Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Vid: Krauthammer Calls Obama Lawless Banana Republic El Presidente; Watergate
Lawless Change: Krauthammer Calls Obama
Banana Republic El Presidente; Likens To Watergate
Obama again unconstitutionally changes Obamacare law...
Charles Krauthammer says this is at least the 15th unilateral change in Obamacare the admin has made without changing the actual law, calling it, "unconstitutional... lawless... and Banana Republic stuff." Krauthammer said the last change in the law was made by a letter from the HHS Secretary. The latest change was leaked by the Obama administration and they refused to give any names. Krauthammer likened it to Watergate.
Time Mag: Obama Info Not Accessible On Gov Databases Used For Identity Verification
Time Magazine: Obama Information Not Readily Accessible On Government Databases Used For Identity Verification
Excerpt via Time Magazine: President Enrolls In Obamacare Exchange
“Over the weekend and in advance of today’s deadline, the President enrolled in a health care plan made available by the Affordable Care Act on the DC marketplace,” the aide said. “As you all know, the President is one of the 85 percent of Americans who gets his health insurance through his employer and, like previous Presidents, is privileged to receive health care from the military. The act of the President signing up for insurance coverage through the DC exchange is symbolic since the President’s health care will continue to be provided by the military. But, he was pleased to participate in a plan as a show of support for these marketplaces which are providing quality, affordable health care options to more than a million people. The President selected a bronze plan.”
The aide added that Obama only signed himself up, and not the rest of the First Family. Obama also did not enroll through the troubled Healthcare.gov or the D.C. exchange’s website. Aides signed him up in person over the weekend, due to the “complicated nature of the President’s case,” the White House aide said. Some of Obama’s personal information is not readily accessible on the government databases used by the website for identity verification. [...] - Time Magazine. Hat tip Guest.
Daily Mail further reports: Even the president can't use the Obamacare website! Obama 'symbolically' enrolls but has to send aides to file papers in PERSON;
A White House official confirmed Monday that Barack Obama simply dispatched his aides to the Washington, D.C. insurance exchange's office, where they filed his papers in person – while Obama himself luxuriated in his annual Hawaiian vacation with his family.
'His situation is unique,' the official insisted. 'The president couldn't have used the DC exchange's website because the databases these sites use to confirm insurance eligibility wouldn't contain those sorts of records about him.'
The Secret Service, the aide explained, typically scrubs personal records of U.S. presidents from credit, financial and historical databases when they take office, as part of a range of security precautions meant to protect the occupant of the Oval Office. [...] Daily Mail. Hat tip guest.
Imagine that...
Phony pResident, Phony Enrollment
Twitchy Ridicules;
As Twitchy reported, President Obama tapped his flunkies to symbolically “enroll” in Obamacare on his behalf. Because he’s far too busy and important with his Hawaiian vacay to pretend do it himself. [...]
EXCLUSIVE: Screenshot from @barackobama's visit to http://t.co/N2NRmL9QZm pic.twitter.com/NbJPSjO8kj
— Matt (@Matthops82) December 23, 2013
- Twitchy - ----------------
You'd sell more mags if you reported this;
Anti-censorship group says book bannings are on the rise in US schools.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
An anti-censorship group in America has reported a flurry of attempted book bannings in the last quarter of the year and has said there are increasing numbers of books being taken off school shelves that deal with race or sexuality or are written by “minority” authors.
The Kids’ Right to Read Project (KRRP) is part of the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) and says in November alone they dealt with three times the average number of incidents. To date in 2013, KRRP investigated 49 book bannings or removals from shelves in 29 states, a 53% increase in activity from last year. In the last half of the year the project challenged 31 incidents compared to 14 in the same period last year.
Acacia O’Connor of the KRRP said, “Whether or not patterns like this are the result of co-ordination between would-be censors across the country is impossible to say. But there are moments, when a half-dozen or so challenges regarding race or LGBT content hit within a couple weeks, where you just have to ask ‘what is going on out there?’”
Among the books which have been complained about were Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits and Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima.
Most of the challengers were parents of district students or library patrons, though a handful were local or state government officials. Of the more than two dozen incidents KRRP faced from September to December, the majority involved materials used in classroom instruction.
“It has been a sprint since the beginning of the school year,” said O’Connor. “We would settle one issue and wake up the next morning to find out another book was on the chopping block.”
I know what's going on out there.
The Religious Right are rapidly losing ground and are trying desperately to keep the youth from discovering that there is nothing wrong with being gay or not white, before they have a chance to get their clutches into them and poisoning their little minds.
If they want to ban a book full of disgusting sexual imagery, genocide, and attempts to brainwash the youth of America perhaps they ought to start with this one.
Just saying.
Shock: Fox Editor Questions Election; Obama Meltdown; Democrats Turn; Treason?
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Obama Meltdown; Democrats Turn; Treason?
Cracks: In the lead up to Obama's year-end presser Fox News editor Chris Stirewalt said the massive question Obama should be asked is if he [Obama] had told the truth about Obamacare would he have won the election. Although Obama was never asked that specific question he was repeatedly asked if he had any credibility left. The presser covered a range of issues including the polls, Obamacare, NSA, Snowden, and more. Obama appeared completely flustered at times and is clearly out of touch with reality. The empty suit completely exposed;
Fox News host and Democrat Greta Van Susteren ridiculed Obama on ABC's This Week, via Daily Caller:
“The president’s most powerful weapon as president is his ability to inspire — that’s his greatest strength,” Susteren began. “And then he comes out last Friday in the press conference. He was depressing, he was pathetic, he sucked the oxygen out of the room. The media beat up on him, the media had bad questions, they kept punching him. I mean, he ends the year where you just want to slit your throat almost, because it was so depressing. He’s completely lost his ability to inspire.” [...] - More/Video @ Daily Caller.
John Aziz highlights at The Week: Why are Democrats souring on big government?
It's not taxes, regulation, or ObamaCare alone...
According to a new Gallup poll, 72 percent of Americans say that big government is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future than big business or big labor, a record high in the half century that Gallup has been asking the question. The previous high for big government was 65 percent in 1999 and 2000:
And this isn't just Fox News-watching Republicans who think that Obama is a Communist Muslim born in Kenya who is plotting to seize all privately-owned guns and declare martial law.
The numbers of Independents and Democrats worried about big government have also dramatically risen. Fifty-six percent of Democrats are now worried about big government, compared to just 32 percent when Obama came to the presidency in 2009:
The question is: Why? [...]
Maybe the best explanation is that the Obama effect is wearing off, as Obama's falling poll numbers suggest. Democratic levels of distrust in big government were high during the Bush and Clinton years, and then fell dramatically around the time of Obama's 2008 campaign. Obama promised to change the culture in Washington, and make government more responsive to society. He actively promoted the idea of a government that plays a positive role in the lives of Americans.
The data shows Democrats bought into this principle in 2009, but considerably less so in 2013. Obama's presidency has been dogged by difficulties: The ObamaCare website that didn't work; the IRS agents who went after Obama's political opponents; the gunrunning scandal in which the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms shipped guns to Mexican drug cartels; the Edward Snowden revelations; the debt ceiling fights with Congress; and, perhaps most importantly, a sluggish economic recovery that was slow to gather steam despite a stimulus package worth over $800 billion. [...] - Continued @ The Week.
Independent Sentinel excerpts: Judge Jeanine: Obama’s Approval Numbers Can Never Go Lower...
His administration has so far been a disaster for our country, but his approval numbers never go below the high 30%’s and seem to stay at around 43%. That should be alarming to people because they are being kept artificially high by, as Ben Stein calls them, the ‘beautiful people.’
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Branco cartoon via legal insurrection |
A majority of Americans, 55%, say they wish Obamacare had never passed. A stunning 67% of Americans want Obamacare delayed for one year. The majority of the uninsured, for whom this bill was allegedly passed, have a negative attitude towards Obamacare.
Americans by a margin of 82% believe they must have the right to select their own doctor, which most will not be able to do under Obamacare. Americans won’t keep their hospitals either. [...]
The NSA, the healthcare lies, foreign policy disasters, and various scandals have diminished Mr. Obama’s credibility. The only president who was in worse shape since polling began was Richard Nixon who was hated by the press for his anti-Communist activities in the late 1940′s. His poll numbers sank to an abysmal 20% approval. Obama can’t go that low because he is beloved by the media, the rich, Wall Street, and Hollywood.
It should scare people to know that we are being controlled by the ‘beautiful people.’
[...] - More @ Independent Sentinel.
Erik Rush writes at Canada Free Press: Do Democrat lawmakers anticipate treason trials?
It is possible that we not only have a pathologically unethical oligarchy in perpetual residence in our government, but various Mafia-like “families” sharing and trading off power
According to a report by Breitbart’s Elizabeth Sheld, eight Democrat lawmakers have proposed a bill that would eliminate the death penalty as a consequence for individuals convicted of numerous federal crimes, among them espionage and treason. Nothing happens in Washington without a reason, so The Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act (HR 3741) gives rise to a bevy of questions and suspicions.
What motivation would congressional Democrats have for wishing to neutralize the death penalty option for such serious crimes? While the average news consumer is conditioned to summarily dismiss the machinations of government unless it directly impacts their pocketbook, or their sensibilities are deliberately targeted by the press, common sense dictates that elected officials proposing such a law could be anticipating the requisite conditions, thus necessitating the law in the first place.
So, who do these lawmakers suppose might be tried for treason, espionage, or the host of other federal crimes now punishable by death in the not-so-distant future?
Well, take your pick. President Obama himself committed a treasonable offense in supplying military aid to rebels fighting against the Assad regime in Syria, first clandestinely and then overtly after circumventing laws expressly prohibiting same. What other treasonable offenses he may have committed attendant to this process (including those related to the 9/11/12 attack on the Benghazi compound) remains to be seen.
Obama’s insinuation of Muslim Brotherhood operatives into sensitive government positions, as well as actions pursuant to his relationship with them are likely treasonable offenses. Despite the Muslim Brotherhood’s intended goal in subjugating America and the rest of the globe, the only reason that this has not been an issue of contention is because Obama and his surrogates themselves do not wish it to be, the press has been complicit, and the Republican leadership are invertebrates.
Then, there are the recent reports coming out of the Middle East as represented by former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat. According to Naglaa Mahmoud, wife of Egypt’s ousted President Mohammed Morsi and Muslim Sisterhood operative, Bill and Hillary Clinton (with an emphasis on Hillary) have been deeply involved with the Brotherhood since the 1980s. Mahmoud has been implicated in Egypt in anti-government operations dedicated to returning her husband to power; he remains in Egyptian custody.
Mahmoud recently appeared on Turkish television network Mehwar TV and alleged that the Clintons recruited her and her husband in the 1980s toward the end of advancing everything from “Green” initiatives in the West to the ascendancy of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East.
Hillary Clinton’s “Girl Friday” just happens to be Huma Abedin (her Deputy Chief of Staff when she was Secretary of State), whose mother is a colleague of Mahmoud’s and a long-time leader in the Muslim Sisterhood. Oddly enough, one of the few topics that Mahmoud refuses to discuss is Abedin. According to Shoebat, “In December of 2011, Abedin went on maternity leave. She returned in June of that year while simultaneously taking a job a Special Government Employee (SGE). In addition to her role their being quite ambiguous, questions about the legality of the arrangement caught the eye of Senator Charles Grassley, who sent Secretary of State John Kerry a letter demanding answers.”
What was Abedin doing? Who knows, but some of the activities in which Mahmoud alleges the Muslim Brotherhood and the Clintons were involved most certainly do not reflect a primary concern for the security of the United States. Were they treasonable? Only an extensive investigation might reveal that, but these allegations proffer that the Clintons’ relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood predates Bill becoming Governor of Arkansas.
Then, we have the body counts. Recently, Larry Nichols, a former Clinton operative, almost casually admitted to having murdered for the Clintons on a regular basis, whether it was low-level political opponents, or “weak link” confidants who held information that might compromise their power.
The lengthy list of individuals whose suspicious deaths directly benefitted Barack Obama began even before he received the Democratic nomination. Most recently of course, Hawaii State Health Director Loretta Fuddy was killed when the small plane carrying her and eight other people crashed into the ocean off the Hawaiian island of Molokai. The only fatality, she is the individual who certified (I use the term loosely) President Obama’s long-form birth certificate. The circumstances and accounts of her demise are respectively, sketchy and conflicting at best.
It is well-known that Obama’s close associates include members of the Weather Underground, whose stated mission was overthrowing the American government. For his entire life, he has been surrounded by radicals, embittered, America-hating anti-colonialists, black nationalists, and avowed communists – yet this has never entered into the area of popular discussion, even in the face of the myriad policies, orders, and actions the President brought about which have directly compromised America’s economy, national security, and domestic tranquility.
Obama’s origins narrative of course remains unresolved. This week for the first time, a mainstream publication supported the voracity of evidence that the President perpetrated a fraud with the forged long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011. It is a little-known fact that the submission of fraudulent documents toward attaining public office on the federal level remains an executable offense under the law.
[...] - Continued @ Canada Free Press.
The Hill names the co-sponsors of HR 3741: Dem bill would end death penalty for federal law
Others sponsoring the bill are Reps. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), John Lewis (D-Ga.), Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and José Serrano (D-N.Y.). [...] The Hill.
BR note: Jose Serrano is the same Socialist trying to do away with presidential term limits...
Breitbart News
On Thursday, a town hall meeting hosted by Al Sharpton and the National Action Network to address gun violence exploded into a revolt against “Chicago Machine” politics, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the aldermen in City Hall, with panel and audience members calling to vote out their elected officials.
One 82-year-old preacher even called for “Tea Party” style meetings in some of Chicago’s south side communities such as Altgeld Gardens and Trumbull Park. [...] More @ Breitbart News.
( Video via Rebel Pundit. )
Yahoo News reports: Democratic senator says Obamacare could have 'meltdown,' hurt party
Manchin said Senate Democrats who are up for re-election next year are "feeling the weight" of the program's woes and could have trouble keeping their majority in the chamber. [...] - Yahoo News.
Tea Party Victory Fund puts out a call to action: excerpt; 4 Angry Dems
For the last two years, all the fights have been about the best way to repeal ObamaCare with Democrats holding the Senate and the White House. But we've missed the most obvious, easiest way to repeal ObamaCare: force Senate Demcrats in red states to crack! Read these names and think along with me here:
- Mary Landrieu of Lousiana,
- Mark Pryor of Louisana,
- Kay Hagan of North Carolina,
- Joe Manchin of West Virginia.
What do they all have in common?
They are all so-called "moderate" Democrats in states where President Obama is DEEPLY unpopular. They all know they they are fighting for their political lives because of their support for ObamaCare. They all got pressured into voting for this unpopular law by the President and Harry Reid, and now they're paying the price. They're mad about it. They're looking for a way out, and they can't find one.
You see, Obama's going to be gone in two years. He never has to run again. But these Democrats do! While Obama is off on a two week vacation in Hawaii, these Democrats are going to be at home, taking it on the chin from their constituents who are fit to be tied over losing their health care plan due to ObamaCare. [...] TPVF.
TPVF is asking folks flood these Dems with phone calls and demand they repeal Obamacare...
I say demand they... REPEAL OBAMA... PERIOD
Maybe it is time to start flooding some Democrats and their disgruntled newsers/supporters with Sheriff's Kits...
Letting an unvetted & unqualified liar continue to pretend to be president is like giving a chimp an AK-47...
- Cartoon Credit: Michael Ramirez @ Investors -
She has a point.
Right on the top of her crazy ass head.
You know I am starting to feel badly for the every day people in this country who think of themselves as Christians. They are being represented nationally by the craziest people on the planet it seems.
I have to admit that virtually ALL of my relationships have been with self identified Christian women. Even though I have been out as an atheist since high school it was never really an issue.
I did have a very good friend whose super religious new wife would not let him hang out me anymore, but that was an unusual response to me.
But now days it seems that every time I turn around that a Christian group is trying to take Christmas away from everybody, screw up our public education, strip women of their human rights, hate on the gays, or get some wing nut elected whose goal it is to sabotage our government.
In all this time I don't feel like I'm the one who changed. I am just responding to the increased oppression, insanity, and aggression demonstrated by my Christian brothers and sisters.
I am all about harmony, but I would be a totally worthless human being if I let all this happen around me without doing my small part to help put a stop to it.
Don't you agree?
Report: Obama Eligibility Case Still Very Much Alive In Alabama Supreme Court
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much alive in Alabama Supreme Court
By George Spelvin | Coach is Right
The McInnish-Goode case, no # 1120465, against former Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman has definitely NOT been quietly dismissed according to a spokesperson for the Alabama Supreme Court. “It’s still pending,” the court clerk told CiR on Thursday, December 19, at 3:06 p.m. EST. She said the case has not been dismissed, stating, “I don’t know where they get” the information that case was tossed. CiR was checking web reports that on the very day Attorney Larry Klayman won his blockbuster NSA spy scandal case against the Obama administration, his other big case concerning the Obama Birth Certificate forgery and authentication was dismissed.
Attorney Klayman is plaintiffs’ counsel for Hugh McInnish and Virgil Goode, two Alabama Republican party officials who are challenging former Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman’s decision to allow Obama and other candidates to appear on that state’s 2012 presidential election ballots without first fully vetting them for eligibility. At stake, says investigator Mike Zullo, is “deception of voters and state election commissioners.”
This huge case was taken to appeal for oral argument in front of the AL Supreme Court after lower courts tossed its premise, a typical legal action taken across America by most other lower judiciary challenges to the Obama Birth Certificate issue. Carl Gallups, Freedom Friday’s radio talk host in northern Florida, has for weeks been pointing out there actually are THREE birth certificate filings on record in this case. “Now a third birth certificate has been submitted by AL Democrats. (1) The Obama, WH generated web birth certificate was shown by Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s forensic investigators to be document forgery. Obama supporters have submitted yet another BC for consideration.
Meanwhile, several major developments are causing tensions to rise. The first concerns the inexplicable death of the main Hawaii Department of Health official linked to issuance of the “real” Barack Obama BC, 65 year old Loretta Fuddy. Hers was the only death in a nine passenger plane crash last week that saw the pilot reportedly swim to shore to get help, after which, according to another Honolulu print outlet, he actually drove himself home. Attempts by CiR to re-verify this account were thwarted because print access became limited. Pilot Clyde Kawasaki was reported as saying, “All I know is ‘bang,’. . .OK, I’m in trouble now.”
Attorney Orly Taitz now has entered into the plane crash reconstruction. Unclear is what happened to Fuddy’s body immediately after the plane hit the water. Taitz issued a recent press release saying she “was contacted by Mr. Larry Fenton who tried to serve Fuddy with a Taitz subpoena. “He said he received a Facebook request from Loretta Fuddy to be friends,” says Taitz. Fenton was not allowed to serve Fuddy with the subpoena in person as required by law, but “was told to leave it at the gate.” (2) [...] Continued @ Coach is Right. Hat tip bam bam.
RELATED: Alabama Supreme Court: Obama ID Fraud Case; Nine Months Later - DETAILS HERE.
FLASHBACK: AL Supreme Court: Serious Questions About Obama's Birth Certificates - DETAILS HERE.
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Just a reminder to all the Christians as to what Jesus had to say about homosexuality in the New Testament.
Denied! Court refuses Utah's Emergency Motion for Temporary Stay. Gay Marriage 2 - Mormon polygamy loving hypocrites 0.
Courtesy of Fox News 13:
Utah Gov. Gary R. Herbert filed seeking an Emergency Motion for Temporary Stay following a federal judge’s ruling that struck down Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage, and on Sunday the United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit denied the motion.
According to court documents, “The Defendants-Appellants ask this court to stay the district court’s order pending the district court’s ruling on a motion for stay pending appeal that is currently pending in that court.”
According to the documents, the filing for an Emergency Motion for Temporary Stay did not address nor satisfy the factors that must be established to be entitled to a stay pending an appeal. The denial is without prejudice if the defendants-appellants file a motion for stay pending appeal that complies with regulations.
Let's face it Utah gay marriage is coming whether you like it or not.
Perhaps it would be helpful to think of the gays as a small congregation of like minded people who are fighting to find their place in the world, and who are constantly being judged by others for their faith in their cause, and for their somewhat nontraditional views on marriage.
You know if they could find it within themselves to sympathize with such people, so unlike themselves.
Elizabeth Warren lends her support to Texas gubernatorial hopeful Wendy Davis. Oh it's on now.
Courtesy of HuffPo:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sent out a fundraising email in support of Davis Saturday morning, praising Davis as someone who is "not afraid of a tough fight."
Here is the letter in full:
When Wendy Davis stood up on the floor of the Texas Senate for nearly 13 hours to block a radical anti-choice bill, I wanted to give her a Texas-sized high-five.
The next day, I called Wendy to let her know that the whole country was cheering her on. I told her to keep fighting for all of us – and we would keep fighting for her.
Six months later, our champion Wendy is running for governor of Texas. She's not afraid of a tough fight, and neither are we.
Wendy's team is trying to raise $500,000 by December 31st – and she needs our help. Can you give $5 or more to help Wendy reach her goal?
The GOP knows that Wendy Davis is special, and they are scared that her victory in 2014 could turn the tide against Republican victories in Texas. National Republicans have already dumped an astonishing $21 million into her opponent's campaign war chest.
I know it sounds tough to overcome odds like that. But I want you to remember something: When I decided to run for the Senate, Scott Brown already had a $10 million in the bank, and Wall Street was ready to spend bazillions more to help him. Lots of people said we couldn't win.
But we outraised him, we out-worked him, and last November we won thanks to your incredible grassroots support.
Wendy has fought the failed leadership in Texas time and time again, no matter what the critics and skeptics say. That's what she'll keep doing throughout her campaign, and that's what she'll do as governor of Texas.
Grassroots support is critical in Wendy's race. If she's going to win this fight, she needs us. Let's help her team raise $500,000 before 2014. Give $5 – or whatever you can – today.
You may not know this, but I have a special place in my heart for Texas. I'm a University of Houston graduate, and I spent nearly ten years teaching first at UH and then at UT-Austin. We still have lots of family around the state – so I'm doing some very personal campaigning for Wendy.
The Texans I know want the same thing that all of us want: a fair shot and a level playing field to succeed.
That's what Wendy Davis is going to fight for each and every day as governor of Texas.
Don't wait – make a contribution to her campaign right now.
Thank you for being a part of this, Elizabeth
I don't think that there are two more popular liberals in the Democratic party than these women right now, and to have them combine forces should send a shiver of icy fear up the spine of the Texas GOP.
I think the future of the Democratic party resides with our women, and I am totally cool with that, because they are certainly ready to kick some serious ass.
I am very excited about this 2014 race in Texas, and I think that Davis deserves as much of our support, both verbal and monetary, as she can get.
Sarah Palin gives an interview to Right Wing rag Newsbusters that seems modified to make her seem smarter.
Sarah Palin gives an interview to Right Wing rag Newsbusters that seems modified to make her seem smarter.
So just a little while ago I noticed a post on the Christmas Ho's Facebook page about a recent interview with Newsbusters. And my first thought was "Hell I don't have to post about this, it's almost Christmas!"But then I gave the article a quick perusal just to assure myself it was the same old tired crap she has been vomiting forth for weeks now, and something just seemed off.
Like this response to this quote in her book, “An angry atheist with a lawyer is one of the most powerful persons in America:”
PALIN: This takes a little explaining about how our rights are normally protected, about why and who can sue a city, county or school. I go into this deeply in the book, but here’s the bird’s eye view.
Normally, a person can’t sue a public entity for a violation of constitutional rights unless he or she has a concrete injury. In other words, someone would have to show how the action of the public institution harmed his legally protected interests. For example, if you’re told not to speak, your right to free speech is violated. If you’re prohibited from holding a Bible study, your right to free exercise of religion has been compromised. In these examples, the power of the state is forcing you into silence or subjection.
But there’s a double standard at work. If someone is offended by a religious expression or speech in a public setting, then courts have allowed that offended person to sue -- even if they weren’t censored, made to pray, or coerced into compliance with a different belief system, and even when they have a right to speak out and try to change public policy. Not only can people sue over hurt feelings, many times they’ve won.
This means people can silence their fellow citizens for no other reason than the fact that they were offended. This should stop.
Okay when this did this lunatic go to law school?
So it dawns on me that one of two things has happened. Either Newsbusters sent her the questions ahead of time, and she had her ghostwriter answer them after doing research. Or the interviewer took her crazed word salad and added some editorial Prozac to it to make it seem rational.
My money's on the first one, as the Palin camp probably wants to convince interviewers she is not a dipshit. (Too late.)
However what is crystal clear is that Palin did NOT answer these questions without a substantial amount of help.
So let's see if she had enough help to make her seem reasonably coherent throughout the entire interview shall we?
Here was her response to a question about a portion of her book in which she identifies her favorite scene of Linus reciting from Luke 2 8-14 during the "A Charlie Brown Christmas:"
PALIN: Mostly, I love when Linus recites the Scripture from the book of Luke, explaining to Charlie “what Christmas is all about.” It packs a punch. When he gets to the words “Fear not,” I love how he drops his blanket. It’s almost like he realized where his true security rests.
But then to a simple followup question as to when she first noticed that scene she says this:
PALIN: To be honest, I’d seen it many times before – just like you had – without noticing that part. I think sometimes different parts of movies or books jump out at you during different times of life. This is a pretty scary time in our nation’s history, so I guess it makes sense that this would jump off the screen a little more vibrantly than it would’ve back when I watched it in previous years.
Seriously? That is perhaps one of the most iconic moments in the special (Along with the ugly little tree that suddenly turns beautiful when everybody pitches in to decorate it.), how could a self proclaimed Christian have not had it "jump off the screen" during their first few viewings?
I noticed it and I am an Atheist since around the age of seven.
That struck me as more than a little weird.
Then Palin is asked about this quote, “Atheism’s track record makes the Spanish Inquisition seem like Disneyland by comparison.”
Palin mentions a book she "read" by Christoper Hitchens' brother Peter, about the supposed moral collapse he saw in Russia with the closing of the churches. She (Her ghostwriter) then made this statement:
The history of the twentieth century is a sad compendium of atheism’s murderous track record – from Mao’s China to Pol Pot’s Cambodia and on and on. But we can go back even further in history to the French Revolution, which I also mentioned in the book. The Jacobins hated traditional Christianity and openly persecuted the Catholic Church. They imprisoned and murdered priests and nuns who wouldn’t be puppets for the state. They demolished or closed churches. At one point they were even changing the street names to remove references to the saints! As I wrote in “Good Tidings and Great Joy,” their hatred of Christianity didn’t lead to utopia. It led to the guillotine.
What her ghostwriter fails to recognize however is that the French Revolution was, in part, a response to the corruption of the Catholic church and to its influence over the French nobility.
The anger toward religion was also fanned by Christian opposition to the Enlightenment and had been instrumental in the imprisonment, torture, and beheadings of those identified as Atheists or who spoke out against the church.
There were atrocities on both sides, however first blood was not drawn by the irreligious.
Of course when you are pimping a book defending Christmas and Christians against the scourge of atheism it doesn't pay to tell both sides now does it?
She was also questioned about her response to the Marti Bashir comments:
PALIN: I was out on my book tour meeting some amazing and inspiring Americans when this crap hit the fan, so I had more positive things on my mind than what another far left liberal spewed about me. Got to be honest though, I felt MSNBC’s tacit agreement with Bashir’s call to action encouraging that physical attack was downright gross and enormously demeaning. I hate, hate, hate that such an attack could have ever been punishment for any slave during that blight on America’s historical record. I’m so sorry for that chapter in a new nation’s life.
Yeah right.
On the Megyn Kelly Santa Claus ethnicity brouhaha:
PALIN: Honestly, I’ve never given it much thought. I didn’t know Santa’s race was a controversial topic.
On the fact that Kelly's comments received more media attention than did Bashir's:
PALIN: If that turns out to be true, then I think that reflects skewed priorities. It’s just bizarre. I mean, seriously? We’re going to get all “outrageously outraged” over the supposed racial makeup of a mythical figure?
Must be killing her to realize that people care more about that "mythical figure" than they do about her. Though come to think of it she is just about as mythologized as St. Nick these days.
After reading through all of this I am dead certain that Palin had substantial help with the questions and undoubtedly received them in the mail well in advance of publication.
That's okay though, even with careful editing and research she still comes off as historically ignorant, self centered, and a person who continually plays the victim.
Besides if ever anybody thinks she might be getting any smarter, just wait for an actual TV interview and you can see the stupidity in all its brain cell killing glory.
Pope Francis loves the Atheists. Well the "good" ones anyhow.
Courtesy of MSN News:
Atheists should be seen as good people if they do good, Pope Francis said Wednesday in his latest urging that people of all religions — or no religion — work together.
The leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics made his comments in the homily of his morning Mass in his residence, a daily event where he speaks without prepared comments.
He told the story of a Catholic who asked a priest if even atheists had been redeemed by Jesus.
"Even them, everyone," the pope answered, according to Vatican Radio. "We all have the duty to do good," he said.
"Just do good, and we'll find a meeting point," the pope said in a hypothetical conversation in which someone told a priest: "But I don't believe. I'm an atheist."
Now we're talking!
This is all that the non-religious want. Just stop treating us like a cancer on human kind.
Oh and stop indoctrinating our children.
The idea that the only way people can be good is by accepting God into their life is an antiquated lie that should have died out along with stoning adulterers and only eating fish on Fridays.
At least two other cable channels are ready to host Duck Dynasty if AandE drops them. Far less money, and FAR less viewers, but by gum they'll be back on the TV!
Courtesy of TMZ:
"Duck Dynasty" will NOT go homeless if A&E decides to pull the plug ... TMZ has learned, at least two other networks are salivating at the chance to pick up the popular reality show.
The owner of the popular Christian-affiliated Hunt Channel -- a guy named Merrill Sport -- tells TMZ, he'd pick up DD in a heart beat ... and would beam the show straight to its most loyal viewers: sportsmen and Christians.
He says, "We believe in the 2nd amendment and freedom of speech ... A&E needs to put on their big boy pants, and if they don't like the programming, they need to either let [DD] go or shut up and pay them."
Sports adds, "A&E is too scripted. [Hunt Channel] would let the personalities flow."
Rusty Faulk, CEO of the outdoorsy Pursuit Channel agrees, telling us Pursuit is 100% interested in grabbing DD if A&E takes a pass. Rusty adds, "We don't censor our personalities."
Has ANYBODY even heard of these cable channels?
They must be included in that "Nobody fucking watches these shows" cable package.
And in light of this recent scandal what a BRILLIANT idea to offer to structure a show around this bunch, that is less scripted to "let the personalities flow." Personally I think that if A&E had not carefully edited out all the racism and homophobia Duck Dynasty probably would have been off the air after only three episodes.
By the way before these critter killing lunatics get too excited they might want to read over the Dynasty dipshit's contract which apparently precludes them from having any new TV shows for a certain period of time.
By the way in case you missed it God happened to weigh in on this controversy a while back.
The Duck Dynasty guy who likened homosexuality to bestiality makes a living helping people trick ducks into thinking they want to fuck them.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) December 19, 2013
Well put, and you can't argue with the word of God, right Phil? Source
Good news Conservatives, somebody is rewriting the bible just for you. Gonna have a lot less love and acceptance, and a lot more condemnation and smiting.
Courtesy of AlterNet:
Liberal bias in the media pales in comparison to what you’ll find in your standard-issue Bibles, according to Conservapedia.com, a kind of Wikipedia for the religious right. The King James Bible, not to mention more recent translations like the New International Version (NIV), are veritable primers of progressive agitprop, complains Andy Schlafly, the founder of Conservapedia.com. (His mother, Phyllis, is an activist best known for her opposition to feminism and the Equal Rights Amendment.)
But not to worry. Andy Schlafly’s group is on the case, and they have invited you to pitch in. Well, maybe not you, exactly, but the "best of the public,” whose assistance is solicited in proposing new wording for left-leaning Bible verses.
Don’t know Aramaic, Hebrew or ancient Greek? Not a problem. What they are looking for is not exactly egghead scholarship, but a knack for using words they've read in the Wall Street Journal. They have a list of promising candidates on their website—words like capitalism, work ethic, death penalty, anticompetitive, elitism, productivity, privatize, pro-life—all of which are conspicuously missing from those socialist-inspired Bibles we’ve been reading lately.
Yeah why ask for help from people who have actually researched the historic Bible or who have linguistic talents when you can just find a bunch of assholes who agree with your point of view?
So let's see how much progress they have made so far.
Take that story where the mob surrounds a woman accused of adultery and gets ready to stone her, but Jesus intervenes and says, “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone" (John 7:53-8:11). It might have been a later addition that wasn’t in the original Gospels, according to some right-thinking, or rather right-leaning scholars. So the editors have excised this bleeding-heart favorite from the Good Book, and they've also removed Jesus’ words on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
“The simple fact is that some of the persecutors of Jesus did know what they were doing,” Schlafly points out, proving that, “Jesus might never had said it at all.”
Another thing Jesus might never have said at all is, “Blessed are the meek.” Change that one to, “Blessed are the God-fearing,” the translation’s editors advise, which is far less touchy-feely than the King James version.
Where Jesus teaches that, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:24) our mentors at Conservapedia recommend that we scratch the word “rich” and replace it with either "fully fed and entertained" or, if you prefer, "idle miser," which have none of the Occupy Wall Street-ish sour grapes of the better-known translation.
When Jesus greets his disciples with the blessing, “Peace be with you” (John 20, 26), the editors cleverly change the wording to, "Peace of mind be with you," so that nobody gets the wrong idea and thinks Jesus was some kind of lilly-livered pacifist.
Likewise where Jesus says, “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but to save it” (John 3, 17), they change “world” to “mankind,” so it is clear the Christian savior is not advocating environmentalism here. Hey, you can’t be too careful!
Finally, when Jesus admonishes hypocrites to, “Cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye,” the conservative Bible replaces the word “hypocrite” with "deceiver," since hypocrite is often “misused politically against Christians.” Good point!
Oh yeah, the Conservatives are going to like the Bible MUCH better this way.
You know what might make it even better? If they completely do away with that socialist, hippie guy, that keeps trying to help out the underprivileged and sick. THAT guy absolutely ruins the whole New Testament!
Good news liberals! We finally have a billionaire on our side.
Courtesy of the LA Times:
For years, liberals have fretted about the power of ultrawealthy people determined to use their billions to advance their political views. Charles and David Koch, in particular, have ranked high in the demonology of the American left.
But in Steyer, liberals have a billionaire on their side. Like the Kochs, he is building a vast political network and seizing opportunities provided by loose campaign finance rules to insert himself into elections nationwide. In direct contrast to them, he has made opposition to fossil fuels and the campaign against global warming the center of his activism.
The former financier is an unlikely green icon. Steyer built his fortune with a San Francisco-based hedge fund of the sort that drove protesters to occupy Wall Street. Some of the investments that landed him on the Forbes list of America's wealthiest went into companies he now says are destroying the planet. Adversaries and, in private, at least some erstwhile allies call him a dilettante.
Yet, unlike many others in a parade of super-rich Californians who have made forays into politics, Steyer has proved himself skilled at bringing attention to his cause and himself.
He has amassed impressive victories: helping persuade recession-weary Californians to pass a $1-billion annual tax hike; creating a gusher of money for energy efficiency; and this year playing a star role in destabilizing plans for the Keystone XL Pipeline with a campaign that has sown doubt about the project inside the administration and mobilized influential Democratic donors and business leaders against it.
Opponents of the pipeline, designed to move hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil daily along a 1,200-mile route from Canada's tar sands to Gulf Coast refineries, say it would contribute greatly to global warming.
"Normally, in the American system, people yell and scream and holler and nothing happens, and then something happens and it gets fixed," Steyer said in a recent interview. "That happened with acid rain, with the hole in the ozone layer. That is normally what happens."
Global warming, "for whatever reason, was not getting addressed," he said. "And it is the biggest issue."
I know right! He IS pretty awesome, and he's all ours.
And yes I do remember that we liberals also have Warren buffet, and that he is a billionaire that has long been on our side on most issues.
But you have to admit with so many billions financing the Right Wing we could use all of the help we can get.
Final image of the day.
Photo courtesy of Levi's Facebook page.
I heard recently that Levi and Sunny were looking for some help with attorney fees in order to take Bristol back to court to get a better custody situation worked out.
There was an offer made from an IM reader for us to help out. But so far neither Sunny nor Levi has reached out to them.
I would be willing to cover their initial expenses myself and solicit help from all of you moving forward, but I am just not sure that Levi would go for it.
I have offered in the past through Sadie and his mom but he has always refused to accept any help, which is kind of weird considering the fact that we are, for the most part, on the same side.
I understand if he does not want to answer any of my questions (Well I kind of understand anyway.) but I would be totally willing to help with no strings attached.
Maybe he will read this and finally realize that some people just want to help, without demanding something in return.
The LGBT community is doing their part to urge people to sign up for Obamacare. As only they can.
This from the people behind this video, Out2Enroll:
Quite simply, we are a coalition of organizations who want to help lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people stay healthy by making sure that one of the major benefits of the Affordable Care Act – access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance coverage – reaches LGBT communities. We are working with national, state, regional, and local partners to get the word out, help LGBT community members separate fact from fiction, and provide tools to help LGBT people make well-informed decisions and enroll in coverage that works for them.
Well you have to admire their....uh enthusiasm.
Interestingly enough this very effort has convinced the ever helpful Tony Perkins, of gay hating Family Research Council, to suggest that having too many fags signing up for Obamacare will cause it to "buckle under the weight:"
Perkins is warning (suggesting?) that many, most, or all gay people are sick — or likely will be, more than the average — and covering them (how many people are actually LGBT?) will force the exchanges to “buckle under the weight” of their health care bills.
Does Tony Perkins really think all LGBT people are HIV-positive or have AIDS? Or will? (Or is he suggesting we are just more prone to the common cold?) Because that’s surely what he seems to be implying.
Perkins is upset because a group wholly not associated with the federal government, Out2Enroll, is working to get LGBT people signed up for Obamacare. He claims the White House is “funneling more money to the LGBT community” through its relationship with Out2Enroll.
The only problem is, as Jeremy Hooper at Good As You reports, the ”Out2Enroll effort is not at all an arm of the administration but rather a project of three outside groups”:
And the Washington Post piece makes the [point] perfectly clear:
Meanwhile, several outside groups are pitching in for the LGBT outreach, including Out2Enroll, a collaboration among the Sellers Dorsey Foundation, the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the Federal Agencies Project. The group is working to educate men and women in major cities about their options for coverage and how to navigate the system. According to CAP, 900,000 members of the LGBT community could get some form of subsidized health care under the law.
See hurricanes aren't the ONLY thing that the Christians can blame on the gays.
Of course Perkins is wrong, there is nothing inherently unhealthy about the gay lifestyle, and in fact many of the men are in rather incredible shape as evidenced by the video up above.
If ANYTHING signing up all of those overfed Southern Baptists might be a far bigger drag on the system than the gays. But hey, healthcare for all, means healthcare for ALL, and we non-religious liberals would never suggest that crazed Southern Bible thumpers are not welcome to good health insurance simply because we find their lifestyle unhealthy and possibly costly to the rest of us.
Good news for Duck Dynasty's outspoken homophobe Phil Robertson, the Christians have your back.
Courtesy of WYFF:
Franklin Graham posted a statement on billygraham.org with the title, “I Support My Friend Phil Robertson”.
The statement said, “Phil Robertson’s desire is to see all men and women repent—that is to turn from their sin and follow Christ in obedience. Indeed, that’s his own story, as he freely shares. This is my desire too. We live in a culture that openly supports and promotes sin against God. While Phil Robertson is not anyone’s judge—God is, and will judge all sin. Jesus Christ came to this earth to save sinners, which includes me. I have appreciated the Robertson family’s commitment to biblical values, and that they have not backed down in a politically-correct world that is tolerant of everything except biblical standards and values. I pray that we would be a nation where we can disagree civilly while holding firm convictions. I support my friend Phil Robertson.”
Hey if it's in the Bible than how can the Christians NOT support it right?
Well that is certainly the thinking of the Westboro church people, who ALSO have come out in support of Phil Robertson:
The Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket the A&E cable network in support of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson after A&E suspended Robertson from his hit show for using his Christian faith to justify some disturbing and offensive anti-gay remarks.
According to a report issued Dec. 21 by Raw Story, the Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing A&E on February 1, 2014 because, it claims, “F*gs run A&E!”
The Westboro Baptist Church, a notorious Christian hate group, joins other Christian hate groups, such as the Family Research Council, in supporting Robertson’s controversial and demonizing characterizations of LGBT people.
Well now isn't THAT interesting? Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I would like to point out that this whole accepting the gays thing is just the latest moment in history where the Christians have been pulled kicking and screaming into the future. The Bible was also used to argue against working on Sundays, freeing the slaves, and allowing women to vote.
Progress and equality does not occur BECAUSE of religion, it occurs in spite of it.
17 year old girl shot in Arapahoe High School shooting dies.
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Claire Davis, once a student with her whole life ahead of her. Now the latest gun violence statistic. |
A 17-year-old Colorado student shot in the head earlier this month by a gunman at her high school died on Saturday at a hospital with her family at her side, the facility and her family said.
Claire Davis was the only person wounded by gunfire when Karl Pierson, an 18-year-old senior at Arapahoe High School in suburban Denver, entered the school on December 13 and opened fire with a shotgun, police said.
"Despite the best efforts of our physicians and nursing staff, and Claire's fighting spirit, her injuries were too severe and the most advanced medical treatments could not prevent this tragic loss of life," Littleton Adventist Hospital posted on the facility's official Facebook page.
Pierson shot Davis in the face at point-blank range as she sat outside the library with a friend during in the 80-second rampage, police said.
Pierson committed suicide in the library as an armed deputy stationed at the school cornered him, police said.
The gun rights people will make the argument that it was the gun held by the security guard that saved lives, but I cannot get past the fact that it was the gun in the hands of an angry young man that put those lives in danger in the first place.
This was not the "bad guy with a gun" that "the good guys with a gun" are supposed to protect all of us from. It was a kid, going through his turbulent teenage years, who had access to a tool that gave him far more power over life or death than he was emotionally able to handle.
Armed with a bullhorn he would have shouted his frustrations.
Armed with a rock he would have broken a school window.
But armed with a gun he ended two young lives.
But the 2nd Amendment is important. Without just imagine what terrible things might befall our citizens.
Just imagine.