Saturday, November 2, 2013
Rep. Stockman Seeking Special Prosecutors For Obama Scandals
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- Image Credit: Hira Goes To Kenya - |
WND reports:
Congress needs to assign special prosecutors to investigate Obama administration misbehavior, charges a congressman who has distributed to members of the U.S. House copies of the book “Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office.”
“From Benghazi to Fast and Furious to crony deals for ‘green’ energy to Obamacare the lawless Obama administration must be reined in. I am calling on Congress to establishment Select Committees on these scandals with full subpoena power,” said Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, in a statement Thursday.
“We’ve seen how the Obama administration smears and defames their critics. Congress should investigate these scandals and turn the matters over to special prosecutors,” he said. - WND.
A little less conversation...
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Image Credit: Suckers on Parade |
Laura Ingraham To Bill O'Reilly: Obama Guilty Of Fraud And Inducement
Laura Ingraham To Bill O'Reilly: Obama Guilty Of Fraud And Inducement Over Obamacare...
Audio aired last night on Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor.
The end justifying the means...
WBTM.TV Host Talks Natural Born Citizen: We'll Hold Cruz's Feet To Fire
Video: WBTM.TV Host Talks Natural Born Citizen: We Will Hold Cruz's Feet To The Fire
Below is the full archive from last night's Heisenberg Report with Obama eligibility activist Rudy Davis...
( Video via Heisenberg Report. )
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Can't Figure Out Art? A Zap To The Brain Will Help You Like It
Stumped trying to look sophisticated at a museum? New research suggests that a little electrical zap to your brain could help you appreciate fine art more.
A study in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience found that the experience of viewing art can be made more enjoyable by activating the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). A group of 12 volunteers rated paintings and photos depicting real-world situations more highly after a current was delivered through electrodes to that region of the brain, which has been implicated in the regulation of emotion. As previous studies have found, a little zap can be a powerful thing: Electrical stimulation to the scalp has been shown to improve people's math abilities and video game skills.
"The effect of stimulation was subtle, but still pretty remarkable considering the participants were basically just putting a battery on their head," neurologist Anjan Chatterjee told New Scientist about this study. Chatterjee suggests that perhaps activating this region of the brain improves your mood, making the experience of viewing artwork more enjoyable. In this study, the brain stimulation only enhanced viewers' appreciation of realistic art, not abstract works, which indicates that the process of viewing abstract art might involve different areas of the brain.
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Author: By
Man finds human tooth in his Snickers bar, then things get weird
Snickers really satisfies, unless you bite into one and find a human tooth, then all it does is freak you the heck out. That's what happened to Robert Galvan, who was chewing through his daily portion of chocolate and caramel (actually, he's been a three-Snickers-a-day man for years) when he discovered that the peanut he chomped into wasn't a peanut at all. "I just can't do it," he told the Stevens Point Journal, adding that he felt sick to his stomach after his ghastly discovery. But — plot twist alert! — he went to the dentist last week and learned that the tooth was actually one of his own that had broken off into the candy bar. "I'm relieved," he said. "You could catch hepatitis from that." So next time that happens, call the dentist first, before the local news. [Source]
Read Full Article Source here
Florida city introduces new rule forbidding neighborhood watch participants from carrying guns. I think Trayvon Martin might say, "Better late than never."
Courtesy of Reuters:
The Florida city where neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin is changing the rules on how civilian patrols can operate to help prevent a recurrence and revive the program's reputation.
The new rules, to be released at a community meeting on November 5 in Sanford, Florida, will state explicitly that residents acting under the authority of neighborhood watch may not carry a firearm or pursue someone they deem suspicious.
"Neighborhood watch was always intended to be a program where you observe what is going on and report it to police. In light of everything that has gone on, that's what we're really going to go back and push. That's what this program is and that's all it is," said Shannon Cordingly, spokeswoman for the Sanford Police Department.
I am glad that Sanford City has taken this step and hope that many others follow suit.
Personally I don't think that neighborhood watch personnel should EVER be allowed to carry a gun in ANY city. It is bad enough with cops shooting unarmed individuals without adding untrained, or poorly trained, amateurs to the mix.
Letter to blogger demonstrates how religion provides an excuse for men to avoid personal responsibility.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
It’s a brief post that doesn’t mention the blog of the woman—titled I’m In Love With A Serial Cheater—who started this shaming site, but I ended up reading many blog posts from it because, to be frank, the experience of being a woman who has completely absconded any personal dignity and is so devoted to even the most grotesque sexism is really alien to me. I began to almost feel sorry for the blogger, whose shitbag of a husband is clearly enjoying the hell out of having his wife and his mistress fight relentlessly over him. The only thing he has to do for the pleasure is occasionally pretend to be mildly sorry, but honestly not even that, because the blogger is 100% clear that she believes that he has no choice but to fuck a woman who offers. It’s mind-boggling and distressing to realize how many women have completely bought into the notion that a man’s only as good as his options.
But what I didn’t really touch on in the Slate post is the role religion plays in all this. The blogger printed a letter from a reader that really shows how religious beliefs that men are leaders and women are submissive helpmeets do not, in fact, encourage male responsibility. In fact, they do they opposite. Here’s an excerpt from the letter, titled “Open Letter To The Homewrecker”.
"You don’t know my husband. I know him inside and out 14 years’ worth of mostly ups and a few downs that made us. 47 years that made him. His family, his needs, his desires, his weaknesses and his strengths. You don’t know him. You know what he tells you of himself. What he pretends to be in a dirty little secret world. It’s in his heart to serve the Lord and lead his family as a Kingdom Man, but his flesh is weak. Satan preys on him to distract and destroy and you are but one of many of the enemy’s tricks. Yes, TRICKS. My husband is caught in a spiritual battle and he is losing as you continue providing satanic ammunition. Manipulative texts, dirty pictures and Satan laughs at both of you and the destruction you seek to deliver. No, you don’t know my husband. If you did, you would know that he will not leave me. Not for the kids’ sake or child support but because he LOVES me in a way you will never know. In a deep and eternal way that doesn’t stop even if our relationship did. He desires me in a way he never has anyone else. I provide a sense of safety, stability, warmth, passion and freedom that no one else will. Unconditional love and acceptance in the safety of his covenant of a family. If you knew my husband you would know the juvenile infatuation that prompts him to reach for you will prompt him to reach for another if he was without you. That the chemical reaction in his brain is nothing more than a horny-teenage impulse and is unstable at best. The deep, abiding and familiar love he seeks he has at home. That when he is truly alone, it’s his family, not his harem that he misses. If you knew my husband you would know that romantic texts and sweet nothings are his player’s lines. Not his love language. He speaks his love in his actions – love is an action word for him. He shows it in making sure his family is taken care of in every way. All his empty words might get you to send one more dirty video or maybe get him laid, but he will tire of you soon. If you knew my husband you would want the best for him. You would want him to listen to the Spirit and God and move in the direction he moves him, which is not anywhere near you, my dear. You don’t know him."
Despite the fact that this woman believes that her husband is the “leader” of her family, the responsibility to hold the family together doesn’t belong to him, but to some random woman that he apparently has to fuck because men supposedly have no self-control. This always amazes me, the way that people with sexist beliefs both think that men can’t handle even the basic responsibility of keeping a promise but nonetheless are supposed to be the leaders while women are supposed to be followers. The bad logic of that should be screamingly obvious, and yet people don’t see it.
Frankly, as this letter shows, the reason they don’t see it is largely religion. Obviously, a lot of religious people are smart, rational people on the whole. (I’ve never met a smart, rational person who didn’t have a wacky belief or two, and so it follows that a popular one would be religion.) But religion is one of the best ways that humanity has ever come up with to bamboozle people out of noticing giant flaws in a system. There’s no logical reason to argue, “Men are so irresponsible and flighty that they can’t keep their dick in their pants, so let’s give them the power to run the world and give none of it to women.” You need to add, “God said so,” at the end of that so that people stifle the obvious questions.
Just to be clear Atheists can be assholes to women as well. The only difference is that we don't have an organized religion providing cover for us and encouraging women to forgive us becasue "we are sinful creatures who cannot help ourselves."
I have known a number of women who told themselves that their husbands cheated on them, beat them, or abandoned them, because they "had demons" and believed completley that if only they were better wives they could have "saved them."
And I have also known more than a few men who prey on such women, and use them up, destroying their self confidence and self worth in the process, only to toss them aside when a new, younger, challenge presents itself. And the process starts all over again.
In a few of these cases then women went to their ministers for guidance and were told to pray on it, and that keeping the family together was the job of the wife.
A few years ago I attended the funeral of one of these very same women.
I guess she didn't pray hard enough, did she?
Goddammit Texas!
Courtesy of the New York Times:
Only three days after a federal judge blocked a new Texas law that threatened to shut down many of the state’s abortion clinics, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in New Orleans, reversed the decision, saying the rule should take effect while the case is argued in the months to come.
Abortion clinic owners and women’s health advocates said the decision would have catastrophic effects because as many as 13 of the 36 clinics providing abortions in the state would have to stop doing so immediately, forcing women in large swaths of Texas to travel several hours on at least two days to obtain abortions.
The clinics forced to halt abortions have been unable to satisfy a new requirement, part of a broader anti-abortion law adopted in July, that doctors performing the procedure must have formal admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the clinic.
Greg Abbott, the state attorney general and a Republican candidate for governor next year, filed an emergency appeal to the three-judge circuit court on Monday asking it to overrule the lower court. He said in a statement Thursday, “This unanimous decision is a vindication of the careful deliberation by the Texas Legislature to craft a law to protect the health and safety of Texas women.”
Gov. Rick Perry, who has said he hopes to abolish abortion in Texas, said in a statement, “Today’s decision affirms our right to protect both the unborn and the health of the women of Texas.”
I have to admit that I allowed myself to get a little excited when that Federal judge ruled these new restrictions unconstitutional, but I also kept in mind that we were dealing with Texas here.
So it looks as if this whole thing is headed to the Supreme Court, which some pro-choice advocates think is a good idea, however I am not one of them.
I have little confidence in this court and believe that Antony Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito are fairly salivating at the opportunity to take a crack at Roe vs Wade.
And of course this case in Texas is NOT the only opportunity for the court to rule on abortion, there is also this case from Oklahoma:
The U.S. Supreme Court could hear its first case on drug-induced abortions, after a Tuesday finding by Oklahoma’s highest court that a 2011 state law restricting the use of mifepristone was unconstitutional.
If the U.S. court decides to hear an appeal in the case, it could clarify how far states can go in restricting abortions, following a 2007 decision upholding a federal ban on so-called partial-birth abortions.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court provided the finding at the request of the U.S. court, which had asked for clarification of the state high court’s December 2012 decision striking down the drug restriction.
The state court’s prior decision, just three paragraphs long, upheld a lower-court ruling finding the restrictions on mifepristone “or any abortion-inducing drug” unconstitutional. But it left unclear whether the law constituted an outright ban on drug-induced abortions or simply regulated them.
The Southern Republicans have been working at a frenetic pace to sabotage access to abortion in virtually every state where they hold a majority, and their attempts to get a case to the Supreme Court speaks to THEIR confidence that the Court will rule in their favor.
And that should be troubling to all of us.
In order to hold onto the Senate Democrats need to hold onto key seats in the South, or earn even more, and that looks increasingly likely as frustration with the Tea Party builds.
Courtesy of The Daily Beast:
After the 2008 elections, the pundits were certain: the GOP was in danger of being a rump party, one that only had power and influence in the South and a few older, whiter precincts in the Plains and mountain states.
The cry was heard again in 2012, louder. But as 2014 approaches, a quirk of the calendar has meant that Democrats, forced to defend the majority in the U.S. Senate they have consolidated over the last several election cycles, will need to hold on to a couple of key seats in Dixie, a land where Democrats were supposed to be banished. If they hope to have any kind of cushion against losses elsewhere, Democrats may even need to steal a couple of seats now held by Republicans in the region.
And they just might do it.
“The Democratic Party is a lot stronger in the South than many people believe,” said Ronnie Musgrove, governor of Mississippi from 2000 to 2004. “If Democrats start focusing on the South the way they have focused nationally, then you will start to see some big gains here.”
And just to drive that point home, we have this from Bloomberg News:
Signs of the Republican Party rift between business and the Tea Party are showing up where Democrats most want to see them: in the campaign account of Michelle Nunn, daughter of four-term Georgia Senator Sam Nunn.
“The vast majority of Americans say they don’t want the government to shut down, they want middle ground,” said John Wieland, founder of John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods Inc., who together with his wife penned checks totaling $10,400 to Nunn’s Democratic U.S. Senate bid. In the 2010 midterms, the Wielands each gave $4,800 to the Republican Senate candidate. With the help of son, Vinson, left, and husband Ron, U. S. Senate candidate Michelle Nunn Martin and other volunteers stuff book bags with school supplies for residents of the Georgia Industrial Children's Home on Aug. 7, 2013. Photographer: Beau Cabell/The Telegraph/AP Images
“Michelle understands that middle ground, and that’s why we wrote the checks,” Wieland said.
In addition to Wieland, Nunn’s donors include Jim Cox Kennedy, the chairman of Atlanta-based communications company Cox Enterprises Inc., who contributed $2,600 to her candidacy, after giving $30,800 to the Republican National Committee and $5,000 to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in 2012.
She’s also got support from Tom Cousins, former chief executive officer of Cousins Properties Inc. (CUZ) and a developer who helped shape downtown Atlanta in the 1970s and 1980s, who has given her $5,200. Cousins donated $50,800 to the RNC and $5,000 to Romney. Both Kennedy and Cousins declined to comment on their donations.
The financial push-back by the business community against the small-government Tea Party movement extends to Virginia, where Republican businessmen are cutting checks and commercials to support Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the governor’s race rather than state Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, a Republican Tea-Party favorite.
In Arkansas, Democratic Senator Mark Pryor is facing U.S. Representative Tom Cotton, a House Republican who voted against opening the government and a five-year farm bill. Pryor is highlighting both votes to draw donations from the agriculture community and other boardrooms.
At this point I think I will characterize my mood as cautiously optimistic. However as much as I think the political curve is going to continue to bend toward the Democrats, I am also aware that a creature can do a hell of a lot of damage while in its death throes and. as we have already seen, the Republican party is no less dangerous.
Having said that I really DO think that 2014 is potentially a HUGE year for Democrats if we can, at least for a little while, put aside our habit of nitpicking about certain progressive causes which might just have to be put on the back burner for awhile and come together to present a united front.
Once we have a solid majority in both houses we can then address Gitmo, drones, spying, global warming, and just about everything else we can imagine.
Let's try that whole singing to the crying baby thing again.
Since so many of you did not like yesterday's video of a mother singing to her crying baby, I thought I would try it again. This time it is both parents, and I think you will enjoy the outcome much better.
Bombshell Report: Obama Impeachment Hearing Scheduled For January
Hearing Scheduled for January
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
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Cody Robert Judy ran for president in 2008 and has announced his candidacy for 2016 as a Democrat |
Judy was not available for comment when we reached him just before press time. However, he granted permission for us to publish the letter now that the October 31, 2013 deadline which Judy had set for Reid to respond has passed.
In 2008, Judy ran for president, challenging the constitutional eligibility of both John McCain and Barack Hussein Obama, to which he refers in the letter. He also ran for president in 2012.
He told Reid that he and “12 others” will testify as to Obama’s “competence and eligibility for the office of President.” Judy contends that the Affordable Care Act, known as “Obamacare,” isn’t legal” because it was “signed by an illegal alien.”
Obama’s eligibility has been questioned since late 2007, after progressive commentator Chris Matthews stated on national television that Obama was “born in Indonesia” and various African newspapers claimed that Obama was born in Kenya. Obama’s official biography reported that he was born in Kenya until April 2007, two months after he announced his presidential candidacy, at which time it was changed to say that he was born in Hawaii.
Birthplace is one of several factors which constitutional scholars, attorneys, and interested citizens have debated since before Obama took office given the questions about his birthplace, parentage, and allegiance. Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution states that the president must be a “natural born Citizen.”
Judy stated that “the Hearing in the House will be open and transparent with all evidence to the public…” Obama promised transparency in government before he took office, although he has been found to have been dishonest about the health care bill, the Benghazi attack which killed four Americans, and his background, particularly when he campaigned in Alabama in 2008 and said that he was conceived there by Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama Sr. in 1965. His life story says he was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, HI, but no hospital there will confirm the birth.
The letter and cover page we received appeared as follows:
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Live Stream: Obama Eligibility Activist On WBTM.TV To Talk Obama ID Fraud
Lone Star Tea Party: Obama Eligibility Activist Rudy Davis On WBTM.TV To Talk Obama ID Fraud...
CDR Kerchner reports: Rudy Davis of TX to Speak on Obama Ineligibility on Tonight at 7 P.M (assuming Central Time). Event Hosted by the [...] Live stream link below...
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Father of Sen. Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz Goes Birther: Send Obama Back To Kenya
Father of Sen. Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz Goes Birther: Send Obama Back To Kenya...
( Video via Michael Openshaw. Hat tip Falcon. )
Mother Jones reports: Rafael Cruz, speaking to the North Texas Tea Party on behalf of his son, who was then running for Senate, called President Barack Obama an "outright Marxist" who "seeks to destroy all concept of God," and he urged the crowd to send Obama "back to Kenya." - Mother Jones.
That sounds about right...
( Video via Michael Openshaw. )
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Nations fail to agree on Antarctic marine reserve
An inflatable boat carries tourists past an iceberg along the Antarctic Peninsula, where negotiators were hoping to create a massive wildlife reserve.
For the third time, nations that make decisions about Antarctic fishing failed Friday to agree on a plan that would create the world's largest marine sanctuary.
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — The nations that make decisions about Antarctic fishing failed Friday for a third time to agree on a plan that would create the world's largest marine sanctuary.
The U.S. and New Zealand had proposed creating a reserve in the pristine Ross Sea. At 517,000 square miles, the sanctuary would have been twice the size of Texas.
The proposal, a decade in the making, had been scaled back from earlier plans. Many countries hoped that would be enough to entice previous objectors Russia and Ukraine to agree. Those countries are among several that have fishing interests in the region.
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Author: By Nick Perry Nations fail to agree on Antarctic marine reserveof Associated Press
Fox's John Stossel upset that under Obamacare women will not have to pay higher insurance costs than men, because they go to the doctor more and "maybe they're hypochondriacs."
Courtesy of Raw Story:
During an appearance on Fox & Friends, Stossel asserted to host Steve Doocy that President Barack Obama’s health care reform law “just kills the market” by mandating that women can no longer be charged more than men for insurance.
“The competition of the market is the only thing that makes things better,” he explained. “Yesterday, President Obama stood in front of a bunch of women in Massachusetts and said, ‘No longer will those evil insurance companies be able to charge you women more.’”
“Women go to the doctor much more often than men! Maybe they’re smarter or maybe they’re hypochondriacs,” Stossel continued. “They live longer. Who knows? But if it’s insurance, you ought to be able to charge people who use the services more, more.”
“But, John, you’re not paying attention,” Doocy said sarcastically. “This administration, this president wants to make everything fair. It’s not fair if you pay less than she does… And as a number of Republicans have made the argument, why should I pay for — I’m in my 60s, why should I pay for your maternity coverage?”
“Or why should women pay for men’s Viagra?” Stossel asked. “This mandating all this stuff it has to cover just takes away consumer choice.”
The idea is that everybody''s insurance will be fairly determined and that no longer will being a woman be considered a preexisting condition that could be used to hike their insurance premiums.
Damn WHO marries these idiots?
The God Graveyard.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison's Atheists, Humanists, & Agnostics club has come up with a clever way to illustrate the numerous gods no longer worshiped by mankind. Has a handy Halloween theme as well.
Well you can't say that it doesn't make a pretty valid point, now can you?
Hey, remember all of those health insurance scares the Republicans have been promoting all week? Well here is a story that will provide a much needed counter balance.
Courtesy of WTAE:
While most of the country haggles and laments over the busted government website for health care, Gail Roach simply picked up the phone and asked a specialist to walk her through her options.
Roach, 57, said she found plenty, and suddenly she realized she would have the opportunity to walk away from her retirement health care package that required her to pay $509 a month for her premium.
Roach has Type 2 diabetes, which drove up her costs. However, through the Affordable Care Act, she found a policy offering a monthly premium at only $70.
After cashing in on a tax credit and taking advantage of a feature called the Cost Sharing Benefit, Roach saw her premium drop to a measly $1.11 a month.
"I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't believe it. But it was within my budget," Roach said.
Yeah, I am going to have to imagine that a buck eleven is within just about EVERYBODY'S budget.
Now this woman lives in Pittsburgh, and the Republican Governor, Tom Corbett, is fairly dedicated to making sure his constituents have health insurance. So this woman's experience is not exactly comparable to the experiences that others will have. However it IS an indication of just how well the new law can work when people in your state are not trying to actively sabotage it.
You know, like my state.
(H/T to Politicususa.)
Nothing beats listening to Sarah Palin struggle to read from one of her ghostwritten books in her own screechy voice. You know, besides listening to two cats fornicate that is.
This excerpt (Brought to us by the great folks over at Wonkette.) is from Palin's new book entitled "Good Tidings and Great Joy, Protecting the Heart of Christmas," or perhaps better known by it's alternate title "I know absolutely nothing about Christmas but I hear you can make a buck by faking it"
To be honest you simply cannot get the true experience of having the screechy stupidity wash over you and steal away your will to live unless you listen to Snowdrift Snooki read it herself, which you can do here:
However I will provide this transcript, because I am a nice guy and it IS Halloween and this was the first thing to really make my hair stand on end the entire day.
It starts right in the middle of some sentence about walking in the woods I believe:
"Occasionally startling a moose, passing caribou further north, and hoping the kids in the back keep up.
As Governor I was able to see even more jaw dropping vistas throughout Alaska. But the most beautiful scenes were the ones I've taken in through the lenses of my snowmachine goggles. (Alaska Snowmachine reference to show you are outdoorsy, check.)
When we arrived at the homes of our friends and families, we frequently played Eskimo Bingo. (By the way using the term "Eskimo" in Alaska these days is considered somewhat culturally insensitive. Something you would think a woman married to a Yupik would know.) A gift swapping game, and the only time we'd enthusiastically encourage the kids to be greedy. (I don't really think the Palin kids required muhc encouragement.)
Everyone brings a wrapped gift for exchange and places it on the floor. With a timer ticking, we roll dice in a pie tin, and hope to get doubles so the gift grabbing can begin. Each person gets to steal present from the center of our circle. Even ones already nabbed.
This might sound like a fun parlor game, but but gets intense. (Hair pulling and eye gouging is allowed I'm sure.)
When someone unwraps something good and places it on the floor, even for a moment, it's fair game.
One year, a highly coveted box of homemade chocolates, from a bakery in Indiana, caused us to play well into the night. (Okay is it just me or is the idea of "home made chocolates" coming from a bakery kind of inconsistent?) I ended up with that one because I'm the mom, and I refused to let the game end until it ended well. (Okay, is this really the side of her that she wants the people buying this book to know?)
Some years I've ended up with one of the gag gifts. A singing fish wall plaque. A dusty old fossil from dad's shelf. A warped tin sign that reads, "Give me beer, the in-laws are here."
But Todd makes sure my real Christmas gifts are AMAZING.
He's always given good gifts .
When we were seventeen, and my friends had already received polo sweaters, the newest go go's, vinyl record, or Gloria Vanderbilt jeans from their boyfriends, Todd surprised me with a traditional Eskimo grass woven basket, and Alaskan gold nugget earrings, from a native village near his home town. (A seventeen year old was happy with a grass woven basket?)
In that tradition he has since given me a beautiful red manual ice auger, for ice fishing on the lake, a 30-06 rifle, a pair of hockey skates, snowshoes for hardcore winter workouts, and cords of winter spruce for my fireplace. I so appreciate that one, as I have an affinity for chopping, and stacking my own wood. (Okay my bullshit detector just burst into flames.)
As the old saying goes, "Chop your own wood, and it will warm you twice."
Wow and just when you thought Palin might be running a little low on mooseshit.
I have been around habitual liars before but this idiot takes the cake.
Democratic darling Wendy Davis takes on Tea Party terrorist Ted Cruz.
Courtesy of Keye TV:
State Sen. Wendy Davis, the Democratic candidate for Texas governor, criticized Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday for his role in the recent federal government shutdown, saying he harmed average citizens just to score political points.
"I think he demonstrated that being the loudest person in the room isn’t necessarily equivalent to being a leader,” Davis said. "I was disappointed to see that he was willing to put so many thousands of Texas families in harm’s way for purposes of making a political statement.”
Davis’ remarks, made outside an early voting location for the constitutional amendment election, amounted to her harshest assessment yet of the Tea Party-backed Republican. During her appearance at the Texas Tribune Festival last month, before the shutdown and debt ceiling brinkmanship roiled Washington, Davis noted that she and Cruz "agree on some things” and said politicians shouldn’t be afraid to say that.
Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier fired back, saying the senator's efforts to stop the Affordable Care Act were justified. She also favorably compared what Cruz did with Davis' summer filibuster of a restrictive abortion bill. The legislation, which eventually passed, includes a ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
"I think most Texans would agree that fighting to give them relief from a law that’s killing their health plans and hiking their insurance rates is a statement worth fighting for, as opposed to platforms centered on killing unborn babies after 20 weeks,” Frazier said.
Davis rejected comparisons between her actions and those of Cruz and other Republicans who tried to gain concessions on Obamacare by withholding funding for the government and opposing an extension of the nation’s debt limit.
"I was attempting to block a bill that would have harmed thousands of women across the state of Texas,” she said. "Never once, of course, did I threaten to literally shut down the state government for that purpose, and I certainly would never use the budget in the state of Texas for purposes of making a political statement.”
In the shutdown fight, Davis said thousands of Texans were harmed, and she called for a more bipartisan approach in budgetary negotiations.
"The concern is that we literally got to the brink of financial disaster. Political gamemanship overtook common sense,” she said.
You know my all time favorite fantasy for a debate between to individuals would be Rachel Maddow VS Sarah Palin, which would be akin to a bug hitting a car windshield at 60 mph, however I have to admit that the idea of a Wendy Davis using her pink sneakers to kick the crap out of Ted Cruz is also pretty tantalizing.
I don't think that Cruz would stand much of a chance, and I also think that every time Davis takes him on she demonstrates her integrity and will attract more support from those infamous hard to motivate liberal voters in Texas.
My hope is that she will continue to goad him into these little back and forths, and use them to get national media attention, while also showing the people of Texas that they don't have to keep electing under-evolved Neanderthals, like Rick Perry, to lead their state.
By the way Harry Reid actually, kind of, endorsed the idea of Ted Cruz as the GOP nominee in 2016:
“If I didn’t care so much about our country, I would hope he would get the Republican nomination for president, because that would mean the end of the Republican Party.”
Maybe if we keep our fingers crossed, this will be the reality.