Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Jeb Bush's son says that it is more than likely that his dad will run in 2016. Oh joy.
I'm baaack. |
Jeb Bush's son said it's "more than likely" his dad will run for president in 2016 in an interview that aired Sunday.
George P. Bush, Jeb Bush's eldest son, was interviewed by ABC News. The younger Bush is knee-deep in his own campaign this year, running for Texas land commissioner.
ABC's Jon Karl asked Bush whether his father is running for president.
"I think he's still assessing it," Bush said, offering the same demurral his father and other members of his family have given in recent months.
When Karl pressed Bush to offer a specific probability, Bush said, "It's more than likely that he's giving this a serious thought...and moving forward."
"More than likely that he'll run?" Karl asked.
"That he'll run," Bush responded. "If you had asked me a few years back, I would have said it was less likely." He added that if his father does decide to run, "The family will be behind him 100 percent."
Well since you would have had to have been in a coma the last two years not to realize that Hillary Clinton is also running in 2016, that means, if Jeb's son is accurate, that 2016 will be the battle of the presidential dynasties.
As much as we may all want newer blood in the White House the fact is that we are going to be witnessing yet another clash of the titans.
And lucky us we will all get to watch the past scandals of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush dredged up and splattered across our TV and computer screens for probably several months or more.
Personally I think in this day and age that hearing the conservatives trying to use Bill's sexcapades with Monica Lewsinky to hijack the "War on Women" and use it against the Democrats, will have a significantly smaller impact than seeing all of George Bush's lies and manipulations that he used to get us into two unnecessary wars trotted out for the voters to revisit.
But of course I am a Liberal and I would not vote for another Bush even under threat of torture. Which is ANOTHER thing Americans did under a Bush administration.
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