Thursday, March 20, 2014
America only highly developed nation that believes that belief in God is essential for morality.
Courtesy of The New Civil Rights Movement:
America is the only highly developed country where a majority of citizens think you have to believe in God in order to live a moral life.
Here’s a portion of the international breakdown in response to the question, “is belief in God essential to morality?”
China: 14%
France: 15%
Spain: 19%
Australia: 23%
Britain: 20%
Italy: 27%
Canada: 31%
Germany 33%
Israel: 37%
Japan: 42%
America: 53%
As many of you know the name of this blog is essentially to spit in the eye of those who claim that only those who embrace a certain religious belief are capable of being moral people.
It has always been my position that Steven Weinberg was right when he said:
“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”
Besides it is incredibly arrogant to suggest that any one group have the market cornered on morality, and in fact morality itself is a rather mercurial concept, that shifts and changes based on circumstances and needs.
Are Christians. Jews, or Muslims willing to say that they are the moral superior to the Hindus? The Buddhists? The Sikhs? The Jains?
What incredible egos it must take to believe that out of all of the thousands of religions and gods that mankind has worshiped throughout our history that you have figured out the one true religion, and the one true God.
And how convenient that it is, more than likely, the most readily accessible religion for you to access in your community.
In so many ways our country is a shining example of progress, tolerance, and acceptance. But in other ways it is anything but.
America is the only highly developed country where a majority of citizens think you have to believe in God in order to live a moral life.
Here’s a portion of the international breakdown in response to the question, “is belief in God essential to morality?”
China: 14%
France: 15%
Spain: 19%
Australia: 23%
Britain: 20%
Italy: 27%
Canada: 31%
Germany 33%
Israel: 37%
Japan: 42%
America: 53%
As many of you know the name of this blog is essentially to spit in the eye of those who claim that only those who embrace a certain religious belief are capable of being moral people.
It has always been my position that Steven Weinberg was right when he said:
“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”
Besides it is incredibly arrogant to suggest that any one group have the market cornered on morality, and in fact morality itself is a rather mercurial concept, that shifts and changes based on circumstances and needs.
Are Christians. Jews, or Muslims willing to say that they are the moral superior to the Hindus? The Buddhists? The Sikhs? The Jains?
What incredible egos it must take to believe that out of all of the thousands of religions and gods that mankind has worshiped throughout our history that you have figured out the one true religion, and the one true God.
And how convenient that it is, more than likely, the most readily accessible religion for you to access in your community.
In so many ways our country is a shining example of progress, tolerance, and acceptance. But in other ways it is anything but.
"How do we know what is true?" Excellent question, with an excellent video to answer that question.
I am almost embarrassed to admit that I was virtually unaware of the many talents of the great Stephen Fry before seeing him in "V for Vendetta."
I loved that film and loved his character in it.
Since then I have learned a great deal about his vast body of work, and even follow him on Twitter.
This video is exceedingly well done and explains exactly why testing theories against evidence is the only true pathway to truth.
I loved that film and loved his character in it.
Since then I have learned a great deal about his vast body of work, and even follow him on Twitter.
This video is exceedingly well done and explains exactly why testing theories against evidence is the only true pathway to truth.
The good old days.
This is a school book from 1937.
Did you notice anything missing?
Despite Right Wing protests to the contrary, some things have no always been they way they are today.
Did you notice anything missing?
Despite Right Wing protests to the contrary, some things have no always been they way they are today.
Hey do you remember that Christian Militia guy that was raising a reward for the murder or capture of President Obama? Yeah well he is still at it.
You may remember Everest Wilhelmsen from a post I did at the end of last month:
Well since then his plans have become even more specific:
So the question I have is WHY is this guy still allowed to be running free, essentially orchestrating the assassination of our President?
By now the Secret Service HAVE to know this guy exists.
So is he so insignificant that they simply cannot be bothered?
Or is he, whether he knows it or not, helping to flush out other enemies of the state, so that the Federal government can gather their names and keep an eye on them as well?
I kind of think the latter.
How about you?
Well since then his plans have become even more specific:
Hey do you remember that Christian Militia guy that was raising a reward for the murder or capture of President Obama? Yeah well he is still at it.
Hey do you remember that Christian Militia guy that was raising a reward for the murder or capture of President Obama? Yeah well he is still at it.
Another member posted a "member list" which conveniently lists all of the individuals who have signed on to be part of this force, from all over the country.So the question I have is WHY is this guy still allowed to be running free, essentially orchestrating the assassination of our President?
By now the Secret Service HAVE to know this guy exists.
So is he so insignificant that they simply cannot be bothered?
Or is he, whether he knows it or not, helping to flush out other enemies of the state, so that the Federal government can gather their names and keep an eye on them as well?
I kind of think the latter.
How about you?
Palin appointed judge in Levi Johnston/Bristol Palin custody case has been recused.
Judge Eric Smith, the gentleman sitting in the middle. |
Does this help Levi?
Well it certainly can't hurt to have a judge that does not owe their position to the mother of the defendant.
By the way, as of this post, Bristol has still refused to return to the state with Tripp, despite there being a motion of contempt filed for her refusal to do so.
Sarah Palin attempts to call into local Arizona talk radio show, only to be rejected as a fraud.
Apparently this is Palin's new "thing." Impulsively calling into talk shows in order to gain some notice, and keep her name out there.
She did the same thing last week.
This time it is so unexpected that the guy who screens calls simply refuses to believe that Palin has become so inconsequential that she no longer has a staff persona arranging interviews and instead calls into insignificant local radio programs on a whim.
Of course once they establish that it really IS Palin (At the 1:45 mark), and that takes a while, they become all fan girl and start to gush over her.
Palin claims to be in Scottsdale visiting Bristol, and that she listens to the show on her way home form "hot yoga." (Personally I think she is confusing hot yoga with the hot flashes she gets while struggling to put on her shoes.)
Palin claims that she understand their reticence in believing it was her, because she has been punked a number of times herself. (Ahh, the memories.)
When asked how often she gets to Arizona (3.35 mark) Palin says she gets to "zip in" when she is headed to a speech or event, because it is a "jumping point" for her to use before heading out to other states. (Of course we know that is bullshit, and that she has a house down in Scottsdale and spends the majority of her time there these days. Woman lies about EVERYTHING.)
Palin is also asked about her new streaming program (4:16) which she describes as "an app" and that the information leaked about it was not completely accurate. She claims that the app will provide unfiltered access to her message and help with distributing endorsements to candidates. (Because you know having a service that only a handful of people will be willing to pay for, is going to be SO much better at getting out her message than Facebook or Fox News, where millions can see it for free.)
Palin also uses this as an opportunity to pimp her new "huntin" show on the Sportsman Channel (5:14) which she claims she is filming in a Phoenix studio. (What? No location shooting for the "Queen of the Outdoors?")
The host then asks the obligatory question about whether she is running for office again (6:05). She of course responds with her usual song and dance about not being sure, and that she continues to support certain candidates. Like Ted Cruz, who is the only one that she mentions by name.
Ultimately this is nothing but fluff, which is really all Palin offers anymore, along with the red meat she occasionally throws out to feed the ravenous Right Wing.
However what I learned is that Palin is now essentially a full time resident of Arizona, as evidenced by the fact she is now as familiar with THEIR conservative talk shows as she once was with Alaska's conservative talk shows such as Bob and Mark on KWHL. A show she used to call into with some regularity, even while Governor of the state.
I also learned that Palin is essentially adrift for the most part without the SarahPAC paid staff helping her make decisions about who she should talk to, and when she should talk to them.
She did the same thing last week.
This time it is so unexpected that the guy who screens calls simply refuses to believe that Palin has become so inconsequential that she no longer has a staff persona arranging interviews and instead calls into insignificant local radio programs on a whim.
Of course once they establish that it really IS Palin (At the 1:45 mark), and that takes a while, they become all fan girl and start to gush over her.
Palin claims to be in Scottsdale visiting Bristol, and that she listens to the show on her way home form "hot yoga." (Personally I think she is confusing hot yoga with the hot flashes she gets while struggling to put on her shoes.)
Palin claims that she understand their reticence in believing it was her, because she has been punked a number of times herself. (Ahh, the memories.)
When asked how often she gets to Arizona (3.35 mark) Palin says she gets to "zip in" when she is headed to a speech or event, because it is a "jumping point" for her to use before heading out to other states. (Of course we know that is bullshit, and that she has a house down in Scottsdale and spends the majority of her time there these days. Woman lies about EVERYTHING.)
Palin is also asked about her new streaming program (4:16) which she describes as "an app" and that the information leaked about it was not completely accurate. She claims that the app will provide unfiltered access to her message and help with distributing endorsements to candidates. (Because you know having a service that only a handful of people will be willing to pay for, is going to be SO much better at getting out her message than Facebook or Fox News, where millions can see it for free.)
Palin also uses this as an opportunity to pimp her new "huntin" show on the Sportsman Channel (5:14) which she claims she is filming in a Phoenix studio. (What? No location shooting for the "Queen of the Outdoors?")
The host then asks the obligatory question about whether she is running for office again (6:05). She of course responds with her usual song and dance about not being sure, and that she continues to support certain candidates. Like Ted Cruz, who is the only one that she mentions by name.
Ultimately this is nothing but fluff, which is really all Palin offers anymore, along with the red meat she occasionally throws out to feed the ravenous Right Wing.
However what I learned is that Palin is now essentially a full time resident of Arizona, as evidenced by the fact she is now as familiar with THEIR conservative talk shows as she once was with Alaska's conservative talk shows such as Bob and Mark on KWHL. A show she used to call into with some regularity, even while Governor of the state.
I also learned that Palin is essentially adrift for the most part without the SarahPAC paid staff helping her make decisions about who she should talk to, and when she should talk to them.
Woman who claimed that autism and dementia were God's punishment for gay marriage, just won her Republican primary in Illinois.
Courtesy of The Friendly Atheist:
Susanne Atanus, the 55-year-old Republican who told a local newspaper that God put autism and dementia on Earth as punishment for marriage equality and abortion, just won her primary for a seat in the House of representatives. She will face off against incumbent Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky this November:
Voters in the Republican primary will have two very different candidates to choose from in the 9th Congressional District, as David Earl Williams III and Susanne Atanus vie for the right to face Rep. Jan Schakowsky in the fall… “I am a conservative Republican and I believe in God first,” Atanus said. She said she believes God controls the weather and has put tornadoes and diseases such as autism and dementia on earth as punishment for gay rights and legalized abortions.
Apparently Illinois party leaders tried to get Atanus to drop out, but nope, she was on a mission. And apparently that mission is to hand the Illinois 9th District House seat back to Jan Schakowsky.
For once the Democratic agenda matches well with the agenda of the Republican fringe.
This morning I listened to Reince Priebus on MSNBC telling Chuck Todd that the party cannot be held for every strange thing uttered by a Republican.
But what he fails to understand is that these comments are not outliers among the Republicans, THIS is how a great number of them see the world.
These elections are now increasingly defined as between the rational and the irrational.
For the sake of America's future let's hope that the majority of the country sits on the side of the rational.
Susanne Atanus, the 55-year-old Republican who told a local newspaper that God put autism and dementia on Earth as punishment for marriage equality and abortion, just won her primary for a seat in the House of representatives. She will face off against incumbent Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky this November:
Voters in the Republican primary will have two very different candidates to choose from in the 9th Congressional District, as David Earl Williams III and Susanne Atanus vie for the right to face Rep. Jan Schakowsky in the fall… “I am a conservative Republican and I believe in God first,” Atanus said. She said she believes God controls the weather and has put tornadoes and diseases such as autism and dementia on earth as punishment for gay rights and legalized abortions.
Apparently Illinois party leaders tried to get Atanus to drop out, but nope, she was on a mission. And apparently that mission is to hand the Illinois 9th District House seat back to Jan Schakowsky.
For once the Democratic agenda matches well with the agenda of the Republican fringe.
This morning I listened to Reince Priebus on MSNBC telling Chuck Todd that the party cannot be held for every strange thing uttered by a Republican.
But what he fails to understand is that these comments are not outliers among the Republicans, THIS is how a great number of them see the world.
These elections are now increasingly defined as between the rational and the irrational.
For the sake of America's future let's hope that the majority of the country sits on the side of the rational.