Friday, April 18, 2014

Tonight there are not one, but two chances to watch Sarah Palin's show about American freedom porn.

10:29 AM By No comments

Tonight there are not one, but two chances to watch Sarah Palin's show about American freedom porn.
Courtesy of the Un-Ladylike Liberty's Facebook page:

Tune in tonight for two episodes of “Amazing America” on Sportsman Channel. At 8:00pm, Benny Spies meets pirate hunter Barry Clifford who found millions and millions in pirate booty, in only 16 feet of water! Mark visits the most amazing taxidermy you’ve ever seen! Then at 8:30pm, Benny gets the 007 experience in some amazing armored vehicles at the Texas Armoring Corporation. And some like it hot, but not Jerry – watch as he takes on the challenges at the Brayton Fire Academy. The unique people you'll meet tonight will inspire you with their energy and innovation. Thank God we have the freedom in America – like nowhere else on earth – to pursue our dreams!

Here I speak Palinese so let me translate this for you:

"Ya'll tune in tonight while we try to use up two episodes at a time before they cancel us. On this evening's program we will visit my new hero, a man who just found money laying around the seabed and did not have to work for a dime of it. Mark visits my wig maker. Benny gets to see more technology he can't understand, and Jerry learns that fire is hot. And you might just see me standing in front of a green screen acting like I am doing something adventurous, but we all know I'm not."

"Just remember these things can only happen in America cause we gots freedom, and nobody else on the planet does."

And now we know what would have happened if Jackass had got Hee Haw drunk on moonshine, knocked it up, and produced a spin off series.


The pro-life movement around the world thinks it is saving lives. But in fact it is helping to end them.

9:47 AM By No comments

The pro-life movement around the world thinks it is saving lives. But in fact it is helping to end them.
Courtesy of the Thomas Reuters Foundation:

Unsafe abortion kills nearly 50,000 women a year, making it one of the major preventable causes of maternal mortality, yet many countries, including the United States and Spain, are trying to impose tighter legal restrictions on abortion, according to Ipas, a global NGO that works to advance women’s sexual and reproductive rights.

There are an estimated 22 million unsafe abortions around the world every year, mainly in developing countries, and over the past 20 years unsafe abortions have killed more than 1 million women and girls globally and injured 100 million, Ipas president and CEO Elizabeth Maguire said.

At present, “47,000 women die every year from unsafe abortions - the equivalent of 200 jumbo jet planes crashing with no survivors every year,” Maguire said. “It’s intolerable that these deaths and injuries continue to occur in the 21st century.”

In many of these countries religious groups actively discourage, and even outlaw abortion, forcing desperate women to seek a solution to their "problem" elsewhere.

Without access to regulated medical facilities many of these women wind up mutilated, rendered sterile, or dead.

And where abortions are legally permitted, the number of procedures do not go up, they go down.

“Where abortion laws are liberalised, the number of people having abortions is lower,” said Zane Dangor, special adviser to South Africa’s social development minister and a member of that country’s delegation to the ICPD.

The frightening thing is that, especially in America, the very organizations which work to reduce unwanted pregnancies, like Planned Parenthood, are vilified and driven out of business all in the name of preserving a potential life, while often jeopardizing an already viable, and productive life instead.

Not only that but many of the women seeking an abortion are already mothers, who are unable, or unwilling, to care for another child.

Their death not only affect them, it affects the children left behind.

Outlawing abortion, or making it more difficult to attain, does NOT end abortion. It only increases the chances that when an abortion is performed it will end not one life, but two.


Minnesota minister creates insular community where he is free to rape and sexually abuse young women for years.

8:57 AM By No comments

Minnesota minister creates insular community where he is free to rape and sexually abuse young women for years.
Courtesy of the Star Tribune:

Lindsay Tornambe was just 13 years old when she was chosen to be “sacrificed to God,” she remembers.

That announcement in July 2000 came from a minister who led an insular faith community that included her family in central Minnesota. As Tornambe sat in the congregation with her parents, she remembers the minister calling out a list of 10 girls for a position of honor. He would later call them “maidens.”

Soon, her parents dutifully dropped her off at his isolated camp, where what she now calls a nightmare of sexual abuse went on for about nine years.

Pine County authorities announced Tuesday that the minister, 52-year-old Victor A. Barnard, is now facing 59 counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct involving his chosen maidens.

Barnard ruled “like a rock star” over the camp and sexually exploited girls and young women at his whim while they lived apart from their families, according to court papers, which spell out the alleged abuses against two unnamed teens.

Barnard had not been apprehended Tuesday evening but was believed to be in Washington state, where authorities have begun a manhunt for him. He is the subject of a nationwide warrant.

The 59 counts are based only on the two young women who cooperated with the authorities, there are undoubtedly many, many more young girls and women who were also molested by this guy.

You know besides my issues with religion in general, this is really one of the things about faith that concerns me the most.

Just ask yourself how readily you would accept that a 52 year old man was inviting young girls up to his isolated cabin for reasons that were NOT incredibly suspicious, if he were not using religion to camouflage his actions?

One would think that after the Jonestown massacre people would be incredibly wary of charismatic religious leaders who want to spend time with your wives or daughters, and start camps or communes in isolated areas, but some people are just not that sharp.

If you want to learn more click the link at the top, but I warn you it is a pretty upsetting read.


No longer up for discussion, Edward Snowden is a traitor.

8:22 AM By No comments

No longer up for discussion, Edward Snowden is a traitor.
The other day Vladimir Putin did a televised propaganda outreach.

During the carefully manipulated session, there was a "surprise" caller.

Courtesy of NBC News:

NSA leaker Edward Snowden put a direct question to Vladimir Putin during a live televised question-and-answer session Thursday, asking Russia's president about Moscow's use of mass surveillance on its citizens.

Speaking via a video link, Snowden asked: "I've seen little public discussion of Russia's own involvement in the policies of mass surveillance, so I'd like to ask you: Does Russia intercept, store or analyze, in any way, the communications of millions of individuals?"

Putin replied by stating Russia did not carry out mass surveillance on its population, and that its intelligence operations were strictly regulated by court orders.

"Mr Snowden, you are a former agent, a spy, I used to work for the intelligence service, we are going to talk one professional language," Putin said, according to translation by state-run broadcaster Russia Today.

"Our intelligence efforts are strictly regulated by our law have to get a court permission to stalk that particular person.

"We don't have as much money as they have in the States and we don't have these technical devices that they have in the States. Our special services, thank God, are strictly controlled by society and the law and regulated by the law."

He added: "Of course, we know that terrorists and criminals use technology so we have to use means to respond to these, but we don't have uncontrollable efforts like [in America]."

One of the call-in program's hosts introduced Snowden's video message by saying: "We've got really sensational, really outrageous video message from a person who revolutionized the world by leaking information about American secret services."

So the Snowden has now completely transformed himself from a "reluctant whistle blower who felt compelled to reveal the NSA's data gathering techniques" to a propaganda tool for an ex-KGB agent turned Russian tyrant, who identified him directly "a former agent, a spy."

There is nothing to take from this except for the fact that Snowden did indeed provide Russia with the material that he took from is time working for Booz Allen Hamilton, and that now he is functioning as fully cooperating operative of the Putin administration.

One who is now allowing Putin to shrug off charges of being a despot by using the NSA scandal to provide cover for his actions, and to paint him as more sympathetic character, while blaming the Ukrainian situation on interference from President Obama. A tactic that is helped in no small way by John McCain and conservatives in this country.

Earlier there had been speculation that the information Snowden provided Putin might have been what enabled Putin to slip Russian forces into Crimea undetected, and I think this is just one more piece of evidence which supports that contention.

I think for those who are still supporters of Edward Snowden there are some very serious, and very troubling questions you have to ask yourself.

Number one is was Snowden a Russian spy all along?


Sarah Palin and the politically terrorizing, horrid, up to no good, very bad for America week. Update!

7:48 AM By No comments

Sarah Palin and the politically terrorizing, horrid, up to no good, very bad for America week. Update!
So next week is going to be a balls to the wall, bring out your inflatable bawangas, make sure to wear your most photogenic road kill wig, week for Sarah Palin.

First she is headed out to Tulsa, Oklahoma with fellows Teabagging lunatics Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, to pimp for Senate candidate T.W. Shannon on the 24th.

As you know Oklahoma has been fighting to replace Florida and Texas as the official national redneck laughingstock, what with their Hobby Lobby Bible Study, and their proposed get shit faced and shoot'em up family activity center.

So for Oklahoma having this clown car show up will not even seem like an embarrassment.

Update: Here's one I missed. Palin will also be in Alabama on the 25th, giving a speech at the Baldwin Country Republican party annual dinner.

So now she is showing up at tiny political venues where there is NO national press coverage.


On Saturday, the 26th, Palin will appear at an NRA rally in Indiana, where she will undoubtedly dress like a two bit hooker and lick the barrel of a gun in order to inspire people politically to stand up for their rights to shoot people who look at them cross ways.

And on the 27th, Palin will make an appearance at something called the "Heels on, Gloves off" ShePAC rally in Iowa, where Palin will once again set back the woman's movement by at least 50 years.

All of this is a clear indication that Palin is going for broke this election cycle and working her bony Red Bull fueled butt off to prove she is still politically relevant and hopefully trick a few more people into giving money to her PAC so she can stop having to actually do work-like things in order to make money and support her layabout family, buy more botox, and keep paying the hush money.

Of course a lot of that monetary support depends on Palin endorsing winning candidates, and her appearances seeming to actually help them emerge victorious in November.

A possibility that seems less likely than ever.


Americans increasingly trust Democrats with healthcare in this country.

7:09 AM By No comments

Americans increasingly trust Democrats with healthcare in this country.
Courtesy of Reuters:

Americans increasingly think Democrats have a better plan for healthcare than Republicans, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted after the White House announced that more people than expected had signed up for the "Obamacare" health plan.

Nearly one-third of respondents in the online survey released on Tuesday said they prefer Democrats' plan, policy or approach to healthcare, compared to just 18 percent for Republicans. This marks both an uptick in support for Democrats and a slide for Republicans since a similar poll in February.

"In the last couple of weeks, as the exchanges hit their goals, news coverage has been more positive and the support of the Democratic Party on this issue has rebounded," said Ipsos pollster Chris Jackson.

"It's not that independents are moving their way, it's that Democrats who had previously been a little bit ambivalent in their support are coming back to the party," he said.

As if to drive the point home, Gallup has found that in states that embraced Obamacare, usually blue states, the rate of uninsured fell three times faster than in states which did not, all of which were red states:

The polling firm's data shows states that set up their own exchanges and expanded Medicaid had their uninsured rate fall by 2.5 percent, compared to a 0.8 percent drop in states that have opted out of at least one of the health law programs.

This of course should not come as much of a surprise to people who are not getting their news from conservative talk radio and Fox News.


Does anybody else feel like this?

6:19 AM By No comments

Does anybody else feel like this?
I swear I feel like this all of the time.
