Saturday, December 6, 2014

Well it's official, Sarah Palin is finally back to work standing in front of a green screen and pretending to know about hunting and the outdoors.

11:53 PM By No comments

Well it's official, Sarah Palin is finally back to work standing in front of a green screen and pretending to know about hunting and the outdoors.
Apparently Charissa Thompson, a reporter from EXTRA, is tweeting about going "hunting" with Sarah Palin as a promotion for the second season of Amazing America.
Welcome for what exactly?
Gee riding a horse just like her idol Ronald Reagan. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

Ten bucks says there will be no footage of her horse running or galloping, and that in every scene it will only be walking slowly along with a pack of handlers nearby in case it gets spooked.

Personally I am dying to see how they film her fake hunting scenes.

Hmm, I wonder if they will use CGI this season?


Newest jobs report exceeds all expectations. Probably the one thing the conservatives will not blame on Obama.

11:17 PM By No comments

Newest jobs report exceeds all expectations. Probably the one thing the conservatives will not blame on Obama.
Newest jobs report exceeds all expectations. Probably the one thing the conservatives will not blame on Obama.
Courtesy of CNN Money:

Hiring surged in November as employers added 321,000 jobs, crowning 2014 as the strongest year for job growth since 1999. The unemployment rate remained steady at 5.8%, according the government report released Friday. That's down from 7% this time last year.

Hiring blew out the consensus forecast from economists surveyed by CNNMoney, who expected a gain of 228,000 jobs.

"The number is almost off the charts, given what we've seen over the past 10 years," said Patrick O'Keefe, director of economic research at accounting firm CohnReznick, who does not feel it's an anomaly. "Companies are making up for hiring that was deferred earlier in the cycle."

The U.S. economy has been gaining an average of 224,000 jobs a month over the past year. Any month with job gains over 200,000 is considered strong.

Gee it's too bad that President Obama made the poor choice of being born with too much pigment in his skin, or this might really really impress people.

I swear if they announced that this man had cured cancer the conservatives would bitch about all of the doctors and researchers that he had put out of business.

By the way somebody remind me, who was the President in 1999? And WHICH party did he belong to?


I Can't Breathe.

7:02 AM By No comments

Courtesy of Raw Story:

Some in Congress have already expressed their solidarity with Garner and other victims of police brutality. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), the sponsor of legislation to curb police militarization, made a moving tribute to Garner, speaking about police militarization and including the phrase, “I can’t breathe” between each statement—the phrase Garner said as his life was choked away, and which has since become a rallying cry for protesters.

Here it is in its entirety:

“Black men and boys killed by police.

I can’t breathe.

Impunity for the killers—no justice, no peace.

I can’t breathe.

Militarized police met peaceful protesters on their knees.

I can’t breathe.

Weapons of war—a show of force on our streets.

I can’t breathe.

Disenfranchised youth driven to violence as speech.

I can’t breathe.

Cynical media makes this great TV.

I can’t breathe.

This cowardly Congress afraid of losing our seats.

I can’t breathe.

Half-hearted reform when there’s more that we need.

I can’t breathe.

Just thinking about the despair that it breeds.

I can’t breathe.

Black lives matter. Hear my pleas.

I can’t breathe."

Okay that gave me chills.


Louie Gohmert for President? Is ANYBODY wingnutty enough to want that to happen? Oh yeah.

6:41 AM By No comments

Louie Gohmert for President? Is ANYBODY wingnutty enough to want that to happen? Oh yeah.
Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:

Anti-immigrant activist William Gheen, the head of Americans for Legal Immigration, stopped by VCY America’s “Crosstalk” program yesterday to discuss how a coalition of “big tycoons and kings and princes and emperors” is trying to take America down through immigration, thus taking away power from Americans who celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Fourth of July, and his cunning plan to stop this from happening by having Rep. Louie Gohmert or Rep. Steve King ascend to the presidency.

“The megawealth of the planet has never really been happy about the United States of America and this entire concept that we the people are self-governed and in charge and that big tycoons and kings and princes and emperors, like Obama’s acting like, are not in charge,” Gheen said. “And they’ve found a way to take over our corporations, to take over our media, to take over our country by facilitating a very costly and deadly illegal alien invasion.”

He warned that Americans are in “mortal danger” from immigration and from the “growing anti-Christ spirit and anti-Christ movement in this country that is becoming stronger and more emboldened as the traditional conservative center-right Americans are displaced in our jobs and our politics and elections.”

Aww, the brown people are giving this William Gheen guy a case of the sads.

So does he have some plan for turning this whol thing around?

Oh hell yeah!

But luckily, Gheen has a solution. When a caller asked about how to “remove Obama from office,” Gheen proposed a simple plan. First, he said, “we’re working on Boehner and McConnell right now because those dominos have to fall and we can move to the next phase.”

The next phase, he said, would be for Congress to impeach and remove both President Obama and Vice President Biden.

Then the final piece of the puzzle comes into place: get Rep. Louie Gohmert or Rep. Steve King elected Speaker of the House, so he can ascend to the presidency until the next election is held.

Okay well first off that is the most convoluted plot I have heard in some time, and I have been binge watching the BBC series "Sherlock" for the last several days.

And secondly, though I do not usually consider myself the type to take up arms against my government, if somehow Louie "freaking" Gohmert were to be put in charge of the country you can bet I will be leading the northern resistance out of Alaska.

And here I thought the worst thing that could happen is for Sarah Palin to be elected President.


Just a petition to have the Bible removed from all Target stores. Here let me get a pen.

6:15 AM By No comments

Just a petition to have the Bible removed from all Target stores. Here let me get a pen.
Courtesy of

It's a book that encourages readers to murder women for entertainment. The incentive is to commit sexual violence against women, then abuse or kill them to proceed or get 'god' points – and now Target are stocking it and promoting it for your Xmas stocking.

This is The Holy Bible. This book means that after various sex acts, readers are given options to kill women by stoning her unconscious, Setting them on fire, cutting off their hands, and killing their children!

One of many fan passages on In The Holy Bible depicts woman being set alight for having sex "And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." (Leviticus 21:9).

This misogynistic book literally makes a game of bashing, killing and horrific violence against women. It also links sexual arousal and violence.

Just knowing that women are being portrayed as deserving to be sexually used by men and potentially murdered for sport and pleasure – to see this violence turned into a form of entertainments is sickening and causes us great pain and harm.

This book spreads the idea that certain women exist as scapegoats for male violence. It shows hatred and contempt for women in the sex industry and puts them at greater risk. Women in the industry are 40 times more likely to be murdered by a man than any other group of women.

Books like this are grooming yet another generation of boys to tolerate violence against women. It is fueling the epidemic of violence experienced by so many girls and women in Australia - and globally.

Target, you pride yourself on being a family company, caring for local communities, and have a strong ethical sourcing policy. How can you do this while contributing to hostile and callous attitudes toward victims of violence and, more broadly, to all women?

Please put ethics before profits and make a strong statement that you do not condone sexual violence, sexual exploitation or the abuse of women as ‘entertainment’.

Well it's hard to argue against all that now isn't it?

It is hard to imagine that Target would comply with this request, but it is worth noting that the petition is only 134 signatures shy of reaching its goal of 25,000 as I write this.

So that tells us something.

And I do so enjoy tilting at windmills sometimes.


Newly elected Alaska Governor Bill Walker brings back several of Sarah Palin's top officials. Oh that doesn't sound good.

6:05 AM By No comments

Newly elected Alaska Governor Bill Walker brings back several of Sarah Palin's top officials. Oh that doesn't sound good.
Newly elected Alaska Governor Bill Walker brings back several of Sarah Palin's top officials. Oh that doesn't sound good.
Courtesy of Alaska Journal of Commerce:

New Gov. Bill Walker took office Dec. 1 and ordered immediate changes in top echelons of state government. Walker brought back several top officials from Gov. Sarah Palin’s administration for senior positions in the natural resources and revenue departments.

These include Marty Rutherford, who was deputy Natural Resources commissioner under Palin and one of the architects of the ultimately failed Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, or AGIA, project.

Walker named Rutherford as acting resources commissioner and as permanent deputy commissioner, a position she held before.

(Marty Rutherford was a close Palin confidant who is widely quoted in this 2011 ADN article on Palin's decision to quit her job.)

Another former Palin official, Marcia Davis, was named acting commissioner of Revenue. She was deputy Revenue commissioner for tax under Palin.

I thought that getting rid of Parnell would signal an end to Palin's influence over Alaska and its policies, but now I wonder if I was a little too naive in my thinking.

This does not necessarily mean that Palin is pulling any strings, but if there are puppets to be manipulated I think we know the puppeteers quite well.



Kirk Cameron's craptastic, fact free, Christmas movie is now officially the worst movie ever made.

5:12 AM By No comments

Kirk Cameron's craptastic, fact free, Christmas movie is now officially the worst movie ever made.
As I am sure many of you remember Cameron went on Facebook to beg people to give his truly ridiculous movie a good review on Rotten Tomatoes because it was being trashed by regular movie goers.

You know, people with taste.

Well clearly that didn't help at all, and today the film has the unenviable rank of 0% on the Tomatometer.

If that were not bad enough (And really it should be don't you think?), the film also found itself on the absolute bottom of IMBD's list according to ratings.

It is even considered worse than Son of the Mask, Glitter, and something called Invasion of the Neptune Men.

Which only goes to prove that you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you simply cannot force your obvious Christian propaganda down people's throats just because you were once a semi-famous sitcom star.

(H/T to the Friendly Atheist.)
