Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Shock Claim: Ted Cruz Said Obama Not Eligible To Be President; Citizen Parents?
to Rafael and Ted Cruz
By JB Williams, ©2013 | The Post & Email
(Dec. 17, 2013) — Junior Texas Senator Ted Cruz has captured the imagination of many American conservatives hungry for a “real deal” statesman willing to stand up for American principles and values. His fiery pro-American tone is undoubtedly inherited from his very fiery father, Rev. Rafael Cruz.
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Sen. Ted Cruz has voiced strong objections to Obamacare but not to Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of president in keeping with Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution |
Immigrant Americans from Cuba via Canada, the Cruz family most likely does hold a special reverence toward American freedom as a result of their own life experiences. Often, immigrant Americans have a deeper sense of American exceptionalism in the world than Natural Born Americans do, those who more often than not take such great blessings for granted today.
The Cruz family message is hard to misinterpret, and it often sets opponents of American freedom, liberty and exceptionalism into fits of blind rage, while inspiring many others who yearn for new pro-American national leadership.
Rev. Cruz has been quoted as saying that he believes his son Ted is “ordained by God, to change the course of history in America.” I pray that Rev. Cruz is right about that, because his son Ted is in the highly unique position to do exactly that…
Today, I write to call upon Ted and his father Rafael to stand together upon their stated convictions, as only they can do. These two men are indeed in a unique position to alter the course of history in America and save freedom and liberty for many generations to come.
Leaving all political rhetoric and aspirations aside, Senator Ted Cruz can single-handedly end the ongoing systematic destruction of the United States of America and with the help of his father, Rev. Rafael Cruz, I have every reason to believe he will.
What Senator Cruz can do is very simple, though it will not be easy. It will require that both Ted and his father set aside their own ambitions in a selfless act of true heroism, for the greater good of America. It will require brave and bold actions that only Ted is in the position to take. It is simple, but not easy, because it requires the Senator to stand up before the world and make the following proclamation…
“I am honored that so many Americans want me to run for the office of President. However, my moral convictions require that I state clearly for the record that I am not eligible for the office of president or vice president according to Article II – Section I – Clause V of the U.S. Constitution, which requires that only a Natural Born Citizen of the United States, born of an American Citizen Father, seek or hold these offices. As I was born the son of a Cuban Citizen living in Canada at the time, I am not a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. On this Constitutional ground, I hereby state that Barack Hussein Obama, the son of a Kenyan Citizen Father, is also not a Natural Born Citizen of the United States…I hereby call for the immediate investigation and resignation of Barack Hussein Obama and all who were involved in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the world, as well as all who have engaged in the greatest political cover-up in the history of politics.”
Accepting on faith that Ted and his father Rafael are both Christian men, who do understand and believe that they find themselves in this unique position at the historical moment, I call upon the Cruz family to act upon their stated moral convictions and save America from this massive fraud known as Obama.
Now, a close personal friend worked on Ted’s senate campaign in Texas. He shared with me a conversation he had with Ted during the early days of the campaign. In that conversation, he asked Ted – “what is your understanding of the term Natural Born Citizen?” – to which Ted answered, “someone born on soil to Citizen parents…”
Ted no doubt learned this definition from Tea Party friends helping out with his campaign. Despite it not being exactly correct, it was close enough for my friends to ask the second question…
“Is Barack Obama a Natural Born Citizen of the United States? – to which Ted correctly answered, “NO!”
Then the most important question was asked… “If we get you elected to the Senate, will you do something about our illegal occupant of the White House?” – to which Ted answered…. “I think repealing ObamaCare is more important…” The witness is willing to go on record if need be.
In the end, Senator Ted Cruz has a monumental opportunity to write himself into history as the man who righted the most egregious political wrong in American history. He has only a few weeks to do it, immediately following the holiday, before Obama, Reid and Boehner can ram through amnesty for millions of illegal aliens and pass massive gun control laws against legal American citizens.
If Rev. Rafael Cruz and his son want to be true American heroes, they can be. If they choose not to be, then the Americans who hold such great hopes for Ted will have lost just another hopeful hero who says many of the right things, but refuses to do the most important right things.
Join me in calling upon Rev. Rafael Cruz and his son Ted to stand up, do the right thing…
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Shock Claim: Ted Cruz Said Obama Not Eligible To Be President; Citizen Parents?
Shock Claim: Ted Cruz Said Obama Not Eligible To Be President; Citizen Parents?
- Image Credit: Protect Our Liberty -
Notice: Names Revealed Of Congressmen Receiving Obama ID Fraud Evidence
of Congressmen Receiving Sheriff’s Kits
By Sharon Rondeau | The Post & Email
(Dec. 17, 2013) — During the Friday evening broadcast of (WOBC) guest-hosted by radio host Erik Rush, an individual contacted The Post & Email and provided a list of members of Congress to whom he sent Sheriff’s Kits via the U.S. Postal Service with tracking confirmation.
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Screen shot of purported Obama long-form birth certificate from the White House website |
For 27 months, Zullo has acted as lead investigator for the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse, which first publicized its findings on the birth certificate at a March 1, 2012 press conference. Zullo and Sheriff Joe Arpaio confirmed that they also had probed Obama’s purported Selective Service registration form and found it fraudulent.
Following a second press conference on July 17, 2012, Zullo and Arpaio called upon Congress to investigate the matter to protect national security and bring the perpetrators to justice. To date, Congress has taken no action that has been made known to the public.
The kit can be downloaded with the link sent through email or shared in DVD format.
The individual sending the DVDs through the mail, Jeffrey Harrison, accompanied Volin to Washington last month. Mr. Harrison told The Post & Email that all of the DVDs he mailed have been confirmed as received. The list of recipients, delivery date and tracking numbers are as follows:
Rep. John Boehner 1011 LongworthHOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Label # 9114901159815376600873 was delivered 12/04/2013 at 10:59 am
Rep. John Boehner H-232 The Capitol Washington, D.C. 20515 Label # 9114901159815376615181 was delivered 12/12/2013 at 7:21 am
Rep. Eric Cantor 303 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Label # 9114901159815376600903 was delivered 12/04/2013 at 10:59 am
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers 203 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Label # 9114901159815376600866 was delivered 12/04/2013 at 10:59 am
Rep. James Lankford 228 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Label # 9114901159815376600842 was delivered 12/04/2013 at 10:59 am
Rep. Nancy Pelosi 235 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Label # 9114901159815376600828 was delivered 12/04/2013 at 10:59 am
Rep. Nancy Pelosi H-204, US Capitol Washington, D.C. 20515 Label # 9114901159815376603850 was delivered 11/25/2013 at 11:49 am
Rep.Steny Hoyer 1705 Longworth HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Label # 9114901159815376600897 was delivered 12/04/2013 at 10:59 am
Rep. James Clyburn 242 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Label # 9114901159815376600880 was delivered 12/04/2013 at 10:59 am
Rep. Xavier Becerra 1226 Longworth HOB Washington ,D.C. Label # 9114901159815376600859 was delivered 12/04/2013 at 10:59am
Sen. Robert P. Casey, Jr. 817 E. Bishop St., Suite C Bellefonte, PA 16823 label # 9114901159815376600835 was delivered 12/02/2013 at 10:56 am
Mr. Harrison told The Post & Email that he has been a registered Democrat since 1976 and joined his local Tea Party in 2008 after he became concerned about the direction in which he perceived the country was moving. He stated that he has been studying the birth certificate issue for about three years and is concerned that Obama, as purported commander-in-chief, has not been vetted, including whether or not he could obtain a military security clearance. “Could he pass the same background check that a servicemember is subjected to?” he posed in an email.
Volin has published the names of some of the recipients to whom he and his team gave DVDs along with photos from last month’s trip but is withholding the rest for reasons of “security.” After the release of the kit over the summer, Volin and others began meeting with congressmen in their district offices over the August recess.
Sheriff’s Kits can be ordered here.
“We need to shine a light on this. Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant,” Harrison said in regard to the forgery investigation.
Source link. © 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
Attack: Court Sides With "Birther" Attorney; Grants Preliminary Injunction
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and grants Larry Klayman's preliminary injunction
Reclaim America Now Coalition
(December 16, 2013, Washington, D.C.) - Larry Klayman, founder, chairman and general counsel of Freedom Watch and also a former U.S. Justice Department prosecutor, announced today that the Honorable Richard J. Leon of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has granted his motion for preliminary injunction against the federal government and the National Security Agency ("NSA"), enjoining the NSA from collecting telephone and other metadata, finding that the program violates the U.S. Constitution.
"This is the most significant case in the history of any litigation against the government," Klayman added. Judge Leon issued a 68-page memorandum opinion in which he stated, “I cannot imagine a more ‘indiscriminate’ and ‘arbitrary invasion’ than this systematic and high-tech collection and retention of personal data on virtually every single citizen for purposes of querying it and analyzing it without judicial approval.”
Klayman was confident from the beginning that the preliminary injunction would be granted. "What we had here was the greatest violation of constitutional rights in American history. I applaud the judge for his courage, and for taking a stand against the tyranny and abuses of the other two branches of government. The judge is an American hero. Not since D.C. federal judge Royce C. Lamberth has any judge in recent years taken strong and principled action to protect the American people from the lawlessness and criminality of establishment government leaders, both Democrat and Republican, who think and act as if they are above the law. The American people have lost trust in their government and hopefully more judges will fulfill their oath of office to now step forward to check the gross abuses of the ruling establishment. We cannot continue to live in a KGB-like police state."
The case is titled Klayman v. Obama (Nos. 13-cv-851 & 13-cv-881), and court documents are available on Freedom Watch's website ( Klayman is prepared to take the case all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court and looks forward to putting an end to the unconstitutional and Orwellian conduct of the government.
For more information contact Freedom Watch at or Tel: (424) 274-2579. #####
Stunning revelation...
DIRTY TRICKS: NSA sent out emails that he never wrote?
Second Smackdown Coming...
Stunning revelation...
DIRTY TRICKS: NSA sent out emails that he never wrote?
Second Smackdown Coming...
Larry Klayman crows on NSA win: ‘We hit the mother lode’
Larry Klayman crows on NSA win: ‘We hit the mother lode’
In recent years, the once-prominent Klayman has been associated with a series of causes at the fringe of the conservative movement, arguing that President Barack Obama is a closet Muslim and likely was born in Kenya. The legal gadfly has also struggled personally, drawing a public reprimand by the Florida Bar for his slowness in repaying a client after declaring himself flat broke just three years ago. [...] - Politico.
- Image Credit: Art Info -
Oh please!
Courtesy of Brancy's blog.
So let me get this straight. Yesterday some crazed Christian, most likely inspired by Sarah Palin's anti-Atheist warmongering, goes all Grand Theft Auto on an innocent Salvation Army bell ringer and today, totally by chance, an old picture of Tripp hanging out by a Salvation Army donation can, in what is clearly Anchorage, shows up on the internet?
Oh yeah, that is such a believable coincidence.
Hey do you remember that post about the sheriffs who were planning to refuse to enforce new gun laws? Yeah funny thing, they're almost all secessionists.
Click image to play video |
This entire segment of Rachel's show is worth watching, however the part about the secessionist sheriffs starts at the 11:35 mark.
Fox News caught in another Benghazi lie.
Courtesy of the Washington Post:
The news that Fox News’s Jennifer Griffin laid before the public more than a year ago was explosive. It came on Oct. 26, 2012, not long before a presidential election. It brought seismic allegations to the set of facts that voters possessed in regard to the Sept. 12, 2012, attacks on the U.S. diplomatic installation in Benghazi, Libya. Most seismic:
Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators twice to “stand down” rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.
Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a small team who was at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When he and others heard the shots fired, they informed their higher-ups at the annex to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out. They were told to “stand down,” according to sources familiar with the exchange. Soon after, they were again told to “stand down.”
The CIA at the time issued a rare and emphatic denial of that allegation, saying that “no one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.”
The Associated Press is now reporting that congressional testimony from CIA personnel and contractors “bolster” the agency’s denial. The situation on the ground that night was chaotic and unclear: A call to the CIA annex near the under-attack diplomatic compound came in at 9:40 p.m., and it took the security personnel about 25 minutes to move in.
Fox had reported that the team was told to "stand down" allowing Ambassador Stevens and his support team die, without the CIA responding to protect him. That was not the case.
This is what Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, chairman of a House subcommittee reported after hearing testimony:
Westmoreland said the CIA security contractors loaded into two vehicles, with weapons ready, the moment they heard the radio call for help from the diplomatic building. Some wanted to rush to the U.S. compound roughly a mile away, and their agitation grew as they heard increasing panic when the diplomats reported the militants were setting the compound on fire.
The CIA team leader and the CIA chief at the Benghazi annex told committee members that they were trying to gather Libyan allies and intelligence before racing into the fray, worried that they might be sending their security team into an ambush with little or no backup.
A critical discrepancy between Fox News’s Oct. 26 report and the AP’s scoop: In addition to presenting the imperative to wait for backup as “stand down” orders, Fox News reported that the security contractors “ignored those orders and made their way to the consulate which at that point was on fire.” The AP reports no such defiance: “When it became ‘clear that this additional support could not be rapidly obtained,’ the team moved toward the diplomatic compound,” reports the AP’s Kimberly Dozier.
So Fox News changed the circumstances from "wait for backup" to "don't go in there." Then claimed that the security contractors were forced to defy orders in an attempt to protect American lives, when no such thing happened.
And they did it right before a presidential election. Gee, what a coincidence.
Anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, who gets their news from Fox is a moron. They are a propaganda arm of, not only the Republican party, but of the most fringe Right Wing nutjobs in the country.
Whoa Nelly! Alaska domestic terrorist Schaeffer Cox turns the crazy up to 11.
Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:
Acting as his own legal representative, convicted militia leader Schaeffer Cox filed an appeal with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this month, claiming that he is the victim of government misconduct.
In a document he sent from federal prison in Illinois to the San Francisco-based court, Cox claims that federal officials lied, withheld key information, failed to supervise informants, tampered with evidence and witnesses and set up a sting to entrap him.
Cox said he was the innocent victim of the same prosecution team that mishandled the case against the late Sen. Ted Stevens and others, but his court-appointed attorney won’t raise the issues he wants to pursue.
“Suppression, concealment, false statements and use of known perjured testimony are the hallmarks of this prosecution team and of this present case,” Cox wrote.
Cox wants to have his case returned to U.S. District Court in Alaska and asked that a new attorney, Robert John of Fairbanks, be appointed to represent him.
Can you believe this schmuck is trying to link his case to the Ted Stevens case in order to suggest it was mishandled? I am no fan of Uncle Ted, but he deserves better than to have his name associated with this crybaby.
As many of you remember Cox has a history of conflicts with his attorneys, and always seems to believe they are working against him. Almost like he is a paranoid schizophrenic or something.
And it may just be that his attorney has similar concerns.
After Cox filed his appeal, dated Dec. 4 and received by the appeals court Dec. 11, it appears that his attorney in Seattle filed a separate document with the court, seeking a competency hearing. That motion was filed with the court “under seal,” meaning it is not available for public review.
His own attorney asked for a competency hearing?
Just how far off the deep end has Cox gone?
Cox claims that he became a target of the so-called “Polar Pen” investigation set up by the Justice Department to sniff out corruption among Alaska politicians.
According to Cox, the two key federal attorneys prosecuting his case took their names off of future legal filings about his case three months after he was arraigned, “once it became apparent that the misconduct would be made public,” he wrote.
He said his attorney, Suzanne Elliott, is not familiar with the federal investigation of political corruption in Alaska and won’t take on the feds.
Writing about himself as the “Movant,” he said that his attorney is “adamantly disinclined to raise appellant’s issues in regard to the denial of admissibility of evidence Movant needed to assert entrapment, prosecutorial misconduct” and other violations, he charged.
Well hello psychotic break.
Now this "Polar Pen" investigation that Schaffer is speaking of is the nickname given to the investigation into the Alaska political corruption probe that focused on the oil industry, fisheries, and prisons for profit programs up here.
Essentially it was the program that brought down the Corrupt Bastards Club.
So Cox seems to be claiming that HE was a target of this investigation due to his closeness to certain political types, who were also the target of the investigation.
In a note to his appeal, Cox said he admits “to letting his ego run away with him and becoming full of himself. Rubbing shoulders with state senators, representatives and other political leaders coupled with having hundreds of followers come to his rallies was heady territory for a 24-year-old home-schooled political newcomer. And it was not well handled.”
Now of course I think that Schaeffer Cox is completely out of his damn mind.
However it is worth noting that he DID rub shoulders with Rep. Don Young, Joe Miller, and, of course, Sarah Palin.
So the question remains, even if Cox is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, is there information on these individuals still rattling around in that pointy head of his that would be of use to in future investigations?
Might be, but if there is then it would seem likely that the Feds already know most of it.
And the rest? Well the rest is so marinated in paranoia who would believe it?
Barbara Walters: We Thought Obama Was Going To Be The Next Messiah
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Obama Was Going To Be The Next Messiah
Transcript via MRC's NewsBusters:
PIERS MORGAN, HOST: You have interviewed every president of my lifetime. Why is Obama facing so much opposition now? Why is he struggling so much to really fulfill the great flame of ambition and excitement that he was elected on originally in 2009?
BARBARA WALTERS: Well, you've touched on it to a degree. He made so many promises. We thought that he was going to be - I shouldn't say this at Christmastime, but - the next messiah. And the whole ObamaCare, or whatever you want to call it, the Affordable Health Act, it just hasn't worked for him, and he’s stumbled around on it, and people feel very disappointed because they expected more. It's very difficult when the expectations for you are very high. You're almost better off when they are low and then they rise and rise. His were very high and they’ve dropped. But you know, he still has several years to go. What does he have, three years, Piers? And, you know, there will be a lot of changes, one thinks in that time.
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- image credit: now the end begins - video clip here. - |
Fireworks: Obama ID Fraud Attorney Nukes CNN Hosts; Live With It!
Fireworks: Obama ID Fraud Attorney
Nukes CNN Hosts; Disgraceful Conduct!
[video below]
The following interview showcases why CNN's ratings continue to tank. Last night CNN apparently ran a intro hit piece on Attorney Larry Klayman right before his interview on the latest federal court ruling declaring the NSA data collection unconstitutional. The interview quickly turned into a longer hit piece with Don Lemon and Jeffrey Toobin tag-teaming atty. Klayman calling him a lunatic and outright delusional multiple times.
It was pretty clear they did not intend to discuss the merits of the NSA ruling but to use the 6 minutes to attack Klayman's character. They didn't mention the "Birther" issue by name but the main info bar across the screen noted Klayman filed a birther lawsuit against Obama. I guess CNN ignores its own polls on the birther issue!?
Klayman slammed Toobin rightly telling him he shouldn't be doing legal commentary for CNN calling them both a disgrace. Lemon then demanded Klayman be removed from the screen telling Klayman he didn't want to argue. Lemon eventually told Klayman they would be 'the bigger people' and let Klayman have the last word.
Klayman ended by saying; "The last word is that you're not the bigger people. Don't kid anybody.. Let anybody that watch this and see that CNN removes you from the screen when it doesn't like what you think... CNN is a reputable organization but you have not acted in a respectful way and it's in fact disgraceful. You're more like Martin Bashir! ... That's the reality. ... Live with it. ... Merry Christmas ...!"
CNN's Lemon and Toobin showed their true colors in the way they treated Klayman. These phony clowns pretending to be journalists and analysts are nothing more than paid political hacks for the progressive movement.
That weasel Toobin should apologize for his disgraceful conduct just like he had to do with LTC Lakin.
Fireworks: Obama ID Fraud Attorney Nukes CNN Hosts; Live With It!
- Image Credit: Simply Adding Value -
Pope Francis dumps outspoken anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, cardinal. Is this a trick?
Courtesy of TPM:
Pope Francis announced changes in the influential Vatican office that evaluates and nominates candidates for bishop around the world.
Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington was appointed Monday to the Congregation for Bishops. The pope also reconfirmed Cardinal William Levada, the former archbishop of San Francisco and former head of the Vatican's orthodoxy watchdog office.
Some members of the congregation were very conspicuously not retained. Cardinal Raymond Burke, former Archbishop of St. Louis, will no longer serve in the office.
Burke is considered an outspoken critic of abortion and same-sex marriage and a favorite of conservative Catholics. He has also been publicly critical of Francis's changes in the direction of the church.
Burke retains his position as the head of the Vatican high court, the Apostolic Signatura. Burke drew attention in the U.S. in 2004 when he said he would deny Communion to Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, a Roman Catholic who supports abortion rights.
Okay now this does not prove that the Pope has any new ideas on which direction the church should take on the issue of abortion and gay marriage, but it IS interesting.
And don't forget he is also still the Pope who said this:
"Every child that isn't born, but is unjustly condemned to be aborted, has the face of Jesus Christ, has the face of the Lord," he said.
It looks to me that he is still supporting the church's discriminatory policies toward women, and shares their archaic views on sex, but he just does not want it advertised so blatantly anymore.
Let's just say that the jury is still out until he does something to really shake the old cathedrals up. Then we will decide if he is the real deal, or simply a wolf in lambs clothing.
Fox's Elizabeth Hasselbeck thanks creationist Ken Ham for "standing up" to Atheists. By doing what, misinforming people about evolution?
Courtesy of Raw Story:
The president of a Kentucky creationist museum told Fox News on Monday that Christmas was a “time to take on the atheists” who used their free speech rights to doubt the existence of God.
“Well, it wouldn’t be Christmas without someone complaining about Christ,” Fox & Friends host Elisabeth Hasselbeck told Creation Museum President Ken Ham, noting that atheists had put up a billboard in Time Square which suggested that Christ was not needed during Christmas.
“You know, the atheist who are a very small minority in the population have been trying to impose their religion of atheism on the culture now for quite a while,” Ham explained. “You know, getting Bible, prayer out of schools. Christian symbols out of public places.”
“Because they’re becoming so aggressive, I just feel that it’s really time Christians really stood up in this culture to take on the atheists and to proclaim their message of hope,” he continued. “I mean, what’s the atheists’ message? There is no God? When you die that’s the end of you? So everything’s just meaningless and hopelessness?”
Ham said that his group, Answers in Genesis, had put up its own billboards in Time Square, including one that says, “To all our atheists friends: Thank God you’re wrong.”
“Our message to the atheists is, hey, we’re not attacking you personally but we want you to know the truth, that there is a God who created you and you are sinners as all of us are, but that God sent his son to become a babe in a manger,” he insisted.
When you call somebody a "sinner" based on your superstition, yes that IS considered attacking somebody personally and is insulting to the rational thinkers who refer to themselves as atheists or agnostics.
“The atheists are only a small part of the population,” Hamm said. “And really, it’s that minority, less than 2 percent of the population, that seem to be having such say in our culture, in imposing their anti-God religion.”
Actually there are a hell of a lot more people who think of themselves as Atheists who are simply not yet confident enough to come out of he closet, or who realize doing so will jeopardize their jobs, relationships, or reputation in their communities.
That is really why the atheist community are "becoming more aggressive." It is to help make being an Atheist more acceptable and to help others hiding in the shadows that there is a community out there who will embrace them and allow them to be who they are without fear of persecution.
“What they’re really doing, the atheists, they’re really wanting to impose their anti-God religion on us, on the culture. And so we need to stand up against that.”
Just a small correction, Atheism is NOT a religion. That is unless the consider bald a hair color.
Boy it certainly looks like Elizabeth Hasselbeck has finally found a place to call home doesn't it?
She could never have got away with a softball interview like this on The View.
Mike Huckabee to launch "Huckabee Post." Because you can never have too much misinformation in the world.
Courtesy of ABC News:
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee will launch a news publication “Huckabee Post” in January 2014, ABC News has learned.
The site will cover a range of topics from news and politics to sports and pop culture, according to the former governor’s son, David Huckabee.
Mediaite first spotted an ad on Craigslist announcing the developing outlet, which was advertising for full-time reporters who can work in the website’s New York and D.C. offices.
Mike Huckabee, who recently ended his radio show, made headlines last week after dropping hints that he is considering another run for president in 2016, telling the New York Times he’s “keeping the door open,” thanks in part to the recent wealth he has accumulated in his media ventures.
David Huckabee told ABC News that Huckabee Post is a “natural extension and expansion” of the discussion of news and commentary Huckabee already does online, and has done through other media outlets, such as his radio show and Fox News programs.
You know every once in a while I catch Huckabee on his Fox show and he has no shame about spreading the most vile BS in this folksy aw shucks manner that somehow makes it seem more malevolent then when it is done by Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly.
You almost want to trust Huckabee and that makes it all the more jarring when you hear him lying about Benghazi or blowing things WAY out of proportion concerning the Affordable Care Act.
I have no doubt that this sad little HuffPo knock off will simply be a cornier version of Breitbart or the Drudge report.
I would not look for any actual journalism to be practiced there, and anything which emerges will be heavily marinated is Right Wing crazy sauce.
Oh and did you notice that he is taking a page from Palin and supposedly "keeping the door open" for a presidential run in 2016. Yeah well I have seen him recently and any doors that are left open better be double doors because he has gained back ALL of the weight he lost before running last time.