Thursday, February 20, 2014
Sarah Palin is endorsing again. This time Teabagger Greg Abbot, who recently won the endorsement of Ted Nugent as well, and a woman who once shoplifted clothing from J.C. Penney. Sound like winners to me.
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Sarah Palin greeting Katrina Peterson at her recent failed book tour. |
2014 is here. The choices are becoming clearer, and the battle lines are being drawn. The GOP Beltway crowd has convinced itself that the way to maintain or retake the majority is through compromise and capitulation on important issues like amnesty, Obamacare, and the ever-increasing federal debt. They think that by making deals with a deeply unpopular and divisive incumbent president on issues that Americans oppose, they’ll somehow endear themselves to voters.
In other words these Washington politicians think that doing their jobs by working with the opposition and then reaching a compromise that gets laws passed and creates relationships is the right thing to do.
The idiots!
However Palin has a solution, and that solution is to help elect more obstructionists who do not understand how politics work.
Let’s start in Texas. The lines couldn’t be clearer. Katrina Pierson is an emerging leader and important voice for the future of the grassroots conservative movement. Her life’s story is full of hardships she has fought to overcome, which taught her firsthand the importance of self-reliance, hard work, and the blessings of liberty.
A feisty fighter for freedom, Katrina is taking on a powerful incumbent who has so lost touch with the people of his district that he’s not even bothering to spend much time in Texas anymore.
Fun fact, Pierson is challenging Pete Sessions, who has been representing his district for ten years, has a child with Down syndrome so he is known for fighting for the rights of people with disabilities, and has a 100% conservative rating from the American Conservative Union, so of course you could imagine why Palin would endorse his opponent.
Oh that's right, Sessions made the huge mistake of recognizing that repealing Obamacare is no longer an option.
Speaking logically about a lost cause? Well clearly he does not fit in well with the current philosophy of the Tea Party. He's gotta go.
Oh and did I mention that Pierson once plead guilty to shoplifting charges after attempting to steal nine items of women's clothing from J.C. Penney's? Oh yeah, she's a winner.
Currently Sessions is well ahead of Pierson in the fundraising department, and now that she has the endorsement of Sarah Palin the only thing left to decide is where to bury her political corpse.
But Palin was not yet done making bad choices for endorsements.
And while you are out there voting for Katrina, check the box for another good conservative – Greg Abbott for Governor of Texas. Like Katrina, Greg has overcome many personal obstacles and challenges, which have made him a believer in the power of liberty and the need to defend our freedoms from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government. If he is good enough for Ted Nugent, he is good enough for me!
Yep if its good enough for a cowardly pedophile who pooped his pants to get out of going to war, and molested underage fans, before becoming a crazed 2nd Amendment nutjob who makes misogynistic comments about Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, then it is good enough for Sarah "I faked a pregnancy to become a VP candidate" Palin.
I have to agree with Palin on one point, I think we ALL need to keep an eye on what is happening in Texas. It could be a very clear indication of the crumbling power of the Tea Party and signal once and for all the end of Palin's supposed political clout.
Breitbart decides to quote the fake politician from Alaska concerning a report about the fake campaign of Donald Trump.
So the story is that Buzzfeed's McKay Coppins, finagled his way into Donald Trump's good graces and was able to see the inner workings of Trump's newest fake campaign, this one for Governor of New York.
Apparently Trump took exception to some of what Coppins wrote in the piece published last Thursday.
Things such as this:
But after this morning, Trump can no longer escape the fact that his political “career” — a long con that the blustery billionaire has perpetrated on the country for 25 years by repeatedly pretending to consider various runs for office, only to bail out after generating hundreds of headlines — finally appears to be on the brink of collapse.
The reason: Nobody seems to believe him anymore.
This was evident earlier this morning at the Politics & Eggs forum — a longtime rite of passage for presidential prospects looking to get face time in the Granite State — where Trump triumphantly announced that he had drawn the biggest audience in the history of the event.
It was true: A few hundred Republicans had reshuffled their Tuesday morning schedules to take in the spectacle. But as soon as he opened his mouth, it became clear he was aiming his remarks at the reporters in the back of the room, peppering his speech with deliberate tweetbait like, “I wish I would have run [in 2012] because I would have won” and “[Chris Christie] is one email away from disaster.” His rambling style of public speaking, in which he drifts from one subject to another without a thematic anchor, occasionally landed him in choppy rhetorical waters. “Whether or not you liked Saddam Hussein,” he inexplicably told the crowd at one point, “he used to kill terrorists.”
Standing by the press riser in the back of the cafeteria, I kept looking around to see if Trump’s comments were setting off the sort of frenzy he routinely generated in the political media during the 2012 campaign cycle. Instead, I saw a bored gaggle of blank-faced cameramen and sleepy local reporters begrudgingly there on their editors’ orders. Some chatted idly with one another, ignoring Trump’s speech entirely, while others swiped casually at their iPhones. I became mildly self-conscious when I realized I was the only reporter from a national outlet who had ventured outside the Acela corridor to see the Donald in action. All morning, I got the same question over and over from the local reporters.
“You didn’t come all the way up here for this, did you?”
Oh yeah, THAT'S going to leave a mark.
In response the Right Wing outrage machine kicked into high gear. (Okay, maybe it was only medium gear since this thing is already a week old and I am just now hearing about it. And it was only yesterday that Trump himself spoke to Breitbart about it.)
So looking for Right Wing firebrands to come to "The Donald's" rescue, Breitbart made contact with Palin and asked her to contribute a little venom for the cause. And of course she was happy to do so:
"This nervous geek isn't fit to tie the Donald's wingtips," Palin told Breitbart News after Trump ripped Coppins for lampooning him with what he alleged were out-of-context quotes and boorish behavior at Trump's Florida resort. "Don't ever give him attention again."
This is something Palin knows all too well. In 2008, she was the running mate for a candidate who once boasted that the mainstream media was his "base." But just as soon as John McCain secured the GOP nomination, the mainstream press savagely turned on him. They asked him questions on his "Straight Talk Express" bus about things like viagra and birth control in a seeming effort to make him look old, cranky, and out of touch against the "exciting" Barack Obama, whom the press neither vetted nor criticized as they drooled over his "historical" candidacy.
But even that paled in comparison to how they vilified Palin, the "Caribou Barbie," during and after the campaign. The low point may have occurred when Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in 2011: CNN, which by its own account did not have any evidence whatsoever, suggested Palin's political rhetoric may have been a cause of the attempted murder.
Palin has said she does not need to cooperate with outlets and reporters from the "lamestream" press that have a track record of biases and distortions.
So essentially Palin's advice to Trump is to avoid any real reporters and stick to sympathetic conservative propagandists who will cover for his lack of credibility and try to not make him appear to be the clown that every other media outlet knows him to be.
I mean after all, look how well it is working for her.
Apparently Trump took exception to some of what Coppins wrote in the piece published last Thursday.
Things such as this:
But after this morning, Trump can no longer escape the fact that his political “career” — a long con that the blustery billionaire has perpetrated on the country for 25 years by repeatedly pretending to consider various runs for office, only to bail out after generating hundreds of headlines — finally appears to be on the brink of collapse.
The reason: Nobody seems to believe him anymore.
This was evident earlier this morning at the Politics & Eggs forum — a longtime rite of passage for presidential prospects looking to get face time in the Granite State — where Trump triumphantly announced that he had drawn the biggest audience in the history of the event.
It was true: A few hundred Republicans had reshuffled their Tuesday morning schedules to take in the spectacle. But as soon as he opened his mouth, it became clear he was aiming his remarks at the reporters in the back of the room, peppering his speech with deliberate tweetbait like, “I wish I would have run [in 2012] because I would have won” and “[Chris Christie] is one email away from disaster.” His rambling style of public speaking, in which he drifts from one subject to another without a thematic anchor, occasionally landed him in choppy rhetorical waters. “Whether or not you liked Saddam Hussein,” he inexplicably told the crowd at one point, “he used to kill terrorists.”
Standing by the press riser in the back of the cafeteria, I kept looking around to see if Trump’s comments were setting off the sort of frenzy he routinely generated in the political media during the 2012 campaign cycle. Instead, I saw a bored gaggle of blank-faced cameramen and sleepy local reporters begrudgingly there on their editors’ orders. Some chatted idly with one another, ignoring Trump’s speech entirely, while others swiped casually at their iPhones. I became mildly self-conscious when I realized I was the only reporter from a national outlet who had ventured outside the Acela corridor to see the Donald in action. All morning, I got the same question over and over from the local reporters.
“You didn’t come all the way up here for this, did you?”
Oh yeah, THAT'S going to leave a mark.
In response the Right Wing outrage machine kicked into high gear. (Okay, maybe it was only medium gear since this thing is already a week old and I am just now hearing about it. And it was only yesterday that Trump himself spoke to Breitbart about it.)
So looking for Right Wing firebrands to come to "The Donald's" rescue, Breitbart made contact with Palin and asked her to contribute a little venom for the cause. And of course she was happy to do so:
"This nervous geek isn't fit to tie the Donald's wingtips," Palin told Breitbart News after Trump ripped Coppins for lampooning him with what he alleged were out-of-context quotes and boorish behavior at Trump's Florida resort. "Don't ever give him attention again."
This is something Palin knows all too well. In 2008, she was the running mate for a candidate who once boasted that the mainstream media was his "base." But just as soon as John McCain secured the GOP nomination, the mainstream press savagely turned on him. They asked him questions on his "Straight Talk Express" bus about things like viagra and birth control in a seeming effort to make him look old, cranky, and out of touch against the "exciting" Barack Obama, whom the press neither vetted nor criticized as they drooled over his "historical" candidacy.
But even that paled in comparison to how they vilified Palin, the "Caribou Barbie," during and after the campaign. The low point may have occurred when Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in 2011: CNN, which by its own account did not have any evidence whatsoever, suggested Palin's political rhetoric may have been a cause of the attempted murder.
Palin has said she does not need to cooperate with outlets and reporters from the "lamestream" press that have a track record of biases and distortions.
So essentially Palin's advice to Trump is to avoid any real reporters and stick to sympathetic conservative propagandists who will cover for his lack of credibility and try to not make him appear to be the clown that every other media outlet knows him to be.
I mean after all, look how well it is working for her.
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Photo from Palin's new realty hunting show, "Look out she has a gun!" |
Bill O'Reilly blames late night comedians for destroying Sarah Palin's reputation. Yeah, okay.
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Click target to play video |
Essentially his take is that because many people get their information from sources other than cable news programs, you know like Fox, they had a skewed version of who Palin was.
O'Reilly: "There are two things at play that I want to bring to your attention, Number one you get a mass approach, so the perception is that a certain politician's a moron. And then they all gang up. And not only do they gang up on the politician, usually a conservative, but it goes out on all the websites now. And so it isn't just the three million watching Jimmy Fallon, or Kimmel, or Letterman, it's all over the world. This person's a moron, and here are six people saying that person's a moron in a variety of different ways. The impact then can destroy, can destroy."
Goldberg disagrees with O'Reilly saying that Palin is still around.
O'Reilly: "Have you seen her approval ratings, have you seen her approval ratings Bernie?
Goldberg then goes on to point out that Palin had much to do with her own low approval ratings, because she said things that "were not Aristotle-like."
He agrees with O'Reilly that the liberal media is harder on conservatives, but says that Palin damaged herself with her statements and gave them the ammunition they could use to "smear her" on their various shows.
You know I could lay out a litany of stupid things that Sarah Palin has said or done in the past that made her the laughingstock she is today, such as quitting her job as governor, starring in a crappy reality show, writing a poorly received book defending Christmas, and so on, but I doubt there are too many people who know that better than all of you.
I think that what Bill O'Reilly, and the rest of his Fox News cohorts, need to understand is that the reason people laugh at conservative politicians is NOT because liberal talk show hosts pick on them, but because the crop of candidates they have come up with in the last several years have been one dangling wheat stalk shy of being a regular on "Hee Haw."
Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis is getting help from none other than Ted Nugent. No he is not campaigning for her, he is campaigning for her opponent.
Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis is getting help from none other than Ted Nugent. No he is not campaigning for her, he is campaigning for her opponent.
The "Nuge" and gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott. |
Controversial 65-year-old rock star Ted Nugent is campaigning Tuesday with likely Texas GOP gubernatorial nominee Greg Abbott, the state's current attorney general who makes no apologies for inviting Nugent on the trail with him.
Democrats were quick to point to Nugent's outlandish comments, with likely Democratic gubernatorial nominee Wendy Davis calling Abbott's decision "repulsive."
But a senior Abbott aide admitted their campaign is only bringing on the gun rights activist to help spur voter turnout among the base, as the state begins early voting for the upcoming March 4 GOP primary.
The aide said the campaign originally had 100 people commit to their event Tuesday morning at a Denton restaurant, but when they announced Nugent was coming, the number of expected attendees tripled.
"On a Tuesday mid-morning at a local restaurant in Denton, Texas, that's a lot of people," the campaign aide said.
Sure, Ted Nugent can help attract a few hundred crazy people in Denton, Texas, but somehow I don't think that appeal works outside of 2nd Amendment gun nuts and 70's hair band aficionados.
However his presence does wonders for Wendy Davis who is presenting the grownup's version of a campaign.
Ted Nugent represents all that is wrong with the conservative party, and by associating with him perhaps he will help demonstrate everything wrong with Greg Abbott.
Who is he planning to bring in next to demonstrate his poor judgement and desire to pander to the wackos?
Loud music shooter, Michael Dunn, compares himself to a rape victim, and says he was both the "victor" and the "victim."
Courtesy of Think Progress:
In newly released audio of phone calls made by Michael Dunn while in jail, the man who shot 17-year-old Jordan Davis after a loud music dispute claiming self-defense said he was both the “victor” and the “victim,” compared himself to a rape victim, and made racially charged comments about his fellow inmates.
Recordings of nine calls from December 2012 released by the State Attorney’s Office Monday follows the earlier release of letters from Dunn disparaging African Americans. In one, he said, “The more time I am exposed to these people, the more prejudiced against them I become.” A jury found Dunn guilty Saturday on several counts of attempted second degree murder for shooting ten rounds into a car full of teens, but the jury was deadlocked on the question of whether Dunn was guilty of first degree murder for shooting and killing Jordan Davis.
In a call to his fiancée Rhonda Rouer, Dunn said:
I was the one that was being preyed upon and I fought back. It’s not quite the same but it made me think of like the old TV shows and movies where like how the police used to think when a chick got raped going, “Oh, it’s her fault because of the way she dressed.” I’m like, “So it’s my fault (laughing) because I asked them to turn their music down. I got attacked and I fought back because I didn’t want to be a victim and now I’m in trouble. I refused to be a victim and now I’m incarcerated.”
Dunn doesn’t explain how he was “attacked.” The shooting occurred after Dunn pulled up in a Jacksonville convenience store next to a sport utility vehicle with several teen boys. Tension erupted after he asked the boys to turn down their music. Dunn says he shot into the vehicle in self-defense because Davis threatened to kill him from within his vehicle and held up a gun, but no gun was found anywhere at the scene.
“I’m the f*** victim here,” he said, laughing, during one of the phone calls. “I was the one who was victimized … I’m the victor, but I was the victim too.”
So the man shoots into a car full of teenagers, none of whom apparently came out of the car to threaten him in any way, and HE is the victim?
Well gee if he wasn't really in fear for his life what could have been the motivation for shooting at the African American teens in the car?
During the call with Rouer, he also complained about being in a jail cell by himself, saying, “But I guess it would be better than being in a room with them animals.” He added a short while later, “I was in a room with three black guys,” CBS News reports.
Oh yeah, I think we understand the motivation just fine.
In newly released audio of phone calls made by Michael Dunn while in jail, the man who shot 17-year-old Jordan Davis after a loud music dispute claiming self-defense said he was both the “victor” and the “victim,” compared himself to a rape victim, and made racially charged comments about his fellow inmates.
Recordings of nine calls from December 2012 released by the State Attorney’s Office Monday follows the earlier release of letters from Dunn disparaging African Americans. In one, he said, “The more time I am exposed to these people, the more prejudiced against them I become.” A jury found Dunn guilty Saturday on several counts of attempted second degree murder for shooting ten rounds into a car full of teens, but the jury was deadlocked on the question of whether Dunn was guilty of first degree murder for shooting and killing Jordan Davis.
In a call to his fiancée Rhonda Rouer, Dunn said:
I was the one that was being preyed upon and I fought back. It’s not quite the same but it made me think of like the old TV shows and movies where like how the police used to think when a chick got raped going, “Oh, it’s her fault because of the way she dressed.” I’m like, “So it’s my fault (laughing) because I asked them to turn their music down. I got attacked and I fought back because I didn’t want to be a victim and now I’m in trouble. I refused to be a victim and now I’m incarcerated.”
Dunn doesn’t explain how he was “attacked.” The shooting occurred after Dunn pulled up in a Jacksonville convenience store next to a sport utility vehicle with several teen boys. Tension erupted after he asked the boys to turn down their music. Dunn says he shot into the vehicle in self-defense because Davis threatened to kill him from within his vehicle and held up a gun, but no gun was found anywhere at the scene.
“I’m the f*** victim here,” he said, laughing, during one of the phone calls. “I was the one who was victimized … I’m the victor, but I was the victim too.”
So the man shoots into a car full of teenagers, none of whom apparently came out of the car to threaten him in any way, and HE is the victim?
Well gee if he wasn't really in fear for his life what could have been the motivation for shooting at the African American teens in the car?
During the call with Rouer, he also complained about being in a jail cell by himself, saying, “But I guess it would be better than being in a room with them animals.” He added a short while later, “I was in a room with three black guys,” CBS News reports.
Oh yeah, I think we understand the motivation just fine.
From the documentary "Questioning Darwin" Creationist admits that if the Bible said that 2+2= 5 he wouldn't question the accuracy. He would accept it as true.
"I cannot even fathom coming from this little thing that crawled on the ground, to apes, to being human. It just doesn't, it just doesn't it--sounds crazy to me."
The lack of intelligence, and the inability to recognize the irrationality of their argument, makes having an actual conversation about the importance of science with these people completely impossible.
So much of their self identity is tied into their blind faith, that they are unwilling, and perhaps even unable, to entertain the possibility that they are incorrect.
Not only that but without the comfort of a faith which promises a place in heaven, these people have to accept that like every other creature, plant, and insect on the planet, they too will someday die, and after a lifetime of being told otherwise, that is too frightening a prospect to consider.
That fear of having their faith shaken in any way, compels them to attack anything which questions, or undermines its validity.
The lack of intelligence, and the inability to recognize the irrationality of their argument, makes having an actual conversation about the importance of science with these people completely impossible.
So much of their self identity is tied into their blind faith, that they are unwilling, and perhaps even unable, to entertain the possibility that they are incorrect.
Not only that but without the comfort of a faith which promises a place in heaven, these people have to accept that like every other creature, plant, and insect on the planet, they too will someday die, and after a lifetime of being told otherwise, that is too frightening a prospect to consider.
That fear of having their faith shaken in any way, compels them to attack anything which questions, or undermines its validity.
Leave it to Bill Maher to find the perfect advertisement to encourage young people to sign up for Obamacare.