Wednesday, November 13, 2013
WAR: Obama Classmate; Need To Call Obama What He Is; A Communist
WAR: Obama Classmate; Need To Call Obama & His Cohorts What They Are; Communists...
Wayne Allyn Root also penned another blistering Op-Ed at The Blaze titled:
excerpt:It’s always about lying to coverup the Marxist agenda of destroying the middle class, redistributing wealth, and putting big government in control of our every move. Why the lies? We were taught at Columbia that “It’s for the greater good” and “We know what’s best for those people” and ”The ends justify the means.”
Obama learned well.
But the key to it all is to “boil the frog slowly.” We learned at Columbia to set the fire low, so the frog wouldn't complain. By the time he realized what was happening, he’d be cooked.
That’s why every Obama speech starts and ends with “I’m here to save the middle class,” while his actions are annihilating them. He’s boiling the frog slowly. By the time the middle class realizes he’s the killer, and they’re the prey, they’ll already be dead.
The root (excuse the pun) of every Obama policy, everything Obama does, and everything happening to the U.S. economy, all started at Columbia. The entire Obama agenda to overwhelm the system, wipe out the middle class, bankrupt small business, and destroy capitalism, was hatched at Columbia. Obama may not have attended class, but he learned well.
He should have received the Karl Marx Award for “Student Most Likely to Destroy America.” [...] Cont. here.
World Bank Senior Counsel: Obama Mama CIA; Michelle Blackmailed In Honeytrap
World Bank Senior Counsel: Obama Mama CIA; Michelle Obama Being Blackmailed In Honeytrap...
Whistleblower Karen Hudes is ex-Senior Counsel at the World Bank... Don't know much more than that...
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- Current World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and Resident Obama - |
MSN News Goes There: Obama Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler; Claims Ex-Classmate
MSN News Goes There: Obama Was Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler; Claims Ex-Classmate...
Not sure how this made it to MSN News International:
Obama was ‘cocaine-using gay hustler’, claims ex-classmate
Former classmate also claims that Obama portrayed himself as a foreign student
Washington: A woman, who claims to have been a classmate of Barack Obama, said that the president was gay and used cocaine in school.
In a bizarre interview, Mia Marie Pope told right-wing preacher James David Manning that she believes Obama was not only active within the gay community, but also a heavy cocaine user during his years in Hawaii.
Pope said that Obama always portrayed himself as a foreign student, adding that girls were never anything that he ever was interested in, but he would get along with older white gay men. She added that Obama at that time was also procuring his cocaine, the Huffington Post reports. [...] Continued at MSN News.
In related news via Gay Star News:
Obama praises Hawaii for supporting marriage equality
Immediately after the Hawaii State Senate passed a revised same-sex marriage bill, President Barack Obama issued a statement applauding his home state.
'With today’s vote, Hawaii joins a growing number of states that recognize that our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be treated fairly and equally under the law,' Obama said in a statement.
'Whenever freedom and equality are affirmed, our country becomes stronger,' he continued. 'By giving loving gay and lesbian couples the right to marry if they choose, Hawaii exemplifies the values we hold dear as a nation.'
The president added he's 'always been proud to have been born in Hawaii, and today’s vote makes me even prouder.'
Today's vote came four days after the bill was passed by the state's House of Representatives. Governor Neil Abercrombie will make the the legislation law, with his signature, on Wednesday (13 November). [...] - Cont. here.
RELATED: Mia Marie Pope: Documents Turned Over To Team Arpaio; Known Foreign Student - HERE.
Final thought of the day.
Sarah Palin on her faith, the Pope's liberal views, and Chris Christie's weight.
Palin starts off the interview by kissing up to Hillary in response to a question from Tapper about female politicians:
"She can expect that sexism, but you overcome it, You know you thicken your skin and you march forth with your message, your priorities, your agenda that you believe is right for America, Yeah Hillary Clinton was mistreated when it came to appearances, when it came to wardrobe. You know, petty superficial things that the men don’t ever seem to hear much about, but a woman candidate will.”
“Governor Christie hears about his appearance,” Tapper countered.
“That’s because it’s been extreme, okay,” Palin replied. “It’s hard for some people not to comment on it.”
Well she might as well forget getting any brownie points for kissing up to Hillary, and as for Christie, well she just poked the most likely future leader of the Republican party in the eye. So those are two more bridges that she has carelessly burned out of existence.
Courtesy of The Lead:
Sarah Palin said she is trying to follow Pope Francis, but is wary of what she called the media's interpretation of his message.
"He's had some statements that to me sound kind of liberal, has taken me aback, has kind of surprised me," said Palin. But "unless I really dig deep into what his messaging is, and do my own homework, I’m not going to just trust what I hear in the media."
And where would Palin get the information to "dig deep in his messaging?" The media of course.
Let's face it in Palin's world Christian means conservative, and just the possibility that the Pope might not agree with that, is too much for her little brain to process.
Tapper tries to get Palin at one point to say something negative about John McCain who has been in vocal opposition to the government shutdown, and other Tea Party backed maneuvers, but Palin reuses to take the bait and responds with, "I will never bad mouth Senator McCain. I have no desire to, I have no, there's no need for me to." Which kind of speaks to the fact that it is pretty clear that Palin and McCain made a pact at some point to never attack each other in the press. (That must be getting harder and harder for McCain everyday.)
But then she immediately gives her full throated endorsement of the very things done by Ted Cruz and Mike Lee that have so pissed off the establishment Republicans like McCain.
Palin also defends her comparison of the national debt to slavery, and claims that all people have to do is look up the word to realize that she used it properly.
I loved that Tapper asked her what church she attends, a question which I believe should be asked of her more often since she is constantly promoting herself as some sort of "super Christian."
And of course her answer of "Go to a bible believing church up there in Wasilla, that's nondenominational." Is pure mooseshit.
I will literally give a thousand dollars to anybody that can prove Palin has attended ANY church on a regular basis in the last five years. Trust me my money's safe.
He then asks if she is "born again:
"Yeah, yeah. I remember when I was a young girl I was looking around (Here she pauses as if trying to remember how the story went in her book.) the beauty of Alaska. I remember one summer, at a summer camp, looking around at our mountain ranges, and the beautiful lakes, and this creation, and knowing, even as a kid, wow there is something greater than the self. And whomever it is that created this certainly must know better than I, how to direct my life. I put my life in God's hands at that time."
Well it has been well documented that Palin was a fervent fundamentalist pain in the ass as a teenager so there may be a kernel of truth in this statement.
I actually managed to watch the entire interview with Tapper (Even though I am suffering from Palin fatigue.) and she managed to hit the same talking points about Bristol's pregnancy, her own "pregnancy," and how her faith in God helped her through both.
I now have a working theory that the impetus for this book was based solely on a, if you will pardon the term, brain storming session in whihc Palin and her advisers tried to think of a type of book that would get her onto various talk shows and that would tap into some of the conservative's deepest fears.
Defending Christmas fit the bill perfectly.
By the way you can see Palin's Fox and Friends appearance here, but I warn you it is pretty much the same pathetic pablum as all of the others. Palin only has a handful of talking points and she is already long past wearing them out.
Anti-abortion group suggests that members offer to shuttle women to clinics and then kidnap them and take them to church. What could go wrong?
Courtesy of
Fears are held for the safety of women in Texas after an anti-abortion group infiltrated a pro-choice volunteering service, with the aim of kidnapping women to change their minds on abortion.
A post circulating on Facebook released the email of a volunteer group within The Cicada Collective, an "autonomous community-centred group of reproductive justice organisers located in North Texas".
According to the post, the Collective was looking for volunteers to "shuttle TX women around for their abortion appointments" and called for anti-choice campaigners to apply, undercover, in a bid to lure the women away.
It then urges the undercover guises to instead ferry the women to a Church to delay the abortion and ultimately, change her mind.
"I'm not suggesting you actually takea (sic) woman to an abortion clinic," it reads. "It's a wonderful opportunity to minister to an abortion minded woman for an hour while you DON'T take her to the clinic."
"And hey if you can't change her mind by the time she gets out of your car and realises she is at church and not the clinic she's missed her appointment anyway".
Yes let's infiltrate a group under false pretenses, lie to emotionally fragile pregnant women, and then kidnap them. What a great plan....for getting sent to prison.
Look I know these idiots live in some crazy alternative reality where the laws of humankind do not apply to them, and God is willing to post their bail if they just pray hard enough, but surely there is SOMEBODY within his organization who realizes what a horrible this is.
And if they don't realize it now I have to believe that after they have been sent to a Federal penitentiary for kidnapping, the thought might occur to them then.
Seriously is there any place in the country where it is worse to be a woman than Texas?
Sean Hannity helps Sarah Palin pimp her Christmas book.
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Click the maw of insanity for the video |
This time Palin is wearing her shit eating grin and her Clark Kent glasses, and seems very comfy sitting in the studio that fired her earlier this year. ("I have a new book now you HAVE to interview me.")
Hannity gleefuly starts the interview by suggesting that it is clear there is an attack on Christmas.
Palin: "It's unquestionable that there is an attack on Christmas, which is kind of the tip of the spear when it comes to an even greater battle brewing, and that is an attack on our freedom of religion, where we can exercise our faith, whatever that faith may be. There are double standards applied to those who wish to celebrate Christmas for instance in a traditional way. Those who would..uh..I refer to them as 'Scrooges,' they are usually angry Atheists armed with an attorney, and they want to tell us, they want to tell patriots, they want to tell traditional Americans, that no longer can you acknowledge that Jesus is the reason for the season."
Hannity then laments the fact that there is blow back when people want to put a cross on public property, or a Menorah (?), or thee Ten Commandments.
"No it certainly is this double standard that's being applied. (Wait, didn't he mention a Menorah? How is that a double standard?) So the book's all about empowering Americans to be able to know what to do to stand up for our constitutionally protected rights to exercise our faith. And within the book though are some really jolly Christmas-y ways of doing that and incorporating some traditions, and cool Alaskana recipes, and other kind of family oriented things that make for good reading." (So it's "Stand up for your Christian rights" and "Hey here's a recipe for Moosenugget cookies" side by side?)
Hannity then expresses his belief that Palin loves Christmas and tells some pointless story about his childhood being raised in a right wing think tank while feeding on the blood of innocent liberals. (Or something like that, I wasn't really paying attention.)
After that Hannity does one of the clumsiest transitions ever broadcast on television, by bringing up Obamacare.
'When the President says if you like your plan you can keep your plan period.."
Palin: "LIE! Lie! Lie!"
Hannity, all excited now: "Why?"
Palin: "You know our politicians are to be held accountable. And heaven forbid Americans be intimidated and think that we have to just kinda cower back and not hold a President accountable. He did lie through this Obamacare selling, Sham-well type, Sham-wow type commercialization of what this socialized medicine program is all about."
Some cross talk about Sham-wow.
Palin: "But no there were lies and deceptions involved in all of this. And now the mainstream media, lamestream, thinks that they're going to get away with trying to convince the public that just fixing a malfunctioning website is the answer? That is a de minimis (SOMEBODY Learned a new word. IN Latin even!) fix to the problem. The problem is this stifling, shackling, growing government, that Obamacare is a symptom of. That is the problem, It's the statist (Ooh, another new word!) mindset of our President and the radical Left that follows him. And we need to do something about it. The thing that we do about it is hold our politicians accountable. (I think it appropriate to point out here that Palin was singing a far different tune when Alaskans were trying to hold HER accountable for her actions.) Look at these Democrats who are running in red states, now scurrying for cover. Mark Begich, and the rest of the crew. Here they voted for Obamacare. They have ads running in their states, like Mark Begich does in Alaska, saying 'Rah rah Obamacare' on one hand, but I saw that Fox News cornered Mark Begich and all of a sudden the Senator says 'Oh yeah, I'm chewing out the President every chance I get. You know I'm calling him on the carpet about Obamacare.' No you're not man, you're a typical politician talking out of both sides of your mouth with this." (To be clear Begich still supports the Affordable Care Act but is frustrated about the website. Jut like the President, by the way.)
Hannity then asks Palin if she is going to run against Begich.
Palin: "You know that isn't on my radar screen, but I'm going to call out Begich, (But not in Alaska, where she would be chased through the streets by villagers with torches and pitchforks.) and I'm going to call out all these other Democrats who have so diminished the trust we should be able to have in our government, that was founded upon this idea of it being a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Instead we have these elites in Washington D.C.trying to tell us how to run our lives, and manage our healthcare, and spend our income, and run our businesses. That's un-American."
I continue to find it amazing that there is a market for a book that conflates Christmas with freedom in America, but apparently there is. For them the very idea that Christians cannot proclaim their faith in every public venue in the country, while expressing their intolerance for other faiths, is an attack on their very freedom as Americans. The only question is exactly HOW many people are that stupid and do they have enough spare change to buy Palin's book?
The interview above was actually Palin's second on Hannity, her first, which can be found here, had her weighing in on Chris Christie, his election, his battle with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, and his embrace of the President after Super storm Sandy. I would provide a transcript but my ears are still bleeding from the one I just did.
However rest assured that it too is full of chronic ignorance and venomous word salad.
More behind the scenes pictures of Sarah Palin during her media blitz to promote her ghostwritten Christmas book.
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Outside of the today Show |
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Gotta maintain that mother of a combat vet credibility |
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With Mark Levin, (I think this is an old picture. Different down vest.) |
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With the only person on television who may be her intellectual equal. |
I will update you all later on her interview on Hannity as well as any other brain cell murdering interviews she might do in the near future.
(All photos courtesy of Facebook.)
Caught On Camera: Obamacare Navigators Counsel Applicants To Lie
Navigators Counsel Applicants to "Lie"
Project Veritas
( Video via Veritas Visuals. )
The Obama Administration's campaign to sign everyone up for government healthcare inspired Project Veritas to go straight to the source and investigate what's really going on.
What we found is shocking: navigators, in positions of public trust, told our undercover journalists to lie and defraud the government. Over and over again.
Yes, as if the roll-out of Obamacare hasn't been disastrous enough, Project Veritas has caught Obamacare navigators counseling citizens to lie about their income and deceive the IRS, commit fraud on applications by not reporting full health history, and worse.
Despite reassurances that "fraud could not be committed," clearly, that is not the case.
Obamacare Navigators counseled applicants by saying:
"You lie because your premiums will be higher."
"Never report it ... I always lie on my applications."
"It didn't happen."
Cowboy Segments Directed by Christian Hartsock | Produced by: Niv Gat & Murray Mile