Friday, May 30, 2014
Nation's top counter terrorism official accuses George W. Bush and Dick Cheney of war crimes. Well it's about damn time!
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Richard Clarke, the nation’s top counterterrorism official under former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, accused Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney of committing war crimes in their 2003 invasion of Iraq during an interview Tuesday with Democracy Now! that will air next week.
"I think things that they authorized probably fall within the area of war crimes. Whether that would be productive or not, I think, is a discussion we could all have,” said Clarke, who resigned in 2003 after the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq. “But we have established procedures now with the International Criminal Court in The Hague, where people who take actions as serving presidents or prime ministers of countries have been indicted and have been tried.”
In the first-ever judgment of its kind, Bush and seven other top members of his administration were convicted in absentia of war crimes in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2012 for the unlawful invasion of Iraq.
“So the precedent is there to do that sort of thing. And I think we need to ask ourselves whether or not it would be useful to do that in the case of members of the Bush administration,” Clarke continued. “It’s clear that things that the Bush administration did -- in my mind, at least, it’s clear that some of the things they did were war crimes."
If I were ever to be asked what great injustice I would want to see rectified it would be that the entire Bush administration be prosecuted for war crimes and imprisoned for life.
Or executed. I am not usually a proponent of the death penalty, but in this case I would make an exception.
How George Bush can walk among the people of this country without every other American attempting to assassinate him for sending thousands of American soldiers to their death for a lie, is something that I just don't understand.
Richard Clarke, the nation’s top counterterrorism official under former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, accused Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney of committing war crimes in their 2003 invasion of Iraq during an interview Tuesday with Democracy Now! that will air next week.
"I think things that they authorized probably fall within the area of war crimes. Whether that would be productive or not, I think, is a discussion we could all have,” said Clarke, who resigned in 2003 after the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq. “But we have established procedures now with the International Criminal Court in The Hague, where people who take actions as serving presidents or prime ministers of countries have been indicted and have been tried.”
In the first-ever judgment of its kind, Bush and seven other top members of his administration were convicted in absentia of war crimes in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2012 for the unlawful invasion of Iraq.
“So the precedent is there to do that sort of thing. And I think we need to ask ourselves whether or not it would be useful to do that in the case of members of the Bush administration,” Clarke continued. “It’s clear that things that the Bush administration did -- in my mind, at least, it’s clear that some of the things they did were war crimes."
If I were ever to be asked what great injustice I would want to see rectified it would be that the entire Bush administration be prosecuted for war crimes and imprisoned for life.
Or executed. I am not usually a proponent of the death penalty, but in this case I would make an exception.
How George Bush can walk among the people of this country without every other American attempting to assassinate him for sending thousands of American soldiers to their death for a lie, is something that I just don't understand.
Oh now I get it. I think.
So is that clear?
The parts of the Bible that are true are the ones that don't contradict modern values and social norms, or have not been subjected to scientific review.
The other parts were never supposed to be taken literally, except of course they were, and thousands, nay millions, died for not respecting the rules laid out in those ancient texts.
Still confused? Well then this video is certainly not going to help clear that up.
So clearly the Bible is the inerrant word of God, except for the parts that aren't. But we don't know which parts those are since nobody seems to know who wrote any of the parts, and the original writings have all been lost over time.
And this is the religion that has dominated the world for centuries.
The parts of the Bible that are true are the ones that don't contradict modern values and social norms, or have not been subjected to scientific review.
The other parts were never supposed to be taken literally, except of course they were, and thousands, nay millions, died for not respecting the rules laid out in those ancient texts.
Still confused? Well then this video is certainly not going to help clear that up.
So clearly the Bible is the inerrant word of God, except for the parts that aren't. But we don't know which parts those are since nobody seems to know who wrote any of the parts, and the original writings have all been lost over time.
And this is the religion that has dominated the world for centuries.
Sarah Palin heading to Tennessee for "America's Last Stand." Gee, I wonder if she is aware of that other famous American "last stand?"
Courtesy of Knox News:
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, former presidential candidate Rick Santorum and other conservative heavyweights will be at Smokies Stadium next month for an event titled “America’s Last Stand.” (I wonder how Santorum feels about the fact that his picture is smaller than Palin's? After all he actually had the balls to run for President.)
The former Alaskan governor and presidential candidate will be joined by former New York judge Jeanine Pirro (God she's a nasty bitch.) and one-time congressman Col. Allen West, who both now contribute to the Fox News Channel. Country crooner John Michael Montgomery and Cuban singer Jon Secada will provide entertainment.
The event is sponsored in part by the Sevier County Tea Party.
You know Custer had a last stand, didn't turn out so well for him.
I wonder what this one is all about?
The night’s theme, “America’s Last Stand,” is meant to motivate local voters and encourage them to take control of the country’s political future, said Sevier County Tea Party Chairman Steve Osborn.
“Being proud to be an American is not an arrogant frame of mind, it’s a knowledge we’ve been blessed with the greatest nation in history and we could easily lose it if the people don’t wake up soon,” he said.
Oh it's an opportunity to grift off of the dimwitted paint chip eaters. Should have known.
Of course these morons have already lost the country that they think are fighting to retain. For instance it is perfectly okay for women to vote now, interracial relationships no longer end in a lynching, and public education is no longer taught using the Bible as a textbook.
You know I think this might be the first time that Palin has been back to Tennessee since she sent that poor kid to jail for guessing her Yahoo mail password.
Must be nice to return to a place where she had one of her very few victories in life.
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, former presidential candidate Rick Santorum and other conservative heavyweights will be at Smokies Stadium next month for an event titled “America’s Last Stand.” (I wonder how Santorum feels about the fact that his picture is smaller than Palin's? After all he actually had the balls to run for President.)
The former Alaskan governor and presidential candidate will be joined by former New York judge Jeanine Pirro (God she's a nasty bitch.) and one-time congressman Col. Allen West, who both now contribute to the Fox News Channel. Country crooner John Michael Montgomery and Cuban singer Jon Secada will provide entertainment.
The event is sponsored in part by the Sevier County Tea Party.
You know Custer had a last stand, didn't turn out so well for him.
I wonder what this one is all about?
The night’s theme, “America’s Last Stand,” is meant to motivate local voters and encourage them to take control of the country’s political future, said Sevier County Tea Party Chairman Steve Osborn.
“Being proud to be an American is not an arrogant frame of mind, it’s a knowledge we’ve been blessed with the greatest nation in history and we could easily lose it if the people don’t wake up soon,” he said.
Oh it's an opportunity to grift off of the dimwitted paint chip eaters. Should have known.
Of course these morons have already lost the country that they think are fighting to retain. For instance it is perfectly okay for women to vote now, interracial relationships no longer end in a lynching, and public education is no longer taught using the Bible as a textbook.
You know I think this might be the first time that Palin has been back to Tennessee since she sent that poor kid to jail for guessing her Yahoo mail password.
Must be nice to return to a place where she had one of her very few victories in life.
Hillary Clinton to sit down for interview with Fox News in June. Gee (Benghazi!), I wonder what (Benghazi!) they will ask her? (Benghazi!)
Going to sit down for Fox News interview. Might want to start praying for them now. |
Fox News Channel will do an interview with former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton next month on the heels of her memoir release date.
Fox News's Bret Baier and Greta Van Susteren will conduct a joint interview with Clinton on June 17, the network announced Thursday. It will come one week after the June 10 release of Clinton's memoir, "Hard Choices."
I don't usually watch Fox News, but I will be sure to catch this as it will be a chance to watch Hillary respond to some of the Fox News conspiracy theories in person.
I have no doubt she will chew both of these lightweights up and spit them out.
Greta is probably going to be too star struck, and too busy girl crushing, to ask anything of substance, but Baier has a history of being a disrespectful douchenozzle.
Gun dropped in Wal-Mart barely misses newborn, wings mother. Just another example of the 2nd Amendment keeping us safe.
Courtesy of WBIW:
A Clifford woman was hit by a bullet Saturday night while shopping at the westside Walmart in Columbus. That's according to a report from The Republic.
Columbus Police Chief Jon Rohde was at the store at about 8 p.m. Saturday night when he heard a gunshot. Rohde told The Republic that 56-year-old Tony E. Ward of Columbus had been carrying a .22 pistol in a holster on his waistband. The gun fell from his waist and discharged.
The bullet went through a soda bottle in a cart and struck the right arm of 26-year-old Virginia Thompson, who was pushing her newborn baby when the gun went off. The bullet hit the outside of Thompson's arm and after treatment by paramedics she declined to be taken to the hospital.
Of course the man had a permit for his gun so there was no arrest.
After all this is the price for living in America. Every once in a while you have to avoid incoming gunfire.
And remember kids, guns don't kill people, they only barely miss their child and wound them in the arm when dropped.
A Clifford woman was hit by a bullet Saturday night while shopping at the westside Walmart in Columbus. That's according to a report from The Republic.
Columbus Police Chief Jon Rohde was at the store at about 8 p.m. Saturday night when he heard a gunshot. Rohde told The Republic that 56-year-old Tony E. Ward of Columbus had been carrying a .22 pistol in a holster on his waistband. The gun fell from his waist and discharged.
The bullet went through a soda bottle in a cart and struck the right arm of 26-year-old Virginia Thompson, who was pushing her newborn baby when the gun went off. The bullet hit the outside of Thompson's arm and after treatment by paramedics she declined to be taken to the hospital.
Of course the man had a permit for his gun so there was no arrest.
After all this is the price for living in America. Every once in a while you have to avoid incoming gunfire.
And remember kids, guns don't kill people, they only barely miss their child and wound them in the arm when dropped.
Florida woman hears sermon about Abraham being stopped by an angel before murdering his son. Sadly no angel available when she acts it out and kills two year old girl.
Florida woman hears sermon about Abraham being stopped by an angel before murdering his son. Sadly no angel available when she acts it out and kills two year old girl.
Courtesy of Raw Story: A Florida woman is accused of drowning one child after trying to poison another, in what she described as accordance with a local pastor’s sermon, WPEC-TV reported on Wednesday.
Kimberly Dawn Lucas is currently being held in Palm Beach County Jail in connection with the death of her former partner’s 2-year-old daughter and the attempted killing of the child’s 10-year-old brother at their home in Jupiter on Monday.
Investigators said Lucas attended a sermon by Metropolitan Community Church pastor Lea Brown this past Sunday that covered the Biblical story of Abraham readying himself to sacrifice his son on orders from God, only to be stopped by God at the last minute.
Lucas is accused of trying the same thing — trying to kill the two young children she was helping to raise, but she wrote in a suicide note that God didn’t step in and stop her, at least in the case of the 2-year-old girl. Lucas’ own suicide attempt failed. Police reportedly found Lucas’ message typed on a computer in the home.
“In YOUR WORDS “WHEN YOU ARE LAYING IN BED AT NIGHT REMEMBER YOU F*CKING DID THIS TO YOURSELF!” the note stated. “Lea’s sermon really, really touched me yesterday but God never told me to stop. Hell is what we [go] through on Earth. Enjoyed your life with possiblego [sic] out without us, he manage but give you finally what you what want because apparently over the past 20 years I was not able to. Love you Always Kimberly.
"What harm is there in taking the Bible literally?" they always ask.
Simply put some people are too emotionally fragile, or mentally unstable to be subjected to religion.