Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Diversity at Fox News.
I think I see the diversity. Some have dark roots and some do not.
Nailed it!
All kidding aside Roger Ailes should forever be remembered as the traitor who almost single handedly destroyed journalism in this country by introducing blonde talking mannequins chosen to swell the male audience's naughty bits while shrinking their critical thinking skills.
Nailed it!
All kidding aside Roger Ailes should forever be remembered as the traitor who almost single handedly destroyed journalism in this country by introducing blonde talking mannequins chosen to swell the male audience's naughty bits while shrinking their critical thinking skills.
HBO's documentary "Questioning Darwin" reveals the fearful mindset of those who reject Evolution.
Model of Adam in the Garden of Eden sporting a bellybutton. Because fuck science! |
Intellectual freedom is one of humanity’s greatest gifts—and biggest burdens. Our ability to ask questions, to test ideas, to doubt is what separates us from our fellow animals. But doubt can be as terrifying as it is liberating. And it’s the terror of doubt that fosters the toxic, life-negating cult of creationism.
That fear is on full display throughout HBO’s new documentary Questioning Darwin, which features a series of intimate interviews with biblical fundamentalists. Creationism, the documentary reveals, isn’t a harmless, compartmentalized fantasy. It’s a suffocating, oppressive worldview through which believers must interpret reality—and its primary target is children. For creationists, intellectual inquiry is a sin, and anyone who dares to doubt the wisdom of their doctrine invites eternal damnation. That’s the perverse brilliance of creationism, the key to its self-perpetuation: First it locks kids in the dungeon of ignorance and dogmatic fundamentalism. Then it throws away the key.
I actually missed this documentary when it aired last night, only happening upon it afterward, and I have just now finished watching it.
As a result my head is now hurting so bad I can barely stand.
There is quite a lot of interesting information about Charles Darwin, and the trials that he went through in order to write and publish "The Origin of Species." Not to mention the challenges to the teaching of Evolution that have presented themselves in the years since the book was published.
However what struck me, and caused my mental anguish, were the statements from those who rejected the teachings of Darwin, and the idea that man evolved over time, outright.
"I cannot imagine life without knowing that God has a plan." Quoted the Head of Women's Ministry Christ Community Church.
To me that speaks volumes as to the mindset of those who choose to ignore all evidence which supports Evolution and undermines their ability to have faith in the inerrancy of the Bible.
Over an over again the message from the faithful is "We don't understand Evolution so it cannot be true." Or, "We cannot accept that our faith is baseless so we will not entertain contradictory information." Or, "I cannot accept that we were not specifically designed by God. and are no more important, or special, than the other creatures with whom we share this planet."
Essentially the argument is that it is much easier, and comforting, to believe that man was created specifically by God to hold dominion over the planet and the animals that live upon it. And that after they die their soul will live on forever at God's side.
While I can understand the impulse to accept a story that rescues us from death and feeds into our innate egoism, I simply cannot excuse the rejection of information based solely on the fear that it may one day prove the fallacy of that faith.
What the documentary illustrates more than anything is an image of mankind as a shivering frightened child, cowering under bed covers and crying out for its powerful father to provide assurance that all is well and that there is nothing to fear. Not even death.
Simply put that saddens me beyond measure, for we have the capacity to prolong our lives well past the life expectancy of our ancestors, to rid ourselves of diseases that crippled and plagued our species for thousands of years, and to increase our knowledge well beyond what could have been imagined even by the greatest minds of the past, and yet we still fear the darkness as if we have not chased it into the shadows with the light of our creativity and intelligence.
At this stage we should be the ones to chase away the monsters and stand bravely facing the darkness, and yet our confidence is undermined by our reliance on the safety of myths and superstitions.
We can, and must, do better.
Inside Edition asks Sarah Palin political questions because nobody else wants to anymore.
Click protruding Yeti skull to visit website and play video. |
Inside Edition asks Sarah Palin political questions because nobody else wants to anymore.
For some reason they asked Palin some questions about politics, such as about former American Idol runner up Clay Aiken's bid to get elected to Congress:Palin: "He's running as a "D"?
Palin: "Well then I hope he's runner up in the elections too. Bless his heart you know he..he seems like.. he seems like he has a lot of common sense, certainly has a lot of talent, and he's got that confidence that's needed in the political arena. think we need more business minded, job oriented Republicans in Congress so we can turn some things around. You know we tried it with the "D's" over the last couple of years. Let's..let's go to some conservatives."
Then the reporter asks about Chris Christie.
Palin: "Yeah you know I just don't know all the information out there. It's hard to be the CEO of an organization and not know what the closest people to you are up to. (Really? She claimed that she had no idea that Frank Bailey was trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired. IS she saying she knew all about that? Cause we all know she did.)It's tough not to know. I know when I was Mayor and manager of this city, and then Governor of the state certainly you know what your top aides are up to. (Aha! So she admits it!) I just want to make sure know that every politician, everyone whose elected, whose given that..that honor, and that sacred honor of..of.. that vote, people's trust, that we don't blow it. And you blow it if you every time you try to hide anything. You know whatever's hidden eventually light shines upon it."
Did she REALLY just say that? Holy crap!
Well then I guess we can all expect the babygate thing to explode onto the front pagers any day now, right?
Later the Inside Edition reporter asks Todd if he is ready for Palin to be President, and he claims she would win "hands down if the media did its job."
Seriously just what is in the Wasilla drinking water?
There are a couple of other questions in the segment, including the obligatory one asking her if she was going to run, which she totally avoids. And at the end the reporter expresses surprise that she is still living in Wasilla, so apparently he missed the memo that she is now a resident of Arizona.
There was another interview posted at the Inside Edition where the reporter asks the only honest person in the Palin house about the Grizzled Mama running for President:
Palin's daughter, Piper was there and we had to ask what the 12-year-old thinks of her mom running for national political office again.
Moret asked, "Piper, what do you think of your mom as president?"
Piper shook her head "no."
"No?" asked Moret.
Sarah reacted, "Piper!"
Uh oh, somebody went off script.
Update: Here is Palin with the reporter pretending that she still has feelings for Todd.
Look how happy Todd is to be included in the picture. You can almost feel the love.
Glenn Beck reviews new movie "Monuments Men" by blaming the Holocaust on progressives. Wait, what?
Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:
Beck said the film made his blood boil because it never discussed the fact that President Franklin Roosevelt cared about saving works of art but made no effort to stop the Nazis from murdering millions of Jews because he, like progressives then and now, "are all anti-Jewish."
"Forget about the art," Beck bellowed. "What about the people? What happened to be the people? No, we didn't care. We didn't care. Progressives didn't care and so all of those Jews died. We could have stopped them. Instead of Monuments Men, how about Auschwitx Men, how about Dachau Men? Why didn't we do that? Because they didn't care ... They were all anti-Jewish, just as much as they're anti-Jewish now."
You know I really NEVER watch or listen to anything that Glenn Beck says anymore, but this one was so crazy that it is being talked about everywhere.
By the way for those who have never seen a World War Two movie, we actually DID rescue the Jews at Auschwitz and Dachau.
And we also had the presence of mind to allow a small contingent of specially trained art historians rescue much of the priceless art that would have been lost without American intervention. NOTHING about this effort negatively impacted the effort to fight the Nazis or rescue the Jewish people.
At some point the Right Wing has to recognize that Beck is a paranoid schizophrenic and yank his pudgy ass off the air and lock him into the mental hospital where it belongs.
Beck said the film made his blood boil because it never discussed the fact that President Franklin Roosevelt cared about saving works of art but made no effort to stop the Nazis from murdering millions of Jews because he, like progressives then and now, "are all anti-Jewish."
"Forget about the art," Beck bellowed. "What about the people? What happened to be the people? No, we didn't care. We didn't care. Progressives didn't care and so all of those Jews died. We could have stopped them. Instead of Monuments Men, how about Auschwitx Men, how about Dachau Men? Why didn't we do that? Because they didn't care ... They were all anti-Jewish, just as much as they're anti-Jewish now."
You know I really NEVER watch or listen to anything that Glenn Beck says anymore, but this one was so crazy that it is being talked about everywhere.
By the way for those who have never seen a World War Two movie, we actually DID rescue the Jews at Auschwitz and Dachau.
And we also had the presence of mind to allow a small contingent of specially trained art historians rescue much of the priceless art that would have been lost without American intervention. NOTHING about this effort negatively impacted the effort to fight the Nazis or rescue the Jewish people.
At some point the Right Wing has to recognize that Beck is a paranoid schizophrenic and yank his pudgy ass off the air and lock him into the mental hospital where it belongs.
Sarah Palin to celebrate 50th birthday by appearing on celebrity gossip show along with other faux celebrity losers.
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Click the botox frozen smile to play video. |
Klondike Kardashian: "Moose chili, caribou hotdogs, caribou sausage....."
You know this is one of the things about Palin that drives me crazy. She always plays up the Alaska stereotype.
We ABSOLUTELY eat things that do not contain moose or caribou, but if you have ever seen anything written or put on video about Palin eating THIS, is what she claims to live on here in Alaska 24/7.
However WE know, thanks in large part to Levi Johnston, that there was very little cooking in the Palin household and that for the most part they lived on fast food. Not caribou or moose.
In fact we even saw for ourselves that Bristol did not know the first thing about cooking on her own reality show, and had to ask her younger sister Willow for help preparing chicken.
I also find it interesting that Palin chose to celebrate her birthday not with a visit to the Today Show, or even an appearance on Fox, but instead with a pre-taped interview on the same gossip show that also features video of Mohammad Ali's son complaining he never sees his dad, and of Lindsay Lohan's mom saying she's horny and wants to date again.
Yep, finally Palin found her natural home. Among the losers, wannabes. and has beens on a pseudo celebrity gossip channel.
Happy 50th birthday crazy lady!