Friday, October 18, 2013
Florida man tries to burn cross on his lawn, as a prank. Sets himself ablaze instead. Hey you know, that is kind of funny!
Courtesy of TPM:
A 50-year-old Palm Bay, Fla. man suffered extensive second-degree burns on Tuesday when he accidentally lit himself on fire while setting up a Halloween display that involved a wooden cross, candles, and gasoline, according to Florida Today. Police described the incident as a "prank."
“It started as some kind of prank apparently and involved a wooden cross,” Yvonne Martinez, a spokesperson for the Palm Bay Police Department, told Florida Today. "We don’t know if he was trying to light the cross or the candles but when he did, his clothes caught fire."
The man, identified as Ron Nielson, was airlifted to Orlando Regional Medical Center's burn unit for treatment, and his condition was not publicly known on Wednesday.
“He was conscious and alert but he had second-degree burns over 40 to 50 percent of his body, including his chest, arms, upper torso,” Martinez said.
According to Bay News 9, investigators said Nielson was putting up Halloween decorations on his front yard when, as a joke, he poured gasoline on a small wooden cross and lit it on fire. Gasoline vapors ignited a gas can, which exploded, shooting flames into Nielson's chest and back.
You know this is the problem with today's Klu Klux Klan, they have gotten sloppy and lost pride in what they do.
In the old days these guys could plant ten, maybe a dozen flaming crosses in yards with nary a blister on their finger to show for it.
And if they had set their asses on fire they would never have covered it up by claiming it was a joke. Instead they would have struggled to sit up and yelled across the street "This was for you Juan!" Before passing out and being rushed to the hospital.
Obama Classmate: Obama Committed Fraud; Obama World’s Biggest Birther
October 17, 2013 | Wayne Allyn Root
Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Many Americans suspect Barack Obama was foreign-born. They have every right to ask the questions about the most powerful and mysterious man in the world, but I believe they have the story wrong. They are on the wrong path to unsealing the mystery of Obama’s background.
But the Obama defenders are equally wrong. They rudely label Obama’s critics as “birthers.” Interestingly, the person most responsible for spreading this birth rumor is Obama himself. So in reality, Obama is the world’s biggest “birther.” I was Obama’s classmate at Columbia University. And, boy, do I have a story to tell you.
I believe Obama is a fraud. But it has nothing to do with his birth. Obama’s critics have it all backward. They are looking in the wrong place. He isn’t a foreigner portraying himself as an American. He’s an American who fraudulently portrayed himself as a foreigner. So because of his own fraudulent actions, Obama is actually the one to blame for starting all of this conspiracy talk.
Months ago, MSNBC television host Rachel Maddow spent 15 minutes on her national show calling me a “birther.” I scratched my head, because I’m not — never have been, not for one minute. A “birther” believes Obama is a foreigner, not legally qualified to be President. I have never believed that.
I’ve always believed that Obama is 100 percent American. There, I’ve said it loudly. I’m a leading critic of the President, but I’ve always believed him to be American-born. He is as American as P.T. Barnum. And he lies and exaggerates like Barnum, too. While Obama is no foreigner, he is a fraud. Let me tell you the real Obama story.
In hundreds of media interviews, I’ve stated that even though Obama was my college classmate at Columbia University, class of 1983, and we shared the same majors (political science and pre-law), I never saw, met or heard of him. But the media has this story wrong, too. I’ve never said that my conclusion is Obama did not go to Columbia. On the contrary, I believe Obama graduated Columbia and we are classmates.
Where was he hiding for those Columbia years? My educated guess is he was smoking pot and attending communist meetings, plotting the downfall of America and capitalism. Don’t laugh; it worked.
While that was just an educated guess, Obama’s own autobiography backs me up. He personally admitted often attending Socialist Party meetings at Cooper Union in downtown Manhattan. With Obama, even your wildest guesses are often proven true.
But forget why he wasn’t seen at Columbia; the real mystery is how he ever got into Columbia. Stay with me, because this ties into the whole “foreign-born” story.
I’ve believe I’ve pieced together what happened at Columbia and here it is. I believe that Obama, an American citizen, committed fraud by portraying himself as a foreigner in order to gain almost impossible admittance to prestigious Columbia University (and probably Occidental and Harvard Law School as well). He lied and used fraud, misrepresentation, to weasel his way in.
Is that really a crime? Ask convicted criminal Frank Abagnale, the real-life star of the hit movie and best-selling book Catch Me If You Can. Portraying someone you’re not is called fraud and is punishable by years in prison.
It doesn’t take a psychology degree to figure out Obama’s fragile mindset as a young man. He spent his youth living a fantasy, wanting desperately to be foreign-born and exotic, instead of just a normal American kid from a struggling single-parent household. As a black teen with no dad, Obama undoubtedly faced racism and tough times. With help from mentors like Frank Marshall Davis, a communist, and Bill Ayers, a terrorist, he learned to despise his country of birth (America). As a dreamer and loner, he started to believe his own story of exotic birth, then he used that fantasy (aka fraud) to gain admittance to both Occidental and Columbia.
In too deep, he had no way out. Ironically, that makes Obama himself the “birther.” He’s the one who created the foreign-born storyline. By calling himself a foreigner, he became the birther.
The fact the leftist media (Maddow, Jon Stewart, Mother Jones and others) are so frightened of me confirms that I’m close to the truth. It explains why Obama sent the Internal Revenue Service to viciously attack me not once, but twice. (I won 100 percent victories in both audits.) I’ve gotten too close to both the Obama Columbia scandal and the Obama IRS scandal. The closer to the target, the greater the flack.
So let me explain why Obama needed to concoct a fraudulent story to get into Columbia. Getting into an Ivy League University is extremely difficult and transferring in is virtually impossible. Every year, 30,000 kids try to get into a college like Columbia. Only a small fraction are accepted (there were about 700 in our class of 1983). The battle is cutthroat. Virtually all 30,000 are straight-A students, have close-to-perfect SAT scores, and have achieved outsized success at extracurricular activities, too.
Into that dog-eat-dog competition stepped Obama, a young man with no achievements, except an exotic story of Indonesian upbringing. Obama could never have gotten into Columbia out of high school, and his odds of transferring in later were even worse. Last year, Columbia accepted only three transfer students in the entire world. Three. And I guarantee you all three had amazing scholastic and achievement records from other Ivy League colleges like Harvard, Yale or Princeton.
Obama had none of that. By his own admission, he was a poor student who smoked pot, rarely attended class and got mediocre grades from Occidental (a good, but not great, college). His only chance of transferring into Columbia was a made-up story of being an exotic foreigner.
It’s pretty clear how Obama got into Columbia; I believe it was by lying. Obama was a smart kid, even then gave “great interview,” and talked (lied) his way into Columbia as an Indonesian student, using his Jakarta grade school transcripts (and perhaps passport/citizenship papers) as proof. Columbia probably asked very few questions. They were thrilled to have an Indonesian student to brag about. They got what they wanted: “diversity.”
That was Obama’s edge that gained him admittance to the exclusive Ivy League world at Columbia and then Harvard Law School. But that also made him a fraud, who accepted admittance and foreign student aid under false pretenses.
Since selling this fraudulent story had succeeded beyond his wildest imagination, Obama was emboldened. So he used it again to sell a book. Remember: I’m not guessing here. It’s a fact that his book agent described Obama to publishers as “born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia.” There is physical proof of these exact words. Bleeding-heart-liberal Manhattan book publishers bought it hook, line and sinker.
All of this lying and fraud based on a fantasy built an impressive platform for young Obama. It got him the credentials he needed for a career in politics (Columbia, Harvard Law, professor at Chicago Law School). Next, he used that platform to run for office. He won and then won again, becoming a U.S. Senator. People started touting him as a Presidential candidate. All the lies and Barnum-like self-promotion had worked for Obama, too well. Now, he had a deep, dark secret to cover up.
His college records were his Achilles heel. He had to hide his tracks. His college records had to be sealed forever — not because he was a foreigner and unqualified to be President, but because he was an American posing as a foreigner. That makes him a fraud unqualified to be President. Keep in mind he almost certainly would have accepted foreign aid loans or scholarships. That is a crime.
And this story is important for another reason. It tells us everything about the man in the White House who created and sold a pack of lies called Obamacare. He promised it would lower our health insurance costs. Lie. They are up dramatically and set to skyrocket even more next year. He promised we could keep our present insurance. Lie. Millions of Americans are losing their insurance or, worse, their jobs. He promised our quality of care would not be affected. We’re adding 30 million to 40 million new patients, but no new doctors. The waits for care will be shocking. Another lie.
Polls prove 70 percent of all doctors are thinking of retiring. We’ll all be treated by foreign doctors with shaky English and untrustworthy degrees from the University of Grenada. Quality of care will plummet. So there’s another lie. And Obama said there are no “death panels.” Another lie. Healthcare will have to be rationed. Many Americans will either have the most effective treatments denied because of cost or they will die waiting in long lines for treatment. So there’s a lie that could cost you your life.
It all makes sense that Obamacare is one big lie. The man pitching it is a born liar. He made up fantasy stories, delusions, exaggerations, half-truths, cons and misrepresentations his whole life. He did it with ease — to get into college, to get into law school, to get his first book deal and to win political office. His whole life is about a web of fraud and deceit. We’ve been sold down the river by a con man in the White House.
I would love for Obama to release his college records and prove me wrong. But of course he won’t. He can’t, because at the top of his college admissions transcript would be the two words that would destroy his Presidency and legacy: “foreign student.”
No, I’m not a birther. I believe Obama is 100 percent American-born. While never questioning his birth, I’ve been in the media nonstop for five years questioning his allegiance to America, American exceptionalism and Judeo-Christian values.
And I’ve exposed his plan, created by husband-and-wife professors Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven at Columbia, to destroy capitalism by overwhelming the system with spending, debt and entitlements. That purposeful plan is proven by facts; please see record spending, record debt and record entitlements under Obama. This whole giant scandal wrapped in mystery is really about a plan to destroy America carried out by an American who always despised America, American values and capitalism and who posed as a foreigner.
No, Obama isn’t foreign-born, but I believe he is a fraud. And if so, it’s Obama who is the world’s biggest birther. Isn’t real life stranger than fiction? I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. Right back here. Same time, same place. God bless America and protect us from the fraud in the White House.
[.] - Personal Liberty Digest. Previous articles by Wayne Allyn Root can be found here.
DNA links mysterious Yeti to ancient polar bear
Mount Everest is shown at approximately 29,035-foot on May 18, 2003 in Nepal.
DNA analysis suggests the creature, also known as the Yeti, is the descendant of an ancient polar bear.
LONDON — A British scientist says he may have solved the mystery of the Abominable Snowman — the elusive ape-like creature of the Himalayas. He thinks it's a bear.
DNA analysis conducted by Oxford University genetics professor Bryan Sykes suggests the creature, also known as the Yeti, is the descendant of an ancient polar bear.
Sykes compared DNA from hair samples taken from two Himalayan animals — identified by local people as Yetis — to a database of animal genomes. He found they shared a genetic fingerprint with an ancient polar bear jawbone found in the Norwegian Arctic that is at least 40,000 years old.
Sykes said Thursday that the tests showed the creatures were not related to modern Himalayan bears but were direct descendants of the prehistoric animal.
He said, "it may be a new species, it may be a hybrid" between polar bears and brown bears.
"The next thing is go there and find one."
Sykes put out a call last year for museums, scientists and Yeti aficionados to share hair samples thought to be from the creature.
One of the samples he analyzed came from an alleged Yeti mummy in the Indian region of Ladakh, at the Western edge of the Himalayas, and was taken by a French mountaineer who was shown the corpse 40 years ago.
The other was a single hair found a decade ago in Bhutan, 800 miles to the east.
Sykes said the fact the hair samples were found so far apart, and so recently, suggests the members of the species are still alive.
Read Full Article Source here
By Jill Lawless of Associated Press
Perhaps the biggest winner in the Tea Party's failed attempt to get the government to default is NOT President Obama or even the American people. Perhaps it is a certain ex-Secretary of State.
Courtesy of the National Journal:
In the innermost sanctum of Clintonland, it is difficult to imagine that Hillary and Bill, two of the savviest politicians in the country, are not pinching themselves to make sure that it's all real. Perhaps they're dancing a jig together, or knocking back shots and howling at the moon out of sheer, giddy joy at their good luck. (OK, Hillary's not howling, but Bill might be.) Or maybe they are just quietly kvelling over the latest turn of events.
Because the trend lines are unmistakable, and they're looking better all the time: If she wants to run in 2016, Hillary Rodham Clinton could have the easiest walk into the White House of any candidate in either party since, well, one has to go back a very long way. Maybe to Reagan in '84. LBJ in '64, or Eisenhower in '52, or even FDR in 1932, 1936 and 1940. The presidency is looking like it's hers to lose, more than ever.
The reasons are becoming more obvious with each passing crisis of Republicanism, but are even starker now in the wake of the GOP's embarrassing implosion over the shutdown and debt-ceiling fight. This is an opposition party in such a state of extreme dysfunction that talk of a third-party split in 2016 is almost irrelevant. Why would you need a third-party split to win—as Bill did, recall, cheating George H.W. Bush out of a second term in 1992 thanks to the Ross Perot candidacy—when the base and establishment of the GOP are no longer on speaking terms?
The demographic numbers tell a grim tale for any potential GOP candidate at the same time as they look like manna from electoral heaven for Hillary. The Republican Party, still in the grip of tea-party extremism, is more and more becoming the party of disaffected and aging white voters. Even many Republican strategists are conceding that no GOP presidential nominee can win that way. But the party is not building itself a bigger tent fast enough: Strapped down by House extremists who can't think beyond the demands of their scarlet-red districts, or beyond the next two years, the GOP is not likely to embrace immigration reform despite Marco Rubio's efforts, thus continuing to alienate the burgeoning Hispanic vote that so doomed Romney. As my colleague Ron Brownstein wrote recently: "Absent big GOP gains with minorities, [Clinton] could win, even comfortably, just by maintaining Obama's showing with whites … [But] the first 2016 polling instead has generally shown her trimming Obama's deficit among whites both nationally and in key states."
GOP strategists will say they're changing the rules, cutting the number of primary debates so the next Republican nominee is not subjected to the same "traveling circus" (as national chairman Reince Priebus called it) that Romney was. But that's not going to change the tenor of those debates, in which the candidates will have to outflank each other on the right. They also say, well, you'll see, the tea party movement is fading, or at least becoming more manageable. But it's not, as we saw when 144 Republicans in the House voted against the reopening of the government and extension of the debt ceiling Wednesday night, costing John Boehner the support of most of what used to be known as "his" caucus. More to the point, several of those who might be considered serious GOP 2016 contenders for the presidency also voted in favor of the first default in American history in order to stay in the tea party's good graces, including Paul Ryan, Cruz, Rubio and Rand Paul (supplying the first fodder for those Hillary 2016 attack ads). We'll no doubt see a resumption of GOP extremism in coming months when the two parties battle over spending cuts leading up to the next debt-ceiling deadline on Feb. 7. The tea party is still dictating terms to the GOP establishment, and those terms are just too conservative for the general electorate. And who is now the point man for the GOP in budget negotiations? Ryan.
You know I had this very same thought earlier this morning.
We have already seen the Republicans losing support among virtually every group in America besides older white guys, and essentially every move they make only causes their poll numbers to fall off even further.
In fact I think that the one thing I kind of worried about concerning the Clinton campaign, the ability of the Republicans to dredge up tons of ugly oppositional research about Bill and his lady friends, the impeachment, and possibly some financial irregularities within the Clinton Foundation, are now, in my opinion, far less of a concern.
I mean let's face it, who would do that research? The Heritage Foundation? The Club for Growth? Freedom works? They have all seen their reputations damaged by this shutdown deal, and if they go on the attack it will be quite simple to connect the dots to demonstrate just how underhanded they are and to what lengths they will go to destroy a politician that they don't like.
So when the attacks come all we have to do is say "Consider the source," and move on to a real issue.
So yes I think that the White House is Hilary's for the taking, now more than ever.
Steve Lonegan demonstrates his compassionate nature to his wife during concession speech.
"Bitch get off me!" |
Lonegan is just some poor sad schmuck. And this is how he treats his wife when she tries to comfort him during his concession speech
Wasn't it Tea Party pom pom girl Sarah Palin who stated that Lonegan was a lucky guy for having such "a strong New Jersey wife" who "supported him through this campaign?"
Yeah, well I guess now that he lost he can go back to treating her like shit.
Sarah Palin laments the "shenanigans" in D.C. and the loss of her candidate Steve Lonegan. Blames "far left lapdog media."
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In Washington, Palin vibrantly plowing ahead while her purse carrier brings up the rear. |
Todd and I were proud to stand with Mark Levin and other bold, patriotic warriors in support of Steve Lonegan in the New Jersey Senate race! Mayor Lonegan fought the good fight, and he and his supporters have not “finished the race,” they’ve just begun! The press has now called the race for Barack Obama’s celebrity stand-in, Cory Booker, but rest assured that Steve fought gallantly for every vote that would have led to American solvency and exceptionalism. Steve is a lucky guy to have a strong New Jersey wife and two great daughters who supported him through this campaign. We so enjoyed getting to know them, as their passion and love for this country inspired us. Looking at Steve’s life story should remind all of us to never be afraid to climb a mountain, no matter how high. Steve energized commonsense conservatives all across the country. And though it’s sad, it’s not surprising to see the far left lapdog media finally cover this race tonight (once their chosen one was deemed the victor, but not previously when voters deserved to hear of Lonegan’s successful small-government record and intentions to defend our republic).
Tonight’s press coverage of the status quo antics in Washington, D.C. energize us further. Tonight’s New Jersey race was a win for Barack Obama, and the Senate deal in D.C. was a loss for the American people replete with more back-room deals, billion dollar corrupt earmark kickbacks, and weak leadership unwilling to stand up for the people who sent them to Washington. What happened in D.C. tonight reminds us of how hard we must fight in 2014 to return to a government of the people, by the people, for the people. These politicians work for us, and yet a new poll accurately reflects that just 13% of us feel as though this country that we love is on the right track. The way forward is to elect leaders who will listen to us; and if they don’t, we must hold them accountable on election day – no matter what party. Let’s commit to continue to be in the trenches fighting for those who stand on principle over politics, despite the odds.
Friends, do not be discouraged by the shenanigans of D.C.’s permanent political class today. Be energized. We’re going to shake things up in 2014. Rest well tonight, for soon we must focus on important House and Senate races. Let’s start with Kentucky – which happens to be awfully close to South Carolina, Tennessee, and Mississippi – from sea to shining sea we will not give up. We’ve only just begun to fight.
- Sarah Palin
Palin then links to this Fox News article entitled "American taxpayers betrayed by chickenhearted RINOs."
Ya know I usually leave comments within the body of RAM's Facebook posts mocking her facts and poking Palin in the eye, but today I am simply going to let it stand.
Essentially because it is a thing of schadenfreude beauty.
Last night Palin got her cuckoo clock cleaned.
Not only did her chosen candidate from New Jersey, Steve Lonegan, get his ass beat, her current middle school crush Ted Cruz got bitchslapped by just about every Republican politician with access to a microphone.
So yeah, Sarah Palin had a very, very bad night.
Which is exactly the kind of night that I hope she has over, and over again.
By the way as for that whole American taxpayers betrayed crap, this is what Senator Elizabeth Warren had to say about the shutdown's impact on them:
"According to the S&P index, the government shutdown had delivered a powerful blow to the U.S. economy. By their estimates, $24 billion has been flushed down the drain for a completely unnecessary political stunt," Warren wrote in the email. "$24 billion dollars. How many children could have been back in Head Start classes? How many seniors could have had a hot lunch through Meals on Wheels? How many scientists could have gotten their research funded? How many bridges could have been repaired and trains upgraded?"
THAT is the reality of what these political "shenanigans" have actually done to this country. And if Palin and her constantly shrinking band of like minded imbeciles get their way it will happen again and again, until the voters finally sac up and throw these idiots out of office.
Because I can tell you the other side has certainly not changed their position one little bit:
The President and CEO of the tea party group Freedomworks predicted that House Republicans who vote in favor of the latest plan to avert a debt default and re-open the federal government, will face primary challengers.
"Absolutely," Freedomworks CEO and President Matt Kibbe said on CNN when asked if House Republicans would pay a "political price" for voting for the plan. "You're seeing that and a repopulation of the republican party."
Well 87 GOP House members voted to avert this catastrophe, so it looks like Kibbe has his work cut out for him.
Hey perhaps he can get Palin to endorse them? Certainly worked well for them so far.