Friday, October 25, 2013
Unsolved Mystery: Researcher Martha Trowbridge; Obama's Synthetic Identity
Unsolved Mystery: Researcher Martha Trowbridge: Obama's Synthetic Identity
The full podcast includes updates from Attorney Montgomery Blair Sibley with Co-Host Sharon Rondeau...
( Audio via Blog Talk Radio. )
The White House tonight.
Well THAT is certainly not going to help with that conspiracy theory about the President's sexuality.
All kidding aside this lighting is to honor Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Kind of cool actually.
Police officers brings AR-15 to elementary school. Child does what children do. And rifle does what rifles do. Three injured.
Police officers brings AR-15 to elementary school. Child does what children do. And rifle does what rifles do. Three injured.
Courtesy of ABC News: Authorities are investigating after an accidental discharge of a weapon at an elementary school in Chino Wednesday morning.
The incident happened at an outdoor assembly recognizing "Red Ribbon Week" at Newman Elementary School in Chino.
Police said a student approached a police motorcycle that was on display and pulled the trigger of an AR-15 rifle that was locked into a weapons mount on the side of the motorcycle. The rifle was never removed from the mounting device.
Police say two boys suffered minor injuries when they were struck by metal debris that came from the bullet disintegrating as it hit a metal plate where the barrel rests against the weapons mount. According to officials, that's meant to be a fail safe measure, which worked.
A third student was assessed at the school and released to parents.
"When I heard it, I heard a big bang," said 11-year-old Leo Castaneda.
Castaneda says right before the gunshot, Chino police officers were hanging out with students as part of the drug prevention campaign activities.
"The cops were playing with the kids...and giving out stickers and they weren't watching the armor, so the kid got hold of the gun and he shot it at the ground and he got startled by the noise and dropped it and started running through the field," said Castaneda.
Police say they are trying to figure out how a young child was able to get access to the weapon. Many parents say they're just grateful no one was seriously injured or killed.
You know what might have been helpful here? More guns in this school.
Well, at least that is the position of a certain gun lobby.
I think this does a pretty good job of illustrating the insanity of the NRA's position that arming teachers and putting more guns into a school as a method for reducing school shootings.
The fact is that children are inquisitive creatures, which essentially is their job, and the lure of weaponry in their school will be almost impossible for them to resist. And no trained educator would expect them to do so.
If school districts nation wide were to take the NRA's recommendation that teachers in our public schools should be armed the obvious result would be an uptick in school shootings that would more than likely make what we have seen in the last twenty years seem insignificant by comparison.
There is a reason that parents childproof their home, and a school should be the safest possible environment for our children, and for the most part it is.
How about we keep it that way?
US monitored calls of 35 world leaders, says report
General Keith Alexander, director of the NSA talks about monitoring programs during the Black Hat USA 2013 hacker convention in Las Vegas on July 31, 2013.
"In one recent case, a U.S. official provided NSA with 200 phone numbers to 35 world leaders," reads an excerpt from a confidential memo dated October 2006 which was quoted by the Guardian.
LONDON - The United States monitored the phone conversations of 35 world leaders according to classified documents leaked by fugitive whistleblower Edward Snowden, Britain's Guardian newspaper said on Thursday.
Phone numbers were passed on to the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) by an official in another government department, according to the documents, the Guardian said on its website.
It added that staff in the White House, State Department and the Pentagon were urged to share the contact details of foreign politicians.
"We are not going to comment publicly on every specific alleged intelligence activity, and as a matter of policy we have made clear that the United States gathers foreign intelligence of the type gathered by all nations," a White House spokeswoman said, reacting to the report.
The revelations come after Germany demanded answers from Washington over allegations Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone was bugged, the worst spat between the two countries in a decade.
Read Full Article Source here
By Reuters
In our "Duh Ralph" survey of the day we learn that the ONLY group to oppose America's growing diversity are white conservatives.
Courtesy of Think Progress:
It is an undeniable fact that the United States is becoming increasingly diverse, rapidly heading toward the day when there will no longer be any clear racial or ethnic majority in the U.S. population. You might think America, with its long history of racial panics, might be freaking out.
But it turns out, according to a massive new study of public attitudes about rising diversity by CAP and PolicyLink, that’s not so. Americans are reacting amazingly well to growing diversity — with the curious exception of white conservatives.
The CAP/PolicyLink poll, conducted with the Rockefeller Foundation and Latino Decisions, finds most Americans are welcoming the nation’s future with open arms and, perhaps more importantly, minds open to new policies tailored for a more diverse country.
With the exception of white conservatives, Americans across the board support “new steps to reduce racial and ethnic inequality in America through investments in areas like education, job training, and infrastructure improvement.” More than 7 in 10 Americans—71 percent—support this new equity agenda compared to the just 27 percent who are opposed. This includes 63 percent support among all whites, with 68 percent support among white college graduates and 61 percent among white non-college graduates.
White conservatives were the only demographic group to report majority opposition to new investments to reduce racial and ethnic inequality — 51 percent total oppose these initiatives. By contrast, 54 percent of all Americans say such investments would help the economy overall, compared to the 10 percent who think they would hurt the economy. Whites are 49 percent and 11 percent, respectively, on the same question. Finally, 61 percent of Americans say they would be willing to invest “significantly more public funds to help close [the] gap in college graduation rates” between black and Latino students and white students, compared to the 36 percent who say they are not willing to make such investments. Again, while whites are lower than minorities in their support, they still endorse this proposition by a margin of 53 percent to 46 percent.
Teabaggers in the wild. |
Which means that the America's days of being run by conservatives are numbered even if the Republicans party were NOT currently in the middle of an all out civil war.
P.S. I think this is a good place to place a link conserning the North Carolina county precinct GOP chair who was asked to resign after he made some very honest, and unfortunate (For him), remarks to Aasif Mandvi on the Daily Show.
Piers Morgan reaches out to Sarah Palin for an interview. Palin responds with just the kind of maturity that you might expect from her. Update!
This from the nasty middle school mean girl's Facebook page:
Oh dear Piers, thank you so much for all your invitations to appear on your shambolic show, including the adoring message you sent. But is it still any wonder why I've politely responded that I'm too busy doing, um, er... pretty much anything to accept the invite? (At least I didn't tell you to "get stuffed".) And to all our British friends: we ask, what did your friends across the pond ever do to you to deserve your Piers? (This is followed by yet another smiley face emoticon because apparently Palin is in the middle of her second round of pubescence. Hopefully this time it will take.)
Palin then links to Breitbart article that outs Morgan as having fallen for that Daily Currant parody the other day. And uses that as an excuse to discredit him.
Okay first off if ANYBODY actually believes that Sarah Palin is currently bear hunting you are too stupid to be on this blog, so go away, and secondly what Piers Morgan fails to realize is that Sarah Palin is flat out TERRIFIED to appear on non-Fox News shows to be interviewed, and would NEVER do so unless the hosts promised not to ask her any questions that had not been screened ahead of time. And even though I am not a fan of Piers, I don't think he would agree to that.
After all remember what happened the last times she subjected her self to questions from real reporters.
Update: It appears that Morgan has rater humorously responded to Palin on Twitter.
Hi @SarahPalinUSA - thanks for the message. Let me know if you need any history lessons re we Brits. Love Piers >
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 25, 2013
ps @SarahPalinUSA ..and the offer to come on my show still stands. Like I said, we'd have fun....if you've got the guts to do it.. #CNN #PML
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 25, 2013
Being called 'shambolic' by @SarahPalinUSA is most amusing. I wonder if she can see irony from her house?Gee I wonder if as a replacement he would like to have me come on and tell him all about the things that she is afraid to have him ask her.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 25, 2013
Hey remember how the Koch brothers denied they had lobbied to defund Obamacare and were behind the government shutdown? Yeah, well they lied.
Do you remember this letter?
“Koch has not taken a position on the legislative tact of tying the continuing resolution to defunding Obamacare nor have we lobbied on legislative provisions defunding Obamacare,” Philip Ellender, president of government and public affairs at Koch wrote in a letter sent Wednesday to senators. “Instead, Koch has focused on educating the public about reducing our nation’s debt and controlling runaway government spending.”
Well it was all bullshit.
This from Open Secrets:
But new reports show that the company did lobby Congress to tie an increase in the debt ceiling to a 10-year debt reduction plan -- a concept developed and championed earlier this year by libertarian and tea party groups like the Heritage Action, Family Research Council and Club for Growth; those are some of the same groups that pushed the Obamacare-shutdown linkage.
According to its third quarter report, Koch Industries, which spent $2.1 million lobbying from July 1 through Sept. 30, disclosed that it lobbied Congress "to increase the debt ceiling in conjunction with reducing government spending consistent with a 10 year path to a balanced budget."
That's exactly the language used by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) in his budget proposal. And the idea that the debt ceiling should be raised only with the acceptance of a 10-year budget plan, was first floated last winter by several conservative groups, including the libertarian-oriented Heritage Action, which has its own ties to the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who control Koch Industries. The Kochs, through a 501(c)(6) group they spearheaded, Freedom Partners, have given $500,000 to Heritage Action.
The plan is likely what Koch meant when, in its Oct. 9 letter, it said that "We believe that Congress should, at a minimum, keep to sequester-level spending guidelines, and develop a plan for more significant and widespread spending reductions in the future."
So much for the idea that the anti-Obamacare movement was driven by grass roots support.
This thing was thought up by the Heritage Action, paid for by Koch brother money, and implemented by their paid operatives in Washington.
NOTHING about the government shutdown had anything to do with helping the American people or getting spending under control. It was ALL about sabotaging the government and proving that it, and our President, were ineffective.
Interview with Richard Dawkins about his campaign to coax Atheists out of the closet.
Here is what it says over at the OUT Campaign website:
Atheists have always been at the forefront of rational thinking and beacons of enlightenment, and now you can share your idealism by being part of the OUTCampaign.
Come Out
Atheists are far more numerous than most people realize. COME OUT of the closet! You'll feel liberated, and your example will encourage others to COME OUT too. (Don't "out" anybody else, wait for them to OUT themselves when they are ready to do so).
Reach Out
The OUT Campaign allows individuals to let others know they are not alone. It can also be a nice way of opening a conversation and help to demolish the negative stereotypes of atheists. Let the world know that we are not about to go away and that we are not going to allow those that would condemn us to push us into the shadows.
Speak Out
As more and more people join the OUT Campaign, fewer and fewer people will feel intimidated by religion. We can help others understand that atheists come in all shapes, sizes, colours and personalities. We are laborers and professionals. We are mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers and grandparents. We are human (we are primates) and we are good friends and good citizens. We are good people who have no need to cling to the supernatural.
Keep Out
It is time to let our voices be heard regarding the intrusion of religion in our schools and politics. Atheists along with millions of others are tired of being bullied by those who would force their own religious agenda down the throats of our children and our respective governments. We need to KEEP OUT the supernatural from our moral principles and public policies.
Stand Out
We have many exciting activities and plans for the OUT Campaign, so be sure to watch for the latest developments. Help RDFRS expand the OUT Campaign and continue to help thousands of people to find strength in numbers and a voice that must be heard.
I cannot tell you how much I love this.
All I want is for people without a religion to feel that they can be as open about their lack of belief, as Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Jewish people are about their adherence to theirs.
That may seem like a small thing, but tell that to the gay community who is just now beginning to feel real acceptance for who they are.
Like Dawkins I too believe that there are millions of us who are too timid to reveal that we exist, and in fact that we may outnumber our religious brothers and sisters. But until we remove the stigma we will never know.
Tea Party monuments if they actually ever succeed in taking over the government. Frightening thought I know.
History is written by the victors. Which got me thinking, if the Tea Party actually got their way what will Washington D.C. look like in the future? What monuments will be built to the petulant children of the Shutdown War of 2013? They’d likely build a fantasyland of guns, God, and a food court on the National Mall. For the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with Bloody Marys at the Cheesecake Factory.