Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Barack Obama Responds: Donald Trump Thinks I Was Born In Kenya
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- image credit: white house - |
Donald Trump Thinks I Was Born In Kenya
Last Friday Obama stopped by a bar-cafe to pimp out Obamacare. During his visit Obama decided to pick up a baby that apparently was born in Kenya and when confronted about the baby's birth in Kenya Obama replied,
"That's, that's where Donald Trump thinks I was born."
Excerpt via Robinson Meyer at The Atlantic:
What Happens When the President
Sits Down Next to You at a Cafe
[...] When the president arrived, 40 minutes later—stepping out of his SUV, smiling, with a little wave—the nerves subsided. The cafe is split into two long halves, and he first turned to visit its opposite half, smiling, shaking hands, shaking more hands.
And then—for the first time in nearly an hour—I could work. I found that I was so accustomed to his voice, how he holds his body, his aura, that ignoring him in person is as easy as ignoring a TV. Easier, in fact. He stops being the president and starts being That Guy Who You See In Tweets, That Guy Who Gives Speeches, That Guy.
That Guy shook exactly half the hands on the other side of the restaurant. He came back to our side. He addressed the five people sitting adjacent to me—who were, indeed, apparently there to talk to him.
That Guy said he would save our whole side of the restaurant for after the meal. But then, next to me, on my other side, he spotted a baby.
He apologized to the group. He could not resist, he said, a baby.
Concerning the Baby
He picked up the baby. The baby’s mom told him about the baby. Before, I had asked her if she would like pictures of them meeting, so I got out my phone and documented the event. One of those pictures is above.
Pete Souza, the official White House photographer, was also there. He documented the event a little better than I did.
✈ Baby Force One ✈
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 11, 2014
There is little else to say about the baby. He was adorable. Obama really seemed to appreciate holding him, and bounced him for probably a minute. The baby's mom told him that their family had just been stationed in Kenya, that thats where the baby was born.
He seemed to stumble for a second, as he realized he could not phrase a joke in exactly the way he could phrase it in private.
“That’s, that’s where Donald Trump thinks I was born,” he said.
Then he handed the baby back to his mom. It was then that I made my only physical contact with the president.
My Only Physical Contact With the President [...] - Continued @ The Atlantic.
Hey Obama... Trump isn't the only one!
What U.S. Pres in History Has Multiple Sources in Foreign Country Saying He Was Born There? by protectourliberty
- Doc via CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) -
Five: New Docs Reveal Obama Lied About Benghazi-Gate; IRS-Gate Update
Five: New Docs Reveal Obama Lied About Benghazi-Gate; IRS-Gate Update
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- image via minutemennews - |
About Benghazi-Gate; IRS-Gate Update
In the heat of an election Illegitimate Obama and his cronies lied about the Benghazi attack that killed Ambassador Stevens, and three other Americans, blaming it on some obscure video. The filmmaker was promptly arrested and imprisoned on probation violations including using an alias. The Five reports he's still sitting in jail.
The Five also reports the DOJ likely will not file any criminal charges in the IRS targeting scandal. You think!?
New Declassified Docs
Expose Obama’s Benghazi Lies
By Arnold Ahlert | Canada Free Press
Newly declassified documents reveal that high-ranking members of the Obama administration were aware that the September 11, 2012 assault on the American consulate in Benghazi was a “terrorist attack” only minutes after the battle began.
In classified testimony given on June 26, 2013 to the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation, Gen. Carter Hamm, former head of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) revealed he was the one who broke the news to former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. According to declassified testimony obtained by Fox News, Hamm testified that he learned about the attack only 15 minutes after it began at 9:42 p.m. Libya time. Thus, the administration’s carefully crafted narrative that the attack was based on a video has once again been revealed for the lie it always was.
[...] - Continued @ Canada Free Press.
This Tweet sums it up: Obama>by words and behavior<has proved that HE IS a pathological LIAR. "BIRTHER" is no longer a conspiracy theory
— Holmes Simons (@HolmesSimons) January 14, 2014
Palin pimping shifts into high gear.
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Image courtesy of Facebook |
In my opinion you know that Palin is really dedicated to selling something when she puts it on Facebook. After all that is her link to all of the other shut ins, middle school girls, and mental health patients who use Facebook to communicate to the world about what they just ate, who they wish would drop dead, and that they think that guy in the back row of Algebra is really hot.
Palin even had her ghostwriter dredge up a non-glam shot to demonstrate how serious she is about presenting herself as a wilderness expert and woman at one with nature.
Of course the above photo dates back to Palin's media event when she tried to explain the reason why she suddenly left the Governorship, so it does not exactly help her case that she has to present a photo from almost five years ago now.
I am a little interested in how the faithful see this new reality show, and if that has FINALLY convinced them that she is no longer worth their time, or the money they donate to SarahPAC in the hopes she will run for President someday or use her waning influence to help elect some more Teabagger types.
Actually if you take a moment to check over at SarahPAC you will find that the last time it was updated was back on November 23rd. If THAT is any indication it may go to prove that even the slowest, thickest people on the planet eventually get the hint.
Or then again, maybe not.
Rachel Maddow Show tops ratings among key demographic last week. The reason? Bridge-ghazi, bridge-ghazi, bridge-ghazi!
Courtesy of Newser:
MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” has delivered a rare victory over Fox News in the ratings: Maddow’s program won its timeslot in the key A25-54 demographic for the week of January 6.
“The Rachel Maddow Show” averaged 325,000 A25-54 viewers for the week, topping Fox News’ “The Kelly File,” which drew 305,000, and “Piers Morgan Tonight,” which had 159,000. It was MSNBC’s best 9pmET performance since the week of the Boston Marathon bombing (4/15/13).
MSNBC’s coverage of the Chris Christie bridge scandal propelled MSNBC to#1 in the primetime demo on both Thursday and Friday of last week. Maddow won the 9pmET timeslot among younger viewers both nights.
I think Maddow did incredibly important work on this scandal last week, as did many of her fellow MSNBC hosts (Chris Hayes especially.) and she clearly deserved to come out on top in the ratings.
Especially since the usual ratings heavyweight, Fox News, either acted as if there were no scandal, or disingenuously tried to obfuscate by bringing up fake Obama "scandals."
Rachel is, as you all know, my go to news source when I am trying to make sense out of breaking stories, and I ma rarely disappointed by her incredibly well researched reporting.
My hope is that this trend continues and that in the months to come we will find Fox struggling to retake this time slot while also losing ground in many others.
Fox News panelists suggest that Satanists should be shot standing next to their proposed Oklahoma monument. Fox News refuses to apologize.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
The Satanic Temple has issued a press release demanding that Fox Business News publicly apologize for the remarks made by one of its commentators.
On January 9, 2014, one of the participants in Fox Business New’s “Mensa Meeting,” Bernard McGuirk, said that members of the Satanic Temple who want to erect a monument in Oklahoma City should be executed.
“They should be able to put the statue up, and then they should be shot right next to it, and then we take it down,” McGuirk said.
Lawyers for the Satanic Temple say that “[s]uch incitement to violence is reckless and possibly criminal. Advocacy of the murder of American citizens based on their religious beliefs is intolerable and sickening. For [Fox Business] to disseminate such a position as part of a televised debate on a national network strikes at the heart of this country’s founding principles and potentially places the Temple’s members in imminent danger.”
Fox News panelists suggest that Satanists should be shot standing next to their proposed Oklahoma monument. Fox News refuses to apologize.
The "Mensa Meeting?" Seriously?As I have mentioned before the Satanic Temple is really a tongue in cheek organization that enjoys trolling Christians. However as irritating as that might be to said Christians it certainly does not justify killing them.
After all the members are really no more fake than say those who follow Scientology or Mormonism in my opinion.
Besides we have a history of people becoming agitated by those who appear on Fox News and then acting out in a violent manner.
So yes Fox News should do the right thing and suspend this McGuirk fellow and send a message to others appearing on their network that such talk will not be tolerated.
Or do they really want to have even more innocent blood on their hands?
Fox News: Colmes Goes Birther; Crowley Endorses Cruz For POTUS
Monica Crowley Endorses Sen. Ted Cruz For POTUS
REALITY: Constitutional Law Professor Explains What Natural Born Citizen Really Means - VIDEO HERE.
FLASHBACK: Fox News Declares Canadian-born Sen. Ted Cruz Ineligible To Be President - VIDEO HERE.
Sheriff Joe Video: Constitutional Storm and Crisis Coming Due To Obama ID Fraud
Sheriff Joe Video: Constitutional Storm &
Crisis Coming Due To Obama Document Fraud
( Video via Obama's Fake ID. [WTP-TV] )
WTP-TV: Constitutional Storm and Crisis is Coming Due to Obama Document Fraud - Video submitted by CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret.) - Further details [about WTP-TV],
A constitutional storm and crisis is coming due to Obama's document and ID fraud and crimes. It is time for Congress to act. See AD in Wash Times:
Barack Obama's ID documents are forged including his long form birth certificate and Selective Service (Draft) registration card. Felony federal crimes have been committed. Obama's birth documents are forged. Obama's Draft Registration card is forged. Obama is using the SSN of a deceased person from CT. Congress must investigate, hold hearings, subpoena officials in the HI Health Dept and Selective Service System and Social Security Administration and appoint a special prosecutor. See some of the evidence:
No man is above the law and our U.S. Constitution. Congress must act!
For more information visit: and
CDR Kerchner (Ret) [.]
More details about WTP-TV @
Another new site documenting Obama's identity document fraud:
Excerpt via Obama's Eligibility; The Sheriff's Report
Impeachment is not an option as it would drag on for years.
When the American people realize that Barack Obama was never vetted and that he is now and was in 2008 ineligible to serve as President and Commander in Chief and was abetted in this hoax by a willing press, legal system and many in Congress, some serious consequences are on the way for those that participated.
[...] - Via:
Breaking Distraction: TMZ Pimps Newly Leaked 10-Year-Old Pictures
Breaking Distraction: TMZ Pimps Newly Leaked
10-Year Old Pictures Of Dead Iraqi Insurgents
Wonder which Obama lackey leaked these? This should keep the media busy for the next couple months...
TMZ reports: Iraqi Death Scene Pics of Marines Burning Bodies Trigger U.S. Military Investigation
The United States military is conducting a formal investigation into American soldiers burning the dead bodies of what appear to be Iraqi insurgents.
TMZ obtained 41 pictures that we're told were shot in Fallujah in 2004. Two pictures show a Marine appearing to pour gasoline or some other flammable on the remains of what officials believe are 2 insurgents. Two other photos show the bodies on fire. You then see charred remains.
Another photo shows a Marine crouched down next to a dead body and mugging for the camera.
Still another pic shows a Marine rifling through the pocket of the pants on a corpse.
We have not included all of the photos. Many are just too gruesome. There are well over a dozen bodies in the pics and some are covered with flies and one is being eaten by a dog.
We turned them all over to the Pentagon last week, and a Pentagon official tells us the pics have triggered a Marine Corps investigation. [...] - Continued @ TMZ. Graphic images here.
Maybe the media can bring back the daily U.S. Troop death toll like they did hourly during the Bush years?
Fox News: WAPO Columnist; Obama Engaged In Nixonian Political Thuggery
Fox News: Washington Post Columnist Marc Thiessen;
Barack Obama Engaged In Nixonian Political Thuggery
Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen appeared on The Kelly File to discuss some report about Team Hillary's political hit list. Thiessen proceeded to unload over Obama's IRS targeting, enemies list, and using the power of government to punish his political enemies. Thiessen said, the current pResident of the United States and the two leading candidates (Christie/Clinton) to succeed him are all engaged in Nixonian political thuggery.
My heart is broken.
Courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter:
The ACN News Night team is coming back for a third and final season.
HBO has officially renewed the Jeff Daniels drama for a final installment, which is expected to air this fall. The news comes nearly six months after HBO programming president Michael Lombardo noted publicly that he'd be "shocked" if the series didn't return. The holdup has been creator Aaron Sorkin, who needed to pen the Steve Jobs film script before turning his attention back to Newsroom.
While I am glad the show is coming back (I never really doubted that it would) I am devastated that this will be its final season.
I have been fairly unabashed in proclaiming my love for this brilliant program and had hoped to follow it for many years to come, reporting on important stories from the past and, in many cases, reporting them the way others in the REAL media failed to report them.
Some have criticized it for its portrayal of women, and its focus on clumsy romantic banter, but none of that bothered me a great deal.
Especially when it offered up scenes like this.
No having this amazing show go off the air for good is going to be a serious loss to political and news junkies. I doubt we will soon see anything to replace it.
Released: Hawaii DOH Director Loretta Fuddy Cause Of Death; Cardiac Arrhythmia
Health Director Loretta
Fuddy died of cardiac arrhythmia
By Star-Advertiser Staff / AP
State Health Director Loretta Fuddy died of a cardiac arrhythmia because of stress following a December plane crash off Molokai, a Maui County police spokesman said today.
Cardiac arrhythmia is a disturbance in the normal heart beat.
Fuddy, 65, was one of nine people who were on board a Makani Kai Cessna Grand Caravan that crashed into the ocean after take-off about a half-mile from Kalaupapa on Dec. 11 and the only passenger to die.
The pilot and all eight passengers made it out of the plane before it sank. But they had to float in the ocean until the Coast Guard and Maui County helicopters rescued them.
In the water, Fuddy held hands with Health Department deputy director Keith Yamamoto as he tried to help her relax, said Rev. Patrick Killilea, who consoled Yamamoto after the ordeal.
[...] - Continued @ By Star-Advertiser. Hat tip Pixel Patriot.
Maui police: Health Director
Fuddy died from heart problems
KHON-2 Web Staff
Maui police say State Health Director Loretta Fuddy died from cardiac arrhythmia as a result of stress following last month's plane crash off Molokai.
Fuddy was one of nine people aboard the Makani Kai Air Cessna plane when it lost power and crashed into the water about a half mile off Kalaupapa. She was returning from Molokai for her annual visit as acting Mayor of Kalaupapa, which is part of her role as State Health Director. Fuddy was the only casualty.
She was 65 years old.
Police say the manner of death was accidental. [...] - Continued @ KHON-2. Hat tip Aloha Analytics.
Hawaii health director
died of cardiac arrhythmia
Excerpt Via Jennifer Kelleher-AP News Time
The National Transportation Safety Board's preliminary report on the crash said the single-engine plane floated for about 25 minutes before sinking.
Fuddy, 65, was healthy and didn't have any known heart problems, her brother, Lewis Fuddy, said Monday.
"She wasn't an anxious person," he said. "To be head of the Health Department, you have to have some cool nerves."
Fuddy gained attention in 2011 for her role in releasing President Barack Obama's Hawaii birth certificate to rebut claims he was born outside the U.S.
A spokeswoman said the Health Department had no comment on the cause of death.
[...] - Continued @ News Times.
Hawaiian health director died of
irregular heartbeat after plane crash
By Daniel Arkin, NBC News
Authorities say the cause of death for the Hawaii health director who died after an airplane crashed off the island of Molokai was cardiac arrhythmia — an irregular heartbeat.
Loretta Fuddy died due to the stress from the horrific Dec. 11 plunge into the water after the single-engine Cessna Grand Caravan aircraft lost power, Maui police said Monday.
The pilot and eight other passengers aboard the aircraft all survived without significant injuries. They were rescued by emergency crews, said Richard Schuman, the president of Makani Kai Air. [...] - Continued @ NBC.
BACKGROUND: Dr. Vuoto Talks Plane Crash That Killed Fuddy; Obama Fraud Key Player - DETAILS HERE.
BACKGROUND: Revealed: Video Of Plane Crash That Killed Hawaii DOH Director Fuddy - DETAILS HERE.