Saturday, February 22, 2014
With a new Right Wing outrage in the wind can opportunist Sarah Palin be far behind?
As all of you may remember from yesterday the outrage du jour is that the FCC was proposing the idea of having researchers conduct a study on newsrooms which totally flipped out all of the people who don't actually do any news but don't want anybody to know that.
Well the study has now been shelved, but not before Palin took to Facebook to stamp her red, white, and blue shod feet about it.
This from the Lunatic from Lake Lucille's Facebook page:
What? Lamestream calls for empathy, even outrage, for a First Amendment violation that's on par with all the abuse we've brought to your attention as Obama stomps on our Constitution. You've IGNORED us, you've marginalized us, you've left us for "destroyed." But when Obama's boot is on YOUR neck you finally wake the h*ll up and cry foul? Good Lord.
You know what? I think the barely coherent syntax, disorganized bursts of capitalization, and flecks of venomous spittle indicate that Palin herself may have actually written this.
Clearly even the possibility of being exposed as a propaganda arm of the radical right has folks like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin in a state of panic.
Interestingly enough this FCC study idea has not seemed to bother most news outlets, you know the ones that practice actual journalism, but it has caused such a freakout among the conservative side of the aisle that it almost makes you think they may have something to hide.
Gee, I wonder what that could be.
Ted Nugent apologizes to President Obama, but not really.
Courtesy of Politico:
Controversial rocker Ted Nugent said his remarks calling President Barack Obama a “subhuman mongrel” crossed the line on Friday, after his campaign appearance with Texas’s Republican gubernatorial hopeful caused a stir.
Nugent was asked by conservative radio host Ben Ferguson on his show if he would apologize to the president.
“Yes I would,” Nugent said according to audio aired on CNN. “I did cross the line. I do apologize, not necessarily to the president, but on behalf of much better men than myself, like the best governor in America, Gov. Rick Perry, the best attorney general in America.”
“On behalf of those professional politicians and those who put their heart and soul into representing we the people so aptly like the gentlemen I just mentioned, I apologize for using the street-fighter terminology of subhuman mongrel instead of just using more understandable language such as violator of his oath, the Constitution, the liar that he is,” Nugent said. “I apologize for using the term subhuman mongrel and I will try to elevate my vernacular to the level of those great men that I’m learning from in the world of politics.”
Asked one more time if he was apologizing directly to the president, Nugent said, “Yes.”
By the way "subhuman mongrel" is not any "street-fighter terminology" that I have ever heard, and unlike this poopy pants pansie ass I actually WAS a street-fighter.
If Nugent had REALLY wanted to man up and offer a sincere apology he would not have run with his tail between his legs from the CNN interview with Erin Burnett.
No this is no apology in my opinion. However it is an indication that Nugent went way too far with these insults. Too far for even the likes of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz to provide cover for him.
After all once you have lost the support of the fringe, what option do you have left but to fake an apology?
Of course it is really a little late as the damage to Greg Abbott's campaign has already been done as demonstrated by the fact that a local Dallas paper is now asking him to defend Nugent's song "Jailbait" which is about having sex with underage girls.
You know I think the days of Ted Nugent being asked to help with anybody's campaign are now pretty much a thing of the past.
Controversial rocker Ted Nugent said his remarks calling President Barack Obama a “subhuman mongrel” crossed the line on Friday, after his campaign appearance with Texas’s Republican gubernatorial hopeful caused a stir.
Nugent was asked by conservative radio host Ben Ferguson on his show if he would apologize to the president.
“Yes I would,” Nugent said according to audio aired on CNN. “I did cross the line. I do apologize, not necessarily to the president, but on behalf of much better men than myself, like the best governor in America, Gov. Rick Perry, the best attorney general in America.”
“On behalf of those professional politicians and those who put their heart and soul into representing we the people so aptly like the gentlemen I just mentioned, I apologize for using the street-fighter terminology of subhuman mongrel instead of just using more understandable language such as violator of his oath, the Constitution, the liar that he is,” Nugent said. “I apologize for using the term subhuman mongrel and I will try to elevate my vernacular to the level of those great men that I’m learning from in the world of politics.”
Asked one more time if he was apologizing directly to the president, Nugent said, “Yes.”
By the way "subhuman mongrel" is not any "street-fighter terminology" that I have ever heard, and unlike this poopy pants pansie ass I actually WAS a street-fighter.
If Nugent had REALLY wanted to man up and offer a sincere apology he would not have run with his tail between his legs from the CNN interview with Erin Burnett.
No this is no apology in my opinion. However it is an indication that Nugent went way too far with these insults. Too far for even the likes of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz to provide cover for him.
After all once you have lost the support of the fringe, what option do you have left but to fake an apology?
Of course it is really a little late as the damage to Greg Abbott's campaign has already been done as demonstrated by the fact that a local Dallas paper is now asking him to defend Nugent's song "Jailbait" which is about having sex with underage girls.
You know I think the days of Ted Nugent being asked to help with anybody's campaign are now pretty much a thing of the past.
Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay, "God wrote the Constitution."
Courtesy of Raw Story:
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) this week warned Americans to remember that God “wrote the Constitution” based on the Bible.
During an appearance on John Hagee Ministries’ Global Evangelism Television (GETV) network on Wednesday, host Matt Hagee asked the Texas Republican where the country had gone wrong.
“I think we got off the track when we allowed our government to become a secular government,” DeLay explained. “When we stopped realizing that God created this nation, that he wrote the Constitution, that it’s based on biblical principles.”
Okay, THIS is why we need to keep religion out of our public school systems.
How could you possibly argue that the Bible was written by men with a political agenda, when some of these idiots think that God himself took pen to paper to write the Constitution as well?
And this idiot. Tom Delay, was at one time one of the most powerful politicians in the country.
Of course that was before he got caught money laundering and was punished by being forced to appear on Dancing with the Stars.
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) this week warned Americans to remember that God “wrote the Constitution” based on the Bible.
During an appearance on John Hagee Ministries’ Global Evangelism Television (GETV) network on Wednesday, host Matt Hagee asked the Texas Republican where the country had gone wrong.
“I think we got off the track when we allowed our government to become a secular government,” DeLay explained. “When we stopped realizing that God created this nation, that he wrote the Constitution, that it’s based on biblical principles.”
Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay, "God wrote the Constitution."
"Wait, wtf?" |
How could you possibly argue that the Bible was written by men with a political agenda, when some of these idiots think that God himself took pen to paper to write the Constitution as well?
And this idiot. Tom Delay, was at one time one of the most powerful politicians in the country.
Of course that was before he got caught money laundering and was punished by being forced to appear on Dancing with the Stars.
Religious woman threatens restaurant staff with hell if they make her pay bill, gets arrested, and now her church is picketing them. Man I wish I was making this up!
Courtesy of Raw Story:
A Florida woman and her mother have been arrested for skipping out on a restaurant check after the daughter told the cashier that she would go to heaven if the meal was free, or go to hell if she insisted on charging the meal to her credit card.
According to, Willie “Mother” Lewis, 78, and her daughter Ruthena Lewis, 44, ate breakfast at the A&G Restaurant in Winter Haven, Florida, with the bill coming to $18.46.
After finishing, Ruthena Lewis took her mother out to the car and then returned to the restaurant to pay her bill. Lewis presented A&G cashier Crystal Henson with her credit card which was subsequently declined. According to the restaurant staff, Lewis held the cancel button down as the Henson attempted to process the charge.
According to the police report, “(Ruthena Lewis) stated to (Henson) that if she gave them the meal for free she would go to heaven. If she ran the credit card again, she would go to hell.”
Lewis then handed the cashier a business card with the name of her church pastor , Bishop Joseph Lewis of the Church of God the Bible Way, on it, saying to call him and he would pay the bill. Lewis is not related to the two women.
Ruthena Lewis then left the restaurant, got into her car with her mother and drove off, however a restaurant employee got her license number and turned it over to Winter Haven police, who arrested the pair soon after.
The mother, Willie Lewis, who was in the car and couldn’t see what had transpired, had $80 cash in her purse at the time of her arrest.
Following the arrest Bishop Joseph Lewis went to the restaurant and paid the women’s bill, getting assurances from owner George Paragios that he would ask police to drop charges against the women.
According to police reports, officers arrived at the restaurant to have Paragios sign a waiver of prosecution and Paragios declined.
Since that time, members of the Church of God the Bible Way have been picketing A&G Restaurant urging customers to stay away.
Let's see, so you threaten that people who make you pay for food will burn in hell, drive off without paying even though you have the money, and then have your church members try to bankrupt the restaurant for holding you accountable.
This must be an example of the kind of morals that one can only get through religion.
A Florida woman and her mother have been arrested for skipping out on a restaurant check after the daughter told the cashier that she would go to heaven if the meal was free, or go to hell if she insisted on charging the meal to her credit card.
According to, Willie “Mother” Lewis, 78, and her daughter Ruthena Lewis, 44, ate breakfast at the A&G Restaurant in Winter Haven, Florida, with the bill coming to $18.46.
After finishing, Ruthena Lewis took her mother out to the car and then returned to the restaurant to pay her bill. Lewis presented A&G cashier Crystal Henson with her credit card which was subsequently declined. According to the restaurant staff, Lewis held the cancel button down as the Henson attempted to process the charge.
According to the police report, “(Ruthena Lewis) stated to (Henson) that if she gave them the meal for free she would go to heaven. If she ran the credit card again, she would go to hell.”
Lewis then handed the cashier a business card with the name of her church pastor , Bishop Joseph Lewis of the Church of God the Bible Way, on it, saying to call him and he would pay the bill. Lewis is not related to the two women.
Ruthena Lewis then left the restaurant, got into her car with her mother and drove off, however a restaurant employee got her license number and turned it over to Winter Haven police, who arrested the pair soon after.
The mother, Willie Lewis, who was in the car and couldn’t see what had transpired, had $80 cash in her purse at the time of her arrest.
Following the arrest Bishop Joseph Lewis went to the restaurant and paid the women’s bill, getting assurances from owner George Paragios that he would ask police to drop charges against the women.
According to police reports, officers arrived at the restaurant to have Paragios sign a waiver of prosecution and Paragios declined.
Since that time, members of the Church of God the Bible Way have been picketing A&G Restaurant urging customers to stay away.
Let's see, so you threaten that people who make you pay for food will burn in hell, drive off without paying even though you have the money, and then have your church members try to bankrupt the restaurant for holding you accountable.
This must be an example of the kind of morals that one can only get through religion.
This may be the best mashup I have ever seen. Brian Williams rapping, courtesy of the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
I cannot even BEGIN to imagine how many hours went into putting that together, but damn was it worth it!
Megyn Kelly of Fox News gets her panties in a wad over the possibility of researchers investigating newsrooms. Hmm, now why would you think that would bother her? Update!
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Megyn Kelly called the Obama administration "crazy" for a new proposal that would allow researchers to investigate newsrooms nationwide.
The Federal Communications Commission's proposal aims to investigate how stories are chosen and if coverage is subject to editorial bias, but some see that as a violation of press freedom that could be detrimental to journalists.
"What kind of crazy talk is that!?" Kelly said of the proposal. "Whose brain-child was this in the first place?"
Kelly seemed to find it ridiculous, even laughing at one point, that the government would try to advise news outlets about "what the people need to hear." She said it gives people "a window" into what the Obama administration is really thinking.
"How would it actually work? Somebody is going to sit there in our news meeting and tell me and my executive producer, 'You shouldn't lead with that. This story over here on how we think we're doing so great-- that's what the people need to hear!'"
Gee somebody seems a little defensive, don't they?
Did you notice during her tirade that when she got to the part about bias and the internal debate that happens during story selection, that her voice got louder and more strident?
Of course Fox is not the only conservative outlet that is all a twitter over this research.
This from Bizpac:
If FCC officials want to learn how stories are selected, they can go to journalism school. Otherwise, stay out of the newsroom.
The agency’s infiltration of the reporting process defeats the purpose of a free and independent press — to serve as a check to an overreaching government.
And this from ACLJ a conservative legal group:
“This is an extremely troubling and dangerous development that represents the latest in an ongoing assault on the Constitution by the Obama administration,” Sekulow said in a statement. “We have seen a corrupt IRS unleashed on conservatives. We have seen an imperial president bypass Congress and change the law with executive orders.”
“Now we see the heavy hand of the Obama administration poised to interfere with the First Amendment rights of journalists,” Sekulow said. “It’s clear that the Obama administration is only interested in utilizing intimidation tactics – at the expense of Americans and the Constitution. The federal government has no place attempting to control the media, using the unconstitutional actions of repressive regimes to squelch free speech.”
Apparently the source of much of this Right Wing outrage is that there is much fear among the conservatives that this is an attempt to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.
You may remember the Fairness Doctrine as the thing that, if it had not been repealed, would have kept Fox News off the air.
So in light of that fear, I think we can understand why Megyn Kelly was hyperventilating so badly.
Update: It looks like the outcry has worked. The FCC has now decided to put this study on hold.
You can almost hear the giant sigh of relief coming from Fox News and Right Wing radio.
Megyn Kelly called the Obama administration "crazy" for a new proposal that would allow researchers to investigate newsrooms nationwide.
The Federal Communications Commission's proposal aims to investigate how stories are chosen and if coverage is subject to editorial bias, but some see that as a violation of press freedom that could be detrimental to journalists.
"What kind of crazy talk is that!?" Kelly said of the proposal. "Whose brain-child was this in the first place?"
Kelly seemed to find it ridiculous, even laughing at one point, that the government would try to advise news outlets about "what the people need to hear." She said it gives people "a window" into what the Obama administration is really thinking.
"How would it actually work? Somebody is going to sit there in our news meeting and tell me and my executive producer, 'You shouldn't lead with that. This story over here on how we think we're doing so great-- that's what the people need to hear!'"
Gee somebody seems a little defensive, don't they?
Did you notice during her tirade that when she got to the part about bias and the internal debate that happens during story selection, that her voice got louder and more strident?
Of course Fox is not the only conservative outlet that is all a twitter over this research.
This from Bizpac:
If FCC officials want to learn how stories are selected, they can go to journalism school. Otherwise, stay out of the newsroom.
The agency’s infiltration of the reporting process defeats the purpose of a free and independent press — to serve as a check to an overreaching government.
And this from ACLJ a conservative legal group:
“This is an extremely troubling and dangerous development that represents the latest in an ongoing assault on the Constitution by the Obama administration,” Sekulow said in a statement. “We have seen a corrupt IRS unleashed on conservatives. We have seen an imperial president bypass Congress and change the law with executive orders.”
“Now we see the heavy hand of the Obama administration poised to interfere with the First Amendment rights of journalists,” Sekulow said. “It’s clear that the Obama administration is only interested in utilizing intimidation tactics – at the expense of Americans and the Constitution. The federal government has no place attempting to control the media, using the unconstitutional actions of repressive regimes to squelch free speech.”
Apparently the source of much of this Right Wing outrage is that there is much fear among the conservatives that this is an attempt to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.
You may remember the Fairness Doctrine as the thing that, if it had not been repealed, would have kept Fox News off the air.
So in light of that fear, I think we can understand why Megyn Kelly was hyperventilating so badly.
Update: It looks like the outcry has worked. The FCC has now decided to put this study on hold.
You can almost hear the giant sigh of relief coming from Fox News and Right Wing radio.
Apparently Jesus is returning with guns a blazing, so get low you commie atheists!
Ex-Army General, and Bible scholar, William G. "Jerry" Boykin. |
According to Boykin, Jesus is a merciless killer and the second amendment is his proof. Who do you think gave the founding fathers the idea for the second amendment? That’s right– Jesus Christ, himself. And you’re not supposed to admire his shining “sword” from afar. You’re supposed to have one too. So sell your stuff so you and Jesus can have matching assault rifles for the end of days.
Boykin said,
“The Lord is a warrior and in Revelation 19 is says when he comes back, he’s coming back as what? A warrior. A mighty warrior leading a mighty army, riding a white horse with a blood-stained white robe … I believe that blood on that robe is the blood of his enemies ’cause he’s coming back as a warrior carrying a sword.
And I believe now – I’ve checked this out – I believe that sword he’ll be carrying when he comes back is an AR-15.
Now I want you to think about this: where did the Second Amendment come from? … From the Founding Fathers, it’s in the Constitution. Well, yeah, I know that. But where did the whole concept come from? It came from Jesus when he said to his disciples ‘now, if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. (Um, not to nitpick, but this quote comes from this section of the Bible. And when one of the disciples actually used a sword on a servant of the high priest, Jesus immediately healed him and told his followers to put down their weapons.)
I know, everybody says that was a metaphor. IT WAS NOT A METAPHOR!… And the sword today is an AR-15, so if you don’t have one, go get one. You’re supposed to have one. It’s biblical.”
Yes it is a little known fact that Jesus is a proud member of the NRA and He himself wrote the 2nd Amendment that we use today to allow unhinged people to kill people in movie theaters, public schools, and malls.
Apparently Jesus is returning with guns a blazing, so get low you commie atheists!
Apparently to these folks Jesus is not the Prince of Peace, but rather just another heavily armed asshole who thinks that violence solves every problem.
Gee, no wonder the Republicans like him so much.
Seriously, have any of these people even read the New Testament?
Conservatives freak out over sci-fi show's use of original Pledge of Allegiance.
Courtesy of the Friendly Atheist:
In the year 2024, they apparently still say the Pledge of Allegiance in school, but it doesn’t include the phrase “Under God” and there’s still controversy when people don’t stand during its recitation.
At least that’s the world envisioned in the new CW show “Star-Crossed.”
Now as many of you probably already know, the original pledge did not contain the words "under God."
However that did not stop the conservative outrage.
Then we can live finally in a country that REALLY appreciates the separation between church and state.
You know, like our Founding Fathers intended.
(H/T to Raw Story)
In the year 2024, they apparently still say the Pledge of Allegiance in school, but it doesn’t include the phrase “Under God” and there’s still controversy when people don’t stand during its recitation.
At least that’s the world envisioned in the new CW show “Star-Crossed.”
Now as many of you probably already know, the original pledge did not contain the words "under God."
However that did not stop the conservative outrage.
I live in One Nation UNDER GOD, thank you very much #StarCrossed
— Tammy Swanger (@popcult_maven29) February 18, 2014
I'm not watching this show because they took God out of the Pledge of Allegiance #StarCrossed
— Samantha Sutton (@Sammy_Sutt) February 18, 2014
@seanhannity Another L leaning new show on the CW, just cut "UNDER GOD" out of the pledge of allegiances. Another example of the PC police
— Cathy G (@southpaw816) February 18, 2014
Personally I think the show is probably onto something, I have every confidence that in the future we will probably no longer have religion forced down our throat at every turn.Then we can live finally in a country that REALLY appreciates the separation between church and state.
You know, like our Founding Fathers intended.
(H/T to Raw Story)