Wednesday, October 23, 2013
The Bible Belt meets Liberal America summed up in one photo.
By the way, I in no way wish to suggest that liberals walk around in assless chaps.
I mean I do, but I don't represent everybody.
For those who aren't completely convinced they were scammed, the pregnant diabetic lady from the President's speech today has a message.
I'm ok world- just got a little lightheaded.Thanks, @BarackObama for catching me! And good thing this pregnant diabetic is pregnant :)You know Obama's Dirty Tricks Department is REALLY thorough. Imagine making up a fake Twitter account going back years JUST to fake out the public during a Presidential speech.
— Karmel Allison (@karmel_a) October 21, 2013
And she talked about being a diabetic and everything. Amazing!
Television show "The Good Wife" brings up Sarah Palin's name, arguably not in a good way, and Right Wing "Liberal Media Bias" fighting blog rides to her defense.
I don't watch the Good Wife so I knew nothing about this episode. That is until somebody sent me this link.
I did a Google search and the only site that seems to have noticed it, much less been offended by it, is the one whose link I was sent earlier.
Here is their take, and I warn you ahead of time they are VERY defensive about the "liberal media" and how they portray sacred cows such as Palin.
Take a look for yourself:
Some more bashing of Sarah Palin on Sunday night’s episode of CBS’s The Good Wife, but the scene also managed to deliver an illustrative dramatization of liberals in a bubble displaying arrogant condescension toward those who dare stray from liberal orthodoxy – and how they learn to despise the Fox News Channel via Jon Stewart. (I'm sorry WHOSE in the bubble?)
A couple who are old college friends of liberal lawyer “Diane Lockhart” visit and meet her fiancĂ©, Gary Cole as Sarah Palin supporter, gun owner and ballistics expert “Kurt McVeigh.” An appalled “Francesca” despairs: “But his views, Diane. All his views. He supports Sarah Palin!”
She soon lectures, before getting cut off: “Issues matter. I know we’re all supposed to disagree and smile and go home and pretend it’s all some big tennis match, but people end up poorer, guns end up killing people. Global warming keeps destroying our-”
“Francesca,” and husband “Lyle,” played by left-wing comedian Robert Klein, meet “Lockhart” and “McVeigh” in a restaurant where they learn he owns a gun. “Francesca” exclaims: “So you don’t think Sandy Hook changed anything?”
Later, at the apartment of “Lockhart,” played by Christine Baranski, “Francesca expresses her disgust with how her soon-to-be-husband likes Palin. “Lockhart,” a fan of Hillary Clinton’s, laughs as she acknowledges, “I fell in love with a Palin supporter.”
To which “Lyle,” just after grabbing hold of Sarah Palin’s book, Going Rogue, on a bookshelf, scolds: “It’s not funny, Diane. Did you see her? She’s back on Fox.”
“Lockhart” points out: “Oh, you don’t watch Fox.” “Lyle” counters, showing where liberals learn about FNC: “They show clips on Jon Stewart.” (Which really is the place that MOST intelligent Americans see clips from Fox News by the way.)
Apparently this is not the first time this show has received backlash from the Right Wing and Palin-bots before for naming the pro-Palin character "McVeigh."
(Can't imagine why that would bothered them.)
Anyhow I watched the clip and found nothing controversial about it at all. That is the same type of conversation that has been happening around the country ever since Snowdrift Snooki first burst onto the national stage.
Of course what do I know? After all I am pretty sure I am counted among the "liberal media bias" that this website is railing against.
And proudly so might I add.
Small group of 2nd Amendment protestors, complete with AR 15's slung on their shoulders, hold protest at site where President Kennedy was murdered with a rifle 50 years ago.
Courtesy of Dallas News:
About a dozen people carrying rifles protested in Dallas Saturday morning at the sight of one of the most infamous gun crimes in United States history.
The crowd carried AR-15s, old military rifles and one Texas flag with the “Don’t tread on me” slogan at Dealey Plaza, where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated 50 years ago . They said they were there to peacefully show that carrying firearms is legal in Texas and that the people who do it aren’t dangerous.
“We are law abiding citizens exercising our rights,” said Brad McClain, one of the organizers of the event.
McClain said he understood the significance of the site where they were protesting, but said they mostly picked the location because it was high-profile.
“It’s visible, it’s historical and the landscape is perfect for photo ops,” he said.
Seriously why don't these assholes just by a t-shirt that reads "I am a douchbag?"
Their lack of sensitivity alone makes me thing they should not have access to weapons. I mean clearly they do not respect the memories of those who died at the hands of gun violence, nor do they consider the feelings of the normal people who have to watch them strut around with their metal penis extenders hanging around their necks in public.
In a completely unrelated story, a two year old girl celebrated her parents 2nd Amendment rights by shooting herself to death with their unsecured handgun:
A two-year-old girl has died after accidentally shooting herself with a handgun she found lying around her home.
The toddler - named by neighbors as Coco - got hold of the 'unsecured' loaded weapon at the home in North Carolina, police said.
Hey, it's all about freedom right?
Ted Cruz believes that the Republicans could have won the fight to defund Obamacare if they had just been willing to accuse the Democrats of holding children with cancer hostage.
Courtesy of Raw Story:
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) says that Republicans could have won the fight to derail President Barack Obama’s health care law by shutting down the government if they had just accused the Democrats holding children with cancer “hostage.”
In an interview that aired on Sunday, CNN’s Dana Bash asked Cruz if he was bothered on a “human level” that so many colleagues in his own party were angry at him for instigating the shutdown.
“Not remotely,” Cruz insisted. “I work for 26 million Texans, that’s my job to fight for them. I don’t work for the party bosses in Washington… The reason people are frustrated all over the country is that far too many people get elected and they think they’re there to be part of the club.”
The Texas senator observed that things could have turned out differently if Senate Republicans had “marched into battle side by side” with House Republicans to defund Obamacare.
But Bash noted that Democrats had the successful strategy in the end.
Cruz, however, reminded Bash of an exchange she had with Senate Majority Harry Reid (D-NV) about a Republican plan to fund the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other selective parts of the government during the shutdown.
A controversy had erupted at the time when Bash asked Reid if it would be worth it if he could help “one child” with cancer.
During the interview that aired on Sunday, Cruz said that Reid showed Democrats were “vulnerable” and that Republicans should have used children with cancer as a pressure point to win the fight against health care reform.
“President Obama and the Democrats’ position throughout this is, ‘We will not negotiate, we will not compromise, shut it all down.’ That’s not a reasonable position,” he explained. “If Senate Republicans had united and supported House Republicans, if we had 46 Senate Republicans on television every day, in the media every day making the point, ‘Why won’t they fund the VA, why are they holding our veterans hostage? Why won’t they fund the NIH, why are they holding kids with illnesses hostage?’”
“That’s a fight we could win because their position was unreasonable.”
"Unreasonable?" It might be worthwhile to point out here that those children are now receiving those services denied to them by the government shutdown. As are the veterans. While police are also now being paid, national parks are being opened, and the government is back up and running. And instead of picking and choosing who is worthy of receiving assistance or their paychecks, and who is not, the government is simply now able to do its job.
All of its jobs.
THAT was what the Democrats were fighting for. That and taking the power away from a handful of domestic terrorists who wanted to hold, not just cancer stricken children, but the entire country hostage.
And do you know what? Now that the Tea-borg has failed to beat the President they have turned their anger toward those who have not yet been absorbed into the collective.
This from Politico:
Hard-line conservatives aren’t just sticking it to the national GOP by shutting down the government and bringing the nation to the brink of default — they’re also refusing to pony up to help their party defend the House in 2014.
With a little more than a year until the midterm election, many leaders of the shutdown strategy have yet to donate to the National Republican Congressional Committee, records show. At least eight of the debate’s 20 or so most outspoken figures have not given any money to the NRCC, and others have forked over token amounts.
Their refusal to contribute to the House GOP’s political arm, coming as Republicans are getting thumped by Democrats in the money race, is causing heartburn and frustration among Republican strategists charged with laying the groundwork for next year’s races. They say it is reinforcing a perception of the conservative gang that they’re out only for themselves and don’t much care about advancing the party’s larger cause.
Yes, they are eating their own now.
So for those who thought that Palin's crazed diatribe against the Republican party yesterday, meant that she had gone all "mavericky," and was not longer taking orders from the Koch brothers and Heritage Foundation, it appears such is not the case.
She is simply among those GOP insurgents who are determined to either completely reshape the Republican party or destroy it from within.
There is a part of me that simply wants to sit back and watch the fun, but then I imagine a GOP run by the likes of Ted Cruz, a man who would have gladly used cancer stricken children as pawns in a power play against the Democrats, and I realize I really do have a dog in this fight.
And it is a dog that might be willing to live in harmony with others, NOT a rabid cur growling and snapping at everything, and everyone, who approaches, and is not similarly afflicted with their sickness.
In the middle of speech about fixing the Affordable Care website, the President reaches back and catches young woman about to faint. Doesn't miss a beat.
Did you see that?
The man senses something wrong behind him in the middle of this incredibly important speech and literally catches her with one hand.
The man is the very epitome of cool.
However not everybody sees it that way, as one Right Wing blog titled it "President’s Speech Defending Obamacare Nearly Kills Innocent Woman."
Yes nothing partisan about that!
Fear of Wendy Davis has caused the Republican party in Texas to attempt to suppress the female vote. Cowards!
Courtesy of The New Civil Rights Movement:
They’ve targeted Blacks, Latinos and college students. Now Texas has come up with a Voter ID law that will disproportionately affect women – the constituency they most fear will support Wendy Davis.
Women are Wendy Davis’ natural base. Her eleven-hour filibuster of an abortion bill that closed family planning clinics in Texas is the reason she has the name recognition and the political capital to make a run for governor. Anti-choice groups who have never before had to spend money opposing a pro-choice candidate are scrambling to form political action groups to run ads against her. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, the man who is most likely to be her opponent, has been touting himself as the real pro-woman candidate for his success at collecting back child support from deadbeat dads. Now, Republicans have found what they hope will be a more reliable plan than trying to persuade women that Republicans have their best interest at heart:
Don’t let women vote.
Think Progress reports that as of November 5, Texans must show a photo ID with their up-to-date legal name. It sounds like such a small thing, but according to the Brennan Center for Justice, only 66% of voting age women have ready access to a photo document that will attest to proof of citizenship. This is largely because young women have not updated their documents with their married names, a circumstance that doesn’t affect male voters in any significant way. Suddenly 34% of women voters are scrambling for an acceptable ID, while 99% of men are home free.
So much for all of that macho talk, huh Texas?
So afraid of one little ole girl politician that they are willing to disenfranchise thousands of female voters. Pathetic!
You know somehow I don't think the women of Texas will take that lying down.
"Creation Science 101" by Roy Zimmerman
Somebody sent this to me yesterday in the comments after my post about the textbooks in Texas, and I thought it was just too great not to share.
That awkward moment when your Obama hatred is undermined by your lack of education.
And here I was blissfully unaware that insects even HAD their own Christ.
Weird coincidence that his name is "Obama," don't you think?
Author of book about Rupert Murdoch reveals that Fox News used fake accounts to leave comments on blogs to counter bad press or plant pro-Fox propaganda. Gee, really?
Courtesy of Media Matters:
NPR media reporter David Folkenflik writes in his forthcoming book Murdoch's World that Fox News' public relations staffers used an elaborate series of dummy accounts to fill the comments sections of critical blog posts with pro-Fox arguments.
In a chapter focusing on how Fox utilized its notoriously ruthless public relations department in the mid-to-late 00's, Folkenflik reports that Fox's PR staffers would "post pro-Fox rants" in the comments sections of "negative and even neutral" blog posts written about the network. According to Folkenflik, the staffers used various tactics to cover their tracks, including setting up wireless broadband connections that "could not be traced back" to the network.
A former staffer told Folkenflik that they had personally used "one hundred" fake accounts to plant Fox-friendly commentary:
"On the blogs, the fight was particularly fierce. Fox PR staffers were expected to counter not just negative and even neutral blog postings but the anti-Fox comments beneath them. One former staffer recalled using twenty different aliases to post pro-Fox rants. Another had one hundred. Several employees had to acquire a cell phone thumb drive to provide a wireless broadband connection that could not be traced back to a Fox News or News Corp account. Another used an AOL dial-up connection, even in the age of widespread broadband access, on the rationale it would be harder to pinpoint its origins. Old laptops were distributed for these cyber operations. Even blogs with minor followings were reviewed to ensure no claim went unchecked." [Murdoch's World, pg. 67]
In the book's endnotes, Folkenflik explains that "four former Fox News employees told me of these practices." It's unclear whether these tactics are ongoing.
As the owner of a liberal blog let me help with that question. Yes they are still using those tactics.
So for all of you who wondered if you were being paranoid in thinking that there were people paid to come here and defend Sarah Palin, nope you weren't.
Sarah Palin goes "full retard" in using her paranoia over Obamacare as a bludgeon against the Republican party that once chose her as their VP candidate. Ingrate thy name is Palin.
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Photo courtesy of Facebook |
Then she mentions her aborted attempt to take over the Republican party up here in 2008 (Which I have mentioned here before):
I’ll never forget standing at the podium during our state GOP convention and asking delegates to stand up with me and oust the status quo because the political environment had to change for Alaska to progress toward her manifest destiny as a more productive—and ethical—state to help secure our union. (She neglects to mention that what she was really trying to do was to overthrow the party completely and put Joe Miller in place as the head of the Alaska Republican party, a plan that was put on hold once she knew that McCain was about to tap her for his VP choice.) Only about half stood up. The rest looked around gauging the political winds and sat on their thumbs. Our federal delegation was incensed at me. Their influence resulted in much of the party machine staying put, but I’ll never be sorry I fought it.
Today, doesn't it seem like we have a Corrupt Bastards Club in D.C.? On steroids? It might not be as oily and obvious as its Alaska counterpart, but it’s just as compromised because its members, too, are indifferent to what their actions mean for We the People.
I’m prepared to be attacked for suggesting this comparison of the D.C. political establishment with the CBC. (Oh, and you will.) But I call it like I see it. And lived it. The fight over defunding socialized healthcare, aka Obamacare, should have opened everyone’s eyes to call it the same.
Palin's ghostwriter (Hiya RAM.) then goes on and on about the secret plan behind Obamacare being the destruction of our current health care system, so that they can introduce single payer and have a health care system that is similar to Canada's, which she deems sub-par:
Now let’s look at what Canadians have. I dare say our good neighbor to your north, and my east, has even worse health care coverage, but at least it’s “free” for the individual.
Then there are kisses blown to Tex Cruz, Mike Lee, and the rest of the Tea-ban.
The only credible plan of action was to do everything in our power to delay the implementation of Obamacare – defund it, postpone it, whatever – while at the same time work to elect a majority to repeal it. That is what Cruz and Lee and those Tea Party aligned House Members were doing. There was no other credible alternative plan to seize the constitutionally appropriate opportunity to legislatively close the purse strings to stop the juggernaut of full socialized medicine.
And then it's right back for the GOP jugular.
GOP politicians claim they’re against Obamacare and promise to repeal it. But when it came time to stand up and use the Constitutional tools they have – the power of the purse strings – to finally halt the implementation, they balked, waved the white flag, and joined the lapdog media in trashing the good guys who fought for us. (The bastards!)
Meanwhile, behind the scenes, these same politicians are covertly pushing through amnesty despite evidence that the 33 million newly legalized voters will overwhelmingly lean Democrat! Obviously this makes the likelihood of a GOP hat trick electoral victory, and hence the repeal of socialized healthcare, even more improbable. (What hell? Did she just accidentally admit to why the Republicans are so freaked out?)
The media wants you to believe that the partial government shutdown “fractured” the Republican machine from grassroots commonsense conservatives who go by the acronym TEA Party (that stands for “Taxed Enough Already”). No, Tea Party patriots rose up because the Republican machine “fractured” itself years ago by marginalizing its conservative base. The recent “slimdown” didn’t cause the fracture. It happened because of the fracture – because wayward Republicans have refused for years to stand up and fight for economic freedom and limited government, despite campaigning on those principles every election cycle. That’s how we got into this debt-ridden mess in the first place. They campaigned one way, but governed another.
It’s the establishment’s choice whether this fracture remains unfixed because the conservative grassroots will never give up the fight for freedom. Never. Never. (Never, never, never, goddammit ever!) Generations of our sons and daughters sent off to war to protect our freedom have paid too high a price for us to ever give up the fight.
Well alrighty then.
So essentially Sarah Palin seems to not so much be declaring war on the Democrats and President Obama, as she is declaring war on the Republican party.
It seems that Palin has decided that attacking and destroying the Affordable Care Act is too much for the Tea-ban, but that the GOP presents a softer target for their anger and aggression.
What is that saying again? "The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"
Yeah well forget that, Sarah Palin will always be the enemy, even though by attacking the Republican party from within she may appear to be doing the Democratic party's job for them.
P.S. By the way that picture up above looks posed. I think that this is how the unhappy couple appeared during most of their time in Washington.
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"Keep up Todd, or I will drive off and leave you like last time." |
Great news for science textbooks coming out of Texas. Wait, is that right?
Courtesy of the Examiner:
In a victory for science education and the children of Texas, publishers are refusing to include creationism in science textbooks despite fierce pressure from conservative Christians.
The Texas Freedom Network, a nonpartisan watchdog, released a statement Thursday, Oct. 17, declaring “All 14 publishers are refusing to water down or compromise instruction on evolution and climate change in their proposed new high school biology textbooks.”
The following is from a press release issued by the Texas Freedom Network announcing the news:
"Materials submitted to the Texas Education Agency and examined by the Texas Freedom Network and university scientists show that publishers are resisting pressure to undermine instruction on evolution in their proposed new high school biology textbooks for public schools.
“This is a very welcome development for everyone who opposes teaching phony science about evolution in our kid’s public schools,” Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller said. “Texas parents can applaud these publishers for standing up to pressure from politicians and activists who want to put their personal beliefs ahead of giving Texas students a 21st-century science education.”
Conservative Christians on the Texas State Board of Education have been attempting to insert religious superstition into science textbooks for years by attempting to smuggle into the Texas science curriculum materials supportive of Biblical Creationism, also known as Intelligent Design.
Science advocates argue Creationism, or Intelligent Design, is not a legitimate scientific alternative to the theory of evolution. Indeed, critics would claim Biblical creationism is a religious superstition that does real harm to America - a symptom of a willful ignorance and an anti-intellectualism that thwarts scientific progress at home and humiliates America abroad.
There is so much win in that last paragraph.
Texas, as has been reported before, has a HUGE impact on what kind of textbooks that are printed for public school students around the country, which is why they receive a great deal of scrutiny concerning what is, and what is not, included within their pages.
There has been a great deal of controversy concerning the very aggressive attempts by certain Creationists to undermine science and insert their own superstitious view of the beginnings of life on this planet.
Learning that they have, thus far, been unsuccessful is good news for science, good news for our kids, and ultimately very good news for the future of our country.
"I'm alive because of her." The untold story of Hillary Clinton that everybody needs to hear.
Courtesy of the Daily Kos:
Two years ago when Tina Brown and Diane von Furstenberg first envisioned this conference, they asked me to do a play, a reading, called – the name of the play was called Seven. It was taken from transcripts, real testimony from real women activists around the world. I was the Irish one, and I had no idea that the real women would be sitting in the audience while we portrayed them. So I was doing a pretty ghastly Belfast accent. I was just – I was imitating my friend Liam Neeson, really, and I sounded like a fellow. (Laughter). It was really bad.
So I was so mortified when Tina, at the end of the play, invited the real women to come up on stage and I found myself standing next to the great Inez McCormack. (Applause.) And I felt slight next to her, because I’m an actress and she is the real deal. She has put her life on the line. Six of those seven women were with us in the theater that night. The seventh, Mukhtaran Bibi, couldn’t come because she couldn’t get out of Pakistan. You probably remember who she is. She’s the young woman who went to court because she was gang-raped by men in her village as punishment for a perceived slight to their honor by her little brother. All but one of the 14 men accused were acquitted, but Mukhtaran won the small settlement. She won $8,200, which she then used to start schools in her village. More money poured in from international donations when the men were set free. And as a result of her trial, the then president of Pakistan, General Musharraf, went on TV and said, “If you want to be a millionaire, just get yourself raped.”
But that night in the theater two years ago, the other six brave women came up on the stage. Anabella De Leon of Guatemala pointed to Hillary Clinton, who was sitting right in the front row, and said, “I met her and my life changed.” And all weekend long, women from all over the world said the same thing:
"I’m alive because she came to my village, put her arm around me, and had a photograph taken together."
"I’m alive because she went on our local TV and talked about my work, and now they’re afraid to kill me."
"I’m alive because she came to my country and she talked to our leaders, because I heard her speak, because I read about her."
I’m here today because of that, because of those stores. I didn’t know about this. I never knew any of it. And I think everybody should know. This hidden history Hillary has, the story of her parallel agenda, the shadow diplomacy unheralded, uncelebrated — careful, constant work on behalf of women and girls that she has always conducted alongside everything else a First Lady, a Senator, and now Secretary of State is obliged to do.
And it deserves to be amplified. This willingness to take it, to lead a revolution – and revelation, beginning in Beijing in 1995, when she first raised her voice to say the words you’ve heard many times throughout this conference: “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights.”
When Hillary Clinton stood up in Beijing to speak that truth, her hosts were not the only ones who didn’t necessarily want to hear it. Some of her husband’s advisors also were nervous about the speech, fearful of upsetting relations with China. But she faced down the opposition at home and abroad, and her words continue to hearten women around the world and have reverberated down the decades.
I am almost embarrassed to admit that though this is over a year old I had never heard anything about it.
But now that I have my very first thought is, "This was the woman that the Republican party thought Sarah Palin would remind voters of? And that making her their VP candidate would attract those upset that she had lost the nomination to Barack Obama? Seriously?"
And then my next thought is that when Hillary becomes the candidate for the Democrats in 2016 the Right is going to come after her with her husband's affair, his impeachment, and Benghazi, and do you know what? It will be as nothing in the face of this woman's incredible achievements, her intelligence, and her strength.
If simply having a photograph taken with her can stop an assassin's bullet, and inspire female leaders around the world, imagine what having her as the leader of your country could accomplish
New report says that 476,000 people have signed up for the Affordable Care Act through the exchanges. Or as Ted Cruz would say, "Just more evidence that Obamacare is an abject failure."
Courtesy of the AP:
Administration officials say about 476,000 health insurance applications have been filed through federal and state exchanges, the most detailed measure yet of the problem-plagued rollout of President Barack Obama's signature legislation.
However, the officials continue to refuse to say how many people have actually enrolled in the insurance markets. Without enrollment figures, it's unclear whether the program is on track to reach the 7 million people projecting by the Congressional Budget Office to gain coverage during the six-month sign-up period.
Obama's advisers say the president has been frustrated by the flawed rollout. During one of his daily health care briefings last week, he told advisers assembled in the Oval Office that the administration had to own up to the fact that there were no excuses for not having the website ready to operate as promised.
The president is expected to address the problems on Monday during a health care event at the White House. Cabinet members and other top administration officials will also be traveling around the country in the coming weeks to encourage sign-ups in areas with the highest population of uninsured people.
The first three weeks of sign-ups have been marred by a cascade of computer problems, which the administration says it is working around the clock to correct. The rough rollout has been a glaring embarrassment for Obama, who invested significant time and political capital in getting the law passed during his first term.
The officials said technology experts from inside and outside the government are set to work on the glitches, though they did not say how many workers were being added.
Officials did say staffing has been increased at call centers by about 50 percent. As problems persist on the federally run website, the administration is encouraging more people to sign up for insurance over the phone.
So gee that is almost half a million people who, once their application is processed, would most likely lose their coverage if the Affordable Care Act was repealed or defunded.
In another few months it might be cool million.
And then two.
And three.
And...well you get my drift.
And as those numbers pile up it just becomes that much more difficulty to convince Americans that trying to repeal this new law is something that THEY should support. ESPECIALLY those of us getting access to health care for the first time.
The rollout may have been sloppy as hell, but clearly there are still people flooding the system and that does not exactly suggest that the program is disliked by the majority of Americans, as those on the Right keep reporting as fact.
Personally I have decided to wait just a week or two more to make sure that the glitches are gone before taking the plunge. This is a big decision for me, and I want to make sure that it happens with as little frustration as possible.
But I WILL get it. After all, it's the law.
For your enjoyment I introduce to you the "Tea Party Insult Generator."
The site advertises itself in this way:
"From actual insults posted on John Boehner's Facebook page."
Apparently these were left by Teabaggers who were NOT at all happy with the Speaker over his contribution to opening the government back up.
Here are a few examples:
FUCKHEADED FASCIST SOCIALIST. (Uh, those two things don't go together.)
And it just keeps getting more inane and nonsensical from there.
I am not positive but I kind of felt that some of these people may have visited THIS blog a time or two. Could be, or could just be that crazy people all sound crazy.
Natural selection vs intelligent design.
Dave has a point.
And by the way I have the same question about prayer. Never made sense to me.
Ride with a view: Firm to offer balloon excursions to stratosphere
World View Enterprises, Inc. released illustrations of the pressurized capsule.
World View pressurized capsules would take about 90 minutes to two hours to reach peak altitude, more than twice as high as where commercial jets fly.
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida — Hoping to cash in on a growing appetite for adventure, an Arizona startup has unveiled plans for a balloon ride to the stratosphere, offering passengers about two hours of space-like views from 19 miles above Earth.
Privately owned World View, an offshoot of Paragon Space Development Corp., plans to start selling tickets at $75,000 per person within a few months, said Chairwoman and President Jane Poynter.
The company expects to begin flight tests of a demonstration vehicle this year in Arizona and could be flying passengers within three years, Poynter said.
Initially, six passengers and two pilots would be aboard a pressurized capsule that is still under development. The Federal Aviation Administration has determined it must meet the same safety requirements as a manned spacecraft orbiting Earth.
"At Paragon's intended altitude, water and blood boil, and an unprotected person would rapidly experience fatal decompression," the FAA, which oversees commercial spaceflight in the United States, wrote in a letter Paragon provided to Reuters.
The FAA said it took no position as to whether an altitude of 30 kilometers constitutes outer space, but that Paragon's capsule will need to be capable of operating in space.
Read Full Article Source here
By Irene Klotz of Reuters
For first time, most Americans favor legalizing pot
Brandon Dahl wears novelty sunglasses adorned with artificial marijuana leaves as he sells them across the street from a pro-marijuana rally at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado in this April 20, 2012 file photo.
A new Gallup poll found that 58 percent of Americans surveyed favored marijuana legalization, which is up from 50 percent two years ago.
For the first time, a clear majority of Americans say they favor legalizing marijuana, as recreational and medical use of the drug gains acceptance across the nation, a poll released on Tuesday showed.
The Gallup poll found that 58 percent of those surveyed favored marijuana legalization, up from 50 percent two years ago. By contrast, when Gallup first asked the question in 1969, only 12 percent favored allowing the drug.
Washington state and Colorado became the first states to legalize marijuana for recreational adult use by approving separate ballot measures in November 2012. Some 20 states and the District of Columbia allow pot to be used for medical purposes.
The poll, which drew on a random sample of 1,028 adults living in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, found support for legalization was strongest among 18- to 29-year-old adults, 67 percent of whom were in favor.
Read Full Article Source here
By Tim Gaynor of Reuters
Jon Stewart slams Karl Rove and John McCain for not taking responsibility for their creation, the Tea Party. Uses Sarah Palin to spike his point in the end zone.
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Okay THAT was great.
I swear that Jon Stewart sometimes seems to have a better research staff than even Rachel Maddow.
And he is dead on to use Sarah Palin to shame John McCain and leave him much of the blame for the creation of the rabid Teabaggers that have virtually destroyed the Republican party.
Study finds that religious more likely to lie for financial gain. So THAT'S why I'm still poor!
Study finds that religious more likely to lie for financial gain. So THAT'S why I'm still poor!
Courtesy of Salon: In an experiment where lying led directly to financial gain, just over 50 percent of the participants told an untruth. That figure is roughly consistent with previous research.
What’s new in this study by University of Regina economist Jason Childs is its breakdown of the personality traits of the liars. Unlike some previous research, he did not find men are more likely to lie than women.
However, he discovered other factors predicted a greater likelihood of telling an untruth—including the assertion that religion plays an important role in your life.
Somewhere (or not), Christopher Hitchens is chuckling.
Findings of the study were as follows:
Among those more likely to lie for financial gain were:
• Business majors. “It could be that these students are more prone to lying by nature or training,” Childs writes. “It could also be that individuals strongly motivated by financial returns, and therefore more likely to lie for a monetary payoff, are more likely to pursue an education in business.” (Previous research has found higher levels of academic cheating among business majors.)
• Students whose parents were divorced. This is in line with expectations, in thatpast research has found children of divorce are more likely to engage in anti-social behavior. Perhaps the belief they’ve been cheated out of a happy childhood may lead them to feel cheating is OK.
• Those for whom religion was more important to their lives. “This is surprising,” Childs writes, as most religions “promote honesty as a virtue. It may be that students for whom religion was important feel separate from other students at this largely secular university,” and thus feel less compelled to be honest with them.
You know part of me kind of wants to challenge these findings since I have never found that being religious or not, had any direct impact on a person's honesty. However I also have to admit that with the preponderance of churches now preaching prosperity theology it might very well have conditioned many religious folks to focus on the acquisition of money above all else.
Personally as an Atheist I don't need to feel more moral or honest than my religious counterparts, I just don't want to be considered less moral or honest simply due to my lack of belief.
Husband of stenographer who interrupted House vote to rant about God and the Freemasons, says she just did what God told her to do. Well okay then.
Rick Wiles |
Following the vote in the House of Representatives to raise the debt ceiling and reopen the government last week, a House stenographer named Dianne Reidy briefly seized the microphone and began ranting about God and the Freemasons before being removed and sent to the hospital for a psychological evaluation.
On Friday, her husband Dan appeared on the End Times radio broadcast hosted by Rick Wiles where he revealed that, for the last month, Dianne had repeatedly been woken up in the middle of night by God and compelled to read the Bible, as He pressed upon her the need to speak publicly and deliver a prophetic message.
Dan revealed that his wife had no idea what it was she was supposed to say and that God simply spoke through her once she finally acquiesced to His commands to took control of the microphone:
Reidy: "She shared with me when she actually stepped up to the podium that she didn't know what she was going to say; that those words that came out were what she prayed 'Lord, I'm your vessel, you speak through me.' So her belief is, and my belief is, is that those words came from God. It's not He coached her, she memorized the words or anything like that. In fact, afterwards, I don't think she even remembered what she said ... She was like, I was just the vessel that God was speaking through and it wasn't for me to know what I said, it was for who was hearing it."
Wiles: "I believe God gave a prophetic utterance through your wife. I believe it was an utterance from the Holy Spirit, a very, very solemn, a very severe prophetic warning to the people of the United States. "
Reidy: "Yes, I agree with you. She was prepared for it and she gave it and as a scribe does, they're all about words and He gave her the words and she recorded the words or spoke the words and she feels her job is done. "
For his part, Wiles is convinced that Reidy's rambling statement was a dire warning from God that the Freemasons and the Illuminati are plotting to destroy our constitutional republic and replace it with totalitarian tyranny "because we can see it with the NSA spying, with the TSA groping people, even the park police now don't wear green uniforms, they wear Brownshirts."
So there you go then.
The stenographer wasn't crazy she was just doing her job and taking notes for the Lord. And then delivering those notes to the world on a turned off mic in the middle of the House of Representatives.
Makes perfect sense.
After all if you cannot trust the opinion of a man who has a radio show called End Times radio who can you trust?