Thursday, February 27, 2014
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer just vetoed SB 1062, the bill that would have allowed businesses to discriminate based on religious intolerance.
This is breaking news, but I just watched Jan Brewer announce that she vetoed the bill, and then walk away without taking any reporter's questions.
Update: Here is the CNN report:
Brewer said she made the decision she knew was right for her state.
"I call them as I see them, despite the cheers or the boos from the crowd," she said, calling the bill "broadly worded" and saying it could have unintended consequences.
Her announcement spurred cheering and hugs by protesters of the bill in Phoenix.
The measure, known as SB 1062, would have given Arizona businesses that assert their religious beliefs the right to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.
I just told my daughter that with all of these pro-gay decisions happening right now it almost makes me feel left out just being a boring old straight guy.
Christian American Patriot Militia leader offers reward (A paltry one at that) for the capture of President Obama, dead or alive.
So this Everest Wilhelmsen guy has a blog on which he has called for the capture of the President, and apparently he is not concerned in what condition he is delivered to him either.
To demonstrate his seriousness, he has listed not only the amount being offered, but a list of names of those who contributed to the bounty.
This courtesy of Freakout Nation:
The total REWARD is now $4,302.00
To increase the REWARD click on “Pledge” seen in blue above. Then click on “Edit” in the upper right hand corner, add your name and the amount you are pledging. Finally, scroll down and “Save” the document. ______________________________________________________
I hereby acknowledge that Obama is NOT the President of the United States, but a foreign and domestic enemy who has usurped the Office of President during a time of war, that this makes him a spy and that he is is levying war on the United States. I therefore pledge the amount I have put next to my name as a REWARD FOR THE CAPTURE OF OBAMA, DEAD OR ALIVE. My pledge will be given to the person or persons who capture Barack Hussein Obama II and permanently remove him from the White House and Washington DC.
I also acknowledge with my pledge that this REWARD is in accordance with my Natural God Given Right to defend myself, my family, the Constitution of the United States, and our posterity, as accounted for in the United States Declaration of Independence and supported by the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Everest Wilhelmsen — $100.00
Michael Taylor — $100.00
Ernie Shaw — $100.00
Beth Owens — $100.00
James R. (Jim) Mines — $100.00
Valerie Denny — $300.00
Mark Kenny — $100.00
Cliff Rideout — $50.00
Dale Shackelford — $200.00
DeAnna DeMarco — $100.00
Randy Couch — $50.00
Liam Clayton — $500.00
Mike Staples — $1,302.00
Tess Gardner — $100.00
Tammy Wagner — $100.00
Brian Derkacz — $200.00 and My Complete Loyalty (Unless I’m the one who collects the reward.)
Jason Mullins — $500.00
Candido J. Colon — $300.00
Okay I don't which move is the more ignorant, asking somebody to kidnap or kill the President of the United States for so little money, or listing the names of every moron ignorant enough to donate to the cause?
Later over at Freakout Nation somebody asked him the logical question:
“I’m sorry, but… is this a contract for a hit???”
To which Mr. "I'm totally not a birther, except of course I am" replied:
No, it is not a contract for a hit. It is an act of self-defense against a person who is ineligible to assume the Office of President and is threatening to murder and imprison American citizens without charges and without due process. Every American citizen has the Natural God Given Right to defend himself/herself, family, the United States, and our posterity from Obama.
You see so it is NOT actually a contract for the murder of the President of the United States, it is more like a group of people paying somebody else to "stand their ground" in self defense against the fact that the President is soon going to start murdering American citizens in their sleep.
Nothing nutty, or COMPLETELY illegal, about that.
Gee I wonder if the Secret Service will see it that way?
P.S. I spared you much of the insanity that this lunatic posted over at his blog, because that kind of crazy can really have long term side effects. However if you really want to see it for yourself just click the link to his blog at the top and take a trip down the rabbit hole.
To demonstrate his seriousness, he has listed not only the amount being offered, but a list of names of those who contributed to the bounty.
This courtesy of Freakout Nation:
The total REWARD is now $4,302.00
To increase the REWARD click on “Pledge” seen in blue above. Then click on “Edit” in the upper right hand corner, add your name and the amount you are pledging. Finally, scroll down and “Save” the document. ______________________________________________________
I hereby acknowledge that Obama is NOT the President of the United States, but a foreign and domestic enemy who has usurped the Office of President during a time of war, that this makes him a spy and that he is is levying war on the United States. I therefore pledge the amount I have put next to my name as a REWARD FOR THE CAPTURE OF OBAMA, DEAD OR ALIVE. My pledge will be given to the person or persons who capture Barack Hussein Obama II and permanently remove him from the White House and Washington DC.
I also acknowledge with my pledge that this REWARD is in accordance with my Natural God Given Right to defend myself, my family, the Constitution of the United States, and our posterity, as accounted for in the United States Declaration of Independence and supported by the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Everest Wilhelmsen — $100.00
Michael Taylor — $100.00
Ernie Shaw — $100.00
Beth Owens — $100.00
James R. (Jim) Mines — $100.00
Valerie Denny — $300.00
Mark Kenny — $100.00
Cliff Rideout — $50.00
Dale Shackelford — $200.00
DeAnna DeMarco — $100.00
Randy Couch — $50.00
Liam Clayton — $500.00
Mike Staples — $1,302.00
Tess Gardner — $100.00
Tammy Wagner — $100.00
Brian Derkacz — $200.00 and My Complete Loyalty (Unless I’m the one who collects the reward.)
Jason Mullins — $500.00
Candido J. Colon — $300.00
Okay I don't which move is the more ignorant, asking somebody to kidnap or kill the President of the United States for so little money, or listing the names of every moron ignorant enough to donate to the cause?
Later over at Freakout Nation somebody asked him the logical question:
“I’m sorry, but… is this a contract for a hit???”
To which Mr. "I'm totally not a birther, except of course I am" replied:
No, it is not a contract for a hit. It is an act of self-defense against a person who is ineligible to assume the Office of President and is threatening to murder and imprison American citizens without charges and without due process. Every American citizen has the Natural God Given Right to defend himself/herself, family, the United States, and our posterity from Obama.
You see so it is NOT actually a contract for the murder of the President of the United States, it is more like a group of people paying somebody else to "stand their ground" in self defense against the fact that the President is soon going to start murdering American citizens in their sleep.
Nothing nutty, or COMPLETELY illegal, about that.
Gee I wonder if the Secret Service will see it that way?
P.S. I spared you much of the insanity that this lunatic posted over at his blog, because that kind of crazy can really have long term side effects. However if you really want to see it for yourself just click the link to his blog at the top and take a trip down the rabbit hole.
Rand Paul blocks Surgeon General nominee because he has the temerity to suggest that gun violence is a public health concern. No, seriously!
Courtesy of Think Progress:
On Wednesday — two years to the day after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) placed a hold on President Barack Obama’s nominee for Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, over Murthy’s view that gun violence represents a significant public health threat.
“In his efforts to curtail Second Amendment rights, Dr. Murthy has continually referred to guns as a public health issue on par with heart disease and has diminished the role of mental health in gun violence,” wrote Paul in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
“As a physician, I am deeply concerned that he has advocated that doctors use their position of trust to ask patients, including minors, details about gun ownership in the home… Dr. Murthy has disqualified himself from being Surgeon General because of his intent to use that position to launch an attack on Americans’ right to own a firearm under the guise of a public health and safety campaign.”
Yes how could ANYBODY assert that firing metal projectiles out of a gun that can tear flesh and destroy internal organs should be considered a health threat?
I mean it just defies all logic.
Later in the Think Progress article it is pointed out that Dr. Vivek Murphy's opinions about gun violence are in step with those of most physicians, and that the AMA has fought for the right of physicians to ask about the presence of guns in the home, and that the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) has issued guidelines recommending that the households of children diagnosed with depression remove all firearms altogether.
This is yet another attempt to pander to the mouth breathers and gun fetishists who believe that the most important American right in the Constitution is the right to shoot your neighbor in the face if he dumps his leaves in your yard.
By the way Rand Paul calling himself a physician is almost on par with Sarah Palin calling herself a journalist.
On Wednesday — two years to the day after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) placed a hold on President Barack Obama’s nominee for Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, over Murthy’s view that gun violence represents a significant public health threat.
“In his efforts to curtail Second Amendment rights, Dr. Murthy has continually referred to guns as a public health issue on par with heart disease and has diminished the role of mental health in gun violence,” wrote Paul in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
“As a physician, I am deeply concerned that he has advocated that doctors use their position of trust to ask patients, including minors, details about gun ownership in the home… Dr. Murthy has disqualified himself from being Surgeon General because of his intent to use that position to launch an attack on Americans’ right to own a firearm under the guise of a public health and safety campaign.”
Yes how could ANYBODY assert that firing metal projectiles out of a gun that can tear flesh and destroy internal organs should be considered a health threat?
I mean it just defies all logic.
Later in the Think Progress article it is pointed out that Dr. Vivek Murphy's opinions about gun violence are in step with those of most physicians, and that the AMA has fought for the right of physicians to ask about the presence of guns in the home, and that the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) has issued guidelines recommending that the households of children diagnosed with depression remove all firearms altogether.
This is yet another attempt to pander to the mouth breathers and gun fetishists who believe that the most important American right in the Constitution is the right to shoot your neighbor in the face if he dumps his leaves in your yard.
By the way Rand Paul calling himself a physician is almost on par with Sarah Palin calling herself a journalist.
Young woman who wanted to start an Atheist group at her high school decides not to in response to all of the Christian love that was sent her way. Just kidding, they threatened her and her family until she caved.
Young woman who wanted to start an Atheist group at her high school decides not to in response to all of the Christian love that was sent her way. Just kidding, they threatened her and her family until she caved.
As you may remember young Kalei wanted to start an Atheist group in her high school.Initially she was rejected, but eventually the school acquiesced and said that she could.
However yesterday this was posted on Reddit from her Go Fund Me page.
Here is more of an explanation provided by the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science:
Fearing for the safety of her family, Kalei Wilson has just announced on her Gofundme page that she is backing down after just last week winning a 4 month battle with Pisgah High School to create a Student Secular Association club, winning several awards, and being asked to speak at numerous conferences. This is what she wrote three hours ago:
"It saddens us to report that due to the numerous threats and the verbal attacks on Kalei along with the vindictive which-hunt to hurt the reputations of affiliated local groups and our own family , Kalei will not be continuing with the group.
We have contacted GoFundMe and requested they return your generous donations. They have assured us that your funds will show back up in your respective accounts within 3 to 5 days.
Your love and support are priceless and we apologize in letting you down. It was our single goal to support Kalei in her efforts to start the much needed SSA club.
However, we never expected our family and friends to be sought out and demonized. Please know that we recognize the importance of the club but we can not justify our involvement with the risk of our families safety and well being."
It's just a club.
When I was in high school there was a chess club, a business club, a club for African American students, and more than a few Christian clubs.
I wasn't a member of any of them, however I had no problem with their existence.
What is it that Christians fear so much about a club like this that they would be willing to harass and even threaten this young girl's family until they were frightened into shutting it down?
Actually I think we already know that, don't we?
Levi Johnston is apparently done screwing around.
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Courtesy of Facebook |
Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Bristol Palin Should Not Be Held In Contempt And Sanctioned And Motion For The Return of Child To Alaska
Now we're talking!
Thanks to the Stand your Ground law Florida man who shot his unarmed friend to death will get his guns back. Gotta love a happy ending.
Courtesy of Think Progress:
A Florida man who was granted Stand Your Ground immunity after he claimed he fatally shot his friend in self-defense will get his guns back. Judge John Galluzzo ruled that shooter John Wayne Rogers was entitled to the return of his guns under the law, even though Galluzzo thinks it’s a bad idea. “I have to return property that was taken under the circumstance,” he said, according to a WESH Orlando report.
“I have researched and haven’t found case law to say otherwise.” Rogers shot 34-year-old James T. DeWitt after a night of drinking at Rogers’ home. DeWitt stayed the night, and the incident occurred the following morning after they returned from an errand to buy more beer.
Rogers, who is legally blind, said he felt threatened by DeWitt, so he went into his bedroom and retrieved his assault rifle. Rogers said DeWitt charged at him and he shot; DeWitt’s girlfriend says they were “play fighting” when Rogers went into his bedroom to get the gun and then shot at DeWitt without provocation.
A Florida court granted Rogers immunity from criminal charges under the state’s Stand Your Ground law, which authorizes deadly force without any duty to retreat anywhere a person has a legal right to be.
So to be clear, according to the witness, this guy was "standing his ground" against a play fight attack launched by his friend. (Well you can imagine his terror.)
And now this individual is going to get his guns back so that he is protected in case anybody assaults him with a pillow during a pillow fight, or anything dangerous and life threatening like that.
I swear it is like the whole country has lost its fucking mind and has no idea what self defense actually means.
A Florida man who was granted Stand Your Ground immunity after he claimed he fatally shot his friend in self-defense will get his guns back. Judge John Galluzzo ruled that shooter John Wayne Rogers was entitled to the return of his guns under the law, even though Galluzzo thinks it’s a bad idea. “I have to return property that was taken under the circumstance,” he said, according to a WESH Orlando report.
“I have researched and haven’t found case law to say otherwise.” Rogers shot 34-year-old James T. DeWitt after a night of drinking at Rogers’ home. DeWitt stayed the night, and the incident occurred the following morning after they returned from an errand to buy more beer.
Rogers, who is legally blind, said he felt threatened by DeWitt, so he went into his bedroom and retrieved his assault rifle. Rogers said DeWitt charged at him and he shot; DeWitt’s girlfriend says they were “play fighting” when Rogers went into his bedroom to get the gun and then shot at DeWitt without provocation.
A Florida court granted Rogers immunity from criminal charges under the state’s Stand Your Ground law, which authorizes deadly force without any duty to retreat anywhere a person has a legal right to be.
So to be clear, according to the witness, this guy was "standing his ground" against a play fight attack launched by his friend. (Well you can imagine his terror.)
And now this individual is going to get his guns back so that he is protected in case anybody assaults him with a pillow during a pillow fight, or anything dangerous and life threatening like that.
I swear it is like the whole country has lost its fucking mind and has no idea what self defense actually means.
According to an obviously flawed study Alaskans spend less time pleasuring their partners in bed than any other state. Oh, that is SO wrong.
Courtesy of The Nerve:
The Spreadsheets App, a mobile app that uses your phone's accelerometer and speakers to provide statistical feedback about your duration, thrusts, and decibel peak, is taking big data to the bedroom.
"Spreadsheets was created to approach sex in a way that is both light-hearted and improvement oriented," says Danny Wax, Co-founder of the app. "We wanted to create an app that entices users to have some fun with their partner and share in that afterglow experience, while encouraging open dialog and feedback." Whereas some couples might have problems approaching topics like the frequency or quality of their sex lives, fun visual and logical feedback, including 30 earned "achievements" (like Seven in Heaven for a seven-minute rendezvous and Quick Spread for three-minute trysts), feels like a low-pressure way of checking in. Of course, with all wearable and quantified tech comes a gamification component.
Spreadsheets shared the stats of its 10,000 early adopters so we could investigate who has cross-country endurance and who's a one-minute wonder. Averaging the intercourse time of all users in the United States (the app doesn't cover foreplay), we've provided a ranking of duration in minutes for all 50 states and the District of Columbia as a little bonus. While finishing times of under three minutes may surprise you, remember that these are just the averages among two-pump chumps and Lotharios alike. Besides, previous research has shown that, despite the hubbub about hours-long tantric sessions, intercourse itself usually only lasts for about 3 to 13 minutes.
Okay well it is all good fun until somebody's state comes in dead last in the pump per session category.
Check this crap out:
According to an obviously flawed study Alaskans spend less time pleasuring their partners in bed than any other state. Oh, that is SO wrong.
1. New Mexico - (7:01)
2. West Virginia - (5:38)
3. Idaho - (5:11)
4. South Carolina - (4:48)
5. Missouri - (4:22)
6. Michigan -(4:14)
7. Utah - (3:55)
8. Oregon - (3:51)
9. Nebraska - (3:47)
10. Alabama - (3:38)
11. Delaware - (3:33)
12. Hawaii - (3:28)
13. Wisconsin - (3:22)
14. North Dakota - (3:18)
15. Arizona - (3:17)
16. Maryland - (3:15)
17. Mississippi - (3:10)
18. Rhode Island - (3:09)
19. Connecticut - (3:07)
20. Texas - (3:06)
21. New Hampshire - (3:04)
22. Wyoming - (3:03)
23. New York - (3:01)
24. Pennsylvania - (2:58)
25. Maine - (2:58)
26. Washington - (2:51)
27. Iowa - (2:50)
28. Illinois - (2:49)
29. North Carolina - (2:47)
30. Tennessee - (2:46)
31. Kansas - (2:38)
32. California - (2:38)
33. Massachusetts - (2:31)
34. Florida - (2:29)
35. New Jersey - (2:28)
36. Indiana - (2:26)
37. Virginia - (2:23)
38. Oklahoma - (2:21)
39. Colorado - (2:21)
40. Minnesota - (2:19)
41. Ohio - (2:18)
42. Louisiana - (2:17)
43. Kentucky - (2:14)
44. Arkansas - (2:08)
45. District of Columbia - (2:08)
46. Nevada - (2:07)
47. Georgia - (2:07)
48. Montana - (2:03)
49. Vermont - (1:48)
50. South Dakota - (1:30)
51. Alaska - (1:21)
Okay look I don't want to get too graphic here (I mean I just turned 54 years old and talking about middle age sex is universally viewed as icky), but I can tell you that I have NEVER had any encounter in my life that would meet these low numbers, in ANY of the states, much less the pitiful one minute twenty one seconds averaged in Alaska. (What, are all the Alaskans who contributed to this thing sixteen year old boys?)
I have always believed that Alaskan men were probably on the upper levels of endurance. After all it's cold up here so why would we be in a hurry to leave such a warm place?
Personally I am offended by this report, and if any of the female members of the team would like to fly up here I can assure them the experience will not be measured in seconds, or even minutes. (Okay, well technically yes all time can be broken down into minutes and seconds but you get my drift. )
And just as a public service message to the men out there, if your bedroom sessions only last long enough for the commercial break, you might want to start exercising before or thinking about baseball during.
No wonder women are so fed up with men these days.
The Spreadsheets App, a mobile app that uses your phone's accelerometer and speakers to provide statistical feedback about your duration, thrusts, and decibel peak, is taking big data to the bedroom.
"Spreadsheets was created to approach sex in a way that is both light-hearted and improvement oriented," says Danny Wax, Co-founder of the app. "We wanted to create an app that entices users to have some fun with their partner and share in that afterglow experience, while encouraging open dialog and feedback." Whereas some couples might have problems approaching topics like the frequency or quality of their sex lives, fun visual and logical feedback, including 30 earned "achievements" (like Seven in Heaven for a seven-minute rendezvous and Quick Spread for three-minute trysts), feels like a low-pressure way of checking in. Of course, with all wearable and quantified tech comes a gamification component.
Spreadsheets shared the stats of its 10,000 early adopters so we could investigate who has cross-country endurance and who's a one-minute wonder. Averaging the intercourse time of all users in the United States (the app doesn't cover foreplay), we've provided a ranking of duration in minutes for all 50 states and the District of Columbia as a little bonus. While finishing times of under three minutes may surprise you, remember that these are just the averages among two-pump chumps and Lotharios alike. Besides, previous research has shown that, despite the hubbub about hours-long tantric sessions, intercourse itself usually only lasts for about 3 to 13 minutes.
Okay well it is all good fun until somebody's state comes in dead last in the pump per session category.
Check this crap out:
According to an obviously flawed study Alaskans spend less time pleasuring their partners in bed than any other state. Oh, that is SO wrong.
1. New Mexico - (7:01)
2. West Virginia - (5:38)
3. Idaho - (5:11)
4. South Carolina - (4:48)
5. Missouri - (4:22)
6. Michigan -(4:14)
7. Utah - (3:55)
8. Oregon - (3:51)
9. Nebraska - (3:47)
10. Alabama - (3:38)
11. Delaware - (3:33)
12. Hawaii - (3:28)
13. Wisconsin - (3:22)
14. North Dakota - (3:18)
15. Arizona - (3:17)
16. Maryland - (3:15)
17. Mississippi - (3:10)
18. Rhode Island - (3:09)
19. Connecticut - (3:07)
20. Texas - (3:06)
21. New Hampshire - (3:04)
22. Wyoming - (3:03)
23. New York - (3:01)
24. Pennsylvania - (2:58)
25. Maine - (2:58)
26. Washington - (2:51)
27. Iowa - (2:50)
28. Illinois - (2:49)
29. North Carolina - (2:47)
30. Tennessee - (2:46)
31. Kansas - (2:38)
32. California - (2:38)
33. Massachusetts - (2:31)
34. Florida - (2:29)
35. New Jersey - (2:28)
36. Indiana - (2:26)
37. Virginia - (2:23)
38. Oklahoma - (2:21)
39. Colorado - (2:21)
40. Minnesota - (2:19)
41. Ohio - (2:18)
42. Louisiana - (2:17)
43. Kentucky - (2:14)
44. Arkansas - (2:08)
45. District of Columbia - (2:08)
46. Nevada - (2:07)
47. Georgia - (2:07)
48. Montana - (2:03)
49. Vermont - (1:48)
50. South Dakota - (1:30)
51. Alaska - (1:21)
Okay look I don't want to get too graphic here (I mean I just turned 54 years old and talking about middle age sex is universally viewed as icky), but I can tell you that I have NEVER had any encounter in my life that would meet these low numbers, in ANY of the states, much less the pitiful one minute twenty one seconds averaged in Alaska. (What, are all the Alaskans who contributed to this thing sixteen year old boys?)
I have always believed that Alaskan men were probably on the upper levels of endurance. After all it's cold up here so why would we be in a hurry to leave such a warm place?
Personally I am offended by this report, and if any of the female members of the team would like to fly up here I can assure them the experience will not be measured in seconds, or even minutes. (Okay, well technically yes all time can be broken down into minutes and seconds but you get my drift. )
And just as a public service message to the men out there, if your bedroom sessions only last long enough for the commercial break, you might want to start exercising before or thinking about baseball during.
No wonder women are so fed up with men these days.