Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Sir Ian McKellan and Sir Patrick Stewart. Loving life. |
Here's hoping that this next year is full of progress for our country, hope for our children, and no more damn books from Sarah Palin.
As always I have some things up my sleeve that I think all you will enjoy.
There are upcoming books, new interviews, and hopefully a couple of long percolating secrets finally ready to be revealed.
We also have a big election coming our way and a GOP that is going to be a veritable bloodbath due to infighting.
All in all I thing that 2014 is going to blow the doors off of 2013.
Let's all enjoy that together shall we?
Revealed: Pristine Image Of Footprint On Alleged Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate
Revealed: Pristine Image Of Footprint On Alleged Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate
Revealed: Lucas Smith Releases Pristine Image Of
Footprint On Alleged Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate
B. Steadman reports: NEW: Obama's PRISTINE IMAGE FOOTPRINT Coast Province General Hospital Birth Certificate showing FLEXION CREASES READILY VISIBLE
[ Sources: Was Obama Born In Kenya - Thread ]
Step right up Mr. Obama and place your inked right foot on the paper so we can PROVE in court or before a Congressional Investigation Committee that the claim of your birth in Hawaii is FRAUDULENT! - B. Steadman.
Obama Purported Kenyan Birth Certificate, Hospital Version, From Lucas Smith - by ObamaRelease YourRecords
More details here.
Must Hear: Number One Covered-Up News; Obama ID Fraud and Family Lies
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- Image Credit: The Real Side - |
The is a great recap of the greatest con in history perpetrated against the American people. Aired 12/26/2013...
( Video via Dan Roberts. )
AVN Goes There: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate and Social Security Number
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- Lt. Mike Zullo - |
AVN Goes There: Obama's Forged
Birth Certificate & Social Security Number
( Video via America's Voice Now. )
1: Obama Can't Get His ID Approved For Obamacare!
2: The TPP & TTIP Treaties Are Coming - Prepare To Defend Yourself America
3 Fed Workers Get Executive Order Payraise - Military Gets Cuts
4: Debtors Prisons - They're Back As Tyranny Flourishes
( Video via America's Voice Now. )
President Obama's holiday reading indicates that there may well be big changes coming to the NSA.
President Obama's holiday reading indicates that there may well be big changes coming to the NSA.
Courtesy of The Daily Beast: Before he left for Hawaii, the president was sending signals that government surveillance programs need an overhaul to restore the public’s faith on issues of national security.
Before President Obama left for his 17-day vacation in Hawaii, White House officials made it clear that his holiday reading would consist of a lot more than beach novels to escape the stresses of Washington. He’d also be studying a 300-page report on how to rein in the government’s controversial surveillance programs that had just been delivered to him by a high-level panel of experts.
Sure, Obama has gotten in plenty of rounds of golf with his presidential posse, as well as impromptu trips to shave ice joints and leisurely strolls along the islands’ stunning beaches with his family. But weighing on him throughout the winter getaway has been one of the most consequential national security decisions of his presidency: whether to adopt a set of recommendations that would represent the most dramatic curbing of the intelligence community’s eavesdropping powers since the Vietnam War.
Many will believe that this is just for show and that Obama has no intention of limiting the NSA's ability to gather information. After all now President reduces his power, or ability to gather information.
However those people have not been paying attention.
Obama’s willingness to go back and reform his own counterterrorism policies sometimes has led him to give up power or place it under tighter constraints, an unusual characteristic, given that most presidents try to enhance executive authority, especially in the national security arena. Obama, on the contrary, ordered a policy review toward the end of his first term that eventually placed greater restraints on his targeted killing program, resulting in fewer strikes.
His trajectory on surveillance fits the pattern. As a senator and as a presidential candidate during the 2008 campaign, Obama harshly criticized the Bush administration’s warrantless wiretapping program. But shortly after taking office, he was persuaded by officials that the programs had been placed on a firmer legal foundation and were necessary. He had been briefed on occasional compliance lapses so serious that the secret court overseeing the surveillance programs had threatened to shut them down. But each time he was reassured that no harm was done.
After the Snowden revelations the President was far less easy to convince of the necessity of the data gathering operation.
It was only after Snowden’s revelations and the uproar over the disclosures that Obama began seriously to probe his own administration’s policies. Even then, he publicly backed the programs and said they were essential tools in the fight against terrorism. But behind the scenes, Obama was showing some irritation with the intelligence leadership that had pressed for these capabilities and repeatedly vouched for their value.
One story that rocketed around the intelligence community involved a meeting between the president and NSA Director Keith Alexander. Alexander, who holds advanced degrees in physics and electronic warfare, was trying to explain certain aspects of one of the surveillance programs to Obama. As his highly technical and jargon-laden presentation rambled on, Obama was beginning to lose patience. When Alexander finished, the president thanked him and then icily asked if he could do it over again, “but this time in English.”
So will Obama act on the findings of this report and actually rein in America's intelligence gathering capabilities?
There are indications that he will.
A number of panel members, speaking anonymously, said they had the clear impression that Obama was personally inclined to back their proposals on ending the metadata program, as well as many of the other recommendations that would rein in the NSA’s surveillance capabilities. “The question is whether he will be able to resist whatever pushback comes from the intelligence community,” said one panel member.
The Republicans would have you believe that the thing most damaging to the President's approval ratings is Obamacare. However I disagree with that, I think what is most damaging are the Snowden revelations about our metadata programs, and that if he seriously addresses our concerns about that it will dramatically improve his poll ratings and overall support from the American people. Especially the YOUNG American people.
Bishop of Malta: Pope was "shocked" by idea of gay adoptions. Guess who was just chosen as Person of the Year by the Advocate.
Courtesy The Independent:
The Pope is “shocked” by gay adoption, according to the Bishop of Malta. Bishop Charles Scicluna of Malta defended his Christmas sermon in which he condemned adoption between same-sex couples by claiming that Pope Francis gave the anti-gay sentiments of the address his blessing.
The Bishop told the congregation that God’s own son was raised by a man and a woman, and not by two men or two women.
In an interview with The Sunday Times of Malta, Bishop Scicluna said he met with Pope Francis on 12 December, and the pair discussed “many aspects” of the Bishop’s sermon.
Bishop Scicluna said The Pope was “shocked” by the Maltese Civil Unions Bill that aims to legalise gay adoption.
“When I raised the issue that’s worrying me as a bishop [gay adoption] he encouraged me to speak out," said Bishop Scicluna.
Previously, the Bishop said that the sexual activity of heterosexual couples has a “fundamental role in producing future members of society” whereas the sexual activity of same-sex couples does not “as it does not produce offspring”.
The news comes after Pope Francis was voted person of the year by leading gay rights magazine The Advocate after he said: “If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge?”
However, as Argentina’s Cardinal Bergoglio, he condemned gay adoption and marriage, but supported civil partnerships as the lesser of two evils.
I was all ab out giving this Pope the benefit of the doubt, and took a wait and see attitude.
Well I waited, and I've seen.
In fact I think I've seen enough.
His views on women and gay rights is essentially just as backward and judgmental as those who came before him. No great change, just a slicker package.
Sarah Palin and conservatives attack MSNBC host for laughing at incongruity of Romney family adopting African American just months before Mormon church finally stopped referring to their brown skin as a "punishment from God."
Courtesy of Palin's ghostwritten Facebook page:
Holy unbelievable. The hypocritical leftist lamestream media should be shamed by every caring, child-loving American. It has once again reached a new low. See the article linked below. One just can't win in their petty little games. Good thing most Americans don't play those little games! It's a beautiful thing the Romney family has done by embracing “the spirit of adoption.” What on earth is more beautiful? Shame on MSNBC for mocking this.
The LSM's pursuit of “shock ratings” is unreal. Governor Mitt Romney ran for higher office with what I believe is a servant's heart. He was saddled with some sup-par campaign tactics. That does not make him a bad person nor does it open his children or grandchildren to attacks over a year after the fact. This latest attack from the Left is despicable.
Leftist media hounds are not expressing an opinion with this attack; they are expressing a prejudice that would never be accepted if it came from anyone else but the lib media.
You really need a conscience, yellow journalists. May your 2014 New Year's Resolution be to find one.
Thank you, Romney family, for giving a child a family full of love.
The ghostwriter then links to an article on Breitbart, but I will spare you having to see that.
The hubbub is over a reaction that occurred on Sunday during the broadcast of the Melissa Harris-Perry show. The image up above flashed across the screen and the mostly African American panel responded by pointing out that it "summed up the diversity the Republican party and RNC" and with another panelist singing "One of These Things is Not Like the Other."
I will agree that it was probably somewhat impolitic to respond in such a way (Harris-Perry has since apologized.), however one can hardly blame them considering that the Mormon church just this month renounced the doctrine that brown skin is a punishment from God.
Besides perhaps they had seen a Romney family photo before.
Come on you have to admit that you don't get much more Caucasian than that.
There is also the fact that for some reason the Romney family decided to accentuate the baby's skin color by naming him after it:
Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has welcomed a new addition to the Romney clan.
On Friday he tweeted, “Our 22nd grandchild was officially adopted today: Kieran James Romney,” alongside a photograph of a cute African-American baby. The child has been adopted by Romney’s second youngest son Ben and his wife Andelynne.
Interestingly, Kieran means “little dark one” in Gaelic. Kieran is common name in Ireland and although it literally means “black” or “dark,” it generally signifies a link to Fergus, King of Ulster, a mythological Irish figure.
Probably just a coincidence right? Right?
Regardless of what you think about the Romney's reasons for suddenly opening their homes to an African-American child I think we can all agree that the little one hit the jackpot as far as living a life of luxury. So good on the Romney's for adopting the little boy. (However I have to admit I do have an issue with religious families adopting children in order to increase the size of the flock.)
And since the Melissa Harris-Perry show is also an opinion show, and this segment took place during that portion, it does NOT indicate yellow journalism. Which if Sarah Palin actually had a degree in journalism she might be able to suss out for herself.
But the opportunity to attack MSNBC? And a black host at MSNBC? No WAY, is Sarah Palin going to miss that opportunity.
Update: One of the panelists weighs in.
Fox News host dismisses New York Times report on Benghazi because it "goes against much of Fox News own reporting." Gee, imagine that.
Courtesy of Mediaite:
On Saturday, though, Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner laid down a marker by telling viewers, and Rep. Peter King (R-NY) that the Times report contradicts much of the reporting that has shaped the debate over the tragedy.
Faulkner called the NYT piece “an exhaustive report on what happened in Benghazi, Libya in September of 2012,” and said that “The Times is suggesting that they couldn’t find any evidence that al Qaeda or other terrorist groups had any role in that assault, and suggests the deadly attack was in part due to anger at an American-made video seen as anti-Islam. This goes against much of Fox News’ own reporting.” Faulkner then repeated the assessment while introducing guest Rep. Peter King. “Congressman King,” she said, “not only against our reporting, but everything else we knew up until this point. Why?”
As a matter of fact, though, even in the days following the attack, Foreign Policy Magazine reported that “there are no known formal or operational links” between al Qaeda and Ansar al Sharia, and the day after the attack, Ansar al- Sharia put out a statement blaming the attack on the anti-Islam video.
King said that he disagreed with the “premise” of the report, and while he admitted that Ansar al Sharia is “not officially linked to al Qaeda,” King pointed out that “I consider that to be an al Qaeda affiliate,” and that “this is an al Qaeda-supporting organization and there are links between the two.”
Yeah forget that actual news organizations could not find an al-Qaeda link, or that al-Qaeda themselves have never bragged about killing the ambassador, if Fox News says there's a link, and the Republicans who are desperate to smear this President and Hillary Clinton, say there's a link, who are we to think otherwise?
Oh yeah, we are people who realize that Fox News has an obvious agenda and do not take anything they say as actual journalism.
Criminal Charges: Lord Monckton Talks Sheriff Joe Obama Forgery Case
Criminal Charges: Lord Monckton
Talks Sheriff Joe Obama Forgery Case
Lord Monckton lays out 7 steps that he says will land Obama in jail over his use of forged identity documents.
WND reports: 7 STEPS THAT'LL LAND OBAMA IN JAIL -Exclusive: Lord Monckton has timeline of Sheriff Joe's ongoing forgery case against BHO - Excerpt:
Hundreds of other relevant officials have deliberately looked the other way and have thus repudiated their oaths of office. Not one has replied to the effect that the evidence is insufficient to warrant action. Nearly all have not replied at all.
In effect, the bureaucratic class have become conspirators with Mr. Obama in a corrupt betrayal of the Constitution. Those who should have acted will all be prosecuted. They will be jailed with him when their failure to act when the evidence was put under their noses becomes a focus of the ever-widening investigation the implacably determined sheriff continues to conduct.
Step 3: Get briefed. For two reasons, the GOP caucus should get its wobbly bottom down to Phoenix and get itself up to speed on the investigation.
First, the chief investigator, Mike Zullo, is no longer making public the results of his inquiries. The initial findings were publicized to attract people with evidence to come forward. That tactic worked. It is now clear to the investigators that criminal charges will be brought. So they cannot compromise the coming prosecution by saying what they know.
Secondly, the sheriff has now called in professional, full-time detectives to supplement the unpaid volunteers who have, until now, doggedly worked unrewarded and unthanked. Joe Arpaio would never have taken that step unless he were very sure of his ground.
Step 4: Prepare a bill to remove from the statute-book every act of Congress or executive order signed by Mr. Obama. They are all invalid.
Step 5: Don’t expect anyone to arrest Mr. Obama while he is still the people’s tenant. The sheriff is all too conscious of the extraordinary extent to which every relevant federal investigating authority is willfully providing cover for Mr. Obama on the flimsy ground that the international community would think less well of America if the scandal became public.
However, in 2016 Mr Obama will no longer be protected by the office to which he is not on any view entitled. At that point, various agencies will belatedly scramble to start doing the job they should be doing now, in the vain hope of evading prosecution for acting as accessories after the fact of forgery. [...] - Continued @ WND.
Lord Monckton - Hereditary Peers Briefing - Obama's Forged Birth Certificate - June2012 by ObamaRelease YourRecords
Home Depot billionaire warns that if new Pope does not back off criticizing the rich, charitable donations might dry up. How Christian of him.
Courtesy of TPM:
Billionaire Home Depot founder Ken Langone has a warning for Pope Francis.
A major Republican donor, Langone told CNBC in a story published online Monday that wealthy people such as himself might stop giving to charity if the Pope continues to make statements criticizing capitalism and income inequality.
Langone described the Pope's comments about a "culture of prosperity" as "exclusionary" statements that may make some of the rich "incapable of feeling compassion for the poor." Langone, who is leading an effort to raise money for the restoration of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan said he relayed these concerns to Cardinal Timothy Dolan in New York. Specifically, Langone said he told the church leader he spoke to a donor who could give millions of dollars to the cathedral project but was worried about the Pope's "exclusionary" remarks.
"I've told the cardinal, 'Your Eminence, this is one more hurdle I hope we don't have to deal with. You want to be careful about generalities. Rich people in one country don't act the same as rich people in another country,'" said Langone.
So to be clear this Langone guy is threatening the Pope to go easy on he and his buddies or they will stop donating money to the poor.
Once again I let me just mention how impressed I am with the morality of the religious.
I still find much about the Pope to be concerning, however I am always gratified when he sticks to the conservatives or exposes them for the raging hypocrites that mos of us already know them to be.
"Eat more meat." Sarah Palin's New Year's resolution is the same as the family dog's.
So Palin made a brief appearance on Fox's truly laughable New Year's eve show, and she brought word salad for the masses.
Bill Hemmer and Elizabeth Hasselbeck are the hosts of the gaffe ridden program and they had the not so enviable job of pretending to understand what in the hell Palin was saying.
Their first question was an easy one, does she have any New Year's resolutions.
Palin: "Heck yeah, I take them real seriously, and ..uh..I have three this year. First one is eat more meat. Don't worry they get deeper as I go..the next resolutions. Um..I am going to try to help America (Please don't!), all of us as individuals, make our federal government as irrelevant in our lives as possible. And then the third resolution is to take former UCLA coach John Wooden's Pyramid of Success and live it out, because it is imperative you guys that we as individuals do all we can to live with industriousness, and self discipline, and selflessness, so that together as a whole our nation can be restored to her exceptionalism."
I cannot tell if there is a time delay after Palin finishes her remarks or if Hemmer and Hasselbeck are simply stunned by the mooseshit. However they recover relativity well and immediately suggest they start drinking in response.
Then Hasselbeck pretends to warm herself on the pretend fire in the pretend backdrop behind Palin.
Hasselbeck asks Palin if she and Todd have any New Year's traditions. (Todd? Todd who?)
Palin: "Yes absolutely, as soon as we wrap up this hit we're going to go jump on our Ski-Doos (There's some product placement for you.) head out to the base of Mt.McKinley (Real Alaskans call this Mt. Denali.), out to our cabin, and ring in the new year with buddies out there, and it'll be nice and chilly and uh..exactly the way that we want it, being out there in the great outdoors enjoying God's creation." (Yeah Palin is well known to hate the cold, and this was filmed around 6 PM last night. It is a three hour drive to Denali Park, so I imagine it is close to that on a snowmachine, which means that Palin is saying she is going to spend around three hours driving in the cold to arrive at their cabin about two, two and half hours before midnight? Sure, why not?)
Hemmer then pretends that Palin's book was a success and asks her if there was a moment in 2013 that she would take forward into 2014. (Benghazi!)
Palin: "Uh you know I think..uh..something that we all should be able to take forward is the thankfulness we should be feeling notion that the eyes of the nation are really opening up, we're becoming more and more aware of how important it is that we do pull our own weight, and we respect work ethic, and we not rely on the Federal government to do anything for us cause they keep screwing things up. So we have a thankfulness that I think we should bring forward into 2014, we felt a lot of that in 2013 as people became more aware of the potential for us as powerful individuals to pull our own weight."
This last part is SO stupid that even Palin looks stunned at what came out of her mouth.
However Hasselbeck calls it a great message, because you know..Fox News, whose watching at this time of night anyhow.
That is essentially the end of interview though Hemmer mentions that Palin once gave up chocolate as her resolution once, and stayed off of it for an entire year. And if you believe THAT I have a cold snowmachine trip to Denali park I'd like to sell you.
By the way, for those who are interested, this is John Wooden's Pyramid of Success.
Loyalty, Honesty, Reliability, Self control, how much of that have you EVER seen Sarah Pal;in demonstrate? Just more moosepoop to start the new year.
I would bet money that instead of hanging out in that cabin in Denali that Palin is right now winging it back to Arizona so that she can get warm again. Now that her book tour is over, and the Alaskan facade is less necessary, I do not see her spending much of her time up here in the near future.
Which by the way is just the way we Alaskans like it.
In response to the New York Times calling BS on Right Wing conspiracy theories on Benghazi, they have been driven even further around the bend.
Courtesy of MSNBC:
The New York Times published a comprehensive report over the weekend on last year’s attack in Benghazi, and it’s arguably the most detailed account any major news organization has completed on what transpired in Libya in September 2012.
The report also appears to have driven some Republicans bonkers.
GOP conspiracy theories surrounding Benghazi have long been something of a sideshow – after multiple, independent investigations, none of the far-right allegations have been substantiated in the slightest. But the NYT’s account discredited the far-right theories even more thoroughly, effectively ending the debate, such as it was.
That said, watching the concerted effort to defend the conspiracy theory with an even more elaborate conspiracy theory is rather alarming.
Charles Krauthammer asserted Monday that the New York Times was driven to conduct a months-long investigation into the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya solely to give political cover to Hillary Clinton and her fellow Democrats – a year after the influential conservative bemoaned the lack of media coverage on the attack.
Krauthammer was backing a baseless claim floated by Reps. Mike Rogers (R-MI) and Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA). Westmoreland accused the Times of “laying the groundwork” for a Clinton presidential bid, while Rogers said he found the timing of the report “odd.”
The Republican pundit believes it’s “quite obvious” that the New York Times “invested all the effort and time in this and put it on the front page is precisely a way to protect the Democrats, to deflect the issue, to protect Hillary, who was exposed on this issue as almost no issue in her tenure in the administration. It is obviously a political move.”
Noting that Times editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal explained how baseless the allegations against the paper really are, Krauthammer added that Rosenthal “being defensive” only bolsters the new conspiracy further.
It’s one thing for conservative activists to desperately search for new ways to keep their rallying cry alive, but for high-profile Republican lawmakers and pundits to embrace loony-tunes ideas without shame or embarrassment is unsettling.
You know it would be unsettling if it weren't all too predictable.
The Right was really convinced that they could use Benghazi against Hillary in 2016. Having it explode in their faces is like going all in on a hand of poker only to learn that the guy on your left is holding a full house.
Without Benghazi they really do not have anything to hang onto.
Therefore it is not surprising that they are refusing to let go.
If other news agencies are reporting there is no scandal they are covering for the administration. If people on the ground report that things did not happen the way Fox News has reported it did, they are lying. And if others claim there is no evidence of al-Qaeda involvement it is becasue they using the definition of al-Qaeda too narrowly.
A couple of years ago I might have been unsettled by Right Wing's inability to recognize that a conspiracy lacked credibility, but those days are long gone.
Today it is just par for the course. And to be honest I would be surprised if they WEREN'T working so hard to breathe fresh life into Benghazi.
Hell yeah we have morals. And they're good ones too!
You know I actually don't think that Atheists are necessarily more moral than religious people.
I just hate it when somebody makes the assumption that without religion we are without a sense of morality or empathy. Nothing could be further from the truth.
And I have known many truly wonderful Christians, Buddhists, Jewish people, etc. in my life.
However I have to admit that when I hear somebody describe themselves as a "Good Christian" that always raises red flags with me, because it seems to so often be followed by the statement, "I had no idea such a good Christian would do something so horrible to the Robertson's dog."
It seems that people use Christian camouflage to cover a devious nature so often that it immediately makes me suspicious. That's undoubtedly unfair, but there you have it.
Distribute: WOBC Member Produces Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Flyer
WheresObamasBirthCertificate Team Member
Produces Flyer Which All Citizens Can Distribute
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Dec. 30, 2013) — Jeff Harrison, who accompanied Mike Volin of (WOBC) to Washington, DC on November 18 and 19 and also mailed Sheriff’s Kits to nine congressmen for extra measure, has constructed a flyer he has been distributing to members of the public to raise awareness of the forgery of the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website. Mr. Harrison provided The Post & Email with the following information as to actions he is taking to expose the crime which has as yet not been officially recognized by Congress or investigated by the media.
Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo wherein Zullo explains how the posse concluded that the White House website’s birth certificate image and Obama’s Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.”
Harrison told us:
I send hand-outs, by mail, e-mail, going door-to-door, and have them ready when I go shopping to people I meet. I have attempted to contact as many organizations as I can. If you consider it a news release, I guess that is what it is. I have sent them to many news agencies, Tea Parties, and any group that I think will possible support it.
I work hard at this because I am trying to reach people to see action is needed.
Harrison’s flyer reads:
About five months ago Lt. Mike Zullo of the Cold Case Posse under the direction of Sheriff Joe Arpaio requested citizens to write and send “hand-written” letters to their Congressmen to request a Congressional Investigation of Obama’s Birth Certificate that was released by the White House.
For the past 27 months Lt. Zullo and his team of investigators have been ( and still are ) investigating Mr. Obama’s birth certificate. This investigation started when 250 Arizona Citizens had voiced their concerns that there was a problem with the birth certificate. Sheriff Arpaio stated that he wanted to initially clear the president. However, after Lt. Zullo started the investigation, “there were problems…” .
Several months ago, Lt. Zullo had submitted a 57 page AFFIDAVIT to the Supreme Court of Alabama (1120465) denoting the numerous problems and faults with the birth certificate that was released by the White House.
Lt. Zullo has stated that the birth certificate is “fraudulent” because what was released is a fabricated “.pdf” and it was not a “hard paper certificate” that was initially scanned into a computer and then submitted to the internet. Further, Lt. Zullo has stated that the certificate was “manufactured” and “it is just something floating around in the net”.
To view an excellent overview of Lt. Zullo’s investigation, see an article entitled: Forensic findings on Obama’s birth certificate: ‘A 100% percent forgery, no doubt about it”
To view or download Lt. Zullo’s Affidavit, or to obtain further information go to web sites: or
The States and Congress did not vet Mr. Obama. A party may present a candidate to a state for an election and declare said candidate, but there are no laws against fraud, and candidates are not examined. Therefore, the courts can not hear nor rule on this matter.
To view an article about the lack of the vetting process see article: CONGRESS REPORT CONCEDES OBAMA ELIGIBILITY UNVETTED
Lt. Zullo has requested citizens to contact their Congressmen about this matter because a number of court cases have been dismissed for a number of reasons. The main reasons are a lack of standing and jurisdiction. Also, because of timing, Sheriff Arpaio feels this issue should be taken to Congress.
Lt. Zullo, his team of investigators, and Sheriff Arpaio have done the hard work in presenting the evidence. Therefore, check this out for yourself. And then hopefully, you’ll contact your Congressmen to investigate this too.
To find your U.S. Congressmen go to sites: Senators Representatives
U.S. Congressmen in central/western P.A.
Sen. Robert P. Casey, Jr. Sen. Patrick J. Toomey Rep. Glenn Thompson
817 E. Bishop St., Suite C Richland Square III, Suite 302 2555 Benner Pike, Suite 101
Bellefonte, PA 16823 1397 Eisenhower Blvd. Bellefonte, PA 16823
Phone: (814) 357-0314 Johnstown, PA 15904 Phone: (814) 353-0215
Fax: (814) 357-0318 Phone: (814) 266-5970 Fax: (814) 353-0218
Harrison told The Post & Email, “I have a personal saying, they (our elected officials) do not ”fear” us because they do not “hear” from us. For fear I mean “respect”. To turn the tide, regular citizens need to contact our Congressmen and raise their voices.
Harrison has not limited his activity to distributing the flyer, going to Washington, and calling his members of Congress. He additionally told us:
I also recently put two news ads in my local newspaper. I received feedback from fellow workers which was positive. One person called and only wanted to fight and said it all was a lie. In the Marines, we were taught to lead by example, that is what I am trying to do. However, we need those who read items about this to also take action.
Mike Volin has been an outstanding leader too. He like me has spent thousands of dollars and hours of our own. He like me is not for sale. Some of us have led by example, but now we need backup. Now is time to charge and take the hill….
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Correspondence between George W. Bush and Tony Blair during run up to Iraq war may be declassified.
Courtesy of RT:
Tony Blair and George Bush exchanged voluminous correspondence prior to the start of military operations in Iraq. Now, the UK is moving to declassify details of the talks for an inquiry into Britain’s involvement in the conflict, British media reported.
The release, set for the upcoming year, is expected to include more than 100 documents, described as a collection of notes, records of 200 minutes of ministerial level talks, telephone conversations and private meetings between the British prime minister and American president, The Independent reported.
This will give the green light for the Chilcot Iraq Inquiry to publish an account of the conflict, where much attention will be given to decisions made by then Prime Minister Tony Blair. Indeed, the files could play a major part in determining Blair’s historical legacy, which critics say has been stained by the Iraq War.
Blair has been criticized for failing to challenge then-US President George W. Bush on Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction, specifically chemical and biological weapons, which a Joint Intelligence Committee report said in September 2002 “could be ready for firing in 45 minutes.”
The former Labour leader said he worked to restrain the Bush administration’s seeming determination for military involvement in Iraq, even as UN weapons inspectors on the ground failed to discover any chemical or biological stockpiles.
A senior government official predicted the results of the inquiry will not do Blair any favors: "In the new year it seems the Chilcot inquiry is going to be published. Everyone will be assuming: bad hair day for Tony Blair and Jack Straw." Straw served as Blair’s secretary of state.
All I can say is, if they do NOT redact the most damaging portions, this would be a great gift to those of us who know that the administration lied about the reasons for the war, and bullied Blair into following them into the abyss.
It might also give the Right Wing an opportunity to see what REAL treason looks like so that they can see the damn difference from now on!
Belief in Evolution among Republicans is plummeting.
Courtesy of TPM:
Belief in evolution among Republicans has dropped more than 10 percentage points since 2009, according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center.
Pew found that 43 percent of Republicans said they believed humans and other living beings had evolved over time, down from 54 percent in 2009. More (48 percent) said they believed all living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.
You know I wish I could be more surprised by this, but I'm not.
If the GOP intellect continues to deteriorate at such a rapid rate, in no time they will be using stone tools and contacting each other using carrier pigeons instead of e-mail.
However what I did find surprising were these statistics: Democratic belief in evolution went from 64 percent in 2009 to 67 percent in 2013; independent belief dipped from 67 percent in 2009 to 65 percent in 2013.
There are really 33% of Democrats and 35% of Independents who do not recognize the difference between fact and superstition? That literally makes my head hurt.
We have GOT to make sure that Evolution is taught in our public schools, along with critical thinking, and Understanding Advertising 101.
If our young people were well versed in those disciplines they would be inoculated against all kinds of political mumbo jumbo.
Seem's fair.
You know somehow I don't think the church, nor the GOP, would get so worked up over fighting medication inspired erections as they do over pregnancies prevented, or terminated, through medication.
Hmm, I wonder why?
Sarah Palin to make appearance on Fox's New Year Eve special. Not enough champagne in the world to get me drunk enough to watch that.
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"Let me know when to drop the two plastic orbs to ring in the new year!" |
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Gear up for a great new year, and I'll see you on Fox's New Years Eve Special to talk about joyous resolutions for 2014!
Oh yeah THAT'S the way you want to welcome the new year, by scheduling an appearance by the person who helped demonstrate what was wrong with the last year.
And by the way who is even going to see her? After all considering the demographic for Fox News unless they drop the ball by 6:30 pm the vast majority of their audience will be passed out in their Barcaloungers before Palin shows on their TV screens in her hooker shoes and fright wig.
I saw part of some special on Fox the other day that essentially featured the hosts interviewing each other and trying to convince the viewers they are not a propaganda wing of the Republican/Tea Party.
The whole thing was kind of sad. And not just a little bit creepy.
P.S. Oh by the way the rest of Palin's post was an attempt to pimp Bristol's blog ghostwriter's attempt to smear a MSNBC host. Not really worth my time to refute their pathetic attack however.
Rep. Steve Stockman posts most horrendous pro-gun tweet ever!
The best gun lubricant around. (HT @LolaGOP)
— Rep. Steve Stockman (@StockmanSenate) December 30, 2013
Courtesy of Talking Points Memo: Stockman, who's a longshot candidate running in the Republican primary against Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), tweeted out a picture of a gun with a spray can that read "liberal tears." The text with the picture read: "the best gun lubricant."
I wonder if the tears of a parent who lost their child to a school shooting would work equally well as a lubricant?
You know it is very rare that I wish that somebody would get shot in the face, but I am fighting that urge right now.
Update: Just in case Stockman deletes this tweet.
For sixth year in a row President Obama is the world's most admired man. Suck it Republicans!
Courtesy of Reuters:
Americans named President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as the world's most admired living man and woman in 2013, according to a Gallup poll released on Monday.
Obama topped the annual list for the sixth consecutive year, a typical ranking for a sitting U.S. president, the polling organization said.
But the percentage of those surveyed who choose him as the most admired man fell to 16 percent this year, down from 30 percent in 2012.
Well of course it fell with the GOP smear machine working overtime to destroy his credibility and undermining him at every turn what else could we expect? However despite that he still comes out on top.
The man will go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents ever, despite the attempts by the Republicans to invalidate his presidency.
I also find it rich that the most admired woman is Hillary. That must really burn the GOP's ass.
Phil Roberston of Duck Dynasty and homophobia fame, "You got to marry these girls when they’re about fifteen or sixteen." Such a good role model.
Courtesy of Egberto Willies:
“Now that’s a woman. They got to where they’re hard to find. Mainly because these boys are waiting til they’re twenty years old before they marry them. Look, you wait til they get to be twenty years old and the the only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket. You got to marry these girls when they’re about fifteen or sixteen and they’ll pick your ducks.”
I am not exactly sure where in the Bible it talks about squirrel and hog hunting, but hey apparently Robertson found it.
I have seen references to this clip all weekend, but this was the most complete version I stumbled across.
The man is pathetic and speaks as if the sexual revolution, pedophilia laws, and common decency just passed his old bearded ass by.
Yeah let's put this idiot on TV, after all people will watch anything these days.