Wednesday, June 25, 2014
After making it impossible for President Obama to get anything through Congress, the House Republicans are now planning to sue President Obama for using executive order to go around them.
He is just going around us like we are not even there to block his policies. Do you know how much that hurts? |
Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, told Republicans Tuesday he could have an announcement within days on whether the House will file a lawsuit against President Barack Obama, challenging the executive actions that have become the keystone of the administration.
The lawsuit could set up a significant test of constitutional checks and balances, with the legislative branch suing the executive branch for ignoring its mandates, and the judiciary branch deciding the outcome.
Boehner told the House Republican Conference during a closed-door meeting Tuesday morning that he has been consulting with legal scholars and plans to unveil his next steps this week or next, according to sources in the room.
Yeah how dare the President do his job, when the Republicans don't want him to do it!
To make their case the conservatives recently started passing around an email claiming that Obama had issued a whopping 923 executive order. However Snopes slapped that shit down, and reported that there were only a measly 147, which has now grown to a still quite measly 168.
(Seriously can't conservatives count?)
In fact as TPM reports President Obama is on the very low end for issuing executive orders:
Congressional Republicans threw a fit when President Barack Obama said during his State of the Union address this week that he would issue executive orders to forward policies if he couldn't reach an agreement with Congress.
"He's not a king," Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said, warning that House conservatives might just sue Obama if he followed through on his pledge. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) bemoaned Obama's "imperial presidency" in the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal.
But, as the chart above shows, Obama has been downright thrifty in issuing executive orders by historical standards.
His 168 executive orders come out to less than 0.1 for every day he's been in office. FDR, by comparison, was cranking out close to one per day as he faced the Great Depression and World War II.
So I would like ot assume that Boehner is simply throwing out some red meat for the paint chip eaters becasue if he seriously takes this bullshit to a judge he is going to get laughed right out of court.
On the other hand perhaps President Obama can sue these obstructionists for taking federal money and not even pretending to do their damn jobs!
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