the Velvet Underground in 1965 and soon drew the attention of pop artist Andy Warhol, who became their manager. Rock mythology has it that even though the group sold few albums, everyone who bought one started a band.
"We had fans who made us realize it was worth it," Tucker told CNN. "But when we were together, actively, we didn't have a big splash like the Doors or whatever."
Nevertheless, Rolling Stone ranks the group's debut album, "The Velvet Underground and Nico," as the 13th greatest of all time. Tunes like "Sweet Jane," from the group's 1970 album "Loaded," have become rock standards. Performers from David Bowie to R.E.M. and U2 have cited them as inspiration, and the Velvet Underground was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996.
"The world has lost a fine songwriter and poet. I've lost my 'school-yard buddy,' " Cale wrote on Twitter.
Tucker called Reed "generous, encouraging and thoughtful." Working with him "sometimes could be trying" to some people, but "never to me."
"I guess we learned from each other. We all learned from each other," she said.
Read Full Article Source here
Author: By Steve Almasy and Matt Smith, CNN
Increase in number of children injured by gunshot wounds directly tied to increased number of guns in American homes.
Courtesy of the American Academy of Pediatrics:
There are approximately 7,500 child hospitalizations and 500 in-hospital deaths each year due to injuries sustained from guns. In an abstract presented Oct. 27 at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition in Orlando, researchers also identified a link between the percentage of homes with guns and the prevalence of child gunshot injuries.
In “United States Gunshot Violence—Disturbing Trends,” researchers reviewed statistics from the Kids’ Inpatient Database (KID) from 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009 (for a total of 36 million pediatric hospital admissions), and estimated state household gun ownership using the most recent Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data (2004).
The study found that approximately 7,500 children are admitted to the hospital for the treatment of injuries sustained from guns each year, and more than 500 children die during hospital admission from these injuries. Between 1997 and 2009, hospitalizations from gunshot wounds increased from 4,270 to 7,730, and in-hospital deaths from 317 to 503.
The study also found a significant association between the percentage of gunshot wounds occurring in the home and the percentage of households containing any firearms, loaded firearms and unlocked loaded firearms.
“Handguns account for the majority of childhood gunshot wounds and this number appears to be increasing over the last decade,” said lead study author Arin L. Madenci, MD, MPH. “Furthermore, states with higher percentages of household firearm ownership also tended to have higher proportions of childhood gunshot wounds, especially those occurring in the home.”
Many current gun control efforts focus on limiting the availability of military-style semi-automatic assault rifles.
“Policies designed to reduce the number of household firearms, especially handguns, may more effectively reduce the number of gunshot injuries in children,” said Dr. Madenci.
More guns, mean more children injured by guns.
Less guns means less injuries.
Why is that so fucking hard to figure out?
As liberals we should NEVER let this issue fall by the wayside. I know the conventional wisdom is that it is almost impossible to pass ANY gun control legislation but "almost impossible" is not impossible.
And there are some who are still more than willing to tilt at windmills.
Ted Cruz's father believes his son was anointed by God to be a "king" who would "go to war, win the war, and bring the spoils of war" home to the evangelicals like himself.
Courtesy of Opposing Views:
The father of right wing Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the most visible leader of the now-ended government shutdown, is seen in recently uncovered videos calling for America to be ruled by “kings” who will take money from anyone who is not an evangelical Christian and deliver it into the hands of fundamentalist preachers and their acolytes.
Larry Huch |
During the 2008 presidential campaign, then-Senator Barack Obama was accused by conservatives of advocating “redistribution of wealth” from the wealthy to the needy. But in his speech given last year, Rafael Cruz calls for “a great transfer of wealth.”
The difference is that in Cruz’s scheme, the transfer will occur through a war against “the wicked” led by Christian preachers who will take the wealth from nonbelievers.
“The wealth of the wicked is stored for the righteous,” said the elder Cruz at an Irving, Texas, megachurch in August of 2012. “And it is through the kings, anointed to take dominion, that that transfer of wealth is going to occur."
“I know that’s why God got Rafael’s son elected — Ted Cruz, the next Senator,” said Huch, pastor of the New Beginnings megachurch, introducing Rafael Cruz’s speech.
“Kings who are anointed for a totally different reason than priests,” Rafael Cruz continued. “Kings who are anointed to take dominion. Kings who are anointed to go to war, win the war, and bring the spoils of war to the priests.”
So according to Cruz's dad he is destined to be the king of America, wage a war on those of us who are unbelievers, and then deliver our money to his father and other like minded evangelicals.
And just when I thought I could not have a lower opinion of Ted Cruz.
Of course what could I expect? I mean look who endorsed this lunatic in the first place.
Still my favorite response to why I'm an Atheist.
It is also why I don't call myself an agnostic.
The next time a religious person asks you why you don't call yourself an agnostic, since you can't prove there is no God, instead of an Atheist. Simply ask them if they are an agnostic or an atheist concerning Thor, or Zeus, or Ra, or any other among the pantheon of Gods not worshiped by their particular religion.
That's usually the end of the conversation.
A video to lift your spirits.
Today has been a day filled with sad, bad, and disappointing news, so I thought that ending with a video of the Ohio State University Marching Band's "Hollywood Blockbuster Show" would be more than appropriate.
I am blown away by this band's precision.
12 year old girl hangs herself because she "wanted to be with daddy in heaven."
Courtesy of Mirror News:
A 12-year-old girl was found hanged in her bedroom with a note saying she wanted to be with her dad in heaven.
Maria Kislo was left devastated by the loss of her father, Arek, who died after suffering a sudden heart attack in 2009.
The tragic schoolgirl was found by her distraught mum Monika, 35, who had gone upstairs to read her a bedtime story.
Maria, from Leszno in Poland, had left a short note, which read: "Dear Mum. Please don't be sad. I just miss daddy so much, I want to see him again."
There are some who argue that there is no harm in believing in the promise of heaven, of a life eternal after this one has ended.
But then again, sometimes there is.
(H/T to the Friendly Atheist.)